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HYPERLINK "" UNPREPARED!! Basic preps and low cost strategies for the preservation of lifeIt always has been and always will be the power of the mind that has the most influence on the course of human events. Mental and physical training trumps gear every time. In times of stress you will sink to the level of your training. Buying is not doing. Strengthen your physical memory. Practice now, store now, think outside of your comfort zone. Each and every moment that our Grid is up is a blessing. Those who fail to prepare are prepared to fail.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Survival Psyche - The most important of all skillsets is the management of the mind. Understand your own neurochemistry and how to influence or control it.Natural Law, Sovereignty and your DNA - Our ancestral mothers and fathers have survived wars, plagues, famines and untold suffering to get us to the point in time and space that we occupy. Your DNA is a living code that uses hydration (water) to rearrange matter ( food) into complex cellular structures ( your body ) , as long as you maintain homeostasis it is always shedding and regrowing every single cell of the body. Neither the "State" nor the "Grid" is responsible for you or your DNA. Your body is your property. All law is somehow property law. Natural Law and self ownership is enshrined by the Constitution of the United States of America but the USC does not grant you anything. The defense of your property is your Natural Law right and responsibility.Be the spider at the center of her web, not the fly caught in it. Imagine a spider's web with 8 main support strands. She has one foot on each. The spider is sensitive to any tremble from all directions, even those that she cannot clearly see. Economic collapse / solar flares / climate change / water contamination / global thermonuclear war / hurricane / nuke power plant meltdown / earthquake / police state & martial law gun confiscations house to house / governmental coupe de ta / foreign troops invading / hackers shutting down our Grid / war at home / famine / plague / civil unrest / real terrorism / false flag terrorism / extra terrestrial contact aftermath / inter dimensional entities / chemical tanker train crash / physical and metaphysical changes / Mayan / Biblical / Hopi / I Ching / Timewave Zero / peak oil / population reduction using hard and soft killing methods/ power outages from ice storms.As soon as you dismiss potential realities out of hand or roll your eyes and choose only to focus on a narrow view point for prepping then you can (and maybe should) kiss your ass goodbye. EX: " Oh , I think that our government is failing us and recking the economy so I prep for no food in stores for a while. Nuclear war? Nah, that couldn't happen. Power plants? They're safe enough. The government has all kinds of safety laws in place for them." or " I think all muslims/mexicans are potential terrorists and should be rounded up but my own government would never try to take MY rights away and put me into FEMA detention camps. " Ugh. You must NEVER THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL. Resist the urge to believe that you are AWAKE and that the rest of the SHEEPLE are ASLEEP. The rabbit hole of human consciousness goes deep and in many directions. Do not be restricted by your prior faiths and beliefs. Likewise know that even if some of these things happen, they can't all happen ( at least not all at once : ) ) so don't get all hung up on them either. Keep an open mind. Remain calm and attentive in the center of your web.CAN'T - Avoid the word at all costs. EX: "I can't afford to buy a shotgun but I have a smartphone with a data package." or " I can't afford to stash food and water but my HDTV has a digital cable feed with over 300 channels." Where there is the will there is the way. No excuses.The Grid - All energy and delivery systems - electricity, store bought food, heating fuel, gasoline, potable water, cell/smart phones, landline phones, trucks and trains to transport goods to stores and consumers. Police , Fire and EMTs ready to help you deal with emergencies.Survivor/ Prepper - A survivor is reliant upon a skillset and personal drive to procure and produce necessities for maintaining homeostasis moment by moment. A prepper is one that plans and acts in preparation for turbulent times by stocking up supplies.Refugees are Zombies - Refugees are homeless and cannot do for themselves or their loved ones. They are left to wander and beg the mercy of others for better or worse. "Zombie" is an unspoken codeword for an unprepared refugee. The " Zombie Apocalypse" theme in movies/video games/self is a dehumanizing social trend that enables well armed preppers to murder unprepared human beings from a distance with reduced guilt. There are many THOUSANDS of psuedo - preppers that very well armed that plan to kill and steal their way through a Grid collapse. Take care.Predator - An entity that will abduct, abuse, criminally attack, forcibly violate, plunder, and then kill a weaker entity. Inhumane and merciless. We all know that terrible things happen each and everyday with our "Grid" up. The savage and brutal nature comes out even more so in chaotic and poverty stricken times. Assume that any and all predators have been well trained by the U.S. Military at some point in their lives.An outstanding tool for glimpsing the predator mind is the A&E show - I Survived , watch every one that you can online.The shock and horror is an important part of the process for your mind and heart to become more hardened and more aware. It is a hard heart that kills.Force multipliers - That which takes lesser energy and makes it greater. A Leatherman ( multitool ) in your hand can do dozens of tasks that your hand alone cannot. Night vision monoculars are a force multiplier. A bicycle is too as it enables further travel in less time with the same effort put out. Thinking about force multipliers in your home defense is critical. Understand that all you can do is increase the odds in your favor. Life will always be a role of the dice. Firearms are excellent force multipliers. Think about your weaknesses and consider what it will take to force multiply in that area.Survival of the flattest - in many situations the one that remains closest to the ground, keeps their heads the lowest, does not stick up and catch attention is the one more likely to arise from the situation at a later point in time. This principle works with bullets, armed forces of humans, your workplace, etc. The instant that you believe that you are being fired upon and you can't take ONE STEP TO COVER then drop as flat as possible and wait for a break as the shooter reloads and reassess the situation. Survival of the Flattest is time tested by brave and cowardly souls alike, it is a powerful tool .That said you must understand the difference between this and freezing with fear.Fight Flight Freeze - Three basic threat responses in the brain. Think about each one on your own time. Honestly assess yourself and loved ones. One of these three stands dominant in each of our hearts. Which are you? Once you answer that for yourself then build on your strength.*Fight - What is worth fighting for? Why would you choose to use force to refuse and resist the violence of predators?For what (IF ANYTHING) are you prepared to kill for? Sovereignty of your Self? Family? Tribe? To keep your resources?It is your killer instinct that must be harnessed if you are to perform at the moment of truth.*Flight - Run away. Unfortunately this is often an impossibility when a predatory situation has developed. Once there are multiple intruders in the home it may or may not be too late. What are your exit strategies? How can you escape from your home? What can you do today that will stack the odds of escape in your favor? Where can you go? How will you get there? Those who fail to plan , plan to fail. Don't become a refugee.*Freeze - Do nothing. Stay still, don't move, do what you are told to do and this may all be over soon.While it may overlap with Survival of the Flattest, freezing has contributed to the deaths of countless millions of humans through history. Yet it remains the most common fear response and the favorite of predators. Stunned drivers burn in cars when they don't remove a seatbelt. A first sucker punch goes unchallenged as the prey says " wait a minute...", then the rest of the attack goes as the attacker planned. Millions of humans were "ghettoed", put on cattle cars and then ushered into ovens. It happened so quickly that the population being culled huddled like sheep hoping for mercy and humane thought to bubble up in the hearts of their predators.Unless you are unseen, unheard, unsmelled,.... freezing is the WORST THING THAT YOU CAN DO.Never believe a predator when he says "just do what I say and I'll let you go." Refuse and resist. Recommended films: The Road ( Viggo Mortensen, Charlize Theron 2009 ) The Pianist ( Adrien Brody 2002 )Tactical Thinking and Methodology -Situational Awareness - Observe Past, Present and Future Past : Open your mind to all of human history, how and what we do to and for each other for better and worse. Mine history for truth and trends. Look to the esoteric traditions and alternative views of history. Question what you think you know.Present : PAY ATTENTION to the reality of current events & your physical surroundings. Attention is all that we ever have to give. Seek alternate news and world views, use the 80/20 rule when taking news from mainstream media ( MSM ), shake yourself out of your mental comfort zone often. Stay mentally agile and build fortitude by challenging assumptions. Avoid task fixation when you are in an unsecured area. Keep your head on a swivel. Future : Project your imagination into all potential realities and work your way backwards. Begin with the end in mind. Be here now while attuning yourself to potential realities as best as you can understand them. Influence the odds. You cannot control but you can influence. Practice what you plan, building physical memory now is the best way to perform well at the moment of truth. Training triumphs gear. Apply this to all aspects of your prep.Stealth - Light, smell and sound discipline. Not being noticed is an art. Ninjitsu has many mental principles that can be applied here. If you are hiding, do not focus your attention on the would be predator as this will more often than not have him feel you and look directly at you. Employ stealth in your actions, move at night, use as little of your flashlight as is needed, walk toe to heel as opposed to heel to toe with each step, stay off of roads at all costs using tree cover and less traveled paths whenever possible. Employing a silencer on your firearm will go a long way toward maintaining advantage over your enemy combatant. There are legal silencers available via gun shops that come with a lot of paperwork. There are many simple household items that can be put to use that will significantly reduce the muzzle flash and report.Camouflage - To disguise something to blend in with the surrounding environment.Subterfuge - Making others think one thing when the truth is another. A ruse, as in a "red herring". To be a strong, confident and capable person that walks hunched over and avoids eye contact as if the weight of the world is upon their shoulders is Fire - Firefighting, heating and cooking without the GridBoxed Breathing - Breath in through your nose and fill your lungs in 4 counts, hold from your diaphragm for 4 counts, exhale completely through your mouth in 4 counts, pause with empty lungs for 4 counts. This is the single best way to control fear and rage within you, it alkalizes your bloodstream and helps your brain activity. It has saved many many lives.2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222Security and Self Defense - Your sacred ability to say " No. " and have it mean something.IN THE EVENT OF A HOME INVASION, IT WILL BE A CHOICE BETWEEN THE LIVES OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, AND THE LIFE OF A PREDATOR OR PREDATORS. YOU MIGHT HAVE TO DO SOME BRUTAL THINGS TO STOP THEM.YOU MUST MAKE YOUR DECISION * NOW * , AHEAD OF TIME, TO HOLD NOTHING BACK IN THE DEFENSE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES BECAUSE THE PRESERVATION OF YOUR LIFE IN THE EVENT OF A HOME INVASION WILL REQUIRE ALL YOU CAN BRING UP FROM YOUR DEEPEST SURVIVAL INSTINCTS, WITHIN A SHOCKINGLY SMALL AMOUNT OF TIME. IF YOU FALTER AT THE TIME OF AN ATTACK BECAUSE YOU ARE WRESTLING WITH THE COMPASSION THAT YOU HAVE BEEN GOOD ENOUGH TO FOSTER IN YOURSELF FOR OTHERS, AND MISDIRECT IT TOWARD A PREDATOR BENT ON DESTROYING OTHERS FOR HIS OWN GAIN, THEN YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WILL PAY WITH YOUR VERY VALUABLE, COMPASSIONATE LIVES, AND ENDANGER THE LIVES OF ALL THOSE WHO WOULD BE THE PREDATORS NEXT VICTIMS. Saferoom techniques -No one of us has exactly the same configurations in our homes. So bear in mind that these are principles to consider and not hard fast rules to follow.