World War 2 Test Questions.docx - Head Gasket Sealer

1. During World War II, women and minorities made economic gains mainly becausea. new civil rights legislation forced businesses to change their hiring practicesb. labor unions successfully demanded equal opportunities for these groupsc. a shortage of traditional labor created new opportunities in the workplaced. more educational opportunities increased the number of skilled workers in these groups2. President Harry Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs against Japan was primarily based on his belief thata. Germany would refuse to surrender in Europeb. an alliance was developing between Japan and the Soviet Unionc. Japan was in the process of developing its own atomic weaponsd. an invasion of Japan would result in excessive casualties3. Which action best illustrates the policy of isolationism followed by the United States before it entered World War II?a. signing of a collective security pact with Latin American nationsb. passage of neutrality legislation forbidding arms sales to warring nationsc. embargo on the sale of gasoline and steel to Japand. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s exchange of American destroyers for British naval and air bases4. Read the quotes below. Speaker A:”We must take action even if we are not sure it will work. To do nothing to stop them would be a repeat of the Munich mistake.”Speaker B:”We must recognize the increasing interdependence of nations and join the United Nations.”Speaker C:”Stopping the spread of communism can and must take several forms. We must be willing to do whatever is necessary.”Speaker D:”Involvement in European affairs would be a mistake. We should not jeopardize our peace and prosperity over issues that Europe’s ambitions and rivalries control.”The “Munich mistake” mentioned by speaker A refers to a policy ofa. interdependenceb. appeasementc. balance of powerd. collective security5. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 is an illustration of thea. impact a single event can have on public opinion a time of crisisb. effectiveness of a policy of appeasement in stopping aggressionc. success of the pacifist movement in the United Statesd. role of communism as a negative influence in global affairs6. Which statement identifies a change in American society during World War II?a. Economic opportunities for women increasedb. Government regulation of the economy decreased.c. The Great Depression worsened.d. Racial tensions were eliminated.7. During World War II, the poster below was used toa. promote women’s suffrageb. encourage women to serve in the armed forcesc. recruit women into wartime industriesd. support higher education for women8. During World War II, this poster was used primarily to a. contain the spread of communismb. create jobs for the unemployedc. convince women to fill vacant factory jobsd. gain financial support for the war9. During World War II, the federal government used rationing toa. hold down prices of military weaponsb. increase educational benefits for veteransc. increase imports of scarce productsd. provide more resources for the military10. Read the quotes below. Speaker A: “The current situation has necessitated that more women enter the workforce.”Speaker B: “My family will have to get along without sugar and flour this week.”Speaker C: “I say we should continue to support our president, even if a president has never been elected to four terms before now.”Speaker D: “I support the government in everything it has to do, to be sure we are safe from fascism here at home.” Which situation is Speaker B describing?a. destruction of crops during wartimeb. need for importation of food productsc. food rationing to support a war effortd. limitation of agricultural production through farm subsidies11. Shortly after entering World War II, the United States began the Manhattan Project toa. work on the development of an atomic bombb. increase economic production to meet wartime demandsc. defend New York City against a nuclear attackd. recruit men for the military services12. At the beginning of World War II, national debate focused on whether the United States should continue the policy ofa. coexistenceb. isolationismc. imperialismd. containment“Arms Sales to Warring Nations Banned” “Americans Forbidden to Travel on Ships of Warring Nations” “Loans to Nations at War Forbidden” “War Materials Sold Only on Cash-and-Carry Basis” 13. These headlines from the 1930s reflect the efforts of the United States to a. maintain freedom of the seasb. send military supplies to the League of Nationsc. limit the spread of international communismd. avoid participation in European wars14. A main purpose of government-ordered rationing during World War II was toa. increase foreign tradeb. limit the growth of industryc. conserve raw materials for the war effortd. encourage women to enter the workforce15. This World War II cartoon was used to encourage Americans toa. buy war bondsb. conserve natural resourcesc. serve in the armed forcesd. work in war industries16. In 1939, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany as a direct result of what German action?a. Occupation of the Rhinelandb. Invasion of the Soviet Unionc. Invasion of Polandd. Seizure of France 17. Which dictator fits the descriptions below?He gained control in Germany in large part because of the conditions in post‐war Germany created by the Treaty of Versailles.He ordered the mass executions of millions of Jew in his “Final Solution.”This leader committed suicide in a Berlin bunker before the Allies could capture him.a. Adolf Hitler b. Joseph Stalinc. Benito Mussolini d. General Tojo18. To help pay for World War II, the United States government relied heavily on thea. money borrowed from foreign governmentsb. sale of war bondsc. sale of United States manufactured goods to neutral nationsd. printing of additional paper money19. Which of the following events during World War II brought the United States into WWII?a. The D‐Day invasion of Normandyb. Germany’s invasion of Polandc. Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbord. Nazi Germany’s treatment of the Jewish people20. The Holocaust is an example of what global issue?a. Conflict between political partiesb. Violation of human rightsc. Limited technological developmentd. Geography’s influence on culture21. Which was a major justification used by Japan for empire building in the 1930s and 1940s?a. Revenging attacks by aggressive neighborsb. Promoting immigration of foreignersc. Spreading the Buddhist religiond. Obtaining food and raw materials22. “Seventy thousand people were killed instantly, and many more would die –60,000 by November and other 70,000 by 1950. Most of them would be victims of a new method of killing—radiation.”What is being described in above passage?a. Blitzkrieg of Poland by the Nazi armyb. Attack on Pearl Harborc. Bombing of Hiroshimad. D‐Day invasion of Normandy23. Which of the following terms is best used to describe the Holocaust?a. Genocide b. Fascismc. Homicide d. Racism24. Which forces made up the Axis powers?a. Japan, France, and Germanyb. Great Britain, France, United Statesc. Japan, Italy, Germanyd. Japan, Soviet Union, Germany25. Germany’s strategy of launching a “lightning war” was referred to as a what?a. Holocaustb. Luftwaffec. Blitzkriegd. Kristallnacht26. During World War II, which event occurred last?a. United States bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki b. Russian defense of Stalingradc. German invasion of Polandd. Japanese invasion of Manchuria27. Read the quotes below. Speaker A: “The use of the bomb shortened the war and saved American lives.” Speaker B: “The United States might have been able to force the Japanese to surrender simply by demonstrating the power of the bomb on a deserted island.” Speaker C: “The use of the bomb was justified because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.” Speaker D: “In Hiroshima, the bomb instantly incinerated more than 60,000 people. Most were civilians.” Which speakers hold the view that using the bomb was an appropriate military action?a. A and Bb. A and Cc. B and Cd. B and D28. In waging war against Japan, the United States relied mainly on a strategy of?a. heavy bombing from Chinese air bases.b. "island hopping" from the South Pacific to within striking distance of Japan.c. invading Japanese strongholds in Southeast Asia.d. fortifying China by transporting supplies from India over the Himalayan "hump."29. This agreement gave Hitler an insurance policy against a two-front war.a. the German-Czechoslovakia Treaty of 1921b. the German-Italian Munich Pactc. the German-Russian War Agreementd. the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 30. Which of the following factors contributed to early German success in invading the Soviet Union?a. Stalin’s disbelief that Hitler would violate their non-aggression agreement.b. the welcomed invasion of the Germans by the Russian peoplec. the quick destruction of Soviet military defenses.d. the power of blitzkrieg31. Operation Barbarossa was the name given to which country’s invasion of the Soviet Union?a. Japanb. Italyc. Germanyd. France32. The D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944 by the Allied forces was aimed at liberating Europe by landing in which nation?a. Franceb. Hollandc. Great Britaind. Italy33. Which dictator ruled the Soviet Union before, during and after WWII?a. Leninb. Trotskyc. Stalind. Khrushchev34. The German blitzkrieg referred to a. an elaborate series of concrete bunkers and trenches that originated in World War 1.b. the policy of racial extermination carried out against Jews and other minorities by the Nazis during WW2. c. the military tactic designed to surprise and create disorganization among enemy forces. d. the living space in eastern Europe needed for an overpopulated Germany“Nuremberg Laws Take Away Jewish Citizenship in Germany”“Synagogues and Jewish-Owned Businesses Destroyed Across Germany” “Mass Extermination of Jewish People, Other Victims at Auschwitz”35. These headlines are most directly associated with thea. German blitzkriegb. Holocaustc. Manhattan Projectd. German-Soviet Non-Aggression PactAnswer: B36. What event led to a decisive shift away from isolationism in the United States?a. the Battle of Britainb. the discovery of Auschwitxc. the sinking of American ships by German submarinesd. the attack on Pearl Harbor37. The Nazi campaign to imprison inferior people included which of the following targets?a. Jews and Aryansb. Jews and Italiansc. Jews, homosexuals, disabled people, Poles, Slavs and Gypsiesd. citizens of all the Allied countries38. When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, hea. threatened the alliance that had been formed among the Axis Powers.b. broke the German-Soviet nonaggression pact.c. felt invincible due to recent victories over the Allies.d. hoped to draw the United States into war.39. What is one reason the Holocaust is considered a unique event in modern history?a. Jews have seldom been victims of persecution.b. it was planned in great detailed and required the cooperation of many people.c. Hitler concealed his anti-Jewish feelings.d. Civilians were rarely targeted during global conflicts. ................

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