WWW. | Marc Andrew Huckle


The first thing you need to remember for the learning of vocabulary is our methodology: START

See it, say it and check pronunciation Try it in a context (translate it if you need to) Apply it and use it in phrases Review it and remember it Test it by using it in another context related to the exam

What you need to do is make sure you start building your vocabulary in a logical way.

1. Start with your interests. You will use this vocabulary the most frequently and you need to know it well.

2. Do not learn individual words. You should learn new vocabulary as short phrases. Only the new word should be new. E.g. LOOK AFTER = Tomorrow I need to look after my kids.

3. Read a lot! 4. Watch TV in English with English subtitles and take notes. You should

start watching programmes that you have already seen in your language. 5. Practice. You need to use language a lot. Try to think in English and

review words frequently.



Learning new vocabulary can be one of the most difficult parts of language learning, but it does not need to be boring or time consuming. The most important thing is to do it regularly and do it in a way that you enjoy.

The most important thing is consistency. By reviewing vocabulary for 30 minutes per day, you will advance very quickly. The important thing is to find the way you enjoy to learn and do this for long enough so that you notice the progress you have made.

What you need to do is a mixture of activities that you find useful and interesting:

1. Write phrases (take new words and put them into contexts that you can remember easily)

2. Watch TV with subtitles and take notes 3. Create stories with new words so that you an retell the story and

remember the words 4. Match new words with synonyms and similar words 5. Use images. Relate new words to images 6. Incorporate new words into your daily routine. Put post-it notes around

the house etc. 7. Read all types of texts 8. Write all the time 9. Think in English. Think about words and topics frequently 10.Record your own voice. Record yourself on your phone saying new

words in phrases.



The good part about the B2 exam is that the units of study are fixed. The difficult part is knowing all of the information in each part as there is no official vocabulary list.

UNIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

LEARNING TOPIC Hobbies and free time Travel and getting around Education and learning styles Work and obligations Money and spending Time and how we use it

Eating and drinking

VOCABULARY Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,

idioms Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,

idioms Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,

idioms Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,

idioms Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,

idioms Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,

idioms Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,



Health and fitness

Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,



People and their lives

Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,



Technological advances,

Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,

communication and the media



Wildlife and the environment Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,



Life, crime and society

Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,



Design and creativity

Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,



Happiness and relationships

Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, work patterns,

adjectives: ing vs ed, extreme adjectives, idioms

*Time 150 hours/4 weeks (approx.)


Vocabulary sheet - UNIT 1

Unit Vocabulary Hate/loathe/detest/despise Can?t stand Win/lose/draw Beat Score Like/love/enjoy Relax/rest Do/play (sport) Arrange/plan Arrive at/get to/reach Stay Start/begin Garden (v, n) Do DIY Pub/bar/club/concert/festival Phrasal verbs Carry on ? continue Get (a)round to ? start (after planning) Get up to ? do sth/do sth you shouldn?t Go off ? stop liking Get into ? start liking Join in ? participate in Calm down - relax Put off ? delay Be into - like Put up with ? tolerate Stand for ? tolerate/protect or defend Take up ? start doing End up ? final result Take to ? become good at Hang out (with) ? spend time (with) Call off - cancel Fixed phrases As well as As long as I?d rather + verb (do) Regret (not) + ing Be worth + ing A part of

STH = something


Word Patterns Be keen on, Be fond of, Be a fan of, Be big on Be good/bad at Be interested in Be crazy/mad about Be eager (infinitive) Compete against Concentrate on Involve in Listen to Participate in Join in Go for a walk Can?t help (ing) ? avoid Do (general activities) ? do sport, do nothing Go + (ing) Word formation Win ? winning, winner Lose ? lost, losing, loss Arrive ? arrival Arrange ? arrangement Begin ? beginning Involve ? involvement Join ? joint Garden ? gardening Concentrate ? concentration Compete ? competition Eager ? eagerly, eagerness Interest ? interested, interesting

Idioms Let off steam Put your feet up Take five Surf the internet Be on the ball ? be on fire Jump the gun ? jump ahead (precipitarse)

SB = somebody

Vocabulary sheet - UNIT 2

Unit Vocabulary Book/reserve Arrange/plan Miss/lose Find/come across Search/look for Live/stay Arrive at/get to/reach Show Know/meet/get to know Spend/take (time) Feel like/fancy Choose/pick/go for Phrasal verbs Get/go away ? go on holiday/escape Set off ? start a journey Hold up ? delay Pick up ? collect Get around ? move from place to place Drop off ? leave in a place Get back ? return Make for ? head in a direction Check in ? enter a hotel/flight Check out ? leave a hotel Take off ? the plane leaves the ground Look around ? explore Hurry up ? go faster Check out ? look at sth Look forward to ? be excited about See off ? say goodbye at the airport etc. Catch up with ? get to the same point as Fixed phrases Just in case In order to In terms of Give consideration to Keep in touch Either way Every other way On board

