HEALING CANCER (or any other Chronic Disease) – 10 POINTS – Revision 16

Faith in God and a Strong Immune System Fights off Disease

© October, 2015 – Smiley Papenfus Revival Ministries –

DISCLOSURE: I’m not a doctor. Consult your physician for medical advice. The information below comes from having spent 1,000’s of hours studying and listening to the stories of many cancer survivors who successfully boosted their immune system to reverse cancer long-term (5 to 40 years) by alternative natural healing methods.

NOTE: Charlotte Gerson () – Your body works as a whole. Doctors treat end symptoms with toxic drugs; not the root of the problem. Rather focus on getting the whole body rested, de-stressed, cleansed and overdosed on pure organic nutrition to boost your immune system. A rejuvenated immune system will fight off all end symptoms, giving you back your life, health, strength and energy. What works for cancer works for all chronic diseases!

NB. Use your faith like it all depends on God and eat, drink & live healthy like it all depends on you.

1. Smith Wiggelsworth (1859-1947) – Consume the Word till the Word consumes you.

Confess & mediate on these Healing Scriptures 2-3 times a day – pages 1 & 2 (initially read all pages) – Ctrl/click on… index_files/healing_prosperity_scriptures.htm

Separate yourself everyday to confess the Word, removing all distractions like TV, internet, Facebook, work, etc. Get involved spirit, soul & body, with all your focus, heart and imagination – really get into it, preaching it.

Your goal is to get to the place where your every word, thought, action & imagination are in total agreement with God’s healing covenant.

John 15:7 (NAU) "IF you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

2. Spend the necessary time everyday listening to the series 'God Wants You Well' by Andrew Wommack.

…2014 – Weeks 8-14 – 35 x 22 minute teachings – listen to 5 a day & start over.

Some people have been taught that God has a higher plan for them, which does not include their healing. If one really believed our loving Heavenly Father (Matt 7:11) wants us and our family sick for some unknown mysterious higher purpose, then it would be rebellion to ever go to a doctor or a nutritionist who are trying to get us out of the will of God back into health – that’s insane and in contradiction to the Word of God. Sickness, disease and early death are never the will of God as proven in the ministry of our Lord Jesus who always healed the sick and raised the dead – not once did He leave one sick saying, “It’s not My will to heal you!”

Heb 13:8 (NAU) Jesus Christ {is} the same yesterday and today and forever.

Mal 3:6 (NAU) "For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.

Brother Andrew’s powerful healing series will renew your mind. You will never get healed believing its God’s will for you to suffer with sickness or die prematurely…

Rom 12:2 (NAU) And do not be conformed to this world [wrong thinking], but be transformed by the renewing of your mind [with right Bible thinking], so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [debilitating sickness and early death are neither good, acceptable or perfect].

An early martyr’s death like Stephen’s stoning is very different from an early death caused by sickness.

John Alexander Dowie (1847-1907) – Sickness is the foul offspring of its father satan and its mother sin [also due to an ignorant DIET and ill DISCIPLINE – you are what you eat, drink and do; including unchecked stress, lack of exercise and sufficient peaceful sleep – consistently breaking God’s Law’s has consequences].

Other beneficial teachings by Andrew Wommack that’ll support your faith to receive healing & walk in health…

– Healing Journey’s (13 Powerful Healing Testimonies – overcoming their healing obstacles) – 2011 – Weeks 1-3

– The Believer’s Authority (over the devil and sickness through faith in Jesus) – 2013 – Weeks 1-3

– You’ve Already Got it (learn to receive what God has already given) – 2014 – Weeks 19-24

– Living in the Balance of Grace & Faith (faith appropriating what grace has provided) – 2015 – Weeks 32-35

3. Live in an atmosphere of faith, peace, love & forgiveness.

No fear – full of the Word – full of faith – always walking & talking in full agreement with the Word of God.

Create a stress free environment – promptly remove yourself from any stressful situation.

Have faith & healing scriptures and anointed scripturally sound worship playing for hour’s everyday.