* Establish a predetermined fallback point in case of home invasion, drill it into the heads of those that you love.* If the Grid is up it is a great idea to have a charged cellphone ( disposable ) with a list of important phone numbers nearby or preprogramed.* Find the spot in your home that gives you the best Ballistic/Nuclear/Natural disaster insulation to begin with and then build a plan from there. A corner of your basement? Against a firewall ( not a party wall)? Root cellar? Do you have a storage unit in an apartment building? Do you rent a storage unit from a commercial facility ( they are very secure)? Build on your ballistic insulation from there.* Stash food , water, heat, LED flashlights, medicine, guns and ammo, hygiene and waste disposal there ahead of time. At least 2 weeks is a minimum for a nuke attack. That is a good time frame to work with. If the Grid will be going back up it should do that within that time frame. Outlasting the predators outside is the main goal.Early warning signals:The moment of realization is the key for your next action. Have in in your mind and body's history what your next action will be.*Rat trap/Fishing line tripwires and door alarms are super simple to rig up and can be set onto any surface, window or door.Just make sure the trap is secured and in a spot to be heard, sound can be augmented by use of a bell or glass being attached to the trap's bar.*Carpet tack strips facing up can cut into creeping predators or at least stick into their shoes and trigger a tripwire nearby.*Broken glass spread on the ground near windows and doors*Solar powered motion activated flood lights placed in strategic spots*Broken bottles cemented or chalked onto exterior windowsills*Tripwires that fire a 12 gauge shotgun round ( or blank) are available on the InternetDoor reinforcement - A section of 2x4 wood that is notched at one end to fit under a doorknob and cut at an angle on the other end to lie flat on the floor. Another section of 2x4 should be a foot or so long and be NAILED into the floor as a brace for the first 2x4. Use long heavy nails, the more you distribute the force the more force you can resist. If you must secure a door on a concrete, ceramic or marble tile floor consider the $18 Door Security Bar from Home Depot as it has a nonslip grip foot and is made of steel. 3/4 inch plywood should be used to cover any glass window in the door itself. It is best to have a heavy steel door on a heavy steel frame that is secured deep into concrete to begin with but we must make do with what we have in a pinch.Window reinforcement - duct tape windows in an X and Square pattern to reduce shattering and maintain control over temperature flux. Consider having 3/4 inch plywood precut for each window you wish to secure, predrill holes for nailing them into your window sashes. Have each one labeled for it's own window so that it will be smoother running as the fan and feces meet. It is best done inside and out with a layer of steel in between. That said , learn make do with your limited resources. Also, long nails into predrilled holes on the inside of the window frame will make them harder to open.Have guns and know how to use them. There are no substitutes. Here is a basic layout of what is available.Long guns-Shotgun gauges 410/20/12 Pro: Easy to purchase ( no registration in person to person sales in PA ) and operate , shoots birdshot/buckshot/slug, come in long and short versions Con: powerful recoil, loud report Hunting Rifle calibers 308/30-06/.22lr Pro: accurate at long distances ( 100 to 400+ yards), easy to own even in NJ. Con: limited round capacity of 4 or 5, high recoilBattle Rifle .223/556 AR/M4 and 7.62x39AK Pro: High magazine capacity, lower recoil, ease of use, availability of parts and accessories now and later due to use by police and military ( AR only ) Con: Effective range at 200 yards, more moving parts allow for more frequent jamsHandguns -Revolver 22lr/.38/.357/.44 - Pro: high reliability, ease of function, fewest number of parts Con: limited round capacity ( 5 or 6), no safety, full recoil, lower accuracySemi Auto .22lr/.38/9mm/40 cal/45cal- Pro: higher round capacity ( 8- 19+), less recoil, common ammo, accessories available ( lights and lasers ) Con: frequency of jams and misfires, more required actions to discharge the roundCover vs Concealment - Cover provides ballistic insulation. Concealment simply hides your body from sight. Bullets are fired from a wide range of guns . The most common from least to greatest for penetration is as follows:.22lr, 38 cal., 9mm, 40 cal., 45cal. for handguns , buck shot and slug from a shotgun, 223 and 762 rounds from AR and AK battle rifle platforms, then 308 and 30-06.Refrigerators, floors/ceilings, party walls ( drywall and studs), doors in the house and car doors do not provide good cover, only concealment from fire. The key to stopping a bullet is spreading it's kinetic energy out far, wide and fast. Layers and spaces are what to bear in mind when crafting a safe spot in your home. Staggering the densities is a good idea. This enables the bullet to expand and dissipate the kinetic energy faster thus slowing it to a stop. For example:* Layers of 3/4 inch wood, 1/4 or 1/2 inch metal, 3/4 inch wood with small gaps between them* Sand bags, paper & plastic grocery bags or pillow cases filled with rocks and dirt* Encyclopedias, phone books and magazines bound by duct tape in stacks. Always so that the bullet will go through cover to cover, not up a few pages and out through the book's spine. Distribution of energy.* Wooden pallets that have top and bottom surfaces stood up on end and filled with columns of brick in contractor grade trash bags* Furniture such dressers, buffets and file cabinets that get packed to the gills with books and metal objects like barbell weights and cast iron pans* Double thick wall of milk crates filled with canned food ( double use )So if you CAN'T have guns or wish to build your arsenal further without much money -Pesticides - Yes it is poison, yes it will harm them, no you ought not lose any sleep over it. Beware that in a tight space it can work against you unless you are wearing an NCB mask or high quality chem spray mask from Home Depot. Watch your eyes as you aim for theirs.Wasp/hornet spray $3 - If it says it shoots up to 27 feet, you can count on 18 feet. If it says 12 , bank on 8.Bug Bombs/ Foggers $10 for a three pack - the sort used for flea and roach infestation, best thrown into another room or hallway or dropped onto a lower floor or staircase. Its best to click and throw a few of them into a space just before the predators enter it so the space is well fumigated. Seal your self/selves off as best as you can. Use a gas/chemical mask for greater advantage and ability.Gopher bombs $10 for a four pack - Designed to kill smaller mammals in tunnels, these are horrible neurotoxins that ought to be used only in an extreme situation and outdoors. Also they must have their fuses lit and pose a certain level of fire hazard to the structure that you are in. Riot / Bear pepper spray - Again just like the sprays listed above, these can work against you unless you have a good NCB mask on.Don't waste your time with key chain sprays as they have failed more women than are left alive to account for it.Fire extinguisher - non toxic but very hard to breathe it in, also dual use. Not a solid option but better than nothing. Can help to crack skulls.Air rifle/ modern BB gun - Some fire up to 1250 feet per second and rapidly reload. They are quiet and require no paperwork. Good for birds, varmints and head shots.Signal flare gun - No license or registration required. They come in 12 and 20 gauge. Flares should never be fired indoors but can kill a human if the aim and conditions are right. Flares have little to no recoil, but if someone were to load a 12 or 20 gauge shotgun shell into a signal flare gun and fire it at someone the power would be extreme and the recoil may break an unprepared wrist. Two hands slow and steady. Marine and boating supply stores have them on hand.Paintball gun - Loaded with rubber balls is even better than paint . Pepperballs are available too. The key here is to have a paintball gun that is fully charged with air and the pressure control turned way up. A few rounds to the face will blind and deter just about anyone. Frozen paintballs make it a special treat.Knife on a Stick - AKA a spear. Use a full tang knife ( where the blade and handle are one solid metal piece) and attach it to a broom or mop handle with duct tape and zip ties. This can be made in the kitchen in less than two minutes and may give you the extra reach required to keep a predator away from your body. Remember this is all about keeping a safe distance.Moving as a Unit - Assuming that you are working in a group of at least two people:Sweep and clear a room -The first one in moves to one side, second moves to the other, cut the room into pie slices, when coming through doors reveal as little of your head and body as possible with each movement, communicate by voice/touch/hand signals, violence of action ( be primed to kill and not to wound or reason )Traveling overwatch - One team member moves forward and stops to keep watch while the second member comes up behind to the same position.Bounding overwatch - One team member moves forward and stops while keeping watch over the second member who moves ahead to a more forward position.Always strive to keep space between you and the predator (s) but if that is not longer an option then here are a few techniques taught to women's self defense students:EMPTY HANDED STRIKES:- DO NOT punch his face with your closed fist. You will most likely only break your fingers or wrist. STRIKE WITH THE HEEL OF YOUR OPEN PALM, with your fingers retracted in a paw configuration. If you hit the face it should be to the nose with the open fist meaning to drive the attacker's nose up into the back of his head. This will make his eyes water and of course create pain and stop him for a moment.USE YOUR KNEES AND ELBOWS TO STRIKE. - Getting hit with an elbow is like getting hit with a baseball bat and your elbow is generally unharmed. (Guard your face with your upturned other hand during all elbow strikes. Turn inward and bear down, up or to the side with your shoulder.)- When kneeing in the groin, thrust your hips upward and into it; when kneeing kidneys, rotate upwards and into it.HEAD BUTTING:- IF YOUR ATTACKER PINS YOU FROM IN FRONT /standing- IF YOUR ATTACKER PINS YOU FROM THE BACK / standing- (BOTH) OF THESE MOVES SHOULD SMASH HIS FACE ENOUGH TO CREATE A SHOCK TO HIS SYSTEM TO SOFTEN HIM INTO LETTING YOU GO LONG ENOUGH FOR YOU TO STRIKE MORE LETHALLYINSTEP STOMP- the instep of the foot contains a huge bundle of nerves. People have passed out from a fully driven downward instep stomp. This is the second move in a situation where you are pinned from behind/standing (after a head butt). The groin and elbow strike should follow shortly afterward.THE SOFT PALATE (roof of the mouth)- This is reserved for weapons only- a pencil or knife thrust upward into an open mouth into the brain is a quick path to expiration. A quick knee to the groin would cause the mouth to open for this solution.BOXING THE EAR- As a quick shock to the system, a cupped-palm forceful box to the ear can stun an attacker for a few moments and disorient him as a result of the pressure to the eardrumsBITING THROUGH SOFT AND NERVOUS TISSUE/ ARTERIES/GROIN- The restraining arm or leg, the abdomen or back, THE NECK !!! (LEARN FROM OUR ANIMAL FRIENDS). In fact most predatory animals bite the neck of their prey until they are suffocated and expired.DEFENSE AGAINST WRIST GRABS: Twist wrist bone toward thumb & crankDEFEND AGAINST BEAR HUG FRONT & BACK: head butt, instep stomp, groin smash, elbow, step behind face same direction as attacker to fulcrum & takedownGROUND FIGHTING-THE SCARIEST PLACE TO BE that doesn't have to be.1. MOST ENCOUNTERS, IF NOT ENDED RIGHT AWAY WITH WEAPONS OR SUCCESSFUL STRIKING, WILL END UP ON THE GROUND. 