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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Vol. 135 | No. 89 Rack?50?/Delivery?39?

Construction yet to start on city/U of M tennis center

TOM BAILEY Courtesy of The Daily Memphian

Construction bids for the shared, $19 million City of Memphis/University of Memphis tennis center should be submitted this month, city officials said.

When city and U of M officials

announced plans last August to enlarge and renovate the city's Leftwich Tennis Center at 4145 Southern Ave., they said construction would start in fall 2019.

Now, in June 2020, construction still has not started.

The men's and women's Tiger

teams do not have locations locked down for next season's play.

But both teams "will continue to utilize what city facilities they can for practices," said Ryan Thiele, U of M graduate assistant in athletic communications.

"This past season, the men played home matches at MUS (Memphis University School), and the women played primarily at Eldon Roarke Tennis Center" in Whitehaven, Thiele said.

"For practice, they split time between MUS, Eldon Roarke and

Bellevue Tennis Center." Lef t w ich Tennis Center,

which is just a mile east of the U of M campus, has been closed since the city's Safer at Home closings responding to COVID-19


Schools, universities adapt to social distance learning

At St. George's Independent School, Gil Brandon, assistant head of school for institutional advance, measured a desk on Friday, June 11, that will be removed to create the necessary space for social distanced learning at the school.

(Mark Weber/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian)

CHRISTIN YATES Courtesy of The Daily Memphian

For schools and universities throughout the Memphis area, returning to the classroom will look quite a bit different than in previous years.

Southern College of Optometry, charter operator Gestalt Community Schools and St. George's Independent School are examples of institutions that are embracing new ways of learning.

At St. George's, school administrators

teamed with teachers and members of its board of trustees to create Onward2021. Committees meet weekly to make decisions on how to safely return to the classroom.

In early May, they began to think

about options for the fall. "Our idea was that we wanted our teachers to be

able to be teaching in socially distanced classrooms and also have the ability for, if a student was at home for whatever reason, they could synchronously Zoom into that classroom so they can hear the lesson at the same time as the students in-person," said Lori Williamson, chief academic officer for St. George's.

In addition to livestreaming classes, St. George's will be recording them for future viewing, should a student not be well enough to participate.

"You're live in person, you're live remote or you're able to watch it later -- it's whatever works for each family's situation," Williamson said.

St. George's will follow its normal fall semester, which begins Aug. 17, and the plan is for classes to be in session unless the school is told it is unsafe to do so.

St. George's also is rethinking recess and lunch, in order to maintain social distancing for students.

"Our faculty groups are looking at all of those pieces right now to make sure we're utilizing best practices from the CDC and Shelby County Health Department," Timothy Gibson, interim head of school for St. George's, said. "We don't know what we don't know yet, but we're answering all possible questions and working closely with our faculty and families."

The Southern College of Optometry, on the other hand, has not made a decision on fall classes as of yet. However, Dean Swick, director of information services for the school, expects the fall to look much like the summer semester, which is all being done remotely.

SCO's Eye Center reopened June 15, and every faculty member and student was tested for COVID-19. SCO also coded an app that pre-screens visitors to the campus. Once the questions are answered, the app is shown to security, who then takes each person's temperature.

SCO is unique in that all of its students are lockstep and take the same courses at the same time, making it somewhat easier to record classes and keep everyone on track.

"All 136 students in each four class years take


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Page 2

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Bus tour of Memphis' black history adapts

to social distancing in wake of COVID-19

JARED BOYD Courtesy of The Daily Memphian

From civil rights lawyer A.W. Willis, to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital architect Paul Williams, and more recent history makers like former NFL player Michael Oher, A Tour of Possibilities highlights black Americans' contributions to Memphis.

The tour company had suspended operations because of COVID-19, but now the experience has been adapted to Zoom, with customers driving along behind the tour guide's vehicle.

A Tour of Possibilities took the new format to the streets on Friday, June 19, as many in the country celebrated Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the emancipation of slaves. For owner Carolyn Michael-Banks, being able to continue her salute to the fortitude of the black Memphians of history is a testament to her own resilience.

"Because of the name of this company, `A Tour of Possibilities,' something had to happen," Michael-Banks said.

She was inspired by a 2018 Toyota program called "Steeped in History," for which she helped coordinate a guided tour.

During the traveling promotion, Toyota loaned cars to local bloggers and influencers to test

Jackie Murray drives the lead vehicle of a caravan of cars taking A Tour of Possibilities on Saturday, June 20. (Patrick Lantrip/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian)

drive while they visited their city's historic sites.

