Getting to Know You Lesson Plan LEVEL: Beginner

[Pages:8]Getting to Know You Lesson Plan LEVEL: Beginner

VOCABULARY: name my name is

his name is her name is your name is

good morning happy to meet you

Lesson 1

INTRO: Before class prepare some blank name tags (stickers or pin-on tags). Give these out and have everyone write their English names and put their tags on.

INSTRUCT AND MODEL: Write the vocabulary on the board. Teach the words and go over pronunciation. Demonstrate some of the phrases by teacher saying: Good morning students, my name is _________. Then have the students practice saying: Good morning teacher. Or Good morning _________. Teacher introduces other teachers: His(Her) name is __________. Other teachers say: Good morning class. Students say: Good morning ____________.

Teacher asks, What's my name, What's his name? Do this with several students as you continue to introduce yourself and the other teachers.

PRACTICE: Have students sit or stand in a circle. Introduce yourself and then a student to the class. "Hi. My name is Sue. What is your name?" They answer and teacher responds, "Happy to meet you." Ask the next student to do the same. Demonstrate this with a few students.

INDEPENDENT: As students enter the classroom walk around and say "hello." Introduce yourself using the phrase "hi, my name is..." and ask "what is your name?" Try to elicit responses and make students feel at ease.

Name ball: Then tell everyone to stand up and form a circle. Take a ball and hold it and say your name. Then throw the ball to one student and they say their name. Students throw the ball around randomly, saying their name each time they catch the ball. Then, play the same throwing game, but instead of saying your name, say the name of the person who threw the ball to you - start by asking one student to throw the ball to you and as you catch it say their name. Then throw to another student and they should say your name as they catch it. If anyone gets a name wrong (or can't remember) they have to sit down for 3 throws. By the end of the activity everyone should have a good idea of everyone else's names!

Lesson 2


Put the following questions and answers on board or in their workbook:


What is your name?

My name is ________

How old are you?

I am ___________ years old.

Where are you from?

I live in ______________

What pet do you have?

I have an/a ______________.

What is your favorite food?

I like ___________________.

What is your favorite color?

I like _____________.

What do you like to do?

I like to _________________

Go over this with the class. They must fill in the blanks and if able to add one more interesting fact about themselves. Practice saying them and work on pronunciation. On the board draw a little stick man / woman and write your name under it. Then write some answers to the following questions (just the answers) around the board:

What is your name?

How old are you? .

Where are you from?

What pet do you have?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite color?

What do you like to do?

The idea is to try and have your students guess what the answers relate to and what the question is for each answer. Start by writing on the board: Name: What is your name?

Then point to your name on the board. Next, point to your hometown on the board and try to elicit the question "Where are you from?". As you elicit and help, write the questions on the board until all the questions are there.

PRACTICE: Have your students draw a stick man / woman on a piece of paper with their name underneath, and write down their answers to the questions on the board - basically doing the same thing as you did on the board. Then put students in pairs and have them practice asking and answering the questions about themselves. As they do this circulate and monitor, helping out with mistakes and pronunciation, and always give lots of praise.

INDEPENDENT: In pairs have them say the sentences as an introduction about themselves from the picture or do i in groups and if time have some students say it in front of the class.

Lesson 3 Vocabulary:

Word from whichever song you do.

INSTRUCT AND MODEL: Your students will love this. Get hold of a glove puppet and put it in a bag before class. Bring out the bag, open it enough to see in and shout into the bag "Hello!". Then move your ear to the opening to listen - nothing. Go to each student and encourage them to shout "Hello" into the bag - each time nothing happens. Finally, get all the students together to shout "Hello!" at the same time. This time the puppet wakes up and jumps out of the bag! Then model the role play with the puppet: Teacher: "Hello", what's your name?" Puppet: "My name is...". Then move onto the first student and say "Hello". Encourage him/her to say hello back. Let the students touch, cuddle and stroke the puppet. My puppet also likes to nibble their feet and arms. Next, the puppet asks each student: "What's your name?". "My name is...". Finally, go around saying "Goodbye" and "See you" before going back into the bag and back to sleep.

Sing the "Hello, Hello" song following the tune of Frere Jacques, or Make New Friends, or the Jazz Chant

The Hello Song

Hello, hello, How are you today? Hello, hello, How are you today? I'm fine, thank you, I'm fine, thank you,

I'm fine, thank you, And how about you? Hello, hello, How are you today? I'm fine, thank you, And how about you?

Gestures for "The Hello Song"

These are quite straight forward. First time you play the song do the gestures and encourage everyone to do them with you. Wave as you sing the "Hello, hello" parts. Gesture to others as you sing "How are you today?" Point to yourself as you sing "I'm fine, thank you" Hand gesture towards another student as you sing "And how about you?".

Make New Friends

Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold.

A circle is round, it never ends That's how long you will be my friend.

Jazz Chant: Tell Me Your Name Tell me your name again, please Tell me your name. Tell me your first name. Tell me your last name. Spell your name for me, please. Spell your name. Pronounce your name for me, please. Say it again. What a beautiful name! What a lovely name!

