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For Immediate Release:

New Witnesses to Hitler’s escape emerge as “Grey Wolf” goes International.

In Argentina, The United States and in London, new evidence to the survival of Adolf Hitler after WW2 has begun to appear following the publication of the book, “Grey Wolf -The escape of Adolf Hitler ”.

Information from multiple sources has backed up the Authors’ claims that Hitler escaped to Argentina, and did not die in his Berlin bunker.

In Argentina, two residents of Rio Negro province have given further details of the arrival of Nazis at the San Ramon Estancia outside San Carlos De Bariloche. Both have spoken of their parents waiting on senior Nazis, including Hitler and his Mistress Eva Braun, at the Nazi-owned property in 1945, and later at a property known as “Inalco” near to Villa Angostura on Lake Nahuel Hapi.

A retired American business man who spent many years in South America, who has only identified himself as “John” has offered new details of what he says was Hitler’s funeral near Bariloche in Argentina in 1958.

He told “Grey Wolf “ authors, Gerrard Williams and Simon Dunstan, that a friend of his - a property developer from Patagonia - had been a young policeman in the area at the time.

“In 1958, at the age of 21, he got a call from his father who was a local government official to say a rich German land owner had died and the airport (nothing more than a gravel track in a field) was going to be very busy. He was told to get everybody with a car in the town to the strip and as the planes landed drive the passengers to the dead landowners ranch. Being the youngest and newest on the force he had to stay at the airport to make sure there was a constant supply of vehicles for the arriving dignitaries.

Over the evening and night he counted 12 planes and a Helicopter, many with military markings.

A truck arrived with about 10 soldiers and they took charge of the field and a small out building.

One of the soldiers came to him and told to leave, go back to the town and meet his father at the train station.

They then drove to the ranch and his father told him that he and another police officer were to stand guard at the front entrance of the main house and not to move under any circumstances.

A party was in full swing when he arrived, lots of singing, lots of German songs, lots of food, lots of beer, and lots of Germans.

The man standing guard with him was also new to the force, but came from a wealthy family and was very excited to be at the ranch. He asked him why? “He was a famous Nazi, We might see the body. I brought my father’s camera just in case.

As the night went on the Germans got more and more drunk, he could see in through the windows, he could also see where the body was, between the kitchen and living room.

Towards dawn the Germans were either asleep or had left. The house was quiet and his colleague decided to get a picture of “a famous Nazi”. He went in, took the picture, and a few hours later the two young police were replaced by two soldiers.

A few days later the Germans left, the Nazi was buried, and things got back to normal.”

“John” said his friend forgot about the photo until a few weeks later a letter arrived from his colleague who had moved to Buenos Aires with a note saying, “A picture of a dead Nazi.”

“John” told the authors that many years later he was at a private meeting with the now property-developer. “He was sitting across from me in a big empty boardroom, he takes out his wallet and across the table he throws a laminated photo to me. I look down, and it's not often I'm caught for words, but Adolf Hitler was looking back at me, older, lots of wrinkles, grey hair, his face was very thin, even though a sheet was up to his chin and the photo wasn't the best, you could see who it was. He said he showed it to many people but most think it's a fake, he doesn’t tell the story behind it too often.”

Williams said, “ We are trying to get more details from ”John” so that we can check the veracity of his information. Currently we believe Hitler died in February 1962, but are completely open to any information that will help us get to the final truth about this incredible story. We have been approached by many people with “theories” and “ideas” of what might have happened, but in the hunt for “Grey Wolf” we have dealt only with the facts and will continue the

investigation as new information is presented. John’s information is interesting, but needs to be checked in detail.”

Further supporting testimony for the daring escape from a devastated Berlin has come from a British man who was told of Hitler’s flight by a senior German Airforce officer almost 15 years ago. Mr Joe Potter, an amateur aviation archaeologist told the authors, “I was told this same story back in August 1997, by a 77-year old former Oberleutnant in the Luftwaffe, at the time I was very sceptical, but now! This guy was Heinz-Georg Möllenbrok, a real dinosaur, who really worshiped AH, his most treasured possession was a photo he had of himself with AH when he was in the Hitler Youth in 1936 or 7, he would always say that AH was betrayed by the Army Generals. He stayed with us for several days in August 1997, this was in relation to a Luftwaffe grave that I had identified in our local cemetery.”

