For Coinex sale

A Collection of

The owner of this collection began buying coins of Roman Egypt in the late 1960s, with many being purchased from A H Baldwin & Sons. Virtually every emperor who issued coins struck at the mint of Alexandria is represented here, from Augustus (27 BC – AD 14) to Galerius (AD 305-311). A wide variety of reverse types are included in the collection, and careful viewing of the multiple lots is recommended. Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase.

1 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Augustus (27 BC - AD 14), AE Diobol, rev Nike; AE Obols (3), rev cornucopiae (2), rev legend in wreath; Tiberius (AD 14-37), AE Dichalkon, rev eagle; AE Obol, rev hippopotamus; AE Diobol, rev eagle. Fair to very fine. (7) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £60-80

2 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Tiberius (AD 14-37) and Divus Augustus (d.AD 14), Billon Tetradrachm, AD 26/7, laureate head of Tiberius left, rev radiate head of Augustus right (RPC 5091). Toned, about very fine. Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £50-70

3 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Claudius (AD 41-54) and Antonia (mother of Claudius), Billon Tetradrachm, AD 41/2, laureate head of Claudius right, rev draped bust of Antonia right (RPC 5117). Light porosity, toned, very fine. Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £70-90

4 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Claudius, Billon Tetradrachms (3), head right, rev bust of Antonia, head right, rev Messalina standing left (2); AE Diobols (5), revs bull butting, Nike, hippopotamus, ears of corn (2); AE Obols (5), revs hand holding ears of corn and poppies, hand holding ears of corn, hand holding caduceus, hippopotamus, clasped right hands. Poor to very fine. (13) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-150

5 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Nero (AD 54-68), Billon Tetradrachms (9), revs including bust of Poppaea right, serpent Agathodaemon (2), galley (2), bust of Apollo, bust of Alexandria, hippopotamus. Some porous and with patches of corrosion, fine and better. (9) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-150

6 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Nero, Billon Tetradrachms (5), revs including bust of Actian Apollo, bust of Hera, bust of Serapis, bust of Poseidon, Dikaiosyne. Fine to very fine. (5) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £100-150

7 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Nero, Billon Tetradrachms (4), revs Augustus, Tiberius, Octavia, Poppaea; AE Tetradrachm, rev eagle; AE Diobol, rev eagle; AE Obol, rev Roma. Fine and better. (7) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £60-80

8 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Galba (AD 68-69), Billon Tetradrachms (3), revs helmeted and cuirassed bust of Roma, holding spear and shield, veiled bust of Eirene, Eleutheria standing left, holding wreath and sceptre. Toned, good fine. (3) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £80-120

9 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Otho (AD 69), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Kratesis; AE Diobol, rev bust of Serapis; with Vitellius (AD 69), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Nike advancing left. Fine. (3) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-160

10 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Vespasian (AD 69-79), Billon Tetradrachms (4), revs Nike (2), Eirene (2); AE Diobols (5), revs Serapis (3), Isis (2), hawk; and AE Dichalkon, rev ibis. Fair to good fine. (11) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £80-100

11 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Titus (AD 79-81), Billon Tetradrahcm, rev bust of Serapis; with Domitian (AD 81-96), Billon Tetradrachms (2), revs Nilus reclining, bust of Nilus; AE Tetradrachm, rev bull of Apis; AE Diobol, rev bust of Isis; AE Obol, rev hawk; AE Dichalkon, rev bull of Apis; Nerva (AD 96-98), Billon Tetradrachm, rev bust of Serapis. Fair to good fine. (8) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £80-100

12 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Trajan (AD 98-117), Billon Tetradrachms (13), revs Dikaiosyne (3), Athena, Canopus of Osiris, Nike, eagle (2), bust of Serapis, emperor on curule chair, emperor in quadriga, emperor on horseback; AE Dichalkon (2), revs crown, elephant. Fair to good fine. (14) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £150-200

13 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Trajan, AE Drachms (10), revs including Harpocrates with body of crocodile below waist, Serapis and Isis, Serapis within portico, modius flanked by serpents, emperor in quadriga (2), emperor in biga of centaurs, temple of Isis, Hercules flanked by sphinxes. Poor to fine. (10) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £150-180

14 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Hadrian (AD 117-138), Billon Tetradrachms (8), revs including Tyche, Serapis standing, Serapis seated (2), bust of Serapis (2), bust of Nilus, Elpis. Fine to nearly very fine. (8) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-150

15 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Hadrian, Billon Tetradrachms (7), revs including clasped right hands (3), Demeter, canopus of Osiris, Emperor greeting Alexandria, Triptolemos, bust of Sabina. Fine to very fine. (7) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-160

16 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Hadrian and Sabina (wife of Hadrian), Billon Tetradrachm, laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian right, rev diademed and draped bust of Sabina right (BMC 569). Toned, about very fine. Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £60-80

17 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Hadrian, AE Drachms (6), revs including emperor in quadriga of elephants, Serapis and Emperor in shrine, Nilus reclining, Nilus reclining above hippopotamus, two Canopi of Osiris, Athena. Fair to fine. (6) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £100-150

18 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Hadrian, AE Hemidrachm, AD 134/5, laureate bust right, rev Pharos lighthouse, surmounted by lantern, statue on summit, Triton either side of lantern, L-IZ in field (BMC 885). Dark green patina, about fair, rare. Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £70-90

19 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Hadrian, AE Hemidrachms (2), revs Euthenia reclining, Serapis; AE Diobols (6), revs caduceus flanked by corn-ears, bull Apis (2), emperor seated on galley, Isis and Harpocrates, Canopus of Osiris; AE Obols (6), revs including stag (2), modius flanked by torches, dolphin round anchor, serpent; and AE Dichalkon (2), revs Pan, crown of Isis; with Aelius (Caesar, AD 136-138), Billon Tetradrachms (2), revs Homonoia. A few with corrosion, poor to nearly very fine. (18) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-150

20 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Antoninus Pius (AD 138-161), Billon Tetradrachms (2), revs Faustina Senior, Eirene. Very fine, the second toned. (2) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £70-90

21 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Antoninus Pius, Billon Tetradrachms (10), revs bust of Isis, Nilus reclining (2), Milesian Apollo, Poseidon, Serapis (2), Hermanubis, Athena, phoenix. Fine to very fine. (10) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-150

22 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Antoninus Pius, AE Drachms (10), including one Zodiacal type, rev lion leaping right, bust of Helios and star above (representing the Sun in Leo), LH below; other revs include Tyche, Isis Pharia with sail, Ares, altar, Isis in shrine, Serapis in shrine, Roma, Nilus above crocodile, bust of Serapis above eagle; with AE Diobol, rev caduceus flanked by corn-ears. Fair to good fine. (11) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £150-200

23 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Marcus Aurelius (AD 161-180), Billon Tetradrachms (5), revs emperor, bust of Zeus Ammon, Nike, Homonoia, Tyche; with Faustina Jnr. (wife of Marcus Aurelius), Billon Tetradrachms (3), revs Nike, Tyche, Isis Pharia, Dikaiosyne; AE Drachms (2), revs Bust of Zeus Ammon above ram, Nilus reclining; AE Diobol, rev eagle; and Lucius Verus (AD 161-169), Billon Tetradrachms (3), revs Aphrodite, wreath, bust of Zeus Ammon. Fine to nearly very fine. (15) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £180-220

24 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Commodus (AD 177-192), Billon Tetradrachms (16), revs include Tyche, Zeus, emperor and Alexandria, emperor in quadriga, Selene, Hermanubis, Athena, Promoia, Zeus Ammon. Fine and better. (16) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £150-200

25 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Septimius Severus (AD 193-211), Billon Tetradrachms (2), revs eagle, aquila and standard of Legio I; Julia Domna (wife of Septimius Severus), Billon Tetradrachms (2), revs Dikaiosyne, Tyche; Caracalla (AD 198-217), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Nike; and Geta (AD 209-212), Billon Tetradrachm, rev eagle. Fine and better. (6) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £50-70

26 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Macrinus (AD 217-218), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Athena; Elagabalus (AD 218-222), Billon Tetradrachm, rev conjoined busts; Julia Paula (first wife of Elagabalus), Billon Tetradrachms (3), revs Dikaiosyne, bust of Alexandria, emperor and empress; Aquilia Severa (second wife), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Nike; Julia Soaemias (mother of Elagabalus), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Nike. Fine and better. (7) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £70-90

27 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Severus Alexander (AD 222-235), Billon Tetradrachm, issued as Caesar, rev Athena; Tetradrachms (10), revs include Athena, Helios, eagle, wolf and twins, conjoined busts of Serapis and Isis; with Tetradrachm of Severus Alexander and Julia Mamaea; and Julia Mamaea (mother of Severus Alexander), Billon Tetradrachms (5), revs Elpis, Isis, Nike, Athena, Alexandria. Fine to very fine. (17) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £200-250

28 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Maximinus I (AD 235-238), Billon Tetradrachms (6), revs Asklepios, Nike, Serapis, Nilus, emperor on horseback; together with Maximus (Caesar, AD 235-238), Billon Tetradrachm, rev eagle. Fine to very fine. (7) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £60-80

29 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Balbinus (AD 238), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Athena; with Pupienus (AD 238), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Nike seated. The first fine, the second better, both scarce. (2) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £80-120

30 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Gordian III (AD 238-244), as Caesar, Billon Tetradrachm, rev Nike seated; together with Tetradrachms issued when Augustus (6), revs include Homonoia, Athena, eagle, Serapis, trophy; and Tranquillina (wife of Gordian III), Billon Tetradrachms (2), revs eagle, Nike. Fine to good very fine. (9) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £100-150

31 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Billon Tetradrachms (12), of Philip I (AD 244-249) (4); Otacilia Severa (wife of Philip I) (4); and Philip II (AD 247-249) (4). Fine to very fine. (12) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £150-200

32 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Billon Tetradrachms (5) of Trajan Decius (AD 249-251) (3); Herennia Etruscilla (wife of Trajan Decius) (1); Hostilian (AD 251), rev Eirene. Fine to very fine. (5) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £60-80

33 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Billon Tetradrachms (13) of Trebonianus Gallus (AD 251-253) (2); Volusian (AD 251-253) (2); Valerian I (AD 253-260) (6); Valerian II (Caesar, AD 253-255) (3). Fine to good very fine. (13) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £150-200

34 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Aemilian (AD 252-253), Billon Tetradrachm, rev Athena seated (BMC 2116). Good fine and rare. Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £80-120

35 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Billon Tetradrachms (22) of Gallienus (AD 253-268) (16); Salonina (wife of Gallienus) (6). Fine to very fine. (22) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £250-300

36 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Billon Tetradrachms (3) of Saloninus (AD 259); Macrianus (AD 260-261); and Quietus (AD 260-261), all eagle reverses. The first fine, the others very fine. (3) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-160

37 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Billon Tetradrachms (37) of Claudius II (AD 268-270) (20); Quintillus (AD 270) (1); Aurelian (AD 270-275) (5); Severina (wife of Aurelian) (4); and Aurelian & Vabalathus (4). Fine to good very fine. (34) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £250-300

38 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Billon Tetradrachms (23) of Tacitus (AD 275-276) (2); Probus (AD 276-282) (7); Carus (AD 282-283) (4); Carinus (AD 283-285) (6); Numerian (AD 283-284) (4). Fine to very fine. (23) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-150

39 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Provincial Coins from Egypt, Billon Tetradrachms (34) of Diocletian (AD 284-305) (16); Maximianus (AD 286-305) (13); Constantius I (AD 305-306) (4); and Galerius (AD 305-311) (1). Fine to very fine. (34) Each coin is sold with the collector’s handwritten envelope, providing identification and, in many cases, the date and location of original purchase. £120-160

40 ANCIENT COINS, Greek, Thracian Island, Thasos, Stater, 463-449 BC, Satyr ravishing Nymph, rev quadripartite incuse square, 9.98g (SNG Cop 1010 var; SNG Ashmolean 3660; SNG Delpierre 822). About very fine. £250-300

41 ANCIENT COINS, Greek, Macedonia, Alexander III the Great, Tetradrachms (5), four posthumous and countermarked. Fair to fine. (5) £150-180

42 ANCIENT COINS, Greek, Attica, Athens, Tetradrachm, New Style, 146-100 BC, magistrates Nikogenes, Kallimachos and Kallitheos. Fine. £40-60

43 ANCIENT COINS, Greek, Attica, Cilicia, Uncertain Cilicia, Silver Obol, 4th century BC, head of dynast right, rev forepart of Pegasus; Elaisousa Sebaste, AE, 2nd-1st Century BC; Tarsos, bronze coin (2). Fine to very fine. (4) £120-150

44 ANCIENT COINS, Greek, Attica, Syrian Kings (16), Antiochos I (281-161 BC), AE; Antiochos II (261-246 BC), Tetradrachm; Seleucos II (246-225 BC), Drachm; Antiochos III (223-187 BC), Tetradrachm; Antiochos III, Drachm; Alexander I Bala (150-145 BC), Tetradrachm and AE; Antiochos VI (145-141 BC), Drachm; Demetrios II (first reign, 146-139 BC), Tetradrachm; Antiochos VII (138-129 BC), Tetradrachm; Demetrios II (second reign, 129-125 BC), Drachm; Alexander II Zabinas (128-123 BC), Tetradrachm; Antiochos IX (114-95 BC), Medium bronze; Antiochos IX, Small bronze; Antiochos VIII (121-96 BC), Tetradrachm; Philip I (93-83 BC), Tetradrachm. Good fine to about very fine. (16) £600-700

45 ANCIENT COINS, Greek, Attica, Phoenicia, Silver coins (3), Arados, Tetrobol, late 5th-early 4th Century BC (SNG Cop 4); Arados, Tetradrachm, 2nd-1st Century BC; Tyre, Tetradrachm, 2nd-1st Century BC. Fine to very fine. (3) £150-180

46 ANCIENT COINS, Greek, Attica, A small collection of Silver (19) and Bronze (8) Parthian coins with Indo-parthian imitations (2): Phraates II (138-127 BC) (M 500-501); Mithradates II (123-86 BC), Drachm, Chalcous (2) (M 516, 491); Artabanus I (127-123 BC), Drachm (M 507-508); Orodes I (89-78 BC), Drachm (M 530); Sinatruces (77-70 BC), Drachm (M 534-536); Orodes II, Drachms (2) (M 565, 568); Phraates IV (38-2 BC), Tetradrachm, Drachm and Chalchoi (2) (M 584, 595, 596); Artabanes II (AD 10-18), Drachm (M 623); Vonones II (AD 51), Drachm and Chalcous (M 648-649); Vardanes II (AD 55-58), bronze coin (M 660); Vodogosses III (AD 105-147), Drachm (M 671); Parthemaspates (AD 116), Drachm (M 681); Unknown King (AD 140), Drachm (M 683); Vologases IV (AD 147-191), billon Tetradrachm and Hemidrachm (M 684); Osroes II (AD 190), Drachm (M 689); Vologases VI (AD 208-228), Drachm (M 697); later Kamnaskirids (1st Century AD), Tetradrachm (M 703-706); Orodes II (mid 2nd Century AD), bronze coin (M 713); Indo-parthian governo Nahapana (AD 105-125), Drachm (M 2682-2684); Orodes III (mid 2nd century AD), bronze Drachm (M 718-719). Fine to very fine. (29) £500-600

47 ANCIENT COINS, Sassanian, Drachms and Hemidrachms (13), Sassanian, Kourzd I, Kidarites, Hormozd IV, anonymous c.400 AD; Kushano-Sassanian, Honi (788-790); Abdallon (790-792); Sapur I, anonymous c.6th-8th AD; Hephtalite, Hormizd IV; Turco-Hephtalite, anonymous c.6th-7th; Hephthalite Bactria copy, Peroz, c.50-600. Fair to very fine. (13) £150-180

48 ANCIENT COINS, Sassanian, Andeshir, Vassal king of Sakastan, Drachm, c.230 AD, diademed bust left wearing tiara, rev bearded bust left, 2.97g (Göbl -). Good fine. £250-300

49 ANCIENT COINS, Sassanian, Shapur I (AD 240-271), Drachm, bearded bust of king right wearing turreted headdress with ear flaps and globe above, rev altar in fire with two attendants facing outwards, 3.80g, 3h (Göbl 811-819), about very fine/good fine; Sassanian AE coin, bust of king right, rev griffin left, 0.57g, 12h, very fine. (2) £180-220

50 ANCIENT COINS, Sassanian, Silver Sassanian coins (14) and a bronze coin, Ardheshir I (AD 226-240), Tetradrachm (M 784-786); Ardeshir I (AD 226-240), Drachm (M 789-795); Varahran II (AD 275-283), Drachm (M 841-842); Shapur I (AD 240-271), Drachm (M 811-819); Nurah (AD 293-309), Drachm (M 852-853); Varahran IV (AD 388-399), Drachm (M 931-935); Vazdegard I (AD 399-420), Drachm (M 939-941); Kazdegard I (AD 399-420), Drachm (M 945-947); Varahran V (AD 420-439), Drachm (M 957-960); Peroz (AD 457-483), Drachm (M 981-983); Khursu I (AD 531-579), Drachms (2) (M 1034-1036, 1071-1072); Hormazd IV (AD 579-590), Drachm (M 1083-1085); Kursu II (AD 590-627), Drachm (M 1187). Good fine to about very fine. (15) £300-350

51 ANCIENT COINS, Indo-greek Bronzes (9), Menander, 6 Chalkoi (MACW 1812); Lysios, Hemiobol Pushkalavati (MACW 1838); Antialkidas, Hemiobol (MACW 1849); Strato with Agathocleia, Hemiobol (MACW 1920); Strato I, Hemiobol (2) (MACW 1938, 1943); Philoxenos, Hemiobol (MACW 1960); Hermaues, Hemiobol (MACW 2032); Apollodotus II, Hemiobol (MACW 2072); Indo-scythian Coins (3), anepigraphiic Silver Hemidrachm (Senior 17.2), Maues, AE Hemiobol, (Senior 14); Parataraja, AE Unit (Senior 283). Good fine to good very fine. (12) £120-150

52 ANCIENT COINS, Indo-bactrian Coins (9), Indo-greek AE, Dionysios, Chalcous (BN series K); Indo-scythian coins (5), Parataraja Mirahvara, Silver Drachm (Baldwin 20); Parataraja, AE Unit (Senior 285), Parataraja Bhimajhumasa, Billon Unit (Senior 288.1); Parataraja Bhimajhumasa AE Unit (2) (Senior 293.1); Hepthalite of Bactria or Sogdiana Silver Drachms (3), c.680-720 AD (Baldwin 17, 18, 19). Good fine to very fine. (9) £120-150

53 ANCIENT COINS, Indo-bactrian silver (7) and bronze (15), including an imitation billon Tetradrachm of Heliocles, c.100/80 BC-AD, and Antimachos, 171-160 BC, bilingual Drachm (M 1674), with a bronze coin; Agathocles (171-168 BC), bilingual bronze unit struck at Gandhara, 168-160 BC (M 1688); Eukratides (171-135 BC), bronze Hemiobol (M 1730-1732); Apollodotos I (160-150 BC), Drachms (2), bronze Hemiobol (M 1752, 1755, 1761); Menander (160-145 BC), Drachm, bronze Obol (M 1786, 1014-1015); Lysios (145-135 BC), bronze Hemiobol (M 1837-1839); Epander (135-130 BC), bronze Obol; Heliocles (135-110 BC), bronze Hemiobol (M 1912-1913); Apollodotos II (110-80 BC), bronze Obol (M 2079); Hermaios (40-1 BC), Drachm (M 2026). Fine to very fine. (22) £200-250

