World War II Exibit Project

WW2 Museum Project 2019

Topics: See Attached Sheets

The Assignment: In groups of 1-2 students, you will be creating an exhibit to display to the class that demonstrates knowledge of a certain aspect of the war while teaches other students about your topic. You will be creating a “Learning Station” and a “Multimedia Presentation” that other students, faculty members, and administrators will visit. All “Learning Stations” will be displayed in class and will be graded on the quality of information, degree of interaction, ability to convey information, and thoroughness.

Format: You will be creating a poster that will show your information. You should organize it like a five paragraph essay. You will need to provide a basic Introduction to your exhibit that includes basic background info on your subject. (1 paragraph – 8-12 sentences with a thesis statement)

Next, the exhibit and its’ information will provide the Body of the project. You will provide essential information to your topic, display maps if necessary, provide illustrations, and include any interactive materials that augment your display. This should be broken up by topic like the body paragraphs of an essay. There should be a minimum of sections that all have multiple paragraphs.

Lastly, you will provide a list of things that someone should learn by the time they have completed your learning station, or a Conclusion. This should be a general overview of your project and will wrap up your project

You will be required to write 3 Questions about your exhibit that others students will have to answer. The answers should not be simply in the summary of your project.

Type of Exhibit: There are many ways to present information for this project. Each group will have to provide a color poster AND a multimedia presentation to fulfill the basic requirements to earn a “C” grade. You need to provide Pictures and drawings, along with type-written text. Beyond this, there are a variety of options that will raise a group’s grade to a B or A.

Be prepared to include one of the following with your project

Infographics: You will provide 6 pieces of information in graphic form that will easily convey information to anyone who comes to your display. These six illustrations can be about any aspect of your project but must be divided up and placed onto all 3 panels of your poster. Infographics must not be larger than a half sheet of paper (5.5” x 8.5”) per single illustration.

Audio Clips: Provide recordings that are appropriate to your topic and be prepared to provide a way to play and listen to the materials due to the limited resources of the Social Studies Department.

Video Clip: You will provide a video clip from a documentary, news source, movie, or student produced video to augment your exhibit. Please keep clips to under 2 minutes because of time constraints.

Misc. Objects: Provide models, uniforms, 3-D maps, and other items that are appropriate to your exhibit.

Grading: The “Exhibit” will be worth a total of 125 points

Poster: 50 Points

Multimedia 50 Points

Questions: 10 Points

Interactive Part: 15 Points

Due Date: 7:45 am _________________

Any later will result in the loss of a full grade on the project

Powerpoint Rubric

|ACTIVITY |Exemplary |Proficient |Partially Proficient |Incomplete |POINTS |

|Preproduction Plan - |6 points |4 points |2 points |0 points |  |

|Storyboard | | | | | |

|  |The storyboard |The thumbnail sketches |The thumbnail sketches |There a very few | |

| |illustrates the slide |on the storyboard |on the storyboard are |thumbnail sketches on | |

| |presentation structure |include titles and text |not in a logical |the storyboard and do | |

| |with thumbnail sketches|for each slide and are |sequence and have |not provide an overview| |

| |of each slide |in sequential order. |incomplete information. |of the presentation. | |

| |including: title of | | | | |

| |slide, text, background| | | | |

| |color, placement & size| | | | |

| |of graphic, fonts - | | | | |

| |color, size, type for | | | | |

| |text and headings, | | | | |

| |hyperlinks (list URLs | | | | |

| |of any site linked from| | | | |

| |the slide), narration | | | | |

| |text, and audio files | | | | |

| |(if any). All slides | | | | |

| |are numbered, and there| | | | |

| |is a logical sequence | | | | |

| |to the presentation. | | | | |

|Introduction |3 points |2 points |1 point |0 points |  |

| | | | | | |

| |The introduction |The introduction is |The introduction shows |The introduction does | |

| |presents the overall |clear and coherent and |some structure but does |not orient the audience| |

| |topic and draws the |relates to the topic. |not create a strong |to what will follow. | |

| |audience into the | |sense of what is to |The sequencing is | |

| |presentation with | |follow. May be overly |unclear and does not | |

| |compelling questions or| |detailed or incomplete |appear interesting or | |

| |by relating to the | |and is somewhat |relevant to the | |

| |audience's interests or| |appealing to the |audience. | |

| |goals. | |audience. | | |

|Content |10 points |8 points |6 points |0 points |  |

| | | | | | |

| |The content is written |The content is written |The content is vague in |The content lacks a | |

| |clearly and concisely |with a logical |conveying a point of |clear point of view and| |

| |with a logical |progression of ideas and|view and does not create|logical sequence of | |

