Tennessee Unemployment Insur ance Frequently Asked Questions

Tennessee Unemployment Insurance

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: 03/25/2021

Table of Contents



UI Application


After You¡¯ve



Info needed to file

Filed, what¡¯s next?


SSN in use / Password

Temp Closed

Separation reason

Child care

Last day of work




Doctor Advised


PUA Eligible?



Employer Partial Claim

Website for more info

Help filing my claim

Work out-of-state

Other Resources 211

Time limit





Determination Letter

/ Incorrect Income

Out of work, can I

apply to UI?

Employer-filed Claims

Job Searches?

Respond to Separation



Missing Wages

Business closure due

to virus



Monetarily ineligible?


COVID Recovery

Charges to base

period employers

Wage Protest

Work Searches

Certify with app

Paid with debit card

or direct deposit


Federal Pandemic




Text message updates

Pandemic Emergency



Don¡¯t return to work?


Stop a claim



Assistance (PUA)

Check claim status

Extended Benefits

UI benefits taxable?

View online at workforce/covid-19/faq.html

This video explains the standard process: How to Complete Certifications on Jobs4TN

Contact Info


WARN notice



Hiring needs


Claim questions

Pay on leave


PPE (Masks)

Refused to return to


Refuse to work

Effect on UI Taxes?

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Eligibility Questions

Am I eligible for unemployment?

Anyone may file a claim, but keep in mind that the basic eligibility requirements are that you have

been separated from your job through no fault of your own and that you are able and available

to return to work or accept suitable employment if offered. If you fail to return to work or accept

suitable work when offered, you are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits. Any benefit you

collect after refusing work will result in an overpayment and must be paid back. Refer to the "How to

File" article on the helpdesk at lwdsupport.. Visit

My hours have been cut, but I have not been laid off; am I eligible for


It depends. Reduced hours might qualify someone for unemployment. We recommend that you go

ahead and file the claim.



If you are still making more money than your ¡°Weekly Benefit Amount¡± (as listed on your

monetary determination letter), then simply do not certify as you are still considered


If you are making less than your Weekly Benefit Amount, you may be eligible to receive

partial UI benefits. Each claimant will have a unique weekly benefit amount, based on their

prior earnings. For reference, the maximum weekly benefit amount in Tennessee is $275.

Apply for benefits and certify each week on Jobs4TN, report the earnings and the system

will adjust your benefit.

I work part-time. Am I eligible for UI?

It depends. If you earn less than your weekly benefit amount, you may be eligible to receive partial

UI benefits. Each claimant will have a unique weekly benefit amount, based on their prior earnings.

For reference, the maximum weekly benefit amount in Tennessee is $275.

My employer has temporarily closed due to COVID-19. Am I eligible for

Unemployment Insurance?

You may file a claim. Our team will review your claim and determine what, if any, program is

available to provide you with benefits.

I cannot work because my child¡¯s school or daycare facility has closed due to

COVID-19, and I need to stay home to take care of my child. Am I eligible for

Unemployment Insurance?

You may be eligible for benefits under the PUA program. Under provisions of the PUA program, you

may receive benefits if you are the primary caregiver for a child whose school or care facility closed

due to COVID-19.

If you are unable to return to work due to your child being out of school due to COVID-19, you may

be permitted to remain out of work for a limited time, and still collect UI benefits. Based on guidance

provided by the US Department of Labor, this exception will only apply until the date the school year

was scheduled to end prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have other reliable child care options,

you may not be eligible for this exception. These cases will be investigated, and decisions will be

issued on a case-by-case basis.


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I am self-employed or an independent contractor. Am I eligible for

Unemployment Insurance?

Typically, most self-employed individuals and independent contractors working in Tennessee are not

authorized to obtain regular Tennessee Unemployment Compensation (TUC). However, self-employed

individuals and independent contractors may be eligible for benefits under Pandemic Unemployment

Assistance (PUA). PUA is available for individuals who would normally not be eligible for regular

unemployment benefits, but are unable to work because of COVID-19. PUA is available through the week

ending July 3, 2021. The maximum benefit amount is $275, the same as the maximum benefit amount for

regular Tennessee unemployment insurance benefits. The minimum PUA benefit amount is calculated by

USDOL, quarterly, as 50% of the average weekly benefit amount in each state. An additional $300 will be

paid on top of your weekly benefit amount under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation

(FPUC) program.

I¡¯ve been laid off from my job, but I still have a second/self-employed job; am I

eligible for unemployment?

The same answer as above. Filing the claim and getting that monetary determination is the key. A

person has done nothing wrong by just filing so they get that information to see. If they don¡¯t ever

certify, the claim is never really truly activated.

My employer told me that I am being furloughed; am I eligible for


It depends on how the furlough will affect your pay:



If the furlough is a fully-paid furlough the answer is no.

If your pay was cut or eliminated the answer is yes.

