March 25, 2021 x Volume 22 ? Issue 12

A FREE Weekly Publication

Housing Authority Gets Extended Reach for Economic Development

Eric Raza and Will Reyes led members of the Lancer football team unto the field during Sunday's memorial service for Jacob Naar. Thay

are pictured listening to mourners speak. Photo by Chris Paul

Community Gathers and

Grieves Loss of Jacob Naar

CHRIS PAUL LONDONDERRY TIMES --------?????--------?x

Aseemingly endless line of grieving community members made their way through a memorial service line at the Londonderry High School Football field on Sunday afternoon, March 21, to pay their

respects to the recently deceased Lancer senior, Jake Naar.

The service, put on by the high school staff and parents and friends, was blessed with perfect weather and it gave everyone that was ever touched by Jake a chance to bid farewell.

Banners, photos, wreaths, jercontinued on page 5


The Town Council has expanded the geographic reach of the Londonderry Housing and Redevelopment Authority (LHRA) to pursue more economic development Initiatives for the town.

The council voted unanimously at its Mar. 15 meeting for Resolution 2021-05 to enable LHRA to go beyond what is currently allowed in the Redevelopment Plan. Its activities will now extend throughout all industrial or commercially zoned districts within the town's municipal boundaries.

LHRA may acquire

interests in real proper-

ty as available within a

project area, including

easements and rights-

of-way for construction

of utilities, streets, and

access roads.

The authority which

is organized by statute

was first established in

1968 to generate eco-

nomic development in

and around what is now

the Manchester-Boston



though its scope has

been limited to that


It owns land around

the airport and, as

Town Manager Kevin

Smith told the council,

one of those parcels is

leased to Enterprise

Car Rental. This gener-

ates $1 million annually

from car registrations

required for Enterprise

as part of its lease.

The purpose of this

step would be to rede-

velop these areas for

industrial and commer-

cial use to enhance

land values, create

jobs, and encourage

infrastructure to facili-

tate those efforts,

Smith said.

LHRA can do loans

though it hasn't in

some time, he added. It

develops undeveloped

or blighted property in


The proposed rede-



includes the airport for

industrial and commer-

cial uses.

Land use in the proj-

continued on page 2



Saucier Retains Londonderry

School Board Chairman Spot

ALEX MALM LONDONDERRY TIMES --------?????--------?x

The Londonderry School Board held its annual re-organizational meeting on Tuesday, March 16, after the recent local elections where Michael Saucier was re-elected, but longtime board member Steve Young was unable to retain his seat, losing to newcomer Sara Loughlin.

The meeting serves as a way for the School Board to vote on the school board chair for the year along with the

vice chair. Being re-elected as

the Londonderry School Board Chair was Michael Saucier, after winning his re-election bid for the school board.

Londonderry Superintendent Scott Laliberte, who served as the chair during the beginning of the meeting said that he was happy to be able to hand over the gavle back to Saucier.

"I very joyfully yield the gavel," Laliberte said after the vote was taken.

Also being re-elected to their position was

Jenn Ganem who will once again serve as the Londonderry Vice Chair.

One of the highlights of the night during the meeting was in regards to the 2021-2022 school year calendar.

It was explained by

continued on page 6






L O N D O N D E R RY T I M E S x MARCH 25, 2021

T-Mobile Gets OK by Zoning to Have Additional Sign


proposal revolved ground for their sign it location, and would also regards to having the that it is already a part

--------?????--------?x around the actual was decided by Casey mean that they would sign being lit up. It was of the regulations.

The Londonderry design of the second to ask for a continua- be able to pay more asked if they were plan- The Board on a 5-0

Zoning Board of sign.

tion which led to the attention to traffic than ning on having it illumi- vote approved both

Adjustment heard During that meeting meeting last week.

trying to find the build- nated 24-7 or if they variances, one for allow-

a case that was contin- one concern about the During the March 17 ing.

would turn it off during ing T-Mobile to have

ued from the last meet- design came from board meeting Jim Steiner, The other major dif- certain hours.

two signs instead of one

ing, during its March 17 member David Arm- who was representing ference between the It was explained by and a variance to allow


strong, who said all the KC Signs explained to original proposal and Londonderry Associate them to have 56 square

The case was in other signs in the plaza the board that they had the one presented last Planner Laura Gandia feet of signage instead

regards to T-Mobile looked more conform- a new proposal for the week was in regards to that businesses are of 40 square feet.

requesting to have two ing because they don't signs.