| |progression of ideas |supporting information. |a strong sense of |information. | |

| |and supporting |Includes persuasive |purpose. |Includes little | |

| |information. |information from |Includes some persuasive|persuasive information | |

| |The project includes |reliable sources. |information with few |and only one or two | |

| |motivating questions | |facts. |facts about the topic. | |

| |and advanced | |Some of the information |Information is | |

| |organizers. The project| |may not seem to fit. |incomplete, out of date| |

| |gives the audience a | |Sources used appear |and/or incorrect. | |

| |clear sense of the | |unreliable. |Sequencing of ideas is | |

| |project’s main idea. | | |unclear. | |

| |Information is | | | | |

| |accurate, current and | | | | |

| |comes mainly from * | | | | |

| |primary sources. | | | | |

|Text Elements |3 points |2 points |1 point |0 points |  |

| | | | | | |

| |The fonts are |Sometimes the fonts are |Overall readability is |The text is extremely | |

| |easy-to-read and point |easy-to-read, but in a |difficult with lengthy |difficult to read with | |

| |size varies |few places the use of |paragraphs, too many |long blocks of  text | |

| |appropriately for |fonts, italics, bold, |different fonts, dark or|and small point size of| |

| |headings and text. |long paragraphs, color |busy background, overuse|fonts, inappropriate | |

| |Use of italics, bold, |or busy background |of bold or lack of |contrasting colors, | |

| |and indentations |detracts and does not |appropriate indentations|poor use of headings, | |

| |enhances readability. |enhance readability. |of text. |subheadings, | |

| |Text is appropriate in | | |indentations, or bold | |

| |length for the target | | |formatting. | |

| |audience and to the | | | | |

| |point. | | | | |

| |The background and | | | | |

| |colors enhance the | | | | |

| |readability of text. | | | | |

|Layout |3 points |2 points |1 point |0 points |  |

| | | | | | |

| |The layout is visually |The layout uses |The layout shows some |The layout is | |

| |pleasing and |horizontal and vertical |structure, but appears |cluttered, confusing, | |

| |contributes to the |white  space |cluttered and busy or |and does not  use | |

| |overall message with |appropriately. |distracting with large |spacing, headings and | |

| |appropriate use of | |gaps of white space or |subheadings to enhance | |

| |headings, subheadings | |uses a distracting |the readability. | |

| |and white space. | |background. | | |

|Citations |6 points |4 points |2 points |0 points |  |

| | | | | | |

| |Sources of information |Most sources of |Sometimes copyright |No way to check | |

| |are properly cited so |information use proper |guidelines are followed |validity of | |

| |that the audience can |MLA citation, and |and some information, |information. | |

| |determine the |sources are documented  |photos and graphics do | | |

| |credibility and |to make it possible to |not use proper MLA | | |

| |authority of the |check on the accuracy of|citations. | | |

| |information presented. |information. | | | |

| | |  | | | |

|Graphics, Sound |3 points |2 points |1 point |0 points |  |

|and/or Animation | | | | | |

| |The graphics, sound |The graphics, sound/and |Some of the graphics, |The graphics, sounds, | |

| |and/or animation assist|or animation visually |sounds, and/or |and/or animations are | |

| |in presenting an |depict material and |animations seem |unrelated to the | |

| |overall theme and |assist the audience in |unrelated to the |content. | |

| |enhance understanding |understanding the flow |topic/theme and do not |Graphics do not enhance| |

| |of concept, ideas and |of information or |enhance the overall |understanding of the | |

| |relationships. |content. |concepts. |content, or are | |

| |Original images are |Original images are |Most images are clipart |distracting decorations| |

| |created using proper |used. |or recycled from the |that create a busy | |

| |size and resolution, |Images are proper size, |WWW. |feeling and detract | |

| |and all images enhance |resolution. |Images are too |from the content. | |

| |the content. | |large/small in size. | | |

| |There is a consistent | |Images are poorly | | |

| |visual theme. | |cropped or the | | |

| | | |color/resolution is | | |

| | | |fuzzy. | | |

|Writing Mechanics |8 points |6 points |4 points |0 points |  |

| | | | | | |

| |The text is written |The text is clearly |Spelling, punctuation, |Errors in spelling, | |

| |with no errors in |written with little or |and grammar errors |capitalization, | |

| |grammar, |no editing required for |distract or impair |punctuation, usage and | |

| |capitalization, |grammar, punctuation, |readability. |grammar repeatedly | |

| |punctuation, and |and spelling. |(3 or more errors) |distract the reader and| |

