INFORMAŢII Petrescu Bogdan Mircea


Petrescu Bogdan Mircea

Pregtire profesional 2000-2006, Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie "Carol Davila" Bucureti, Facultatea Medicin General , Licenta 2006 2013 Medic specialist psihiatru 2017 Medic primar psihiatru Funcii ocupate 2017- prezent , Medic primar psihiatru Spitalul Universitar de Urgen Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2013-2017 Medic specialist psihiatru Spitalul Universitar de Urgen Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila",Bucuresti, 2012-2013 Medic rezident psihiatru Spitalul Universitar de Urgen Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila" Bucuresti 2011-2012 Medic rezident psihiatru Little Book Hospital ,Dartford, Kent and Medway nhs trust, Anglia Assertive Outreach Team, Derby, Derbyshire health care foundation NHS trust, Anglia 2010-2011 Medic rezident psihiatru Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie "Al Obregia" Bucuresti 2009-2010 Medic rezident psihiatru Spitalul Universitar de Urgen Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila" Bucuresti 2007-2008 Medic rezident psihiatru Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie "Al Obregia" Bucuresti 2006-2007 Medic rezident medicina de familie Spitalul Universitar de Urgen Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila" Bucuresti


Participri la congrese naionale i internaionale cu tematic medicala - Exercitiul Multinational "medceur / rescue" ? Septembrie 2005 Tbilisi, Georgia; - Conferinta Nationala de Medicina de Familie? Martie 2007 Bucuresti - Al 8lea congres national de medicina interna, Aprilie 2007 Calimanesti - Caciulata Al 9lea congres national de medicina interna, Aprilie 2008 Calimanesti Caciulata - Simpozionul "Directii in psihiatria comunitara " Mai 2008 Timisoara Curs de hipnoza clinica psihoterapie Ericksoniana 2008 - Conferinta International de Psihiatrie romano-ungara, iunie 2008 Miercurea Ciuc Conferinta Nationala de psihiatrie biologica and psihofarmacologie Martie 2010 Craiova

"Zilele Spitalului Universitar de Urgenta Militar Central", septembrie 2014 Bucuresti - 27th ECNP Congress, 18-21 October 2014, Berlin, Germany

"Zilele Spitalului Universitar de Urgenta Militar Central", septembrie 2015 Bucuresti - 28th ECNP Congress, 29 August-1 September 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 1st Eastern European Conference Of Mental Ealth "In And Out Of Your Mind", Galati 2017 - Central European Schizophrenia Meeting, 29-30 Jun 2018 Bucharest - 31st ECNP Congress, 6-9 October 2018, Barcelona, Spain - 32nd ECNP Congress 7-10 september 2019, Copenhaga

Studii publicate ?n rezumat ?n reviste i volume ale unor manifestri tiinifice cu ISBN/ISSN 18th European congress of psychiatry, February 27-march 2, 2010, Munich, Germany: - Quality of life improvement through depression treatment in oncologic patients ? Vasile D.,Vasiliu O., Vasile M.l. , Mangalagiu A G, Stanescu B, Petrescu B, Nastase D.M-The


influence of the conflicting paradigms over the prognosis in major depressive disorder Vasile D.,Vasiliu O., Vasile M.l., Mangalagiu A.G., Badescu E., Petrescu B.M., Bogdan V.

- The efficacy of psychopharmacologic treatement in depressive disorder associated with parkinson's disease dementia - Vasile D,Vasiliu O., Vasile M. , Mangalagiu A G., Stanescu B., Petrescu B.M.., Bogdan V.

- Adressing self ?image distortions as a core feature in the alcohol dependence psychotherapeutic approach - Vasile D,Vasiliu O., Vasile M. , Mangalagiu A G., Badescu E, Terpan M., Petrescu B.M., Bogdan V

Vasile D, Vasiliu O, Tudor C, Vasile ML, Grigorescu G, Bogdan V, Terpan M, Mangalagiu AG, Petrescu MB, Ojog D. Galantamine switch in donepezil non-responsive patients with early-onset Alzheimer dementia. Proceedings of the XXVII CINP Congress. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;13:141

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, ML Vasile, M. Terpan, A. Mangalagiu, V. Bogdan, D. Ojog, MB Petrescu, I Paraico. Influences between defense mechanisms and antidepressants on the therapeutic compliance in major depressive disorder. Proceedings of the 23rd ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;20:S343-S344

