|DESCRIPTION: This unit of work is designed to initiate students into their new life at high school. They enhance their capacity to manage these challenges as they identify and select strategies that promote |

|connectedness and develop interpersonal communication skills. Students learn to establish a support network or both adults and peers. |


|A Student: | |

|4.1 Describes and analyses the influences on a sense of self |Kid counsellor role play assessment |

|4.2 Identifies and selects strategies that enhance their ability to cope and feel supported |Class discussion |

|4.3 Describes the qualities of positive relationships and strategies to address the abuse of power. |Completion of class tasks |

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|4.1 Describes and analyses the influences on a sense of self |

|Students learn about: |Students learn to: |

|A sense of self |Explore the influence of the following on a sense of self |

|Defining a sense of self |Who I am |

|Being the same as and different from others |Where I come from |

|How a sense of self can vary in different contexts |Who I relate to |

|Factors that influence a sense of self |What I can do |

|Self acceptance |What I believe and value |

| |Investigate the changing nature of one’s self and how it can be different in various social contexts e.g.|

| |home, school with friends. |

|4.2 Identifies and selects strategies that enhance their ability to cope and feel supported. |

|Students learn about: |Students learn to: |

|Changes and Challenges |Develop a realistic sense of their ability to respond to and cope with challenges |

| |Describe the current challenges that may face young people and predict future challenges |

| | |

| |Identify individuals, groups or places in which they feel a strong sense of belonging and explain how |

| |these help them to feel supported and connected. |

|Connectedness | |

| |Identify formal and informal school activities that promote a sense of belonging for students |

| |Explore and develop interpersonal communication skills as they: |

| |Identify barriers to communication |

|Interpersonal Communication |Propose strategies to overcome barriers |

| |Resolve conflict in a range of contexts relevant to young people |

| |Evaluate the popular modes of communication used by young people. |

| | |

| |Enhance their ability to seek help by: |

| |Establishing individual support networks of adults and peers |

| |Practicing ways of accessing help e.g. role play, use of internet |

| |Identifying barriers to seeking support e.g. lack of confidentiality |

| |Proposing strategies to overcome barriers. |

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|Seeking help | |

|4.3 Describes the qualities of positive relationships and strategies to address the abuse of power. |

|Students learn about: |Students learn to: |

| | |

|Types and nature of relationships |Explore the influence of family and peers as adolescents move from dependence to independence |

| | |

| |Identify strategies and behaviours for negotiating caring and respectful relationships in a range of |

|Caring and respectful relationships |settings relevant to young people. |

| |Appreciate the contribution that participation in physical activity makes to the development of |

| |interpersonal skills. |

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| |Recognise forms of bullying and harassment, including sex-based harassment and devise help-seeking |

| |strategies |

| |Describe ways that they could help others who are being harassed, e.g. assist them to seek help, offer |

|Bullying and harassment |Friendship. |

| | |

| |Propose and develop strategies to effectively manage personal safety including: |

| |Trusting your feelings, thoughts and reading of the situation |

| |Talking about it to someone |

| |Taking control and using your own plan for being comfortable and safe. |

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|Protective strategies | |

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|LESSON 1 | | | |

|Rules and expectation worksheet |Expectations handout |2.2 | |

|MHS rules- glue into books and read through |MHS rules | | |

|Who’s Who in the Pdhpe faculty |Pdhpe faculty worksheet |1.6 | |

|Name game in circle- go around asking students their name and favourite game. | |2.1 1.3 3.3 | |

|Favourite things- worksheet students to complete |Favourite things w/s | | |

| |Lees & Lees Book 1 p 5-9 | | |

| | | | |

|LESSON 2 | | | |

|Sense of self worksheet |Lees and lees book 1 p 1 |3.1 | |

|Brainstorm” Does your sense of self change in different social settings/ i.e. home, |Whiteboard |3.1 3.4 | |

|school, sport etc”. |whiteboard | | |

|‘Who am I?’ worksheet and web activities | |1.4 | |

|‘Influences on sense of self” worksheet |who am I w/s |1.1 1.3 | |

| |Lees & Lees Book 1 p 3-5 | | |

|LESSON 3 | | | |

|Change cards- continuum on board- students place the cards on the continuum from hard to |Whiteboard, change cards, blu tac. |3.1 3.2 3.4 1.6 | |

|easy. Alternating students can brainstorm a list that is relevant to them and then rank | |1.2 1.3 1.4 | |

|them in order |Lees & Lees Book 1 p 13-15 | | |

|Discuss with the class. | | | |

|‘Coping with change’ o/h |Lees & Lees Book 1 p 16 |1.3 3.5 2.5 | |

| | | | |

|Students copy the work the work into their books- students choose a situation and | | | |

|provide a strategy. | | | |

|‘what is ahead’ Worksheet complete in pairs | | | |

|discuss findings as a class and find ways to overcome these challenges | | | |

|LESSON 4 | | | |

|‘Connectedness’ worksheet- students to complete. |Jump into PDHPE book 1 p |2.5 1.5 1.6 1.1 | |

