Installation Procedure: - University of Kentucky

Installation procedure for receiving Soil reports via Outlook on the computer with SoilDataNet installed:

1. Save both Launcher.dll and GetOMail.exe into C:\Program Files\SoilData\ on the main computer where SoilData3.0 was installed.


a. The default path used for SoilData3.0 installation is C:\Program Files\SoilData\. If another path was used during installation, copy the Launcher.dll and GetOMail.exe files to that path.

b. The previous exe file that works with Pegasus was named "GetMail.exe". The updated file is named GetOMail.exe which is short for Get Outlook Mail.

2. Delete GetMail.exe which was used with Pegasus.

3. Save regLauncher.reg onto the desktop of the computer that is going to receive Soil reports with SoilDataNet installed.

4. You have to edit regLauncher.reg with notepad so the launcher.dll file can be found on the main computer. The contents of regLauncher.reg are as shown below:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Custom Actions]

"Launch"="4.0;C:\\Program Files\\SoilData\\Launcher.dll;1"

Replace C:\\Program Files\\SoilData\\Launcher.dll with the path containing the Launcher.dll file. Most of the time this will just involve changing the letter C to the drive letter that the networked computer recognizes the main computer as. Make sure to keep double slashes. Save the changes made to regLauncher.reg.

Double-click on regLauncher.reg. A window will appear asking if you are sure you want to add registry. Click on YES then another window appears letting you know registry was added. After setting up the registry, the regLauncher.reg file can be deleted.

This procedure adds a registry entry to the local networked machine for launcher.dll that resides on the main computer with SoilData3.0.

5. Check if cdo.dll exists on the networked computer with SoilDataNet at c:\Program File\Common Files\System\MAPI\1033\. If it doesn't exist, use the setup of OutLook (Add/Remove components) to add the cdo.dll to the computer.

6. Follow steps below to set up Outlook on the networked computer with SoilDataNet to run GetOMail.exe when message is received with SoilData1_00 in the Subject line.

a. Open Outlook

b. click Tools->Rules Wizard to open the Rules Wizard dialog box.

c. Click new, select Start from a blank rule.

d. Highlight Check messages when they arrive.

e. click next, select “with specific words in the subject”.

f. In the rule description box, click specific words to open Search Text dialog box.

g. Type SoilData1_00 in the Specify words or phrases to search for in the subject.

h. Click add button, click OK button to close this dialog box.

i. Click next button.

j. In the What do you want to do with the Message, select perform a custom action.

k. In the rule description box, click a custom action to open select a custom action dialog box.

l. . In the choose an action to be performed box, select Launch 4.0 (If Launch 4.0 does not appear as a choice to choose from, the launcher.dll was not registered correctly).

m. Click the change button to find the GetOMail.exe file residing on the main computer with SoilData3.0 installed.

n. Click OK to close the dialog box.

o. Click next button until the finished button appears, then click the finish button.

p. Click OK button.

7. Make sure Microsoft Outlook is the default email program by going to Internet Explorer. Click on Tools/Internet Options/Programs. If Microsoft Outlook is not the default email program, change it here to be the default.


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