SCENE 1: At Bobbi Jo’s House

PROPS: A cardboard horse stall

CECI: So now that you know that God wants to save you, Bobbi Jo, would you like to pray with me?

BOBBI JO: (disappointed) Oh, I’d love to . . . but I just don’t know if God could forgive someone like me.

CECI: But you’re a real nice girl, Bobbi Jo. Why do you think God would have a hard time forgiving you?

BOBBI JO: Oh, Ceci, you just don’t know the real me. I just act friendly on the outside, but on the inside I’m pretty mean.

CECI: Why do you say that, Bobbi Jo?

BOBBI JO: ‘Cause it’s true. Remember when my horse kicked Gustavo’s bicycle tire? Well, that ol’ horse did more than that . . . he kicked that whole bicycle. And it was all my fault.

CECI: What do you mean?

BOBBI JO: I lied when I said that Bluebell doesn’t like the color red. The truth is that I told Bluebell to kick that bike until it was all broken because I was mad at Gustavo for calling me names.

CECI: (surprised) Wow . . . that was pretty mean. But God still wants you in his family, you know. He still loves you. That’s why Jesus died for you. Want to pray and get saved?



CECI: Doesn’t it feel good to be forgiven?

BOBBI JO: (truly happy) Yeah! But there’s some things that I feel God wants me to do, Ceci.

CECI: All right, Bobbi Jo. See you in school.

BOBBI JO: See you, Ceci.


BOBBI JO: (to Bluebell, who is supposedly inside the horse stall) Hey ol’ girl . . . I got something to tell you. We can’t be smashing kids’ bicycles any more. I don’t think Jesus would approve of that kind of behavior.



SCENE 2: At School

PROPS: Bicycle, old tire

(GUSTAVO, ANNA, and GINA are all center stage)

GUSTAVO: (angry) You know what? Bobbi Jo’s dumb horse did a lot more damage to my bike than just one broken tire. I can’t even ride it any more!

ANNA: I guess that horse doesn’t like the color red.

GUSTAVO: I think there’s more to it than that. She pretends to be all nice and happy all the time, but a lot of my friends have told me that if Bobbi Jo doesn’t like you, she has a way of making her horse smash your bicycle.

GINA: (mocking) Well why wouldn’t she like you, Gustavo? You’re soooo nice!


GINA: No, you’re not! You call Bobbi Jo mean names every day, so it’s no wonder she doesn’t like you.

GUSTAVO: Well it still doesn’t give her the right to smash my bike, does it?

GINA: No, I guess not. That definitely isn’t right.

GUSTAVO: Well, I’m going to do something about it!

GINA: What are you going to do, Gustavo?

GUSTAVO: I’m just going to tell the truth about her, and you guys can help me out. Just tell everyone in this school how mean she is. Then she won’t be able to make any friends at all. Ha! Who wants to help me?

ANNA: I will.

GINA: Well I certainly won’t. If you do that, you’ll ruin her whole school year, Gustavo.

GUSTAVO: Well she ruined my bike, didn’t she?


GUSTAVO: Well, well . . . if it isn’t little miss country girl. But I know the real truth about you! How many times have you been kicked out of school for getting in trouble?

BOBBI JO: I’ve been kicked out of school five times. But I was hoping I could have a fresh start at this school. Sorry about what happened to your bike, Gustavo.

GUSTAVO: Sorry doesn’t make my bike any better you know!

BOBBI JO: I know. That’s why I bought you a new one. I was saving my chores money for some new clothes, but God told me to spend it on a new bike for you.

GUSTAVO: (shocked) You bought me a new bike? Uh . . . thanks, Bobbi Jo.



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