She's been unable to give her tours of Downtown, Uptown and Soulsville in Memphis since the pandemic closed down businesses in March, and Michael-Banks said she was feeling "numb and depressed" when she had her aha moment.

"As I was sitting in my chair at home, trying not to cry every

day, not knowing what to do next, it was like, `You've been shown what to do!'" Michael-Banks said.

It's not the first time she's been forced to switch gears. The Bronx, New York, native's journey to Memphis' tourism industry began when she was a general manager for a tour company in Washington, D.C., where she was reprimanded for taking it upon herself to add a touch of black

history to her tours. "I heard that the CEO wanted

to get ahold of me, and I just knew he wanted to congratulate me for being progressive and all that good stuff. But when he called me, his question was, `What's with all this black stuff?'" Michael-Banks said.

Misunderstanding the question, Michael-Banks asked if someone had made a mess in one of the buses. But he was referring to the additional material.

"He said, `People are writing me, they're calling me, they're telling me they're just too uncomfortable with this information.'" Michael-Banks said.

She says the "black stuff" her boss complained about followed her through her tenure at the company, and she was relocated several times, before landing in Philadelphia. There she was asked to train her replacement, and she was eventually let go.

So, she went into business for herself, founding A Tour of Possibilities in Philadelphia before moving to Memphis.

After more than a decade in the Mid-South, she relaunched the company in 2014, gearing its experience to the history in and around Downtown Memphis.

Often, she says, people who are from the area know less about

the history than visitors from outside the country.

Saturday afternoon, two cars followed through the streets of Memphis, as guide Jackie Murray shared stories, factoids and even musical numbers, recounting the history of the 1968 Sanitation Strike, the Civil War, and the days of Memphis' lucrative cotton empires.

Murray, an actress and selfproclaimed "edutainer," performs a one-woman show based on the life of Harriet Tubman, outside of her work on the bus that she calls "a rolling stage."

Longtime Memphians Shawn Matthews and Laquentus Jones found the tour in a recent travel article about supporting black businesses in Memphis.

In the vehicle behind them on Saturday, Yousef Jefferson and his family, new to the Memphis area after relocating from Houston last year, say they signed up to treat themselves for Juneteenth.

"This is important to us, and it's important for all Americans to celebrate," Jefferson said.

"It's important to know the history, to understand the roots of some of what we see today. In the conversation of race relations, if you don't know the history, you can't have the conversation."


in mid-March. Unlike other city tennis centers, Left-

wich has remained closed because of the upcoming construction.

The facility has eight outdoor courts and four indoor courts. The renovation will enlarge the center to 20 outdoor courts and 12 indoor courts and add Tiger team lounges, public sitting areas and other new spaces.

The construction project manager is "bidding the facility right now, and when those bids come back later this month, they will be reviewed, and we will chart the path forward," Dan Springer, spokesman for Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, said earlier this month.

"There have been some delays from staffing capacity due to COVID-19, but the project itself is not on hold," he said.

The city facility now has eight outdoor and four indoor courts, but it will have 20 outdoor and 12 indoor courts after the expansion.

(Tom Bailey/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian)

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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Page 3

Alabama group buying USA Stadium and GameDay in Cordova; renovations planned

DON WADE Courtesy of The Daily Memphian

A four-person group based out of Huntsville, Alabama, is purchasing GameDay Baseball in Cordova and Millington's USA Stadium.

Upper Deck Sports, LLC, will invest about $5 million into the local baseball community with the acquisition of the two venues and improvements to be made at each facility, managing partner Kevin Kennedy said.

"It's all done but finalizing the paperwork," Kennedy said Friday.

Upper Deck Sports, LLC, is a private firm receiving no taxpayer subsidy. It's purchasing USA Stadium from the City of Millington.

From 1986 through 1996, the stadium was USA Baseball's training site. According to the USA Stadium website, it was home to 171 international games and more than 300 players who played there went on to play in the major leagues.

GameDay Baseball is being purchased from the nonprofit GameDay Healthy Kids Foundation. The complex on Fischer Steel Road in Cordova has 10 fields.

Kennedy said at one point his group was considering locating in suburban Nashville, but when USA Stadium was put up for sale, Upper Deck Sports changed its course.

This came after a year of research, he said, in which they visited seven states "looking for the perfect place for us to start" this business.

Kennedy has worked as operations director at GameDay for a few months. Both

The Collierville Dragons played a little league tournament game against the Arlington Arsenal on May 22, at GameDay Baseball in Cordova.