54 ANCIENT COINS, Egypt, Ptolemies, 3rd - 1st century BC, Tetradrachm, Bronzes (3), 37mm, 29mm and 19mm respectively. Fair to good fine. (4) £120-160

55 ANCIENT COINS, A small collection of Ptolemaic Kingdom Coins (6), Ptolemy I Soter (323-283 BC), Alexandria, Tetradrachm in the name of Alexander III, head of deified Alexander the Great, wearing elephant's skin headdress, rev Athena Alkidemos advancing right (SNG Cop 13-30); Ptolemy II Philadelphos (285-246 BC), Alexandria, AE 28mm (SNG Cop 114-130); Ptolemy IV Philopator (221-205 BC), Alexandria, AE 34mm; Ptolemy VI Philometor (180-145 BC), Paphos, Tetradrachm, (sole reign 163-145 BC), year 8 = 155 BC (SNG Cop 617); Ptolemy XIII Auletes (80-51 BC), Paphos, Tetradrachm, year 30 = 51 BC (Svoronos 1840, pl.LXI, 25); reign of Cleopatra VII, Ptolemy XIV, XV and XVI (51-30 BC), Paphos, Tetradrachm, year 3 = 49 BC (Svoronos 1849, pl.LXII, 3). Fine to about very fine. (6) £350-400

56 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Republic, Silver Denarii (6), L. Cupienus (BMC 854), M. Iunius Silanus (BMC 847; Syd 408-412), C. Renius (BMC 835; Syd 432), Cn. Lucretius Trio (BMC 929; Syd 450), L. Antestius Gragulus (BMC 976; Syd 451-465), Caecilia (Sear 30). Fine to about very fine. (6) £150-200

57 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Empire, Silver Denarii (6), Augustus, Trajan, Antoninus Pius, Hadrian, Lucius Verus and Geta. Fair to fine. (6) £80-100

58 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Empire, Silver Denarii (2) and debased Silver Antoniniani (24), Elagabalus, Denarius (RIC 107), Maximinus I, Denarius (rev Salus), Gordian III (8), Philip I (3), Trajan Decius (1), Valerian (2), Gallienus (4), Salonina (1), Victorinus (1), Postumus (1), Maximinus I (1), Claudius II (1) Tetricus I (1). Fair to about very fine. (26) £200-250

59 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Empire, Miscellaneous AE (16), Tetricus I, Licinius I, Constantine I, Numerian, Constantius II, Constans, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Julian II, Valens, Gratian and Valentinian II. Fine to about extremely fine. (16) £70-90

60 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Empire, Constantius II Augustus, 15 March 351-6 November 355, Gold Solidus, Constantinople, diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust turned slightly right, holding spear over right shoulder and shield, rev Roma and Constantinople enthroned supporting between them shield inscribed VOT/XXX/MVLT/XXXX in four lines, 3.93g, 6h (RIC VIII, 95). Good fine. £200-250

61 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Empire, Roman Provincial Bronzes (10), from Thrace, Macedonia and Bythinia: Anchialos, Gordian III and Tranquillina; Dacia, Gordien III; Marcianopolis, Gordien III; Nicea, Elagabalus; Nikopolis, from 1st century BC until Septimius Severus; Caracalla; Stoboi, Caracalla. Good fine to very fine. (10) £100-150

62 ANCIENT COINS, Roman Empire, Roman Provincial Bronzes (10), from Thrace, Pontus and Bythinia: Amisos, Sabina; Hadrainopolis, Geta; Nicea, antonine periode; Nikomedia, Pautalia, Marcus Aurelius, Geta; Viminacium, Gordian III. Good fine to very fine. (10) £100-150

63 ANCIENT COINS, Byzantine, Bronze coins (3), Justinian I (527-565), Follis; Romanos IV (1068-1071), Follis; Justinian, Pentanumia. Good fine. (3) £40-60

64 ANCIENT COINS, Ancient Greek Bronzes (30), 4th – 1st Century BC. Fair to fine. (30) £80-100

65 ANCIENT COINS, Miscellaneous Greek and Judean coins (13), silver and bronze, containing one silver Persian siglos, one bronze coin of Syracuse, two bronze coins of Antioch in Seleucis and Pierris, a Judean bronze coin of the 1st Century BC and two dated AD 37-44; and three Carthaginian bronzes. Good fine to about very fine. (13) £150-180

66 ANCIENT COINS, Miscellaneous Greek Kingdoms (9), Cappadocia (7), Ariarathes IV (220-163 BC), Drachms (3); Ariarathes V (163-130 BC), Drachm; Ariarathes VI (130-112 BC), Drachm; Ariobarzanes I (95-62 BC), Drachm; Ariarathos X (42-36 BC), Drachm; Armenia, Tigranes II the Great (95-56 BC), Tetradrachm; Commagene, Antiochos IV (38-72 AD), bronze coin. Good fine to very fine. (9) £250-300

67 ANCIENT COINS, Silver and billon (16) and bronze (11) eastern coins, including two silver coins of the arabian peninsula, Himyarites (AD 50-150), inscribed coins with two male heads (Mitch 370-373); billon Tetradrachm of Caracene (Mitch 728-734); Indo-scythian coins (3), Maues (90-57 BC), bronze Hemiobol (Mitch 2196); Azes I (57-35 BC), Tetradrachm (Mitch 2212-2215); Azilises (57-35 BC), Tetradrachm (Mitch 2227); billon coins (3), of the Indian peninsula and Ceylan, later Satakarnis dynasty (AD 107-248). Fine to about very fine. (27) £200-250

68 ANCIENT COINS, Greek, Roman and Roman provincial counter-marked bronze coins (24). Fair (24). £30-40

69 ANCIENT COINS, Miscellaneous ancient and world coins, including Black Sea, Istros, Drachm; eastern imitation AE of Claudius (2); Netherlands, Utrecht, Ducat, 1786; Sweden, 1/6-Øre (5), 1666, 1667, 1671, 1673 (2). Fair to very fine. (9) £100-150

70 BRITISH COINS, England, Stephen (1135-1154), Penny, Walford type of Winchester, moneyer (----) ON PIN (S 1278). Nearly very fine, good portrait but weak legends, irregular. £200-250

71 BRITISH COINS, England, Henry II (1154-1187), Short-cross Penny, moneyer IOHAN ON LVND, class 1b (S 1344). Very fine, slightly double-struck. £60-80

72 BRITISH COINS, England, John (1199-1216), Short-cross Penny class 5c, WILLELM B ON LVN (S 1352). Very fine, some weak letters. £50-70

73 BRITISH COINS, England, Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (3), London classes 4e, 9a, Canterbury, class 4b/c; Halfpenny, London IIIb (S 1399, 1407, 1419, 1431). Fine or better. (4) £80-100

74 BRITISH COINS, England, Edward III (1327-1377), Pennies (2), third coinage, York, pre-treaty London ‘D’; Edward II, Penny, Canterbury, class 11 (S 1556, 1585, 1466). Fine or better. (3) £50-70

75 BRITISH COINS, England, Edward III, Pre-treaty period Groat, class G, London; Henry VI, Rosette-mascle Penny, York, crosses by hair (S 1570, 1860). Fine to very fine. (2) £100-120

76 BRITISH COINS, England, Henry VI (1422-1460), Groat, Leaf trefoil, London; Halfpenny, cross pellet, London (S 1899, 1943). Nearly very fine, first slightly pitted, the latter rare. (2) £100-120

77 BRITISH COINS, England, Edward IV (1461-1470), Light coinage, Groat, London, quatrefoils by neck, mm crown (S 2000). Very fine. £60-80

78 BRITISH COINS, England, Henry VII (1485-1509), Groat, facing bust, class III C, mm anchor (each way) (S 2199). Nearly very fine, small edge flaw. £70-90

79 BRITISH COINS, England, Henry VIII (1509-1547), First coinage, groat, mm crowned portcullis (S2316). Very fine, nice, small edge flaw. £180-200

80 BRITISH COINS, England, Henry VIII, Second coinage, Groat, bust D, mm rose (S 2337 E). Nearly very fine. £150-180

81 BRITISH COINS, England, Elizabeth I (1558-1602), Threepence (2), 1565, mm pheon, 1582, mm sword (S 2565, 2573). Fine or better. (2) £60-80

82 BRITISH COINS, England, Elizabeth I, Threepence (2), 1574, mm eglantine, 1578, mm Greek cross (S 2566, 2573). Fine or better. (2) £60-80

83 BRITISH COINS, England, Elizabeth I, Pennies (2), mm escallop, mm 2 (1602) (S 2580, 2587). Fine to very fine. (2) £60-80

84 BRITISH COINS, England, James I (1603-1625), Second coinage, Shilling, third bust, mm rose (S 2654). Fine. £60-80

85 BRITISH COINS, England, James I, Second coinage, Shilling, third bust, mm lis (S 2654). Nearly very fine. £100-120

86 BRITISH COINS, England, James I, Harrington Farthing, type 2, mintmark lis, Lennox Farthings (3), type 3c, mintmarks double-rose, annulet and unknown (S 2676, 2679). The unknown mintmark as a consequence of die cud obscurity, generally good very fine. (4) £100-150

87 BRITISH COINS, England, Charles I (1625-1649), Tower mint, Halfcrown, type 3a1, mm bell (S 3773). Fine, good flan. £50-70

88 BRITISH COINS, England, Charles I, Tower mint, Halfcrown, type 3a2, mm triangle (S 2776). Nearly very fine,bright. £80-100

89 BRITISH COINS, England, Charles I, Shilling, type 43, mm tun (S 2796). Nearly very fine, irregular. £60-80

90 BRITISH COINS, England, Charles I, Shillings (2), Tower type 44, mm triangle, Parliament type 44, mm eye (S 2799, 2800). Fine or better but both weak in parts. (2) £100-120

91 BRITISH COINS, England, Charles I, Parliament Shilling, type 45, mm sun (S 2894). Fine, marks on the reverse. £40-60

92 BRITISH COINS, England, Charles I, Royal Farthings (6), Richmond type (2), 1c, mintmark A, 1d, mintmark crescent, mullet above, Maltravers type 3c, mintmark, woolpack/ portcullis, Rose Farthings (3), type 1a (2), double-arched crown, type 2, single-arched crown, mintmark crescent (S 3183, 3184, 3191, 3201, 3206). Generally fine to extremely fine. (6) £60-80

93 BRITISH COINS, England, Charles II, Crown, 1679, third bust (S 3358). Fine. £80-100

94 BRITISH COINS, England, Charles II, Maundy oddments (5), including Twopence 1673, threepence 1679. Generally fair, the first about extremely fine. (5) £40-60

95 BRITISH COINS, England, William and Mary (1688-1694), Pattern Medalets (2), Silver, undated, bust of king, rev inverted die axis, bust of queen; Copper, undated, bust of queen, rev struck en medaille, rose, (Montagu 15, 18). The silver piece pierced, good fine, the copper only fair. (2) ex W C Boyd Collection, Baldwins Auction 42, October 2005 £30-40

96 BRITISH COINS, England, Anne (1702-1714), Shilling, 1708, third bust (ESC 1147; S 3610). Very fine. £80-100

97 BRITISH COINS, England, George I (1714-1727), Shilling, 1723, first bust, rev SS C in angles (ESC 1176; S 3647). About extremely fine. £200-250

98 BRITISH COINS, England, George III (1760-1820), New coinage, Gold Sovereign 1818, laureate bust right, ascending colon and space after REX, rev St George (S 3785A). Fine. £180-220

99 BRITISH COINS, England, George III, Crown, 1820, 20 over 19, bare head right date below, rev St George and dragon, edge inscribed (ESC 220A R3; S 3787). Good fine with a clear overdate, rare. £100-150

100 BRITISH COINS, England, George IV (1820-1830), Gold 2-Pounds, 1823, bare head, rev St George and dragon (S 3798). Small edge bruise, good fine. £500-600

101 BRITISH COINS, England, George IV, Crown 1821, regnal year SECUNDO (ESC 246; S 3805), separate electrotype copies of obverses (2), silvered and copper; reverses (3), silvered (2) and bronze, this perhaps once gilt, all with lettered edges. Very fine. (5) £20-30

102 BRITISH COINS, England, George IV, Sixpence, 1829; William IV, Groat, 1836; Victoria, Crown 1891, Shilling 1896, Sixpences (2), 1887 withdrawn type, 1901, Groats (3), 1840, date obscured, 1888, Threepence, 1887 (S 3815, 3837, 3921, 3940A, 3928, 3941, 3913, 3930, 3931). First with digs very fine, the second fair to fine, the early groats poor, others good fine to extremely fine. (10) £60-80

103 BRITISH COINS, England, Victoria (1837-1901), Gold 5-Pounds, 1893, old head, rev St George and dragon (S 3872). Light surface marks, extremely fine. £1200-1500

104 BRITISH COINS, England, Victoria, Half-Sovereign, London mint, 1895 (S 3878); Edward VII, Half-Sovereign (7), London mint, 1903 (3), 1905, 1906, 1908 (2) (S 3974A, 3974B); George V, Half-Sovereign, London mint, 1912 (S 4006). About fine to good fine, the last better. (9) £250-300

105 BRITISH COINS, England, Victoria, Half-Sovereign (3), Sydney mint, 1893, 1897, 1900 (S 3881); Edward VII, Half-Sovereign (3), Sydney mint, 1903, 1908, 1910 (S 3977A, 3977B); George V, Half-Sovereign (4), Sydney mint, 1911, 1914, 1915, 1916 (S 4009). The 1903 about fine, otherwise good fine to extremely fine. (10) £400-500

106 BRITISH COINS, England, Victoria, Proof Threepence, 1887, jubilee head (S 3931). Unevenly toned, though as struck. £20-30

107 BRITISH COINS, England, Victoria, silver Threepence (12), young head, various dates. Fine to very fine. (12) £30-50

108 BRITISH COINS, England, Victoria, Maundy Coins (4), young head (3), Twopence 1877 (S 3919), extremely fine, toned, Pennies (2) 1880, 1885 (S 3920), fleur de coin with some pleasing light blue toning; veiled head, Penny 1898 (S 3947), good very fine. (4) £20-30

109 BRITISH COINS, England, Victoria, Silver Maundy Pennies (26), all Young head, 1880 (2), 1885 (24) (S 3920). Fleur de coin, many with pleasing light tone, an attractive parcel. (26) £150-180

110 BRITISH COINS, England, Elizabeth II (1952- ), Proof set 1970, in case of issue, as issued, commemorative crowns, Churchill, Jubilee, Royal Wedding etc (36), and a quantity of decimal coins, varied state. (lot) £25-35

111 BRITISH COINS, England, Elizabeth II, nickel-brass Threepence, uniface obverse striking. Good very fine, rare. £30-40

112 BRITISH COINS, SCOTLAND, Charles I (1625-1649), Gold Unit, third coinage, by Nicholas Briot, mm thistle and B on obverse at end of legend, crowned and armoured bust right holding orb and sceptre, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, crowned C R either side (S 5531). Creased and scuffed both sides, but retaining brilliance, good very fine. recently discovered at the back of a drawer in an antique bureau £400-500

113 BRITISH TOKENS, 17th Century Tokens, Essex, Colchester, William Moore, Farthing, undated (W 135), Richard Rich, Farthing, 1656 (W 144), Finchingfield, William Greene, Farthing, undated (W 179), Witham, John Freeburne, Farthing, 1667 (W 347); Gloucestershire, Tetbury, Farthing, 1669 (W 163); Norfolk, Norwich, Farthing, 1670 (W 228); Suffolk, Framlingham, John Capon, Farthing, 1653 (W 125), Woodbridge, Henry Stebbing, Farthing, 1656 (W 362), Halfpenny, 1667 (W 361). Fine to very fine, one pierced. (9) £100-120

114 BRITISH TOKENS, 18th Century Tokens, Middlesex, Skidmore’s Halfpenny 1796, handcuffed with a padlock on his mouth, rev knife and fork, USELES (DH 520); other Halfpennies (5), including a slavery token and a bill of rights token. The last with a severe flan crack, otherwise all poor to fine, the first about very fine and scarce. (6) £100-150

115 BRITISH TOKENS, A group of 18th Century copper Tokens (9), from England and Scotland; 19th Century copper Tokens (2). Generally very fine to extremely fine. (11) £100-150

116 BRITISH COINS, Miscellaneous hammered (6), Henry III, Long cross penny, Oxford, Gefrei, Short cross cut Halfpence of London (2), continental sterlings (2), and a Scottish Penny of Alexander III. Last poor, others generally fine. (6) £30-50

117 BRITISH COINS, Early British Copper (11), Twopence (3), 1797, the first stamped IG; Gunmoney Halfcrown, Charles II Halfpennies (5), George II Halfpenny (2); together with Lundy, Penny 1929, miscellaneous Isle of Man coppers (7) and a Charles II medalet. Fair to fine in general. (20) £60-80

118 BRITISH COINS, Twopence, 1797, Pennies (7), 1936, 1937, 1947, 1949, 1953, 1963, 1964, Halfpennies (7), 1937, 1942, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1965, Farthings (9), 1906, 1921, 1937, 1947, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955 (S 3776, 4055, 4114, 4117, 4154, 4157, 4115, 4118, 4155, 4158, 3992, 4060, 4116, 4119, 4156, 4159). First fine with digs, the others generally very fine to uncirculated. (24) £60-80

119 BRITISH COINS, Halfcrowns (8), 1937, 1946 (2), 1947, 1948, 1949, 1953, 1967, Florins (4), 1948, 1951, 1953, 1967, Shillings (9), English type, 1946, 1947, 1950, 1953, 1955, Scottish type, 1944, 1947, 1950, 1953, Sixpences (6), 1942, 1943, 1948, 1949, 1953, 1967 (S 4080, 4101, 4106, 4137, 4145, 4102, 4107, 4138, 4146, 4082, 4083, 4103, 4104, 4108, 4109, 4139, 4140, 4147, 4084, 4105, 4110, 4141, 4149). Generally good extremely fine or better, a pleasing group. (27) £80-100

120 BRITISH COINS, Britain Pennies (approx 1500), mixed dates from the 20th Century. Varied state, some very fine but many poor, this lot has potential. (lot) £40-60

121 BRITISH COINS, A large quantity of late Victorian bronze Pennies (approx 3200), mostly c.1890-1901. Generally fair condition. (lot) £250-300

122 BRITISH COINS, George V to Elizabeth II, Pennies (approx 550). Fine to very fine. (lot) £60-80

123 BRITISH COINS, Elizabeth II, Pennies (approx 250), mint state, Nickel-brass Threepences (47), a few George VI, generally good extremely fine or better, 1953 plastic wallet set (9 coins), 'Britain's First Decimal Coins' wallet sets (12), about as issued. (lot) £70-90

124 British silver coinage (c.60), mainly George V and George VI, Halfcrowns, Florins etc, includes pre-1920 (total weight 40.3g), pre-1947 (total weight 372.5g); foreign silver (12), includes Irish Free State Shilling 1933, good very fine; varied state, many good very fine and better. (lot) £80-100

125 British silver coinage (c.40), mainly George V and George VI, Halfcrowns to Shillings, includes Double-Florin 1889, fine, Halfcrowns 1915, obverse dirty, 1916, 1927, extremely fine or nearly so, pre-1920 (total weight 310.9g), pre-1947 (total weight 158.9g). Varied state. (lot) £120-150

126 British coins, 18th and 19th century (c.45), includes Sixpence 1746 LIMA, almost very fine, Soho Twopence 1797, fine, Florin 1887, good very fine, Shilling 1888/7, very fine, Groat 1838, very fine, Maundy Twopence (2) 1868, 1889, very fine, and Shilling 1902, almost very fine. Generally fair to fine, except as stated. (lot) £60-80

