Sherington Pre-School

Wembury Pre-School





Ofsted registration number: EY242951

Registered charity number: 1038818

PLA (Pre-School Learning Alliance) registration number: 29896


Wembury Pre-School is a friendly pre-school with a long record of providing a relaxed and happy atmosphere focussing on ‘Learning through Play’ within a safe, stimulating environment.

We are open to children aged 2 years 6 months – 4 years 11 months and predominantly serve the villages of Wembury, Heybrook Bay, Down Thomas and surrounding areas.

Run by a management committee of volunteers we work within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. We follow set policies and procedures to ensure we continue to operate legally and ethically.

We aim to offer our families friendly, high quality and affordable childcare which where possible allows them to access Early Years Funding.


Wembury Pre-School encourages each child to develop and flourish in a happy, supportive and secure environment, enabling them to be confident, challenged, and successful and to have high self-esteem.

We work in partnership with parents and local advisors to understand and provide the highest quality childcare for each child.

We embrace the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and apply the four key themes; Unique child, Positive relationships, Enabling environments, Learning and Development to the basis of our approach to early learning and development.


To provide and maintain high quality childcare with a happy atmosphere within a safe, secure and stimulating environment.

To encourage the development of self-esteem and independence which will help children to make a natural transition to full-time schooling.

To ensure each child is supported in developing their potential at their own pace by means of developmentally appropriate play activities and a high level of individual adult input.

To provide activities and experiences that are planned to meet their individual stages of development within the Early Years Foundation Stage.

To always look at ways to improve and update the environment, layout, equipment and resources available within the pre-school.


Wembury Pre-School has long existed in Wembury as a community pre-school. We are housed in our own pre-school building within the grounds of Wembury Primary School which we rent from DCC.


We are a registered charity with the Charity Commission and as an educational charity we are run by a voluntary committee made up from our family and associate members. We are registered with Ofsted and are members of the PLA (Pre School Learning Alliance) and we receive support from Devon County Early Years Team.


We are open Monday to Friday during the school term. Morning sessions (Monday to Friday) run from 09.00 to 11.30, afternoon sessions (Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays only) run from 12.30 to 3.00. We also offer a lunch club, which is open to all children between 11.30 and 12.30 daily. Children can bring packed lunches or parents can purchase vouchers for school dinners which are available from the Wembury Primary School.

A maximum of 26 children may attend the Pre-School at any one time. Parents can complete an application form prior to their child starting at the pre-school as we hold an active waiting list. Children may start from 2 years 6 months.

We are a registered Early Years provider and are eligible for Nursery Education Grant funding for 3 and 4 year olds. We are also able to offer 2gether funding for eligible 2 ½ year olds.

A ‘Good’ Ofsted inspection (our latest inspection dated 26/02/2009) is available on request and also on our website. We are registered on the Ofsted Early Years and Child Care Registers.

We are accredited with the Pre School Learning Alliance (PLA) and as such work to staff ratios of 1 adult: 4 children for under 3 year olds and 1:6 for over 3 year olds.

We offer Early Years Education, following the Foundation Stage curriculum. Our role is to help children to make progress across all areas of learning so that they are well equipped and eager to continue learning when they get to school.

Activities are planned around a theme on a weekly basis. Parents/carers are provided with a copy of the themes for each term and this includes a shape, colour, theme, number and song of the week. Our framework is the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which covers a child’s education and development from the age of 3 to the end of the reception year at school. We are compliant with all aspects of EYFS. The Foundation Stage is the Early Years equivalent of the National Curriculum; there are seven areas of learning and development, all of which are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

These three areas, the prime areas, are:

▪ communication and language;

▪ physical development; and

▪ personal, social and emotional development.

There are an additional four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:

▪ literacy;

▪ mathematics;

▪ understanding the world; and

▪ expressive arts and design.

Within each area there are a number of “early learning goals” for the children to work towards. We include a full range of activities and take account of each child’s needs when planning the curriculum.