Potter remembered, “Heinz was an accomplished artist, he showed me a portrait of AH in his later years that he had drawn without the traditional moustache, as to if this was from his imagination, or not, I have no idea, the only thing that I can remember about it was the eyes, there was something that I found very disturbing about them.”

Potter told the Authors, “I remember this very well as it was the eve of Princess Diana's death, he told me that AH had died in Argentina in 1962. I was staggered and dismissive, but he was insistent about Fuerteventura being very important, Sad to say I was not really listening and thought it was just a fairytale, how wrong was I? Heinz passed away about two or three years ago, but was fairly well known in the Luftwaffe historical fraternity in the UK.” According to Williams and Dunstan’s research, the Canary Island of Fuerteventura was where Hitler and his party met with a group of three U-boats from “Operation Seewulf” that would deliver the fleeing Fuhrer to the Argentine coast 53 days later in June 1945.

Möllenbrok’s testimony has been further backed up by new research by the authors which shows Japan’s top surviving diplomat in Berlin, later interviewed by US officers in Tokyo, also declared under interrogation that Hitler had escaped, by Aircraft, from Berlin.

But the most incredible revelations have come from a 78 year-old Argentine currently living in London.

Contacted at his London home Gerrard Williams said, “This man, who we have interviewed extensively, has described two separate occasions in 1953 and in 1956 when as a young man he waited on Hitler at a private dining room in Buenos Aires at a Hotel run by the Argentine Navy in the centre of the Capital. His description of the aging Führer fits very closely with those of other witnesses in Argentina from the time. The witness, who remains in fear of his life, currently wishes to remain anonymous. “

Williams said the man also confirmed the presence of Martin Bormann, Hitler’s deputy and the man the authors credit with masterminding the Nazi’s escape plan, in Buenos Aires. “I asked him to describe Bormann and he looked at me carefully. He said that Bormann looked a lot like me but was a little ‘skinnier.’ This is the second time I have been compared with the Nuremburg convicted War Criminal Bormann. The first was in Argentina when I interviewed the former personal police-guard to President Juan Domingo Peron, Jorge Collotto. Collotto, whose detailed testimony is contained within “Grey Wolf”, also told me I bore more than a passing resemblance to Bormann. “

Williams describes the corroboration of Bormann’s presence in Buenos Aires in the 1950’s, and his similarity to the Nazi, as “scary.”

The Journalist and Author said the details of Hitler’s presence in Buenos Aires are currently being thoroughly checked.

“We know the restaurant in the Hotel was run by a wanted Vichy war criminal who escaped France under sentence of death. This man, a Corsican who always carried a gun, had been an Hotelier or Restaurateur in occupied Paris and had collaborated extensively with the Nazis. In Buenos Aires he was involved in the Bormann Organisation and aspects of organised crime including possibly Heroin smuggling and Bank robberies. “

The witness has also described Hitler’s wife as being present in the hotel before one of the dinners in which he waited upon the escaped Nazi Leader.

Williams said, “ He told us there was a group of ladies for tea, and he had been told by his Corsican boss to be very careful with these woman because they were all related to these people. “

“He told us that Eva Hitler was about 40, not pretty, semi –pretty, very reserved and very demanding, she gave ‘strong’ orders, and was dressed in the fashion of the time. She was the boss there.”

Williams said the witness had presented many details of other Nazis and senior Argentine officials – including two men who would go onto run the murderous Junta of the 1970’s – in videotaped testimony.

The interview forms part of an extensive documentary programme looking at the information presented by Williams and Dunstan due to be aired in February 2012.

Williams said, “ The publication of Grey Wolf was never going to be the end to this story. All we ever wanted to do was find out the truth about the end of one of the worst and most evil men in History. The new information we are receiving needs to be thoroughly checked, but as with the information in the book, it is compelling. We may not have got all the details of Hitler’s escape correct so far, but one thing is certain, he did escape.”

“Grey Wolf – The Escape of Adolf Hitler” is published by Sterling publishing Inc. and is currently available in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and worldwide as an English-language hardback. The book has been sold in a further 8 countries and negotiations for the hardback rights are continuing in a further 10 territories.

For further information contact:

Gerrard Williams

e-mail Williamsgerrard@

Tel: (+44) (0)7704638542


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