2. When you are on your back, you still have tools at your disposala) Your legs and hips for leverageb) Your arms for chokes-choke w/ his own shirt / jacket collar-choke w/ your own arm leverage (guillotine, cross-arm chokes)-c) BITING and PINCHES (You can pinch through to muscle when adrenaline up)- Your aim is to damage & unbalance the attacker, roll and jump upDO WHATEVER IT TAKES NOT TO BE FACE-DOWN ON THE GROUNDGO FOR THE EYES, THROAT AND BALLS WITH LETHAL RAGE.If you create the chance to kill a predator after he attacked you then do it. 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Fire Mastery - Heat, Light and Fire controlStacking the odds in our favor. All S&T topics are approached with this in mind so that we are not prepping for any one event but we empower ourselves, add skills and sharpen our instincts for each and every day that we draw breath. Fire draws breath too. Fire needs heat, oxygen and fuel to live and have a self sustaining chemical reaction. We've had fun spending outdoor time learning about tinder/kindling/fuel before and how to start fires without matches but today we focus on controlling this beast that serves us so well.To put out a fire you must : 1) cool or remove the source that is causing the burning process, 2) exclude the air supply that the fire needs to burn, 3) remove the new fuel that the fire will use to continue the burning.Types of Fire-Class A - ordinary combustibles ( wood , vegetation , plastics) anything that leaves an ash . Best fought with water and smothering ( sand , dirt, wet blanket )Class B - flammable liquids and gases ( gasoline , meth lab , cooking grease , propane , alcohol , kerosene ) These fires are capable of flowing and can be pushed around or increase in intensity when sprayed with water. They can also reignite if the stream of the extinguishing agent is interrupted or blown off by the wind. Often with Class B fires the vapors will collect in confined areas and will explode if they contact an ignition source. Keep air flowing to prevent this buildup ( bust out or otherwise open windows and doors ) . If possible shut off the source like a gas main valve or propane tank .Class C - involves energized electrical equipment ( power distribution panels, electric motors , computers ) The main threat here is electrocution , NEVER use water on a Class C. Once the power is cut then it can be handled as a Class A or B. Baking soda is a good extinguishing agent for smaller Class B and C fires.Class D - burning of combustible metals ( magnesium , aluminum , car fires ) unless you have a Class D extinguisher ( or it is a small fire and is smother able with sand and dirt) , let it burn out. If you hose it down with water then molten metal may explode and scatter around the area. You can hose off combustibles ( potential Class As and Bs ) around the Class D fire to keep it from spreading.Kitchen fires are the most common, stove top fires ( grease , pot on fire ) can be smothered with a tight fitting lid ,then use oven mitts and potholders to calmly walk it outside. Oven fires can be easily controlled in the early stages. First turn off the heat , prepare the extinguisher , put oven mitts on, stand off to the side as to avoid the burst of superheated air that will rush out when you open the oven. Fresh oxygen may flare up the fire inside so be careful. An oven is pretty much a fireproof box but you should check all surrounding cabinetry for hidden fire. Identify NOW where all of the gas/propane / electrical main switches are in and around your home, be prepared to shut off yours’ as well as your neighbor’s lines in case of an emergency. If you are caught in a dwelling on fire, stay calm, stay low , if you can’t see wear you are going then follow a wall by touch to a safer zone. Don’t overlook the basics here - keep fresh batteries in smoke detectors , plan and practice a family evacuation. Smoke mixed with panic kills far more people than Fire herself does.Extinguisher basics - Remember to PASS ! Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep. When you use an extinguisher you should -Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire (keep the wind at your back!) , Squeeze the top lever and keep it upright, Sweep from side to side ( start low and work toward the rear of the area on fire)If the extinguisher is too heavy to carry then drag it. Dry Chem extinguishers are non toxic but very irritating to the nose and lungs, wear a mask when dealing with the clean up. Keep multiple extinguishers on every floor of your home and in your car. They are often found unused in flea markets and yard sales for very little money but they will still do the job. You cannot have too many fire extinguishers in your home. Pressure pump spray canisters like those used to water or apply pesticide and fertilizer to plants when filled with just water are a terrific way to stack the odds in your favor when it comes to stopping a small fire in time. Ideally you should be able to reach your entire property. If you are in an apartment , you can buy a faucet -to- hose adapter for a couple of dollars. Also learn the locations of “ House Lines” in a high rise. These are 75 to 100 foot long fire hoses stationed in glass cabinets, remember to ALWAYS pull the line out and clear all kinks from the line BEFORE turning the water on.Heating options -Heating when the grid is down can be very challenging and dangerous from a variety of angles. Hyper vigilance and respect must be given to this topic.The first key for keeping warm is insulation. Dead air space is the most effective concept to hold in mind.Create spaces where air does not move around. Layers of blankets on the floor above you , layers of blankets over doorways , clothes and newspaper crumpled and stuffed into window spaces then covered with plastic sheeting and duct tape ( also seal up electric outlets). Consider heating a small space such as one room or even a tent within a room. Sleeping bags and layered clothing go a long way here.Most body heat is lost from the top of your head, so wear a warm hat. Often small lamps ( kerosene , propane ) and candles give off a significant amount of heat in a confined space but beware of carbon monoxide poisoning as it is odorless and lethal. Devotional candles found in Dollar stores ( 8" tall in glass ) will burn for 7 days straight.Heaters and fuels -Alcohol ( 90% rubbing alcohol , 180 proof Grain liquor , hand sanitizer, denatured alcohol , methanol and ethanol ) will not create Carbon Monoxide when burned in stoves, zippo lighters , hurricane lamps etc. It does not burn as brightly but it is clean burning and when spilled will evaporate without a trace residue. This a tremendous advantage over petroleum based fuels. In a lamp , 12 oz of alcohol will burn for over 48 hours with a wick that is kept low. Alcohol is very safe and easy to store and transport , it burns at around 1400 BTUs . It is a little bulkier ( energy output by volume ) than petro based fuels but the safety factor far outweighs this fact. Also this is a fuel that can be made very simply by anyone.Kerosene heaters are cheap , common and powerful but they stink. Stocking up on the heaters , latex gloves , siphons and fuel is a viable option for short and mid term survival heating. They are easy to come by on Craig’s List and Freecycle for little or no money. There are two main types 1.) is the cylindrical style and 2.) is the rectangular style. Both perform about the same. The big difference is the removable fuel tank in the rectangular type. This tank can be removed while the heater is still working and quickly refilled with kerosene in a remote space ( like a garage or backyard) . This advantage is important because Kerosene stinks and is ALWAYS messy when refilling. Use gloves and a siphon , stock up on fuel cans. Never light any Kerosene heater indoors, always light it outside and let it burn for a few minutes before bringing it in.One gallon of kerosene will burn for 24 hours on a low - medium heat setting.Propane heaters and grills are also solid options. Remember to plan ahead for fuel use ( and to use as barter items). You may want to memorize where propane cylinders are sold in your area , as well as pay attention to what sorts of locks are used to secure them. Bolt cutters are good tools to have.Small woodstoves ( MilSpec and camping type) can be fitted to use an exhaust vent from a water heater or home heating unit as a temporary chimney. Eventually there will be build up of residue on the interior of the pipe, it will build up much faster with the burning of soft wood ( Pine and conifers) as opposed to hard wood (Oak , Cherry , Walnut). Wood is not an efficient way to heat your space long term but it does allow for your fuel source to be replenished in a post grid scenario. Be aware of your signature in scent ( smoke and cooking food) lest you attract unwanted visitors.Solar ovens and solar stills are good options to have on hand . A quality solar oven can bake bread and cook a wide variety of foods. Solar showers are a good way to heat water for hygienic purposes, however the solar options are dependent on a steady supply of sunlight and so are not completely reliable.Boiling water for cooking food and sterilizing drinking water is essential. Distilling water is the SAFEST and SIMPLEST route that you can go. Distilling is just capturing steam after the boiled water has released the impurities by shifting into a gaseous state . One way to do this is to secure a tall GLASS inverted overtop of the spout on a tea pot. As the steam condenses , just collect what comes out of the upside down glass. Always use glass or metal for this , never plastic.Alcohol stoves are ideal for simply boiling water , one small soda can stove with 1 - 2 oz of fuel will bring 2 cups of water to a rolling boil in less than 3 minutes. We will teach how to make closed jet stoves at the meetup , but this website is a terrific resource to do more research on your own: always , none of this information is worth a thing if you don’t apply it NOW, figure out what actually works best for your living situation.44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444Water Procurement, Purification and Preservation H20 - the Universal solvent carries many forms of energy from one point in space to another. It moves stuff.Potential sources of water for emergency use: -Water heaters (should be flushed out from the bottom valve every six months to remove mineral deposits) Swimming pools, puddles, veggie cans, urine and grey water -Fill bathtubs, pots and sinks during pending emergency. -Down spout water reclamation and stretched tarps that guide into containers. -Wrap ankles with shirt or bandanna and walk through tall grass with morning dew -Transpiration: cover end of tree limb with clear plastic bag (including all leaves). Wrap end tight to limb for air tight seal. Green house effect produces water through roots of tree, leaves sweat water Municipalities filter water to the minimum specification from the Federal Government. This law allows sewage in the water supply making human/animal fecal matter a major contaminate of our water. Other contaminates are pharmaceuticals, household chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, petroleum products and anything else that gets flushed or washed down the storm sewer or sink drain. -Distillation: Liquid with impurities (urine , grey water, river etc) is heated into a vapor and then condensed back into a liquid. -Distillation method 1: Free System Boil water, capture steam and condense through copper tubing (coiled is preferred) into clean metal or glass container. System needs to be closed using aluminum (no plastic). Copper tube needs to be at very top of container of heated water and at the bottom of receiving vessel. Experiment to make yours using videos on youtube as guides. Make still and use it before emergency and know how to use it. Distillation will remove minerals but water is for hydration not nutrition . H20 is not a significant source of minerals. -Distillation method 2: Solar Still Make hole in ground that is twice as wide as it is deep Place black cloth (t-shirt) on bottom of hole. This step is optional but