ADDENDUM #2 - Connecticut

ADDENDUM #2DATE:September 4, 2020TO:All Prospective BiddersFROM:Dennis Sienna, Purchasing Agent IIRE:RFP# DS062420 Digital Asset Management Software and Related Services All respondents are hereby advised of the following amendments to the Request for Proposal documents which are hereby made an integral part of the bid documents for the subject contract, prepared by the University of Connecticut Procurement Services Department.Proposals submitted shall be deemed to include contract document information as shown in Addendum No. 2. Respondents shall be required to acknowledge receipt of this addendum in their proposal response. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum by the respondent may result in the rejection of their proposal response. BIDDER NOTE: This addendum must be completed, signed and submitted with your proposal response to be considered for award. If you have already submitted a proposal, please complete the addendum and submit same via email, clearly marked with the bid number, response date, and return address. This will be accepted as part of your proposal response, PROVIDING IT IS RECEIVED BY THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT BY THE TIME AND DATE SPECIFIED WITHIN IN THE RFP. Bid Due has been extended as follows: Thursday, September 17th, 2020 at 2:00PM ET(All submissions shall be via email). Changes, deletions and clarifications to the RFP document are as follows:Appendix C - Anti Collusion Affidavit and Section Anti-Collusion Affidavit (See Attachment 2). Appendix C has been provided but Anti-Collusion Attachment 2 has not been provided. Are these 2 separate forms ? If so can you please provide Anti-Collusion Affidavit ? .Only Submission of Appendix C is required. (Attached) Appendix B - the intitial request is for financial statements of the past three year. However in the designated section for Financials states it lists fiscal years 2013, 2014, 2015. Which years financial Statements is UConn seeking?Provide past three years of financial statements. (TYPO)How many resources will they have devoted from UConn from IT or MarketingWe have a full-time digital asset manager who also serves as the Communications departments’ IT manager and liaison with our IT department.Are there any additional applications the system will need to integrate with i.e.) CRM, Email Automation SystemsNot of that type, no. We are hoping for integration with Adobe Creative Cloud.What types of assets will be stored? Estimated storage capacityPrimarily digital photography as well as some b-roll and edited video files (not production data). We’re open to the idea of moving text/copy into the DAM. There is currently 500 GB of data stored on our DAM. This could increase by 50-75% in fairly short order with full implementation. Where are the assets stored today? Is UConn migrating off those tools or will they remain liveRAW photography files are stored on a server volume. Edited photos are stored on a server volume that is managed by Extensis Portfolio. If we move to a new DAM system, we would deactivate Portfolio. The server status moving forward will depend on whether we opt for a SaaS solution and what the local backup process will be. Can UConn provide a range for the number of assets they are looking to storeThere are currently 80K photo assets stored in our DAM. We hope to increase that substantially as new departments onboard.How many unique videos do you anticipate100-200. This figure could be quite variable depending on vendor capabilities.For implementation costs. Does UConn require only one recommendation from a Proposer or are they open to the submission of 2-3 implementation providers to compare services, scope, and costUConn is looking for a one proposed solution for software and professional services to implement such. This should include a proposed prime-sub arrangement that would allow for UConn to establish one contract for the software, implementation, and related professional services. What is the target go live dateUpon contract executionWhat are the budgetary parameters for this projectThat information is not available at this time.Is UConn able to use zoom for demosShould presentations be held, at the University’s discretion, UConn will host them on its Cisco WebEx or Microsoft Teams platforms. "On-site asset storage, or option for daily backup to local storage and description of that process." Our firm is submission a proposals for a Saas- solution. Therefore no asset storage would be on-site at Uconn. Are you seeking more information about disaster recovery?Yes.Does UConn have someone to manage governance of the solutionYes Does UConn have create coding support ? There may be small changes needed as a part of the migrationWe are unsure what is meant by coding support, but we do have a robust IT department and some internal developers that are available to help with the migration. Does UConn work with any external agencies to create content?Primarily in-house photographers and video teams, but yes, we do occasionally use outside vendors.Can UConn please share some example use cases they are trying to achieve with the system? Ex) Publish to webiste, Content to Email Marketing, Content for internal communications, Content for classes, fan engagement for athletics.By far, the most common applications are accessing photography for print, social media and web-development. We anticipate that this process will primarily be done through designers using dedicated software (like Adobe products) as an intermediary, so publishing options directly to outlets is not a priority, although we’re open to suggestions.This is not intended for academic use. How many asset contributors will be using the site? Ex) Will teachers, and students be submitting files?We have roughly a dozen contributors now, with the bulk of assets being produced by a few photographers in our Communications team. If permissions can be structured in such a way that different departments can have exclusive access to their catalogues, then that number would likely increase dramatically. We do have student-photographers.If text is included, that would also increase the number of contributors substantially. How many publishers will be contributing content?See aboveIs UConn seeking for users to be able to publish from a mobile device?Yes, that would be a desirable feature for our social media creators.How long does it take to publish content today?We’re not exactly sure what “publish” means in this context, as our current system requires either a download of the asset or publishing a gallery for public viewing. In