Post War - Community Unit School District 200

Post War

1. After WW2, the U.S. and the Allies tried to prevent ___________ and have world ___________. At _____________, the leaders of _________ Germany were put on trial for war crimes. Germany was _______________ into four zones controlled by ____________, _________________, _________________ and ______________. The city of _________________ was also divided in this manner. Japan was controlled by ________________. General __________________ was in charge of Japan.

2. A world government called _____________________________ was created in New York. All nations met in the ______________________ to discuss problems of the world. This institution also has a ____________ council to stop future wars. These five nations of ______________, _________________, ______________, ______________ and ___________________ were on the council. Any member of the council can stop any action with their power of ________________.

3. Competition between the nations of the ____________________ and the _______________________ grew. The U.S. had a government based on _______________ and an economic system known as _________________. The Russian system was known as _______________________. The U.S. wanted the nations of Eastern Europe to ___________ for their own forms of ________________. Despite promises made at the _______________ conference, The Soviet leaders did not allow these elections in the areas held by the Soviets. The Soviets announced that these nations would have ____________ governments.

4. In 1948, the Russians ______________________ the city of Berlin. The Allies used an ____________________ to bring supplies to the city. This growing competition for recovering Europe became known as a ________________________. The U.S. used money to help rebuild Europe. This action was known as the ______________ plan. The U.S. formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization also know as _________. The U.S.S.R. responded with an alliance called the ___________ Pact.

5. __________________ was also spreading in the far east. In China, ________________ led a revolution. In 1949, the Chinese Nationalists were driven to the island of __________________. The U.S. refused to recognize this new ___________ in China. In 1950, __________________ and __________________ helped organize an attack on South Korea from _____________________. President ________________ called on General ________________ to take a stand against the communist. The president wanted to keep this conflict a _______________ war. The General wanted to expand the war into _____________. The Cold War had turned hot.


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