the design of the sign. required to turn off the The next Londonder-

different signs instead have a background, and The first difference Steiner explained lighting on their signs ry ZBA meeting is slated

of one that is allowed, instead just have a logo. that he explained was that they addressed the when their business is for Wednesday, April 21

and to have more The proposal made to that instead of seeking major issue that the closed already, meaning at 7 p.m.

square feet of signage the board was a design to have 65.6 square feet board had of having a

than is normally with a colored back- of signage where 40 feet colored background so



is allowed like they they took it out and


T-Mobile in its origi- The owner of KC were originally propos- instead would just be

nal application was ask- Signs, Robyn Casey, ing, they instead would channeled lettering.

ing for a variance to who is working with T- be seeking 56 total He also noted that

allow the business to Mobile on the signage square feet total for the the color of it would be

have two wall signs explained that she had signs and each sign magenta.

instead of the one and originally suggested to would only be 28 Ultimately, Steiner

also to allow 65.6 square T-Mobile not to have a square feet.

told the ZBA that they

feet of signage instead colored background and LIke Casey did dur- thought the proposal

of the 40 square feet instead to just go with ing the original meet- was reasonable.

that is currently the channeled lettering. ing, Steiner explained "The proposal is a


Because Casey was- that the extra sign reasonable one," Steiner

At the previous n't sure if T-Mobile would also help with said.

meeting one of the would go forward with public safety, because it Another question

issues that the board the proposal if they would be easier for peo- that was brought up by

had in regards to the couldn't have a back- ple to find the T-Mobile the board was in

Mark R. Fedorchuk

Mark R. Fedorchuk, of Londonderry, died at the Community Hospice House in Merrimack on March 21, 2021 at the age of 64. He was born in Haverhill, Masss. on Feb. 14, 1957, the eldest son of Richard and Joanne (Yannalfo) Fedorchuk and grew up in Tewksbury, Mass. Mark enjoyed all sports and was an avid golfer. He was a former member of the PGA and was the club champion at Hoodcroft C.C. in 2009. He is survived by his loving wife of 36 years,




still retains some deed- up purchasing the land es, and it is limited in ed rights to the pass from the investors or terms of the projects

Susan; his daughter, Kristyn and her fianc?, Tyler Ball; and best bud dog, Brady. He is also survived by his parents of Dracut, Mass; his

Continued from page 1 over of certain plots of acquiring the land with that come its way.

brother, Thomas and partner Carol Myott; and

ect area will be in land, he told the coun- town funds. Now LHRA LHRA thinks in sister, Linda Robichaud of Billerica, Mass; his

accordance with the cil.

has its own finances terms of the economic brother Gary, and wife Laureen of Wolfeboro,

town's Zoning Ordi- Private investors and bank account.

benefit to Londonderry NH; and sister, Anne and husband Tony Depanfil-

nance and related regu- involved in LHRA origi- It is a quasi-munici- and the restrictions, he is of Groveland, Mass; as well as many aunts,

lations, such as Subdi- nally had purchased pal agency but oper- said. Paul told him in uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.

vision and Site Plan some of the land. The ates at the will of the supporting this request

Calling hours will be held on Thursday,

Regulations of London- authority doesn't take town. LHRA has an esti- for a greater organiza- March 25th from 4 - 8 p.m. in the Peabody Funer-

derry and airport zon- money from the town to mated $2.5 million in tional role she wants al Homes and Crematorium, 290 Mammoth Rd.,


acquire land as far as assets.

those with prospective Londonderry. Due to State of NH guidelines, all

Dan Root, LHRA he knows, Root said.

Root emphasized projects to have equal guests are required to wear masks, minimize

chair, said the entity During questioning the authority is but one opportunity for consid- contact and maintain social distancing. A Mass

has owned land in the from Councilor Deb component of potential eration.

of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Satur-

town over the past 30 Paul on how the land deals. Historically With its approval day, March 27 at 10 a.m. in St. Thomas Aquinas

years. Part of its land was financed, he esti- there hasn't been com- Council Chair John Far- Church, Crystal Ave., Derry. To send a condo-

has been sold off but it mated the town wound petition for its servic- rell also asked for more lence, please visit, peabodyfu-

future oversight of

LHRA's role.




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L O N D O N D E R RY T I M E S x MARCH 25, 2021



Senior Resources Committee Holds March Meeting


monthly meeting on

--------?????--------?x Tuesday, March 16, and

The Londonderry discussed a variety of Senior Resources topics that involve LonCommittee (SRC) donderry's aging popu-

met for their regular lation.


