Interview Training

Interview Script

“Hi Mary, it’s Pat calling. You recently responded on the Internet (or to a voice broadcast or to an email etc.) to an opportunity to make some cash from home, do you remember doing that?”

“Do you have a few minutes we can chat? Great. Mary, what I’d like to do in the next few minutes is just to get to know each other a little and see if we have a mutual fit here.

“By the way, what do you do now? Is that something you can see yourself doing for the long term?”

“Mary, have you ever done anything on your own, let’s say, working from home? How did that work out for you?”

What are you wanting to ACHIEVE from working at home Mary? Why is that important to you?”

When asking these questions, make sure there is a 2-way dialogue going on, and that you engage the prospect at every opportunity. Take lots of notes here, and that last question is designed to uncover Mary’s “WHY,” and that’s a critical piece of information for you to have. And pay attention to how your prospect is responding to you. If you sense that he/she is getting impatient during this process, you immediately need to move on to the next step.

“I can sure relate to your situation Mary, and thanks a lot for your patience, I really appreciate that. Now let me share with you a little of what we’re all about and what we do.” I’m not with “Company,” and we don’t sell anything. I’m simply with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs who are dedicated to helping each other become financially free. All we do is contact people who have already asked to receive some information, just like you did, and then we send them to our automated Presentation System where they can learn how we do what we do and see if it resonates with them. It’s really a very simple process that can be done successfully by just about anyone”

“Now let me ask you this Mary, and this isn’t a trick question (that’s said with a little humor). If I could honestly show you a way to begin receiving cash into your household daily, let’s say several thousand dollars a week without any selling, explaining or convincing, would you be willing to share a little time with us to find out about it?”

Assume yes. “Great. This isn’t a job, and you will need some money to start. If you saw this as something you really wanted to do, would that be doable for you?”

If they ask “how much, “Well, we have several different levels of participation here, and I think we have something for everyone. But you will need at least $1,000.”

Now you need to find out how SERIOUS your prospect is. “Mary, this is a genuine opportunity for you to become financially free, and I only have time to work with people that are really serious about doing that, and who are willing to commit some time and resources to accomplish that goal. Does that honestly describe you?”

“Mary, we have a great online presentation where you can learn everything you need to know about how you can become financially free a lot faster than you think. Here’s the website address where you can access this very powerful information – . Make sure you watch the short movie there, and then fill in the form. That will take you to the main page, where you’ll be introduced to a “7-Step Information Process” and you’ll need to watch all of those short video’s to get a good overview of just how this program can help you generate significant cashflow into your life within the next few weeks. You’ll probably need to spend at least an hour or so there, but boy, is it ever worth it. Are you willing to do that Mary?”

“Just to be safe, I’ll also e-mail this information over to you in just a few minutes. My email will have the subject line, “Our Conversation Mary,” so please watch for that. Oh, just one more thing, and this is really important. When will you make the time to review that site, because I want to get back with you after you’ve done that while this information is fresh in your mind?”

Secure a FIRM appointment with Mary for 1 ½ hours after she has agreed to visit your site.

“Great. Let’s get together again at after you’ve gone through that exciting information. I’ll block that time off in my planner just for you Mary. Are you SURE that time will work for you?”

“Mary, It’s been a great talking with you today. I always get excited knowing how dramatically your life can be changed by what you’re about to see. Many people TALK about wanting to be financially free, but you’re actually DOING something about it. And remember, I’ll call you as agreed after you’ve reviewed that site, and don’t forget to check your e-mail. I look forward to talking with you then. Bye for now.”

Send Mary the “Website Confirmation Email” as soon as the interview is completed. If your follow-up appointment is for any day following your interview, make sure you send Mary the “Appointment Reminder Email” document the morning of your follow-up appointment.


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