Global History II – Sautner

Major Events of World War II

|Event |Significance |

|Invasion of Poland, |Hitler uses blitzkrieg (lightning war) to conquer Poland in about a month using fast-moving airplanes and tanks,|

|Sept. 1939 – Oct. 1939 |followed by massive infantry forces. Due to this invasion, England and France declare war on Germany. |


|WORLD WAR II BEGINS !! |(England and France) (Germany, Italy, Japan) |

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|United States, Sept. 1939 |Cash and carry policy is instituted by U.S. – the Allies were allowed to buy American arms – the Allies would |

| |pay cash and then carry the goods on their own ships. |

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|Phony War (sitzkrieg), |French sat behind their supposedly impenetrable Maginot Line ( a series of fortresses on German and French |

|Oct- 1939-April 1940 |border) waiting for the Germans to attack- at the same time Germany was secretly planning a spring offensive. |

|Europe, April –June 1940 |Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg fall to the Nazi invasion. Nazis outflank the Maginot|

| |Line and defeat France in six weeks. |

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|Battle of Britain, 1940-41 |German Luftwaffe’s (Air Force) attempt to destroy Britain’s defenses prior to a cross-Channel invasion; Royal |

|(London Blitz) |Air Force (RAF) use of radar made daylight raids too dangerous forcing the Luftwaffe to resort to night attack. |

| |Despite the massive destruction from the heavy bombing campaign, Britain does not surrender and grows more |

| |determined to defeat the Nazis. |

|United States, 1941 |F.D.R. convinced Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act becoming the “arsenal of democracy” – supplying Great |

| |Britain with arms |

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|Europe, March – May 1941 |Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania join the Axis powers and Hitler takes |

| |over Yugoslavia and Greece. |

|Operation Barbarossa – |Germany invades the Soviet Union. Soviet Union enters the war on the side of the Allies. |

|June 1941 | |

| |Early in the morning of June 22, 1941, the roar of German tanks and aircraft announced the beginning of the |

| |invasion. Because of the Nonaggression Pact, Stalin was caught completely off guard, and the German army |

| |quickly pushed 500 miles into the Soviet Union. As the Soviet troops retreated, they burned and destroyed |

| |everything in the enemy’s path. It was the same scorched-earth policy the Russians had used against Napoleon |

| |130 years earlier. |

| |By September, the German forces put the city of Leningrad (formerly St. Petersburg) under siege. They |

| |completely cut it off from the rest of the Soviet Union, starving the city’s 2.5 million inhabitants. Desperate|

| |and hungry, the Russians in Leningrad began eating cattle and horse feed, as well as cats and dogs, and then |

| |finally, crows and rats, just to survive. Still, the city refused to fall. Impatient, Hitler sent his troops |

| |further inland to Moscow, despite the incoming winter. It was a replay of Napoleon’s invasion hundred years |

| |earlier. Hitler issued the orders, “No Retreat!” to his armies. |

1. Why did Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union catch Stalin off guard and unprepared?


2. Predict what you think will happen as Hitler continues to try and overrun Russia. Support your answer using a specific comparison to something you have previously learned about.


Major Turning Points and Key Events in World War II

|*Pearl Harbor, USA December 7, 1941 |Japan attacks a Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The US enters the War on the side of the Allies. |

|*Battle of Midway, 1942 |US defeats the Japanese and regains Naval superiority in the Pacific |

|*Battle of Stalingrad |The German invasion of the USSR began in June of 1942 with Hitler’s expectation to complete his Russian campaign|

|1942-43 |in 10 weeks. The Russian winter created supply problems for the Germans and the Soviet counterattack led to the |

| |eventual loss of nearly 300,000 Germans. |

|*North Africa 1940-43 |British defeat of Italian soldiers in East Africa by February 1941 led Germans to send the “Desert Fox,” Erwin |

|Battle of El Alamein |Rommel’s, tank divisions to push the British back to Egypt and threaten the Suez passage. British General |

| |Montgomery of England defeated Rommel’s forces at El-Alamein, opening the way for an Allied invasion of the |

| |Western part of North Africa. The Axis forces surrender their African lands in 1943. |

|*D-Day Invasion |The Normandy invasion of France led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, was the largest air, land, and sea invasion|

|June 6, 1944 |ever undertaken. The Allied invasion included over 5,000 ships, 10,000 planes and 250,000 service men. Despite |

| |nearly 10,000 casualties and over 6,600 deaths, the Allies win and begin their campaign to push the Germans back|

| |to Berlin. |

|Battle of the Bulge, 1944 |A surprisingly strong response by the Germans in the Ardennes forest of Belgium slows the Allied advance toward |

| |Germany. |

|1944-45 in the Pacific |Bitter fighting in the Pacific as the Allies continue the “island hopping” campaign, costs thousands of American|

| |lives. The key battles were at Leyte, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. |

|*Spring, 1945 |Following FDR’s death and Hitler’s suicide, the Germans surrendered to the Allies on May 8, 1945 (V-E Day – |

| |Victory in Europe) |

|*August 6, 1945 |The Manhattan Project becomes a reality: US drops an atomic bomb (uranium based – “Little Boy”) on the Japanese |

| |city of Hiroshima killing nearly 75,000 people immediately and exposing thousands of others to deadly amounts of|

| |radiation. |

|*August 9, 1945 |US drops an atomic bomb (plutonium based – “Fat Man”) on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, killing nearly 50,000 |

| |people immediately and exposing thousands of others to deadly amounts of radiation. |

|*August 15, 1945 |Japanese Emperor Hirohito announces Japan’s defeat to the Japanese people. This become V-J Day (Victory in |

| |Japan). |


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