(Patrick Lantrip/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian)

the GameDay complex and USA Stadium will get something of a facelift.

He said Phase 1 plans for USA Stadium include installing artificial turf on the infield of the main stadium, a second field already in existence, and two more fields that will be added.

Down the line, Phase 2 will feature four more fields ? all with artificial surface infields ? and Phase 3 yet another four fields with artificial turf infields, to bring the

USA complex field total to 12. Phase 1 improvements also will in-

clude some work to the seating in the main stadium and doing some painting: "Put some love back into it."

At GameDay, the initial plan is to ? at the conclusion of the summer season ? install artificial turf infields on six of the 10 fields (this may or may or not include the field built to 60/90 specifications).

Kennedy said the artificial surface

infields will prevent some rainouts, but beyond that, "It will improve game play. You won't see a bad hop due to field conditions."

The transaction's final stages have taken place amid the COVID-19 pandemic and only recently did GameDay reopen for youth tournaments. But he said they never considered holding off on the purchase.

"We never had any doubts about moving forward," Kennedy said.


the same class with the same students the entire time they're here at SCO," Swick said.

SCO already had technology that recorded classes and implemented an additional feature of the software that could make the classes live. However, the faculty and students were lacking interactivity with one another, so the school switched to using Microsoft Teams.

"We've had thousands of classes and students on Teams. We're also using it for president's council meetings as a way to stay in contact with our campus base," Swick said.

For the fall, Swick said the worst-case scenario is for firstand second-year students to have all of their courses online, while third- and fourth-year students will be able to see patients in the Eye Center with safety precautions in place including Plexiglas.

Gestalt Community Schools, meanwhile, has surveyed students, faculty and families to gauge what they are comfortable with in terms of returning to the classroom in the fall.

"A task force of community and staff members is creating

American history teacher Traci Erlandson arranges desks at St. George's Independent School on Friday, June 11. The school is creating the necessary

space for social distanced learning at on campus.

(Mark Weber/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian)

our school reentry plan," Yetta Lewis, CEO of Gestalt Community Schools, said. "... What we're working on is a hybrid model where there's some in-person time as well as remote learning."

Gestalt, which operates five schools with 2,400 students, will limit classroom capacity to 50%.

"We want to have those scholars that have the most need to

have that in-person access, but we want to give parents different pathways," Lewis said. "If they're not comfortable with that (inperson learning), we want them to have access to a valuable, remote school setting."

Lewis and the task force are consulting with experts throughout the U.S., other school districts and charter school operators to

see how best to provide learning while also adhering to social-distancing guidelines.

For those in the classroom, each student will have a permanent seat, and there will be no switching desks. Each desk will also have some sort of shield around it.

Williamson at St. George's knows they are asking a lot of the

faculty this fall. "But we know that they are

talented and amazing people, and we've always known that," Williamson said. "That's never been more clear than when you're in a moment like this.

"Without kids you don't have a school. Without teachers, you don't have a school. It's dialing into how do we support the people."





Page 4


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Complaints & Petitions

Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Case Type, Filing Date, and Docket Number.

John Bragorgos VS City Of Memphis, TN Et All, Pltf(s): John Bragorgos, Pltf Atty(s): Martin Zummach, Thomas F Preston, Def(s): City Of Memphis, Tennessee, City Of Memphis, Tennessee Public Works Division, Robert Knecht, Def Atty(s): N/A, Complaint for Damages, 6/19/2020, CH-20-0726



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Maxie Hardy VS Cecil Hervey Et Al, Pltf(s): Maxie Hardy, Derek E Whitlock, Def(s): Kristi Looney, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To

Pltf Atty(s): Ted I Jones, Def(s): Cecil Hervey, Tonya Hervey, Def Atty(Ms)A:DNIS/OAN, Complaint for Damages, 6/19/202D0E,CCATHU-R20-0725

Enforce For Jdgmnt, 6/19/2020, CT-2459-20 Caroline Nelson VS Zackery Barnett, Pltf(s): Caroline

Nelson, Pltf Atty(s): John I Houseal, Aubrey B Greer, Def(s):



Zackery Barnett, Abner's Trinity LLC, Abner's Of Cordove LLC DBA Abner's Famous Chicken Tenders, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto

Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Filing DaMtCeN, AaInRdY Docket Number.