E. Kent Allen

E. Kent Allen, Jr., 81, of Londonderry died Saturday, March 13, 2021 in his home surrounded by his loving family following a lengthy illness. Born in Boston, Mass. on Aug. 27, 1939, he was the son of E. Kent and Harriett (Bolton) Allen. Kent was raised in Westford, Mass. and Hingham, Mass. and has been a resident of Londonderry for the past 51 years. He was a graduate of Boston University and Northeastern University and served in the US Naval Reserves. Kent's credo was "Deeds, not words," and he lived that belief daily. He was a landscaper for over 55 years, maintaining commercial and residential properties in town. Kent recently retired after 44 years of working in the Londonderry cemeteries and served as cemetery sexton for 12 years. He also completed seven years of volunteer clean-up work in the Londonderry Town Forest which has been renamed the Kent Allen Forest to honor his tireless efforts. He is survived by his wife, partner and best friend of 58 years, Meredith (Hall) Allen of Londonderry; their daughters, Deborah Urbanik and husband Todd of Dunbarton,NH and their three children, Devyn, Haley and T.J.; Elizabeth York and husband Jim of Concord, NH, and their two children Taylor and Matthew, and Sarah Garofalo and husband Derek of Londonderry and their two children, Addison and Ethan; his siblings, Harriett Wayland and husband Parker of Knoxville, TN, Deborah Pash and husband Ken of Santa Barbara, CA, and William Allen of Denver, CO. He was predeceased by his brother, Robert Allen of Hingham, MA. A celebration of Kent's life will be held in the Kent Allen Forest in Londonderry on April 17 at 2 p.m. Please honor Kent by wearing blue jeans and your favorite flannel shirt. Please follow current COVID guidelines including six-foot distancing and mask wearing. In lieu of flowers, donations can be directed to the Town of Londonderry, Londonderry Town Hall, 268B Mammoth Rd. Londonderry, NH 03053, c/o The Kent Allen Forest. Remembrances can be shared through family Facebook pages or the Peabody Funeral Home at . In the event of rain, the ceremony will shift to April 24 at 2 p.m. Please check the Facebook pages of family members, the Town of Londonderry, or the Peabody Funeral Home website listed above. The entire Allen family would like to express our gratitude to the Town of Londonderry, Kevin Smith, and countless community members who became Dad's friends and collaborators, enabling the forest project to become a reality.

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Acting Vice-Chair- the committee prioritize

man, Rob Palmer, their ideas, set goals

chaired this particular and focus on achieving


one or more of these

The SRC charter was goals during 2021.

briefly discussed as to The committee in

the fact that it only general likes the idea of

authorizes the commit- recognizing a business

tee to make recommen- or an individual with an

dations to the Town award for extraordinary

Council for programs service provided to sen-

and issues which might iors but needs to define

benefit the town's sen- that program more

ior citizens.

before submitting it to

It was noted that the Town Council.

other types of town It was then recom-

committees appear to mended that the SRC

be chartered to take a establish a process for

more action-oriented implementing such a

approach to achieve program and then sub-

their mandate.

mit it to the Town Coun-

The committee de- cil who can possibly

cided to continue to incorporate it into the

explore requesting pos- citizens' awards an-

sible changes to it's nounced at the Town

charter to get more Deliberative Session.

aligned with the opera- There was also a

tions of other town mention of creating a


five- to 10-year plan for

There were discus- a multi-purpose Lon-

sions about identifying donderry Senior Center,

and interacting with especially since the

other state organiza- Town's senior popula-

tions that also exist to tion has recently

promote better servic- increased tremendous-

es for seniors.


There was some That discussion will

deliberation on having be ongoing and needs to

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be coordinated with from seniors.

Cathy Blash, Director of There was a discus-

the Senior Center who is sion about services

also a liaison member of required by seniors

the SRC.

which were unattain-

The committee mem- able. Most notable was

bers present talked snowplowing and snow

about updating a list of shoveling.

local businesses who Everyone agreed

provide discounts to that it is difficult to

seniors and a list of determine who needs

services important to that help and how to

seniors. It was agreed identify who can help

that this would be dis- them. The committee

cussed further at next explored setting up a

months' meeting. It was volunteer group of some

decided that the SRC type but the legal issues

would check into get- might be insurmount-

ting a general email able.

address before next Someone mentioned

months' meeting in that at one time there

order to be able to inter- was a "seniors helping

act with the public to seniors group" which

gather the necessary might be an option. One

information to prepare of the SRC members

comprehensive lists of agreed to find out more

senior discounts and about the current status

senior services. Such an of that organization

email account would from a local resident

also be beneficial to who was involved with

learn of issues, prob- them some time ago.

lems and suggestions

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L O N D O N D E R RY T I M E S x MARCH 25, 2021


Springing into Spring

As lovely as the New Hampshire snow can be, after some time most residents of the Granite State wait in anticipation for the making way for green grass and beautiful flowers.