127 British silver coins, Victoria to George V, a quantity of sterling silver (total weight approx 236g); George V and George VI, post-1919 silver (total weight approx 800g), includes Crown 1937, very fine; varied state. (lot) £70-90

128 BRITISH COINS, An assortment of base metal pre-decimal coins, Edward VII to Elizabeth II, a few earlier, various denominations, comprising bronze Pennies (c.1500), Halfpennies (c.700), Farthings (c.130), nickel-brass Threepences (c.400); George VI and Elizabeth II, cupro-nickel coins comprising Halfcrowns (c.70), lesser denominations (a quantity). Varied state. (lot) £200-300

129 BRITISH COINS, Miscellaneous Coins (42), mainly later 20th century British, including Crown 1891, good fine, Half-Sovereign 1846, about fine; together with Victoria Diamond Jubilee Silver Medal 55mm, cleaned, very fine. (43) £50-60

130 BRITISH COINS, Royal Mint Proof Sets 1971, 1987, in cases of issue, brilliant uncirculated sets 1985, 1987, Millennium £5 1999/2000, cupro-nickel, cased, Royal commemorative crowns 1970s and later, Churchill crowns 1965, Princess Diana £5 1997, good extremely fine or better; Elizabeth II, Edinburgh Commonwealth Games £2 1986 (5 coins), uncirculated; Isle of Man Prooflike Set, cupro-nickel Crowns (4); Jersey, Mint Set 1987; UK composite Predecimal set, framed; composite ‘Farewell to LSD’ set, cased; a small quantity of miscellaneous base metal modern issues of the world. Generally as issued. (lot) £80-120

131 BRITISH COINS, Coin Weight, 1760, Ireland for 5dwt, 5g; Evasion counterfeit Halfpenny, 1776; Copper Farthing, 1826, second type, gilt; Halfpenny, 1893. First fair, the second good fine, last very mediocre, the gilt piece very fine. (4) £30-40

132 INDIAN COINS, Ancient, Taxila and Gandhara, Punchmarked Silver Bar (M 4071-4077). Very fine, scarce. £100-120

133 INDIAN COINS, Ancient, South India, Punchmarked Silver ½-Karshapanas (2). Very fine and fine. (2) £40-60

134 INDIAN COINS, Ancient, Chutus of Banavasi, Lead Double-Karshapanas (2) (M 4971-4972). Fine. (2) £40-50

135 INDIAN COINS, Ancient, Chutus of Banavasi, Lead Double-Karshapanas (2) (M 4971-4972). Fine. (2) £40-50

136 INDIAN COINS, Ancient, Sebakas, Lead Karshapanas (3), obv horse facing right (M 4974-4976). Fine. (3) £50-70

137 INDIAN COINS, Ancient, Pallavas of Kanchi, Lead Units (2), obv conch, rev lotus. Fine and rare. (3) £40-50

138 INDIAN COINS, Ancient, Silver Punchmarked coins (approx 50), a mixture of droplet and clipped flans. Fair to fine. (lot) £80-100

139 INDIAN COINS, Kushan, Huvishka (c.152-192), Æ, king seated cross-legged, rev Heracles standing (Göbl 888). Only fair but very rare. £100-120

140 INDIAN COINS, Kushan coins (6), Vasu Deva (AD 195-230), Gold Stater (Mitch 3385-3386); Gadahara (AD 320-350), Gold Stater (Mitch 3593-3596); Varahran Kushanshah III (AD 356-410), Gold Stater, (Mitch 1316); Bronze Units (3), containing Wima Kadphises, AD 105-130, first bilingual series, (Mitch 3009), Huvishka (AD 158-195) (Mitch 3276-3278). Good fine to about very fine. (6) £320-380

141 INDIAN COINS, Gupta, Chandragupta II (c.380-414), Gold Dinar, 8.02g, Archer type, Candra below arm of king standing left holding bow at its top, and arrow, Garuda standard in field left, rev Sri Vikrama, Lakshmi seated facing on lotus holding long-stemmed flower and sprinkling coins from right hand (cf BMC pl.VII, 9). Very fine, a scarce variety. £250-300

142 INDIAN COINS, Gupta, Kumaragupta I (c.414-455), Dinar, Archer type, king standing, holding bow in left hand, rev Lakhshmi seated facing (M 4829). Good very fine. £200-250

143 INDIAN COINS, Post-Gupta, Alupas of Udupi, Gold Fanams (2) (MCSI 224, -). Good very fine, rare. (2) £120-160

144 INDIAN COINS, Post-Gupta, Chalukyas of Kalyani, Gold Punchmarked Stater (M 637 var). Very fine. £200-250

145 INDIAN COINS, Post-Gupta, Yadavas of Devagiri, Ramachandra (1270-1311), Punchmarked Gold Stater (M 643-645). Very fine. £200-250

146 INDIAN COINS, Post-Gupta, Vijayanagar, Achyutaraya (1530-1542), Pagoda, Gandabherunda type. Very fine, rare. £150-200

147 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Nizam Shahs of Ahmadnagar, Burhan Shah II (AH 1000-1003; 1591-1595 AD), Gold Pagoda, Burhanabad, AH 1001 (G&G N10). Good very fine. £200-250

148 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Bengal, Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur (AH 963-68; 1555-60 AD), Siver Rupee, Mulk Satgaon, year (9)64 (G&G B966). Very fine, scarce. £60-80

149 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Bengal, Silver Tankas (6), all different rulers. Very fine. (6) £80-100

150 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, ‘Adil Shahs of Bijapur, Muhammad ‘Adil Shah (AH 1037-1068; 1627-1656 AD), Gold Pagoda, no mint or date (G&G BJ20). Obverse weakly struck, very fine and rare. £250-300

151 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, ‘Adil Shahs of Bijapur, Muhammad ‘Adil Shah, Gold Pagoda, with couplet, 3.38g (G&G BJ20). Extremely fine and clearly struck, rare in such good condition. £300-350

152 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, ‘Adil Shahs of Bijapur, Muhammad ‘Adil Shah, Gold Fanams (2), no mint or date (G&G BJ20A). Very fine, rare. (2) £100-120

153 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, ‘Adil Shahs of Bijapur, Muhammad ‘Adil Shah, Gold Fanam, no mint or date (G&G BJ20A), another, apparently unrecorded type, possibly an issue of ‘Ali ‘Adil Shah II. Very fine, the first rare, the second very rare. (2) £120-160

154 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, ‘Adil Shahs of Bijapur, Muhammad ‘Adil Shah, Gold Fanam, no mint or date (G&G BJ20A), another, apparently unrecorded type, possibly an issue of ‘Ali ‘Adil Shah II. Very fine, the first rare, the second very rare. (2) £120-160

155 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, ‘Adil Shahs of Bijapur, Silver Larins (7), AH 1062, 1065, 1077, 1082, dates unclear (3) (KM 9.1, 11.1). Very fine. (7) £250-300

156 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, Mu’izz al-Din Kaiqubad (AH 686-689; 1287-1290 AD), Silver Tankas (12), some with date 689 (G&G D178). Very fine to good very fine, some a little crimped. (12) £80-100

157 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, ‘Ala al-din Muhammad (AH 695-715; 1296-1316 AD), Silver Tanka, Hadrat Dehli, AH 704 (G&G D226), 2-Gani, date off flan (G&G D233); French India, Rupee, Arkat, AH 1220, year 45; South India, Silver Fanam. Very fine or better. (4) £50-70

158 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, Qutb al-Din Mubarak (AH 716-720; 1316-1320 AD), Gold Tanka, Dehli, date not clear, marginal legend rather garbled (G&G D135). Very fine. £100-120

159 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, Qutb al-Din Mubarak, square Silver Tanka, Hadrat Dar al-Khilafa, year 718 (G&G D261). Very fine. £60-80

160 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq (AH 720-725; 1320-1325 AD), Gold Tanka, mint and date not clear (G&G D301). Very fine. £120-150

161 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, Muhammad bin Tughluq (AH 725-752; 1325-1351 AD), Copper Tanka, Takhtgah Dehli, date unclear (G&G D403); Islam Shah (AH 952-960; 1545-1552 AD), Rupee, Narnol, AH 960 (G&G D965); Sultans of Bengal, ‘Ala al-din Husain (AH 899-925; 1493-1519 AD), Silver Tanka, Fathabad, AH 899 (G&G B706). Very fine, the second scarce. (3) £40-60

162 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, Muhammad b. Firuz (AH 792-795), posthumous Silver Tanka, probably struck during the reign of Mubarak Shah (AH 824-837), date only partly visible, 11.20g (G&G D654). Very fine, couple of shroff-marks, very rare. £100-120

163 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, Islam Shah Suri (AH 952-960; 1545-1552 AD), Rupees (10), “1477” type, years 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959 (2), 960 (G&G D980). Very fine. (10) £70-90

164 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Dehli, Silver Tankas (35), Nasir al-Din Mahmud (7), Ghiyath al-Din Balban (4), Mu’izz al-Din Kaiqubad (15), Jalal al-Din Firuz (4), ‘Ala al-Din Muhammad (5). Fine to very fine. (35) £100-120

165 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Bahmanis of Gulbarga, Muhammad Shah III (AH 867-887; 1463-1482 AD), Silver Tanka, Hadrat Muhammadabad, AH 878 (G&G BH112). Good very fine, scarce. £30-40

166 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Qutb Shahs of Gulkanda, Muhammad Quli Shah (AH 988-1020; 1580-1611 AD), Gold Fanam, no mint or date (G&G Q8). Very fine, rare. £80-100

167 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Qutb Shahs of Gulkanda, Muhammad Quli Shah, Gold Fanams (2), no mint or date (G&G Q8). Very fine and rare. (2) £120-160

168 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Kashmir, Isma’il I (AH 945-947; 1538-1540 AD), Silver Sasnu (4) (G&G K95; NR 62a, b); Nazuk (Nadir), Silver Sasnu (2) (G&G K100; NR 64); Silver Sasnu (2) in the name of Humayun (G&G K104; NR 67d). Fine to very fine. (8) £150-200

169 INDIAN COINS, Sultanates, Sultans of Malwa, Ghiyath Shah (AH 873-906; 1469-1500 AD), Silver ½-Tankas (2), dates unclear (G&G M76). Good very fine, one with test-marks. (2) £30-40

170 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Akbar (AH 963-1014; 1556-1605 AD), ½-Rupee, Agra, Ilahi 44 Mihr. Very fine, scarce. £30-40

171 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Akbar, ½-Rupees (2), Ahmadabad, Ilahi 44 Aban, Lahore, Ilahi 44 Azar. First test-marked on obverse, otherwise good very fine, the second very fine. (2) £20-30

172 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Akbar, Rupee, Agra, AH 985; Jahangir (AH 1014-1037; 1605-1627 AD), Rupees (3), Burhanpur (2), Lahore 1036/21; Muhammad Shah (AH 1131-1161; 1719-1748 AD), Rupee, Kora, 1140/9. Fine to very fine. (5) £100-120

173 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Jahangir (AH 1014-1037), Heavy Rupee (“Sawai”), 14.2g, Agra, AH 1018 year 5, khusru legend (KM 158.1). Very fine and very scarce. £500-600

174 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Jahangir with Nur Jahan, Rupees (10), Patna, year 22 (AH 1037) (KM 168.5). Fine to very fine. (10) £150-200

175 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Jahangir and Nur Jahan, Rupees (5), Patna, year 22 (AH 1037) (KM 168.5). About very fine to very fine, scarce. (5) £100-120

176 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Aurangzeb (AH 1068-1118; 1658-1707 AD), Gold Mohur, Ahmadnagar, AH (10)80, year 13, Obv additional word to the left of the kaf of sikka. Good extremely fine and rare. £550-650

177 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Aurangzeb, Gold Mohur, 11.0g, Burhanpur, year 38 (KM 315.16). Brilliant extremely fine. £220-280

178 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Aurangzeb, Pagoda, Guti, year 25. Light graffiti on both sides, otherwise very fine, rare. £250-300

179 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Aurangzeb, Rupee, Nasirabad, AH 1112 (KM 300.67). Very fine and rare. £80-100

180 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Aurangzeb, Rupee, Torgal, AH “1110”, year 50, full mint-name and dates visible (KM 300.88); Alamgir II, Rupee, Nasirabad, year 7, Maratha issue, full mint-name visible (KM 460.36). First extremely fine, second very fine and scarce. (2) £100-120

181 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Aurangzeb, Gold Fanams (3), no mintname, years 43, 45, 51; Shah ‘Alam I (AH 1118-1124; 1707-1712 AD), Gold Fanam, no mintname, AH 1120; all with denomination fanam on reverse. Very fine, rare. (4) £150-200

182 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Aurangzeb, Gold Fanams (5), no mintname, years 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, all with denomination fanam on reverse. Very fine, rare. (5) £250-300

183 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Gold Fanams (3), of Shah ‘Alam I, Shah Jahan II, and Muhammad Shah. Very fine, rare. (3) £150-200

184 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Azam Shah (AH 1118-1119; 1707 AD), Rupee, Burhanpur, AH 1119, ahd (year 1) (KM 332.3). Good very fine, rare, a lovely specimen. £350-400

185 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Jahandar Shah (AH 1124; 1712 AD), Gold Mohur, 11.0g, Mustaqir al-Mulk Akbarabad, ahad (year 1) (KM 368.1). Good very fine and scarce, slightly irregular flan. £180-220

186 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Jahandar Shah, Rupee, Surat, AH 1124, year 1; Hyderabad, Afzal al-dawla (AH 1273-1285; 1857-1869 AD), Rupee, Farkhanda Bunyad Haidarabad, AH 1280, year 7. First punchmarked on edge, otherwise very fine, scarce, the second very fine. (2) £50-70

187 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Muhammad Shah (AH 1131-1161; 1719-1748 AD), Gold Mohur, Dar al-Khilafa Shahjahanabad, AH 115x, year 21 (KM 439.4). Good extremely fine. £220-280

188 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Muhammad Shah, Gold Mohur, Mu’azzambad, year 4 (KM 438.16). About extremely fine, some punches on edge and some slight surface marks, very scarce. £200-250

189 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Muhammad Shah, Gold Mohur, Mu’azzamabad, AH 1135, year 5 (KM 438.16). Extremely fine, two punches on edge, very scarce. £350-400

190 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Muhammad Shah, Gold ½-Pagoda, 1.7g, Imtiyazgadh (cf Pagoda KM 439C.1). Very fine and rare. £150-180

191 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Muhammad Shah, Rupees (20), Akbarabad (2), Itawa (16) and Gwalior (2), various dates. Very fine to extremely fine. (20) £120-150

192 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Alamgir II (AH 1167-1173; 1754-59 AD), Gold ½-Pagoda, 1.7g, Guti. Good very fine and very rare. £220-280

193 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, ‘Alamgir II, Gold Fanams (4), no mintname, years 2, 4, off flan (2), all with denomination fanam on reverse. Very fine, rare. (4) £200-250

194 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Shah ‘Alam II (AH 1173-1221; 1743-1806 AD), Rupees (17), Dar al-Khilafa Shahjahanabad 1195/23 (9), 1196/23 (2), 1196/24 (2), 1197/25 (4), all with chhatra on obverse (KM 709.2). Very fine to good very fine. (17) £100-120

195 INDIAN COINS, Mughal, Rupees (10), various rulers and mints. Fine to good very fine. (10) £80-100

196 INDIAN COINS, Independent Kingdoms, Mysore, Tipu Sultan (1782-1799), Fanam, Kalikut, AH 1199 (KM 78), Paisa, Bangalore, AM 1217 (KM 33.2), ½-Paisa, AM 1223 (KM 122.2), [pic]-Paisa, Patan, AM 1211(sic) (KM -); Anonymous, Æ Kasu (KM 152). Fine to good very fine. (5) £100-120

197 INDIAN COINS, Independent Kingdoms, Nagas of Narwar, Group of small copper coins (c.200), varying in weight from 0.4g–1.9g, rev elephant. Very fine, an interesting group for study. (lot) £100-120

198 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Alwar, Sheodan Singh (1857-1874), Rupee, Rajgarh (KM 37); Jaisalmir, Anonymous Rupee, with frozen regnal year 22. Very fine. (2) £20-30

199 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Nizams of Hyderabad, Rupee, in the name of Shah ‘Alam II, Firuznagar, 11.21g (KM -). Good very fine and rare. £40-60

200 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Bharatpur, Rupees of Mahindrapur in the name of Shah Alam II (4), 1186/14, 1187/15, 1189/16, 118x/17 (KM 56); Jodhpur, Rupees in the name of Muhammad Akbar (4), with mint name Dar al-Mansur Jodhpur, but possibly struck at Mertha; Gwalior, Rupees (4), in the name of Muhammad Shah, 1140/9, 1146/16, Ahmad Shah Bahadur, year 6, Alamgir II, 1168/2 (KM 436.25, 446.24, 460.28). Good very fine to extremely fine. (12) £100-120

201 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Bikanir, Ganga Singhji (VS 1944-99; 1887-1942 AD), Gold Portrait Mohur, 8.5g, VS 1994, issued to mark the 50th anniversary of his reign (KM M3). Extremely fine. £200-250

202 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Bikanir, Ganga Singhji, Restrike Gold Portrait ½-Mohur, 3.0g, VS 1994, issued to mark the 50th anniversary of his reign (KM M3). Extremely fine and rare. £300-350

203 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Cannanore, [pic]-Rupees (2), AH 1178, AH 1188 (KM 5). Very fine. (2) £25-35

204 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Jind, Ranbir Singh, machine-struck Nazarana Rupee, 1993vs (1937 AD), 11.64g (KM M1). Good very fine, some surface marks, scarce. £80-100

205 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Jodhpur, Gold Mohur in the names of George V and Umaid Singh, with om mintmark (KM 129). Good very fine, some blackness on one side, scarce. £100-120

206 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Jodhpur, Gold ¼-Mohur in the names of George V and Umaid Singh with shri daroga mark. Very fine and rare. £200-250

207 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Kutch, Kori, in the name of the Mughal Emperor, Jahangir, dated AH 102(8). Very fine and very rare. This is the only issue of Kutch coins which bears the name of a Mughal emperor until the reign of Muhammad Akbar II at the beginning of the 19th century. £550-650

208 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Kutch, Koris and Mahmudis (40), from Kutch and Mulher respectively. Generally very fine. (40) £120-150

209 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Mysore, ¼-Rupee, in the name of Shah ‘Alam II, year 45 (KM C205). Very fine, scarce. £30-40

210 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Rohillas, Gold Mohur, Najibabad in the name of Shah ‘Alam II, year 13 (KM 100). Good extremely fine. £250-300

211 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Rohillas, Gold Mohur, Najibabad in the name of Shah ‘Alam II, year 13 (KM 100). Good extremely fine. £250-300

212 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Tonk, Copper Coins (24), mainly of Muhammad Ibrahim ‘Ali Khan, various dates (KM Y16, 24). Good fine to very fine, an interesting group. (24) £60-80

213 INDIAN COINS, Native States, Travancore, Bala Rama Varma II (1924-1949), Proof ½-Rupee, ME 1106 (1929) (KM -). About as struck, rare. £200-250

214 INDIAN COINS, East India Company, Madras Presidency, Star Pagoda, obv standing figure, rev star within granulated field (Pr 9). Good very fine, rare with full figure visible. £150-180

215 INDIAN COINS, Medals, Grant Medical College, Bombay, Skull & Crossbones Medals (4), one with three bars Mile, Half Mile, and 1922-23, the others each with one bar, Three Miles, Mile, and Half Mile (Puddester 948.13.10); together with two other silver medals, one French and one Egyptian. First four cleaned, extremely fine, the others very fine. (6) £100-120

