February News - Montgomery Methodist Children's Center

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Montgomery Methodist Children’s Center Newsletter


[pic] Photographs

Individual photos will be taken at MMCC on October 2 and 3 by Irvin Simon Photography (Monday–Friday and Monday-Thursday classes will have their photos taken on Tuesday, the 2nd ). Children in the Friday 2 year old class can come Wednesday (3rd) at 11:00 to have their picture taken. Photos will arrive at the school within 3 to 4 weeks. You may purchase photographs if you wish. Fall photos do not need to be prepaid. When the pictures are returned to the school, you will have the opportunity to review them and purchase any photographs at that time.


It’s time for our annual fall field trips to the pumpkin patch and farm. We will be visiting Gaver Tree Farm and Pumpkin Patch.

Thursday, October 11:

Tuesday/Thursday 2 and 3 year old classes; and M – TH 4’s will go on the field trip.

Friday, October 12:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday AM & PM 3 & 4 year olds, M – F Pre-K,

Mon/Wed 2’s, and Friday 2’s will go on the field trip

Please refer to your class calendar for the time your class will be attending this excellent trip. Because of the limited room on the hay wagons, we ask that only one adult and younger sibling(s) only, attend with your child. A permission slip with more details, including directions, will be sent home soon. Please remember that all field trips require that parents provide the transportation and stay with your child. If you are unable to go, try to find another parent willing to take your child.



The Damascus Fire Department will be paying visits to the school on October 15th & 16th. What a wonderful opportunity for our children to learn about fire safety and see firefighters and trucks up close.

Parents of our Friday 2 year old students are welcome to bring their child either morning

at 10:45, but parents must remain with their child during the visit.

A Note from Ms. Olsen…

This month I’m starting a new section in the monthly newsletter listing several website links I think might be interesting and/or helpful to parents. And I’m open to suggestions.  If you have one you think other parents might like to see, please let me know so I can pass it on!

A great website for local fun activities for your children and other interesting information is .  (Thank you to one of our parents, Maggie Mackay!)

A very informative website for developmental guidelines for preschoolers and other “healthy kids” tips is .

Both of these websites are awesome!!  I hope you enjoy this addition to the newsletter!


Just a reminder that tuition is due on the 1st of each month. If it is turned in after the 5th of the month, please add the $10.00 late fee to the tuition amount. Thank you!


If you are keeping your child home from school due to illness, please give the office a call. This notification keeps the office aware of any illnesses that may affect certain classrooms so that parents can be informed if necessary. Also, the teachers appreciate knowing who is out sick so the child can be remembered during class prayer time.



Monday through Friday AM 4’s; Monday through Thursday AM 4’s; and M/W AM 2’s classes have snack assignment for the month of October. Please see instructions on the back of your October class calendar. Snack should be dropped off at the preschool office the first week of the month. If you have any questions, please stop by the office.

[pic] Information for Records

As was noted at Back to School Nights, if you have new information for our records, it is important that we stay up to date in the office. If you have a new cell phone number, authorized pick up person, etc., please let us know.

Who Does This Belong To?

Please remember to put your child’s name on everything – backpack or bag, jacket, containers for buffets, etc… This makes it so much easier for the teacher and assistant to return items to you.



Our schools’ October focus is on the harvest—pumpkins, apples and autumn. We do not emphasize or promote the Halloween elements of ghosts, witches and goblins. We will not be holding Halloween parties, but instead Pumpkin Parties! Check your child’s calendar for the date of their Pumpkin Party.

We also remind everyone that the children are not to wear their costumes to school, as many costumes are difficult to get in and out of and make going to the restroom quite an adventure! Please let Ms. Olsen know if you have any questions.

Painless Fund Raising

Safeway: This year we are participating in a fund raising program through Safeway. The electronic fundraising program, eScrip, contributes a percentage of customer purchases to MMCC. All you need to do is register your Safeway card online at . The school’s Group ID# is 148909051. If you do not have access to the internet (or even if you do), you may register at any Safeway store. It’s that simple! You go shopping and use your Safeway card and then Safeway will make monthly cash contributions to the school. This is an easy, great fundraising opportunity. Thank for registering your Safeway card.

Giant: Giant Food’s Bonus Bucks Program allows you to earn funds for MMCC as well! Register your Giant card at: . Our school ID# is 04383. Eligible purchases are from October through March.

