Getting Along with Others on the Job - Weebly

[Pages:5]Getting Along with Others on the Job

Lesson Review

(This review is meant to help you take notes. Spaces are available for you to write down your own notes and answers. If you do not have enough room, use another piece of paper or the back of the review.)


In this lesson, we will discuss: ? Why is it important to get along with others? ? How can I make a good first impression? ? How can listening help me get along with others? ? What is appropriate workplace conversation? ? How can I avoid gossip in the workplace? ? How can I get along with angry people?

Stop and Think: Kindergarten may seem like a long time ago, but do you remember being

taught about how to get along with others? Were you taught the golden rule: "Do to others as you would like done to you"? What does this mean? Does it still apply when you are older?

First Impressions:

Impress - to affect deeply or strongly in mind or opinion. Things you can do to make a good first impression:

? Smile ? Offer a confident handshake ? Show interest in people you meet ? Dress neatly and professionally ? Be well groomed ? Believe in yourself

Stop and Think: If you were interviewing someone for a position would you choose an

applicant who has all the qualifications but is surly and unfriendly, or the applicant who does not have all of the qualifications but is friendly, smiling, and willing to learn new things? Why would you choose this person?

Effective Listening:

5 steps that can make us better listeners: Step 1: Ask the speaker questions so you understand his message -

Step 2: Remember, you don't have to respond to a speaker immediately. Wait for the person to finish, form your response, then respond -

Step 3: Pay attention to your body language and facial expressions -

Step 4: Give the speaker your undivided attention -

Step 5: Wait for the other person to pause before you speak -

Stop and Think: Have you ever tried to talk to someone who wasn't listening? How did that

make you feel?

Workplace Conversation:

Topics to avoid: ? Politics ? Religion ? Family problems

Reasons to avoid the above subjects: ? They can offend other employees ? Theft of company time

Stop and Think: Have you ever been guilty of discussing something inappropriate with co-

workers? Were there any consequences?


Gossip needs: ? A subject (the gossipee) ? Someone to spread the gossip (the gossiper) ? Someone to listen

(Article on Workplace Gossip) Notes on Article:

Strategies to effectively handle gossip in the workplace: 1. Be direct ? 2. Ask the gossiper to be specific or offer examples ? 3. Organize a group discussion to address the issue of gossip 4. Offer the gossiper the opportunity to change, or stop gossiping -

Angry People:

(Video on the Intimidator) Notes on Video:

The goal of the intimidator:

(Video on the Interrogator) Notes on Video:

The goal of the interrogator:

(Video on the Poor Me) Notes on Video:

The goal of the Poor Me:

(Video on the Distancer) Notes on Video:

The goal of the Distancer:

(Video on the Winder-Upper) Notes on Video:

The goal of the Winder-Upper:

(Video on How to Handle an Angry Person) Notes on Video:

Do not ask someone who is angry to: "What do you _______________?"

Stop and Think: How could using effective listening help you get along with an angry person?

Additional Notes:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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