Turn off all negative reports, opinions, voices and TV – whose report are you going to believe?...

Rom 10:16-17 (NAU) However, they did not all heed the good news; for Isaiah says, "LORD, WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT?"

17 So faith {comes} from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ [Christos - anointed, i.e. the Messiah – faith comes from our revelation of the words and finished work of Jesus – all sin and sickness has been paid for 2,000 years ago – we simply need to receive and appropriate it by faith in Jesus name!]

Rom 1:16-17 (NAU) For I am not ashamed of the gospel [almost too good to be true good news], for it is the power of God for salvation [deliverance from enemies, preservation and safety] to everyone who believes….

17 For in it {the} righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith [you started by faith {i.e. received your righteousness by faith} and you continue to know you’re righteous in your born again spirit by faith]; as it is written, "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS {man} SHALL LIVE BY FAITH [enforcing life and God’s blessings by faith]."

Goal: To bring your heart to a place of rest, peace, trust, confidence and intimacy with God.

Heb 4:11 (KJV) Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief [Israel refused to believe God – rebelled against having to trust in Him to face their giants to enter into their Promised Land – let’s not follow their bad example – let’s put on the full Armor {for war} of God, picking up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit {the Word of God daily coming out of your mouth} and FIGHT this good FIGHT of faith to win in Jesus name!]

1 Tim 6:12 (NAU) FIGHT the good fight of faith…to which you were called, and you made the good confession...

Laboring to enter into rest is diligently consuming the Word till the Word has consumed all your doubts and fears that your heart may be at peace (even though your circumstances may still be raging). Healing comes to those who refuse to take “NO” for an answer [you’re not trying to persuade God – Jesus already paid for and purchased your healing over 2,000 years ago – He wants you well. The thief of our health is the adversary, the devil – exercise your God given authority over him in Jesus name – John 10:10; James 4:7; 1Peter 5:8-9; Eph 4:27].

Healing comes from the inside out – from a heart where faith, confidence, peace and rest are reigning.

4. Mild exercise, fresh air & sunshine.

Go for a relaxing 20-30 minute fresh air [no or low traffic] and sunshine walk once or twice a day – expose as much skin as you can to the sun – moderate sunshine is a cancer fighting natural source of vitamin D. Early morning & late afternoon sunshine are excellent for your health. This light exercise has been proven to fight & reduce the risk of cancer. Walking with a calm dog can enhance your relaxation, plus your dog will keep you on schedule. People who walk dogs generally live longer, because they’re more disciplined to walk and get the benefits from it. Experience your dog’s UNCONDITIONAL love – God’s UNCONDITIONAL love and desire for your wellbeing is far greater than you will ever realize (John 3:15-18, 1John 4:15-18, 3John 1:3). Pray and meditate on the Word while walking.


5. Fully educate yourself on the highly successful (more than 80% alive after 5 years) alternative natural healing solutions vs highly unsuccessful (less than 3% alive after 5 years) medical poisoning of your body with toxic drugs (chemotherapy & radiation) – however, each person must do what’s right in their own heart, but make sure your heart is responding in faith and not to fear & intimidation.

The cure for cancer has been known since the mid 1940’s – it’s a strong, healthy immune system – everyone has cancer cells prowling in their body – a healthy immune system is constantly destroying them. Rest, peace, faith, joy & OVERDOSING on pure organic nutrition will boost your immune system. Poisonous drugs will without doubt suppress, weaken & ultimately destroy your immune [God’s self healing] system – the exact opposite of what your body needs – our God-given common sense concurs. Spend 1-2 hours a day listening to (i) a ‘Survivor Story’ and (ii) a nutritional educational video, all listed on the bottom half of this web-page – Ctrl/click on… index_files/healing_prosperity_scriptures.htm

…yes FIGHTING the good fight of faith (1Tim 6:12) for your health can be a full time job (don’t approach it casually), but you’ll come out victorious, transformed and much stronger for it.