will increase efficiency if large volumes of water are required Drop in receiving vessel in the center of hole Install grey water supply hose to bottom of hole. Optional if greater quantities are desired Install food grade latex hose into receiving vessel Pack around receiving vessel with leaves and grass Cover with 3mil clear cover, make taught and air tight. Note: Cover must be clear and has to be air tight around hole and around the two optional hoses. Hoses must also be plugged when not in use Slip rock on center of clear cover to depress center towards vessel to direct water into vessel -Multistage Filtration: Note: It is important that the core process of multistage filtration not be amended or serious illness or possibly death could result. -Step 1: Particulate removal Remove large particulate through media such as cheese cloth, tshirt or nylon. This media should be crumpled in order to increase surface area but not to severely restrict water flow. Water needs to be added slowly for correct filter process. Sand, such as play sand, is the next layer of particulate media. Sand should have a pre-rinse to remove outer contaminates and finer dust particles. Clay soil will also work. -Step2: Carbon Filtering Carbon filtering removes tastes, odors and chemicals. The preferred type of carbon media is bacterio-static Carbon which will resist bacteria growth. Silver impregnated carbon can be purchased online or from water treatment centers. Carbon should also be pre-rinsed in order to remove outer dust. Up to three rinse applications may need to be preformed. Rinsing of the carbon will also remove some of the cloudiness for clearer water. Carbon can also be made in an emergency situation. Thorough charring of hard woods such as Walnut, Cherry, Oak, Maple, etc will provide excellent carbon properties. Wood should not be burnt to an ash though, just blackened. Never use charcoal briquettes from BBQ -Step 3: Bacteria removal Chlorine bleach or Iodine MUST be used in order to kill bacteria as multistage filtration will not remove it. Bleach must have at least 3% sodium hypochlorite. The ratio of bleach is 16 drops or 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. Wait time is a minimum of half hour for bleach to kill bacteria. Chlorine and Iodine are poisons, so use wisely. You can buy Chlorine Granules in the condensed powder form from any pool supply store NOW and then later add 2 teaspoons of it to one gallon of water, then you have one gallon of bleach. OR- Boil the water for 1 - 3 minutes , cooking germs to death. BOILING DOES NOT REMOVE ANYTHING. -Ion Exchange Resins Ion Exchange Resins are the ONLY way to remove radioactive particles from water. This resin can be found in tubes ready to hook up to a faucet at an aquarium supply store, and can be removed from water softeners. Ion Exchange filters are cleaned with salt water and can be reused dozens or hundreds of times. -Water Storage: Ideally water storage should be calculated at 1 gallon of water per person per day. Numerous options for containers include juice bottles all the way to 55 gallon drums (food grade-HDPE). Re-used juice and soda bottles are ideal and can be easily stored in closets and under furniture. Only food grade plastic should be used. Rinse them with hot tap water vigorously then top off with cold tap water. These are easy to store and move.If using city tap water no additional chlorine is required as additional chlorine has been added to provide clarity to the water. Pre-cleaning the container with a bleach and water combination and thoroughly rinsing is a good idea. In order to preserve freshness all air must be purged from the storage container. This is easily accomplished by filling container so the meniscus (water bonding to water) of the water is above the bottle opening just prior to the overflowing point, tapping container to remove as many air pockets as possible and then by installing plug or cap allowing air to be pushed from container. 15/30/55 gallon storage containers can be sourced inexpensively from Penn Bottle Company and USA Container co. Store bought 1 gallon jugs of spring/distilled H20 do not store well over time, plastic will break down and leak. Avoid cloudy plastic jugs.Stash as much water as you can now. Most importantly, practice these skills now and become proficient in good times so that the experience serves you when times are bad. Share the knowledge, make it family fun. 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555FOODStoring Food -In order to live and love well in a Grid down situation you may be required to make certain compromises in food risk management ; BPA residue from bottles and cans, GMO, heavy metals, gluten, soy, canola, antibiotics, steroids, hydrogenated oils, petro chemical pesticide residue, sugars ( HFCS ), preservatives, sodium. These items already swirl around us and in us as a culture today. They may or may not manifest long term disease in your body. Many families are trying to avoid them by buying organic and GMO and cruelty free whenever we can. That is smart. However please not allow your self imposed long term ideals take your family's short and mid term well being away. Be ready to get out of your own way here. Home canning and drying is the best way to navigate around this issue.Keep everything airtight, waterproof, away from the heat, sunlight and varmints. Keep your kitchen/pantry area AND emergency supply area stocked at all times. No excuses.Plan 14 meals for 7 days ( Brunch and Dinner for your family ) as a start. This is a simple and attainable goal for you to get started. Then work on a 1 month , 3 month, 6 month and then 1 year meal plan for your family. If you plan to be charitable DO NOT COUNT GIVEAWAYS AS YOUR OWN. Some folks prepare small family meals ( a cup of rice, a cup of lentils and a bullion cube) in to-go bags for desperate souls. Weigh out the options for yourself.1. Bulk dry - Stock up on Rice / Cereal / Wheat / Oatmeal / Beans & Lentils / Salt / Sugar /Powdered Milk and Potatoes / Pasta / Pet food. Food grade DIATOMATIOUS EARTH is an excellent mechanical pesticide, it is NON TOXIC yet is a great way to keep bugs out of dried food stuffs. Spread it liberally in and on your dried food. It is also used for deworming humans and animals alike. Look into it.2. Canned food - It should be rotated twice per year. When you buy it write the sell by date on the can with a Sharpie. Remember the date on the can is only a guide.Most canned goods will last much longer, however if something doesn't smell right or your instinct steers you away from a product, trust your instincts. If you have ingested a questionable food, induce vomiting immediately . Systemic food poisoning can be reduced or thwarted in this way. This issue can be avoided by rotating your stock of cans twice per year. Simply "shop" from yourself and then have the discipline to replace it right away. Buy only canned foods that you want to eat, because you will . "Can I live with : tuna / salmon / baked beans / Beefaroni / fruit cocktail / green beans / peanut butter / corn / chicken soup / evaporated milk / boiled potatoes / sardines / chili ? "3. Sealing - For dried food or food that you plan to keep frozen, vacuum packer is a good thing to have on hand. It enables food and other important things to be stored underground , in water, in a freezer, or in a pantry without bacterial and water damage. Vacuum packers retail for $50 to $150 and are a wise investment. Another lower tech way to seal air and water out of a package is to melt candle wax in a pan and dip all sides and edges of the package in the wax.. This is commonly used to preserve cheeses all over the world. For example a pound of Velveeta cheese food product ( remember, compromises ) will be made shelf stable for 3 or more years using this method. Boxes of pasta and rice can also benefit from this treatment.4. Canning - there are several hundred recipes for canning EVERY KIND OF FOOD THAT YOU CAN IMAGINE. This is just a primer overview.Every food falls into one of 2 categories; High ph (most fruits and veggies) and Low ph (meats and starches). They all use one or a combination of the following as preservatives: Salt / Sugar / Vinegar / Baking Soda /Baking Powder / Lemon juice (not fresh, pasteurized) / Alcohol. High PH foods can be canned in mason jars in a large pot in which the jars will be covered by 2 inches of water and boiled for 20 - 30 minutes, then left to cool for a few hours. Low PH foods (beef, chicken, pork, fish, venison) MUST ONLY be prepared in a pressure cooker ($ 40 - $250) , they need an additional boost of intensity to be properly sterilized. Jars must be sterile. There should be no more and no less than 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch of headspace (air space) at the top of the jar. Jar's screw tops should be wiped off. Lids should not be over tightened. Jars must never touch each other nor the pot directly lest the glass break. Cold jars dropped in hot water will break and vice versa. There are specialized tool sets (funnels, tongs and magnets) that can be purchased for $10 - $15. If your finished jar ever has a vacuum lid the pops, it has been compromised. Canning is fun and easy.5. Drying - Using your Microwave / Oven / Grill / Smoker / and of course the Sun you can dry meats , fruits and veggies that can be reconstituted and / or eaten as is. Hamburger Rocks, dried fish, strongly seasoned jerked meat and garden vegetables all make wonderful additions to soups and noodles, adding flavor and texture. There is no magic to drying food; low heat and time are all you need. Again , recipes abound. There is not much to limit you ability here.6. Salt - It deserves its own topic. You can dry meat packed in salt and hide it away for long periods of time. Roman soldiers were paid by the empire in salt, salted meat has sustained warriors, mariners and homesteaders alike for centuries. There are many simple brine solution recipes available in the net and in books that keep meats and fish preserved without drying them out.7. MREs and Freeze dried food - a 12 pack of MREs retails for $55 - $80 per case. They generally have a shelf life of 15 - 20 years. Freeze dried food needs to be reconstituted with boiling water. Both are good ways to stock up if money is not an object, but there are not the most cost effective.HIDING YOUR FOOD STASH - Why hide? Friends, family and law enforcement ( LOOTERS, MILITARY AND POLICE SHOULD BE EXPECTED) should only know what you intentionally allow them to know. Secrets should be kept from the general population. You don't want unwanted groups banging on your door wanting to appropriate your hard work and investments. They should be warned now so that they prepare for themselves. Subterfuge is to have a person think an object is something other than what it is. Camouflage is having an object hidden in plain sight.Of course there are a wide variety of techniques to be employed here. Just a few for food , water and weapon storage are : Bury things in a backyard without neighbors seeing you / utilize dead space under and behind beds, cabinets and couches / add shelves above a drop ceiling / stack things in the backs of closets / use decorative trunks / drape fabric over sturdy bins or boxes and decorate with a lamp or collectables. Remember the role of prudence and modesty. Being humble and close to the Earth may keep you alive. Living beneath your means now will help you better deal later while stocking up on simplicity now.66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666GROWING FOOD FOR THE SPACE CHALLENGED: SPROUTING - You can make sprouting jars from glass mason jars with screen mesh over the tops to allow water to be rinsed twice per day over the seeds or beans that you grow. Alfalfa - Known as the "King of Sprouts", alfalfa was first used by the ancient Arabs. They gave alfalfa its name, which means, "father of all foods". Alfalfa contains a huge amount of chlorophyll, every known vitamin, and is very rich in minerals. What's more, like all seeds, when you sprout alfalfa seeds, the nutrients increase! If you could have only one food, your very best choice would be alfalfa sprouts! Beans - Kidney, garbanzo, pinto and others. Sprouting beans is a great way to get rid of beans' gases. The beans become healthier, more delicious, cook more quickly and they lose their gaseous qualities. You can use sprouted beans in cooked dishes like chili or bean and rice just as you would the cooked beans. Broccoli - As nutritious and delicious as broccoli is you must try broccoli sprouts. Make sure you buy sprouting seeds from a source that does not coat the seeds. Garlic - Along with onions and parsley, garlic is often grown just a little bit longer in order to get some greens. These seeds produce pungent greens that can be used to flavor salads, sandwiches and other dishes. Mung bean sprouts have been eaten by the Chinese culture for thousands of years. Mung beans are used in more ways than any other sprouts. Radish is a legume, and its sprouts impart a very tangy flavor. If you add just a few to a salad or a sandwich, you will get a nice peppery zip. Soybeans are used in similar ways to mung beans. The sprouts are rich in vitamin C. In fact, one half cup of soybean sprouts has the same amount of vitamin C as 6 glasses of orange juice! Soybeans have been used to replace meat, butter, cheese and milk. Wheat, the "staff of life", has been the mainstay of the human race for centuries. Sprouted wheat increases 600% in vitamin C and higher mineral and enzyme levels.CONTAINERS FOR GROWING (low-cost/free) use pea gravel in bottom, or drill holes drainage:*5 gallon food grade buckets (often available @ grocery store Deli/bakery free - just ask!)hanging plastic shoe bags - good use of vertical space*Empty milk gallon jugs cut in 1/2*Burlap bags - free from coffee roasters-ask (especially good for growing potatoes/Jerusalem artichokes)plastic storage containers, trash cans, coffee cans - even mason jars (hanging tomato bags - $)*40 - 50 pound soil bags can be sliced open and potatoes grown right out of them.