Word patterns Be afraid/scared of Be annoyed/angry with sb/about sth Arrange sth for sb Be keen on Regret (ing) Dream of/about (ing) Differ from sb Look for Be used to (ing) Get used to (ing) Used to (verb) Pay for Word formation Book ? booked, booking Reserve ? reservation Arrange ? arrangement Spend ? expensive Choose ? choice, choosy Annoy ? annoyed, annoyance Differ ? (in)different, differently, difference Emigrate ? emigration Immigrate ? immigration, immigrant Live ? live(s), life, lifestyle, lively Sightsee ? sightseeing Sunbathe ? sunbathing Pay ? payment

Idioms Be down to earth ? humble/realistic Go with the flow ? go along with anything Have itchy feet ?want to move Be a globetrotter ? be a traveller, enjoy travelling Be in the same boat ? be in the same situation Dive (SB) up the wall ? annoy someone Take sth in one?s stride ? accept sth for what sth is


Vocabulary sheet - UNIT 3

Unit Vocabulary Pass/fail/take/do (an exam) Achieve/get good grades Handle/cope with/deal with Revise/review/go over/cram Understand/take in/get Teach/educate/learn Know/recognise Degree/certificate/qualification/result/grade/mark Essay/writing Colleague/classmate Task/activity Objective/focus/goal Speak/talk/discuss/chat/lecture/ Hope/wish/expect Phrasal verbs Drop out (of) ? stop studying/going to school Deal with ? handle/cope with Get on with ? continue doing Think over ? consider Get at ? suggest Catch on ? understand Go for ? choose Be into ? like Find out ? discover information Fall behind ? not do sth fast enough Go over - review Go into ? begin to describe in detail Get away with ? not be caught or punished Make up ? invent information or a story Take down ? write down Take in ? understand Fixed phrases Make sense Make up your mind Pay attention to See no point in Have (little/no) difficulty in On your own The benefit to/of

Word patterns Learn about Revise/study for Boast of/about Complain about Succeed in Teach to sb/about sth Talk/speak to sb/about sth Be similar to Be suitable for Be interested in Be happy with/about Be capable of Be able (infinitive) Consist of Word formation Revise ? revision Exam ? examination Hope ? hopeless, hopeful Suit ? suitable, suitability Achieve ? achievement Succeed ? success, successful Capable ? capability Consist ? consistent, consistency

Idioms Hit the books ? study a lot Pull an all nighter Be on the mark ? be correct Cover all the bases ? be detailed Be ahead of the pack ? ahead of or better than the rest of the people With flying colours ? do something well


Vocabulary sheet - UNIT 4

Unit Vocabulary Employ/hire/contract/take on Job/work/career Earn/win/lose/save/cost (money) Pay/income/salary/wage Commute to/get to/travel to work Sack/fire/make redundant/lose a job Quit/give up a job/hand in a notice/resign/leave Retire Start/begin work Take a holiday/time off Take a break/relax/rest Company/firm/business/enterprise/start-up Over time/duty Promotion Pension Phrasal verbs Carry out ? do sth/realize an action Back out (of) ? decide not to Turn down ? reject Set up ? start a business Stand in for ? substitute Bring out ? start selling a new product Keep on ? continue Work away ? work abroad Work on ? spend time to try to perfect sth Work out ? solve or find a solution Catch up (on/with) ? reach the same level as sb Take to ? become good at/become a habit Go over ? review Opt out of ? decide not to Take over ? take control of Take on ? hire/employ Fixed phrases On purpose By accident Be willing Be praised for Better/worse than expected The pros and cons of

Word patterns Be on duty Apply for (a job) Depend on Rely on Qualify as/in sth Work as/in/at Work like (=similar to) Be experienced in/at sth Be responsible for sth Be good/bad at sth Be capable of sth Mean (infinitive)

Word formation Employ ? employee, employer, employed, employment Earn ? earnings Retire ? retirement Promote ? promotion Pension ? pensioner Mean ? meaning Depend ? dependence Rely ? reliance Qualify ? qualification Work ? working, worker, over work Apply ? application Opt - option

Idioms Work like a dog Work 9-5 - Work 24/7 Work around the clock Be a people person ? sociable Be a big fish ? important Be a go-getter ? ambitious



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