We do regular observations and assessments, to help us monitor each child’s progress, and keep records. Observation sheets are passed to parents/carers weekly and parents/carers meet with their child’s key worker at the end of each term for a full review of their progress. Each child has a ‘WOW’ book where photographs are included and key messages about activities that the children have been undertaking to share with parents/carers. They also have reward sticker cards which are updated regularly. When the child collects 10 stickers, they receive a certificate.


Wembury Pre-school is located in the Allsorts Building at Wembury Primary School. The parish of Wembury, which includes Heybrook Bay and Down Thomas has an estimated populated of 2822 with 77 children aged 0-4 (2012 Estimate). The Allsorts Building is easily accessible, located in the grounds of the Primary School with its own gated entrance. It has an outdoor play area, due to be refurbished in the winter/spring of 2013/2014 and has a separate covered outdoor area for play outside during wet days. The Pre-School has use of the Primary School field for sports activities and also has a ‘Den’ within the grounds of the primary school, designed by the AONB.

Within the building there is an entrance foyer, a large main room with dedicated activity areas, an interactive white board and carpet area for story time, ICT area, kitchen, office, toilet facilities and separate art kitchen. The entrance foyer includes a cloakroom and pegs are provided for each child. We rent the building from Devon County Council and are liable for the rent on a termly basis which includes all utilities.

We operate according to the standard PLA Constitution which is adopted annually and our own health and safety policy. We undertake regular risk assessments and act upon our findings. 

We are also subject to an annual Foods Standards Agency Inspection – we obtained a level 4 in December 2012.

We undertake regular fire drills and have a written procedure, backed up with a fire drill log book.

We have named First Aid, Safeguarding and SENCO officers.


The Pre-School is run by a committee of parents and co-opted members who are elected annually at the AGM which is responsible for the finances and the overall management of the group. The Committee is made up of 3 officers; Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of 2 other members. We hold regular meetings to make decisions about the current and future management and running of the setting. At each committee meeting the administrators present an up to date statement of finances. All decisions made by the committee are made in view of the financial situation and required reserves.

The Pre-School has much to offer parents and carers. Through committee work, and fund-raising, new skills and confidence can be gained. It’s a chance to get to know others in the same situation and to develop a support network. Parents can share skills and interests with the children. Many lifelong friendships begin in the years when children are at Pre-School together.

We are affiliated to the Pre-School Learning Alliance (South Hams & Ivybridge branch) and receive training and support from this national organisation. Our staff attend regular training sessions, hold qualifications in childcare and are first-aid trained. 

We employ 8 members of staff for 38 weeks per year and pay holiday entitlement as per EU working time directives. Staff members are:

Supervisor Jo Romang NVQ 3

Deputy Supervisor (SENCO Officer) Claire Ward NVQ 3

Safeguarding Officer Debbie Twiddy NVQ 3

Deputy Safeguarding Officer Kathy Chown NVQ 3

Pre-school Assistant Roz Alford NVQ 2

Pre-school Assistant (Cover only) Louisa Eakers

Administrator Sam Andrew

Administrator Jane Cole

Our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Claire Ward. With guidance from the PLA Pre-School Development Worker for SEN, she assists in facilitating learning support, behaviour support, SEN assessment and administration, and parent/carer support, together with obtaining special funding where available.


Wembury Pre-School reviews its policies annually. Policies are reviewed by staff members and the Committee. Policies are also kept up to date and reviewed throughout the year and amended by the staff and administrators as necessary and subsequently agreed by the Committee with amendments signed off by the Chair.

The Supervisor makes all staff aware as and when policies have been amended for their review and update.  Policies are discussed at regular staff meetings to keep staff up to date with working practices, usually one/two policies per meeting.


We mainly attract children from Wembury and the neighbouring villages through word of mouth recommendations and toddler group visits. We have a Prospectus, and a new website where the pre-school is promoted. We encourage prospective parents to feel free to pop in and sit in on a session.