INDEPENDENT: Do a class survey Give out the survey sheets to each student. Go through the column headers and make sure everyone understands that they have to ask questions to 8 other students to complete their survey. Just to make sure, model the activity with a student, asking the questions and showing writing the answers. Then allow everyone to get up and mix around as they complete their surveys.


Lesson 4

INSTRUCT AND MODEL: Draw four squares on the board. Write one of the following phrases in each square "My favorite

color is..." "My favorite food is..." "My favorite past time is ..." "My favorite sport is ..." Teacher reads each phrase and completes the sentence, writing the response in the square. While introducing this, review some basic: colors, foods, sports, and fun things.

PRACTICE: Teacher reads phrase and selects other teachers to complete the phrase. Teacher writes response in the square. Teacher reads phrase and selects various students (can toss bean bag, ball, etc. or ask for volunteers) to complete the phrase. Teacher writes response in the square. You are demonstrating how to fill out the square.

INDEPENDENT: Four students are selected and each is given a square with a completed phrase on the square. (Ask some students before class what their response is to the question and fill out papers). The students with the square are to move around class and find the owner by asking questions: "What is your favorite color?" until they find the person who has that favorite color, food, past time, sport.

Or have all the students fill out the squares and then you collect them and pass them out randomly. The students are then each given a square to fill out by another student. They are to move around the class and find the owner by asking questions. Demonstrate with another teacher.

CLOSURE: Sing the "Goodbye Goodbye" song following the tune of Frere Jacques:

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, See you soon, see you soon, Come back again, come back again, Good -bye, good-bye.

Additional Activities

Make 2-3 teams. Arrange the fastest in alphabetical order of first name. Arrange the fastest in chronological order of birthdays. Arrange fastest by age.

The Name Game #1: (don't let the tap get too aggressive). Students stand in a circle and each person says their name. One is chosen to be in the middle and is given the newspaper roll. They attempt to tap the head of a circle member before that member yells out another player's name. If the player yells out a name in time the tapper goes to that player, and so on and so on. They will learn names quite quickly with this!

Name Game #2: Participants stand in a circle, and each person in turn says their name, at the same time executing a gesture that expresses their favorite hobby, sport or activity. After everyone has shared their name and gesture, the participants play "tag" with the names and gestures. While standing still, the participants can tag each other one at a time by saying a person's name and repeating their gesture. The leader should encourage the participants to get to everyone's name without repeats, so that all members of the group are included.

Long Distance Telephone: (to reinforce names) Decide on a phrase (ex: bring a pencil to next class). Tell it to student #1, who will go and whisper it in the ear of whomever's name you called out and sit in that student's (#2) spot. Call another name and student #2 will pass the message on to them. Object is to not garble the message. A good variation of this is to have a student do the calling, if they make an error, a new student is chosen to call.

Bang: In a circle, one person in center. Center person calls out a name of a member of the circle. That person must duck as quickly as possible. The person on either side of him/her must turn to him/her and say "bang", pointing their fingers at that person. The first person to say bang is the winner, the loser must sit down. If the person whose name is called out does not duck in time, he/she is out and must sit down. The number in the circle will get smaller and smaller, however people who are out should not be removed from their place in the circle - this makes it harder because a person may have to remember the name of a person next to them, but there may be five people 'out' in between. The remaining two players stand back-to-back in the circle. Center person calls out "start walking" and will then say at random "bang". They two players turn to "shoot" the other player, and the winner says it first.

Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, Getting to hope you like me. Getting to know you, Putting it my way, but nicely You are precisely My cup of tea!

Getting To Know You

Getting to know you, Getting to feel free and easy. When I am with you. Getting to know what to say. Haven't you noticed? Suddenly I'm bright and breezy Because of all I'm learning about you Things I learning about you ? day by day.

Scratch a Friends Back

Scratch a friend's back, scratch a back next to ya Scratch a friend's back and sing La La Repeat and sing la lu ha Ha la la la la la la lay u a, Ha la la la la lay u a (repeat) Pull a friend's ear, shake a friend's hand

Make New Friends Make new friends, but keep the old, One is silver and the other gold.

Things in Common: This is a mingler icebreaker where students go around the room and find out three things that they have in common with each classmate. Students can write down the things in common in their notebook. Give students a time limit to talk to as many classmates to make it more interesting.

Group option: Get students into groups and students must find as many things in common amongst them as they can. The group that has the largest list is the winner. The more students in a group, the more talking they will have to do to find commonalities.


name my name is

his name is her name is your name is

good morning happy to meet you

What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What pet do you have? What is your favorite food? What is your favorite color? What do you like to do?

My name is _____________ I am ___________ years old. I live in ______________ I have an/a ______________. I like ___________________. I like _____________. I like to _________________

Your Name: ________________________________


The Hello Song

Hello, hello, How are you today?

Hello, hello, How are you today? I'm fine, thank you, I'm fine, thank you, I'm fine, thank you, And how about you?

Hello, hello, How are you today? I'm fine, thank you, And how about you?

Name and Answers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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