Accident, 6/19/2020, CT-2458-20 Eddie Buntyn VS William Washington, Pltf(s): Eddie L

Buntyn, Pltf Atty(s): Mark Lambert, Def(s): William H Washington,


No Information Available

Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 6/18/2020, CT-2442-20 WAYNE Ellisia Banks VS Braydon McCormick, Pltf(s): Ellisia Banks,

Flocoveyan Robinson, Pltf Atty(s): Edward P Connell Jr, Def(s):


Braydon Alexander McCormick, John Does 1-5, Def Atty(s): N/A, LAUDERDAALuEto Accident, 6/18/2020, CT-2445-20


AJLuCOnReN 23, 2020

Hartford Fire Insurance Co VS Steris Corporation, Pltf(s): Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Pltf Atty(s): Zach-

Shown here: TPIlPaPiAnHtiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Case Type, and DockTeItSHNOuMmIbNeGrO.

ary M Jett, Def(s): Steris Corporation, Def Atty(s): N/A, Tort, 6/18/2020, CT-2443-20

10:00 AM

Hattie Nolan VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Hattie P Nolan, Pltf COLBERTAtty(s): Brandon S Leslie, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): N/A,

Virginia L Leonard V DPiRaEnNTeISLS Thornton, Pltf(s): Virginia Auto Accident, 6/18/2020, CT-2439-20

Leigh Leonard, Pltf Atty(s): Anne B Davis, Def(s): Diane Lee J Adam Hardy Jr VS State Of Tennessee, Pltf(s): Jesse

Thornton, Def Atty(s): N/A, Uncontested Divorce Calendar, Adam Hardy, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): State Of Tennessee,



10:15 AM

Def Atty(s): N/A, Restoration Of Citizenship, 6/19/2020, CT2460-20

MePOrNeTdOiTtOhCM CoughlinLEVE AlexandIeTArWRAMCBoAughlin, Pltf(s): Meredith Coughlin, Pltf Atty(s): Mitchell D Moskovitz, Tammy W

Kathleen Montgomery VS Kenneth Vanhorn, Pltf(s): Kathleen Montgomery, Matthew Thornton, Pltf Atty(s): David A


McLaughlin, Def(s): Kenneth Vanhorn, AirBNB, Inc, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, 6/18/2020, CT-2448-20

Ladeidra Conley VS New Rue21 LLC, Pltf(s): Ladeidra

10:30 AM

Conley, Pltf Atty(s): Regina Guy, Def(s): New Rue21 LLC, Def

Kareli Juarez V Shelby CountyMTOrNuRsOtEee Et Al, Pltf(s): Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, 6/18/2020, CT-2438-20 Kareli Juarez, Pltf Atty(s): Jocelyn V Henderson, Def(s): Shelby Melba Fitzmaurice VS Essex Technology Group LLC,

County Trustee, All Previous Owners Known and Unknown- Pltf(s): Melba Fitzmaurice, Pltf Atty(s): Brandon S Leslie, Def(s):

Interest In 3165 Madrid, Henry Lewis, Def Atty(s): Gregory S Essex Technology Group LLC, Essex Technology Group LLC DBA

Gallagher, Motion Calendar, CH-20-0033

Bargain Hunt, Essex Technology Group LLC Bargain Hunt Stores,

Yuliet Avila V Gabriel Palma Pena, Pltf(s): Yuliet Avila, Pltf Atty(s): Tara D Drewry, Def(s): Gabriel Palma Pena, Def Atty(s): John A Feild, Hearing, CH-20-0172

11:00 AM

Essex Tecnology Group LLC DBA Bargain Hunt Superstores, Essex Technology Group LLC DBA Essex Bargain Hunt, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, 6/18/2020, CT-2441-20 Mountain Laurel Assurance VS Abdelrahman Hamadeh, Pltf(s): Mountain Laurel Assurance Company, Pltf Atty(s):

Grizzly TN Prop V Shelby Co Trustee Et Al, Pltf(s): Grizzy Matthew L Fink, Def(s): Abdelrahman S Hamadeh, Def Atty(s):

TN Properties 2 LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Jocelyn V Henderson, Def(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 6/18/2020, CT-2444-20

Shelby County Trustee, Chase, All Previous Owners Known and Reddie Stevenson VS David Hines, Pltf(s): Reddie B

Unknown, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-20-0065

Stevenson, Pltf Atty(s): Jason J Yasinsky, Def(s): David L

11:30 AM

Leslie Joann Amos V Travis D Amos, Pltf(s): Leslie Joann Amos, Pltf Atty(s): Laquita R Stokes, Def(s): Travis Dewayne Amos, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-20-0233