either case, it takes a couple minutes depending on network speed.How many webpages will UConn be publishing to? and all sub-pages. Will UConn be pulling calendars into the DAM?Potentially. We are interested in that capability.Will UConn integrate any student or staff directory information?Yes, we would like SSO capability via Active Directory. And we’re interested in facial recognition against our directory data, provided privacy concerns are addressed.Will UConn be leveraging this tool with Microsites?Perhaps. This would be similar to our current usage with Portfolio’s Netpublish capability.Does UConn have anyone that is doing UX design, html in place?Yes What role is UConn looking for the vendor to play? How are you getting the assets out of Extensis? Is this something your team will handle or will it be in the scope of the implementation?The assets in Extensis are stored on a server with all metadata attached to the assets. So getting the assets out of Extensis will primarily involve importing the assets from that server and verifying that metadata in the assets is displayed in the new DAM in the same field as in Extensis, or copied to new metadata fields that the DAM will work with.The migration should be part of the scope of the implementation for the Respondent proposals. Please see sections 4.2.2,, and the Questions section of Appendix A. Is UConn looking to migrate off of Extensis Portfolio?Yes, see above.What does UConn expect to pull to and from the Adobe Tool via the integration?We are primarily interested in accessing photo assets via design products like Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Bridge, etc. We would like to be able to pull assets into these programs, and if edited there, return the new versions to the DAM while maintaining clear version control.What use is UConn trying to achieve with facial recognitionSeveral potential use cases:Create automated galleries/collections of VIPsIdentify and flag photography that includes individuals who, either by request or for disciplinary reasons, UConn does not want to appear in promotional material.Scan the collection for photography of story subjects who may be in photography in which they are not tagged or mentioned in caption.Will UConn require this solution to be ADA Compliant? Do you currently have UX design to support this or will it be covered in the scope of workYes, the solution needs to be ADA compliant. We have a web team that can assist with this, but we expect the vendor to be involved.Our firm provides a tiered support option ranging in price and scope. Would UConn like our firm to provide a list of additional support options that impact the metrics and standards will impact section Management staff and account alignment would vary based on if any premium services or support is selected.If the vendor does not have a specific support tier in mind, please include additional options as add-alternates. Our firm will not be able to provide an Organization Chart for all 130,000 employees. We can defer to section upon further scope to map out the key personnel that will be assigned to Uconn based on the software and services Uconn selects. Please AcknowledgePlease submit any exceptions to the RFP and Scope of work with your proposal for review.Work breakdown schedule will need further scoping. Please AcknowledgePlease submit any exceptions to the RFP and Scope of work with your proposal for review.Full staffing team will not be assigned to the project under further in the section Appendix-A Functional requirements. Please acknowledge.Please submit any exceptions to the RFP and Scope of work with your proposal for review. In Appendix B, Company Profile, Section C (line 8) references a "CT license #." Is this required? If so, where is it obtained? And can we apply for a CT license number after a contract award or must this be done prior to submission?Click on link provided: Proof of CT License to business in CT is required. Is there any registration with state agencies required as to do business with UConnYes, Link provided in Question 36.Are there any other legal documents (not distributed with the RFP) that must be signed to do business with UConnNo, only the documents requested in the RFP Is HIPAA / GDPR compliance a requirement for a SaaS solution? If not required, it is preferred and should it be bid if it is an optionGDPR compliance is required for a SaaS solution. HIPAA is preferred as well.In Appendix A, Functional tab, columns C and D in the vendor response area are labeled identically as "Description of Vendor Feature:"? Is this an error, or did you intend to have different column labelsThe cells were duplicated in error, we have deleted column D on Appendix A in the Functional requirements tab- please see attached revised Appendix AHow many TBs would the University want to put in a DAM2TB to start with option to expand.Users and Licenses: Please provide an estimated count of End Users who will need access to the DAM solution, what are their rolesConsumer role (search and download only) It depends. If consumer roles can be restricted to a small selection of curated content, then the entire UConn community; roughly 10K users. If the consumer role automatically has access (even read-only) to the entire catalogue, then 200-300.Contributor Role (Upload/Edit/Download) Answer) 50-100Contributor Power User Role (metadata management, external to internal workflow, Sharing/upload requests) 20-30Admin Role (Group/User management) 3-5Clarify around the mobile uploadPlease refer the Appendix A for detailed technical and functional requirementsHosting:a. Please provide the estimated database size of the assets currently within the Extensis Portfolio system. Roughly 500GBb. Are there assets in other locations? Size and types of assets. Yes, locations variable by department. Estimated 1-2TB of of photography data. We would like to onboard those assets into the new DAM department by department.Implementation and Automation: List of websites and digital communication channels: uconn.eduWhat is the goal of integrated facial recognition? see question 30. For example:Intelligent tagging of images/AIIf AI tagging do you have a taxonomy project in place or defined taxonomy YesIf not, do you require taxonomy developmentWe would be interested in adjusting our current taxonomy based on best practice and experience with other clients.Do you have an account with any of the industry providers?not to our knowledge.Example:Clarifai, Amazon Rekognition Google VisionFace recognition for authenticationHow does stock house media get into the system?Manually uploaded