War of 1812 Video Questions

War of 1812 Video Questions

Part I “The First Lady”

1. List some of Dolly Madison’s positive attributes.

Outgoing personality; dipped snuff; fashionable; liked ice cream’ brings out the best in her husband; she is charming; all groups, classes of people love her

2. What major artifact did Mrs. Madison save?

The Gilbert Stuart portrait of GW

3. Why was the capitol burned?

In retaliation for the American burning of York

4. What else was destroyed?

White House; Library of Congress

5. What unexpected event ended the British destruction?

Hurricane, followed by tornado

6. What one person did people blame for the destruction of Washington D.C.?

What did Madison do to him?

Secretary of War Armstrong; fired him

7. Why was Baltimore targeted for destruction by the British?

The privateers that were attacking British ships sailed from Baltimorer

8. What did the citizens of Baltimore do to unite and protect the city from the British?

Built entrenchments—all groups/ classes worked together

9. What did Sam Smith have to do to galvanize Baltimoreans?

Challenged them to believe that this was the time for them to step up—“this is America’s time”!

10. Who was the commander of Fort McHenry?

George Armistead

11. Why was Ft. McHenry the key defense for Baltimore?

It protected Baltimore. To get to Baltimore, they had to get through Ft. McHenry

12. How large was the flag made for Ft. McHenry?

30’ X 42’

13. Why did Armistead commission such a large flag?

He wanted the British to be able to see it from a distance (as they were sailing into the harbor)

14. What date was the British navy spotted heading towards Baltimore?

Sept. 11, 1814

15. Why was Stricker successful in defending Baltimore at the Battle of North Point?

Orders his forces (American) to attack the British, not wait for a British attack

16. How did Ross’ death affect the British offense?

Ross was popular among the men; they obeyed him. His death began to destroy their morale.

17. Who replaced Ross? Does this have an effect on the battle? Explain?

Brook—the soldiers’ loyalty does not transfer from Ross to Brook

18. Why was Francis Scott Key on a ship in Baltimore harbor?

He was trying to get the release of a friend that was being detained on a ship that was in the harbor.

19. How was Fort McHenry saved from complete destruction?

The cannonball that went into the magazine room did not explode.

20. How would Baltimoreans know if the American forces had been successful?

If they could see the flag in the AM

21. What music was the Star-Spangled banner put to?

British drinking song

22. When did the Star Spangled banner become the national anthem?


Defending the Southland

1. Why did the British target New Orleans?

To threaten the unity of the US

2. What was Jackson’s nickname?

Old Hickory

3. Why did Jackson hate the British so much?

He had been slashed across the face with the sabre of a British soldier during the Revolution; his mother and brothers died as a result of being in a British prison camp

4. What were the personality and physical differences between Madison and Jackson?

Jackson tall and slender; backwoodsman; not refined

Madison short, well educated; a “nerd”

5. How does Professor Pitch describe Jackson?

One of the most dynamic figures in American history

6. How many British troops were there at New Orleans?—10,000 How many American? 3,000

7. Why does Andrew Jackson declare martial law in New Orleans?

To establish order as a method to establish resistance against invasion

8. Why do the British continue on to New Orleans after the battle at Lake Bourne?

They are stuck; they have no options

9. When was the peace treaty signed? December 24, 1814

10. What fatal mistake do the British make at New Orleans?

Their attack plan was too complicated; everything had to go just perfectly (and of course, it didn’t). British forgot ladders; they paused instead of attacking

11. How many British casualties at New Orleans? American?

2,000 to 13 American dead and several dozen wounded

12. What did the Battle of New Orleans prove to Americans?

Proved that we had ability, will and leadership. Gave us PRIDE; caused great NATIONALISM


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