1:00 PM

Hines, King Transcorp LLC, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 6/18/2020, CT-2449-20 Stephanie Brown VS Stepherson Incorporated, Pltf(s): Stephanie Brown, Pltf Atty(s): Ethan D Sandifer, Def(s): Stepherson Incorporated DBA Superlo Foods Of Winchester, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, 6/18/2020, CT-2440-20

Uyvonka L Grice V John R Grice, Pltf(s): Uyvonka Lee Grice, Steven Owen VS William Furlong, Pltf(s): Steven Owen,

Pltf Atty(s): Theresa H Patterson, Def(s): John Roderick Grice, Tanya Furlong, Pltf Atty(s): Bobby F Martin Jr, Andrew Ryan

Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-20-0438

Francisco, Def(s): William Furlong, United Services Automobile

M Latroy Alexandria-Williams V Mark Goins, Et Al, Pltf(s): M La-Troy Alexandria-Williams, Pltf Atty(s): Paul Anthony Robinson, Def(s): Mark Goins, Mary Mancini, Linda Phillips, Def Atty(s): John L Ryder, J Gerard Stranch, Pablo Adrian Varela, Benjamin A Gastel, Hearing, CH-20-0560

Association, Def Atty(s): N/A, Minor Settlement, 6/19/2020, CT-2473-20 William Green VS Carrington Mortgage Services LLC, Pltf(s): N/A, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): N/A, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, 6/18/2020, CT-2450-20

Chancery Court's Current Calendar can be viewed on Chancery Court's website at -


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Felicia Corbin-Johnson, Div. 1 James F. Russell, Div. 2 Valerie L. Smith, Div. 3 Gina C. Higgins, Div. 4 Rhynette Hurd, Div. 5 Jerry Stokes, Div. 6 Mary Wagner, Div. 7 Robert S. Weiss, Div. 8 Yolanda R. Kight, Div. 9

Temiika Gipson Clerk

Tel: 222-3800 140 Adams, Room 324 Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.

Complaints & Petitions

Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Case Type, Filing Date, and Docket Number.

Anneice Edmondson VS South Parkway Associates, Pltf(s): Anneice Edmondson, Pltf Atty(s): Russell W Lewis IV, William H Barfield, Def(s): South Parkway Associates LP, Elkins Road Associates, LLC, Wellington Healthcare Services, LP, Def Atty(s): N/A, Healthcare Liability, 6/18/2020, CT-2447-20

ARS LLC VS Kristi Looney, Pltf(s): ARS, LLC, Pltf Atty(s):


Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Filing Date, and Docket Number.

Amanda Muir VS Drummond Liddell Jr, Pltf(s): Amanda Muir, Pltf Atty(s): G Chadwick Reeves, Def(s): Drummond Liddell, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/18/2020, CT-2446-20

Angela Martin VS Jeremy Martin, Pltf(s): Angela Martin, Pltf Atty(s): Edwin C Lenow, Def(s): Jeremy Martin, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/18/2020, CT-2451-20

Charles Mosley VS Marilyn Fields, Pltf(s): Charles Mosley, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Marilyn Fields, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/18/2020, CT-2437-20

Felicia Toney-Rudd VS Derek Rudd, Pltf(s): Felicia A ToneyRudd, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Derek L Rudd, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/19/2020, CT-2462-20

Jaquita Hulett VS Wayne Hulett, Pltf(s): Jaquita Latisha Hulett, Pltf Atty(s): Lisa A Zacharias, Def(s): Wayne Hulett, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/16/2020, CT-2411-20

Kendra Ginn VS Russell Ginn, Pltf(s): Kendra Ginn, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Russell Ginn, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/19/2020, CT-2465-20

Marcus Certion VS Amy Certion, Pltf(s): Marcus Certion, Pltf Atty(s): Iclem Jaber, Def(s): Amy Certion, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/16/2020, CT-2410-20

Nicole Bedford VS Quartterio Bedford, Pltf(s): Nicole Bedford, Pltf Atty(s): Sean Mark Harrell, Def(s): Quartterio Bedford, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/19/2020, CT-2463-20

Ricky King VS Alisa King, Pltf(s): Ricky King, Pltf Atty(s): Sean Mark Harrell, Def(s): Alisa King, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/19/2020, CT-2461-20

Robin Cole Jr VS Kimberly Cole, Pltf(s): Robin Cole, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Kimberly Denise Cole, Def Atty(s): N/A, 6/19/2020, CT-2466-20


June 23, 2020

Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Case Type, and Docket Number.