216 INDIAN COINS, Portuguese India, Quarto de Tanga, 1888 (Gomes 10.04). Very fine, the date very rare. £100-120

217 INDIAN COINS, Miscellaneous Indian silver (12) and base metal (13) coins, various types. Fine to good very fine. (25) £40-60

218 ISLAMIC COINS, Arab-Sasanian, Anonymous, Yazdigerd type, Drachm, SK (Sijistan) 20ye (Walker 3-10; SICA I:353-357). Very fine. £60-80

219 ISLAMIC COINS, Arab-Sasanian, Anonymous, Khusrau II type, Drachm, SK (Sijistan) 63h; ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad (55-64h), Drachms (3), BJRA (Basra) 61h, DA (Darabjird) 46ye, 52ye; ‘Umar b. ‘Ubayd Allah (67-70h), Drachms (2), BYSh (Bishapur) 68h, 69h. Very fine or better, one pierced. (6) £60-80

220 ISLAMIC COINS, Arab-Sasanian, ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Amir (c.41-45h), Drachm, DA (Darabjird) 43h; ‘Abd Allah b. Khazim (c.62-72h), Drachm, MRW (Marw) 64h. Good very fine, the second scarce. (2) £60-80

221 ISLAMIC COINS, Arab-Sasanian, ‘Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr (60-73h), Drachms (3), DA (Darabjird) 57ye, 59ye?, DA-P (Fasa) 60ye; al-Muhallab b. Abi Sufra, Drachms (3), BYSh (Bishapur) 75h(2), DA (Darabjird) 76h. About very fine to good very fine. (6) £60-80

222 ISLAMIC COINS, Arab-Sasanian, al-Muhallab b. Abi Sufra (c.75-79h), Drachms (4): ART (Ardashir Khurra) 76h, BYSh (Bishapur) 75h, 76h(2). Very fine or better, one with minor edge damage. (4) £60-80

223 ISLAMIC COINS, Arab-Sasanian, ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad (c.80-83h), Drachm, SK (Sijistan) 80h (Walker -; SICA I:371 var). Good very fine, scarce. £150-200

224 ISLAMIC COINS, Arab-Bukharan, Anonymous, Drachm, without Arabic inscription (A M93). Gilt at one time, surfaces lightly scratched, very fine. £60-80

225 ISLAMIC COINS, Umayyad, Dirhams (3), Abarshahr 92h (Klat 6.a), al-Jazira 128h (Klat 224), Sijistan 100h (Klat 442.a). The last plugged otherwise good fine, rare, the others good very fine. (3) £60-80

226 ISLAMIC COINS, Umayyad, Dirhams (7), al-Basra 82h, Darabjird 93h, Dimashq 113h, Wasit 107h(3), 117h; Fals, Wasit 120h (A 205). Very fine, the third with chipped edge. (8) £40-60

227 ISLAMIC COINS, Umayyad, Dirhams (12), al-Taymara 92h, al-Jazira 129h, Jayy 92h, Ramhurmuz 93h, Sijistan 92h, Surraq 93h, Suq al-Ahwaz 90h, Mahay 96h, al-Mubaraka 108h(2), Manadhir 94h, Herat 92h. Fine to very fine, some scarce. (12) £100-120

228 ISLAMIC COINS, Umayyad, Dirhams (8), Darabjird 92h, Sabur 91h, Wasit 91h, 93h, 104h, 111h, 119h(2); Samanid, Dirham, al-Shash 299h. Mostly very fine. (9) £30-40

229 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, temp al-Mansur (136-158h), Fals, no mint, 156h; together with other Islamic copper coins (24), various types. The first good fine and scarce, the others mostly fine. (25) £40-60

230 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, temp al-Mahdi (158-169h), Fals, Kurat al-Mahdiya min Fars 161h (A 328). Fine, rare. £60-80

231 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, al-Musta’in (248-251h), Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 251h, with the name of the heir al-‘Abbas (A 233.2). Some edge knocks, very fine and scarce. £120-140

232 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, al-Radi (322-329h), Dinar, Hamadan 328h. Obverse slightly double-struck, otherwise very fine, rare. £200-250

233 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, al-Radi, double-weight Dirham, Madinat al-Salam 324h (cf BMC I:466). Harshly cleaned otherwise very fine, rare. £80-100

234 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, Dirhams (5), Madinat Abarshahr 193h, Ardashir Khurra 136h, Arminiya 144h, al-Rayy 179h, Madinat Zaranj 187h. Fair to very fine, the fourth scarce. (5) £60-80

235 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, Dirhams (5), Arminiya 144h, Madinat al-Salam 217h, Madinat Nishapur 193h, Madinat Herat 206h, al-Haruniya 170h. Very fine or better, all scarce. (5) £120-140

236 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, Dirhams (4), Ifriqiya 165h, 170h, Madinat Zaranj 166h, Mah al-Kufa 317h. Fine to very fine, the last rare. (4) £60-80

237 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, Dirhams (4), Ifriqiya 169h, 170h, Madinat Bukhara 193h, al-‘Abbasiya 171h, Madinat al-Salam 170h. Fine to very fine, first three scarce. (5) £100-120

238 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, Dirhams (5), al-Basra 164h, Kirman 167h, al-Muhammadiya 170h, 172h, 174h. Very fine or better. (5) £40-60

239 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, Dirhams (3), al-Kufa 294h, Mah al-Kufa 322h?, Nasibin 283h. Fine to very fine, the second rare. (3) £60-80

240 ISLAMIC COINS, Abbasid, Dirhams (7), Madinat al-Salam 285h, 329h, 330h(2), 333h, al-Mawsil 323h, Wasit 284h. Fine to very fine, one pierced, most scarce. (7) £80-100

241 ISLAMIC COINS, Idrisid Contemporaries, Khalaf b. al-Muda’ (c.175-189h), Dirhams (2), Tudgha 176h, 189h (A 430); Umayyads of Spain, ‘Abd al-Rahman I (138-172h), Dirham, al-Andalus 154h (A 339). Fine to about very fine, the first two scarce. (3) £80-100

242 ISLAMIC COINS, Burji Mamluk, al-Ashraf Qa’itbay (873-901h), Ashrafi, Halab?, no date visible (A 1027). Some weakness, very fine. £40-60

243 ISLAMIC COINS, Rassid (first period), al-Nasir (301-325h), Sudaysi, Sa’da, undated (A 1068), together with a barbarous imitation of the same type (A 1069); Abbasid, al-Muti’ (334-363h), Sudaysi, no mint or date (A -). Very fine, the last scarce. (3) £60-80

244 ISLAMIC COINS, Seljuqs of Rum, Kaykhusraw II (634-644h), Dirham, lion and sun type, Quniya 640h (A 1218); Kaykhusraw III (663-682h), Dirham, Madinat Lulua 664h (A 1232). The first good very fine, the second very fine. (2) £40-60

245 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Hisn Kayfa & Amid, Nasir al-din Mahmud (597-619h), Æ Dirham, Amid 617h (SS 18; A 1823.3). About very fine, very rare. £60-80

246 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Husam al-din Timurtash (516-547h), Æ Dirham, Mardin, date unclear (SS 25; A 1826.2). About very fine, rare. £80-100

247 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Najm al-din Alpi (547-572h), Æ Dirham, no mint or date (SS 27; A 1827.2). About very fine, rare. £80-100

248 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Najm al-din Alpi, Æ Dirhams (3), no mint or date (SS 28; A 1827.3), no mint, 559h (SS 29.2; 1827.4), no mint or date (SS 30.1; A 1827.5). The first fine, the others very fine. (3) £60-80

249 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Qutb al-din il-Ghazi II (572-580h), Æ Dirhams (2), no mint or date (SS 31.1; A 1828.1), no mint, 580h (SS 32.4; A 1828.2). Good fine. (2) £40-60

250 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Husam al-din Yuluq Arslan (580-597h), Æ Dirhams (2), no mint, 583h (SS 33.4; A 1829.1), no mint or date (SS 34; A 1829.2). About very fine. (2) £40-60

251 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Husam al-din Yuluq Arslan, Æ Dirham, no mint, 589h (SS 35.1; A 1829.3). Very fine. £40-60

252 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Husam al-din Yuluq Arslan, Æ Dirham, no mint, 596h (SS 36.1; A 1829.4). Very fine. £40-60

253 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Nasir al-din Artuq Arslan (597-637h), Æ Dirhams (4), no mint, 598h (SS 37.2; A 1830.1), Mardin 599h (SS 38.2; A 1830.2), Mardin 606h (SS 39; A 1830.3), no mint, date (611h) off flan (SS 40; A 1830.4). About very fine. (4) £60-80

254 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Nasir al-din Artuq Arslan, Æ Dirham, no mint, 623h (SS 44; A 1830.8). Good fine, rare. £40-60

255 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Nasir al-din Artuq Arslan, Æ Dirhams (3), no mint (2), 628h (SS 46; A 1830.9), mint (Mardin) and date unclear (SS 47; A 1830.10). The first two good fine, the last double-struck otherwise very fine, all scarce. (3) £80-100

256 ISLAMIC COINS, Artuqid of Mardin, Nasir al-din Artuq Arslan, Æ Dirham, Mardin 634h (SS 48.1; A 1830.11). Good fine, rare. £40-60

257 ISLAMIC COINS, Zengid of Mawsil, Qutb al-din Mawdud (544-565h), Æ Dirham, no mint, 556h (SS 59.2; A 1858). About very fine. £25-35

258 ISLAMIC COINS, Zengid of Mawsil, Sayf al-din Ghazi II (565-576h), Æ Dirham, al-Jazira 575h (SS 61.2; A 1861.2). About very fine, scarce. £40-60

259 ISLAMIC COINS, Zengid of Mawsil, Nasir al-din Mahmud (616-631h), Æ Dirham, al-Mawsil 627h (SS 67; A 1870.2). Good very fine, scarce. £80-100

260 ISLAMIC COINS, Lu’lu’id, Badr al-din Lu’lu’ (631-657h), Æ Dirham, al-Mawsil 631h (SS 68; A 1874.1). Good fine. £20-30

261 ISLAMIC COINS, Zengid of Sinjar, Qutb al-din Muhammad (594-616h), Æ Dirham, Sinjar 596h (SS 81.1; A 1880.2). About very fine. £25-35

262 ISLAMIC COINS, Pishkinid, Mahmud b. Pishkin (c.608-623h), Æ Dirham, Ahar, date unclear, citing the Ildegizid ruler Uzbek as overlord (A 1916). About very fine, scarce. £40-60

263 ISLAMIC COINS, Ottoman, Mehmed III (1003-1012h), Gold Sultani, Misr 1003h, 3.51g (Pere 323). Some peripheral weakness, otherwise about extremely fine. £40-60

264 ISLAMIC COINS, Muscat & Oman, Sa’id b. Taimur (1351-1390h), Specimen Sa’idi Rial, 1378h, .500 silver (KM 31a var). About as struck, very rare. £70-90

265 ISLAMIC COINS, Saffarid, Ya’qub b. al-Layth (247-265h), Dirham, bull and horseman type, ‘adl above horse’s head (A A1402); Muhammad b. ‘Amr, viceroy in Shiraz (272-274h), Dirham, Fars 273h (A 1403); Khalaf b. Ahmad, fractional Dinar, date unclear. First very fine and scarce, the second plugged otherwise very fine, rare, the last very fine. (3) £80-100

266 ISLAMIC COINS, Samanid, Ahmad b. Isma’il (295-301h), Dirham, Andaraba 296h (A 1446); Nasr II b. Ahmad (301-331h), Dirham, al-Shash 308h (A 1451); Mansur b. Nuh (350-365h), Fals, Bukhara 358h (A 1467). Very fine, the first scarce. (2) £60-80

267 ISLAMIC COINS, Ziyarid, Bisutun b. Wushmagir (357-367h), Dirham, Amul 358h, citing the Buwayhid ruler Rukn al-dawla as overlord (A A1533). Partly flat, only fine but very rare. £80-100

268 ISLAMIC COINS, Buwayhid, ‘Adud al-dawla Abu Shuja’ (338-372h), Dirham, Kard Fana Khusra 359h (Treadwell Kr359). Very fine, rare. £100-120

269 ISLAMIC COINS, Buwayhid, Baha’ al-dawla Abu Nasr (379-403h), Dinars (2), Suq al-Ahwaz 398h, 399h (A 1573). Very fine, the first with flan crack. (2) £120-140

270 ISLAMIC COINS, Buwayhid, Dirhams (7), Arrajan 359h, Siraf 336h, 347h, Shiraz 361h, 382h, Hamadan 347h, 368h. About fine to good very fine, some scarce. (7) £80-100

271 ISLAMIC COINS, Ghaznavid, Mahmud b. Sebuktekin (388-421h), Dinars (3), Nishapur 392h, Herat 391h, 393h? (A 1606, 1607); Ibrahim (451-492h), Dinar, mint and date not visible. The first three very fine, the last fine. (4) £200-250

272 ISLAMIC COINS, Ghaznavid, Dinars (10), most with mints and/or dates unclear. Fine to very fine. (10) £200-250

273 ISLAMIC COINS, Ghaznavid, Dinars (10), most with mints and/or dates unclear. Fine to very fine. (10) £200-250

274 ISLAMIC COINS, Khwarizmshahs, Muhammad b. Takash (596-617h), Dinar, mintname and date not visible (A 1712). Partly flat, very fine. £60-80

275 ISLAMIC COINS, Ghorid, Mu’izz al-din Muhammad b. Sam (567-602h), Dirhams (10), most with mints and/or dates unclear. Mostly very fine with usual peripheral weakness. (10) £60-80

276 ISLAMIC COINS, Ilkhanid, Arghun (683-690h), Dinar, mint and date unclear (A 2144). Very fine, scarce. £100-120

277 ISLAMIC COINS, Ilkhanid, Uljaytu (703-716h), Fulus (5), Saveh 710h, Shiraz 71xh(2), Kazirun, date unclear, mint unclear 712h (A 2190). Fine to good fine. (5) £60-80

278 ISLAMIC COINS, Ilkhanid, Abu Sa’id (716-736h), 2-Dirhams, type C, Kulistvan 720h (A 2200.2), 2-Dirhams, type D, al-Khilat 72xh (A 2204), 2-Dirhams, type H, Shahristan Rashidi Kh34 (A 2218.1), Dirham, type H, Almur? Kh33 (A 2219). The first good very fine and rare, the others very fine. (4) £40-60

279 ISLAMIC COINS, Ilkhanid, Abu Sa’id, Fulus (4), Sultaniya 722h, together with pictorial types (3), mints and dates unclear (A 2220). The first good fine and rare, the others fine. (4) £60-80

280 ISLAMIC COINS, Muzaffarid, Shah Shuja’ (759-786h), silver 2-Dinars, type H, Shiraz, no date visible, 2.50g (A 2282.8), silver Dinar, no mint or date visible, 2.17g (A -); Walid, temp Amir Wali (757-788h), 6-Dirhams (2), type D, Astarabad 769h, 778h (A 2343.1), 6-Dirhams (3), type F, Astarabad 775h(2), date off flan (A 2343.2). Very fine. (7) £60-80

281 ISLAMIC COINS, Jalayrid, temp Shaykh Hasan (736-757h), silver Dinar, type F, Dezful 755h (A 2295.5); Qara Qoyunlu, Qara Yusuf & Pir Budaq (814-821h), silver Tanka, Urmi, undated (A 2478); Shaybanid, Muhammad Shaybani (905-916h), silver Tanka, 2nd standard, Shirmard Herat 914h (A 2978.2). Very fine, the first rare, the second scarce. (3) £60-80

282 ISLAMIC COINS, Aq Qoyunlu, Ya’qub (883-896h), Silver Tanka, post-reform type, Damavand, no date visible (A 2522), counter-marked Silver Tanka (A 2524); Shaybanid, Pir Muhammad I (963-968h), Fals, Balkh 966h (SNAT XIVc:908). Fine to very fine, the first and third rare. (3) £80-100

283 ISLAMIC COINS, Safavid, Isma’il I (907-930h), first silver standard, 2-Shahi, Abivard, undated, 18.73g (A 2575). Usual peripheral weakness, very fine, very rare. £250-300

284 ISLAMIC COINS, Safavid, Isma’il I, first silver standard, ½-Shahi (15), most with mintnames not visible. Mostly better than very fine. (15) £70-90

285 ISLAMIC COINS, Safavid, Safi I (1038-1052h), Abbasi, type B, Baghdad, date not visible (A 2638.2). Good fine, the mint rare. £80-100

286 ISLAMIC COINS, Qajar, Nasir al-din Shah (1264-1313h), Qiran, type B, Dar al-Nusrat Herat 1278h (A 2930). Very fine, scarce. £50-70

287 ISLAMIC COINS, Qajar, Nasir al-din Shah, Qirans (3), first standard, Dar al-Nusrat Herat 1275h (A 2927), second standard, Dar al-Nusrat Herat 1275h, Astarabad 1282h (A 2930); Muzaffar al-din Shah, 5000-Dinars, 1320h; Ahmad Shah, 5000-Dinars, 1342h; Reza Shah, as prime minister (1302-1304sh), 5000-Dinars, 1304sh; Anonymous, Qandahar, Copper, obv bull to left. Very fine to extremely fine, the first two rare. (7) £70-90

288 ISLAMIC COINS, Qajar, Ahmad Shah (1327-1344h), Uniface Trial Strike 2-Qirans, 1329h, obv blank, rev lion and sun, 8.07g (cf KM 1040). Scratched, about very fine, rare. £30-50

289 ISLAMIC COINS, Khoqand, Muhammad ‘Alim (1215-1224h), Æ Pul, no mintname, 1216h (A 3047). Fine and extremely rare. £100-120

290 ISLAMIC COINS, Miscellaneous coins in silver (4) and base metal (4), mostly Ottoman. Varied state, one pierced. (8) £20-30

291 ISLAMIC COINS, Assorted Islamic silver coins (12), various dynasties. Fine to good very fine, one pierced, some scarce. (12) £60-80

292 ISLAMIC COINS, Assorted Islamic silver (9) and copper (5) coins, various types. Fine to extremely fine. (14) £60-80

293 ISLAMIC COINS, Assorted Safavid, Afsharid, and Qajar silver coins (15). Fine to good very fine. (15) £60-80

294 AUSTRALIA, Coins, Victoria, Sovereign, 1866, Sydney mint (KM 4). Very fine, usual contact marks. £200-250

295 AUSTRALIA, Coins, Victoria, Sovereign, 1870, Sydney Mint (Marsh 375). A bold fine. £150-200

296 AUSTRALIA, Coins, Edward VII, Silver Threepence, Sixpence, Shilling 1910. Extremely fine. (3) £100-120

297 AUSTRALIA, Coins, Edward VII, Silver Threepence, Shilling 1910. Extremely fine. (2) £80-100

298 AUSTRALIA, Coins, George V, Shilling, 1912 (KM 26), Florins (15), 1910, 1911 (2), 1913, 1914 (3), 1918, 1922, 1925, 1926, 1927 Canberra, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1936. Earlier fair to fine, later generally very fine, 1927 extremely fine, the Shilling good very fine. (19) £40-60

299 AUSTRALIA, Coins, Florins (7), 1912, 1914, 1917, 1924, 1927 (opening of parliament house), 1938, 1954, Shilling (5), 1913, 1917, 1922, 1931, 1950, Sixpence (6), 1910, 1912, 1916, 1922, 1927, Threepence (10), 1910 (2), 1911, 1912, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1923, Penny (9), 1912, 1914, 1916, 1921, 1927, 1931, 1935, 1936, 1938, ½-Penny, 1916 (KM 27, 31, 40, 55, 26, 46, 19, 25, 18, 24, 23, 36, 22). About good to about extremely fine. (38) £100-150

