December 31, 2001


Dear Interstate Broker Applicant:

Thank you for contacting us regarding obtaining your Interstate Broker Authority. I am attaching our Interstate Authority Broker Questionnaire, along with the credit card authorization form, which you can fax back to us TOLL FREE at (866) 783-0169.

Our fee includes everything you need to get your authority, except the bond. We complete your filings electronically to speed up the process, securing your MC number & Process Agent usually within 3 business days. You then just need to provide your MC Number to your bonding company (if you don't have a bonding company, let us know; we can help you secure the broker trust fund BMC-85 filing which satisfied the broker bond requirement and helps you avoid frivolous claims so that you can speed up the licensing process).

If you have any questions, or would like to transmit your credit card data over the phone, please give me a call TOLL FREE at (888) 414-1874.


James P. Lamb

Licensed Transportation Practitioner




(All Entries in Bold must be filled out)

Legal Name of Business________________________________________________________

If not Inc, Corp, or LLC, use the full Name(s) of the Proprietor or Partners

Doing Business As (DBA) ________________________________________________________

Physical Address _____________________________________________________________

PO Box # not acceptable


Mailing Address (if different)______________________________________________________

Phone___________________ Fax___________________ Contact Person________________

Federal ID No. or SSN_____________________USDOT No.____________________________

Please indicate if SSN Leave Blank if not issued

Email address:_____________________________________

If you don’t have a Fed ID No., check here ( ) If you don’t have a USDOT No., check here ( )

Type of Authority Applying For:

( ) Broker of Property (except Household Goods) ( ) Broker of Household Goods

Note: our fee of $700 includes our fee, the federal application fee, process agent fee and covers one type of broker authority. It does not cover broker bonds. Each additional broker authority requested herein requires an additional fee of $475 if within the same mode and under one MC Number (i.e. you want both Broker of Household Goods and Broker of Property). If you require a separate MC Number (i.e. you are applying for both broker and motor carrier), each authority will be $700. Check all that you wish to order.

( ) Initial broker authority fees………….………………………………………………..….………$700

( ) Additional broker authority fees……………………………………………….…..…….………$475

( ) Motor Carrier Authority fees……………………………………………………………………. $700

Additional Filings Requested:

( ) Fee to secure Process Agent (required of all applicants)………………..…………………FREE

( ) Free Bond Quote…………………………………………………………………………………FREE

Total Fees: $___________

Previous/Current Authority

Do you now have authority from or an application being processed by the former ICC or FMCSA? ( ) No ( )Yes

If Yes, identify the lead docket number(s) MC-______________

Do you have intrastate operating authority ( ) No ( ) Yes

If Yes, list the state(s) and case number(s): ___________________________________


If No, list any states in which you intend to operate in intrastate transportation:





Form of Business (Check only one):

( ) Corporation-- State of Incorporation: _____________________

Date of Incorporation: _____________________

( ) Sole Proprietorship-- Name of Individual: ____________________

( ) LLC-- Name of Principals: ____________________




( ) Partnership-- Identify Partners: __________________________




Insurance Information:




Subpart C--Surety Bonds and Policies of Insurance for Motor Carriers and Property Brokers

Sec. 307--Property broker surety bond or trust fund

(a) Security. A property broker must have a surety bond or trust fund in effect for $10,000. The Commission will not issue a property broker license until a surety bond or trust fund for the full limits of liability prescribed herein is in effect. The broker license shall remain valid or effective only as long as a surety bond or trust fund remains in effect and shall ensure the financial responsibility of the broker.

(b) Evidence of Security. Evidence of a surety bond must be filed using the Commission's prescribed Form BMC 84. Evidence of a trust fund with a financial institution must be filed using the Commission's prescribed Form BMC 85. The surety bond or the trust fund shall ensure the financial responsibility of the broker by providing for payments to shippers or motor carriers if the broker fails to carry out its contracts, agreements, or arrangements for the supplying of transportation by authorized motor carriers.

