Student Name

DSPW-0800, ENGL-1010, or ENGL-1020

Prof. M. T. Clark

1 Sept. 2010

Word Count:


In paragraph form, answer the following questions about yourself. You should answer each group of questions in a different paragraph. Since this is not a formal college essay, it is not necessary to write an Introduction, Body, or Conclusion. However, please use complete sentences! If you are in a Developmental Writing class, this assignment should be at least 300-600 words long. If you are in a Composition 1 or 2 class, this assignment should be at least 500-1000 words long. NOTE: If you write this essay by hand, please do not use longhand-cursive writing. Please print it clearly so that it can be read easily.

1. What are your student goals? Why are you in college? What do you hope to do with your degree? What is your major? Why did you choose this college? Also, I need your phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and contact information.

2. What is your background? What high school did you attend? After high school, did you attend any other school besides this college (technical, business, etc.)? Are you a parent? Do you have child-care while you are in class? Are you employed? If so, where? What is the nature of your job?

3. What are your interests? Do you participate in any extra-curricular activities at this college? What are your hobbies? What kinds of personal writing and reading do you do?

4. Are you technologically-oriented? What computer experience do you have? Do you use a computer at home or work? What kind? Do you know how to type? What word-processor program do you use (MS-Word, MS-Works, MS-WordPad, Corel WordPerfect, , or something else)? Are you able to use e-mail? Do you know how to send attachments through your e-mail?

5. Do you have anyone who can help you with assignments? Do you have any documented disabilities? Is there anything we should know about you, in order to help you learn better?

6. Do you have any philosophical or religious beliefs that help you in your everyday life?

Revised 29 Aug 2010


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