This even more so because of being trapped in the house to keep the spread down of this virus contained.

We have been seeing delicate signs of spring all round us sprout up in an array of faded fast food bags and cartons, ugly refuse from the previous season (sometimes referred to as "blooming garbage").

It's often left to residents living along those sullied roads to clean up after these careless individuals, as littering seems to remain as widespread and as hard to eradicate as the this virus, despite efforts to do away with it.

In some towns, a handful of residents for years have gone above and beyond when it comes to this roadside spring-cleaning. These individuals spend their weekends sprucing up spots around town, as well as the town halls and school green-space each spring.

We appreciate the volunteer efforts that these selfless few put forth so our towns look beautiful each spring. However, there is only so much a few people can do. Ultimately, it is up to each resident to pick up their property, even if they aren't the ones who left trash behind.

It doesn't take a huge effort to take a short walk up and down the

street in front of your home, even if only the length of a house or two this way and that, and pick up the refuse thrown from car windows each winter. A little work goes a long way in keeping our neighborhoods clean and welcoming. Plus it will take your mind off everything else going on the oil prices going up, well the cost of everything and of course the virus. Moving away from the subject of blooming garbage, and our wows there may be sun and warmer temperatures in the forecast to take us to a happy place.

If nothing else helps to remedy your spring fever in the face of the lingering chill, congratulate yourself on having just about gotten through another old fashioned, northern New England winter, a feat not for the faint of heart.

As the decayed foliage left over from last fall emerges on the edge of our roads, we look forward to having soggy mud to replace the treacherous ice patches, and snow that once lined our driveways, streets and our lawns.

We try to remind ourselves, as we dream of the beauty at the end of the winter misery. Indeed, those of us who stick it out during the ever-extending winter know that blue skies and warm weather are just around the corner, and that summer isn't far behind.

But it is nice, of course, to enjoy a little bit of spring first.

The Londonderry Times is a weekly publication. It is mailed to every home in Londonderry free of charge and is available at a number of drop-off locations throughout the town.

Serving Derry

Serving Chester, Hampstead and Sandown

Nutfield Publishing, LLC 118 Hardy Rd., Londonderry, NH 03053

tel: 603-537-2760 ? fax: 603-537-2765 send e-mails to: londonderrytimes@

Owner/Publisher ? Debra Paul

Art Director ? Chris Paul

The Londonderry Times is published through Nutfield Publishing, LLC a privately owned company dedicated to keeping residents informed about local issues and news in the town of Londonderry. All articles submitted for placement in the Londonderry Times are welcome and subject to review/editing and/or acceptance by the publisher. Decisions of the publisher are final. Views contained within submitted and published articles do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher or Londonderry Times. No articles, photographs, or other materials in the Londonderry Times may be re-published, re-written or otherwise used without the express permission of the publisher.


Re: Town and Local Elections See Very Low

Voter Turnout To the editor,

history of Peterson's itself. He even mentioned that they are looking for a manager to

cized the last President for keeping children in these conditions, so as Democrats, we must

Regarding "Town and assist with the opera- own it and fix it.

Local Elections See Very tion, if anyone is inter- That said, let's take a

Low Voter Turnout" in ested. The evaporator look specifically at Mr.

the March 18, Issue - in was running with its Pitre's claims. First, he

the wake of a mere nine wood fueled fire to keep says that there were

percent turnout, 91% of the sap cooking. It made more illegals entering

Londonderry residents the air outside the sugar now than in any year in

have thus forfeited the house smell wonderful. the previous administra-

right to complain about There were free samples tion. This isn't correct.

taxes, school and town of ice cream with maple Using Customs and Bor-

spending, the makeup of syrup poured on top. der Patrol figures, there

our Town Council and And both amber and were 100,441 encounters

School Committee, and dark Peterson's Sugar in February. This is an

so on...until next year, House maple syrup for increase from December

when hopefully the per- sale, along with deli- 74,000 and January

centage of Londonderry cious maple candy, 78,000, but in May 2019

residents who care made by Anne herself. the number was 144,116.

about the ongoing direc- All and all, it was a great The numbers for the two

tion of this town will at experience and I hope to months prior and after

least crack double dig- go back next year. I May were all over 100


encourage others to go thousand each.

Paul Yankowskas as well.