(c) Financial Institution-when used in this section and in forms prescribed under this section, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof, shall mean-Each agent, agency, branch or office within the United States of any person, as defined by the Interstate Commerce Act, doing business in one or more of the capacities listed below:

(1) An insured bank (as defined in section 3(h) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. § 1813(h));

(2) A commercial bank or trust company;

(3) An agency or branch of a foreign bank in the United States;

(4) An insured institution (as defined in section 401(a) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. § 1724(a));

(5) A thrift institution (savings bank, building and loan association, credit union, industrial bank or other);

(6) An insurance company;

(7) A loan or finance company; or

(8) A person subject to supervision by any state or federal bank supervisory authority.

(d) Forms and Procedures.

(1) Forms for broker surety bonds and trust agreements. Form BMC-84 broker surety bond will be filed with the Commission for the full security limits under subsection (a); or Form BMC-85 broker trust fund agreement will be filed with the Commission for the full security limits under paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) Broker surety bonds and trust fund agreements in effect continuously. Surety bonds and trust fund agreements shall specify that coverage thereunder will remain in effect continuously until terminated as herein provided.

(i) Cancellation notice. The surety bond and the trust fund agreement may be cancelled as only upon 30 days' written notice to the Commission, on prescribed Form BMC 36, by the principal or surety for the surety bond, and on prescribed Form BMC 85, by the trustor/broker or trustee for the trust fund agreement. The notice period commences upon the actual receipt of the notice at the Commission's Washington, DC office.

(ii) Termination by replacement. Broker surety bonds or trust fund agreements which have been accepted by the Commission under these rules may be replaced by other surety bonds or trust fund agreements, and the liability of the retiring surety or trustee under such surety bond or trust fund agreements shall be considered as having terminated as of the effective date of the replacement surety bond or trust fund agreement. However, such termination shall not affect the liability of the surety or the trustee hereunder for the payment of any damages arising as the result of contracts, agreements or arrangements made by the broker for the supplying of transportation prior to the date such termination becomes effective.

(3) Filing and copies. Broker surety bonds and trust fund agreements must be filed with the Commission in duplicate

Affiliations with other former ICC, now FMCSA-Licensed Entities.

Disclose any relationship you have or have had with any other FMCSA-regulated entity within the past 3 years. For example, this could be through a percentage of stock ownership, a loan, or management position. If this requirement applies to you, provide the name of the company, MC-number, DOT number, and that company's latest DOT safety rating.




Household Goods Broker Applicants must certify as follows: applicant is fit, willing, and able to provide household goods brokerage operations and to comply with all pertinent statutory and regulatory requirements. The involved services will be consistent with the public interest and the transportation policy of 49 U.S.C. 10101.

( ) Yes Initial here _________

Applicant's Oath

This oath applies to all supplemental filings to this application. I verify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, that all information supplied on this form or relating to this application is true and correct. Further, I certify that I am qualified and authorized to file this application. I know that willful misstatements or omissions of material facts constitute Federal criminal violations punishable under 18 U.S.C. 1001 by imprisonment up to 5 years and fines up to $10,000 for each offense. Additionally, these misstatements are punishable as perjury under 18 U.S.C. 1621, which provides for fines up to $2,000 or imprisonment up to 5 years for each offense. I further certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States, that I have not been convicted, after September 1, 1989, of any Federal or state offense involving the distribution or possession of a controlled substance, or that if I have been so convicted, I am not ineligible to receive Federal benefits, either by court order or operation of law, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (21 U.S.C. 862). Finally, I certify that applicant is not domiciled in Mexico or owned or controlled by persons of that country.

( ) Yes Initial here _________

Applicant’s Agreement:

I hereby retain the services of , Inc. (herein after referred to as “Practitioner”). I certify that I am authorizing Practitioner to serve as my representative and file my application for interstate authority on my behalf. I authorize Practitioner to make the above representations. I acknowledge that I remain responsible for compliance with all related federal and state laws and regulations, including, but not limited to insurance or bond requirements. I agree to hold Practitioner harmless with respect to any and all compliance related matters.