300 BELGIUM, Coins, Franc, 1880, extremely fine; ¼-Franc, 1835, good very fine; with a group of miscellaneous eighteenth and nineteenth century silver and base metal coins (37). Varied state. (39) £150-200

301 BERMUDA, Coins, Proof 50-Dollars, 1977 (KM 26). Mint state, in ANACS holder graded MS65. £70-90

302 BRITISH EAST AND WEST AFRICA, Coins, An assortment of coins in various metals comprising Zanzibar (2), British East Africa (2), East Africa & Uganda Protectorate, 1897-1920 (45), East Africa, 1921-1964 (approx 302). Generally fine or better. (lot) £150-200

303 BRITISH EAST AND WEST AFRICA, Coins, 20th century currency coinage (c.200), c.1910-1950. Varied state, some very fine. (lot) £80-100

304 BRITISH EAST AND WEST AFRICA, Coins, 20th century currency coinage (c.100), c.1910-1950, mostly minor denominations. Mixed condition, some very fine. (lot) £70-90

305 BRITISH EAST AND WEST AFRICA, Coins, 20th century currency coinage (c.150), c.1900-1950, mostly minor denominations. Varied state, some very fine. (lot) £50-80

306 BURMA, Coins, Tongs (3), 1600-1800. Fair to fine. (3) £20-30

307 CHINA, Coins, A collection of Shanghai-made Silver “coin” Ashtrays (8), c.1920s, Oval, Yuan Shih-Kai, Commemorative Dollar on the founding of the Republic, 1914, military bust, and ingot ‘boat’ sycee, bamboo decoration, maker Zee Shun, 110mm x 82mm; Square, with Sun Yat-Sen, Memento Dollar, 1927; Circular (6), with Imperial Fengtien Dollar, yr 24, 1898; Yuan Shia-Kai (3), Sun Yat-Sen, and British Trade Dollar, varied decoration, several with maker’s marks including Zee Shun, Tuck Chang and HC. Highly useable and pretty ornaments, generally in very good order. (8) £150-200

308 CRUSADER STATES, Coins, Jerusalem, Dirham, imitating an Ayyubid issue, Christian legends in Arabic script on both sides, date mostly off flan. Very fine, scarce. £120-140

309 CYPRUS, Coins, British Administration (1878-1962), an assortment of coins in Silver, Cupro-nickel and Bronze (approx 118). Generally fine, some better. (lot) £100-150

310 EGYPT, Coins, Mustafa III (1757-1774), Zeri Mahbub (5), Misr, AH 1171 (KM 105). All pierced, otherwise very fine or better. (5) £80-100

311 EGYPT, Coins, British Occupation (1914-1922), 100-Piastres, 1916/1335h (KM 324); Fu’ad I (1922-1936), 50-Piastres and 20-Piastres, 1923/1341h (KM 340, 339). About extremely fine, the last with traces of mounting. (3) £150-200

312 ERITREA, Coins, Italian Occupation (1889-1941), Tallero, 1918 (KM 5); together with Maria Theresa Thalers (3), dated 1765, 1770, and 1780. Fine to good very fine. (4) £80-100

313 GERMANY, Coins, Augsburg, 2-Kreutzer (2), 1624, 1637; Danzig, Groschen (2), 1537, 1535, 2-Grosze 1626, 6-Grosze (2), 1763, 1765; together with a 3-Grosze of 1766? (KM 88, 11, 117, 120, 123). Fine to good fine. (8) £60-80

314 GERMANY, Coins, Brandenburg, 1/3-Thaler (2), 1668, 1676, 1/12-Thaler (2), 1668, 1690 (KM 378, 3, 571); together with a group of 19th century small-denomination coins (67). Fair to about very fine. (71) £60-80

315 GERMANY, Coins, Bremen, 12-Grote 1859, together with various 18th/19th century Groten, Baden copper Kreuzer, and Copper coins of Julich und Berg. First about very fine, the others very good to good fine. (20) £10-20

316 GERMANY, Coins, Frankfurt, miscellaneous small denomination silver and copper coins (approx 169); Wurtemburg, miscellaneous silver and copper pieces (approx 174). Generally fair to very fine, should be viewed. (lot) £40-60

317 GERMANY, Coins, Hamburg, 32-Schilling, 1795, 16-Schilling, Nurmberg, 4-Kreuzer 1773 (KM 367, 229, 222). Almost very fine. (3) £40-60

318 GERMANY, Coins, Hannover, George IV (1820-1830), ⅔-Thaler, 1827C, laureate bust left, rev value (KM 26; J 24a). Extremely fine, toned. £180-220

319 GERMANY, Coins, Hannover, William IV (1830-1837), ⅔-Thaler, 1833, crowned arms within Garter, rev value (KM 46; J 34b). Bright extremely fine. £120-150

320 GERMANY, Coins, Hessen, Darmstadt & Cassel, ½-Thaler (4), 1789 (3), 1767, 1/3-Thaler 1767, 1/6-Thaler (4), 1834, 1835, 1838, 1842, 6-Kreuzer (7), 1835 (2), 1836, 1841, 1845, 1846, 1864, 1-Silber-Groshcen 1841 (KM 306, 318, 601); together with various other 19th century pieces (25). Fair to very fine. (42) £120-180

321 GERMANY, Coins, Kurpfalz, 12-Kreuzer, 1759. Nearly very fine. £30-50

322 GERMANY, Coins, Liege, assorted copper coins (c.99). Fair to good fine. (lot) £50-70

323 GERMANY, Coins, Mecklenburg Strelitz, 3-Pfennings (3), 1847 (2), 1855, 1/12-Thaler, 1763; Oldenburg, ½-Grote 1840, 1-Groschen 1858, together with 18th Century coins (16), of Nassau and Lubeck (KM 80, 90, 57, 170, 193). Fair to fine. (22) £60-80

324 GERMANY, Coins, Prussia, 1/6-Thaler (19), 19th Century, various dates. Mostly very fine to extremely fine. (19) £100-120

325 GERMANY, Coins, Prussia, 4-Groschen (3), 1817 (2), 1818, 1/3-Thaler (2), 1770, 1802, 18-Groschen 1685 (KM 468, 303, 380, 394). Very good to good fine. (6) £30-50

326 GERMANY, Coins, Prussia, 1-Silver-Groschen (35), 19th Century, various dates, ½-Silver-Groschen (19), various dates, 19th century (KM 484), 2½-Silver-Groschen (8), 1842, 1843, 1860, 1866, 1869, 1871, 1872 1875 (KM 463, 444, 486). Good fine to very fine. (62) £40-60

327 GERMANY, Coins, Prussia, 1/24-Thaler (17), various dates (KM 263, 276), 1/48-Thaler (4), 1771, 1774, 1776, 1777 (KM 327); together with various 17th, 18th and 19th century coins (17). Fair to about very fine. (38) £60-80

328 GERMANY, Coins, Schleswig-Holstein, 1-Sechsling (4), 1787, 1-Sechsling (2), 1850, 2½-Schilling 1801; Aachen Reichs Stadt, 12-Heller (7), 18th century; with other 18th and 19th Century coins (6) (KM C24, C4, C14). Mostly very good to good fine. (20) £40-60

329 GERMANY, Coins, Stolberg, 1/6-Thaler (2), 1763, 1764; Wismar 3-Pfennig (2), both 17??, and another piece; Dortmund, ¼-Stubers (4) (KM C32a). Fine to good fine. (9) £50-70

330 GERMANY, Coins, Westphalia, 1/6-Thaler 1809, 20-Centimes 1812, 5-Centimes (2), 1809, 3-Centimes (4), 1810 (3), 18??, 2-Centimes (3), 1812, 1809, 1910, 1-Centime (2), 1803, 1809; Koln, ¼-Stubers (15), 1-Heller (2) (KM C18, C26, C24, C23, C22). Generally fair to good fine. (30) £30-40

331 GERMANY, Coins, Wied-Runkel, ¼-Stuber (10), with miscellaneous coins of Riga (11). Fair to fine. (21) £20-40

332 GERMANY, Coins, ½-Mark (24), with various other modern German coins (14), very good to extremely fine; Schaumburg-Lippe, Copper Pfenniges (5), 19th century, these fair to fine. (43) £80-100

333 GERMANY, Coins, Meissen Coinage, set of seven coins, 1921, 20-Marks to 20-Pfennigs, terracotta finish, three with gilding, in (slightly damaged) case of issue; Richter commemorative 10-Marks (2), 1921, white and gilt, and terracotta. Extremely fine. (9) £50-70

334 GREECE, Coins, An assortment of nineteenth century copper coins (26), comprising 10-Lepta (12), 5-Lepta (11), 1-Lepton (2)and Ionian Islands, 1-Lepton. Mostly fine. (26) £100-120

335 HOLLAND, Coins, Miscellaneous nineteenth and early twentieth century silver and base metal coins (47). One pierced, varied state. (47) £80-100

336 HONG KONG, Coins, 1-Mil (4), 1863, 1865, 1866 (2) (Pr 193, 196, 197); Canada, 1-Dollar, 1939, Royal Visit commemorative (KM 38). First four very fine or better, last with a few minor marks, otherwise extremely fine. (5) £30-50

337 ITALY, Coins, Venice, Antonio Venier (1382-1400), Ducato. Good very fine. £100-120

338 ITALY, Coins, Venice, Ducati (6). Fine to very fine, two pierced, three others with attempted piercings. (6) £200-250

339 ITALY, Coins, Venice, Ducati (3). Fine to very fine. (3) £100-120

340 ITALY, Coins, Miscellaneous copper and bronze coins (97), mostly eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Varied state, mainly fine, an interesting group. (97) £100-150

341 JAPAN, Coins, Mutsuhito (1867-1912), 1-Yen, Meiji 25, late variety, rev gin countermark (KM Y28a.5), 1-Yen (2), Meiji 34, Meiji 37 (KM YA25.3); 1000-Yen (2), 1964, Tokyo Olympics (KM Y80). First about extremely fine, the next two extremely fine, the last two uncirculated. (5) £80-100

342 JAPAN, Coins, Mutsuhito, Silver fob or chatelaine made from a linked group of six 5-Sen pieces, Meiji 8 (1) and 10 (4) [1875, 1877] and 20-Sen, Meiji 27 [1894] (KM 22, 24), unusual and very fine; together with twelve stud dress buttons from 5-Sen coins 1873-77, Meiji 6 (1), Meiji 8 (1), Meiji 9 (2) and Meiji 10 (8), each with a loop for attachment soldered to the reverse (KM 22), obverses mostly very fine; Thailand, ‘Bullet Money’ Baht (2), Rama III (1824-1851) and Rama IV (1851-1868), very fine; Rama V, brooch of two gilt Fuangs, showing obverse and reverse (KM 32), very fine. (lot) £80-120

343 MEXICO, Coins, Ferdinand VI (1746-1759), Gold 1-Escudo, 1748 MF (CCT 188), together with a small silver Brazilian medalet, a Byzantine Follis, a Yemeni Riyal, and a pendant made from a cast copy of a Saudi Arabia Hashimi Riyal. First pierced, otherwise about very fine, rare, the others fine to very fine. (5) £80-100

344 MOROCCO, Coins, Moulay al-Hasan I (1873-1894), 5-Dirhams, Paris, 1299h (KM Y7). Extremely fine. £40-60

345 NEW ZEALAND, Coins, ½-Crown (4), 1935, 1947, 1965, Florin (3), 1936, 1947, 1948, Shilling (8), 1934, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1951, 1953, 1957, 1964, Sixpence (6), 1933, 1934, 1936, 1942, 1944, 1950, Threepence (12), 1936, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1963, 1965, Penny (5), 1940, 1941, 1943, 1947, 1961, ½-Penny (5), 1940, 1945, 1951, 1958, 1963. Very fine to extremely fine. (43) £120-180

346 NORWAY, Coins, 1-Krone 1877, 50-Øre (2), 10-Øre (9), 5-Øre (10), 2-Øre (8), 1-Øre (11), 1-Skilling 1870, ½-Skilling 1867. Generally fine to good fine. (43) £60-80

347 NORWAY, Coins, Kingdom of Norway, Haakon VII (1905-1957), an assortment of bronze and silver coins (approx 498). Fine to very fine. (lot) £120-180

348 POLAND, Coins, Glogau, Sigismund Jagiello (1498-1506), Grosz, undated (Kopicki 5766). Very fine, scarce. £100-150

349 POLAND, Coins, Lithuania, Sigismund II August (1544-1572), Grosz, 1546 (Kopicki 3293). Partly weak, about very fine. £50-80

350 PORTUGAL, Coins, Luis I (1861-1889), 10,000-Reis, 1879 (Gomes 17.02). Brushed, some light scratches, otherwise very fine. £200-250

351 RHODESIA, Coins, Crown (2), 1653, ½-Crown (2), 1937, 1954, 2-Shillings (2), 1936, 1954, Shilling (4), 1935 (2), 1937, 1942, Sixpence (3), 1935, 1937, 1941, Threepence (4), 1934, 1936, 1939, 1952, Penny (5), 1934, 1936, 1942 (2), 1951, ½-Penny (2), 1936, 1944 (KM 27, 13, 31, 4, 30, 3, 11, 18, 2, 10, 17, 1, 16, 20, 7, 8a, 25, 6, 14a). The 1954 2-Shillings fine, others about very fine to good extremely fine. (24) £100-150

352 RHODESIA, Coins, An assortment of 20th century currency coinage (approx 100), c.1934-1977. Mixed grades, some very fine. (lot) £30-50

353 RUSSIA, Coins, Nicholas II (1894-1917), Gold 5-Roubles, 1898 (KM Y62); together with a Parthian silver Drachm and a Byzantine Follis. Very fine, the second scratched on obverse. (3) £60-80

354 SAUDI ARABIA, Coins, Hejaz, Ottoman 40-Para (30), all countermarked ‘al-Hejaz’ (KM 4-6). All with loop-mounts attached, coins mostly fine, countermarks better. (30) £100-150

355 SAUDI ARABIA, Coins, Coin Bracelet, made up of approx 50 ¼-Ghirsh (KM 19.2). Very fine and unusual. £40-60

356 SCANDINAVIA, Coins, Scandinavian coins in silver and base metal (approx 185), from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Varied state, a useful lot. (lot) £100-150

357 SCANDINAVIA, Coins, Scandinavian coins in silver and base metal (approx 189), from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Varied state. (lot) £100-150

358 SCANDINAVIA, Coins, Scandinavian coins, in silver and base metal (approx 236), from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Varied state, a useful lot. (lot) £120-160

359 SERBIA, Coins, Stefan Uros II Milutin (1282-1321), Dinar, king and St Stephen standing, holding banner, rev Christ enthroned (Jovanovic 7-1.1). Very fine, scarce. £80-100

360 SOUTH AFRICA, Coins, ZAR, 2½-Shillings (2), 2-Shillings (2), 1-Shilling (2), Sixpence (2), Threepence (2), all 1897, Penny (2), 1898 (KM 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2). Fine to very fine, some with toning. (12) £20-30

361 SOUTH AFRICA, Coins, An assortment of 20th century currency coinage (c.600), 1960s-1980s. Generally uncirculated, a useful group. (lot) £25-35

362 SOUTH AFRICA, Coins, An assortment of 20th century currency coinage (c.600), 1960s-1980s. Generally uncirculated, a useful group. (lot) £25-35

363 SRI LANKA (CEYLON), Coins, 1-Cent (22), ½-Cent (9), and ¼-Cent (5), 1870-1945, assorted dates. Mostly extremely fine or nearly so. (36) £60-80

364 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, Coins, Victoria to George V, minor silver (11), 20-Cents 1895, 10-Cents 1896, 1926, 5-Cents (8); others (6). Silver fine and better, others fair to fine. (17) £10-20

365 SWEDEN, Coins, An assortment of silver and base metal coins (77), eighteenth to twentieth centuries. Varied state, mostly fine and better. (77) £80-120

366 TIBET, Coins, Ga-Den Tangkas (8). Very fine. (8) £40-60

367 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Coins, Morgan dollars (2), 1898, 1921, about very fine, Peace Dollars (2), 1923, one impaired; other American coins, mostly 20th century, a small quantity, varied state. (lot) £30-50

368 MISCELLANEOUS COINS, Assorted Oriental silver (16) and base metal (17) coins, various types. Fine to good very fine. (33) £40-60

369 MISCELLANEOUS COINS, Canada, prooflike sets (2) 1989, 1991; Ceylon, Proof Set 1971, Falkland Islands, Proof Set 1974, Swaziland, Proof Set 1974, North Yemen, Proof Set 1974, Gambia, Proof Set 1971, all cased, Solomon Islands, Proof $10 1992. All as issued. (lot) £25-35

370 MISCELLANEOUS COINS, British and World coins (c.300), some checks, mostly base 20th century, a few silver, and a Great War British War Medal. Varied state. (lot) £40-60

371 MISCELLANEOUS COINS, British and World coins (approx 400), mostly base metal 20th century. Varied state. (lot) £150-180

372 MISCELLANEOUS COINS, British and World coins (approx 500), mostly base metal 20th century. Varied state. (lot) £150-200

373 MISCELLANEOUS COINS, A large assortment of world coins (over 1000), mostly mid- to late-20th century, total weight approx 10kg. Varied state, should be viewed. (lot) £15-25

374 MISCELLANEOUS COINS, A mixture of world coins (approx 120), all 20th century and identified in card-holders. Varied state, a useful starter group for a collection. (lot) £20-30

375 MISCELLANEOUS COINS, A mixture of world coins (approx 100), all 20th century and identified in card-holders. Varied state, a useful starter group for a collection. (lot) £15-25

376 Miscellaneous world coins, Italy, Tuscany, 10-Paoli, 179[5?]; Danish West Indies, 12-Skilling, 1767; together with assorted European coins in silver and base metal (90). Varied state. (92) £100-120

377 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Mary, Restoration of Popery, cast Bronze Medal of Pope Julius III, 1554, by Giovanni Cavino, bust of the Pope right wearing robes, rev Philip and Mary stand by the Pope who raises the figure of a suplicant England, ANGLIA RESVRGES, 44mm (MI 70/15). Seemingly an early aftercast on thick (5mm) flan, but lacking in quality, fine and rare. £80-120

378 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Elizabeth I, Naval Reward, an 18th century oval cast bronze ‘piece de cabinet’, 1588, bust of the Queen left, wearing a much decorated dress and high lace ruff, rev ark on the waves, SEVAS TRANQVILLA PER VNDAS, 49mm x 40mm. Very fine. £80-120

379 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Anne, Union with Scotland, Silver Medal, 1707, by Croker, 35mm; Silver Medalets (2), for the same event, 25mm; Bronze medallets of Anne (3); Vernon Medals (3, one pierced); uniface electrotype roundels of Dassier’s Kings (7), copper finish; Duke of Lorraine, Marriage 1744, Silver Medal, 28mm. Fair, fine and better. (17) £80-120

380 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, George II, University of Göttingen Opened, small Silver Medal or 1/6-Thaler, 1737, by E Hannibal, laureate head left, rev, legend in seven lines, 24mm (MI 520/77), fine and rare; Ireland, Williamite Lodge Silver Medal, c.1820s, by Mossop, bust left, rev royal arms, named on edge “William Massey Corey – 2011”, 36mm, with original suspender bar. Curious ‘wavy’ surface, toned, very fine. (2) £70-90

