Developers Guide for Integrating BLUE DART API

Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Version History PAGEREF _Toc451260655 \h 2Getting Started: Shipping API PAGEREF _Toc451260656 \h 3SOAP Introduction PAGEREF _Toc451260657 \h 4SOAP Building Blocks PAGEREF _Toc451260658 \h 5Using Shipping Services API PAGEREF _Toc451260659 \h 6Structure Diagrams PAGEREF _Toc451260660 \h 7Finders PAGEREF _Toc451260661 \h 8Location Finder PAGEREF _Toc451260662 \h 8Methods used in Location Finder PAGEREF _Toc451260663 \h 8Detailed Description of each methods used in Location Finder PAGEREF _Toc451260664 \h 9Transit Time PAGEREF _Toc451260665 \h 11Methods used in Transit Time Finder PAGEREF _Toc451260666 \h 11Detailed Description of each methods used in Transit Time Finder PAGEREF _Toc451260667 \h 12Pickup PAGEREF _Toc451260668 \h 13Pickup Registration PAGEREF _Toc451260669 \h 13Methods used in Pickup Registration PAGEREF _Toc451260670 \h 13Detailed Description of each methods used in Pickup Registration PAGEREF _Toc451260671 \h 13Cancel Pickup Registration PAGEREF _Toc451260672 \h 16Waybill Generation PAGEREF _Toc451260673 \h 18Methods used in Waybill Generation PAGEREF _Toc451260674 \h 18Detailed Description of each methods used in Waybill Generation PAGEREF _Toc451260675 \h 18Master Download PAGEREF _Toc451260676 \h 23Methods used in Master download PAGEREF _Toc451260677 \h 23Detailed Description of each methods used in Master download PAGEREF _Toc451260678 \h 23Common object PAGEREF _Toc451260679 \h 24Common object details PAGEREF _Toc451260680 \h 24User Profile PAGEREF _Toc451260681 \h 24Products Details PAGEREF _Toc451260682 \h 25Product and Sub product details for Pickup Registration PAGEREF _Toc451260683 \h 25Shipping API Client Application PAGEREF _Toc451260684 \h 26Prerequisites of using Shipping API demo client PAGEREF _Toc451260685 \h 26Simple Coding Demo of Client Application in Visual Studio PAGEREF _Toc451260686 \h 26Excel File import PAGEREF _Toc451260687 \h 30Common Terminology PAGEREF _Toc451260688 \h 32Detailed description of common terminology used in this document PAGEREF _Toc451260689 \h 32Shipping API Demo URLs PAGEREF _Toc451260690 \h 32Version History VersionDateChanges0.1 BetaAug-2013Beta testing (Tracking)0.2 BetaOct-2013Beta Testing (Pickup Registratiom)0.3 BetaOct-2013Beta Testing (Cancel Pickup)0.4 BetaNov-2013Beta Testing (Waybill Generation)0.5 BetaDec-2013Beta Testing (Waybill Generation with Prin)0.6 LiveFeb -2014Demo & Live Version 0.7 LiveJul - 2014Basic Http & WsHttp ( Soap 1.2 is added)Multiple Waybill Generation1.7Jul -2015Incremental Master download.Multiple Waybill generation request.Waybill number to be pushed in pickup registration.Cancel Waybill/RTO Compulsory.Getting Started: Shipping APIConnectivity diagramThe Blue Dart Shipping API (Application Programming Interface) provides you with a wide range of functionalities which enables your systems and applications to integrate directly with Blue Dart’s systems in an easy and automated way. The APIs are built based on SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) providing a secure channel of communication, as all web calls are made through secured HTTPS. (This is also available via unsecure HTTP mode for customers who want this level of access)SOAP IntroductionSOAP is a simple XML-based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP.Or more simply: SOAP is a protocol for accessing a Web Service.What You Should Already KnowBefore you study SOAP you should have a basic understanding of XML and XML Namespaces.If you want to study these subjects first, please read our XML Tutorial.What is SOAP?SOAP stands for Simple Object Access ProtocolSOAP is a communication protocolSOAP is for communication between applicationsSOAP is a format for sending messagesSOAP communicates via InternetSOAP is platform independentSOAP is language independentSOAP is based on XMLSOAP is simple and extensibleSOAP allows you to get around firewallsSOAP is a W3C recommendationWhy SOAP?It is important for application development to allow Internet communication between programs.Today's applications communicate using Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) between objects like DCOM and CORBA, but HTTP