Next, he said that 108


What a gem of a place illegals tested positive


to have right here in for COVID 19, were


released in Arizona

Peterson's Maple Sugar Thank you also to the which had "no authoriHouse Open House Londonderry Times for ty" to quarantine them. publishing the article Again incorrect, the

To the editor,

and information about State was Texas and as

I want to thank Anne the event. If it weren't we know, it is Governors

Peterson and all the for the Londonderry who set state policy on

other folks who made our Times we would not quarantining. The Biden

visit to the Open House, have known about.

administration has

that was held on March Marilyn Harrison

offered funding to Texas

20 and 21, so special.


to pay for testing and

My sister grew up ---------------- quarantining, which the

with me here in New

Governor of Texas

England but has lived on the west coast for over 40 years. She happened

Response to Pitre Letter

refused. Rather than refute

the allegations about

to be here helping me To the editor,

migrant impact on socie-

through an illness and I am responding to ty, I will simply draw

wanted to have a "true Mr. Pitre's letter about your attention to an

New England" experi- the current crisis at the Associated Press fact

ence. The Open House southern border. First, check of February 8th

at Peterson's was per- let me be clear, there is a 2019 entitled "Trump

fect! There was a great humanitarian crisis at plays on immigration

talk given by a staffer the border. The Adminis- myths". I found this to

that included a demon- tration cancelled some of be very helpful in under-

stration of the tools and President Trump's poli- standing the complexi-

methods used to collect cies and the result has ties of this issue. We,

the sap, along with an been an increase in the Democrats don't want

explanation of the number of unaccompa- illegal immigration.

processes and many nied minors seeking asy- Rather, we want fair,

conditions needed for lum. These children are legal immigration. We

maple syrup produc- currently living in want secure borders. We

tion. As you would crowded, unacceptable think, wherever possi-

expect there was also a conditions. We criti-

continued on page 7

Londonderry Times welcomes letters of up to 500 words on topics of local interest, and prints as many letters as possible. Please e-mail your letters to the Londonderry Times at londonderrytimes@. All letters must include the writer's name, address and phone number for

verification if needed; name and town of residence will be printed. Londonderry Times reserves the right to reject or edit letters for content

and length, and anonymous letters will not be printed.

L O N D O N D E R RY T I M E S x MARCH 25, 2021



Jake Naar

Continued from page 1

seys and mementos

were set up along the

procession line for those

attending to view and

reminisce the memories

of this extremely popu-

lar 17-year-old.

Naar tragically lost

his life in an automobile

accident one week earli-

er, on Friday night,

March 12, on Hardy


Naar was a captain

on the Lancer football Thousands gathered to pay the final respects for Jacob Naar at the memo-

and Lacrosse teams.

rial service held on the LHS football field.Photos by Chris Paul

The procession of

grieving students and Friends/Families were High School Assistant cett and Aiden O'Lough-

community members invited to attend first, Principal, Katie Sullivan, lin spoke, "Jake had the

lasted fir nearly two and Londonderry Students who reminded everyone ability to transform any-

a half hours and ended underclassmen and attending of Naar's infec- one's day into a good

with Jacob's dad, Reggie their Family members tious personality and how one," Fawcett said. He

Naar, thanking all of were allowed second, much he had matured added that he felt Jake is

those who attended the Lancer Seniors in the over the last two-years. still doing what he

service. "What a gor- Class of 2021, LHS Alum- The first students to always did, and that was

geous day, I think it's a ni, and those family speak were the varsity watching out for all of

sign that Jake is smiling members were third, Cheerleader captains. his friends.

down on us."

and the Football, Lac- They spoke about how O'Loughlin reminis-

Naar's spirit will cer- rosse and Cheer teams, he was an amazing ced of the time spent

tainly live on, as hun- with their coaches, and human being and a kind with Naar throughout

dreds have donated to families of those teams soul. "Jake has left an their school years, play-

the newly established were the last to pay their everlasting impact on ing football and video

scholarship fund, which respects.

this community." Lilly games. He told the fami-

as of Sunday, reached Londonderry Police Tharrington said.

ly that he knew nothing

nearly $62,000. That Captain, Patrick Cheet- "His constant positiv- could take the pain away

scholarship will help to ham played bagpipes to ity will always live on from losing him but

enable many Lancer welcome the final group through all of us," Alyssa hoped that knowing how

graduates to pursue onto the field.

Pitarys added.

many lives he had

higher education in his Following the over "He changed this touched would helps


two-hour procession, community for the bet- bring them some peace

The Sunday service teammates and many ter, more than he'll ever and comfort. He ended

was broken up into a other students and their know. He will always be with, "Jake will forever

number of groups to try family members were remembered, and Jake hold a place in our

and keep social distanc- allowed to remain on the lives on," said Nikki hearts."

ing guidelines enforced. Londonderry's Educational Staff, Community Members, Extended

field to hear a number of those close to Jacob speak of his life.

