Orston Village


Minutes of meeting held on 7th July 2016

Present Cllrs S Oates (Chair), S Creedy, W Gunn, N Hammond, S Davidson, P Henson

In attendance: Cllr Pell, the parish clerk M Rogers, 2 members of the public

1. Apologies: Cllr T Benton

2. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Gunn – planning application 16/01496/FUL

3. Minutes from the meeting held in June were accepted as a correct record + signed by the Chair with an amendment on location detail relating to footpath 3.

4. Matters Arising

The clerk's update on actions taken since the last meeting was received by councillors:

Community Road Safety: No further training events organised at the time of writing.

OPC's visit to the Girl Guiding Premises on 8th June:

Cllr Oates, Cllr Creedy & the clerk attended. Cllr Oates ascertained that the managers of the site would not have any objection to the installation of a gate at the end of Lombard Street to deter unauthorised motor vehicles being driven down the bridle path.

Bridleway – Lombard Street:

Correspondence from Rights of Way Officer Jane Baines + District Highways Manager Kendra Hourd had been received.

OPC agreed that the sign at the start of the bridle path - indicating unauthorised motorists shouldn't be going down there - needs replacing as it isn't very visible. The clerk to inform Jane Baines.

The clerk will also reply to Kendra Hourd that OPC feels people do mistake their way so further signage would be beneficial – if Highways do not want to supply a sign; a cul de sac street name plate from RBC can be applied for.

RBC Town & Parish Conference on 10th June:

No parish councillors could attend but information about the event is available to anyone interested.

National Salary Award from April 2016: Small increase in the scales of paying local council employees has been worked out for the clerk's salary which takes it to £201.50 a month. This month the increase for April & May has been added in too; hence the one off £205.40 figure.

Footpath 3: Cllr Benton reported last meeting that the path which runs from Mill Lane to Church Street – there is an electric fence without a gap. There should be a gap left for the path. NCC Rights of Way Officer has been contacted by the clerk.

The pumping station at the bottom of Chapel Street: the clerk is to compose a letter on behalf of OPC to thank STW for their quick response to a recent blockage. The letter will also say that in the interests of keeping residents informed and understanding; it would be apt to have an explanation as to what had caused the problem recently.

Emergency Plan for the council year 1st April 2016 - 31st March 2017 is in progress.

The village website:

The clerk contacted editor Mr David Standard. Cllr Oates & the clerk edit the parish council pages - Mr Standard was happy to accept the offer of help with the site generally. The clerk can do further 'tidying up' in August when there is no p c meeting.

5. Public Meeting

Mr Kenneth Healy, of J Murphy & Sons Ltd, contractors to Network Rail, explained that for work to be undertaken on the railway bridge; users of the bridle path which starts at the end of Lombard Street and goes towards Whatton will be unable to pass under the bridge from 19th September until 16th December.

The works timetable could be extended depending on progress and weather conditions. Access to the site of work will be from roads outside of Orston.

Mr Healy will keep the parish council informed. Orston villagers to be notified nearer the time through the bulletin. Signs will go up at each end of the path network.

6. Correspondence

(a) The chairman read out Cllr Pell's invite to a Parish Council Cluster Session on Planning which she has organised to be held on Wednesday 20th July for parish councillors + clerks in her ward and the neighbouring wards of Cranmer and Oak. It is to be held at Orston Village Hall. No payment for hall hire required, Orston parish councillors felt, as OPC gives the village hall a lump sum each year on the understanding room hire for parish council related business is included.

(b) Invite to Cllr Suthers memorial service in Bingham on Friday 8th July.

(c) Best Kept Village Competition: – Orston is not through to the next round. Reasons why + advice for the future will be sent out after the winning village in each category is declared.

(d) Notice of an election from RBC – Bingham division county councillor to replace Cllr Suthers who passed away in May. There will be a vote on Thursday 4th August. Details on the p c notice-board.

(e) Letter from Aslockton Parish Council re the planning application on Cliffhill Lane - expressing disappointment that OPC had not commented. Cllr Davidson had submitted a view himself as an individual; he offered to compose a reply to circulate for agreement of the whole council then send this via the clerk to APC before their next meeting.

(f) Notice of the Outlaw Annual Triathlon on Sunday 24th July. Information on the p c notice-board.

(g) Thank you letter from Mrs Fiona Gullis of Orston Produce Show for continued parish council financial support of this annual village event.

(h) Letter from Mrs Lyn Churcher of the Orston Produce Show. Mrs Churcher said including in the Produce Show an exhibition showing photos of recent village events was not advisable for several reasons. The principle of displaying Orston events photos, supplied by the new village photographer, Mr Lionel Reyes, parish councillors agreed is a good one and alternative opportunities will be explored.

7. Planning

16/01390/FUL Applicant Mr Richard Bowden. Single storey side extension, Pipers Croft, 5 Hill Top. No objections.

16/01496/FUL Applicant Mr & Mrs W Gunn. Change of use of existing stable buildings to two dwellings including aleration + extensions, associated access, parking & garden areas. Dovecote Farm, Church Street. No objections.

16/01483/FUL Dr E Lee & Mr D Morris, Single storey extension; retrospective consent for the removal of chimney breasts + replacement of windows & doors; refurbisments to garage; internal work. No objections.

16/01653/FUL Mr & Mrs D Morris, Construction of a garage + external store, Mulberry House, High Street. No objections but comment to be made: “Mulberry house and its garden should be brought within the Orston Conservation area at the next review of the Conservation Area boundary.