*Creative re-use of vertical space WITH VERTICAL GARDENINGSEED STARTINGMilk carton (cells), take-out containers, 1/2 gallon milk cartons cut in 1/2, use your imagination...Garden soil is too heavy and contains pathogens (can = poor health/death of seedlings)Soil-use seed starting mix when possible (or make it yourself - see Additional Info).Potting soil - be careful, cheap soil (Wal-Mart, etc) may not be healthy for growing food, go w/ organic if you buy - it’s worth itCan Use: worm composting, bokashi, use cover crop in containers to add fertility, coffee grinds (free-ask @ coffee shop, use sparingly since relatively high acidity), playground sand $5/bag, can add limestone (dolomite) to inc. pH (veg. in general like a relatively higher pH) GROWING INDOORS/SMALL SPACESNeeds: sunlight, H20 , soil (or other growing medium), pest control. Places to grow: deck, front steps, window boxes, sunny window sills, trellis plants w/ sticks, wire/twine inside containers to take advantage of vertical space Diatomaceous earth FOOD GRADE for plant pests (also bedbugs, lice, mites on chickens)TYPES OF VEGGIES TO GROW IN SMALLER SPACESMicro-greens: highly nutritious, immature stage (between sprouts and veg.) some take just a few days planting to harvest. Peas, kale, cabbage, arugula, radishes, beets, clover, mustardDon’t need much light - only germinated until the emergence of the first leaf grow on windowsill or sunny kitchen counterPotatos- seed vs those from grocery store, can use either but a trade-off seed potatoes have been tested for germ. rate, tend to resist diseasestore bought often treated w/ a growth inhibitors so must soak 1st (rainwater), tend to be prone to disease, poor germ. rateGrowing: cut up potato so at least 2 “eyes” are on in each section, plant in soil (can plant outside ~ March/April), putting a comfrey leaf in each planting hole said to help increase yieldJerusalem artichoke (sun choke)-native to PA so will grow PROLIFICALLY - a PERENNIAL. Good source of nutrients including iron and potassium (lower glycemic index than potato– better for those looking to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels). Prepare like potatoes (boil/mash, roast, also PICKLED, put in soups, eat raw...) Medicinals-(perennialized) ginger, echinacea, nettles (highly nutritious), garlic Vegetables - (perennialized) tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke (add sand to soil), potatos Other possibilities for small spaces: small dwarf fruit trees in pots; figs, olives in pots (bring inside when it gets too cold). WHY HEIRLOOMS? SEED SAVING, DIVERSITY = RESILIENCE, SOVEREIGNTYThree kinds of seeds in a catalog*1- First generation hybrids (F1 hybrids), hand-pollinated, patented, often sterile *2- Bioengineered seeds are now contaminating the global seed supply, threatening seed supply!*3- Heirloom or open-pollinated, genetically diverse, passed on from generation to generation.(With heirloom seeds there are 10,000 varieties of apples, compared to the very few F1 hybrid apple types)YOU CAN SAVE HEIRLOOM SEEDS & they will grow each year (closed loop)(Seeds are also sometimes “treated” w/ synthetic fungicide, etc.- ASK before you buy!)Join or start seed saving groups to insure we all have food sovereignty in the future7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777HAZMAT - NUKE CHEM BIO ( INCLUDING DOOKIE )Hazardous materials are those that may cause damage to life ( DNA ) at the present or in the future. Carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, central nervous system(neuro)/ liver/ kidney toxins can have wide ranging impact on our homeostasis. Ionizing radiation ( ALPHA/BETA/GAMMA), chemical and microbiological contamination of our physical space ( to include air /water/ food ) can cause slow CHRONIC or fast, high dose ACUTE exposures.The four primary routes of exposure are1. Respiratory - breathing it 2. Absorption - flesh contact into the bloodstream 3. Ingestion - swallowed 4. injected - stabs and jabsMost HAZMAT emergencies are very temporary, wind and water will dissipate most of the offending contaminates in relatively short order. Until then though, EVERY INVISIBLE DUST PARTICLE AND DROP OF WATER EMBODIES YOUR MORTAL ENEMYSHELTERING IN PLACE - If there is a major HAZMAT emergency near your home then the Incident Commander of your Fire/Rescue Company may issue the order shelter in place orders, this will most likely be a relatively brief lockdown delivered to you via loud speakers on fire trucks. That said, YOU waiting for someone else's order to act may be a serious lapse in judgment ( fight/flight/freeze). It is better to be safe and silly looking than sorry and sick. Shut off your WATER, GAS and ELECTRIC utilities right away, especially for natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes. Practice this operation in your home before you need it. For the electricity shut down all of the individual breakers before shunting the main circut breaker. As a broad general rule you want to establish a space in your home/building that is centered and as low as you can go with solid support overtop of your family. Often this will be a basement. Pick a room that will suit your family needs the best. If possible consider a room with a bathroom attached.When creating a space that is insulated from NCB risks there are some very important considerations to ACT ON ahead of time:FOOD AND WATER - for at least three days, 1 gallon per person per day is a sound standard. Two weeks is far more intelligent a plan. Also truly vital MUNICATION AND LIGHT - a radio / flashlight preferably one of the crank operated models. Keeping a police/fire/NOAA scanner is smart, smartphone apps are great for this too. Many affordable shortwave radios can pick up a wide range of international communications which can be a great way to stay informed. Cell phone backup battery chargers are easy to come by these days for little money.SECURITY - there are no true substitutes for firearms if you want the ability to say "No!" to those who may wish to take ALL that you have to give.AIR CONTROL - You must keep all windows and doors sealed. Lock them and if your instinct guides you to, reinforce themPrecut sheets of 3 mil plastic sheeting should be labeled by writing the window/door placement on a peice of duct tape afixed to them. This will minimize confusion and help to streamline the process. Wet towels can be rolled up an stuffed under doors to prevent airflow. Be sure to shut off any HVAC system and seal the ducts. Again you cannot have too much quality duct tape. As far as oxygen levels for breathing goes, the general rule for an average room : 10 square feet of floor space (2'x5') provides 5 hours of relaxed breathing time. In cold weather add tightly crumpled newspaper and lightweight fabrics into the dead airspace to lock in heat.SANITATION - Basic hygiene must be maintained in order to fight off diseases that are common to our species. Alcohol in different forms such as 70-90% isopropyl, denatured, ethanol, etc are excellent to have on hand for disinfecting skin and surfaces but also as a cooking and heating fuel that WILL NOT CAUSE CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING when used in small spaces.Baby wipes are cheap and have a long shelf life. The brushing of teeth ought not be overlooked, baking soda is great for teeth. Keeping bleach on hand is a good thing but beware of the fumes in tight spaces. Keep socks and underwear dry, feet and moist body areas wiped clean. Sores and skin infections can tear into you quickly.Feces and urine management is crucial to any shelter in place planning. If your Grid's sewage system is intact then use your toilet normally. If the sewage system was damaged or is failing due to lack of humans on the job then you must not use it. You should consider opening the "cleanout trap" in the basement and stuffing clothes and blankets into the sewage line to prevent a backup of other people's dookie into your home through your sink drains. This measure can be easily undone after the crisis event. If there is no water supply coming from the Grid, then you can:1. Shut off your water line at the main tap coming into your house, this prevents problems when the service is restored.2. If your toilet is intact then wipe out the bowl with a disinfectant, line the bowl with garbage bag or small trash can bag. Double up to aviod spills.If your toilet is not intact or is otherwise unreachable then use a camping potty or 5 gallon bucket with a simple seat lid which is sold for $ 10 at stores selling camping gear. Again use the bags as liners. Use the bags a few times but don't let them get too heavy. Lids are important here. Stock up on bags and toilet paper NOW !! 3. Sprinkle thoroughly with but neatly with powered lime ( found in garden supply retailers ) or Borax. Wood ash from a fireplace is also great for this job. Lime is caustic and can cause minor skin burns or irritations so be mindful of your dusting. This action will go a very long way to keeping microbe launched spores in check and reducing odor buildup. 4. Place used potty bag into a trashcan with a tight fitting lid. This should be lined with at least one 3mil contractor grade trash bag. Sprinkle it with lime, ash or Borax too as the bags pile up.5. Depending on the length of time that the Grid is down, you may have to place these bags outside of your home. Beware of water and food proximity also consider animals ripping into them ( because they will if they can).DECON - Decontamination made as simple and practical as can be in a Grid down or Grid teetering reality. In a space just outside of your safe room/clean zone there should be an intermediate space for cleanup, sort of like a mud room where you can stop and reduce your messiness before tracking it into the house. An individual or object can have the NUKE/CHEM/BIO hazards washed off of them simply by washing off the external suit ( or their skin suit if there was no protection for the individual that you wish to help) with a mild bleach/detergent/water solution. The person or object should be standing in a Rubbermaid tub or kiddie pool and be scrubbed by another person who is wearing some level of protective clothing, using a soft bristle brush and rinsed thoroughly. Microorganisms need to have at least 20 minutes of exposure to bleach water in order for them to be killed. The collected waste water should be disposed of away from your home, food and water supplies. Chlorine granules for swimming are ideal for keeping large quantities of bleach on hand. 2 teaspoon of chlorine powder added to 1 gallon of water makes 1 gallon of bleach. Use a spray bottle or pressure sprayer (type used for pesticides ) Dawn dish liquid is the preferred standard for an expedient detergent.HAZMAT personal protective gear for a family on a shoestring budget:Remember that there is no magic to this, you simply need to create a water and airtight fit around your body in order to deal with most HAZMAT troubles.