KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA AFS,AVADI,CHENNAI-55ENGLISH Class: II QUESTION BANK Mr. NobodyFill in the blanks with a, e, i, o, u. he ___ d, ___ rms, l ___ gs, dr ___ ss, h ___ ___ rAdd ‘no’, ‘some’ and ‘every’ to the word body to make new words. _________ body, __________ body, __________ body.IV.Write some words that rhyme with the given words:- 1.fall- ____________4.king- ____________2.met- ____________5.way- ____________ 3. me- ____________6.follow- ____________VRearrange the words to make sentences.1.going / The / sky / is fall / / I / going / to / the / king / tell_______________________________________________________3 .went /They / to / find / king / the_______________________________________________________ VI. Use ‘Mr.’ and ‘Mrs.’: to write more names you know.VII. Answer these.Who is Mr. Nobody?Has anyone ever seen him?Is there a Mr. Nobody in your house?Curly locks and the Three Bearsi. Write the opposite of Small XHard XAsleep XTiny XFast XHot XDay Xii. Write the past tense of go - ______________see- ______________is - ______________eat- ______________come - ______________iii. Circle the odd one :lickbrickticktackkitebitewritebrightpairhairchairstarepenhenpandeniv. Write a few sentences about “My family”------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. Describing words a. A _____ girl.b. a ____ tree.c. A _______ leaf.d. A _______ cottage.e. A ________ porridge.f. A _________ .Fill in the blanks.I ____ with my eyes. (see, sea)In the morning, _____ in the east.(son, sun)I have _____ pencil. (one, won)There are seven days in a _______.(weak, week)vii) Answer these.Who lived in the cottage in the forest?What did Curlylocks see on the table?Why did she eat up all the porridge from Baby Bear’s bowl?Whose bed did Curlylocks sleep in and why?On My Blackboard I can Drawi) Write the past tense of Order- ______________Walked- ______________Smile- ______________Look- ______________Draw- ______________Erase- ______________Start- ______________drink- ______________ii)Write two more rhyming words for the given words :drawclaw_______________________________doorbore_______________________________wideside_______________________________whiteheight_______________________________tallhall_______________________________iii)Write Rhyming words draw- ______________tall- ______________house- ______________white- ______________wide- ______________iv)Write the plural of hero- ______________potato- ______________buffalo- ______________baby- ______________fly- ______________lady- ______________knife- ______________wolf- ______________loaf- ______________v)Answer these?How many windows does the house have in this poem?Where do the marigolds grow?Make it ShorterFill in the blanksa]As busy as __________[bee, see]b]As slow as __________[horse, snail]c]As black as __________[snow, cloud]Choose the correct form of word given in the bracket :Windows ………………………………………….... [shine/shines]I ……………………………………………………….... [sing/sings]The boy ……………………………………………… [jump/jumps]Rajat and Raghu ……………………………………. [writes/write]The mice ……………………………………...… [squeak/squeaks]Girls …………………………………………………… [read/reads]Question and answerWhat did Akbar order one day?What did each minister do?How did Birbal make the line shorter? I am the Music ManMake sentences using words from the table.A farmeractssongsA soldier fliesIn the fieldA singerPlays A uniformAn electrician Wears LightA pilot SingsMusicAn actor repairsA planeA musicianWorks In films________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write the plural of BenchBrushGlassBoxBusTomatoGooseToothFootMouseChildManWomanClassOxDeerFishSheep Answer these.What are the two instruments that the music man can play?Where does the music man come from?The Mumbai MusiciansWrite the opposites of Heavy XOld XBefore XGood XFriend X Inside X2. Fill in with the opposite gender of the underlined word.Aju’s mother and _______ came to the school.My uncle and _____ came to visit us on Monday.The lion and _____ looked lovingly at their cub.The king and _____ sat on beautiful throne.The ________is running and woman is walking.Answer these Why did the farmer tell Goopu to see the world?Why did Goopu, Doopu and Furry want to go to Mumbai?Why did the people in the house run away?Change the singular printed in BOLD to plural in the sentence given below :E.g.,:a]The girl followed the teacher.b]The girls followed the teacher.1.The book is on the table.The ________________ are on the table.2.The mango is ripe.The ________________ are ripe. 3. The brush is in the box.The ________________ are in the box.4. That woman has a child.That ________________ has children. 5.The sheep is eating grass.The ________________are eating grass. I.Fill the blanks with the help of the clues given in brackets1. p __ __ n o ( musical instrument)2. d __ __ m( musical instrument) 3. b r ---- ---- z e (gentle wind)4. t --- ---- ----- y ( good to eat) Granny Granny Please Comb my HairMake new words by joining two words news + paper = ___________some + one = ____________school + bag = ____________every + one = ____________tooth + paste =___________tooth + brush = ___________neck + lace = _____________bath + room = ____________What does the little girl want her Granny to do?What does Granny rub on her hair?Does the little girl love her ‘Granny’?The Magic Porridge PotMatch the words to their meanings:Air - a bad weather with thunder, strong wind and lightning.Wind -a mixture of gases around us that we breathe in.Thunder -fast moving air.Strom -a loud noise that you hear after lightning.Answer theseWhere did Tara go one day?What did the old woman give Tara?What did the magic pot cook?Who said, “Do not cook Pot”?Why was there so much porridge on the road?Strange Talk1.Are these sentences true or false? ? A little green frog said, “Quack-quack.” ( )? A little pig loved to make a row. ( )? A duck only said, “Croak-croak.” ( )? A pig cried aloud, “Wee-wee.” ( )Help Box: alas, oh, wow,hurrah, shh, bow wow2. Choose the correct word from the help boxa. __________________! Cried the dog loudly.b. __________________! The baby is sleeping.c. __________________! Our team has won the match.d. __________________! It is hot.c. __________________! What a dress.e. __________________! She lost her parents.have, what, can , where, what3. Complete the questions with the words in the box given belowa. __________________ is your father’s name?b. __________________ is your home?c. __________________ do you eat?d. __________________ you do this work?c. __________________ you done your homework?The Grasshopper and the AntWrite the missing letter.P__anoLa_yDr__mSuns_ineGras_ shopperA__tFill in (is,are,has,have)Apples__________ red.Sky ______ blue.I _____ a balloon.He _____ a nice pup.How did the grasshopper spend his days?Did the grasshopper find food in winter?What did the ant tell the grasshopper when he asked for food? ................

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