The Crucible Characters

The Crucible Characters

Abigail Williams


Starts the movement

Starts the accusations- form of vengeance of people who did her wrong (Elizabeth Proctor)

Creates a story how witches are among the citizens of the town

Gets the other girls involved and threatening to cooperate and go along with there story

She is the base of John Proctors gilt

2. Manipulative


Self- absorbed



3. Abigail and Mary Warren are similar

• If put in jeopardy, they will save themselves

• they have a mind of there own

• take down other people to save themselves

• Believe that they are a high person in the court and community once they have achieved their social status

• Cowards

Abigail and Elizabeth Proctor are different

• Abigail is a liar whereas Elizabeth is strongly against

• Whore vs. Prude

• Lust vs. Love

• Knows no boundaries vs. Believes in doing what right

• Ruthless vs. Controlled

4. Keeps Getting Better by Christina Aguilera

pg 152 “Never in this world! I know you, John- you are this moment singing secret hallelujahs that your wife will hang!”

She is so convincing and manulpative that she is convinces herself.



• One of the primary people involved in the accusations

• Said that she practiced witchcraft

• From Barbados ( people believed that she a witch because of her dark skin

• Brought of believing witchcraft and the occult


• Servant

• Uneducated

• Mysterious

• Merciful

• Compassionate

3. Tituba is like Sarah Good and Goody Osbourne

• Outcast in the community

• Misunderstood

• Accused as a witch

Tituba is not like Mary Warren

• Mary Warren ended forgiving because of the influence of Abigail

• Tituba ended up forgiving for her own good and better herself

• Tituba is strong

• Mary Warren is weak


g 44. “No, no, don’t hang Tituba! I tell him I don’t desire to work for him, sir.”

Shows that she is meak and humble.

Character: Reverend Parris

Key Events

* Daughter is the first “victim” of witchcraft

*Refuses to believe in witchcraft

* Admits to seeing the girls dancing in the woods

*Accuses Proctor of trying to overrun the court

* He provided court with evidence against Proctor (he has not been attending)

* Present when Proctor “confesses”

5 Adjectives

* Proud

* Self Obsessed

* Paranoid

* Materialistic

* Power Hungry

Most Like : Deputy Governor Danforth

Both Danforth and Parris are obsessed with how they look, what people think, and their power in society.

Least Like: John Proctor

Proctor cares about others, while Parris will do anything to save himself



“Just now when some good respect is rising for me in this parish, you compromise my very character” (Miller 11)

Character: Giles Corey

Key Events

*when he was in Parris’s home, he said he wife was reading books

*he goes to the court when he wife was being tried yelling he has evidence to prove the girls are false

*he refused to name his source that provided evidence that Putnam was trying to gain land by having his girl confess names

*he was pressed to death when he still refused to reveal his sources

Five Adjectives

* Honest

* Dignified

* Mentally Strong

* Caring

* Hot Tempered

Most Like: John Proctor because both Proctor and Giles care for their families and will do anything to protect and save them

Least Like Reverend Parris Parris is fickle and selfish while Giles selfless, stubborn and caring.


“I will not give you no name. I mentioned my wife’s name once and I’ll burn in hell long enough for that. I stand mute” (Miller 97)

John Proctor


• John shows how people can change and make the right decision during extreme opposition

Key Events

• John has an affair with Abigail and then has a confrontation with her in Parris’ house about it.

• Upon returning home, John has a disagreement with Elizabeth over his affair, and her distrusting nature.

• Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft after Mary Warren gives her a poppet. Elizabeth is then arrested and brought to jail in handcuffs, as a result of Abigail.

• John goes to court with Giles Corey, Francis Nurse, and Mary Warren in order to get Elizabeth and the others out of jail

• Proctor goes in front of the court, and admits to them that he had an adulterous affair with Abigail

• Mary Warren accuses him of witchcraft, and forcing her to come to trial

• The day of his hanging, he confesses in order to save himself, but then tears it up, and decides to die rather than name names and please the court. (He regains his goodness)


• Lecherous

• Penitent

• Imperfect and flawed

• Dynamic

• Self-Sacrificing

• Farmer

Other Characters

• He is similar to Rebecca Nurse because they both choose death over betraying their friends and neighbors.