*Duct tape -The role of a good quality duct tape cannot be overstated here, especially if you are patching together your own suit in order to act within a contaminated area. The cheaper the tape the less reliable it will be. Air and water tight is the key here. Gloves, boots and seams.*Gloves -They need only be water proof and bio/chemical resistant. Most latex and nitrile gloves will give adequate performance and can be worn under outergloves that give more mechanical protection. Latex/nitrile gloves are most functional and least cumbersome when they are worn one size down, for example if you think you wear a large, then try a medium. More tactile sensitivity and better grip come with this practice.*Boots - Again, water tight and bio/chem resistant. Overboots are best. Simple pull on boots made of rubber will do for most incidents.*Coveralls1. TYVEK / Nomex / PBI are near perfect choices for most applications. They can be found at first responder stores and online for as little as $7.2. A second choice here is the most expensive chemical suit from Home Depot/Lowes. Costing about $15, it is a smart choice for many people.3. A third but still viable selection would be a rain suit that you seal VERY WELL with duct tape.*Masks -1. Military specification aka MILSPEC whole face gas masks are ideal. These are commonly found with NATO standard threaded filters to allow interoperability. There are different MILSPECs for different nation states. US, European, Russian and Israeli are the most common and reliable as a general rule. Russian and Israeli masks are also made for civilians at a very low cost, the tradeoff being practical tactical advantages such as hydration tubes, rifle compatibility, voice boxes. Often found at gun shows, Army/Navy stores and through many online purveyors.2. Second to MILSPEC whole face masks are chemical spray masks from Home Depot/Lowes, et al. These are the highest in price and quality available at these stores today ( $ 50-60 ). They do not give your eyes the protection that a whole face mask does so chemical spray goggles are also needed. One distinct advantage is the fact that if you choose to, you can go into a store RIGHT NOW and obtain them and their replacement filters.3. A far distant third choice is an N95 or N100 particle mask, the sort worn just over the mouth and nose. It can trap many airborne pathogens and radioactive dust particles but it's lacking for several reasons. That said they are very cheap, easy to find and much better than nothing.____________________________________________________________________________________________NUKE SPECIFIC INFO:For nuclear emergencies the "hot" particles will fall out of the sky within a few to several hours and so after the maximum amount of air in your airtight shelter has been used ( your body will tell you ) then open a ventilation port or two near the top of your safe room. Trace amounts may make it in but the odds are in your favor at this point. Keep an eye on the news. A nuclear attack will unlikely come out of the blue from an enemy nation. Such an attack would likely be preceded by a deteriorating political situation. A war with conventional weapons between nations that both have nuclear weapons, if not ended swiftly, may escalate towards nuclear war and even limited nuclear strikes in one region carry the likelihood to escalate towards an all-out nuclear war elsewhere.However, an unconventional nuclear attack by terrorists could come without warning. Given the lack of a credible sovereign enemy, such attacks are unlikely to escalate to a full nuclear exchange. Many countries have a rating system to denote the imminence of attack.In the USA and Canada, for example, you should know the DEFCON (DEFense CONdition) level:DEFCON 5. Normal peacetime readinessDEFCON 4. Normal increased readiness, increased intelligence and national security measures. (Cold War.)DEFCON 3. Increased force readiness above normal, American radio call-signs are changed to classified call-signs. Air Force ready to mobilize in less than 15min.DEFCON 2. Increase in force readiness, just below maximum. All forces ready to mobilize and deploy within 6hrs. (Declared only once during the Cuban Missile Crisis.)DEFCON 1. Maximum force readiness; the use of nuclear weapons has been authorized. This has never been used for the national condition.Fusion (H-Bombs), using the incredible heat of a fission bomb 'spark plug', compress and heat deuterium and tritium (isotopes of hydrogen) which fuse, releasing immense amounts of energy.Fusion weapons are also known as thermonuclear weapons since high temperatures are required to fuse deuterium and tritium.EMP Weapons. A nuclear weapon detonated at a very high altitude will generate an electromagnetic pulse so powerful that it can destroy electronic and electrical devices. Placing radios, flashlights in a SEALED metal container (a "Faraday cage") may protect from EMP, providing the items being protected are not in contact with the enclosure. The metal shield must surround the protected item completely - and it helps if it is grounded. The items to be protected should be insulated with plastic or cloth from the conductive shell, since the EMP field washing over the shield can still induce voltages in solid state circuit boards. One method is to wrap a cardboard box with copper, or aluminum foil. Place the item in there and plug the device into the ground. You may also use cookie tins and metal bulk ammo cans.Seek shelter immediately. Aside from the geopolitical warning signs, your first warnings of an imminent nuclear attack will most likely be an alarm or warning signal, if not it will be the blast itself. The bright light from a detonation of a nuclear weapon can be seen tens of miles away from ground zero. If within the vicinity of the blast (or ground zero), your chances of survival are virtually nonexistent unless you are in a shelter that provides a very (VERY) good blast protection. If you are a few miles out, you will have about 10-15 seconds until the heat wave hits you, and maybe 20-30 seconds until the shockwave does. Under no circumstances should you look directly at the fireball. On a clear day, this can cause temporary blindness from very large distances. If you can't find shelter, seek a depressed area nearby and lay face down, exposing as little skin as possible. If there is no shelter of this kind, dig as fast as possible. Even around 5 miles you will suffer third degree thermal-burns; still at 20 miles the heat can burn the skin off your body. The wind itself will peak at around 600mph and will level anything or anybody caught in the open. Get indoors , this will, at least, provide some protection against radiation. Stay away from any windows, preferably be in a room without one. Even if the building does not suffer substantial damage, a nuclear explosion will blow out windows at enormous distances.Remember: it's not the initial blast that creates the high death toll; it's radiation exposure.There are two threats of radiation:Initial (prompt) radiation. This is radiation released at the moment of detonation, and it is short-lived and travels short distances. With the large yields of modern nuclear weapons, it is thought that this will kill few who would not be killed by the blast or heat at the same distance. Residual radiation. Known as radiation fallout. If the detonation was a surface blast or the fireball hits the earth, large amounts of fallout occurs. The dust and debris kicked into the atmosphere rains down, bringing with it dangerous amounts of radiation. The fallout may rain down as contaminated black soot known as "black rain," which is very fatal and may be of extreme temperature. Fallout will contaminate anything it touches. Once you have survived the blast and the initial radiation (for now at least since radiation symptoms have an incubation period), you must find protection against the burning black soot.Know the types of radiation particles:1.Alpha particles: They will be fatal if ingested or inhaled. Standard clothing will help protect you from them, they are weak.2. Beta particles: These are faster than Alpha particles and can penetrate further. They will travel for up to 10 yards before they are absorbed into the atmosphere. Exposure to beta particles is not fatal unless exposed for prolonged periods; which may cause "Beta burns," almost like painful sunburn. They pose a serious threat, however, to the eyes, should they be exposed for a prolonged period. Once again this is harmful if ingested or inhaled, and clothing will help prevent Beta burns.3. Gamma Rays. Gamma Rays are the deadliest. They can travel for nearly a mile in the air and penetrate just about any kind of shielding.Therefore gamma radiation will cause severe damage to the internal organs even as an external source. Sufficient shielding will be required.A shelter's PF against radiation will tell you how many times less a person inside the shelter will receive radiation compared to open space. For example, RPF 300means that you will receive 300 times less radiation in the shelter than in the open. Avoid exposure to Gamma radiation. Try not to spend more than 5 minutes exposed. Begin reinforcing your shelter from the inside by stacking dirt around the walls or anything else you can find. If in a trench, then create a roof, but only if materials are nearby; don't expose yourself when not necessary. 3+ mil plastic sheeting or a tent will help stop fallout debris from piling on you,though it will not stop Gamma rays. It is impossible to completely shield from all radiation. It can only be reduced to a tolerable level. DO NOT GET OUT FOR AT LEAST 48 HOURS.Use the following to help you determine the amount of material you'll need for your shelter to reduce radiation penetration to 1/1000:Steel: 0.7 feet Rock: 2-3 ft Concrete: 2.2 ft Wood: 8.8 ft Soil: 3.3 ft Ice: 6.6 ft Snow: 20-22 ft Plan on staying in your shelter for a minimum of 200 hours (8-9 days). If these materials are not at hand then use every bit of mass you can get to cover the top and sides of your shelter.Stacks of books, heavy furniture, dirt. The more mass the better. Also stock up on KI or K3 to fill your thyroid gland with iodine and help to stave off radiation sickness.8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888EVACuation -Always be prepared to walk away from your home. Fire ripping through a house or mandatory removal by government order. Be ready to walk. Shut off your WATER, GAS, ELECTRICITY and SEWER before you go if possible.The FEMA site has truely wonderful checklists for bugging out but no firearms are mentioned, go figure. Also, the FILE section of the Survive and Thrive website has several easy to follow lists of lists. In addition this is the recommended A-Z survival kit of this group.This kit is weights less than 5 pounds and very compact. Easily kept in your car or backpacka. Leatherman Wave / Gerber Multitoolb. 8" zip ties - 30 eac. 3 mil. 55 gal Contractor bags - 2 to 3 ead. 3 mil. clear plastic sheet - 8ft x 10fte. 550 MILSPEC paracord - 50 ft (not just any rope)f. Duct tape - 20 to 30 ft on a flat rollg. Signal mirrorh. LED flashlight with a switchi. Unlubricated , unribbed condoms - 3 ea ( water carry and wound seal )j. Compass - button compass ( with moving face) is preferred to the needle compassk. Whistle - it is better have a whistle without a ball insidel. Latex surgical tubing - 6 to 10 ftm. Clear medium or tall trash bags - 2 to 4 ean. Butane Bic lighter 1 eao. Strike anywhere matches dipped in wax ( not too thick)p. Firestarters - fuelsticks or cotton/petrojelly balls in foil - 8 or more eaq. Magnesium block w/ spark stickr. Gatoraid / electrolyte powders. Medium sized fishing hooks 10 eat. Small bottle of chlorine powderu. Bandana, large - 1 eav. Alcohol based hand sanitizer ( multi use )w. Travel sized baby wipes - 1 packx. Gauze pads - 2 eay. Powerbars - 3 to 6 eaz. Triple antibiotic salve / Neosporin999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999ANTIBIOTICS-MEDICATIONS-HEALTH CONCERNSANTIBIOTICS- Probably most important meds to have on hand!1. ImportanceHaiti situation-loss of technology, diagnostic ability, increased chance of infection due to conditions2. Considerations (Post-SHTF)Proper Diagnosis? What meds currently taking? Pre-existing conditions? Pregnant? (PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD NEVER TAKE DOXYCYCLINE, CIPRO, LEVAQUIN, AND BACTRIM. THE SAFEST ANTIBIOTICS IN PREGNANCY GENERALLY ARE AMOXICILLIN, AUGMENTIN, ERYTHROMYCIN, CEPHALEXIN)CHECK YOUR REFERENCES!)Drug allergies? Age?