10:00 AM

Div 1

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tonya Berryman VS Charles Thompson, Pltf(s):Tonya Berryman, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Charles Thompson, Def Atty(s): Sean Patrick Obrien, Breach Of Contract, CT-0406-20

11:00 AM

Ashley Clark VS William Clark, Pltf(s): Ashley Kaylan Clark, Pltf Atty(s): Elizabeth W Fyke, Def(s): William David Clark, Def Atty(s): David M Waldrop, Divorce With Children, CT-1856-20

Div 3

10:00 AM

Kelcie Fountain VS Laughlin Fountain III, Pltf(s): Kelcie Ross Fountain, Pltf Atty(s): Dennis J Sossaman, Leigh Taylor White, Taylor R Oyaas, Def(s): Laughlin Britt Fountain, Def Atty(s): Josie S Holland, Divorce With Children, CT-000083-18

Tara Ragsdale VS Pugh Lawn and Landscape Inc, Pltf(s): Tara M Ragsdale, Pltf Atty(s): Howard B Manis, Def(s): Pugh's Lawn and Landscape, Inc, Def Atty(s): Alexander Jeffrey Hall, Michael G Derrick, Auto Accident, CT-000120-18

Latina Cole-McNeil VS Dennis McNeil Sr, Pltf(s): Latina Cole-McNeil, Pltf Atty(s): Kevin G Patterson, Stephanie Bada Romo, Def(s): Dennis L McNeil, Def Atty(s): Marti L Kaufman, Divorce, CT-000338-17

Deutsche Bank VS Iris Boddie, Pltf(s): Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, As Certificate Trustee, Pltf Atty(s): Jerry A Bridenbaugh, Def(s): Iris Boddie, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-000409-17

Sergio Rodriguez VS Adriana Rodriguez, Pltf(s): Sergio B Rodriguez, Pltf Atty(s): John A Feild, Def(s): Adriana Rodriguez, Def Atty(s): Wendy Nicole Villafana, Divorce With Children, CT-001181-18

Jeremy Shelby VS Melinda Shelby, Pltf(s): N/A, Pltf Atty(s): Claire D Reno, Eiko Harris, Def(s): Melinda C Shelby, Def Atty(s): Daniel J Mickiewicz, Divorce, CT-001408-17

Tower Loan Of Horn Lake VS Jimy Townsend, Pltf(s): Tower Loan Of Horn Lake, Pltf Atty(s): Robert F Uhlmann, Def(s): Jimmy Townsend, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, CT-001600-18

Alma Aguirre VS Omar Marquez, Pltf(s): Alma Delia Aguirre, Pltf Atty(s): Autumn B Chastain, Def(s): Omar Medina Marquez, Def Atty(s): Wendy Nicole Villafana, Divorce With Children, CT-001969-18

Monique White VS Adrienne Owens, Pltf(s): Monique White, Pltf Atty(s): Malcolm B Futhey, Def(s): Adrienne Owens, Jeremy Cobb, Ricky Pointer, Def Atty(s): Donald R Babineaux, Tort, CT-002055-18

American Express Centurion Bank VS Debra Disney, Pltf(s): American Express Centurion Bank, Pltf Atty(s): Eric Grimes, Def(s): Debra Disney, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-002350-17

Troy Vaughan Jr VS Nelson Inc, Pltf(s): Troy L Vaughan, Pltf Atty(s): Andre B Mathis, Venita Marie Martin, Def(s): Hattie Nelson, Nelson Inc, Willie Nelson, Def Atty(s): Darrell O'Neal, Breach Of Contract, CT-002482-15

Mark Arnold VS Tiereney Hines, Pltf(s): Mark Arnold, Pltf Atty(s): Ashley Schuerman Bennett, Def(s): Howard Hines, Tiereney Hines, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-004283-16

AC Electric Company VS Isaiah White, Pltf(s): AC Electric Company Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Sheldon N Green, Def(s): Isaiah White, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-004303-18

Tikita Jones VS Therman Richardson, Pltf(s): Tikita Jones, Tyrone Jones, Pltf Atty(s): Terry R Clayton, Def(s): City Of Memphis, Therman Richardson, Def Atty(s): Theresa H Patterson, Auto Accident, CT-004501-16

Billy Collins Jr VS Tessie Collins, Pltf(s): Billy Collins, Pltf Atty(s): Tracey P Malone, Def(s): Tessie Collins, Def Atty(s): Jerry Schatz, Divorce, CT-004512-18

Priola Properties LLC VS Justin Moore, Pltf(s): Priola Properties LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Lawrence W Kern, Def(s): Justin P Moore, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-004549-18