6. Daily drink 5-8 glasses of PURE Alkaline Water everyday between meals (NOT R/O {reverse osmosis} water – its mineral deficient). Never drink anything with a meal – when you sit down to eat you should already be fully hydrated. You must NOT dilute your stomach’s digestive acids by drinking with a meal – Ctrl/click on...

…PageDn to point 5.

Adding a touch of Baking Soda and/or lemon juice to your water makes it even more alkaline to fight cancer.

This live blood test demonstrates the power of Alkaline Water transforming ones blood back to health – Ctrl/click on…

The Bible says, ‘The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood’ (Lev 17:11) – healthy alkaline blood brings life to your cells, nursing them back to health for a healthy body – also fighting off disease at every level.

Those who’re drinking several glasses of fresh organic vegetable juice a day [point 10] may only be able to drink 3 glasses of Alkaline Water a day – that’s fine as all the vegetable juice is alkaline too.

7. Avoid acidic foods –only eat alkaline foods till you’re well again. Once you’re well allow (no more than 20%) acidic foods back into your diet – Ctrl/click on…

…(no viruses) color print this CHART.

8. Do NOT eat cancer causing foods – DO eat cancer fighting foods – Ctrl/click on…

...& PageDn.

9. Eat cancer fighting POWER foods and take cancer fighting SUPPLEMENTS…

Daily consume vitamin B-17 (which is actually not a vitamin) – it’s cancer killing Laetrile. Eat 3to7 bitter apricot kernels 3 times a day before meals & 1 Granny Smith apple in the morning, including the core & pips, which also contain vitamin B-17 (an organic apple a day keeps the doctor away). Rural farming communities in Asia that grow, harvest and eat apricot kernels everyday have a zero rate of cancer – those who leave to join the Western world’s bad diet get cancer at the same rate as everyone else.

This educational vitamin B-17 documentary is a MUST SEE – “A World Without Cancer” – Ctrl/click on…

Here’s another excellent documentary, “Cancer, The Forbidden Cures” – because there are no profits for the pharmaceutical companies. This history of the suppression of natural cures is criminal – Ctrl/click on…

Eat an anti-cancer salad everyday – Ctrl/click on…

Turmeric root fights the cancer cell in all 7 stages of its development (available from your local Indian Store). Juice, blend or cook with it.

Shop for supplements at (efficient & economical – I have zero invested interest in this company – I just like buying quality products for less money).

Search by supplied item numbers ( Vitamin D fights cancer – 75740; Echinacea boosts your immune system – 49155; Odorless garlic is nature’s antibiotic – take 3to7 tiny softgels 3 times a day – 64046; Grapefruit seed extract fights cancer – 51461; Oregano oil fights for your overall health – take 1to3 tiny softgels 3 times a day – 64049; Selenium fights cancer – 53941; Turmeric curcumin is a potent cancer fighting anti-oxidant – 63223; Black pepper fruit extract greatly increases the absorption of turmeric curcumin – 78713.

10. [Item 10 is a 10 in fighting cancer]. Drink a glass of freshly juiced organic vegetables 1to7 times a day (90% vegetables – fruit has too much sugar, which feeds cancer). The goal is to overload your body with pure nutrition. Juice mostly Carrots, a Granny Smith Apple with the core & pips (or ½ a large apple), Kale, Swiss chard, Ginger root, Turmeric root, Lemon, Cucumber, Celery, Mixed Berries which are a potent anti-oxidant & Aloe Vera juice or harvested pulp (blend the latter into your ready made juice).

CAUTION: This amount of juicing can detoxify your body so fast (which you want to do), but your liver and kidney’s won’t be able to keep up with getting the junk and poison out of your body fast enough, which could create a huge health problem. Listen to Dr. Patrick Vickers on the amazing solution – regular coffee enema’s (but not your ordinary store coffee) – Ctrl/click on…

Coffee enema kit – do it right for optimum results – Ctrl/click on…


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Tip: Save time and make the coffee with a Keurig machine.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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