________________________ ____________________ ____________

Signature Print Name Date

DOT Violation & Audit Defense Plan

( ) Yes, I would like to sign up for the DOT Violation & Audit Defense Plan. I understand my credit card will immediately be charged $25 for enrollment and then charged $25 per month on the first of each month for a minimum of 12 months. I may cancel anytime after the end of the membership year. I will be eligible for up to 2.5 hours of USDOT-Licensed Practitioner services per incident to prepare for a DOT audit or respond to a DOT Notice of Violation.

________________________ ____________________ ____________

Signature Print Name Date


TOLL FREE FAX: (866) 783-0169


PO Box 1007

Commack, New York 11725

Att: Mr. James P. Lamb

Did you know that is the only nationwide transportation license application filing and representation service that offers free email to truckers. Sign up for your own free email account at mail.: yourname@.

When you file through , a USDOT Licensed Practitioner handles your application and guides you through the application process.

How did you hear about us?

( ) We sent you a letter

( ) Radio Commercial

( ) Truck Paper

( ) The Trucker

( ) On the Road Magazine

( ) Truckers Choice

( )

( )

( ) Brochure at a truck stop

( ) Internet Search Engine: ______________

( ) You met us at a Trucking Trade Show: _____________

( ) You were referred by: ________________

( ) Other: _____________________


Thank you for ordering services from , Inc.

Services may be paid for by money order, business or certified check, or credit card.

Please do not mail cash or personal checks. If you would like to pay by credit card, please complete the form below and fax back to us at the number below. All orders will be processed upon receipt of payment (i.e. once credit card approval code has been issued or check has cleared) in the order they are received.


Type (circle one): Visa MasterCard American Express

Credit Card Number: _________________________________

Credit Card in the Name of: ____________________________

Expiration Date: __________________



Amount of Sale: $724.50

*To avoid credit card surcharge, mail a certified check or money order to the address listed below. Card Member agrees to pay in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Card Member agreement.

Authorized Signature: ________________________________


Please fax this form back to us: (866) 783-0169

If you have any questions, call us: (888) 414-1874

Or email us: info@.

Thank you for your business!

340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY 11725

- Tel: (888) 414-1874 - Fax: (866) 783-0169 - info@







To get your DOTAuthority discount, type in the following special web address into your browser:

340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY 11725

- Tel: (888) 414-1874 - Fax: (866) 783-0169 - info@




Now that you’ve applied for authority, you can get up and running 5-7 days sooner. You don’t have to wait to receive your certificate of authority in the mail. How much more money can you make in a week?

Sign up for our License Watch® service and we will fax you your certificate of authority on the day it is issued.

Legal Name of Business: ____________________________________

Which State are you in: ____________________________________

MC Number (if known): ____________________________________

Your Fax Number: ____________________________________


Credit Card number: ________________________ Expiration Date: ____________

Credit Card in the name of: ______________________________

Type: VISA or MasterCard or American Express? (circle one) Amount: $50.00

Card Member agrees to pay in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Card Member Agreement.

Authorized Signature: _____________________

Please fax this form back to us TOLL FREE: (866) 783-0169


340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY 11725

- Tel: (888) 414-1874 - Fax: (866) 783-0169 - info@


Dear Freight Broker Client:

Agreement filing. Please note that due to problems associated with bonding company claims and payouts that have been reported by our clients, we no longer recommend the Broker Bond BMC-84 filing. We are very exited to be able to match your needs with our partner financial institution.

We have partnered with this financial institution because they have established the most successful BMC-85 program in the country. As of January 2002, our partner financial institution had filed trust fund agreements for approximately 10% of all federally licensed freight brokers in existence. No other trustee or bonding company even comes close.