Are apprentices who are laid off eligible for unemployment?

If they are full-time employees and are laid off, they rate the same benefits as any other employee.

If my doctor does not want me to work because of the virus, can I file for


Yes. Under provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act and Governor Lee¡¯s Executive Order No. 15,

being quarantined by a medical professional is a compensable separation, provided that you also

meet all other eligibility requirements.

If I am not able to go to work because a medical professional told me I need to

quarantine, am I eligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits?

You may be eligible for benefits. Governor Lee¡¯s Executive Order No. 15 opened eligibility to

individuals who were forced to leave work based on the guidance from a medical professional.

Additionally, the provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act provide increased eligibility to

individuals who left work due to a medical quarantine.

I am an older worker and/or I have an immuno-compromised health

condition. I work near a lot of people and am personally uncomfortable going

to work due to concerns about my health. Am I eligible for Unemployment


Under the provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act, you may be eligible for compensation


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under the PUA program.

Who is eligible for PUA?

Individuals are eligible for PUA if they do not qualify for regular UI benefits (including self-employed

workers and independent contractors) and cannot work because they:











Are diagnosed with COVID-19 or have COVID-19 symptoms and are seeking diagnosis;

Have a member of the household who is diagnosed with COVID-19;

Are providing care for a family or household member diagnosed with COVID-19;

Are the primary caregiver for a child whose school or care facility closed, due to COVID-19;

Are unable to reach their place of employment due to an imposed quarantine, or because

advised by a medical provider to self-quarantine, due to COVID-19;

Were scheduled to start new employment and cannot reach the workplace as a direct

result of COVID-19;

Became the major breadwinner because the head of household died from COVID-19;

Quit their job as a direct result of COVID-19;

Had their place of employment closed as a direct result of COVID-19; or

Meet any additional criteria specified by U.S. Secretary of Labor.

Individuals are not eligible for PUA if they can telework or are receiving paid sick leave or other paid

leave benefits (regardless of meeting a category listed above).

To apply for PUA, claimants will need to file an unemployment claim on or call (844)

224-5818. Filing online is the fastest, most efficient way to receive your benefits. Due to high call

volume, you will experience extended wait times when applying by phone.

General Questions

What is Unemployment Insurance?

Unemployment insurance (also known as UI) provides temporary cash benefits to employees who

have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. The overarching goal of the program is the

successful re-employment of all claimants. If you have worked in Tennessee within the last 18

months and lost your job, through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for TUC.

What is the maximum benefit I can receive through Unemployment


A claimant¡¯s benefit rate is based on the recent wages he/she earned from his/her employer(s) over

the last 18 months. The maximum weekly benefit amount in Tennessee is currently $275. (Claimants

would also be eligible for the additional $300 under the FPUC program until July 3, 2021.)

How do I apply for Unemployment Insurance?

You can file a claim by visiting or calling (844) 224-5818. Due to larger than normal

call volume, we are strongly encouraging individuals wishing to file a claim to first visit the website,

if possible.

When should I file my claim?

You may file your claim at any time after being laid off without pay or separated from your



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My employer said he/she filed on my behalf (employer mass filed (partial) claim)

and submitted to the state. Do I still need to file an individual claim?

No, if your employer filed an employer mass filed claim also known as a partial claim, the state has

all your information. Log into to monitor your claim and do your weekly

certifications by answering a few questions. If you are not sure please ask your employer to avoid

confusion and delays.

Is there a website that helps me understand the unemployment claims


Yes, visit workforce/unemployment or search online for ¡°Tennessee Unemployment¡±.

I'm not good with computers; can you help me file my claim?

We cannot help you at this call center. We encourage you to find a family member or friend to help you

file your claim online. If that's not an option, advise them to contact the Customer Service Center at

(844) 224-5818. Call wait times are high, so it may take longer for someone to get back with you to

file the claim with you.

I live in Tennessee but worked in another state. Where should I file?

You should ask your separating employer what state your wages were reported and file with that


What other resources might be available to me?

Check out TN 211 by dialing 2-1-1 or go online at tn211. for a

variety of community resources for things like emotional, housing, or food resources.

The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse also recommends the national suicide

prevention lifeline, 1-800-273-8255. Help is available. In 2018, the Lifeline answered over 2.2 million calls

from people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress across the United States. Or talk to a Tennesseespecific group via the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network.









South Central Region


Upper Cumberland


Southeast Region


East Region


Northeast Region


UI Application Process

What information is needed to file my claim?

Social Security Number, a Jobs4TN username and password (created during the claim process), basic

personal information, employment history dates and wage amounts, bank routing number (if

choosing direct deposit to receive benefits). Military, farm work, workers¡¯ compensation, child

support, and public assistance programs (like TANF and SNAP/Food Stamps) questions.

I tried filing and it says I already have an account / my Social Security number

is already in use.



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