381 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, George II, Admiral Vernon Medals (2); sundry British medalets (12), Anne to Victoria; George III, White Metal Medals (5), Centenary of the Glorious Revolution, 1788 (2), Lord Thurlow, 1789 (2, one pierced), William Pitt, these five all 39mm. Varied state, fair fine and better. (17) £70-90

382 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Alexander Davison’s Medal for the Battle of the Nile, Copper, 1798, Britannia holds shield bearing portrait of Nelson, rev panorama of the action, 47mm (BHM 447). Pierced, fine. £150-200

383 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Charles Hutton (1737-1823), mathematician, Copper Medal, 1821, by B & T Wyon, bust left, rev globe on scales, 44mm (BHM 1158); Victoria, Golden Jubilee, official Copper Medal, 1887, by Boehm and Leighton, 77mm. Both nearly extremely fine, second with ‘dusty’ surface. (2) £60-80

384 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, “Job in Distress Rebuking his Wife”, from Edward Thomason’s Medallic Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures, silvered bronze, 1830, depiction of the scene, rev text quotation, 73mm (BHM 1468, no 49, unrecorded in this metal). Uneven dark tone, small test mark on rim, nearly extremely fine, rare. The set of 60 medals is recorded in white metal though Thomason is known to have made sets in silver and gilt metal for presentation. Perhaps the silver sets were not quite all that they seemed. £30-50

385 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, England/France, Napoleon III, Reception at Boulogne for the visit of Queen Victoria, by A Barre, 1855, head right, rev seated figure with commercial emblems, 61mm; with medals (2) for the visit to Paris and (1858) Cherbourg, 35mm; Universal Exposition, Paris 1867, Silver Prize Medal (Thomas Glover); and Copper, rev winged figure over globe, both 50mm and by Ponscarme; Palais del’Industrie, Pewter, façade of the Pavilion du Nord, 68mm. Last very fine, others all better. (6) Thomas Glover, manufacturer of elastic fabric and web, Nottingham £120-150

386 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Crystal Palace, Handel Festival 1857, a pair of Bronze Medals, named on edge to performers Miss Elizabeth Jonas and Miss Emily Jonas (Allen SY-1857/001; BHM 2597), good extremely fine, second with some obverse surface deposits; Diamond jubilee 1897, official large issue bronze medal, very fine; other medals (8), varied state. (11) £30-40

387 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Victoria, International Medical Congress, Copper Medal, 1881, by L C Wyon, reverse designed by Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), crowned and veiled bust left, rev figures kneel before Aesculapius, whilst Death flees, 77mm. Extremely fine. £50-70

388 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, The Colonial and Indian Exhibition, Copper Medal, 1886, by Elkington for the Corporation of the City of London, trophy of arms with central elephant, rev interior of the Guildhall, 77mm (BHM 3214); Christ’s Hospital, Silver Medal, awarded 1801, by L Pingo, bust of Edward VI, rev open Bible, named “George Banton”, 35mm (MI 61/16); White Metal Medal, International Exhibition, 1862, 51mm. Very fine or better. (3) £50-70

389 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Reception for the Duke and Duchess of York, 1893, by G G Adams; Christian IX and Queen Louise, visit to London, 1898, by Frank Bowcher, Copper Medals for the City of London Series, 76mm and 75mm (BHM 3452, 3454); Montague John Rendall, Winchester College, Copper Tribute Medal, 1924, rev aerial view of buildings, 63mm; John Howard FRS, Sheriff of Bedford, Copper Medal of the Statistical Society, by J S & A B Wyon, bust left, rev wheat sheaf and legend, 76mm. Last very fine, all others better. (4) £120-150

390 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Victoria, Diamond Jubilee (70th Anniversary), Copper Medal, VICTORIA REGINA, veiled head left, rev 1837 1897 IN COMMEMORATIONEM ANNI REGNI / GOD BLESS OUR QUEEN, Britannia seated with lion, holding crown aloft, 77mm (BHM -). Scarce, very fine. £60-80

391 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Edward VII, Coronation, 1902, a group of medals by Emil Fuchs (struck by Elkington), each with conjoined crowned busts right, Silver, 38.5mm, suspension loop added; bronze, 32mm (BHM 3772), Bronze, rev HOTEL VICTORIA, 63mm (BHM 3698); Bronze, rev steam ship, THE UNION CASTLE LINE, 38mm, in case of issue; Bronze, rev Borough of Wandsworth, 32mm (BHM -); small Silver official medal (BHM 3737); White Metal for Blackburn, 38mm; gilt metal, by B G & Co, in 9ct gold mount, 19.5mm; and a Royal Automobile Club portrait roundel, c.1907, 39mm. Very fine or better. (9) The splendid Hotel Victoria in Northumberland Avenue, built for £520,000, had accommodation for 500 guests but only four bathrooms. It is now part of the Ministry of Defence. £80-120

392 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, Order of St John, black and white enamelled officer’s beast badge in silver, black ribbon, c.1900, together with a white metal badge depicting the Order’s insignia, within crowned wreath, first extremely fine, second about very fine; British Red Cross Society, enamelled and gilt badges, County of Surrey Division, and General Service badge, these extremely fine. (4) £60-80

393 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, BRITISH, The Cripplegate Institute, Copper Medal, awarded 1904-1905, (dress cutting class work), 50.5mm; Sporting Medals (4), Northampton Institute (51mm), Imperial College, 45mm, Parliament Hill Lido, 38mm; London Banks Amateur Swimming, 30mm. Very fine or better. (5) £50-70

394 COMMEMORATIVE Modern Medals, Prince of Wales Investiture, 1969, Royal Mint issue, Silver and Copper-gilt, 55mm; Prince Philip, visit to North America, 1966, Silver, 33mm; Spain Juan Carlos/Charles III, 36mm; others in silver, including coins (10), other metals (4, including Pope John Paul II and Ian Smith, Rhodesia), medalets (3), many cased. Mostly as struck or extremely fine. (21) £60-80

395 COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL MEDALS, Ireland, Education, Bronze Prize Medal, 1920, AWARDED BY THE BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION IRELAND, crowned harp in ornate truffle, rev MIDDLE GRADE / MARGARET M. MOONE / FIRST / IN GERMAN / 1920 in a laurel wreath, in original box. Very fine. £20-30

396 Brass medalets, etc, mostly George III to William IV, mostly for Royal events (approx 53), includes visit of Naser-ed-Din, 1873; Toy Money (5). Varied state, many very fine, should be viewed. (lot) £60-80

397 Miscellaneous COMMEMORATIVE and HISTORICAL medalets, jetons, advertising tokens, pilgrims badges, etc, Silver (8), other metals (approx 290), mostly 19th century, mostly British. Many very fine, a wide selection. (lot) £120-150

398 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Agriculture, Italy, Regional Agricultural Medal, Messina, Silver Medal, 1882, by Adolfo Pieroni (Florence, 1832-1875), Flora seated, rev legend etc, 40mm. Extremely fine. £40-60

399 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Agriculture, Society for the Dissemination of Agricultural Knowledge, Vienna 1894, gilt Bronze Medal, by N Bachrach, Franz Joseph three-quarters facing, rev rustic gathering, 65mm; Bohemian Coronation of Empress Maria Anna, Copper Medal, 1836, by J D Boehm, bust right, rev crown on pillow with sceptre and laurel sprig, lion rampant on shield below, 47mm (BDM I, 203). Both extremely fine, first with a few light field scratches and gilt faded from obverse, second darkly patinated. (2) £20-30

400 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Agriculture and Horticulture, Belgium, Charles Linneaus, The Royal Agricultural Society, Copper Medal, undated, by J Würden, bewigged bust of Linneaus left, rev scrolled fruits and flora around blank tablet [for naming], 50mm (Linn 46). Very fine. £30-50

401 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Cycling, France, Touring-Club de France, Art-Nouveau Silver Presentation Plaquette (Paul Baillargues), by Henri Dropsy, a man and woman seated overlooking a mountain and river landscape, study a map, rev legend and name, 55mm x 74mm, in fitted velvet-lined green leather case. Good extremely fine. The Touring Club de France, modeled on the Cyclists' Touring Club in England, was founded in 1890. £70-90

402 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Jewish Interest, The Ten Commandments, as an openwork cast Bronze armorial device, the two tablets crowned with lion supporters to either side, rev stamped “OPPENHEIM ISRAEL”, 150mm x 125mm. Very fine and decorative. £60-80

403 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Masonic, Comte Honoré Muraire (1750-1837), Complimentary Bronze Medal, 5829 [1829], by Peuvrier, bust left, rev GRAND COMMANDEUR DE L’ORDRE MAÇ: ÉCOSSAIS EN FRANCE …, 41.5mm (H-Cz IV, 474). Extremely fine. Appointed Souverain Grand Commandeur du rite Écossais (REAA) £70-90

404 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Masonic Medal, Honourable Testimonial of Masonic Charity and Benevolence to Brother H Morton Roberts, who served as steward to RMBI 1920, RMIC 1923 with RMB and RMI bars 1925, 1928, 1928, 1931. Glass missing from reverse, very fine. £80-100

405 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Medicine, Baron Joseph Andreas Stifft (1760-1836), on the recovery of the Emperor from illness, Silver Medal, 1826, by Joseph N Lang and [reverse] Plenker, bust left, bemedalled and in uniform, rev The Emperor prevented from crossing the River Styx by the Genius of Medicine, 48mm (Storer 3433; Freeman 498; Brett 1174; BDM III, 296, IV, 626). Extremely fine, uneven tone. £70-100

406 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Music, Gustav Hollaender (1855-1915), composer, 50th Anniversary of the Stern Conservatory, Silver Medal, 1900, bust right, rev Muse of Music with lyre, 43mm (Niggl 927). Matt surface, extremely fine. £120-140

407 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Music, Belgium, Caroline Musical Society, Copper Jeton, 1769, bust of Charles of Lorraine left, rev legend in nine lines (de Coster 847); Leopold II, Copper Medal, by L Wiener, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Belgian constitution; imitation Maria Theresa Thaler, COPY below bust. Good very fine or better. (3) £40-60

408 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Numismatics, France, Amédée Durand (1789-1876), Medallist and Editor of the “Series Numismatica Vicorum Illustrium”, uniface cast Bronze Portrait Medal, 1840, by Étienne Hippolyte Maindron (1801-1884), bust right, with high collar, modelled in high relief, his name behind, signed below, 73mm, in gilt metal frame. Extremely fine and very rare. Maindron was a pupil of David d’Anger, whose style he imitates. £80-120

409 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Numismatics, Germany, Karl Friedrich von Posern-Klett, 25th Anniversary of the Leipzig Antiquarian Society, Copper Medal, 1849, by J Riedell, 1849, head left, rev legend and names, 40mm (W-T 7634; Schmidt 1147); Belgium, O Vrede, Copper Medal of the Belgian Royal Numismatic Society, 1897, by D Vermeylin, bust left, rev legend in nine lines, 34mm. First extremely fine, second nearly so. (2) Posern-Klett, author (1846) of Sachsens Münzen in Mittelalter …, and (1846), Urkundenbuch der Stadt Leipzig. £70-90

410 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Numismatics, Sweden, Gustav Eduard Klemming, oval Silver Medal of the Swedish Royal Numismatic Society, 1888, by A Lindberg, bust three-quarters right, with shoulder-length hair and beard to match, rev legend in eight lines, 50mm x 40mm. Extremely fine and rare in silver. The medal the 16th in a series issued by the Numismatic Society £70-90

411 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Numismatics, Sweden, Axel-Julius de Lagerberg (1949-1936), small uniface Bronze Portrait Plaquette, by Iris Menckel (1922), bust three-quarters left, 61mm x 40mm. Extremely fine, rare. Lagerberg, curator of the Goteborg Museum and Treasurer of the Swedish Royal Numismatic Society. The plaquette was struck in a limited edition of 1 gold, 10 silver and 25 bronze examples. Iris Menckel, medallist, born 1892. £60-80

412 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Numismatics, Switzerland, Johann Melchior Mörikofer (1706-1761), medallist and and coin engraver, Copper Tribute Medal, 1757, by Johann Kaspar Mörikofer, head left hair tied in a queue, rev legend in six lines, 29mm (Leu [40] 768; Julius 723; Domanig 380; BDM IV, 109). Extremely fine and rare. Johann Kaspar Mörikofer (1738-c.1800), nephew of Johann Melchior was apprenticed to his uncle before working in Paris and, later, Berne. £60-80

413 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Polar Exploration, Norway, Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (1872-1928), Arrival at the South Pole, Bronze Medal, 1911, by Lauer, bust three-quarters right wearing protective furs, rev the tent left at the Pole, 50mm (Würzbach 257). Extremely fine and rare. Amundsen reached the Pole on the 14th December (not the 16th as shown on the medal). He named their South Pole camp Polheim (Home of the Pole) and re-named the Antarctic Plateau as King Haakon VII’s Land. He returned to the Fram on January 25, 1912 with eleven of the 16 dogs that had reached the Pole. The trip had taken 99 days, the distance about 1,860 miles. £150-200

414 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Shooting, France, National Shooting Society for France, Algeria and the Colonies, Silvered-bronze Medal, helmeted head of Marianne with Fame, rev crowned trophies, 51mm, suspension loop and ring; Great Britain, National Rifle Association, ‘Recruit’ Medal, 1860, by Waterlow, 33mm; National Rifle Association, Ashburton Shield, Copper Medal, 1907, awarded to Charterhouse School, 57mm. Two extremely fine, the last very fine. (3) The Ashburton Shield is a schools team competition held at Bisley, shot at 300, 500 and 600 yards. £60-80

415 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Shooting, Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs, The Bell Medal c.1900, Copper Medal, winged statue of Britannia, riflemen below, rev legend in wreath, 38mm. Good very fine. £20-30

416 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Shooting Festivals, Rouen, 1902, bronze plaquette, by G Dupre, France points to rays of sun, a naked boy with rifle beside her, rev naked child with legend on plaque, 64mm x 48mm; Nancy, 1906, small bronze medal, by Ch Marey, 36mm; Cycling, bronze medal, 1920’s, by R Baudichon, issued by Peugeot, Cyclist, rev the Peugeot factory, 50mm. Very fine. (3) £30-50

417 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Sport, Golden Parsonage, Silver Medals (5), awarded 1931-33 to P W G Phillips, open lily, rev engraved details, 33mm. Extremely fine. (5) Awarded for :- Sports Callenge Cup (Junior), Best All-Round Footballer, Shooting Cup, and Boxing Cup (2). £40-60

418 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Swimming, Austria, a group of medals and plaquettes (4), 1920s-30s, two cased; Silvered-bronze plaquette, possibly Italian, seated female with wreath, c.1900, 66mm x 35mm; Czechoslovakian Bronze Festival Plaquette, 60mm x 41mm. Extremely fine. (6) £80-120

419 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Swimming, four shield-shaped medals mounted on a brooch bar, awarded by the Union Amateur Swimming Club to J H Hall, 1913-1914, one in silver for Senior Points Series, 1st. Very fine. £20-30

420 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Viticulture, Switzerland, Society of Agriculture and Viticulture, Vevey, Silver Medal, early 19th century, by A Schenk, Flora with cornucopia crowns worker standing by vine, ORA ET LABORA, rev wreath of vines, SOCIETAS AGRICULT VIVIACI, AGRICOLÆ BENE MERENTI, 45mm (BDM V, 380). Choice, virtually as struck with steel grey tone. £70-90

421 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, World War I, Germany, Mobilisation, small Bronze Plaquette, 1914, by M&W, German infantry advancing, bayonets fixed, 52mm x 67mm, extremely fine; France, Allied Victory, Bronze Medal, 1919, troops march past the Arc du Triomphe, rev statue of Liberty and flags, 45mm, very fine. (2) First ex Virgil Brand Collection £70-90

422 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, World War I, Austria, Karl Franz Joseph, Complimentary Medal, Zinc, 1915, by A R Weinberger, uniformed bust right wearing in cap, rev submarine, battleship and airplane in action, 50mm (Wurz 4297); Bulgaria, General Bojadjew, Portrait Medal, Zinc, by R Bachmann, bust three-quarters right, rev armorial shield on sword, 50mm (Zetz 3032). Very fine. (2) Karl Franz Josef von Habsburg-Lothringen, Karl I (1887-1922). The Beatification of Karl von Habsburg was announced on the 3rd October 2004. £80-120

423 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, World War I, East and West Africa, Homage to Ruandan troops, Bronze Medal, 1914-1918, by J Witterwulche, naked African girl kneels before seated and diaphanous Belgia, rev barefoot native soldier kneels to fire rifle, 70mm. Extremely fine. The medal honours Belgian African troops who fought in the campaigns in East and West Africa. £50-70

424 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, World War I, Belgium, The triumph of Right, Silvered-bronze Plaquette, by Devreese, 85mm x 43mm; Prisoners of War, 1914-18, Gilt-bronze Plaquette, 1919, by B Callie, 66mm x 44mm; France, Battle of Yzer, by Allouard, 68mm; “La Madelon”, 1914-18, by Max Léognavy (1968), 60mm; “Patrie”, Journee Française, this Silver, by H Lefebure, 50mm; Germany, von Hindenburg, Weltkrieg 1914-15, signed EM, 60mm. Very fine and better. (6) £70-90

425 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, World War I, France, Great War Armistice, 50th Anniversary 1968, bronze, by R Delemarre, emaciated France brandishes flag on devastated battlefield, tree rejuvenates in foreground, rev French soldier trumpets ceasefire, 68mm (CGMP 4/577). Extremely fine. £20-30

426 ART MEDALS, Austria, Friedrich Maria Albrecht Wilhelm Karl von Österreich-Toskana, Herzog von Teschen, uniface Portrai Medal, c.1914-1918, by Anton Rudolph Weinberger, bewhiskered head right, with uniform collar, 102mm. Extremely fine. £60-80

427 ART MEDALS, Belgium, France, Art Deco and other decorative bronze medals, The Albert Canal, Plaque, 1939, by G Devreese, 77mm x 80mm; Schelde Tunnel, 1933, 69mm; Metz, by P Niclausse, 80mm; Austria, Invalide Fund, 1914-15, 54mm; Netherlands, Princess Juliana, by J Goor, 60mm; others (3), including USA, New York Life Insurance Company, Copper Medal, 1905, 68mm; Society of Medalists, Pilgrim Fathers/Revolutionaries, 1961, by A Block, 72mm; J F Kennedy, Inauguration Medal, 1961, 75mm; Arthur Fontaine (1860-1931), Post WWI International Bureau of Work, 70mm, several cased. First very fine, others mostly extremely fine. (12) £80-120

428 ART MEDALS, France, Portrait Plaquettes (3), Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve (1804-1869), literary historian and critic, Silver Plaquette on the Centenary of his Birth, 1904, by S E Vernier, medallic head left, with books and pens, rev legend, 47mm x 65mm; Bronze (2), Dr Just Jucas-Championnière (1843-1913), surgeon and bone specialist, 1907, by Paul Richer, rev the doctor working on a patient’s leg, 70mm x 51mm; Dr Jean Garel (1852-1930), inventor of the larynx-stereoscope, by H Nocq, rev stork feeds wolf, 68mm x 48mm. Extremely fine or nearly so. (3) £60-80

429 ART MEDALS, France, General Lafayette (Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de La Fayette, 1757-1834), Bronze Medal of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique for a ship in his name, 1930, by M Delannoy, bust left, rev ship portrait, 68mm. Good very fine. £80-100

430 ART MEDALS, France, Art Nouveau period, base metal roundels (2), with raised gilt masks representing Agriculture and Viticulture, 60mm. Very fine. (2) £20-30