Our partner financial institution’s rapid growth is a direct result of the fact that they adhere strictly to the policy: “IF YOU DON’T SAY, WE DON’T PAY” (unless, of course, someone files with a judgment). Our partner financial institution doesn’t pay carrier compensation claims for Christmas trees delivered on New Year’s Eve. They don’t even accept carrier compensation claims for movements with a prior or subsequent component by rail or conducted under the terms of an air bill; nor will they process a claim for hay cube movements unless the product has at least a 3% molasses content. Claims for intrastate transportation local drayage, lumping, demurrage and/or detention are dead on arrival. has chosen this partner financial institution because we are confident these experts know what they’re doing.

The key to their effective claims management lies in exclusive proprietary computerized software systems developed by staff and attorneys experienced in processing, investigating, qualifying and resolving trust fund agreement claims to the satisfaction of over 1,200 brokers. To date, no broker has ever filed a complaint about a claim payout, although frivolous claimants might prefer a less rigorous approach.

Attached you will find a description of the three programs our partner financial institution offers, along with a trustor information form. When you are ready to move forward, simply fax the trustor information form back to us TOLL FREE: (866) 783-0169. We have taken the time thoroughly research for you what method is best for our clients to comply with the broker bond requirement. We have concluded that these folks won’t “steer” you wrong.



Transportation Practitioner

340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY 11725

- Tel: (888) 414-1874 - Fax: (866) 783-0169 - info@


Basic Program Types

There are three basic programs for you to choose from. With all programs there is an initial $550 administrative fee as referenced below.

The Cash Plan

Description: The broker applicant submits $10,000 in cash to partner financial institution to collateralize a BMC-85 Property Broker’s Trust Fund Agreement.

Qualifications: Licensed Broker (or applicant) in Good Standing with the FMCSA

Cost: $550 annual administrative fee payable upfront for the first year. For each subsequent year, earned interest is deemed to offset the annual administrative fee (for an effective annual rate of approximately 5.5%).

The Co-Trustee Plan

Description: The broker applicant submits NO CASH COLLATERAL initially, but arranges for an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit issued by a federally insured bank in favor of our partner financial institution. Such institutions function as co-trustees for statutory purposes.

Qualifications: Licensed Broker (or applicant) in Good Standing with the FMCSA

Cost: Initial $550 annual administrative fee (covers the first year) payable upfront. Should legal liability necessitate claim payouts, there could be a nominal service fee charged depending upon the ease of transferring funds using the letter of credit.

The Asset Liquidation Plan

Description: The broker applicant submits NO CASH COLLATERAL initially, but authorizes our partner financial institution to arrange for the liquidation of $10,000 in receivables sold and assigned on a rotating basis for statutory purposes. If qualified, the broker pays four points, $400 per year, in finance charges, plus the administrative fee of $550, and executes a special collateral agreement. Our partner financial institution may demand physical delivery of specific freight bills at any time, but usually does so only in response to unsatisfied legal liability.

Qualifications: Licensed Broker (or applicant) in Good Standing with the FMCSA, which has reasonably good credit (such that any officer or owner of the company may be substituted for credit purpose as long as documents are submitted to verify ownership interest). Unless such credit history is excellent, our partner financial institution may require key individuals to execute personal guarantees and/or require a partial cash collateral payment upfront (which could be returned after one year given a favorable claims history). Brokers with less then ideal credit may qualify for additional plan at higher rate.

Cost: $950 in total annual administration fees payable at the beginning of each contract year. First year’s fees payable in certified funds (note: collects the initial administrative fees via VISA, Mastercard or American Express).


