Nancy Notes.doc

Nancy Notes


If you read link above it will answer MANY questions

BTW, this is an excellent tool to separate you the man from any legal fiction operating in commerce. For example, if you were arrested and asked if the FRNs in your pocket are your money, I'd say "No, they belong to JARO HENRY SMITH". And if you were asked what's your NAME, I'd say "My family name is Smith and my given name is Jaro Henry.

And those are names of a MAN, not of their corporate legal fiction, since legal fictions have FIRST and LAST name.

And I believe that even corporations can be US citizens, so if anyone asked if you're US citizen, I'd say "No, but JARO HENRY SMITH is". I'm just that person's authorized representative.

Here's a bit more of what Douglas wrote:

"I have checked every state and NONE except Minnesota allow me to register properly without forcing me thru a gauntlet of questions that place one as a "legal person" instead of a nameholder.

A certificate of any kind issued by the SOS of ANY state is valid "in this state" which is the United States. The COLB you have is good in any state, correct? You can easily take a COLB from California and use it to obtain a DL in that state so why would an ANC be any different? I used my ANC from the SOS in Minnesota to open a business bank account in California."

Jaro did he give any info on how he was getting paid back?         For some reason he recommends filing that AN with the Secretary of State of Minnesota, although he lives in Nevada.It doesn't get much easier than the "state" is actively helping me get back all that which was given without fully informed consent...which is why I don't work anymore. Don't have to because the income and property taxes YOU pay go to me now.  has any one here done this yet ?

read it all not skip any of it and you will find that we are due something back.


Guys, after the notice is published in your county newspaper, you get an affidavit of publication from that paper, which you then can use to open a BUSINESS bank account. Douglas had the Minnesota ANC and used it to open a bank account in California. And I assume that he used it with his SSN, as he didn't mention getting an EIN for that.

Cindy, the only question about opening that bus. bank account in Cali, is whether he used a Driver's license or not. He had ANC from Minnesota, address in Nevada and fictitious name publication in Nevada. When you have that, it doesn't matter which State you open the business account in.

And I kinda doubt that he used a driver license as ID at the bank, since he was driving unregistered car for years. And as I mentioned in the blog, he isn't available since he's sailing somewhere.

Comment on June 23, 2016 at 2:27pm

i was more interested in knowing if he got an EIN or used his SS#. I would use my new passport card for id. (RECORDED CALL WITH RENEE POWERS he said he used the doesnt matter....HISNAME controls that ss# now

Comment  June 23, 2016 at 2:39pm

There's no point in getting an EIN for your JOHN DOE business entity, since you don't want the JOHN DOE person and the JOHN DOE business be separated. This whole thing is about having a proof that JOHN DOE is NOT you, the wo/man, but a business, so that you can assert that your name is NOT FIRST and LAST name, but a family and given name.

It would make no sense to have JOHN DOE with an SSN, and another JOHN DOE with an EIN.

my JANE DOE name got a SS#, not me the wo/man  - now i get it..

So if there's a JOHN DOE business, it erases any evidence that JOHN DOE is an individual, since JOHN DOE can't be both. So basically it removes any presumption that you the man, and the JOHN DOE statutory person, are the same. You just gotta keep the separation going, by signing everything as John Doe, authorized representative. Or a CEO, as Douglas did.

Or Doe, John.

I.e. never admit to being JOHN DOE, you're either Doe, John or 'My family name is Doe, and my given name is John'.

Comment by Rhetta Reid on June 23, 2016 at 2:57pm

Also how did he get the Registration Number in blue type onto his BC? Did he just add it on there himself? It's in the upper right hand corner.

Comment by Jaro on June 23, 2016 at 3:03pm

Rhetta, yes he added the blue number and the part next to the checkmark, to the BC.

Comment by Jaro on June 23, 2016 at 3:08pm

BTW, it also might be a good idea to notify the IRS in Washington DC that JOHN DOE is your business, so that they can change the status of the JOHN DOE's SSN. So that you couldn't be accused of using that SSN as an individual, while claiming separately that JOHN DOE is your business.