431 ART MEDALS, France, Centenary of the return of Savoy to France, Silver Medal, 1960, by R Joly, Marianne welcomes Savoy, rev Gallic cockerel holds shield of Savoy, 68mm; Same event, Bronze Plaquette, by R Dellamarre, historical figures and images of Savoy, rev dates, 90mm x 51mm; 8th Centenary of Notre Dame, Paris, heavy Silver Medal, 1963, by R Joly, Madonna and Child, rev aeriel view of the cathedral in medieval times, 68mm, in case of issue. All virtually mint state. (3) £50-70

432 ART MEDALS, France, modern Silver Medals (3), Max Jacob (1876-1944), poet, painter, writer and critic, bust left, rev montage of Parisian/Jacob life, somewhat globular form, 63mm, in case of issue; Marius Berliet (1866-1949), by L Muller, award medal of Automobiles M Berliet to Michel Billard, 62mm, in monogrammed case of issue; Denyse Clairouin, “Femme de Lettres”, by R Joly, half-length figure right, rev trees metamorphose into people, breaking a swastika, 68mm. All virtually mint state. (3) Denyse Clairouin (d. 1945), French Resistance heroine who died in a concentration camp. A litterary award is made in her name. £80-100

433 ART MEDALS, World War II, France, The Allied Invasion of Provence and the Midi, Bronze Medal, 1944, by Vezien, Victory leads an advancing army, rev panoramic maps of Marseille and St Tropez, with US and Free French flags, 68mm; and a pre-war Bronze medal, “Defense Aerienne”, by P Lenoir, flying figure rebufs advancing planes, rev images of air defence, 58mm. Extremely fine or nearly so. (2) £60-80

434 ART MEDALS, France, Orders of Chivalry, Silver Medal for the Paris Mint exhibition, 1956, 58mm, in case; Louis Leygue, Paris Mint exhibition, 1978-1979, 81mm; Botticelli (1966), by H Dropsy, 68mm, in box. This with silver-grey patina, all virtually mint state. (3) £40-60

435 ART MEDALS, France, Royal and National School of Sculpture and Fine Art, Third Centenary, 1948, Silver and Bronze Medals, by J G Lallement, a handsome period design; another, Bronze, by H Dropsy, issued by the Institute de France, 68mm, first and last cased. All virtually as struck. (3) £60-80

436 ART MEDALS, France, Modern Bronze Medals (5), Édouarde Lartet (1801-1871), Archaeologist, by Lagriffoul, rev mamouth and cave-man, 68mm; Theophile Homoelle (1848-1925), Director of the French School, Athens, rev the Sphynx at Naxos, 73mm; Joseph Vernet (1714-1789), artist, rev maritime scene, 68mm; Édouard Manet (1832-1883), painter, by H Dropsy, rev “The young piper [1866]”, 68mm; Jean-François Millet (1814-1875), artist, rev “the sower”, 68mm. All virtually mint state and some boxed. (5) £70-90

437 ART MEDALS, France, Pierre Boulez (b.1925), Composer, Massive Bronze Tribute Medal, Paris Mint, baffling modern design both sides, 142mm, no 21 (of edition of 175); Alexander Calder (1898-1976), American Artist and pioneer of the mobile, Copper Medal, 1968, by Carrega, 86mm, no 18 (edition of 100), in boxes of issue. As issued. (2) Not suitable for shipping £40-60

438 ART MEDALS, France, “La vie est le voyage, l’idée est l’itineraire“, large Bronze Art Medal 1976, by R Pagès, symbolic sunrise in high relief, rev legend (CGMP 4/1430-31). Good very fine. £20-30

439 ART MEDALS, France, Bureau Veritas, 150th Anniversary 1978, Bronze Art Medal, by A Bizette-Lindet, ship within incuse square, VERITAS around, rev a stylised head within incuse square, upon which various designs representing commerce and travel, 72mm (CGMP -). Extremely fine. £30-40

440 ART MEDALS, Jean-François Millet (1814-1875), bronzed-electro-type plaquettes of his most famous paintings, Les Glaneuses [The Gleaners], 1857 and l’Angelus [The Angelus] 1859, within framed border and scrolled suspension loop, both with worn velvet backing to which once mounted, 112mm (including loop) x 130mm. Very fine. (2) £70-90

441 ART MEDALS, Ibn Sînâ Avicenne (980-1037), modern Bronze Tribute ‘Art’ Medal, by V Dover, pear-shaped, 72mm x 66mm; Iran, Mohammed Riza Pahlevi, Silver Medal, AH 1344, 37mm; Air Maroc, presentation brooch in the form of a buckle, in case; Cincinnati, souvenir ‘key’ of the Mayor’s Office. Extremely fine. (4) £20-30

442 ART MEDALS, USA, George Eastman, large uniface portrait medallion, 1935, by Nils Bouveng, bust of Eastman right wearing jacket and tie, name below, signed and dated on truncation. Virtually as made, extremely fine and very rare. Nils Bouveng, a native of Stockholm, was the Eastman Kodak representative in Europe. In 1930 Eastman had given the city of Stockholm $1,000,000 to build a model dental dispensary and clinic. £70-90

443 ART MEDALS, Nuclear Science, “Reaction en Chain”, Bronze Medal, c.1953, by Galtie, heads of scientists, Fermi and Hahn to the fore, rev linked molecules, 77mm, numbered 11 on edge. Extremely fine. £40-60

444 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, ARGENTINA, Inauguration of the San Juan to Serrezuela Railway, Bronze Medal, 1904, by J Gottuzzo, seated figure of Industry with locomtive behind, rev inscription, 40mm; Ferro-Carriles, 50th Anniversary of the First Railway, 1907, small Silver Medal, locomotive, rev Mercury, 31mm, suspension loop and ring; Bolivia, Railway Construction by Luis Stremiz & Co, Bronze Medal, 1908, allegorical figures and train, 31mm. First extremely fine, others very fine. (3) £70-90

445 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, ARGENTINA, First South American Railway Congress, Buenos Aires, Silvered-bronze Plaquette, 1910, by J Gottuzzoy, male figure holding torch looks towards train, 55mm x 74mm, arched top (Swan 361); France, National Union of Railway Workers, Bronze Plaquette, 1914-1916, by Ch Foerster, Railwayman changes points, rev Figure of France, 51mm x 64mm. First very fine, the second with dull surface, nearly extremely fine. (2) £40-60

446 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, AUSTRIA, Holy Roman Empire, Leopold I, Birth of Leopold Joseph to Joseph (later Joseph I), and Wilhelmine Auguste Herzogin of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Kalenberg, White Metal Medal, 1700, by Georg Hautsch, mother and child, rev angel holds baby, letterd edge, 43mm. Somewhat speckled, very fine. Leopold Joseph died in infancy the following year £40-60

447 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Austria, the Aarlbergbahn Viaduct over the River Trissana, Bronze Plaque, 1912, by Christlbauer (Prague), the viaduct high in the mountains, with train crossing, rev legend in three lines between vines, 38. EISENBAHN=BALL / 29 JÄNNER / 1912, maker’s name on edge, 60mm x 81mm (Moy 443 bis). Some light staining, very fine and rare. £80-100

448 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, BELGIUM, Large Copper Medals (2), by Leopold Wiener, Leopold I, Innauguration of the Colonne du Congress, 1859, bare head left, rev figures symbolic of the Kingdom, 86mm; Leopold II, Accession, 1865, bearded head right, rev the King stands with the figure of Legislation, 78mm. Good very fine. (2) £60-80

449 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, BELGIUM, Louis Jacob (1803-1847), Lawyer, Copper Memorial Medal, 1847, by Hart, bust three quarters-left, rev legend, 54mm; Rubens, Erection of his Statue in Antwerp, Copper Medal, 1840, by Hart, 45mm; other European medals (4), including Papal medal of Innocent XI, yr 13, 39mm and pottery pilgrims’ badge, Trier. Fine to very fine. (6) £60-80

450 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, BELGIUM, Banque Nationale, Centenary, Bronze Medal, 1950, façade of building, rev named to “M Maurice Deleebeeck”, 69mm; Banque de Bruxelles, Bronze Plaquette, for 40 years service, awarded 1962, façade of building, rev named to “Joseph Shaeck”, 57mm x 134mm. Extremely fine. (2) £50-70

451 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, BELGIUM, Banque d’Anvers, 125th Anniversary, Bronze Medal, 1952, sailing ship, 81mm; USA, First National City Bank, 150th Anniversary, Bronze Medal, 1962, symbolic figures, 76mm. Extremely fine. (2) £60-80

452 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, BRAZIL, Automovel Club de Brasil, Gilt-Bronze Plaquette, 1957, façade of building, 1907 – BODAS DE OURO – 1957, rev tablet (for inscription), 41mm x 56mm. Extremely fine. £40-50

453 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Copper Medals (4), Philippe II, Duke of Orléans and Regent (1715-1716), 1719, by Jean le Blanc, bust right, rev legend, CIVIBUS OPES …, 41mm; Louis XV, the Birth of the Comte de Provence, 1755, by J Duvivier, laureate head right, rev the infant in his cot, OMEN FELICITATIS, 42mm; Count Montesqueieu, by Caunois, for the Galerie Metallique, 41mm; Sebastien LePrestre de Vauban (1633-1707), military engineer, 19th century Tribute medal, by Montagny, bewigged head left, rev legend, 50mm. This and second extremely fine, others very fine. (4) Louis-Stanislas-Xavier, Comte de Provence, Louis XVIII (1814-24) £120-150

454 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Copper Medals (3), Philippe II, Duke of Orléans and Regent (1715-1716), 1716, by Jean le Blanc, bust right, rev seated figure writes on tablet; Louis-Antoine-Henri de Bourbon-Condé, duc d'Enghien, Memorial, 1804, by Gatteaux, bust left, rev riderless horse in encampment; Louis XVIII, the construction of a fire-fighting pump at Versailles, 1821, by Gayrard, head right, rev legend (Collignon 343), all 41mm. Very fine or better. (3) £60-80

455 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Louis XVI, Arrival of the Royal Family in Paris, Copper Medal, 1789, by B Duvivier, bust left, VILLE DE PARIS below, rev personification of Paris with the King, Queen and Dauphin, pointing towards the crowds, 53mm. Extremely fine, though from rust-marked dies. £70-90

456 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Napoleonic Period, Copper Medals (4), The Battle of Marengo, Tribute to Desaix, Copper Medal, yr 8 (1799), by H Auguste, 50mm; Prise de la Bastille/Donjon de Vincenne, by Rogat, 42mm; Mudie’s National Medals (2), the Congress of Vienna, 1815; Surrender to HMS Bellerophon, both 41mm. Extremely fine or nearly so. (4) £100-150

457 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Louis XVI, National Assembly, 1789, Copper Medal, by Gatteaux, bust right, rev The Assembly gathers, 53mm; Louis XVIII, monument consecrated, 1820, by Depaulis, 50mm; Louis Philippe, Coronation, Copper Medal, 1830, by Depaulis, laureate bust right, rev the King offered the throne, 75mm; Napoleon III, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1867, Copper Medal “for services”, by Ponscarme, 68mm; other Medallets, etc (11, including two in silver). These mostly fine, the medals better but with dusty surfaces. (15) £100-150

458 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Charles de Secondat, Baron Montesquieu, Copper Medal, 1817, by Caunois, bust left, rev legend, 41mm; Jean-Jacquues Rousseau, Copper Medal, 1817, by Dubois, bust left, rev legend; Michaelangelo, Copper Medal, 1819, by R Gayrard, bearded bust left, rev legend, 41mm; Arouet de Voltaire, Copper Medal, 1817, by Caunois, bust right. All about as struck. (4) £30-50

459 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Louis Philippe, the Conservatoire Royal des Arts et Metiers, Copper Medal, 1847, by J Klagmann and A Bovy, laureate medallic bust between figures of art and Industry, rev façade of the Conservatoire and its frontage on the Rue St Martin, 68mm. Extremely fine, rare. £40-60

460 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Anne-Françoise-Hippolyte Boutet (1779-1847), known as Mademoiselle Mars, actress at the Comédie-Française, Copper Memorial Medal, 1847, by Borrel (after Barre), bust right, rev HOMMAGE AU TALENT, 52mm. Nearly extremely fine. £40-60

461 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Napoleon III, Silver Presentation Medal, undated, by A A Caqué, bare head left, rev engraved inscription within wreath, “Donné par sa Majesté L’Empereur Napoleon III a Mlle Hérail Marie”, 50mm. Very fine and toned, scarce. The cataloguers have no further information on Mlle Marie Hérail. £40-60

462 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Napoleon III, Copper Medals (3), The Paris Cholera Epidemic, Presentation Medal to the Sisters of Charity, 1854, by F Chabaud, bare head left, rev legends, 57mm; The Opening of an Imperial Convalescent Hostel, 1859, similar obverse, 57mm; Society for the deaf and Dumb, by Oudiné, undated, laureate head left, 51mm. Extremely fine or nearly so. (3) The Cholera Epidemic in Paris lasted for just over a year, from November 1853 to December 1854. £50-70

463 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Gift of the Prince Imperial’s Cot from the City of Paris 1856, Copper Medal, by A Vauthier-Galle and J Cavalier, view of the cot, bees in field, rev newborn child on a cushion supported by an eagle, Prosperity and Abundance above watch over him, 77mm (Divo 301; Coll 1723). About as struck, hairline in obverse field. £50-80

464 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1805-1861), Zoologist, Copper Medal of the Société Impériale Zoologique d’Acclimatation, 1857, by Albert Barre, bare head left, rev legend, 60mm. Extremely fine. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire founded (in 1854) the Acclimatization Society of Paris, and was its first president. £40-60

465 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Lyon, Societé de Sciences Industrielles, founded 1862, Copper Medal by by G Bonnet, conjoined busts of Ampere and Jacquard in high relief, rev legend and wreath, 55mm. Extremely fine. Joseph Marie Jacquard 1752-1834, inventor, André Ampere 1775-1836, physicist £20-30

466 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Bronze Medals (4), Jules Grevy, Prisident, 1870, by D Dupuis, 68mm; L A Thiers, President, 1871-1873, by Oudine, 69mm; Felix Faure, President, 1895, by J C Chaplain, 68mm; Silvered-bronze Medal, 1914-1918, Paris, ‘Terminage de Reconnaissance’, by D Dupuis (to M Wolfsohn), 68.5mm, in case of issue; Paris, Bronze award, 1927, by G Prud’homme (to M Bartlett), 50mm, in (damaged) case of issue; Silver “Semper” medal, 1895, by O Roty, 41mm. Very fine and better but reverse of last stained. (6) £70-90

467 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, First Republic, Banque de France, restrike octagonal Silver Medal, by Dumarest, yr. 8 [1799-1800], 36mm (Julius 778); Union des Banques de Paris, founded 1871, Bronze Medal, by Fouchet, figures of labour, Industry and Fortune, rev named “Mr. Ph. Joüin”, 63mm. Very fine and extremely fine. (2) £50-70

468 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Le Havre, Société des Régates, Silver Medal, undated, 56mm; Dieppe, Bronze Plaquette, Exhibition of Carrier Pidgeons, 1905, by J Delfeche, 40mm x 50mm, in case of issue. Very fine. (2) £40-60

469 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Foundation of the École de Garde-Malades et d’Ambulancières, Paris, Copper Medal, by A G Monnot 1877, central head of Hiprocates right, names of the founding doctors around, rev legend within wreath, 68mm; and Octagonal Copper Jeton, 1837, by Bovy, “Villa des Enfans”, 36mm. Extremely fine. (2) £40-60

470 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Départment de l’Eure, large Copper Medal for Vaccination, by A Bescher, 1890, awarded to “M Studer – Docteur Médecin a Vernon”, 74mm; Société Intenationale Pour l’Etude des Questions d’Assistance, Bronze Medal, 1889, by Morlon, 54mm; Union des femmes de France, Silvered-bronze Medal, 1890, by H Dubois, 50mm; Villa Furtado-Heine, Nice, Convalescent Home for Officers, Bronze Medal, 1896, 50mm; Hospice de Gien, Loiret, Copper Medal, by L Bottée, 50mm. Very fine and better. (5) £70-90

471 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, The Funeral of President Carnot, Bronze Plaquette, 1894, by L-O Roty, Marianne stands by Carnot’s body, rev funeral cortège, 80mm x 57mm (Roty Compagnonnage p.89; BM Acq. 1978-82); Academy of Science, Paris, Bronze plaquette, 1901, by F Vernon, an all female gathering of two teachers with pupils in woodland setting, rev legend, 58mm x 80mm; Religion, Bronze medal, by G Dupré, figure kneels before Virgin and Child, rev figure pays to Cross, 72mm. All softly sculpted, extremely fine. (3) £60-80

472 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Ernest d’Hervilly 1898, Æ uniface Plaquette, by J P Legastelois, bearded half-length bust left seated at writing table, the plaquette with a lead backing, 71mm x 91mm. Softly worked, very fine. Ernest d’Hervilly (1839-1911), artist and poet £30-40

473 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Dogs, Société Canine de Savoie, Gilt-bronze Plaquette, 1909, by P Mahler, 58mm x 70mm; Société Canine du Languedoc, Bronze Plaquette, by G Contaux, 40mm x 60mm; Exposition Canine, Bronze Medal, 1935, by A J Rivet, 44mm; and small silver hunting medal, 30mm. Very fine or better. (4) £30-50

474 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Photography, small Silver medal, awarded 1900 (Mme Nélet), by F Vernon, 35mm; “Elegie”, Bronze Plaquette, 1904, by V-P Dautel, 54mm x 45mm; Agriculture, Bronze Medal, unsigned, girl with sickle 60mm, numbered 158 on edge; naked youth at altar, unsigned fin-de-siècle uniface Bronze Medal, 67mm; and Austria, “Till Eulenspiegel”, uniface Bronze Plaquette, by K Perl, 70mm x 45mm. Extremely fine or nearly so. (5) Eulenspiegel, a German Jester or Fool, by tradition born in 1300 and died in 1350. He is the subject of many a folk-tale. £50-80

475 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Raymond Poincaré, elected President 1913, Bronze Medal, by R Lamourdedieu, France and supporters carry torches and other implements above Paris, rev two females cast vote for president in urn, National Assembly to right, 73mm (CGMP -); Marcel Schlumberger, Copper Medal, by R Cochet, bust left, rev foundation date 1919 within abstract design, 100mm. Very fine and good very fine. Co-founder in 1919 of the Schlumberger oil-prospecting empire £40-60

476 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Rear Admiral Marie Jean Lucien Lacaze (1860-1955, born on the Island of Reunion), Minister of Marines, 1915-1917, bronze tribute medal, undated, by André Laurillier, uniformed bust left, rev sailing ship and legend, 81mm; Pierre de Fouquières, Chief of Protocol, Bronze Medal, 1937, by P M Dammann, bemedalled bust left, rev olive branch, PACIS SECVRVM …, 80mm, numbered 39 on edge. Very fine or better. (2) Lacaze best remembered for the reorganization of the French Navy after the First World War. As Chief of Protocol de Fouquières attended the Coronation of George VI, this also 1937. £50-70

477 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Louis Dorizon, Director of the Societe Generale, on his appointment as Commander of the Legion d’Honeur, Silver Portrait Plaquette, 1910, by F Vernon, bust left, rev Order suspended from laurel branch, 72mm x 51mm; Netherlands, N P van den Berg, President of the Nederlandsche Bank, Bronze Medal, 1912, by J C Wienecke, bust left, rev owl atop shield with legend, 66mm. Both about extremely fine. (2) £70-90