Trustor Information Form

Federal Tax ID # ______-__________________ MC # ___________________________

Legal Name of Company ________________________________________________

You must show the exact name that appears on FMCSA license application

Doing-Business-As ________________________________________________

Business Phone _____-_____-___________ Business Fax _____-_____-___________

Business Structure __________________________ State_______________________

e.g.Corp., LLC, LLP, partnership, individual proprietor If Corp., Must list State in which Incorporated

Business Physical Address ________________________________________________

PO Box not accepted

City __________________________ State ______ Zip Code _____________________

Mailing Address (if different) _______________________________________________

E-Mail Address __________________________________________________________

Current or Past MC Numbers and/or officers have ever been affiliated with:


Plan you are interested in: ( ) Cash Plan, ( ) Co-Trustee, ( ) Asset Liquidation (check one)

A personal credit inquiry will be performed on the principal (owner or officer) who will be signing trust fund agreement if selecting the asset liquidation plan. This person must sign below.

Name _______________________________________________

Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________

Social Security # _______________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________

City _______________________________________________

State __________ Zip Code ____________________________________

The above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event that I have selected the Asset Liquidation Plan, I hereby authorize a personal credit inquiry.


Signature Title Date

340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY 11725

- Tel: (888) 414-1874 - Fax: (866) 783-0169 info@



For motor carriers & freight brokers

Date _________________________

(Please see dates listed on the next page)

Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Place: 340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY

Cost: $500 per person; $450 if booked 2 weeks in advance

Instructor: MR JAMES LAMB

( ) Yes, I would like sign up for a one-day seminar. I understand that I may cancel in accordance with the following cancellation policy: More than 2 weeks before the event: 100% Refund, 1-2 weeks before the event: 50% Refund, Less than 1 week: 0% Refund.

Name of Attendee:______________________ Seminar Date: ______________________

Street Address:______________________________________________

City:________________ State:_______ Zip:_________

Phone Number:__________________________ Fax Number:____________________

Email Address:___________________________ Sales Rep Name/Tel:


Credit Card number: ________________________ Expiration Date: ____________

Credit Card in the name of: ___________________________ Billing address Zip Code:_____

Type: VISA or MasterCard or American Express? (circle one) Amount: $_______

I agree to pay in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Card Member Agreement.

Authorized Signature: ________________________________


FAX: (866) 783-0169

340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, New York 11725 Tel: (631) 543-2185 Fax: (631) 543-2351

Email: info@ Internet Website:




August 13

September 17

October 8

November 12

December 10

TIME: All Seminars are on a Saturday from 8:00AM-5:00PM, with a one hour lunch break.

LOCATION: Seminars are held at our Commack Training Facility.


CLASS SIZE: Maximum class is 30 persons so book well in advance to ensure your space is reserved.

DISCOUNTS: Early bird registration rate of $450 is available for attendees booking more than 2 weeks in advance.

QUESTIONS? Call our Toll Free Enrollment Hotline:




For motor carriers & freight brokers

Date _________________________

(Please see dates listed on the next page)

Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Place: 340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY

Cost: $500 per person; $450 if booked 2 weeks in advance

Instructor: MR JAMES LAMB

( ) Yes, I would like sign up for a one-day seminar. I understand that I may cancel in accordance with the following cancellation policy: More than 2 weeks before the event: 100% Refund, 1-2 weeks before the event: 50% Refund, Less than 1 week: 0% Refund.

Name of Attendee:______________________ Seminar Date: ______________________

Street Address:______________________________________________

City:________________ State:_______ Zip:_________

Phone Number:__________________________ Fax Number:____________________

Email Address:___________________________ Sales Rep Name/Tel:


Credit Card number: ________________________ Expiration Date: ____________

Credit Card in the name of: ___________________________ Billing address Zip Code:_____

Type: VISA or MasterCard or American Express? (circle one) Amount: $_______

I agree to pay in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Card Member Agreement.

Authorized Signature: ________________________________


FAX: (866) 783-0169

340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, New York 11725 Tel: (631) 543-2185 Fax: (631) 543-2351

Email: info@ Internet Website:




August 13

September 17

October 8

November 12

December 10

TIME: All Seminars are on a Saturday from 8:00AM-5:00PM, with a one hour lunch break.

LOCATION: Seminars are held at our Commack Training Facility.


