Finding Volunteer opportunities

Getting Along with Co-workers, Role Plays: Lesson 2 of 2

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|CLB Level: 4 |Method: |

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|Essential Skills Focus: |Review “attitudes in a workplace” from previous lesson. |

|Working with Others |Divide the students in groups for role play activity and hand out role play cards. Note that |

|Oral Communication |some activities can have two or more players. You can adjust these according to the number of |

|Thinking Skills (problem solving) |students in your class. |

| |Hand out “Getting Along” Scenarios. |

|Task: Getting along with co-workers |Review instructions on the cards. Check for understanding. |

| |Walk around and listen in as students work on their role plays. |

|Purpose: Students will |Have students present their role plays to their classmates. |

|Work together to demonstrate positive |Ask actors to accept questions from their classmates. |

|attitudes in the workplace. | |

| |Debrief: |

|Materials: | |

|Teacher-made handout: “Getting Along” |a.) Language Component: |

|Scenarios. (see attached). |1. How do you ask for help at work? |

|Blank paper for student to write role plays |2. What phrases are used to show respect in work conversations? |

|notes. |3. How do you ask someone to change/stop what they are doing without being offensive? |

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|Learning Style: |b.) Transfer: |

|Kinaesthetic, auditory |Brainstorm with the students what they learned from this activity. Discuss with students what |

| |essential skills they used in this activity. Discuss the real life application/importance of |

|Time: 60 minutes |getting along with their co-workers. |

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| |Follow Up: |

| |This was a follow up activity from the previous lesson “Getting Along with Co-Workers”. |

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CLB level: 4

“Getting Along” Scenario (two or three people)

1. Read over the scenario with your partner (s) and talk about what is happening in the situation. Talk about the following questions: What is the problem? Why do you think there is a problem? What are possible solutions to the problem? What is the best solution? What are the steps to fix the problem?

2. Develop a role play to act out the scenario as it is.

3. Develop a second role play to make it a positive experience for the workers.

Alfred works at a meat plant. He enters the building at the same time as George, his co-worker, every day. Alfred always greets George with: “Good morning George”. George always ignores Alfred and goes to his area.


“Getting Along” Scenario (three people)

1. Read over the scenario with your partner(s) and talk about what is happening in the situation. Talk about the following questions: What is the problem? Why do you think there is a problem? What are possible solutions to the problem? What is the best solution? What are the steps to fix the problem?

2. Develop a role play to act out the scenario as it is.

3. Develop a second role play to make it a positive experience for the workers.

José was working on electronic equipment. He was in a room by himself trying figure out a dangerous piece of equipment. Two of his co-workers were walking by and talking. They were so busy in their conversation that they didn’t want to stop and help José. He got hurt and had to be taken to the hospital.

“Getting Along” Scenario (two-four people)

1. Read over the scenario with your partner(s) and talk about what is happening in the situation. Talk about the following questions: What is the problem? Why do you think there is a problem? What are possible solutions to the problem? What is the best solution? What are the steps to fix the problem?

2. Develop a role play to act out the scenario as it is.

3. Develop a second role play to make it a positive experience for the workers.

Betty found out that her co-worker is having problems at home

with her husband. She told Hilda, another co-worker, who then told others. Betty found out that all her co-workers knew and was very embarrassed. She decided not to talk in the lunchroom to co-workers anymore.


“Getting Along” Scenario (two people)

1. Read over the scenario with your partner(s) and talk about what is happening in the situation. Talk about the following questions: What is the problem? Why do you think there is a problem? What are possible solutions to the problem? What is the best solution? What are the steps to fix the problem?

2. Develop a role play to act out the scenario as it is.

3. Develop a second role play to make it a positive experience for the workers.

Joe is a truck driver. He always plays the radio too loud and too often. Robert is his co-worker who travels with him. Robert wants to tell Joe that he doesn’t like it, but he sits quietly instead. Robert often goes home with a bad headache.

“Getting Along” Scenario (two or three people)

1. Read over the scenario with your partner(s) and talk about what is happening in the situation. Talk about the following questions: What is the problem? Why do you think there is a problem? What are possible solutions to the problem? What is the best solution? What are the steps to fix the problem?

2. Develop a role play to act out the scenario as it is.

3. Develop a second role play to make it a positive experience for the workers.

Christine is a secretary. She didn’t understand the directions her supervisor gave her. Her supervisor asked her to file an information sheet in the drawer marked “resources”. She wasn’t sure but she thought it was to be filed in “returns”. Thao, her co-worker, was looking in the “returns” drawer and found the file that Christine filed. Thao knew that she put it in the wrong drawer. He went to his boss to tell him.


“Getting Along” Scenario (Three or four people)

1. Read over the scenario with your partner (s) and talk about what is happening in the situation. Talk about the following questions: What is the problem? Why do you think there is a problem? What are possible solutions to the problem? What is the best solution? What are the steps to fix the problem?

2. Develop a role play to act out the scenario as it is.

3. Develop a second role play to make it a positive experience for the workers.

Lois and Barbara work at a sewing factory. They are talking about having a holiday season staff party. They feel they have organized it every year. They would like to recruit some new volunteers to help out.

“Getting Along” Scenario (two –four people)

1. Read over the scenario with your partner (s) and talk about what is happening in the situation. Talk about the following questions: What is the problem? Why do you think there is a problem? What are possible solutions to the problem? What is the best solution? What are the steps to fix the problem?

2. Develop a role play to act out the scenario as it is.

3. Develop a second role play to make it a positive experience for the workers.

Leo works at a restaurant. He is a new immigrant. His English skills are low. Some of the other workers make fun of his English. He would like to quit because of this but his family depends on him for the money and it’s very difficult for him to find another job. His supervisor wants to help.


Getting Along” Scenario (two –four people)

1. Read over the scenario with your partner (s) and talk about what is happening in the situation. Talk about the following questions: What is the problem? Why do you think there is a problem? What are possible solutions to the problem? What is the best solution? What are the steps to fix the problem?

2. Develop a role play to act out the scenario as it is.

3. Develop a second role play to make it a positive experience for the workers.

Mohammed works at a supermarket. He sees that sees that his co-worker, Elias, works harder than most of the staff and does a good job. No one else seems to notice. Mohammed thinks that there should be some recognition of Mohammed’s work.


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