|Team Games- see teacher resource |Mind matters; Enhancing resilience | | |

|Students to participate in the games. |p 50-53 |2.2 3.4 3.5 | |

|Duiscuss the benefits of the game and ask students the following questions |Student books | | |

|Did they enjoy the games/ | |1.3 | |

|Did they feel that they were connected or just playing a part? | | | |

|Did students feel they had some control over the activities? | | | |

| | | | |

|LESSON 5 | | | |

|‘Interpersonal communication’ O/h- students to copy into books. |Jump into Pdhpe Book 1 p 283-285 |1.6 3.3 3.5 | |

|Importance of communication O/H students to copy into their books |Importance of communication O/H | | |

|Bridges and barriers to communication – students to draw two columns in their books- one | | | |

|for a bridge and the other for barrier. Students go around the cards in the class room |Bridges and barriers cards |1.2 2.3 | |

|and write down whether it is a bridge or barrier. | | | |

|‘Chinese whispers game’ teacher to give students a tongue twister or a message to use. | | | |

|e.g. irish wrist watch | | | |

|she sells seashells by the seashore | |3.6 3.3 1.4 | |

|peter piper picked a pepper, | | | |

| | | | |

|Discuss problems that occurred during the game and how this affects our communication | | | |

|skills. | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

|LESSON 6 | | | |

|Barriers to communication | | | |

|Charades | | | |

|Student is given a move/animal etc to act out in order for their peers to guess. |Lees &Lees Book 1 p 74 | | |

|No verbal communication is allowed. | |2.2 2.3 3.4 | |

| | | | |

|Blind Partner Drawing | | | |

|Two students sit back to back. Student A draws a picture. Student A then describes this | | | |

|picture to student B who has to redraw the picture based on Student A’s verbal | | | |

|instructions. Compare how accurate the drawing was and how this relates to communication | | | |

|skills. Discuss the role of sender and receiver in oral communication. | | | |

| | | | |

|Communication worksheet- students to complete discuss as a class | | | |

|Blindfold obstacle course- students are to lead their partner through an obstacle course-| | | |

|no talking allowed. | | | |

| | | | |

|Passive, aggressive. Assertive Communication | | | |

|Students in groups of 3 are to perform the scenario using one type of communication. |Communication worksheet. | | |

| | | | |

|You have just broken up with your ex and want to get back with them. A girl from your | |1.5 2.2 2.1 2.5 3.4 | |

|Roll Call said they seen your best-friend flirting and dancing with your ex at the School| | | |

|Disco. | | | |

| |Lees & Lees Book1 p 76 |1.6 3.3 | |

|Students perform them to the class, the class guesses which type of communication is | | | |

|being used. |Lees and Lees book 1 | | |

|Discuss which method is the best to use. | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

| |Interpersonal Relationships p 142 | | |

|LESSON 7 | | | |

|Support network-hand- where can we go if we feel a conflict has gone too far- students to| | | |

|write in places or people on the finger of the hand. |Jump into Pdhpe p 19 |1.6 3.1 3.3 3.4 | |

| | | | |

|“‘Barriers to accessing support” brainstorm | | | |

|Ways to overcome barriers- student discussion |Jump into Pdhpe p 20 | | |

|LESSON 8 | | | |

|Types and natures of relationships students complete the worksheet |Relationships w/s |2.2 3.3 1.1 3.6 | |

| |Lees and Lees book 1 p 86 | | |

| |Interpersonal relationships p 5-6 | | |

|Circle of closeness worksheet- discuss answers to questions. | | | |

|Brainstorm- different types of relationships. |Lees and Lees book 1 p 7 | | |

|Assessment tasks due | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|LESSON 9 | | | |

|Bullying and harassment | | | |

|Bullying worksheet- students match the form to the definition. | | | |

| | | | |

|Bullying statistics. | | | |

|Bully action plan | |1.5 1.6 3.1 | |

|In pairs students devise ways to manage bullying occurring and come back to the whole |Bullying Worksheet |2.4 | |

|class with their list. Class makes up a list of rules for a bully free classroom. |Jump into Pdhpe p 88 | | |

| | | | |

| |Ways to stop bullies worksheet- teacher | | |

| |designed | | |

| |Bully action plan | | |

| |Teacher designed. | | |

| | | | |

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|LESSON 10 | | | |

|Protective Strategies | | | |

|Brainstorm ‘Ways to stop bullies’ –refer to teacher resource |Ways to stop bullies. |1.6 2.3 2.5 3.3 | |

|Accessing help cards- students choose a card and describe how that person or place can |Jump into Pdhpe p 92 | | |

|provide support. |Accessing help cards. | | |

| | | | |

|Students design and acrostic poem using the words ‘My protection” | | | |

| | | | |

| |Jump into Pdhpe p 93 | | |




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