| |spelling. | | |major editing and | |

| | | | |revision is required. | |

| | | | |(more than 5 errors) | |

|TOTAL POINTS |     /50 |

|Poster Rubric |

|CATEGORY |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |

|  |6 |4 |2 |1 |

|Content - Accuracy |Includes multiple pieces of|Includes several pieces of |Includes information from |Content not clearly |

| |information from texts read|information from texts read |texts read. Quotations |presented. Includes |

| |and outside research. |and outside research. |incorporated. |information from texts read. |

| |Informative quotations |Quotations incorporated. | | |

| |incorporated. | | | |

|  |8 |6 |4 |2 |

|Quality of Information |Information clearly relates|Information clearly relates |Information clearly |Information has little or |

| |to the main topic. It |to the main topic. It |relates to the main topic.|nothing to do with the main |

| |includes several supporting|provides 1-2 supporting |No details and/or examples|topic. |

| |details and/or examples. |details and/or examples. |are given. | |

|  |6 |4 |2 |1 |

|Grammar |There are no grammatical |There is 1 grammatical |There are 2 grammatical |There are more than 2 |

| |mistakes on the poster. |mistake on the poster. |mistakes on the poster. |grammatical mistakes on the |

| | | | |poster. |

|  |6 |4 |2 |1 |

|Mechanics |Capitalization and |There is 1 error in |There are 2 errors in |There are more than 2 errors |

| |punctuation are correct |capitalization or |capitalization or |in capitalization or |

| |throughout the poster. |punctuation. |punctuation. |punctuation. |

|  |6 |4 |2 |1 |

|Attractiveness |The poster is exceptionally|The poster is attractive in |The poster is acceptably |The poster is distractingly |

| |attractive in terms of |terms of design, layout and |attractive though it may |messy or very poorly |

| |design, layout, and |neatness. |be a bit messy. |designed. It is not |

| |neatness. | | |attractive. |

|  |6 |4 |2 |1 |

|Documentation |You have properly |You have properly documented|You have properly |You have not properly |

| |documented 4 or more good |less than 4 good sources for|documented less than 4 |documented the sources for |

| |sources for your topic. |your topic. |sources for your topic, |your topic and the sources |

| | | |some of which are weak. |are too few or inappropriate.|

|  |6 |4 |2 |1 |

|Organization |Information is very |Information is organized |Information is organized |The information appears to be|

| |organized with |with well-constructed |with but paragraphs are |disorganized. |

| |well-constructed paragraphs|paragraphs. |not well-constructed. | |

| |and subheadings. | | | |

|  |6 |4 |2 |1 |

|Use of Class Time |Used time well during each |Used time well during each |Used some of the time well|Did not use class time to |

| |class period. Focused on |class period. Usually |during each class period. |focus on the project OR often|

| |getting the project done. |focused on getting the |There was some focus on |distracted others |

| |Never distracted others. |project done and never |getting the project done | |

| | |distracted others. |but occasionally | |

| | | |distracted others. | |



HarryTruman (USA)

Winston Churchill (GBR)

Joseph Stalin (USSR)

Adolf Hitler (GER)

Benito Mussolini (ITA)

Emperor Hirohito (JPN)

Hideiki Tojo (JPN)

Charles De Gaulle (FRA)

Heinrich Himmler (GER)

Rudolf Hess (GER)


Dwight Eisenhower (USA)

Douglas MacArthur (USA)

Erwin Rommel (GER)

Admiral Yamamoto (JPN)


Anne Frank

Night of the Broken Glass

Dr. Mengele

Life in Concentration Camps



Treatment of Jews in Germany

Japanese Treatment of Chinese

Rape of Nanking


Drafting of Soldiers

Conservation of Materials

Women in America

Celebrities in World War 2

World War II in Film

Tuskeegee Airmen


Dr. Seuss Posters

Disney Cartoons

Warner Brothers Cartoons

Private Snafu

Super Heroes vs. the Nazis

(Wonder Woman, Superman, Capt. America)

Rosie the Riveter


Battle of Midway

Battle of Guadalcanal

Battle on Iwo Jima

Fire Bombing of Tokyo

Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of the Bulge

Battles in North Africa

Pearl Harbor


Battle of Dunkirk

Battle of Britain

Fire Bombing of Dresden

Battle of the Coral Sea

Battle of the Philippine Sea




Manhattan Project




American Planes

British Planes

Japanese Planes

German Tanks

American Tanks

American Warships

Japanese Warships

American Guns and Artillery

British Guns and Artillery

Japanese Guns and Artillery

German Guns and Artillery

German U-Boats

V-1 and V-2 Rocket Program


Hitler’s Bunker

Hitler Youth




Bataan Death March

Vichy Government France

Spanish Civil War

Lend-Lease Program

Marshall Plan


Mein Kampf

Nazi Party




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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