478 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Louis Pasteur, centenary of birth 1922, Silvered Lead Plaque, by V S Canale, bust left, name and dates above, rev legend and laurel sprig, 80mm x 111mm, good very fine, but surface dings and scratches; Denys Puesch 1926, cast Gilt-Bronze Portrait Medal, by L Bazor, bust right, 116mm (cf CGMP 3/31), about very fine, remnants of glue on the back. (2) Director of the French Academy in Rome £40-60

479 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Georges Clemenceau, Death, 1929, Large Bronze Medal, by F-L Sicard, bust left in high relief, rev owl of Athens, 90mm, in original box of issue (CGMP p.362). Extremely fine and rare. G Clemenceau (1841-1929), twice prime minister (1907-1910, 1917-1920) £40-60

480 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Exposition Coloniale Internationale, Paris, 1931, Bronze Medals (4), by Emile A Monier, Niger (2), bust of a female Touareg right, rev map on scroll, Touareg on camel behind; Cote d’Ivoire, bust of a female from Sénoufo left, rev map on scroll, balafon and drums, tree at left; Mauritanie, male head left, rev map on scroll, distant fort beyond, each 59mm (CGMP p.259-60). Very fine and better. (4) £100-120

481 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Lyon, Ch. Montcharmont, Thirty Years Management of Théatre des Celestins 1937, Bronze Plaquette, by Bertola, bust left, rev legend below actor’s mask, 50mm x 77mm; Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Bronze Laudatory Medal 1951, by R Delamarre, profile bust right, rev spiral around column reaching to heaven, legend around, 68mm. Good very fine and very fine. (2) De Chardin (1881-1955), Jesuit, palæontologist, philosopher and author £30-50

482 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Abolition of Slavery, Universal Suffrage, Social Legislation, French Celebratory Medal, a hundred years of social progress 1948, Bronze, by Bazor, cypress between RF, rev Marianne and Liberty, 1848-1948, 68mm. Almost extremely fine. £70-90

483 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Firmin Gillot, Bronze Plaque awarded 1948, by J Vernon, for the Clichés Union Gillot-Rousset-Ruckert, bust of Gillot right, rev legend, named to M.Kaan, 90mm x 64mm. Very fine, rare. £30-50

484 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Edouard Herriot, 80th birthday 1952, Copper Medal, by R Corbin, bust left in high relief, rev view of the Assemblée Nationale from across the Seine, engraved on edge A.BARDON DÉPUTÉ, 80mm. Extremely fine, small stain on reverse. Herriot (1872-1957) was a career politician and president of the National Assembly 1947-54. £20-30

485 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Armand Salacrou, Bronze Medal 1956, by J Hébert-Coëffin, bust right, rev constellation of Leo, 68mm (CGMP 4/424); Chambre de Commerce de Rouen, c.1960, Bronze Medal, by J Hébert-Coëffin, ship of Rouen, rev citadel with cranes at side, 41mm; together with other base metal medals (6), by Simon, Pillet, H Dubois, etc. First two extremely fine and patinated, others generally very fine. (8) Armand Salacrou (1899-1989), dramatist from Rouen £30-40

486 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, Commission du Vieux Paris, 60th anniversary, 1958, Copper Medal, by H Dropsy, three figures hold symbols of the city, prostrate woman below enpties a river (Seine?) from a flagon, rev mediaeval sailing ship, named below to René Coty, President of the Republic, 197mm. Good very fine. £100-150

487 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, FRANCE, George Migot, bronze laudatory medal 1976, bust right, rev legend, 50mm (Niggl 1334). Good very fine. £20-30

488 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, GERMANY, World War I, Silver Medals (6), the Kaiser (2), 1914, and with Franz Joseph; General von Emich, 1914; General von Breseler, 1914, each 33mm; SMS Dresden, 1915, 30.5mm; Capt. Dohnaschlodien, SMS Moewe, base metal, 33mm. Extremely fine but last with corroded (?) surface. (6) £120-150

489 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, GREECE, The Battle of Navarino, small Bronze Medal, 1827, by Boyard, helmeted head of Athena right, rev three crowns and the names of the allied Admirals, Codrington, Heiden and de Reigny, 34mm. Bright extremely fine. £50-80

490 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, GREECE, The Battle of Navarino, small Bronze Medal, 1827, by Boyard, helmeted head of Athena right, rev three crowns and the names of the allied Admirals, Codrington, Heiden and de Reigny, 34mm. Nearly extremely fine. £40-60

491 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, ICELAND, Flying Boat Service, 30th Anniversary, Bronze Medal, 1975, plane low over water, rev Icelander on pony, 70mm, no.2698 (of 5000); other modern and ‘art’ bronze medals (7), Poland (2), 1966, 1891, this Polish Ocean Lines, and earlier, 1930, medal of Pius XI; Russia, 1983; Spain (2), 1973, 1982; USA, Bicentennial, 1976, 76mm; and copy ‘Lusitania’ medal. Except last, as issued or nearly so. (9) £60-80

492 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, ITALY, Cristina di Lorena (1565-1637), cast Bronze Medal, by A Selvi, from the Serie Medicea, bust left, ear of wheat over landscape, 82mm (V&T 307); France, a poor cast of the Bronze Medal of Henri IV as Hercules, by Philippe II Danfrie, 48mm (BMC 193). Fine and fair. (2) £40-60

493 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, ITALY, Cosimo II de Medici (1590-1609-1621), 4th Grand Duke of Tuscany, uniface cast Lead Medal, by Guillaume Dupré, armoured bust right with broad ruff, 91mm (BMC [Jones] 42; Bargello 476). A contemporary cast, pierced at top (either side of beaded border), fine and scarce. Old label on reverse dated 9.12.[18]63. £120-150

494 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, ITALY, Pius XI, Vatican Radio, Silver Medal, by Mistruzzi 1931, bust left, rev herald hovers over globe blowing fanfare on trumpet and distributing radio waves to the world, 36mm (Rinaldi 125), matt surface, small mark on jaw-line otherwise extremely fine; together with Copper Catholic School Committee prize medal, fine. (2) £30-50

495 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, NETHERLANDS, Medical Guild Medal, 1753, Aescoplous stands with snake entwined club, rev city arms and cornucopiae, on plinth, this engraved “Gerard François de Waal”, 51mm, fine; Geneva, Reformation Jubilee, 1835, Silver Medal, 33mm; French medals, Louise Marie Therese, born, 1819, 30mm; Duc d’Orleans, Death 1842, gilt, 26mm; Revolution 1848 (3, bronze and WM (2)); other pieces (4), except as stated mostly very fine. £60-80

496 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, NETHERLANDS, The Recovery from Illness of Crown-Prince Willem, Copper Medal, 1835, by David van der Kellen, Hollandia, 32mm (Brettauer 4641; BDM III, 133). Extremely fine. £30-50

497 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, NETHERLANDS, 150th Anniversary of the Railways, 1989, a group of Medals, Silver (8) and Bronze (9), each with locomotive portrait, 41mm. Virtually as struck with proof-like surfaces. (17) £20-30

498 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, NORWAY, St Olaf’s Cathedral, Trondheim, Copper Medal, 1862, by Jacques Wiener, exterior/interior view, 60mm (Reinecke 53). Good very fine. £40-60

499 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, PORTUGAL, Banco Totta-Aliance, 125th Anniversary, Bronze Medal, 1968, figure with cornucopiae, 81mm; Banco Pinto & Sotto-Mayor, Centenary, Bronze Medal, 1964, stylised centaur with cornucopiea, 80mm. Both extremely fine. (2) £50-70

500 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, ROUMANIA, Carol I (1839-1881-1914), Concourse of Agriculture and Industry, Silver Award Medal, undated, by Kullrich, bearded head left, rev animal head and plough medallions in wreath, 58mm. Very fine. £60-80

501 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, RUSSIA, Alexander I (1801-1825), Visit to Paris, Copper Medal, 1814, by Andrieu and Denon, laureate head right, rev Victory writes on tablet; Saxony, Friedrich August (1763-1806-1827), Visit to the Monnaie, Paris, 1809, by Andrieu and Denon, both 41mm. Good very fine. (2) £80-120

502 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, RUSSIA, Alexander I, Medals (2), by Tolstoi from his series commemorating the Great Patriotic War of 1812, old bronze casts of later copies, the Battle of Beresina and the Flight of Napoleon across the river Niemen (SM 376, 377). Very fine, the second with number 212 impressed on edge. (2) £40-60

503 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, RUSSIA, Alexander II (1855-1881), Rouble-form Bronze MEDAL, 1862, Millennium of the Russian State, medallion busts of Rurik and Alexander, 35mm (Sm -, Brousnitsin’s medal Sm 646); Alexander III, Brass Medal, 1882, the Pan-Russian Exposition, by Steinmann and Vijenin, 46mm (Sm 859); Nicholas II, Tercentenary of the Romanov Dynasty, 1913, gilt brass souvenir Medalet, bust of Mikhail Feodorovich, 20mm x 32mm, suspension ring and loop. Very fine, fine and extremely fine. (3) £80-100

504 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, SPAIN, The Cathedral of Our Lady of Burgos, Copper Medal, 1867, by Jacques Wiener, exterior and interior views, 60mm and 6mm flan (Reinecke 58). Extremely fine. £60-80

505 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, SWITZERLAND, Jean Dassier’s Series of Medals of Roman History, a good group of 16 medals from the series, each 31mm. Very fine. (16) £180-220

506 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, SWITZERLAND, Swissair Medals (2), 1981, Silver and Bronze, Silver 20-Francs (2), 1992, 1995, others (2), Silver and Bronze; Vatican (3), Silver (2) and Silvered. Most as issued. (9) £30-50

507 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, TUNISIA [with Algeria], Charles Nicolle, Director of the Pasteur Institute, Tunis, 25th Anniversary, Silver Medal, 1927, by A Maillard, bust left, rev legend, 60mm; André Lebon, President of the Administrative Council for Property Taxation in Algeria and Tunis, Bronze Medal, 1928, by V-P Boulet, bust three-quarters left, rev figure at well, legends in Arabic and French, 63mm. Very fine. (2) £50-70

508 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876, Copper Award Medal, by H Mitchell, Industry seated holds out wreath, rev legend, 76mm. Nearly extremely fine. £40-60

509 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Statue of Liberty erected 1876, Bronze Medal, view of the statue, rev “in remembrance of the old friendship between the United States and France” &c, 50mm; Communications Association Bronze Medal, female seated, rev Eiffel tower, 50mm. Very fine, first with a few small digs and scratches. (2) £40-60

510 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, USA/France, General Lafayette, Copper Medal, 1791, by Dumarest, for the Monneron Brothers, uniformed bust left in periwig, rev legend in wreath, 35mm; Benjamin Franklin and Montyon, Copper Medal, 1833, by Barre, for the Montyon Franklin Society, 41mm. Very fine. (2) Baron de Montyon, Antoine Jean Baptiste Robert Auget (1733-1820), French philanthropist. £30-50

511 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Italy, France, etc, Pilgrims Badges and medallets (approx 185), mostly 19th century but some earlier, many with the Madonna and other familiar images, including a group from Pompei (11). Varied state, but many extremely fine. (lot) £80-120

512 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Modern European Medals (9), Bronze, Panait Istrati (1884-1935), Roumanian author, 68mm; Wolfgram Prinz, Florentine Scholar, 1989, 70mm; St Petersburg, 60mm; Orient Express, Tribute, 1982, 68mm; Montmatre, 68mm; Alexander Jagiellonczyk (1501-1506), 70mm; Chateau d’Angers, 78mm; Diane de Poitiers, 59mm; French Polynesia, Tribute to President Flosse, 79mm. Extremely fine. (9) £70-90

513 MILITARY MEDALS, 1939-45 Medal, with London Fire Brigade Medals (2) and mounted Liberty Dollars (2). Very fine. (5) £20-30

514 MILITARY MEDALS, Army Meritorious Service Medal, George V, to Sgt, C. Jones, E. Surr. R. Medal has been re-named and is without ribbon, otherwise fine. £30-50

515 MILITARY MEDALS, Africa General Service Medal, to 4275 Sepoy Nandra Khan, 27th Punjabis, impressed, Somaliland 1902-04. Bar crimped, very fine. £80-100

516 MILITARY MEDALS, France, Médaille des Evadés (Prisoner of War Escape Medal) (6), yellow bronze, extremely fine, one very fine; Médaille de St Helène (2), one medal complete, the other lacking ribbon and ring, both fine; Order of the Palmes Academiques (2), both with ribbon, minor damage to enamel on one, most enamel lacking on other. (10) £150-200

517 MILITARY MEDALS, India Medal to 2290 Farrier Allah Pitta 11th British [---], Relief of Chitral 1895, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Malakand 1897. Very fine, not researched. £100-150

518 MILITARY MEDALS, General Service Medal 1918-62, to 3478 Sepoy Ghazi Khan, 52nd Sikhs, crudely impressed, Iraq, Kurdistan, unresearched. Ribbon, good very fine. £40-50

519 MILITARY MEDALS, WWI Trio to Pte H D Gill, 2nd Canadian Infantry (Eastern Ontario Regiment), together with Royal Canadian cap and shoulder badges (2), Private Gill’s book of common prayer, leather bound, damaged, and an album of photographs and research including burial report and letters from Gill, and after his death his colleagues, to his parents. An emotive collection, medals about extremely fine, documents very fine to extremely fine. Hubert de’Arze Gill, killed 13 October 1915, aged 21, buried at R E Farm cemetary, Heuvelland, West-Flanders, Belgium £120-150

520 MILITARY MEDALS, Assorted loose Second World War medals, comprising Pacific star, Italy star, 1939-45 star, Atlantic star, Africa star, 1939-45 British War Medal; Soviet Union 40th Anniversary of War’s end 1985, with relevant ribbons. Extremely fine. (7) £50-70

521 An interesting set of postcards issued by the British Museum, c.1890, illustrating the medals of Abraham & Thomas Simon, fifteen pictorial cards and an introductory card, paper dividers, contained in original card holder and priced at One Shilling. An unusual and interesting item, scarce and complete. £10-15

522 Banknotes, GREAT BRITAIN, 10-Shillings (11), serial numbers DO2N 708989 and A74N 068955-068964 (B 310); £1 (4), serial numbers DX12 333462, DX17 204729, CZ66 619475, CZ66 619476. About uncirculated. (15) £70-90

523 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Reserve Bank of India, 5-Rupees (100), Gandhi issue, ND (c.1969), green, consecutive serial nos.B22 359501-3559600, signed by L K Jha (P 68a). Stapled together in a block, mostly good extremely fine, some with a little wear. (100) £80-100

524 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Reserve Bank of India, Set of 10-Rupees (10), ND (c.1999), consecutive low serial numbers 69T 000001-000010, obv Gandhi (P 89). Uncirculated, a rare low-numbered set. (10) £70-90

525 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Reserve Bank of India, 20-Rupees (3), orange (P 61a, b, 61A), good very fine with usual pinholes; 50-Rupees (12), ND (1978), many signature varieties (P 84); 20-Rupees (11), ND (c.1975), signature varieties (P 82), generally very fine, many much better. (26) £80-100

526 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Reserve Bank of India, Set of 50-Rupees (4), ND (1975), all signature varieties (P 83), pinholes, three extremely fine; Gandhi 50-Rupees (6), ND (1997), Gandhi 20-Rupees (3) (P 90), no pinholes, about uncirculated. (13) £40-60

527 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Reserve Bank of India, 100-Rupees (80), ND (c.1975), blue-green, consecutive serial nos. AH43 638911-638990, signed by K R Puri (P 64b). Usual pinholes to left, all uncirculated or nearly so. (80) £250-300

528 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Reserve Bank of India, 100-Rupees (5), ND, purple, serial nos.AA56 560809, AA77 992723, AB61 285842, AB71 698990, AC64 691055 (P 44 (2), 45 (3)). Usual pinholes, very fine. (5) £40-60

529 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Reserve Bank of India, 100-Rupees (8), ND (c.1962), violet/purple, consecutive serial nos. AC33 978144-978151, signed by P C Bhattacharyya (P 45). Generally extremely fine. (8) £80-100

530 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Reserve Bank of India, 100-Rupees (100), ND (c.1962), blue, consecutive serial nos.AA41 490901-491000, signed by P C Bhattacharyya, Rev dam at center (P 62a). Stapled together in a block, mostly good extremely fine, the outer notes with some wear, rare as a set. (100) £500-600

531 BANKNOTES, INDIA, Princely States, a Collection of Cash Coupons from the States of India (34), c.1943-1948, various denominations and regions including Balwan, Bikanir (4), Bundi (2), Chuda (2), Indergadh, Junagadh (5), Kalat, Khairpur, Muli (2), Navalgarh, Nawalgarh (3), Sailana, Sayala (3), Vithalgadh, others (6), many very similar to postage or revenue stamps. Generally uncirculated, one torn in two and some with varying signs of wear, a very interesting and rare group. (34) After the Second World War the British Colonial coinage became in short supply and many of the Indian Native States devised their own solutions in the form of small card-currency prepared from the postage/revenue-stamp plates. Very few of these have survived since their short-run issue. £300-350

532 BANKNOTES, INDIA, NEPAL, Government of Nepal, Second Issue, 100-Mohru (or Rupees) (2), ND (1951), green, consecutive serial nos.237208, 237209, 237210, rev rhinoceros (P 7). Two pinholes to left as usual, about uncirculated, a rare running group. (3) £150-200

533 BANKNOTES, INDIA, NEPAL, Central Bank of Nepal, 100-Mohru (or Rupees) (2), ND (1960), green and brown, serial no. 091156 and 091158, rev rhinoceros (P 11). Uncirculated. (2) £70-90

534 BANKNOTES, INDIA, NEPAL, State Bank of Nepal, 100-Rupees (4), ND (1972), green, consecutive serial nos.405246-405249, rev Bhaktupur Palace (P 19). Uncirculated, only 100,000 notes issued, a rare running group. (4) £70-90

535 BANKNOTES, INDIA, PAKISTAN, State Bank of Pakistan, Haj Pilgrim Issue, 100-Rupees (6), ND (c.1975), gold, consecutive serial nos.A6 544994-544998 and A6 544210, 10-Rupees (3), ND (1978), blue, serial nos.A5 977106, A5 977113, A5 992867, obv black overprint FOR HAJ PILGRIMS FROM PAKISTAN FOR USE IN SAUDI ARABIA ONLY (P R7, R6); India, 5-Rupees, ND (1937), 10-Rupees, ND (1943) (P 18a, 24). Last two about very fine, the others extremely fine to about uncirculated, two pinholes to left as usual. (11) £150-200

536 BANKNOTES, INDIA, PAKISTAN, State Bank of Pakistan, 100-Rupees, ND (1973), blue, serial no.E381657 (P 23), 5-Rupees, ND (1951), purple, serial no.GU 691294, rev Khyber Pass (P 12); Haj Pilgrim Issue, 10-Rupees (12), ND (1978), blue, consecutive serial nos.A5 969602-969605, A5 969657-969658 and A5 969650-969651, with others A5 969649, A5 969662, A5 992864, A5 992865, obv black overprint FOR HAJ PILGRIMS FROM PAKISTAN FOR USE IN SAUDI ARABIA ONLY (P R6). First very fine, second about uncirculated, the others generally extremely fine or better, first with three pinholes to left, others with two as usual. (14) £80-100

537 BOOKS, Seaby, B A, Ltd, Seaby slides, 6 boxes of 30 slides comprising: USA Commemorative Coins (lacks 1); Byzantine Coins; European Medallic Art (2, 2nd lacks 2); Scottish Coins; English Milled Gold Coins (only 18), printed descriptions for some. This lot will only be available for viewing and collection at the office of Baldwins (11 Adelphi Terrace, London) £20-30


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