Simple VoIP Network using SIP server and Quintum

University of Guelph Humber

Winter 2008 Lab# 9

Simple VoIP Network using SIP server and Quintum



Setting up a simple VoIP network using SIP server and Quintum ASM Multi-path switches

Software and Equipments:-

SIP server software (given in a CD)

Tenor configuration manager software (given in a CD)

Quintum tenor ASM Multi-path switches (Quintum voice gate-way)


Network Setup:-


Figure-01 Simple VoIP Network


1. Connect the equipments as shown in the Figure-01 (Connect the phone to the one of the Phone/FXS ports of the Quintum voice gate-way, connect the LAN port of the voice gate-way to the Humber LAN)

2. Install the On Do SIP server in a PC called PC-01 which is connected to the Humber LAN (IP network)

3. Turn off the firewall of PC-01

4. Install the Quintum Tenor configuration manager software to manage Quintum voice gate-way in the same PC in which SIP server installed (PC-01)

(Install the standard Tenor configuration manager and put the icon on the desktop)

5. Connect the PCs (called PC-02 and PC-03) to the Quintum voice gate-ways using console cables

6. Get the console access of Quintum voice gate-ways through the hyper terminal, use the following parameters for port setting(hyper terminal)

Bits per Second : 38400

Data Bits : 8

Parity : None

Stop bits : 1

Flow control : None

7. Use the console user name and password as admin

8. Enter the command “cmd ether” at quintum command prompt (Quintum #) to see the IP address assigned to the each Quintum voice gate-way by the Humber DHCP server.

What is the IP address for first Quintum voice gate-way? -----------------------

What is the IP address for second Quintum voice gate-way? --------------------

What is the IP address for third Quintum voice gate-way? -----------------------

(If third Quintum voice gate-way is connected only)

What did you used in previous VoIP and SIP Lab instead of Quintum voice gate-way?

What are the advantages using Quintum voice gate-way in this lab rather than using --------------------- in the previous lab

9. Start the SIP server from PC-01 by logging in to SIP server using user name and password as “sa”. ( Use SIP server product ID as BR619E0100070996)

10. Get the SIP server IP address and Listen port number (you have done it in the last lab)

SIP server IP address--------------------------------

Listen port-number----------------------------------

11. Keep the SIP server open and remain active

12. Open the Quintum Tenor configuration manager by clicking the icon from the desktop.

13. You will get “address book” windows popped up, click the “Add” button and enter the following information.


Tenor IP address as one of your quintum voice gate-way IP address

(First voice gate-way IP address)

Login name and password as admin

Leave the other parameters as they are!

14. Click ok to save your information

15. Similarly add the second Quintum voice gate-way information by clicking the “Add” button from address book windows


Tenor IP address as Second quintum voice gate-way IP address

Login name and password as admin

Leave the other parameters as it is

16. Click “OK” button to save your information , now your address book screen look like this


17. Select the first address from address book windows and then click “connect” button, now tenor configuration manager and SIP server is trying to find the first voice gate-way using its IP address through IP clouds, wait until this process finished.

a. sometime you will be asked for software upgrade, if so upgrade the quintum manager software to its latest version available ( this process will take some time)

b. After completed software upgrade, it will ask you that re-connect the tenor, say “OK” and press “exit” for the tenor configuration manager wizard.

18. Now, you will get the following screen


19. Under “basic config” tab, if you are not finding SIP configuration on the left side tree view menu, do the following steps

a. Click the Advance Explore tab( selects the VoIP configuration from the left side tree view menu ( select the Gateway ( Select the SIP only radio button from the Gate-way window( click confirm/ok button

b. Press submit changes buttons and OK

c. Now, Click File (Menu) ( connect( Select the first gate-way(GW-01) again(connect

20. Now you will see the “SIP configuration ” menu under the “basic config” tab in the left side tree view menus


21. Select the “SIP configuration” from the left side tree view menu under “Basic Config” Tab


Enter your SIP server IP address as “Primary SIP Server”

Enter your Trunk side SIP user ID as 500, password and contact could be as 500

Click “Confirm/OK” button to save your first account information

Click “submit change” button on the main tool bar to save the configuration in the voice gate-way (Tenor)

22. Now, click the “Advance Explore” tab(”VoIP configuration” from the left side tree view menus(SIP signalling group(SIP signalling Group1

Under the “General” tab, enter your SIP server IP address as Primary SIP Server and Primary Outbound Server. (Primary SIP and Primary Outbound Server port should be your SIP server listen port)

Leave other field as it is.


Click “confirm/ok” button to save you configuration.

Click “submit change” button on the main tool bar to save the configuration in the voice gate-way (Tenor)

23. Now, click the “Advance Explore” tab(”VoIP configuration” from the left side tree view menus(”DN channel mapping”(”Add” button

Enter the the DN, Alias Name and calling name same as the trunk side user ID 500 for


Click “confirm/ok” button to save you configuration.

Click “submit change” button on the main tool bar to save the configuration in the voice gate-way (Tenor)

24. If two LEDs of your quintum voice gate-way corresponding to Phone/FXS is continuously blinking means FXS/FXO ports are in the shutdown mode, to enable this ports, do the following steps

Click the “Advanced Explore” Tab-(Phone (FXS)/Line FXO config(


Select the Phone line 1 and Phone line2 check boxes

Click “confirm/ok” button to save you configuration.

Click “submit change” button on the main tool bar to save the configuration in the voice gate-way (Tenor)

25. To connect your Other Quintum voice gate-way with your SIP server, follow the same steps from 16 to 23. (Only difference is trunk side SIP user ID, Enter your Trunk side SIP user ID as 600, password and contact could be as 600)

26. Now, go back to the On Do SIP Sever screen, Click the “registered client” Tab you may see two SIP server clients registered as 500 and 600 with your SIP server, if your tenor configuration is correct. If not, troubleshoot your tenor configuration.

27. Now start the ethereal in the SIP server PC (PC-01) and establish a call and exchange telephone conversion between two voice gate-ways.

28. Analyse the captured voice packets by ethereal

Answer the following questions

1. Using the ethereal and your VoIP setup, write down messages passing between UAC and UAS when setup a call, during the call time and terminate that same call.


2. What is the difference between FXS and FXO ports in Quintum voice gate-way?

3. Instead of SIP protocol what other protocol you can use it this lab with the quintum tenor voice gate-way?

4. Describe the procedure with the help of a network diagram that how can you set-up a VoIP network to make long distance calls from a PSTN number in Toronto to PSTN number in Ottawa ?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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