And there's another guy who uses this, however I don't have any more info about him, and here's how he signs:

Arnold, Chad-CEO


Entity ID/File #828904700028

State of Minnesota Secretary of State, Steve Simon

Assumed Name Certificate

Filed 6/4/2015

Status Active/In Good Standing

So if you have a current court case and you get an Assumed Name Certificate that you want to “file” into your case, how exactly do you do that? Do you just file a copy as a Judicial Notice, a Notice of Appearance, or something else? Once you file it, do you just wait to see what happens or do you file a motion to dismiss based on what exactly?

[pic]Comment by Sabine Ziya on June 24, 2016 at 4:53am

For the court case, the guy Juan in the talkshoe said he put his registered number of the certificate to his court case and brought a copy of the certificate to his hearing. For me, I will open a miscellaneous file and file my Assumed Name Certificates at my county registered of deed office.

Juan on the talkshoe said when there was a case he filed his ID number in the court case and that's how he found out what the filing did for him in court. Very fascinating.

Here's what Rob says that Juan filed in court. But since Juan had several court cases going at that time, and attorneys for ALL of them ceased to contact him afterwards, it seems to me that the single filing changed his STATUS, which obviously affected all the court cases against him.

In other words, it should be sufficient to officially notify the court (the chief justice) about this, and they should put you on a Do not detain list, since you're no longer one of their corporate subjects.

It's basically a NOTICE that JOHN DOE is no longer an individual, but a business. I.e., you've killed the STRAWMAN.

"Basically it was just filling out the form.. and entering it into his case…

he did that part with a short paragraph ….with standard court heading. , file stamped by clerk.

” Comes now Surname, First Middle owner of ALL CAPS and files into and upon this court

that ALL CAPS is a Fictitious Name Registration dated (Date) and,

Said Registration is active ”

I certify that a copy of the foregoing was mailed to

(Banks Attorney)

At the bottom right of the page he put..

Surname, First Middle

Owner of ALL CAPS"


And from the moment you filed the ANC, you're no longer that person, but an authorized representative for that person. And AR is not liable for that person. Jean Keating once signed the probation papers as AR, and when they arrested him for violation of probation, they had to let him go after 3 days because he wasn't liable on that contract.

Mark, I'm just following with my gut feelings on this and usually my instinct is pretty on point. I tried to rack,my brain to find out how to differentiate myself as a living woman living in a society that operates in the fiction. What better way to be in the world, but not of the world. Use their accepted method to set a trigger in their system to let them know, hey there's a difference. I've been asking the Universe to guide me and this seemed to be key. I had such issue dealing with my state SOS when I attempted to file a trade name for my upcoming business. They told me I can't sign without prejudice the second time I sent the application in; first time they said I can't have the name I picked when it's nowhere near the same as the one they said it is like.

When I saw Jaro's post, a light bulb clicked for me. Then listened to Juan who was a novice and didn't really know what he was doing from the sound of him was able to trigger the system when he put the legal name registration id in his court case. This is what I'm looking for and I didn't get the weird feeling I did when people say go secure party route and file the UCC. I'm a very analytical person and can analyze things to death. But this time around, my left and right brain agrees, hence I jumped in and did it.

Another way , in addition to AN, is the record a Power of Attorney form the NAME to the man's name Last, First Middle ; and record the POA with the Probate Court.

The AN is very useful for daily 'public' dealings, the POA make 'me' the Attorney-in-Fact for the NAME.

The Man, however, has never come forward and Memorialize to the world who the Man says they are,  then until standing up and doing so,  THEY are declaring (declarations are always "of war") who I/You/We are, since the human is presumed incompetent/commercially dead/lost at sea and therefore the STATE comes in and provides the vehicle for their "infant decedents" to do business under THEIR persons THEY created.

I think you are right when you said "therefore not subject to government statutes and the income tax" . What Douglas said on one of the recorded calls, was to be sure you get the identification of the person you are dealing can hold them "personally" liable and file a complaint against them.


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