Tower Loan Of Hernando VS Craig Strickland, Pltf(s): Tower Loan Of Hernando, Pltf Atty(s): Robert F Uhlmann, Def(s): Craig Strickland, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, CT-004731-18

James Nesbitt VS Anne Nesbitt, Pltf(s): James Nesbitt, Pltf Atty(s): Jack P Sherman, Def(s): Anne Lee Wright Nesbitt, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-004807-18

Rodrick Jones Sr VS Umeki Jones, Pltf(s): Rodrick Rashun Jones, Pltf Atty(s): Laurie W Hall, Def(s): Umeki Torilius Jones, Def Atty(s): Jacob Horn, Divorce With Children, CT-004947-18

CB Property Management VS Deangela Jeffries, Pltf(s): CB Property Management, Pltf Atty(s): Howard Rex Peppel, Def(s): Deangela M Jeffries, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-005358-18

Kimberly Moss VS Fresh Start Tax Solutions, Pltf(s): Kimberly Moss, Pltf Atty(s): Terrell L Tooten, Def(s): Eugene Jenkins, Fresh StartTax Solutions LLC, Lisa Jenkins,Tia Jones, Def Atty(s): Alexander C Wharton, Breach Of Contract, CT-005364-18

Common Cents Auto Sales LLC VS John Hibbler, Pltf(s): Common Cents Auto Sales LLC, Pltf Atty(s): George F Higgs, Def(s): John Hibbler, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-005796-18

Kelsie Fountain VS Laughlin Fountain III, Pltf(s): Kelcie Ross Fountain, Pltf Atty(s): Dennis J Sossaman, Def(s): Laughlin Britt Fountain, Def Atty(s): Josie S Holland, Miscellaneous, CT-0133-19

Pryor Reese VS Aaron Newsom, Pltf(s): Pryor Clark Reese, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Aaron Newsom, Ladd's DBA Bob Ladd & Associates, Inc, Def Atty(s): Paul Todd Nicks, Auto Accident,


Public Notices ..............................................12 Business Licenses..........................................6 Building Permits.............................................8


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Based on activity and availability of information.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Daily News, Memphis

Page 5

Law & Government


Div 5

10:00 AM

Jae Yoo VS Hyo Heo, Pltf(s): Ah Sa Yoo, Jae S Yoo, Pltf Atty(s): Gene Saxon, Robin H Rasmussen, Def(s): Heo, Inc, Hy Sook Heo, John Beyong II Choi, Maria Myunchee Choi, Union Dryve, Inc, Def Atty(s): Austin Taylor Rainey, Chris Patterson, Will Patterson, Breach Of Contract, CT-2849-19

Div 6

10:00 AM

Shureca McKinney VS Dann Dixon, Pltf(s): Shureca McKinney, Pltf Atty(s): Brian M Glass, Def(s): Dann Duane Dixon, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-003420-18

Moses Brown VS Mary Altizer, Pltf(s): Moses Brown, Permetras Grandberry, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Mary Altizer, Phillip Altizer, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, CT-004129-17

Anthony Robinson VS Norma Galeas, Pltf(s): Anthony Robinson, Pltf Atty(s): Murray B Wells, Def(s): Norma Nolasco Galeas, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-004129-18

Tiffany Atkins VS Randy Kemp, Pltf(s): Tiffany Atkins, Pltf Atty(s): Roland Eugene Cowden, Def(s): Randy R Kemp, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-004594-17

David Wade, Jr VS Sarah Wade, Pltf(s): David Clark Wade, Pltf Atty(s): Daniel Loyd Taylor, Def(s): Sarah Elizabeth Wade, Def Atty(s): Charles W McGhee, Hal Gerber, Monica A Timmerman, Pamela Warnock Blair, Divorce With Children, CT-005064-06

Mack Robinson VS Nateisha Campbell, Pltf(s): Mack Robinson, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Nateisha Campbell, William H Priest, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, CT-005262-17

Div 7

10:00 AM

Graber Investments VS Dimitri Taras, Pltf(s): Graber Investments, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Jason Michael Goldstein, Def(s): Costa Taras, Dimitri Taras, Mary Katherine Taras, Nancy Taras, Def Atty(s): Nicholas E Bragorgos, Robert L Moore, Thomas D Yeaglin, Breach Of Contract, CT-002653-18

2:00 PM

Marilyn Jackson VS Walmart Stores East LP, Pltf(s): Marilyn Jackson, Pltf Atty(s): Allen Gressett, Def(s): Wal-Mart Stores East, LP, Def Atty(s): Russell E Reviere, W Christopher Frulla, Personal Injury, CT-4113-19

