Gifted Hands Worksheet

1)What country are Peter and Augusta Rausch from? 2)What year did the movie start in?3) What hospital did Dr. Carson start working at?4)What does always happen when craniopogous twins are separated?5)Where did Dr. Carson grow up?6)What was Dr. Carson’s elder brother’s name? 7)What initially helped Dr. Carson get better grades?8)Why do you think Dr. Carson’s mom was suffering? 9)How old was Dr. Carson’s mom when she got married to his father?10)What ways does Ben’s mom manage to support the family? 11)What level of education did Ben’s Mom have?12) What Dr. Carson’s mom’s words helped him find his way in life?13)What favour does Ben’s Mom ask him and his brother to do while she’s gone?14)How many TV shows could the boys watch and how many books did they have to read per week?15)What word did Ben have to spell to win his class spelling bee?16)What award did Ben win in 8th grade?17)What university did Dr. Carson attend? 18)What advice does Dr. Carson’s girlfriend give him to do better in his classes?19)How long did surgery last for the conjoined twins? 20)What do you think of Dr. Carson’s story? What makes him such a remarkable man?Part 11.??How do you think Ben felt in elementary school when other students called him stupid??2.??Why do you think Ben’s mom had such a big effect on him??3.??Why couldn’t mom help him with his reading?? How did she help him in spite of her limited schooling??4.??What did Ben’s mom do to help him get excited about learning??5.??How old was Ben’s mom when she got married???___yrs?old. How did she earn money after her divorce??6.??How did Ben feel when he got 24 out of 25 questions right on his math test??7.??What were the two things that mom assigned Ben & his brother when she realised they were?????watching too much TV??8.??When Ben let his temper grow, what were 2 very scary things he did???9. How did he feel after the 2nd?scary thing??Part 2?10.??How much does the average human brain weigh??11.??As a freshman at Yale University, what did Ben’s anatomy professor say were the?criticalthings?needed to become a brain surgeon???12.? What obstacles did he have to overcome when he started to work at the hospital. ?How did Dr.?Udverheim?react to Ben’s doing the lobectomy without supervision??Why did he congratulate him for doing something that was against the rules??13.??How did Ben react to the loss of his own twins???14. Why did Ben delay the separation of the twins? ?What was the problem ??15.??What gave Ben the ability to finish his part?of??“closing up” before the 1 hour ran out? (what?things ran through his mind?) ................

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