by users? currently uploaded by user. Automated feeds from vendors (Getty, iStock, Other)? RSS feeds? We do not currently use automated feeds from vendors and do not require it moving forward.What are the mobile integration requirements We’re primarily interested in pushing content to mobile for our social media creators.Push content to mobile from DAM See aboveMobile app for browsing, uploading and downloading content to the DAM See aboveMigration: What are the migration requirements?Archived and version history in preparation for migration, we will determine a backup and archive standards based on creation date. The exact process will depend on the vendor’s configuration. We would like to know other clients’ best practices for this process. We do not currently track version history, so this will not be a factor in the migration. However, this is a procedure we would like to implement in the new DAM, and we would like to know best practices based on the vendor DAM’s configuration and previous experience.Metadata requirements the metadata is currently located in the files themselves. We would like to migrate all existing metadata intact into the new DAM. If there are any currently used field that are not used by the new DAM, the vendor will need to duplicate that metadata to a comperable field.Timeframe/Deadline to complete migrationAssets: How many Assets do you currently have in Extensis Portfolio?Roughly 80KFile types and average file size of non-imagery files The vast majority of assets are photographs. The next most common are mp4 videos and they average around 300MBRFP references video, audio, and other digital assets.The primary focus of this DAM project is photo assets, but if the vendor offers support of other file types as mentioned, we would like to know. If including support for those file types will adjust pricing, please include them as add-alternates.What “other” types of filetypes does UCONN store We would also be interested in storing text files in .docx, .txt, .pdf and other common text formats.Supported file types in Elvis 6 – Home Video hosting requirementsBrightcoveYouTubeProprietaryBulk Metadata requirements We do not anticipate that the DAM will be used for hosting of published video files, rather that they would be stored in the same location/fashion as the photo assets. If video hosting would alter pricing, please include as an add-alternate.Do you require metadata templates? Not required but we’d like to know if it’s an option.Currently using Adobe Bridge/templates?)No.Fixity/Checksum requirementsDo you currently conduct fixity/checksums on your data No.Reporting/Analytics:What are examples of analytics and reporting requirements? We’d like to know things like most commonly used assets, most commonly applied tags & locations, unused tags, uploads/downloads/edits by user. We have students manually inputing some tagging data and we’d like to be able to track their productivity as well.Export Reports, Dashboards, Gantt ChartsAre you currently using Google Analytics, Omniture, Other? Not for DAM, no.Rights Management: Do you currently have a CRM in place No, we do not currently have a CRM in place.If so, are there requirements to integrate or keep separate from DAM Proprietary or 3rd partySyndication/Distribution: Do you currently syndicate and sell content No.Do you plan on reselling content No.Do you have external satellite locations that require access yes.In Connecticut or other states/countries Five campuses in CT.Training: What are your training requirements?Train the TrainerAdmin Yes, we’ll need training for a few adminsEnd User We’ll need training for about 50 contributor/consumers. These roles overlap quite a bit in the department, so it would make sense to treat this as a single group.End user TrainingHow many users per internal role (Contributor, Consumer?see above.Wishlist Items: What are current DAM limitations and reasons you are looking for a new solutionUsage IntegrationsCustomizationsWorkflow considerationsOur wishes regarding desired features are stated in the body of the RFP and in the technical and functional requirements outlined in Appendix A.Specify the file types that need to be supported. The categories references are video, image, audio, written and other digital assets. Photography, compressed and uncompressed; audio; text files in common formats such as .txt, word files, .pdfs; and compressed video files.Will the vendor work with external administrators of the Extensis Portfolio or UConn staff to transfer files to the new DAM solution.Yes, the vendor will primarily work with the Communications Office’s digital asset manager.What is the approximate amount of historical data in terabytes? How much is the volume expected to increase by each month?The initial transfer will be roughly .5TB. This would likely increase by 100-200GB/mo initially as additional departments onboard, and level off to 10-20GB/mo on an ongoing basis.What are the business and technical requirements for facial recognition?See answers to questions 30 and 44.What are the business and technical requirements for integration with wordpress and adobe products?For Adobe products, we would like designers and web developers to be able to reference files directly in InDesign/Illustrator, etc, as well as track iterative/compressed versions of files through the design process and on various web-pages.What are the reporting and analytics requirements. Alternatively, provide samples?See answer to question 47.What are the typical number of hours spent on functional support per month?User management – 10 hoursData entry/tagging – 40 hoursDirect technical support – Highly variable, but averages 4-8 hours/moApproximately how many users will there be?See question 42.Is UConn desirous of a paper to electronic conversion service that works in tandem with the DAM solution?Possibly. If vendor bids this, please do so as an add/alternate.Will external users, users, such as vendors, be granted access to the solution or only students and the faculty of UConnWe would like for outside vendors to be able to upload their assets into a check-in vault, or have the assets tagged in such a way that they can be verified before going “live”.We would also like for outward-facing collections of assets that can be curated and distributed to press without the need for creating user/visitor accounts for them. ________________________________________________________Name of BidderDate_____________________________________Address______________________________________Signature and Title ................

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