Planning permission granted to:

16/00088/CONARE felling of mixed species trees + remove lower limb from a horse chesnut at the Old Vine Yard.

16/00582/FUL Erection of four 15m high floodlights around the main football pitch at Orston Recreation Ground.

To note: Poultry Units at Staunton-in-the-Vale Application was refused at NSDC development control committee.

8. Finance

The following payments were agreed by all councillors present:

03/06/16 - reimbursement to Mr T Churcher for village plant purchases £43.25

03/06/16 – reimbursements to Cllr Oates for bulletin printing costs £37.00

For payment:

All councillors agreed the following:

Clerk's June salary + arrears from April & may (due to increase in national pay rates) £205.40

Clerk's quarterly Working From Home Allowance £25.00

Mowing contractor £170.00

Petrol for use in village mowing/strimming £39.00

Street-party/Queen's birthday celebrations – reimbursement to Cllr Gunn £356.34

June statement of accounts for approval. Proposer: Cllr Oates, Seconder: Cllr Henson

9. Councillors Reports

Cllr Creedy

Asked fellow councillors to look out the litter-pickers: Cllr Creedy has found an area within the village which needs some litter picking.

Cllr Davidson

The first quarterly report on the SLC Fund backed information panel project has been sent in to NCC.

Initially a blank board with a temporary design will be installed so that the project can get underway (the promised NCC funding is available for only a limited time).

Cllr Davidson continues to approach local historians, village groups (such as the art group and Orston Garden Club) + the primary school in developing ideas. He has identified the areas of work this community project will involve and is keen to hear from would be volunteers

Part of the purpose of the panel in future is that it that it will be an Orston History Gateway – indicating where interested members of the public can go to find out more with links to the village website.

OPC is in favour of these proposals and gave Cllr Davidson the go-ahead to order the blank board.

Cllr Gunn

Requested, with agreement from other councillors, that a letter be sent to NCC's Highways Officer Jo Wilkinson to protest at the cost of closing the road for the street-party. An excessive number of staff turned up to put out and take away the cones/signs.

Had received many thank you letters in connection to the June 12th street-party.

Reminded the council again about the increased farm traffic down Lombard Street & generally – residents should be patient and understand it is the time of year for more activity than usual. This will be mentioned in the July bulletin.

The silage bales will be wrapped in pink this year as the farmers are raising money for breast cancer.

Thank you to Cllr Hammond for all his commitment to village life – he is a school governor; village hall secretary + treasure; parish councillor; involved in the recreation ground project etc – and attends many meetings!

Cllr Hammond

The village hall committee are focusing on trying to sort out the roof issue. The asbestos in the roof is a problem. The cost could ultimately be up to £100k. The committee is trying to build up a reserve despite there being restrictions on doing this because the trust is regulated by the Charity Commission.

Cllr Henson

The Orston Art Club are keen to get involved with the SLC Fund information panel and will hold an internal competition as to who will provide material. He will talk to the Art Club about totting up hours to be included in the quarterly project reports Cllr Davidson is compiling.

Smite Lane – the condition of this road is very poor still despite some workers 'patching up' the road earlier in the spring. Councillors agreed - clerk to contact Highways.

The Union Jack flags need to come down now the Queen's Birthday is over – Cllr Gunn will action.

The Green seems cluttered with various notice-boards, pub A boards etc.

Orston's annual entry into the Best Kept Village Competition needs some thought next year. Either the whole village is on board or perhaps a couple of years of not entering is required. Councillors agreed the weeds in gutters and kerbs around the village could have been noticed by the judges this June.

Cllr Benton (via Cllr Oates & the clerk)

(a) A proposed new footpath leaflet was distributed on Cllr Benton's behalf. OPC agreed Cllr Benton could start collecting quotes for publication but there were a number of comments made on how the existing design and format could be improved:

Cllr Pell noted that the colour coded key does not correspond with the black dashed lines marking the different types of path on the map of the Orston area. She suggested another key be inserted in the space on the left of the sheet for clarity. Dashed line = footpath, solid line with bars across = bridle way, solid line with "v" s on (Longhedge Lane) = byway.

Cllr Pell also noted that Shelton footpath 3 is marked correctly as a footpath on the east of the Smite but the path running along the west of the river should be marked as a bridle way, not footpath. Footpath 13 may also not be correctly represented.

Cllr Pell suggested there could be more detail relating to amenities such as the pub for the information of visitors to the area.

Other comments focused on making the leaflet easier to read with increased font size; maybe putting the paths in colour. Cllr Oates noted a spelling mistake.

(b) Altercation between a villager (Mr John Tomlinson) and a farmer regarding the spraying of crops on June 6th: Cllr Benton has reported the matter to NCC Rights of Way Officer Jane Baines.

Cllr Oates

Thanks to Lyn Churcher for arranging the recent featuring of Orston's Phone Box on the BBC.

Mentioned that she had been asked to ensure there are signs available to put out to warn when the contractor is grass cutting. Cllr Gunn will provide these.

Cllr Oates summarised the bulletin content for July.

The clerk had drawn Cllr Oates attention to comments from a resident posted on the parish council web-page. This was a complaint about the heavy lorries passing through the centre of the village during the Smite Lane Poultry Farm construction. Councillors said that there is no weight limit for construction traffic. Cllr Pell had responded to the resident, Mr Richard Bowden.

11. Next meeting: 8pm - Thursday 1st September 2016 in the village hall.

The July meeting closed at 10pm.

M Rogers July 2016


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