First to speak was

Longua. Following the Spirit

captains, Naar's Lacrosse teammates Zach Faw-




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Reggie Naar, Jacob Naar's father, spoke to those gathered at the end of the service held for his son at the LHS football field on Sunday.

LHS Varsity head coach Jimmy Lauzon and senior captain Wil Reyes spoke about the loss of their teammate.

Lauzon mentioned how much he regretted not complimenting Jake on all the things he had done right while playing football. "Jake you are

great. You are everything I want in a Lancer. You worked hard. You transformed immensely and physically in front of our eyes. You are humble and kind, but fierce on the field, which is exactly what we want in our players."

continued on page 12

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L O N D O N D E R RY T I M E S x MARCH 25, 2021


erte explained that it became a `hot topic'

Continued from page 1 issue. "I think that's a pret-

Laliberte during the ty well established tradi-

meeting that the New tion," Laliberte said

Hampshire Department about having vacation

of Education had origi- after President's Day.

nally proposed the With that said he

wrong week for Febru- explained that many Dis-

ary vacation which tricts across the state

caused a delay in the ended up having to

board approving next make amendments to

school year's calendar. their calendars which

"We put adoption on Londonderry avoided

hold until that was by voting on their calen-

adjusted," Laliberte said dar after the changes

during the meeting.

were made.

Because many fami- The February vaca-

lies have become used tion will take place

to having the break after Feb.28-March 4.

Presidents Day, Lalib- Another notable in

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this upcoming year's cal- will be starting around

endar is the fact that its normal time this year

they are planning on which will be on Tues-

having school this year day, Aug.31.

on town election day. The last day of

Laliberte explained that school for students is

this is something that slated for Thursday,

usually comes up.

June 16 pending any

He explained that make up days.

they feel confident in the In personnel news,

fact that they can the Londonderry School

accommodate enough Board also accepted the

parking at the school for retirements of a myriad

Election Day and there- of teachers and staff

fore can have school members.

that day.

Retiring from Lon-

"We feel we can facil- donderry High School is

itate parking for the Steve Tallo, along with

town elections," Lalib- Alan LaBranche. Retir-

erte said. "We have done ing from North School is

that in the past and we Helene Carr, from South

feel like we can do that School is Diane DePier-

and still be in session." ro, from Moose School is


also Martha Joyce, and from

announced that school Matthew Thorton is Ann


Kenneth W. Swisher II

Kenneth W. Swisher II, 34, of Manchester, NH, passed away Sunday March 14, 2021, at his home in Manchester. He was born in Manchester, NH on June 22, 1986, a son of Stephen Swisher and Bobbi Hardin. Kenny was a graduate of Londonderry High School. He was employed at Alliance Landscaping in Auburn NH as a Landscape Foreman. Kenny took great pride in his work and is described by his peers as a true professional at his trade. His smile was infectious and made even strangers feel welcome immediately. He enjoyed listening to music and playing his guitar. Kenny loved spending time with his family around bonfires. His impeccable ability to say the right thing at the right time always made people laugh until their bellies hurt. His greatest attribute was that he was selfless, he would give his last dollar to someone in need. His passion was helping people, he volunteered his free time helping the homeless in Manchester. He would drop everything to help his family and friends at any time without second thought. His title of "uncle bo" he wore proudly as a badge of honor. His family was proud of his continuous self improvement. In addition to his parents, Kenny is also survived by his brother, Brandin Swisher and fianc? Tracy Quirk, four sisters, Anne Boisvert and husband Peter, Stephanie Swisher, Mary McGregor and husband Kevin, and Amy Atkins and husband Mike; his seven nieces and nephews, Gavin & Mo McGregor, Julianne Swisher, Eddie Beaulieu, Miles Boisvert, and Oscar and Archie Atkins; as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins and extended family. A Walk-through wake with masks, social distancing and limited interaction with the family was held on Wednesday, March in the Peabody Funeral Homes & Crematorium, 290 Mammoth Rd. Cremation will follow. Memorial contributions may be made to the Manchester Christian Church, 1308 Wellington Rd., Manchester, NH 03104.


resignations of Daniel

Along with the teach- Astbury, a teacher at

ers, also retiring is Londonderry


Robert Lees, who is a School, Lauren Tillotson

custodian for the dis- a teacher at Londonder-

trict along with Karen ry Middle School,

Riddle who is a therapist Heather Dillon a library

at Moose Hill.

media assistant at South

In addition to the School, and Stephanie

retirements, the school Doris a SPED Assistant

board also accepted the at Moose School.


