3rd form - Miksike

I Love English. 3rd form. Unit 1. Hello.

|Time |Topic |Grammar |Vocabulary |Everyday English |Learning Skills |

| |Hello! |I’m= I am |I, I’m from England, Estonia, too, |Hello! I’m ... |Introducing yourself. |

| |TB ex 1 TS 1.1 | |Scotland, America, Finland. Hi! |I’m from ... | |

| |ex 2, 3 | | | | |

| |WB ex 1, 2 | | | | |

| |This is Harry. |He is ... |This | |Introducing friends. |

| |TB ex 4 TS 1.2 |She is ... |He/ she (A girl and a boy into | | |

| |ex 5, 6 |This is ... |notebook) | | |

| |WB ex 3, 4, 5 | | | | |

| |Names. |Alphabetical order |Boy, girl, English, names | |Talking about yourself and |

| |TB ex 7 TS 1.3 | | | |friends. |

| |ex 8 TS 1.4 | | | | |

| |ex 9 | | | | |

| |WB ex 6, 7 | | | | |

| |Rhyme. |He/ she |You, and | |Practicing he and she. Playing |

| |TB ex 10 TS 1.5 |To be (am, is) | | |a game. |

| |ex 11, 12 | | | | |

| |WB ex 8, 9 | | | | |

| |Everyday English |He/ she | |Hello! Good morning. Goodbye. |Greeting friends. Listening |

| |TB ex 13, 14 TS 1.6 |Am/ is | |Bye-bye. |task. |

| |WB ex 10, 11 TS 1.7 | | | | |

| |Revision test of unit 1 | | | |Revision for the test. |

3rd form. Unit 2. Family.

|Time |Topic |Grammar |Vocabulary |Everyday English |Learning Skills |

| |Control test. Unit 1. |my |My, dad, friend, Mr, Mrs, dog, cat, | |Reading a dialogue. |

| |My friend. | |that | | |

| |TB ex 1 TS 2.1 | | | | |

| |Ex 2 TS 2.2 | | | | |

| |WB 1, 5, 4 | | | | |

| |My family. |Mary’s brother |Father, mother, brother, sister | |Introducing your family. |

| |TB ex 3, 4 TS 2.3 |Possessive s | | | |

| |WB ex 2 |He, she | | | |

| |Jane’s family. My family. |are |Name, are |My name is ... |Listening Jane. Talking about |

| |TB ex 5 TS 2.4 | | |I’m from ... |yourself. |

| |WB ex 3, 6 | | |My friend’s name is ... | |

| |Mary’s classroom. |It’s = it is |Classroom, deskmate, pencil case, bag, | |Reading the text. Talking about|

| |TB ex 6, 7 | |teacher, blue, black, red, it | |school things. |

| |WB ex 7 | | | | |

| |Mary, Jane and me. My deskmate. |To be | |Hello. This is ... She’s my deskmate.|Talking about Mary, Jane and |

| |TB ex 8, 9 | | |My deskmate’s name is ... |yourself. Introducing deskmate.|

| |WB ex 8, 9, 10 | | | | |

| |Everyday English. | |Thanks |How are you? |Making dialogues. Listening |

| |TB ex 10 | | |Fine, thanks. |task. Revision for the test |

| |Revision test of unit 2. | | |I’m fine. | |

| |WB ex 11, 12 TS 2.5 | | | | |

| |Control test. Unit 2. | | | |Control test. |

| |Games. | | | | |

3rd form. Unit 3. Pets.

|Time |Topic |Grammar |Vocabulary |Everyday English |Learning Skills |

| |This is my dog. |This/ these |Pet, these, are, book, ball, pencil | |Using this and these. Learning |

| |TB ex 1, 2 |Girl/ girls | | |new words. |

| |WB ex 1, 2 |Are | | | |

| | |This is... These are ... | | | |

| |My cats. Colours. |Plural s |They, wow, big, small, yes, kitten, | |Learning new words. Reading a |

| |TB ex 3 TS 3.1 |a/ an |lovely, nice, soft, one, two, three, | |dialogue. |

| |ex 4 TS 3.2 |they’re = they are |four, yellow, red, blue, black, green, | | |

| |WB ex 3, 4 | |white | | |

| |Numbers. |Numbers 1-5 |Five, car, no. | |Counting things. |

| |TB ex 5 TS 3.3 | | | | |

| |ex 6 | | | | |

| |WB ex 5 | | | | |

| |Dan’s little sister is four. Classroom |Possessive s |Little |See you later. |Talking about ages. Using |

| |expressions. | | |See you. |classroom expressions. |

| |TB ex 9, 8 TS 3.4 | | | | |

| |WB ex 6 TS 3.5 | | | | |

| |ex 7, 8 | | | | |

| |Phone numbers. |It’s ... |Double, oh, phone, number | |Reading telephone numbers. |

| |TB ex 7 | | | | |

| |WB ex 9 TS 3.6 | | | | |

| |ex 9, 11 | | | | |

| |Revision test of unit 3. | | | |Revision for the test. |

| |WB ex 10, 12 | | | | |

3rd form. Unit 4. Colours.