CLASS SIZE: Maximum class is 30 persons so book well in advance to ensure your space is reserved.

DISCOUNTS: Early bird registration rate of $450 is available for attendees booking more than 2 weeks in advance.

QUESTIONS? Call our Toll Free Enrollment Hotline:

(888) 414-1874


Customers paying slow?

Wish you could have use of the money that is owed to you a little sooner?

When you have a trucking company, it is important to keep the money coming in as fast as possible. If you would rather spend time making money instead of waiting to get paid, consider selling your invoices for cash. Factoring allows you to complete a load and get paid in 24 hours. Factoring is simply selling your invoices for cash.


Some key points to our program are:

➢ No application fee, maintenance fee or other hidden charges.

➢ No long term contracts. You can stop factoring at anytime.

➢ Factor only the invoices and customers you wish.

➢ Up to 95% advance rate on invoices presented for factoring.

➢ Get Cash in 24 hours, no more weeks of waiting.

➢ Haul more loads and increase your revenue.

➢ Grant credit to new customers while we take the risk.

➢ Never worry about getting paid.

➢ Never worry about collecting your invoices, we do it for you.

➢ Make payroll with no problem.

➢ Get fuel cards for all of your drivers.

➢ Easy application and approval process.

We understand the cash flow challenges that trucking companies face as the business grows. To learn more about our partners, JD Factors, please email your request for more information to factoring@, visit our web site at or fill out the following information request and fax it back to (866) 783-0169.

Name: ___________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________


Email: __________________________________________________________

- Tel: (888) 414-1874 - Fax: (866) 783-0169


Freight Broker Training Kit

Now that you’ve applied for your Freight Broker License, you can order the "How to Start a Freight Brokerage" Training Manual and get FREE Software!


This How-to Manual includes:

*263 page book includes step-by-step freight broker guide to success

*Carrier/Broker and Load Confirmation/Rate Agreements

*10+ page resource guide and contact list

*FREE Ultimate Financial Forecaster Software

*FREE Broker Software Demo


A freight broker brings together shippers and carriers who might not otherwise try to find each other and assists in negotiating the terms of the transaction. The primary role of a broker is to help companies that need to ship cargo find a trucking company that can deliver the shipment on time and in good condition and provide any extra services that may be required - all at a competitive price.

This How-to manual will take you through the process of starting a freight brokerage, beginning with a general overview of the freight industry and the role that brokers play. It will explain the basic requirements and start up costs. You’ll learn about day-to-day operations when things are going well -and when things are going wrong. You’ll gain a solid understanding of the sales and marketing process, as well as how to track and manage the financial side of your business. Plus, you’ll get FREE Ultimate Financial Forecaster software, an easy-to-use, step-by-step program to help you create over 15 financial forecasting reports… all for just $99.99, plus $17 shipping and handling.

To order, call TOLL FREE (877) 456-9099

Or visit


| |

|Preface |

|Chapter 1 |

|• Introduction To The Freight Broker Business |

|• The Players |

|• How They Started |

|• Specialist Or Generalist? |

|• Who's Minding The Store? |

|• Do You Have What It Takes? |

|Chapter 2 |

|What Does The Business Require? |

|• Education And Experience |

|• Building Carrier Relationships |

|• Banking On Your Banker |

|• Those Critical Customers |

|• Record-keeping Requirements |

|Chapter 3 |

|Operations |

|• Facts On File |

|• Shipper Information |

|• Carrier Information |

|• Finding Carriers |

|• Rates And Commissions |

|• Quoting Rates |

|• Documents |

|• Carrier/Broker Agreement |

|• Load Confirmation And Rate Agreement |

|• Bill Of Lading |

|• Contract Labor Receipt |

|• Invoices |

|• Contract Of Carriage |

|• Are You On A Mission? |

|• Seasonal Issues |

|Chapter 4 |

|What Can Go Wrong? |

|• Transit Delays |

|• Cargo Loss Or Damage Claims |

|• Responding To Problems |

|Chapter 5 |

|Locating And Setting Up |

|• Put It In Writing |

|• The Agent Option |

|• Naming Your Company |

|• Choosing A Legal Structure |

|• Insurance |

|• Professional Advisors |

|• Create Your Own Advisory Board |

|• Basic Office Equipment |

|• Telecommunications |

|• Keep Your Customers Out Of Voice-Mail Jail |

|• Transportation Brokerage Software |

|• Inventory |

|• Company Vehicle |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Chapter 6 |