(Adjust dose for young and old) Risk/Benefit? Side effects?Try O.T.C first? Have meds on hand? Make due with what you have considering situation…No one ‘best’ antibiotic, how to determine appropriateness Post-SHTF?Get a medical person in your circle of friendsBe sure to take all of antibiotic!3. RX AntibioticsAcyclovir- 400mg 3 times daily for 7-14 days-antiviral, herpes infs, shinglesAmoxicillin- 500mg 3 times daily(tid) for 7-10 days -Strep throat, ear inf, minor skin inf.Augmentin- 500-875/125 2 times a day(bid) for 7-10 days-same as above, also animal bites, sinusitis, slightly more severe infs, take with foodAzithromycin- (Z-Pak): 250mg 2 tabs on day 1 then 1 tab daily for 4 days-easy to take, bronchitis, pneumonia, s.t.ds, take with foodBactrim DS(smz/tmp): 1 tab twice daily for 3 to 10 days-sulfa(alg?), sinusitis, mrsa, pneumonia, uti, drink lots of waterCephalexin(Keflex): 500mg 3-4 times daily-pcn alg(?), uri, skin infs, abd inf(appendicitis), gunshot prophylaxis(with other meds)Ciprofloxacin(Cipro): 500mg 2 times daily-(below diaphragm), resp. infs, serious skin infs, uti, bacterial diarrhea, gunshot prophylaxis (with other meds), anthrax, s.t.dsCleocin(clindamycin): 150-300mg 4 times daily for 7-10 days-pcn alg, tooth infs, skin infs, c.diff(stop if bad diarrhea)Doxycycline: 100mg 2 times daily for 7-30 days-stds, malaria, plague, pneumonia, watch photosensitivity, avoid taking with metals(antacids, iron supplements), these can bind itFlagyl (metronidazole): 500mg 2 times daily for 7-10 days-giardia, abd infs(pseudo col., appendicitis, gunshot prophylaxis (with other meds), stds, no alcohol!Fluconazole: 150mg once daily for 1 dose-antifungal, yeast infsLevaquin 500 to 750mg- Take 1 tab daily for 7-10 days-broad range of uses, odd side effects, avail. generic soonOfloxacin eye drops- Use 1-2 drops every 2-4 hrs days 1 and 2 then 4 times daily for next 5 days-more serious eye infsPenicillin 500mg- Take 1 tab 4 times daily for 7 days-strep throat, tooth infectionsPolytrim (polymyxin/trimethoprim) eye drops: 1 drop in affected eye every 3 hrs-pink eyeTamiflu 75mg: 1 cap twice daily for 5 days-for flu, taken at first signs4. Other RX medsEpi-pen- Inject for severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic rxn, tongue swelling, throat closing)-In a pinch use albuterol inh or Primatene inh, diphenhydramine… better than nothingHydrocodone/Acetaminophen (Vicodin)- or similar pain med(Tylenol #3, Percocet): 1 tab every 4-6 hours as needed for pain-moderate to severe pain, watch for drowsiness, constipation, abuse potentialLidocaine- w. or w/o epinephrine injection-anesthetic for suturing or dental work-take care with epi (not for extremeties!)Medrol Dose pack or Prednisone: Taper dose-allergic rxns, bad inflammation, take with foodSSD cream(silver sulfdiazine): Apply twice daily-burn treatment5. O.T.C medsAcetaminophen 325 to 500mg- Take 1-2 tabs every 4 to 6 hoursHeadache, fever, Don’t exceed 4000mg daily(being lowered), liver issuesAspirin 325mg- Take 1-2 tabs every 4 hoursHeadaches, fever(not in kids), Heart attack prophylaxis, chew 1 tab at onsetBetadine(Povidone)/Hibiclens- Wound cleansing/antiseptic solutionsCelox or Quik-Clot- Pour onto or apply to bleeding, keep pressure on woundStops serious bleeding, mail orderColace(docusate) 100mg- Take 1-2 at bedtime with water-stool softenerDiphenhydramine(Benadryl)- Take 1-2 caps every 6 hours or at bedtime-allergies(poison ivy, bee sting), sleep aid, also cough and anxietyFiber Supplement- Depending on stored food, etc. may be necessaryIbuprofen(Advil, Motrin) 200mg- Take 1-2 tabs every 6 hoursFever, inflammation, toothache, sprains, etc., Rx dosed up to 4 tabs(800mg) 4 times daily, take with foodImodium(loperamide) 2mg- Take 2 caps at onset then 1 cap additionally for 2 more doses, no more than 4 per 24 hours-diarrhea, when to use?Lotrimin/Lamisil-Apply 2-3 times daily for 1-2 weeks-ringworm, athletes foot, jock itch, lamisil & lotrimin ultra are more potentNeosporin(triple antibiotic)- Apply 2-3 times daily-skin infs, alg to neomycin? Polysporin(double antibiotic), melt in ear as post-shtf ear inf remedy(cautiously, perf ear drum!)Pepto-Bismol- 2 caps every 30-60 minutes until diarrhea stops. No more than 16 caps per day. No more than 2 days-diarrhea/nausea due to bad food/water-actually has some antibacterial/antiviral effect-dark tarry stool are normal side effectSudafed(pseudoephedrine) 30mg: 1 tab every 4-6 hrs-decongestant, watch in people with H.B.P, watch for restlessness, incr heart rate. avoid taking too late at night(sleeplessness)-must show ID for old version6. Specific Uses:1. Common cold: Symptoms are: runny nose, sore throat, cough. You might get a little achy, fatigued, even have a low grade fever up too 100.5 or so. Just take some symptomatic cough and cold meds. It will go away by itself. Please do not take antibiotics for this. It is a total waste of your resources. Antibiotics will not help, and may make you worse if you have an adverse reaction. My technique…2. Cellulitis: This is a potentially serious infection. It usually arises from an injury, like a cut, or puncture wound. It is easily recognizes as an expanding area of redness. It is warm, and tender to touch. As it enlarges, you will eventually develop a fever, and have chills. Swollen lymph glands may appear nearby. This may also develop into the classic "red streak" going up an arm or leg. This is called "lymphangitis," but is a type of cellulitis. The idea is that it is expanding/enlarging, usually quickly, over hours you can see a difference. This is life threatening, and requires antibiotics. It might have been prevented by washing a wound, and applying antibiotic ointment, but now it is too late for that. Systemic antibiotics are necessary. This is usually a type of streptococcus ("strep") infection, similar to what causes strep throat. It is sometimes Staph. The best antibiotic for this is Cephalexin (Keflex), or Clindamycin if you are allergic to Penicillin.3. Sinusitis: You will know you have a sinus infection if you have sinus pressure or pain, discolored drainage, and swollen glands in the neck. Sometimes a fever will be present. Usually Amoxicillin will work for this, Augmentin or Levaquin. If you are allergic to penicillin, then Bactrim is a good choice.4. Bronchitis: This is almost always viral, and does not require antibiotics, unless you have chronic lung disease, or if you are a smoker. In that case, Amoxicillin will work for this, or Augmentin. If you are allergic to penicillin, then Bactrim or Azithromycin is a good choice. 4. Pneumonia: Pneumonia is not easy to diagnose, even for a Medical Doctor without x-rays, but if you have a cough, and fever above 101 degrees F, I would assume it is pneumonia, especially if you are having chest pain or shortness of breath. The best choices here are Levaquin and Azithromycin. If these are not available due to cost, Augmentin or Bactrim will usually work, as will clindamycin.4. Urinary tract infections: (UTIs) The symptoms are painful urination, and the feeling of needing to urinate frequently, and an urgent feeling to urinate. In women, this is usually a bladder infection, and three days of Cipro or Bactrim will usually work. If there is also flank pain, and fever, I would assume it is a kidney infection, and treat with Cipro or Bactrim for two weeks. For men, unless you have some abnormality in your bladder or kidneys, it is almost always a prostate infection (prostatitis). A fever may or may not be present. This requires 30 days of either Bactrim or Cipro. Test strips available o.t.c. (brand: UTI)5. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia: For men, the symptoms are painful urination, and a discharge. Always assume both gonorrhea and chlamydia are present, and treat for both. In Post-shtf, I would try a single dose of Cipro 500mg orally for the gonorrhea, and a week of Doxycycline 100mg twice daily. Resistance to Cipro is being reported, so it is not ideal treatment. If you have Azithromycin, a single oral dose of 1 gram (1000mg) will take care of Chlamydia, so the simplest regimen would be Cipro 500mg orally, and Azithromycin 1000mg orally as a single dose. For women, the symptoms are pelvic pain and discharge (PID), and sometimes fever. Please do not treat this at home unless you have no alternative. This is a serious infection, and it is easy to confuse this with appendicitis, or other serious, life threatening conditions. The only oral regimen recognized for PID is Levaquin 500mg daily for 14 days.6. Boils: These are easily recognized. They are enlarging, painful cysts. Like giant pimples, they usually come to a head eventually, and open and drain pus. The best treatment is to open them, and drain using a scalpel. Do not squeeze them, because if they rupture internally, you have converted a minor thing into a serious thing. It is best to apply heat, and take antibiotics until the boil is "mature." It will come to a head (have a white point in the center) and can be easily drained, or will become fluctuant (mushy feeling) where you can lance it open to drain. The best antibiotic today is Bactrim, as this is almost always a Staph infection, and many are resistant to other antibiotics. These are MRSA Staph infections. Bactrim 2 tabs twice daily for 10 days7. Middle ear infection: The symptom is a painful ear. Sometimes also a fever. It is not always easy to differentiate it from "swimmers ear," which is an infection in the ear canal. If the ear hurts, and there is not obvious swelling and tenderness in the ear canal, I would assume it is a middle ear infection. Amoxicillin, Bactrim, Augmentin, Cephalexin would all work. Neosporin technique in a pinch, use twice daily(can be dangerous, perf ear drum, pain, fluid hearing loss). Use sudafed.8. Swimmers ear: This is the other "earache." The ear hurts, and if you look in the ear canal, and compare with the normal ear, the canal will be obviously swollen, sometimes swollen shut. If you gently wiggle the ear, to put some traction on the ear canal, it will be very tender. Middle ear infections will not be tender. Antibiotic ear drops are needed here. Use sudafed also. If you want to conserve money for supplies, have some antibiotic eye drops on hand. These can be used for eye infections, and will also work in the ear. DO NOT TRY THE REVERSE. DO NOT PUT ANTIBIOTIC EAR DROPS IN THE EYE. IT REALLY HURTS!!!9. Toothache: This is always caused by mouth bacteria. They are always sensitive to penicillin, so penicillin or amoxicillin is best. Clindamycin is a good alternative if you are allergic to penicillin. But of course don't ignore treatment for any underlying cause of the toothache such as abscess/impaction!10. Pink eye: This is usually viral. So cold/warm compresses, and artificial tears will do. If the drainage is especially foul, discolored, then it could be bacterial, and antibiotic eye drops may help. Polytrim ophthalmic solution is inexpensive and should work fine. Ofloxacin is good if it is more severe or does not respond.11. Diarrhea illnesses: These are usually viral infections, and will resolve on their own in a few days if left alone. Just take Imodium, Pepto-Bismol, and drink plenty of fluids. If you are having a lot of abdominal pain with the diarrhea, or are having blood tinged diarrhea, and running a fever, it could be a bacterial infection, so post-shtf, I would try Cipro. This will treat most of the bacterial causes of diarrhea. Remember also, these are usually sanitation failures. So good sanitation, and hand washing are good preventatives.12. Cold sores/ Genital Herpes/Shingles: These are caused by essentially the same virus. They are easily recognized as clustered small blisters, and are very painful. The blisters are easily ruptured, so sometimes all you see are small ulcers. The key thing is that they are very painful. Acyclovir is effective for cold sores on the lip, and genital herpes. Start as early as possible. Alternative remedy, L-Lysine 500mg 4 times daily.13. Influenza: Influenza is usually only seen in the "flu season." It is also easily recognized. It is like a cold on steroids. It is a respiratory illness, causing a cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, muscle aches, and fever. Fever is usually 101 F or higher. One hallmark of influenza is extreme fatigue. If you are not exhausted, you are not likely a "flu" victim. Tamiflu is effective, but must be started within 48 hours of onset of illness to be effective. Alternative remedy, Elderberry (Vira-bloc, Sambucol)14. Animal bites: Animal bites are considered infected from day one. Most Doctors initiate antibiotics immediately. The best thing to try to prevent infection is to thoroughly cleanse the wound. If the wound is open, that is actually better, because you can more easily irrigate copiously with water. Sterile saline is not necessary. If you have clean tap water, that is fine. Use liters of irrigation. Bandage the wound, apply antibiotic ointment, and immediately start antibiotics. Augmentin or doxycycline is usually used because of the bacteria which usually cause the infection.15. Lyme Disease: Tick bite causes a ‘bulls-eye’ rash at site, gets larger over time. Then flu-like symptoms. Single dose of doxycycline right away decreases chance of getting it 87%. If not, then 1 cap twice daily for 3-4 weeks16. Giardia: From drinking bad water. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, excessive foul gas, burping, abd. pain. Usually not fatal. Use flagyl(metronidazole) 500mg twice daily for 14 days. No alcohol!17. Gunshot: Stop bleeding, give basic support. 85% of gunshot wounds, patient survives(under normal conditions). Antibiotic regimen: Cipro or Levaquin twice daily for 7 days. Keflex(cephalexin) 4 times daily for 7 days, Flagyl(metronidazole) twice daily for 7 days.7. General Side effects of Antibiotics-Diarrhea, abd pain, photosensitivity, decreased effect of hormonal meds, kidney issues-Take with food, stay hydrated, follow dosing regimen...8. Where to obtain antibiotics?1. A sympathetic prescriber2. Order overseas3. Vet supply houses (online-) (fish antibiotics)4. Farm bureau/ag center/feed store (more rural areas, some nearby in New Jersey)-Even though meds listed as ‘not for human consumption’ will work fine post-shtf.-Just watch dose! mg/kg/day in divided doses: 1. convert lbs to kg (lbs/2.2). 2. mult total mg by this 3. divide by freq given-Do a Scroogle search under ‘Veterinary supplies/medications’5. Save meds you didn’t finish(pain meds given ‘as needed’)9. Expiration datesThe Department of Defense has conducted their own degradation studies in order to extend the shelf life of the military drug stockpile.For obvious reasons, this [Shelf Life Extension System (SLES)] data is closely guarded, so we don’t know the specifics.A few details have leaked out, and it seems that most drugs are “good” (meaning within a reasonable range of their original potency – usually 90%) for years (at least 5) beyond the labeled expiration date when stored appropriately. For most tablets and capsules, cooler, darker, and dryer is better (low oxygen is also good). I would suggest that you ask your pharmacist to add the manufacturer’s expiration date to your pill bottle for a frame of reference. Many pharmacy computer systems default to one year from the fill date on the prescription label, irrespective of the actual date on the stock bottle. (State Drug Law).Most will just lose some potency over time not degrade into something harmful!- (tetra/doxy cycline issue)10. Preventative -Stay in good health so you don’t need supply of maintenance meds-Don’t do ‘American way’ of getting a heart attack or diabetes to start living healthier. Like waiting till engine locks to change oil!-Stay off ‘meds of the week’-Stay hydrated -Basics: Make legit lifestyle changes: Proper diet, exercise, stop smoking, moderate alcohol use, quality sleep-Immune system decreases with stress and poor sleep! Do your best to get it…-Vitamins (D, C, B-complex, multi-vit)-D, bone health, anti-cancer, immune benefits (Less sunlight? movie The Road’)-C, scurvy, immune health-B, energy production, nervous system health-Multi-vit, compensate for deficiencies in stored food-Bug spray- DEET for skin, Permethrin for gear/clothes-B vitamins?-Sunscreen-Keep feet dry and skin from cracking-Sanitation, bathing, hand washing (esp post-shtf) (resp. for 35 out of 40 years of life extension from early 1900s)-Clean/scrub, irrigate and treat even simple wounds-Sexual protection-Dental hygiene-Vaccinations (tetanus)11. Some Herbal/Alternative options:Echinacea - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. Although it is often used for normal flu, research shows that it may increase the chance of cytokine storms for H5N1. (Pubmed PMID 15556647, 9568541) Echinacea can be grown locally (coneflower)Garlic (allicin) - Very effective antiviral. Best if fresh (raw) and crushed. Must be consumed within 1 hour of crushing. Dosage is initially 2 to 3 cloves per day but later reduce until no body odour occurs. No toxic effects noted. (Pubmed PMID 9049657)Green Tea-(possible Tamiflu/Relenza alternative)- Very effective antiviral. Also decreases the production of the cytokine (catechins) TNF-a. Inhibits neuraminidase. May have antiviral activity that is equal to other antivirals such as Tamiflu. (Pubmed PMID 16137775)Colloidal silver-has been successfully used for over a century as a powerful antibiotic and is known to kill over 650 disease organisms. Many organisms live for only a few minutes in the presence of silver.Elderberry juice (Sambucol, Vira-bloc) - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. This substance is very effective against the common flu but may not be desirable for the H5N1 virus. Increases in these cytokines may trigger a lethal cytokine storm. (Isr Med Journal2002 Nov;4:944-6)A tree which can be grown locallyHoney-Researchers at the Waikato University in New Zealand have discovered the remarkable ability of honey as an antibacterial agent. Honey may be applied full strength or diluted as much as 10:1 and will completely halt the growth of all the major wound-infecting species of bacteria. They also found that honey was, in some cases, superior to antibiotics in dealing with drug-resistant strains of bacteria. Use for bites, stings, cuts or any topical infection.Tea tree oil-is an exceptional natural antibiotic. Tea tree oil, derived from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, contains antiseptic compounds that are a very effective skin disinfectant. Depending on severity, use 5-15% solutions daily. It has proven beneficial in treating acne, athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch, fungal infections of the toenail or fingernails, yeast infections, wound healing and bad breath, among others. For wound cleansing or a douche for yeast infections, make a 10% solution (about 1? tablespoons to a cup of warm water). Make sure the product label says it is 100% pure tea tree oil.Valerian 500mg- For sleep, 2 caps 1 hour prior to bedtime. Bad smelling herbSugar- Wounds packed with it and changed regularly, good antibacterial/wound healing effectOpium Poppy- Is it possible to cultivate and use extract as a pain med? Books available…12. ReferencesWebsites: –all types of survival info with good medical posts- good drug info, side effects, interactions, etcBooks: (they’re EMP proof!)‘Where there is no Doctor’ also ‘dentist’ by Hesperian Foundation(free download)‘Do it yourself medicine’ by Ragnar Benson‘Wilderness Medicine’ by Dr. Forgey‘Drug Information Handbook’ by Lexi-comp‘Physican’s Drug Handbook’ by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins(publ.)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFirst Aid and Emergency MedicalI. The “ABCDE’s of first aid”II. Specific conditions a. Bleedingb. Burnsc. Fracturesd. Shocke. Gunshot woundsIII. Resources for self-education*Remember: Don’t become a second victim! What will kill the patient first?I. The ABCDE of first aid*The Rule of Three’s: Three minutes without oxygen; Three hours without shelter; Three days without water; Three weeks without fooda. Airway i. YELL: Are you okay?ii. Log roll onto backiii. Look/listen for breathingiv. Head tilt/chin lift to clear airway (is there any obstruction?)b. Breathingi. Give 2 breathes then 30 fast, deep compressions – lock elbows, compress chest 1 ? - 2 inches downii. Continue cycle for 15-30 minutesc. Circulationi. Check for pulse – use pointer and middle finger, place on carotid (on side of neck), hold for 10 secondsii. Look for signs of bleeding (more details below)d. Disabilityi. Purpose: Keep head, neck, and spine stable (as little movement as possible)ii. Assume spinal injury, especially if violent trauma or fall – signs include numbness in limbs, altered consciousness, neck/back painiii. Improvised cervical collar – sleeping pad, ground pad, etc. then wrap with ace bandage iv. If you must move patient – log roll method OR synchronous movement (lift/lower all at once with as much help as possible)e. Environmenti. Majority of wilderness deaths are due to hypothermiaii. Keep patient off ground – ground pad, blanket…anything that will help stabilize body temperatureII. Specific Conditionsa. Bleedingi. Find source of bleedii. Cut away clothingiii. Well-aimed, direct pressureiv. Elevation – if feasiblev. Pressure dressing – keep applying on top of first dressing, even if soaks through Do not pull base dressing off !!b. Burns* Remove burned clothing/jewelry first!i. 1st Degree – painful red WITHOUT blisters (i.e. sunburn)1. Treat with cold water irrigation2. Apply aloe vera gel or honey dressing3. Lightly bandage with sterile dressing4. Ibuprofen for pain/swellingii. 2nd Degree – painful red WITH blisters1. Do NOT pop blisters2. Treat same as 1st degree burn, but may lightly apply antibiotic ointmentiii. 3rd Degree – grey-black skin, may not hurt1. Treat same as above, but monitor patient for signs of shock2. Antibiotic prophylaxis if feasiblec. Fracturesi. Definition – any break of crack in a boneii. If not sure, assume fracture – signs include deformity, pain, inability to use limb, grinding iii. Stable vs. Unstable1. Stable – no deformity, swells SLOWLY, full range of motion, circulation okay, no numbnessa. Treat with R.I.C.E.*2. Unstable – obvious deformity, rapid swelling, limited ROM, extreme pain, decreased circulation, apparent numbnessa. Immobilize joints above and below fractureb. If “open” (coming through skin), will also need to water irrigatec. Pull traction along line of boned. Apply splint before releasing tractione. Cover wound with sterile dressing and bandagef. Antibiotic prophylaxis if feasibled. Shocki. Definition: Lack of oxygenated blood to tissuesii. Common causes – bleeding, dehydration, diarrhea, etc.iii. Signs/symptoms – pale, cool, clammy skin with rapid and/or weak pulse/breathing, anxiety, nauseaiv. Treatment1. Treat underlying cause!2. Maintain body temperature – protect from excess heat/cold3. Elevate legs 8-10 inches4. Consider fluids if patient is coherent and can tolerate e. Gunshot Woundsi. Treatment1. ABCDE’s of first aid2. If injury is in chest – possibly an “open" (sucking) chest wounda. Signs/symptoms - painful breathing, sucking/crackling sound with inhalation, bubbles at wound site with exhalation, bubbles felt on chest wall near the injuryb. Treatment i. Seal opening immediately with any air-tight substance (zip-lock bag, saran wrap, vaseline/honey on gauze pad) taped on three sides, to give a “flutter-valve” effect3. Pressure and elevation to prevent bleeding4. Monitor for shock5. Antibiotic prophylaxis if feasibleIII. Resources for self-educationa. Booksi. “Wilderness Medicine” by Tod Schimelpfenig (same title also written by William Forgey)ii. “A Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness & Travel Medicine” by Eric Weiss, M.D.iii. “Where There Is No Doctor” by Hesperian Foundationb. Websitesi. Scroogle/Youtube “first aid” or “first aid kits” for videos on training and suppliesii. – general survival info and lots of medical infoiii. downloads/AMFinal2.pdf (‘Survival and Austere Medicine: An Introduction”)c. Coursesi. Red Cross ii. Wilderness Safety Council – iii. Medical Corps at * RICE is a treatment method for soft tissue injuries which is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. When used appropriately, recovery duration is usually shortened and discomfort minimized. RICE is considered a first-aid treatment, rather than a cure for soft tissue injuries. The aim is to manage discomfort and internal bleeding ................
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