How to Transfer a Report Using Host Explorer

How to Transfer a Report Using Hummingbird (Host Explorer)

Step 1: Prepare the report normally on JIS.

Step 2: Access the JIS Print Domain normally by selecting it from the TPX Menu.

Step 3: Type the transfer command TRA at the top of the JDPM screen, then Type X next to the report to be transferred as shown below:


Step 4: Press ENTER.

Step 5: READY status will appear on the screen as shown below:


Step 6: From the menu bar, click Transfer, then click Receive File from Host from the displayed submenu as shown below:


Step 7: The Download from CICS dialog box should display as shown below.  If it does not, click the menu down arrow for the Scheme field and select CICS_Text.  As soon as CICS_Text has been selected, the title of the Dialog Box will read Download from CICS, as shown below: 


Step 8: From the Download from CICS dialog box, also enter or verify the following information (see screen below):

1. Host File Name field (in the Received  From area):  Should read:  CPFPRINT.

2.  Destination field (in the Receive To area): Should read: Disk.

3. Local File Name field:  Click the  folder [pic]  to the right of the box. 

NOTE:  If you have performed file transfers before from this PC, this field may already be filled in with the last directory and document name you chose previously.  Change the directory and/or document name as appropriate.  When you click OK, the transfer process will automatically execute, skipping to the last Step (Step 16) below.


Step 9: Click the arrow to the right of the Save In box and select the desired directory in which to save the document as shown below:


Step 10: For ease of locating the document later, it is recommended you change the directory to either the Desktop or to some other familiar directory.  If you leave the document in the default Host Explorer directory, it can be difficult to locate later. See below:


Step 11: In the File Name box, type the desired name of your document as shown below:


Step 12: Click the arrow to the right of the Save as Type box and then select the Documents (*.doc *.txt) option.  Depending upon your operating system, you may be able to select EITHER .doc OR .txt.  In the example below, .doc and .txt are selected together:


Step 13: Click Save as shown below:


Step 14: Click OK as shown below:


Step 15: A dialog box displays confirming that the transfer is complete.  Click Close as shown below:


Step 16: The JDPM print menu on JIS redisplays.  Exit normally from this screen.      


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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