|Staffing Your Company |

|• Basic Positions |

|• Calling All People |

|• Evaluating Applicants |

|• Benefits |

|• Keep People In Perspective |

|• The High Cost Of Turnover |

|• Why Train? |

|• Training Techniques |

|• Noncompete Agreements |

|Chapter 7 |

|Marketing |

|• Market Research |

|• Choosing A Niche |

|• Communicating With Your Customers |

|• Know Thy Enemy |

|• Outsourcing Opportunity |

|• Join The Right Groups |

|Chapter 8 |

|Sales |

|• Phone Or Face-To-Face Sales |

|• Qualifying Prospects |

|• Determining Needs |

|• Why Do You Ask? |

|• Steak Or Sizzle |

|• Does Anyone Object? |

|• Ask For The Business |

|Chapter 9 |

|Financial Management |

|• Setting Credit Policies |

|• Warning Signs |

|• Cash Flow Controls |

|• The Power Of Compensating Balances |

|• Managing Payables |

|• Facts On Factoring |

|Chapter 10 |

|Tales From The Trenches |

|• Use Advertising And Marketing Techniques That Work |

|• Prepare For The Future |

|• Don't Reinvent The Wheel |

|• Get Rid Of Carriers That Don't Perform |

|• Maintain A Broad And Diverse Customer Base |

|• Get In The Spotlight |

|• Be Open To Evolution |

|• Protect Your Reputation |

|Glossary |

|Appendix |

|Freight Broker Resources |

|Index |


Thank you for ordering the Freight Broker Training Kit from , Inc.

This product may be paid for by money order, certified check, or credit card. Please do not mail cash or personal checks. If you would like to pay by credit card, please complete the form below and fax back to us: (866) 783-0169. All orders will be processed upon receipt of payment in the order they are received. Our mailing address is:

PO Box 1007, Commack, New York 11725.


Type (circle one): Visa MasterCard American Express

Credit Card Number: _________________________________

Credit Card in the Name of: ____________________________

Expiration Date: __________________

(X) “How to Start a Freight Brokerage Service” how-to manual $99.99

( ) Standard Shipping & Handling (5-10 days) $17

( ) Priority Shipping & Handling (2-3 days) $27

( ) Express Shipping & Handling (1 day) $44

Total Amount of Sale: $_____

Ship to:




Card Member agrees to pay in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Card Member agreement.

Authorized Signature: ________________________________

Please fax this form to us: (866) 783-0169

Thank you for your business!

340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY 11725

- Tel: (888) 414-1874 - Fax: (866) 783-0169 - info@


( ) YES I am interested in receiving information on Freight Broker Training School. This is a 5 day program held in several facilities across the country.

Legal Name of Company ________________________________________________

Doing-Business-As ________________________________________________

Business Phone _____-_____-___________ Business Fax _____-_____-___________

Business Structure __________________________ State_______________________

Business Physical Address ________________________________________________

City __________________________ State ______ Zip Code _____________________

Mailing Address (if different) _______________________________________________

E-Mail Address __________________________________________________________

Please circle the cities you would be interested in receiving information on

Dallas, TX

Mobile, AL

Atlanta, GA

Phoenix, AZ


Please fax this form to us: (866) 783-0169

340 Veterans Memorial Highway, Commack, NY 11725

- Tel: (888) 414-1874 - Fax: (866) 783-0169 - info@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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