was not designed for this. RPC represents a compatibility and security problem; firewalls and proxy servers will normally block this kind of traffic.A better way to communicate between applications is over HTTP, because HTTP is supported by all Internet browsers and servers. SOAP was created to accomplish this.SOAP provides a way to communicate between applications running on different operating systems, with different technologies and programming languages.SOAP Building BlocksA SOAP message is an ordinary XML document containing the following elements:An Envelope element that identifies the XML document as a SOAP messageA Header element that contains header informationA Body element that contains call and response informationA Fault element containing errors and status informationAll the elements above are declared in the default namespace for the SOAP envelope: the default namespace for SOAP encoding and data types is: RulesHere are some important syntax rules:A SOAP message MUST be encoded using XMLA SOAP message MUST use the SOAP Envelope namespaceA SOAP message MUST use the SOAP Encoding namespaceA SOAP message must NOT contain a DTD referenceA SOAP message must NOT contain XML Processing InstructionsUsing Shipping Services API ? The Shipping Services API uses a Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) that can be downloaded at will enable the developers to add reference to the web service in their code.? The user must be registered at with a valid user name and password and must have a tracking api license key.? Sample Codes is available in C# and can be downloadable at are free to use any development tool provided these tools support the WSDL and messages conform to the standards and structure required. However the preferred programming languages for client implementations are:Visual Basic C#JavaStructure Diagrams Finders Location Finder The Location Finder provides you with information on locations serviced by Blue Dart. It also outlines the services available for each location. This service can be used by the customer to be better advised on the serviceability and reach of Blue Dart locations. This query input is based on pin code.Service information: WSDL : used in Location Finder SR NoMethod Name Return TypeInput Values1GetServicesforPincodeServiceCenterDetailsReferencepinCode, profile2GetServicesforProductPinCodeServiceDetailsReferencepinCode,pProductCode,pSubProductCodeprofileDetailed Description of each methods used in Location Finder GetServicesforPincode :This method will return information about all types of services provided by Blue Dart for requested pin code.Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionpinCodestringY60-9Pin codeprofileObjectYClient details, profile details are given in common objects sheet.Response : Parameters NameData TypeDescriptionServiceCenterDetailsReference ObjectReturn service detail object for a pin codeServiceCenterDetailsReference Definition: Field NameData TypeLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionPinCodestring60-9Pin CodePincodeDescriptionstring25a-z,A-Z,0-9Pin code location descriptionAreaCodestring3A-ZArea code of pin code ServiceCenterCodestring3A-ZService centre code of pin codeDomesticPriorityInboundstring1Y/NDomestic Priority Inbound serviceDomesticPriorityOutboundstring1Y/NDomestic Priority Outbound Service ApexInboundstring1Y/NDart Apex Inbound serviceApexOutboundstring1Y/NDart Apex outbound serviceGroundInboundstring1Y/NSurface Inbound serviceGroundOutboundstring1Y/NSurface Outbound ServiceeTailCODAirInboundstring1Y/NeTail COD Apex Inbound ServiceeTailCODAirOutboundstring1Y/NeTail COD Apex Outbound ServiceeTailCODGroundInboundstring1Y/NeTail COD surface Inbound service eTailCODGroundOutboundstring1Y/NeTail COD surface Outbound serviceeTailPrePaidAirInboundstring1Y/NeTail Prepaid Apex Inbound ServiceeTailPrePaidAirOutoundstring1Y/NeTail Prepaid Apex Outbound ServiceeTailPrePaidGroundInboundstring1Y/NeTail Prepaid surface Inbound service eTailPrePaidGroundOutboundstring1Y/NeTail Prepaid surface Outbound serviceDomesticPriorityTDDstring510:30DP TDD (Time Definite delivery)ApexTDDstring512:30Apex TDD (Time Definite delivery)ErrorMessagestring500If any error , error message detailsIsErrorBoolean5True/FalseIf error then true , else falseAirValueLimitdouble10,29999999.99Declared value limitGroundValueLimitdouble10,29999999.99Declared value limitBlueDartHolidaysList <Holiday>Holiday ObjectHoliday ObjectParameters NameData TypeLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionDescriptionstring30a-z,A-Z,0-9 Holiday DescriptionHolidayDateDateTime Blue Dart Holiday datesGetServicesforProductThis method will return service availablity for requested pincode,product / subproduct.Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionpinCodestringY60-9Pin codepProductCodestringY1A-ZProduct codepSubProductCodestringY1A-ZSub product codeprofileObjectYClient details, profile details are given in common objects sheet.Response : Parameters NameData TypeDescriptionPinCodeServiceDetailsReferenceObjectReturn service detail object for a pin code,product /sub productPinCodeServiceDetailsReference DefinitionField NameData TypeLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionAreaCodestring3A-ZArea CodeServiceCenterCodestring3A-ZService centre codePinCodestring60-9Pin CodePinDescriptionstring25a-z,A-Z,0-9Pin code Description Productstring1A-ZProduct codeSubProductstring1A-ZSub product codeServicestring10A-Z,/,&Service availabilityServiceNamestring25A-ZProduct Description IsErrorBoolean5True/falseError ErrorMessagestring500Error MessageTransit Time The Transit Time Finder provides you with the delivery date for a selected service. You are required to provide the Blue Dart service required by you, the Origin pin code, Destination pin code ,pickup date and time .WSDL : used in Transit Time FinderSr NoMethod Name Return TypeInput Values1GetDomesticTransitTimeForPinCodeandProductDateTimepPinCodeFrom, pPinCodeTo,pProductCode,pSubProductCode pPudate,pPickupTime,profile Detailed Description of each methods used in Transit Time Finder Method : GetDomesticTransitTimeForPinCodeandProduct:This method will return Expected delivery date of the shipment when it is shipped on a certain date for a selected service. Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionpPinCodeFrom stringY60-9Origin Pin codepPinCodeTostringY60-9pProductCodestringY1A-ZpSubProductCode string10-9,A-ZpPudateDateY8DatepPickupTime stringY40-924 hrs format (e.g. 13:00)profileObjectYClient details, profile details are given in common objects sheet.responseParameters NameData TypeDescriptionDomesticTranistTimeReferenceObjectReturn Transit time detailsDomesticTranistTimeReference Definition: Field NameData TypeLengthAllowed ValuesDefault valueDescriptionAreaString3A-ZDelivery Area CodeServiceCenterString3A-ZDelivery Service centre code ExpectedDateDeliveryDate10DD-MON-YYExpected delivery dateExpectedDatePODDate10DD-MON-YYExpected pod date, for non compAdditionalDaysString20-9Additional days for EDLEDLMessageString1Y/NEDL Product ServiceabilityIsErrorBoolean5True/falsefalseError ErrorMessageString500Error MessagePickupPickup Registration The Pickup registration API exposes methods those will be used to register a PIckup. Service information: WSDL : used in Pickup Registration SR NoMethod Name Return TypeInput Values1RegisterPickupPickupRegistrationResponsePickupRegistrationRequest, UserProfile Object2GetAllProductsAndSubProductsGetAllProductsAndSubProductsResponseUserProfile ObjectDetailed Description of each methods used in Pickup RegistrationMethod : RegisterPickup:This method will register Pickup using all necessary data as input parameters.Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireDescriptionRequestPickupRegistrationRequestYRequest Object containing all information required to register a PickupProfile UserProfileYClient details, UserProfile details are given in common objects sheet as P_ClientObject.PickupRegistrationRequest Definition: Field NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionProductCodestringY1a-z, A-ZProduct CodeAreaCodestringY3A-ZArea code of pin code CustomerCodestringY6A-Z,0-9Customer CodeCustomerNamestringY30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Customer NameCustomerAddress1stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Pickup Address1CustomerAddress2stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Pickup