Please note…if you registered at Giant or Safeway last year you still must renew your registration for this year.

Box Tops for Education: Save your General Mills box tops. Drop them off at MMCC in the box provided outside the office. Each box top is worth 10 cents for the school. A special thanks to Sara Ponchak for volunteering to count and package these for us this year!

Campbell Soup Labels: These labels are collected in a basket outside the office door. They, along with the church members’ donations, are sent to the United Methodist Board of Child Care, a residential facility for children in Reisterstown, Maryland. They purchase school and play equipment for their residents.

[pic]Hand Writing

Your child’s first name is generally the first word he/she writes. You can help your child (and the teachers) by teaching correct form: first letter upper case, remaining letters lower case. Please discourage your child from using all upper-case letters. Helpful alphabet guides are available on the white shelf outside the office if you would like one.

[pic]OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD and holiday food collection:

Montgomery United Methodist Church and Montgomery Methodist Children’s Center will again participate in “Operation Christmas Child” or “The Shoebox Ministry” as many call it. This ministry is sponsored by Frank Graham (son of Rev. Billy Graham) and provides gift boxes to thousands of needy children around the world. Sponsors select a girl or boy, then the age range they wish, and fill a decorated shoe box with goodies, such as books, small stuffed items, personal care items, school supplies, etc. (A list of suggested items is included in the information supplied). Boxes are then dropped here at the church to be forwarded. All MMCC families who wish to participate are welcome. Information brochures will be available in the preschool office.

The church and preschool also jointly participate in a fall food collection for holiday food baskets.  Each year we provide 12+ needy families in our area with a Thanksgiving meal, a Christmas meal and extra food for their pantries. (The church members also provide Christmas presents for all the children in these families!) This year we are starting our canned food drive in October and are asking for donations of canned vegetables, fruits, meats and soups, as well as peanut butter, jelly and other non-perishable items.  These will be collected until the Christmas break and a collection box will be placed in the entrance hallway.

Thank you for your participation in these giving ministries.  What a wonderful way to teach our children different ways to show God’s love for all His people!!!

[pic]Christmas Shop:

The Christmas Shop is coming on December 4th & 5th. Lauren Herdrich and Kim Duerr have volunteered to co-chair this wonderful event this year. If you are interested in being on the Christmas Shop Committee, the first meeting is at the school on Wednesday, October 10th at 9:00 in the Fellowship Hall.

Information about the Christmas Shop will be sent home soon including how the shopping works, helpful hints when buying gifts to be donated by parents, a volunteer sign up sheet, and an order form for your child to purchase gifts.

Each gift is priced at $5.00. Last year over 600 gifts were ordered and purchased. Each gift has a value of at least five dollars.

Gift donations are being accepted now in the office. All donations should be turned in by November 9th. Please help to make this year’s Christmas Shop just as special as last years. Remember, too that all donations are tax-deductible, so please be sure to pick up a donation form in the office.



As many of you know, we try very hard at MMCC to keep all of our children safe and healthy.

We have several classes with children that have severe food allergies. To help those children be safe, students in those classes are asked to wipe their hands with a “baby wipe” as they come in the door to remove any traces of food products. (Bacterial gel does not remove traces of peanut oil or other food products, just germs). Only those classes which have a student with a “contact” allergy will be following this procedure. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Ms. Olsen.


Songs of the Month

Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory

Rise and shine and give God the

glory, glory,

Rise and shine and give God the

glory, glory,

Rise and shine and (clap) give God the glory, glory,

Children of the Lord.

Running Over

Running over, running over,

My cup is full and running over,

Since the Lord saved me,

I’m as happy as can be.

My cup is full and running over.


Bible Verse of the Month

“Pray at all times.”

(Psalm 86:11)




Coming home with your class calendar this month is an October Reading Calendar. Each day a parent reads with their child they should initial the calendar. At the end of the month they can return the calendar to Ms. Olsen in the office and they will receive a “reading reward,” like a bookmark or certificate.

We started reading calendars for the 4 year olds several years ago and it has been a big hit. If you have any questions please let Ms. Olsen know. Happy Reading!


Important Dates

For November


Parent Conferences for the three year old classes are scheduled on the following dates:

Thursday, November 1:

Tuesday/Thursday 3’s classes

Friday, November 2:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3’s classes

There will be no school for 3 year olds on conference days. Child care will be provided during your conference time.

Conferences for 4 year olds will be held on January 4th.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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