DINE IN: Fighting Lust with Love rather than Law

WEEK 1: Being Male & Female WEEK 2: Marriage (& Family)

WEEK 3: Sex & the Pornification of Consciousness

WEEK 4: Friendship & the Family of God WEEK 5: Bonus Q & A Sunday

APPETIZER: Porn's Attack on our Ability to Love Well

Porn conditions men and women to normalize women as submissive and subordinate to men.

The Coolidge effect...

Supernormal stimulus (exaggerated/synthetic versions of normal stimuli...

We fashion our sexual circuits through our adolescence experiences...

Porn induced E.D. (erectile dysfunction)...

Valuing people over pixels...

LOVE (Agape) = Love is the choice to relate to someone as valuable.

LUST: Epithumia/Epithumeo = a great desire; not necessarily bad; context is key. From epi (focus upon) and thumos (passion/rage).

1 Timothy 3:1; Luke 22:15; Mark 4:18-19; Exodus 20:17

Lust as covetousness...

2 Timothy 3:16-17

There's no amount of porn that can ever love you back. ~ Gabe Deem

DINE IN: Fighting Lust with Love rather than Law

Romans 7:4-12; 13:8-10

Matthew 5:27-28; Colossians 3:5; 1 John 2:15-17; Galatians 5:16-17; Romans 13:9; 2 Timothy 2:22

TAKE OUT: How to Reboot Our Love For Others

1. Practice viewing people the way Jesus does, as infinitely precious images of God.

2. When attracted to someone, praise God for his creativity. 3. Learn to appreciate beauty without wanting to possess what isn't

yours (coveting). Practice this on beautiful people you are not naturally attracted to. 4. Do not let your failure define you and become your excuse to give in. Reset. Every moment you live like Jesus is a moment of honour and worship. Find your identity and delight in those moments. 5. Reject the norm of privacy. Share your devices. Live like family.



CHRISTIAN WEB SITES: / celebraterecovery.ca /

Home Church Questions

HANGOUT [Warming Up to the Topic ? in one Large Group]

1. First review Sunday's message, then talk about what stood out to you ? whether lessons learned or lingering questions.

2. How is your homework going?! (If you're struggling to get to it, why is that?)

HEAR [Listening to God through Scripture ? in Discussion Groups]

3. Read Romans 7:1-12. a. What verse or idea stands out to you? Why? b. How do the truths of verses 1-4 help Christians fully live NEW Covenant lives? What are some implications and examples of this? Can you think of some examples of ways Christians sometimes fail to fully grasp this New Covenant reality? c. The Old Covenant and the New Covenant are strongly contrasted in verses 5-6. Using this text, how might you respond if someone said, "But if you remove the Law, especially the Ten Commandments, you're leaving us wide open to anarchy and antinomianism (lawlessness)"? d. So the way of law seems like a total bust. (Paul even calls it "the ministry that brought death" in 2 Corinthians 3:7). Does that mean God messed up in the Old Covenant? How does Paul address that in this passage?

4. Read Romans 13:8-10. a. What verse or idea stands out to you? Why? b. Jesus said the first commandment was to love God and the second was to love your neighbour. But Paul here (and elsewhere) only focuses on the second command as fulfilling the law. Why do you think that is? c. If we actively, genuinely live out the love ethic described in this passage, how do you think it could help us all with our struggle against "lust" / "covetousness"?

HUDDLE [Making It Personal and Praying Together ? in Huddles]

5. If you're a newly formed huddle, for the first few weeks you can use your huddle time to get to know each other better. Use the following questions like a menu to choose one or two options: a. What people, authors, speakers, or experiences have most shaped your faith? b. What is the hardest thing you have ever done? c. What is your most frequent struggle in your faith journey?

6. AND/OR... Use your regular huddle questions to talk about your lives and prepare you to pray for each other.


Welcome to our new four-part series about men and women and how we relate. Today's message...

PART 3: Sex & the Pornification of Consciousness

A word of caution: Today's message is intended for adults.

So this would be a good time to take your kids to our kidmax program, if you haven't already.


12 percent of all internet websites are pornographic.

35 percent of all internet downloads are pornographic in content.

25 percent of online search engine requests are related to sex, resulting in about 68 million requests a day.

"Sex" is the number one search engine request.

8% of all email traffic is pornographic.

The porn industry is the top technology industry in the world, grossing more annual revenue than Amazon, Apple, Google, Yahoo, and Netflix... combined.

Almost 1/3 of all internet porn users are female.

17% of women say they struggle with pornography addiction.

50% of regular porn users report loss of sex drive in actual relationships.

The average age of first exposure to pornography is 11 years old.

It would be better for someone to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. ~ Jesus


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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