Mar?a de los Angeles Caminos-Medina

Mar?a de los Angeles CaminosMedina, 79, of Londonderry, NH passed away Monday, March 15, 2021 surrounded by her family. She was born Sept. 13, 1941 in San Salvador, El Salvador. She was the youngest daughter of the late Roberto and Carmen (Lopez) Caminos. Mar?a moved to the US in 1953 at the age of 12, where she attended Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart. Living in MA for decades, Mar?a and her husband Edgard relocated to Londonderry in 1992, where they lived happily for the rest of her life. Emmy-award-winning producer and television host Mar?a worked for CBS affiliate WNEV-Boston where she created, produced, and hosted the first Spanish language television talk show in NE. She also worked as a translator at the Massachusetts State House before becoming one of the highest ranking Latinas in the federal government, retiring from her 28-year career as the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and Civil Rights Director for the US DOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Mar?a's most loved pastime was anything that involved spending time with her family and friends. She looked forward to her annual infamous Easter celebrations, preparing all year by making cascarones to smash on the heads of willing partygoers. Mar?a loved to travel, especially to El Salvador and Colombia to reunite with family. Mar?a also enjoyed singing in her church choir, and playing cards and dominoes into the wee hours of the morning. An avid music lover, Mar?a is known for randomly grabbing a microphone at any wedding to perform her rendition of La Bamba, or joining in with Mar?achi bands at all family parties, where the tequila flowed generously. Mar?a is survived by her husband of 34 years, Edgard Medina of Londonderry, children Rosemarie Kelly and her husband John of Windham; Robert Dowd of Londonderry; Gerald Dowd and his wife Amanda of Chicago; Marguerite Monahan and her husband Christopher of Boston and Medway, MA; her grandchildren Thomas and Brian Dowd, Meaghan and Delaine Kelly, Joseph and Truman Dowd, and Aidan and Julia Monahan; greatgrandchild Jackson Dowd; three sisters, Clara Caminos de Qui?onez, Evelyn Caminos de Sol and Rose Marie Caminos de Calvo; and beloved nieces and nephews, many of whom looked at Mar?a as a second mother. Mar?a was predeceased by her son John C. Dowd, lll; grandchildren Charlotte and Nora Dowd; sister Carmen Caminos-Poor and brother Roberto Caminos. A walk-through wake was held on Wednesday, March 17, in the Peabody Funeral Homes & Crematorium. A private Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Litchfield, NH.

L O N D O N D E R RY T I M E S x MARCH 25, 2021



Budget Committee Retains Current Officers, Ponders Covid Funds


The Londonderry Budget Committee again selected

Chair Chad Franz, Vice

Chair Jonathan Kipp,

and Secretary Jennifer

Kenney to remain in

their positions.

In addition, Franz

welcomed newly elected

members Tim Siekmann,

who has served on the

committee before, and

Joseph Gagnon to the

March 18 meeting.

He stressed the

importance of regular

attendance given the



responsibility and com-

munication with him in

advance if any member

could not make a meet-

ing. Three unexcused

absences can lead to

the Town Council deter-

mining whether that



Continued from page 4 ble, the problems of our neighbors to the south should be solved in their home nations. We are a compassionate and caring people who have always been a haven for people in desperate circumstances. With those goals in mind, can we not have an active civil debate on the best way to achieve them?

Finally, I don't think we should allow the border issue to distract us from the importance of getting the Virus under control. Everyone wants their lives back. We must not waiver with goal in sight. We have three good vaccines

member should stay on the committee.

Also at its meeting the committee made the following liaison assignments. The job here requires observation or attending of each organization's meetings, touching base with officials on budgets and on what's upcoming, and reporting back to the budget committee.

Department of Public Works ? Joseph Gagnon

Police Department ? Steve Breault

Fire Department ? Jonathan Kipp

Capital Improvement Plan ? Steve Breault

Town Council ? Chad Franz and (as secondary liaison) Tim Siekmann

School Board ? Tim Siekmann and (backup


now. We, Democrats must thank President Trump for the role he played in Operation Warp Speed. President Biden has used the provisions of the Defense Production Act to greatly increase the pace of vaccine availability. We ask our Republican friends to join us in urging everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible. We are in a race to get this virus under control. To do so, we must reduce the number of cases to a level where contact tracing is able to isolate and contain variants. Failure to do so would only delay our return to normalcy.