Address2CustomerAddress3stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Pickup Address3ContactPersonNamestringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Contact Person NameCustomerPincodestringY60-9Pickup PincodeCustomerTelephoneNumberstringN6-150-9Customer Telephone NumberMobileTelNostringN6-150-9Contact Person Mobile NumberShipmentPickupDateDateYShipment Pickup DateShipmentPickupTimestringY50-9,:Shipment Pickup Time [00:00]RemarksstringN60a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Special Instruction / RemarksNumberofPiecesintN40-9999Number of Pieces in shipment[Default value : 1]WeightofShipmentdoubleN8.20-99999999.99Actual Weight of ShipmentVolumeWeightdoubleN8.20-99999999.99Volumetric Weight of ShipmentRouteCodestringN2a-z,A-Z,0-9Pickup Route Code[Default Value : 99]OfficeCloseTimestringY50-9,:Office close time of customer[00:00]EmailIDstringN30Standard emailid formatCustomer EmailIDisToPayShipperboolN1Y/NToPay Shipper or notDefault Value : falseDoxNDoxstringN11/2Dox or NDox SubProductsString[]N5List Of SubProductsReferenceNostringNa-z, A-Z, 0-9Reference NoAWBNoString[]N120-9Waybill Number , single waybill number need to be passed , rest all waybill numbers are ignored if you pass more than 1IsReversePickupboolN1True/falseIf reverse pickup then true , else falseResponse : Parameters NameData TypeDescriptionPickupRegistrationResponseObjectReturns response object including status of operationPickupRegistrationResponse Definition: Field NameData TypeLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionTokenNumberstring60-9Pickup registration Token NumberStatusArray of object of type ResponseStatusPickup registration status ListIsErrorboolTrue/falseWhether operation causes error or notPickupRegistrationResponse Definition: Field NameData TypeDescriptionPickupRegistrationStatusEnumeratorPickup registration status codeErrorMessagestringDescriptive error message if there is any error / FailureCancel Pickup Registration Service information: WSDL : : CancelPickupThis method will allow user to cancel pickup (which are registered by him).Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireDescriptionRequestCancelPickupRequestYRequest objectProfile UserProfileYClient details, UserProfile details are given in common objects sheet as P_ClientObject.CancelPickupRequest Definition: Field NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionToken NointY80 - 99999999Pickup Token NoPickupRegistrationDateDateTimeYPickup Registration Date RemarksstringN60a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Cancel Pickup RemarksResponse : Parameters NameData TypeDescriptionCancelPickupResponseEntityObjectReturns response object including operation status & Exception list.CancelPickupResponseEntity Definition: Field NameData TypeAllowed ValuesDescriptionstatusArray of object 'CancelPickupResponseStatus'Array of all status listIsErrorboolTrue/falseWhether method returns error or notCancelPickupResponseStatus Definition: Field NameData TypeDescriptionStatusCodestringResponse Status codeStatusDescriptionstringResponse status descriptionMethod : GetAllProductsAndSubProducts:This method will return all product & subproduct codes details that will be used to send as input parameters in Pickup Registration method.Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireDescriptionProfile UserProfileYClient details, UserProfile details are given in common objects sheet as P_ClientObject.Response : Parameters NameData TypeDescriptionGetAllProductsAndSubProductsResponseEntityObjectReturns all valid Product Codes & Sub Product CodesGetAllProductsAndSubProductsResponseEntity Definition: Field NameData TypeAllowed ValuesDescriptionProductListArray of object 'Product'0-9Array of all valid Products used along with their respective subproductsIsErrorboolTrue/falseWhether method returns error or notErrorMessagestringError Description (if any) Product Definition: Field NameData TypeDescriptionProductNamestringName of ProductProductDescriptionstringDescriptive error message if there is any error / FailureSubProductsArray Of stringList of respective sub productsWaybill GenerationThis API exposes methods those will be used to generate new Waybill. Service information: WSDL : used in Waybill Generation SR NoMethod Name Return TypeInput Values1GenerateWayBillWayBillGenerationResponseWayBillGenerationRequest, UserProfile Object2ImportDataList<WayBillGenerationResponse>List<WayBillGenerationRequest>, UserProfile Object3CancelWaybillAWBCancelationResponseAWBCancelationRequest , UserProfile ObjectDetailed Description of each methods used in Waybill GenerationMethod : GenerateWayBill:(Single Waybill Generation)This method will generate Waybill using all necessary data as input parameters.Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireDescriptionRequestWayBillGenerationRequestYRequest Object containing all information required to generate WaybillProfile UserProfileYClient details, UserProfile details are given in common objects sheet as P_ClientObject.WayBillGenerationRequest Definition: Field NameData TypeRequireDescriptionShipperShipper ObjectYShipper DetailsConsigneeConsignee ObjectYConsignee DetailsServicesServices ObjectYServices Details i.e Product, Sub Product, AmtShipper Definition: Field NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionOriginAreastringY3A-ZCustomer Area code CustomerCodestringY6A-Z,0-9Customer CodeCustomerNamestringY30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Customer NameCustomerAddress1stringY30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Customer Address1CustomerAddress2stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Customer Address2CustomerAddress3stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Customer Address3CustomerPincodestringY60-9Customer PincodeCustomerTelephonestringN6-150-9Customer Telephone NumberCustomerMobilestringN10-150-9Customer Mobile NumberCustomerEmailIDstringN30Standard emailid formatCustomer EmailIDSenderstringN20a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Sender NameisToPayCustomerboolYTrue/falseToPay Customer or notDefault Value : falseVendorstringN6A-Z,0-9Vendor CodeConsignee Definition: Field NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionConsigneeNamestringY30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-ConsigneeNameConsigneeAddress1stringY30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-ConsigneeAddress1ConsigneeAddress2stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-ConsigneeAddress2ConsigneeAddress3stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-ConsigneeAddress3ConsigneePincodestringY60-9Consignee PincodeConsigneeTelephonestringN6-150-9Consignee Telephone NumberConsigneeMobilestringN10-150-9Consignee Mobile NumberConsigneeAttentionstringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Attention Details of consigneeServices Definition: Field NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionProductCodestringY1A-ZProduct Code ProductTypeProductType[Enumerator]YProductType.Docs, ProductType.DutiablesProduct Type [Docs/Dutiables]SubProductCodestringN1A-ZSubProductCode[C/P]PieceCountintY10-9999Number of piecesActualWeightdoubleY8,20-99999999.99Shipment Actual WeightPackTypestringN1A-Z,0-9Pack Type InvoiceNostringN10A-Z,0-9Invoice NumberSpecialInstructionstringN50a-z,A-Z,0-9,./?;:'~!\\@\"#$%^&*()[]+=_ /-Special InstructionDeclaredValuedoubleN10,20-9999999999.99Declared Value [Mandatory for Prepaid]CollactableAmountdoubleN10,20-9999999999.99Collactable Amount [Mandatory for COD]CreditReferenceNostringY20A-Z,0-9Credit Reference Number (Should be unique)DimensionsList of Dimension ObjectNList of dimension of multiplepiecesPickupDateDateTimeYPickup DatePickupTimePickup TimeY40-9Pickup Time [0000]CommodityObject CommodityDetailNCommodity Details in objectPDFOutputNotRequiredboolNTrue,falsePDF is generated by default . When PDF file is not required as part of response pass the value as trueAWBNoStringN120-9Waybill NumberRegisterPickupboolNTrue,falseRegister pickup if waybill is sucessful .Default falseDeliveryTimeSlotStringN10Preferred delivery time slot IsReversePickupboolNTrue,falseTrue for RVP shipment else falseParcelShopCodeString N10A-Z,0-9Parcel Shop CodeDimension Definition: Field NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionLengthdoubleY6,2Length BreadthdoubleY6,2BreadthHeightdoubleY6,2HeightCountInt0-9Piece Count for respective dimension entryCommodity Detail Definition: Field NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionCommodityDetail1stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9Commodity Detail1CommodityDetail2stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9Commodity Detail2CommodityDetail3stringN30a-z,A-Z,0-9Commodity Detail3 WayBillGenerationResponse Definition: Field NameData TypeDescriptionStatusArrayOf WaybillGenerationstatus objectList of Response Status IsErrorboolOperation status : Success / Failure [true/false]AWBNostringWaybill numberAWBPrintContentArray Of bytecontain waybill Print content in bytes which can be converted in only PDF file.DestinationAreastringDestination areaDestinationLocationstringDestination service centreCCRCRDREFStringCredit Reference number passed while request.Waybillgenerationstatus Definition: Field NameData TypeDescriptionStatusCodestringResponse status code for Waybill generationStatusInformationstringDescriptive status message [error / Info]Method : ImportData:(Multiple Waybill Generation )This method will generate Waybill using all necessary data as input parameters.Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireDescriptionRequestList<WayBillGenerationRequest>YRequest Object containing all information required to generate WaybillProfile UserProfileYClient details, UserProfile details are given in common objects sheet as P_ClientObject.Response Parameters NameData TypeRequireDescriptionResponseList<WayBillGenerationResponse>YResponse ObjectFor multiple WayBillGenerationRequest & WayBillGenerationResponse Definition is same as of single waybill generationMethod : CancelWaybill This method will Cancel Waybill request before Shipment Manifest(In-scan) .Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireDescriptionRequestAWBCancelationRequestYRequest Object containing all information required to Cancel WaybillProfile UserProfileYClient details, UserProfile details are given in common objects sheet as P_ClientObject.ResponseParameters NameData TypeRequireDescriptionResponseAWBCancelationResponseYResponse Object containing all information After Cancel WaybillAWBCancelationRequest Definition :Field NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionAWBNostringY120-9Blue Dart Airway bill Number AWBCancelationRequest Definition : Field NameData TypeDescriptionStatusArrayOf WaybillGenerationstatus objectList of Response Status IsErrorboolOperation status : Success / Failure [true/false]AWBNostringWaybill numberMaster Download This API exposes methods those will be used for masters download. Service information: WSDL : used in Master downloadSR NoMethod Name Return TypeInput Values1DownloadPinCodeMasterList<ServiceCenterDetailsReference>lastSynchDate, UserProfile ObjectDetailed Description of each methods used in Master downloadMethod : DownloadPinCodeMaster This method will downloads incremental pin code master changes .Request Parameters NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionlastSynchDateDateTimeY6Valid DateLast synch date to be passed profileObjectYClient details, profile details are given in common objects sheet.Response : Parameters NameData TypeDescriptionList<ServiceCenterDetailsReference> ObjectReturn service detail object for a pin codeServiceCenterDetailsReference Definition: Field NameData TypeLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionPinCodestring60-9Pin CodePincodeDescriptionstring25a-z,A-Z,0-9Pin code location descriptionAreaCodestring3A-ZArea code of pin code ServiceCenterCodestring3A-ZService centre code of pin codeDomesticPriorityInboundstring1Y/NDomestic Priority Inbound serviceDomesticPriorityOutboundstring1Y/NDomestic Priority Outbound Service ApexInboundstring1Y/NDart Apex Inbound serviceApexOutboundstring1Y/NDart Apex outbound serviceGroundInboundstring1Y/NSurface Inbound serviceGroundOutboundstring1Y/NSurface Outbound ServiceeTailCODAirInboundstring1Y/NeTail COD Apex Inbound ServiceeTailCODAirOutboundstring1Y/NeTail COD Apex Outbound ServiceeTailCODGroundInboundstring1Y/NeTail COD surface Inbound service eTailCODGroundOutboundstring1Y/NeTail COD surface Outbound serviceeTailPrePaidAirInboundstring1Y/NeTail Prepaid Apex Inbound ServiceeTailPrePaidAirOutoundstring1Y/NeTail Prepaid Apex Outbound ServiceeTailPrePaidGroundInboundstring1Y/NeTail Prepaid surface Inbound