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, ML Vasile, M. Terpan, G. Grigorescu, V. Bogdan, A. Mangalagiu, MB Petrescu, D. Ojog. Comparative efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors in dementia associated with Parkinson's disease. Proceedings of the 23rd ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;20:S553-S554.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, N.F.Taina, A.G.Mangalagiu, B. Petrescu, M.Blandu, D.G.Ojog. Quality of life assessment in colon malignant tumors asssociated depression during trazodone treatment. 13th International Congress of the Romanian Society of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Clinical Toxicology, 2012. Abstract Book p.1292. ,D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, AG Mangalagiu, C.Tudor, D.Ungureanu, BM Petrescu, V. Bogdan, G. Grigorescu, M. Blandu .Diagnosticul multiaxial ?n tulburrile somatoforme


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Tudor, A.G. Mangalagiu, B.M. Petrescu, G.A. Sopterean, R.E. Bratu. Pharmacological management of alcohol dependence in chronic schizophrenia. 26th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;23(Suppl.2):S42983. Vasile D, Vasiliu O, Mangalagiu AG, Petrescu BM .Characteristics of the antipsychotic switch to amisulpride in schizophrenia in Romanian practice- a multicentric, retrospective data collection (SWITCH study) ,21st European Congress of Psychiatry European Psychiatry 2013;28(1):1125

Vasile D, Vasiliu O, Mangalagiu AG, Petrescu BM. A multicentric, retrospective data collection from patients diagnosed with schizophrenia switched to Solian ? in Romanian practice- SWITCH study,21st European Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2013;28(1):112487.

Vasile D, Vasiliu O, Tudor C, Mangalagiu AG, Petrescu BM, Sopterean GA, Bratu RE. Pharmacological management of alcohol dependence in chronic schizophrenia.26th ECNP Congress .European Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;23(Suppl.2):S429

B Petrescu ,C Candea, A Mangalagiu, O Vasiliu, Conf Dr D Vasile, C Tudor, D Ungureanu -Psychopharmachology chalanges in old age patients with major depressive disorder-1st national medical military conference ,21-24 Oct 2013 ,Bucharest

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, B.M.Petrescu, N.F.bined naltrexone and cognitive therapy in binge drinking patients with cluster B personality features. P-17-014. 11th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2013.

Case Presentation Zypadhera forum ,Poiana Brasov , 25-27 Oct 2013 D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.B.Petrescu.Efficacy of rivastigmine patch in mixed severe neurocognitive disorders Zilele Spitalului Universitar de Urgen Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila", 2014

B.Petrescu, D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Tudor, A.Mangalagiu, D.Ungureanu. SSRI dose escalation versus duloxetine in treatment of major depressive disorder not responding to initial SSRI. Abstracts of the 27th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology



B.Petrescu, D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, C.Tudor, D.Ungureanu. A comparative prospective study of agomelatine versus escitalopram in treatment of severe major depressive disorder. P.2.f.009. Abstracts of the 28th ECNP 2015. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2015;25(Suppl.2):S439

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, A.G.Mangalagiu, B.M.Petrescu, C.Tudor, C.Candea, R.E. BazacBratu, F.T.Androne, A.F.Alboaie, M.Patrascu, E.A.Patrascu.Improving treatment adherence in schizophrenia diagnosed patients by using long acting injectable antipsychotics .Carol Davila University Central Emergency Military Hospital Scientific Days, 6th Ed. Romanian Journal of Military Medicine 2016; vol.CXIX(Suppl.):5

D Vasile, O Vasiliu, Bogdan Mircea Petrescu, Alin Mihai Badic, Andrei Gabriel Mangalagiu, Corina Tudor, Cristian Alexandru C?ndea, New Pharmacological Approaches In Obesity, A X a Conferinta Nationala de Psihiatrie Biologica si Psihofarmacologie Craiova , Martie 2017 D Vasile, O Vasiliu, C C?ndea, B Petrescu, A Badic, C Tudor, A Mangalagiu ,Quality Of Life Assessment During Pharmacological Treatmentin Patients With Schizophrenia, A X a Conferinta Nationala de Psihiatrie Biologica si Psihofarmacologie Craiova , Martie 2017 D Vasile, O Vasiliu, B Petrescu, C C?ndea, F Androne, A Fainarea, M Ptracu, E Morariu .Recommendations For Long Acting Injectable Atypical Antipsychotics In Patients With Schizophrenia, A X a Conferinta Nationala de Psihiatrie Biologica si Psihofarmacologie Craiova , Martie 2017 O Vasiliu, D Vasile, A Badic, B Petrescu, C C?ndea, Personalised Medicine And Psychopharmacogenomics, A X a Conferinta Nationala de Psihiatrie Biologica si Psihofarmacologie Craiova, Martie 2017 Octavian Vasiliu, Daniel Vasile, Bogdan Mircea Petrescu, Alin Mihai Badic, Cristian Alexandru C?ndea,Augmenting. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors In Case Of Partial Response In Patients With Major Depressive Disorder, A X a Conferinta Nationala



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