|Time |Topic |Grammar |Vocabulary |Everyday English |Learning Skills |

| |Control test. Unit 3. |my |Colour, brown, orange, grey, violet, |Oliver’s diary is red. |Control test. |

| |Colours. | |school-bag, diary, English, English |My diary is blue. |Revision of colours. Describing|

| |TB ex 1 TS 4.1 | |book. |What is your name? |things. |

| |ex 2 | | |My name is .. | |

| |WB ex 1 | | | | |

| |Balloons. | |Balloon, seven, six, kite, over, now, | |Learning new words. Reading a |

| |TB ex 3 TS 4.2 | |yard, house, schoolhouse, broken, | |dialogue. Describing things. |

| |ex 4 | |garden, here, phone, bike | | |

| |WB ex 6 | | | | |

| |Numbers 6-10. | |Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ship, | |Learning numbers. |

| |TB ex 5 TS 4.3 | |pen, pencil. | | |

| |WB ex 2, 3, 4, 5 | | | | |

| |What’s your phone number? |It’s ... |What, your, phone, number, his, her |What’s your phone number? It’s ... |Practicing in pairs. Talking |

| |TB ex 6, 7 |Your/ my | | |about children and their pets. |

| |WB ex 7 TS 4.7 |His/ her | | | |

| |ex 8, 9 | | | | |

| |Right/ wrong. | |Right, bike, ship, OK, pen, bus | |Listening task. Finding right/ |

| |TB ex 8 TS 4.4 | | | |wrong sentences. |

| |WB ex 10, 11, 12 | | | | |

| |Ten little Indians. Izzie’s questions. |Numbers 1- 10 |Indian |What colour is ..? |Singing a song. Listening and |

| |TB ex 9 TS 4.5 | | |It’s ... |answering the questions. |

| |ex 10 TS 4.6 | | | | |

| |WB ex 13 | | | | |

| |Classroom expressions. Revision test of unit 4.| |pardon |My name is Ben. |Using classroom expressions. |

| |TB ex 11 | | |Pardon? |Revision for the test. |

| | | | |I’m Ben. | |

3rd form. Unit 5. Round-up.

|Time |Topic |Grammar |Vocabulary |Everyday English |Learning Skills |

| |Control test. Unit 4. | |Numbers 1-10 | |Control test. |

| |Hanna’s family | |I’m ... | |Reading the text. |

| |TB ex 1 | |I’m from ... | |Revision. |

| |Rev ex 3 a, b | | | | |

| |WB ex 11, 12 | | | | |

| |Grandma’s glasses. Two little blackbirds. | |Friend |What’s your name/ phone number? |Reading the poems. |

| |TB ex 2 TS 5.1 | |What’s your name/ phone number? |My name is ... |Revision. |

| |Rev ex 3 c, d | |School, family, colours, numbers 1-10 |I’m ... | |

| |WB rev 1 ex 6 | | |I’m from ... | |

| |Revision. A game. | |School, family, colours, numbers 1-10. | |Revision. Playing a game. |

| |TB ex 3 e, f | | | | |

| |WB rev 2, 3, 4 | | | | |

| |WB ex 7, 8 | | | | |

| |A game. Workbook exercises | | | |Reading tape script. |

| |WB ex 5, 9, 10 | | | |Revision. Playing a game. |

3rd form. Christmas.

|Time |Topic |Grammar |Vocabulary |Everyday English |Learning Skills |

| |Father Christmas is coming. | |Hurry up! Father Christmas, soon, | |Reading the text. Matching the |

| |TB ex 1 | |reindeer, go to bed, stocking. Ahh! | |pictures and texts. |

| |Christmas tree. | |Christmas tree, star, candles, bells, | |Listening the text and |

| |TB ex 2 CH 1 | |presents, Christmas cards, biscuits, | |repeating. |

| | | |turkey, cracker. | | |

| |Jingle bells. | |Sleigh | |Singing songs. |

| |TB ex 3 CH 2 | |Merry Christmas! | | |

| |We wish you a merry christmas. | |A Happy New Year! | | |

| |TB ex 3 CH 3 | | | | |

| |Christmas words. | |Dwarf, fireplace, angel, glassball, | |Games with cards. Singing |

| |Christmas chants. Here is the chimney. | |candy cane, wreath, snowman. | |songs. |

| |What’s in the Santa’s pack? Games. Songs. | | | |Games with cards. Singing |

| | | | | |songs. |


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