Helping Students to get a better Understanding of Physics ...

Helping Students to get a better Understanding of Physics Concepts using the Learning Tool `Course Dossier Method'

Wahidun Nahar Khanam

A Thesis in

The Department of

Physics Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science (Physics) at Concordia University

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

December, 2014 ? Wahidun Nahar Khanam, 2014

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY School of Graduate Studies

This is to certify that the thesis prepared


Wahidun Nahar Khanam

Entitled: Helping Students to get a better Understanding of Physics Concepts using the Learning Tool `Course Dossier Method

and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science (Physics)

complies with the regulations of the University and meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.

Signed by the final examining committee:

Dr. Alexandre Chapagne


Dr. Bruce Shore


Dr. Alexandre Chapagne


Dr. Calvin S. Kalman Supervisor

Approved by Dr. Laszlo Kalman Chair of the Department of Graduate Program Director

Dr. Andre Roy Dean of Faculty


December 16, 2014


Helping Students to get a better Understanding of Physics Concepts using the Learning Tool `Course Dossier Method' Wahidun Nahar Khanam

The Course Dossier Method is a writing-to-learn tool based upon Gadamer's hermeneutical approach (Gadamer, 2004) and scaffolding using student reviewers based upon social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978). This method is usually used for nonscience students. The course PHYS 200 (From Particles to Galaxies) was offered for nonscience students (without requiring any mathematical problems) in the winter semester 2014 at Concordia University. This method was also used in the regular physics course PHYS 456 (Classical Electrodynamics) in 1995.

In this method students used different kinds of writing activities (during the course): writing reflections (before class), `Critiques' (after class) and final essay writing (Course Dossier with six entries) at the end of the course in lieu of the final exam for non-science students. For science students this method was used in conjunction with other activities. This research investigated in what way the `Course Dossier Method' improves students' general understanding of concepts using writing different procedures and reviewers' comments.

Traditional learning techniques for the classroom is often ineffective in helping students grasp concepts. The purpose of this study is to help students learn in an active learning environment and promote their scientific thought into a higher level. Comparing students' earlier Critiques with later Critiques and also with students' Course Dossiers, we found that that students' general understanding of physics concepts improved.


Acknowledgements Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Calvin S. Kalman for his scholastic supervision, keen suggestions, guidelines and remarks in completing this study. I have learned many things since I became Dr. Kalman's student. His support and encouraging words made it easier for me to accomplish the research. I am very grateful to the students who gave me the permission to use their writing products conducting this research. I am especially thankful to the four interviewed students who participated in two interviews otherwise it was not possible for me to complete this research. I am also grateful to Concordia University for awarding me the `Concordia University Tuition Fee Remission Award'. It would not have been possible for me to accomplish this study without this support. I deeply thank my parents and my brother Dr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan. Their eternal love, suggestions and mental supports encouraged me to continue my study. I am also grateful to my husband Dr. Israil Hossain for his continuous support, encouraging words and also some guidance in completing this thesis. I am grateful to my friends, Ms. Sharifun Nahar and her family, and Ms. Jasmine Ahmed for their support and encouragement during the early stage of this study. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Laszlo Kalman, graduate program director and Ms. Marie-Anne, secretary of the physics department for their keen cooperation.






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