Div 8

10:00 AM

Pamela Stark VS Joe Stark, Pltf(s): Pamela Diane Stark, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Joe Edward Stark, Def Atty(s): Melissa C Berry, Michelle Strocher Crawford, Pamela Fleming, Rebecca A Bobo, Tracey P Malone, Divorce, CT-002958-18

Div 9

10:00 AM

Alfredo Rodriguez VS Shelby Price, Pltf(s): Alfredo Escobedo Rodriguez, Pltf Atty(s): David S Mays, Eric Mogy, Def(s): Shelby Rhea Price, Def Atty(s): Patrick Schaffler Quinn, Stephen C Barton, Auto Accident, CT-003938-18

Lauren Kraus VS Neal Kraus, Pltf(s): Lauren Van Zandt Kraus, Pltf Atty(s): Megan House Wilson, Def(s): Neal David Kraus, Def Atty(s): Hallie Goodman Flanagan, Rachael Emily Putnam, Divorce With Children, CT-004928-18

Circuit Court's Current Calendar can be viewed on Circuit Court's website at -


Shelby County Probate Court


Kathleen N. Gomes, Judge, 222-3761 Karen D. Webster, Judge, 222-3767

Bill Morrison, Clerk Tel. 222-3768

140 Adams, Room 124 Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.


Shown here: Subject and Docket Number. Administrator was appointed for the estate of Bradford C

Corey with bond, PR016712


Shown here: Subject, Attorney, and Docket Number. Maria Antionette Wade, Atty: Bane, Brittany Leigh,

PR016713 Marion McKinnon Fratta, Atty: Tual, Blanchard E,

PR016715 William N Nichols, Atty: Sneed, Jennifer, PR016721

Guardianships (Minor)

Shown here: Subject, Attorney and Docket Number. Sorted by Name.

Andrea Quaintana-Villanueva, Atty: Robinson, Ashley, PR016708

Henrry Quintana-Villanueva, Atty: Robinson, Ashley, PR016709

Jayro Aaron Jiguan-Rafael, Atty: Robinson, Ashley, PR016710

Sean Paul Rodriguez, Atty: Krauch, Kerry Avens, PR016718


Shown here: Estate Name, Attorney, and Docket Number. Petition filed for the will of Thomas A Morrow to Probate.

Atty: Rhoads, Matthew Allen, PR016711 Petition filed for the will of Earnest Sanders Jr to Probate.

Atty: Tual, Blanchard E, PR016714 Petition filed for the will of Jerry Dean Harwell to Probate.

Continued on page 6

Shelby County Government General Sessions Civil Court Judges Press Announcement

May 21, 2020

Memphis Daily News Press Announcement 193 Jefferson Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38103

RE: Comprehensive Plan to Resume In-Person Court Proceedings for General Sessions Civil Court, 30th Judicial District

Dear Sir or Ma'am:

Effective June 15, 2020, Shelby County General Sessions Civil Courts will reopen for in-person court proceedings pursuant to the mandate of the Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee and in accordance to the comprehensive plan submitted to the Chief Justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court. This mandate applies to all in-person court proceedings.

The attached plan includes details applicable to: admission into courthouse (140 Adams, Memphis, Tennessee), management of social distancing in courtrooms and docket management. Critical details include but not limited to the following:

x Only three out of the six divisions of General Sessions Civil Court will operate daily with in-person proceedings, with no more than fifteen litigants at one time in a courtroom. (The rotation of the court schedule includes the judge assigned to hear Mental Health Hearings.)

x No more than twenty litigants will be allowed to wait in each hallway. x Clerk's Office has been instructed not to set more than fifty cases per docket

10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., per division with the exception of Fridays. x Only FED cases will bet set on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. x Non FED cases will be set on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Per Judge Lonnie B. Thompson, Administrative Judge of General Sessions Civil Courts, the plans may be re-assessed after the re-opening for in-person proceedings.

For information regarding your court date(s) please visit the General Sessions Court Clerk's Office website at GS4.; or you may contact us by telephone at (901) 222-3400.

Reset dates for case settings will be forthcoming.


Comprehensive Plan to Resume In-Person Court Proceedings for General Sessions Civil Court, 30th Judicial District

*140 Adams Avenue * Room 113* Memphis, Tennessee 38103 * *Office (901) 222-3447 * Fax (901) 222-3415 * Suzette.Mink@*


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