We are considering placing regular articles in the local parish magazine, ‘The Wembury Review’ which is distributed across Wembury, Down Thomas and Heybrook Bay and is available for sale in local shops in order to promote our services and activities.

Publicity information is available at the local Toddler Group and fundraising events are publicised in The Wembury Review and local newspapers and notice boards.



Email: wemburypreschool@


The pre-school operates a 3 term budget for the financial year ended 31st July. The administrators compile and update it for the pre-school on a monthly basis for the committee.

Monthly and year end accounts are maintained by the administrators, and are subject to an annual independent financial review.

These include an Income and Expenditure account for the year and a Funds Statement showing funds in hand at the year end. Copy monthly accounts and bank statements are kept with the Treasurer and Chairperson.

The administrators give a review of the accounts for the past year at the AGM when the accounts are presented, together with an overview of activities for the year.

We have money set aside to cover any redundancies (in a separate account) that may arise together with 6 weeks running costs in case of emergency or should the Pre-School have to close.


The business plan will be reviewed annually at a committee meeting to ensure the group is continuing the service as described.

Parents/carers are welcome to attend committee meetings but are not able to vote on any issues arising; however all parents/carers and interested parties can attend the AGM in October to elect the new Committee and provide feedback and share their thoughts with both the Committee and staff.

We have a suggestion scheme; the box is available to parents/carers in the foyer area to gain feedback and suggestions.

The Committee has introduced an annual survey to parents to help measure the effectiveness of our service and to consider parents suggestions for improvement.


The Committee and staff organise a varied calendar of events to raise money for the Pre-School including:

• Christmas Fayre

• Nativity

• Easter Tea Party

• Sports Day

• School Summer Fair

• Sponsored Nursery Rhyme/Torch Run

These events help with the fundraising for the Pre-School but also provide an important link between the Pre-School and the children’s families, where everyone is encouraged to get involved and attend the events.

A Sports Instructor attends Pre-School once a week to provide a targeted sports session working on balance, throwing, catching and general activities and in the summer months, this is provided on the school sports field.

French and Spanish lessons are available to children at an extra cost and a teacher attends Pre-School once a week to provide these lessons.

The Pre-school is closely linked with Wembury Primary School and there is a range of transitional events organised to ensure that the transition to school is as smooth as possible and that the children are used to their new environment.

Wembury Pre-School Calendar

| |Staff |Administrators |Committee |

|January |Review website |Funding/Fees |Annual Survey to Parents |

| | | | |

| | |Newsletter | |

|February |Safeguarding Review |Bookstart Treasure Packs |Review Grants available |

|March |Monthly SEF reviews |Charity Commission Return |Review costs: refuse/phone etc|

| | | | |

| | |PLA renewal and Insurance | |

|April |Parents meetings |Funding/Fees |Easter Fayre |

| | | | |

| |Review website |Newsletter | |

|May |Staff Appraisals |Data Protection Renewal |Staff Appraisals |

|June |Sunsafe Scheme | |Review Policies |

| | |Uniform stock take | |

|July |Parents meetings |Accounting Year End |Summer Fair |

| | | | |

| |Sports Day | |Annual Trip |

| | | | |

| |Leavers Party | | |

|August | | | |

|September |Review website |Funding/Fees |Review Fees |

| | | | |

| |First Aid updates |Newsletter |Accounts Financial Check |

| | | | |

| | |OFSTED renewal | |

| | | | |

| | |DBS checks (3yrly) | |

|October |Monthly staff meetings |EY02’s/Bank mandate |Pay Rise |

| | | | |

| | |Set Budget |AGM/Constitution |

| | | | |

| | |Update staff contracts |Review Business Plan |

|November |Annual equipment stock take |Review Redundancy provision |Christmas Fayre |

| | | | |

| | |Lottery Registration | |

|December |Parents meetings |Annual Foods Agency Inspection |Set Committee meeting list for|

| | | |coming year |

| |Nativity Play | | |

| | | | |

| |Christmas Party | | |


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