service eTailPrePaidGroundOutboundstring1Y/NeTail Prepaid surface Outbound serviceDomesticPriorityTDDstring510:30DP TDD (Time Definite delivery)ApexTDDstring512:30Apex TDD (Time Definite delivery)ErrorMessagestring500If any error , error message detailsIf no error , INSER/UPDATE/DELETE flag for any change in serviceIsErrorBoolean5True/FalseIf error then true , else falseAirValueLimitdouble10,29999999.99Declared value limitGroundValueLimitdouble10,29999999.99Declared value limitBlueDartHolidaysList <Holiday>Holiday ObjectHoliday ObjectParameters NameData TypeLengthAllowed ValuesDescriptionDescriptionstring30a-z,A-Z,0-9 Holiday DescriptionHolidayDateDateTime Blue Dart Holiday datesCommon object Objects which used in all methods is known as common objectsCommon object details Sr NoObject NameDescription1ProfileClient details (UserProfile)User ProfileField NameData TypeRequireLengthAllowed ValuesDefault valueDescriptionLoginIDstringY30A-Z,0-9Login ID of clientLicenceKeystringY2000A-Z,0-9Licence keyApi_typestringN1T/SSShipping APIVersionstringN51.01.0Shipping API versionAreastringN3A-ZFor Affiliates to login Products Details Product and Sub product details for waybill generationProductSub ProductProduct DescriptionD?Domestic PriorityE?GroundA?Air/ApexACeTailCODAirECeTailCODGroundAPeTailPrePaidAirEPeTailPrePaidGround Product and Sub product details for Pickup RegistrationPRODUCT CODESUB PRODUCT CODEADCADODAE-TailingAEDLAExpress Pallete 100AExpress Pallete 50AExpress Pallete 75AFODAFOVASmart Box 10ASmart Box 25ASmart Box MultATDDDCritical ExpressDTDDEDODEEDLEExpress Pallete 100EExpress Pallete 50EExpress Pallete 75EFODEFOV/DCESmart Box 10ESmart Box 25ESmart Box MultIDTPIExpress Easy 6IExpress Easy 8IExpress PalleteIImp/EXPISIIShipping API Client ApplicationPrerequisites of using Shipping API demo clientDot Net framework 3.5ODBC Driver configuration for using Import Excel File.Simple Coding Demo of Client Application in Visual StudioStep 1: Open WPF application and right click on reference in the solution explorer . Enter the Service URL in address bar and click on Go button.Right click on reference and add Service ReferenceStep 2: Service Reference window will be open after step 1 , enter below address in address bar click on GO button : Step 3: After entering Endpoint address , below screen will be displayed , it will display all methods availabe in WSDL file.can change Namespace Click to view all methodsexisting methods in WSDL fileClick on ok to finish add referenceService reference is visible in solution explorerStep 4: click on Service reference1 in solution explorer , object browser window will open , Namespace of the proxy connectioncan view available class in existing namespace Step5: Open calling form and write the code as given below. Excel File import Note: If client machine is not installed with MS Office then please install AccessDatabaseEngine.exe firstStep 1 : Create ODBC Driver for Excel Files ( If below highlighted entry is not there then click on Add button to add the entry ) ( ODBC is found in Control Panel--> Administrative Tools --> Data Source ODBC ) or Run c:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe ( for windows 7)Step 2: For configuring ODBC Driver , Click on Configure button Step 3 : Set Data Source Name Data Source Name should be "Excel Files" only don't change this Select excel file for import by Clicking on Select workbook . ( One time only) Uncheck on Read only if any . Common Terminology Detailed description of common terminology used in this document Sr No Common TerminologyDescription1 Pin Code Indian postal code2Area Code3 letter IATA code3ServiceCenterCodeBlue dart's pickup and delivery location code4TDDTime Definite delivery5EDLExtra delivery location6PODProof of Delivery7Pickup DateDate on which shipment is connected/manifested in Blue Dart network Shipping API Demo URLs Pin Code Finder Time Demo/ShippingAPI/Finder/ServiceFinderQuery.svc?wsdlPickup Registration Demo/ShippingAPI/Pickup/PickupRegistrationService.svc?wsdlCancel Pickup Registration Demo/ShippingAPI/Pickup/PickupRegistrationService.svc?wsdlWaybill Generation Demo/ShippingAPI/WayBill/WayBillGeneration.svc?wsdl ................

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