Luisa Piette Londonderry

liaison) Joseph Gagnon occurring again next

School Finance year.

Director ? Jennifer Ken- With passage of the


federal covid stimulus,

School Superinten- receipt of funds for Lon-

dent ? Tim Siekmann donderry is anticipated,

Franz agreed to sec- Franz noted. Town Man-

ondary liaisons for the ager Kevin Smith will go

School Board and Town before the council to

Council with the num- present his recommen-

ber of meetings but did dation as to how funds

not want to create too will be dispersed and

many multiple liaisons the purposes.

to avoid confusion for The council will then

department heads. vote. No dollar amount

"They already have has been finalized,

enough on their plate," Franz said. But one use

he said.

not permitted for the

At the last town funds is to directly or

council meeting, which indirectly offset the tax

returned John Farrell as rate. They may be used

chair and Joseph Green for infrastructure, over-

as vice chair, Captain time costs, and first

Patrick Cheetham, responder personnel.

Police Department divi- Siekmann wondered

sion commander for about reimbursement

support services, dis- for covid-specific expen-

cussed body worn cam- ses already incurred

eras with the members. and much of that cov-

The council voted ered by grants if money


to can't go to offset the tax

approve the police rate with voters having

department's expendi- just approved the 2022

ture of $496,000 over budget.

five years ? with 30 per- Franz is assuming

cent up front, and the the schools will receive

balance amortized over some funds as well. He

the final four years ? to requested that school

outfit 50 officers with finance liaison Jennifer

body cams with a ven- Kenney talk to Business

dor, Body Worn, being Administrator Peter


Curro about whether

The police have the town will also be

excess funds as a result receiving any funds

of retirements and posi- from the state.

tions that have not Kipp asked that the

been filled. The depart- town council and school

ment anticipates that board liaisons alert the


9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Closed Mondays

Open Through April

budget committee when cussed at the other these funds will be dis- meetings.


Robert S. Hilliard

Robert S. Hilliard, 79, of Londonderry, died Saturday, March 20, 2021 in his home surrounded by his loving family. He was born in Derry on Nov. 25, 1941, a son of the late Sidney and Doris (Berry) Hilliard. He had been a resident of Londonderry for over 45 years, formerly living in Derry. Bob was a graduate of Pinkerton Academy in Derry, Class of 1959. After graduation, he and a few of his friends drove to Alaska from Derry. There, they worked on the salmon boats. After his return to New Hampshire, he used the earnings to fund his education at the New Hampshire Technical Institute, where he earned his welding degree. He had been employed as a foreman for Ingersoll - Rand in Nashua, for over 35 years. Bob loved spending time at the cottage on Northwood Lake. He was an avid Londonderry Lancers and Pinkerton Astros fan. He is survived by his wife, Suzanne (Laplante) Hilliard of Londonderry; two sons, Brian Hilliard and his wife Nancy of Sterling, CT, and Sean Hilliard and his wife Tashia of Londonderry; four grandchildren, Chris Hilliard and his wife Melissa, Allison Hilliard, Maya Hilliard, and Nathan Hilliard; two brothers, Richard Hilliard of Pembroke, NH, and David Hilliard of Virginia; as well as his sister, Betty Bernier of Derry. He was predeceased by his siblings, Donald Hilliard and Virginia Godbois. Following cremation, calling hours will be held on Friday, March 26, from 4 - 7 p.m. in the Peabody Funeral Homes of Londonderry, 290 Mammoth Rd., Londonderry. Due to State of NH guidelines, all guests are required to wear masks, minimize contact and maintain social distancing. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, MA/NH Chapter, 309 Waverley Oaks Road, Waltham, MA 02452. To send a condolence or for more information, please visit,

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L O N D O N D E R RY T I M E S x MARCH 25, 2021

Pack 901 Holds Arrow of Light Cross Over Ceremony

Five members of Londonderry Cub Scout Pack 901 crossed over to becoming members Scouts BSA Troops 426 and 5 recently during a ceremony held at Camp Carpenter. The event was smaller than in past years due to COVID-19 restrictions, but it welcomed family members and Scouts from the troops graduates would be entering.

The five members crossing over were Benjamin Hotchkiss, Claire Millis, Isaac Labell, Jackson

Brizuela and Nicholas Van Dyne. The ceremonial painting of the face was done on the scouts facemasks this year. The four colors represent different aspects of scouting. Spirit, Scout Law, the Arrow of Light and the Path toward Eagle rank. Each member crossed over the ceremonial bridge and were greeted by their new leader and scout members, with parents pinning their new rank.

Photos by Chris Paul

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