• He is least like Parris because Parris unlike John is greedy, and unfit of any title, especially a messenger of God. They also have conflicting ideals,


• Oops I Did it Again – Britney Spears

• “I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud, I am not that man. My honesty is broke, Elizabeth; I am no good man.”

• The theme portrayed by Proctor is redemption and forgiveness.

Francis Nurse

Importance/Key Events

• An example of how moral and good the Nurse family is.

• Shows how the Witch trial’s were unfair and nobody was safe from being condemned

• He argues with the court about Rebecca being held in prison and going to trial for something she didn’t do.


• Moral

• Loving

• Elderly

• Static

• Level-Headed

Other Characters

• He is most like Rebecca because they both realize that the panic that is occurring over witches is unnecessary and foolish. They also have many of the same ideas.

• He is least like Proctor, because Proctor is a more dynamic character. Also he has made grave mistakes that have effected his marriage.


• “What am I to do, Mr.Hale?”

• He is the epitome of moral standards.

John Proctor


• John shows how people can change and make the right decision during extreme opposition

Key Events

• John has an affair with Abigail and then has a confrontation with her in Parris’ house about it.

• Upon returning home, John has a disagreement with Elizabeth over his affair, and her distrusting nature.

• Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft after Mary Warren gives her a poppet. Elizabeth is then arrested and brought to jail in handcuffs, as a result of Abigail.

• John goes to court with Giles Corey, Francis Nurse, and Mary Warren in order to get Elizabeth and the others out of jail

• Proctor goes in front of the court, and admits to them that he had an adulterous affair with Abigail

• Mary Warren accuses him of witchcraft, and forcing her to come to trial

• The day of his hanging, he confesses in order to save himself, but then tears it up, and decides to die rather than name names and please the court. (He regains his goodness)


• Lecherous

• Penitent

• Imperfect and flawed

• Dynamic

• Self-Sacrificing

• Farmer

Other Characters

• He is similar to Rebecca Nurse because they both choose death over betraying their friends and neighbors.

• He is least like Parris because Parris unlike John is greedy, and unfit of any title, especially a messenger of God. They also have conflicting ideals,


• Oops I Did it Again – Britney Spears

• “I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud, I am not that man. My honesty is broke, Elizabeth; I am no good man.”

• The theme portrayed by Proctor is redemption and forgiveness.

Francis Nurse

Importance/Key Events

• An example of how moral and good the Nurse family is.

• Shows how the Witch trial’s were unfair and nobody was safe from being condemned

• He argues with the court about Rebecca being held in prison and going to trial for something she didn’t do.


• Moral

• Loving

• Elderly

• Static

• Level-Headed

Other Characters

• He is most like Rebecca because they both realize that the panic that is occurring over witches is unnecessary and foolish. They also have many of the same ideas.

• He is least like Proctor, because Proctor is a more dynamic character. Also he has made grave mistakes that have effected his marriage.


• “What am I to do, Mr.Hale?”

• He is the epitome of moral standards.

Mary Warren:

• Character’s importance and key events: court official, Abigal threatened her if she accused her, her doll was questioned for witchcraft and used for evidence of Elizabeth, she couldn’t faint to prove innocence of witchcraft, Procters were accused

• 5 descriptive words: weak (under pressure), conformist, accused, persecuted, and rejects the truth

• Most similar character: Betty Williams

• Most opposite character: Reverend Hale

• Quote: “I cannot, they’ll turn on me-“ (pg 80)

• Pics:

Mercy Lewis:

• Character’s importance and key events: agreed with Abigal, accused people, Putnam’s servant, 18 yr old girl

• 5 descriptive words: bossy, mean, sly, liar, and conformist

• Most similar character: Susanna

• Most opposite character: Elizabeth Proctor

• Quote: “Have you tried beatin’ her? I gave Ruth a good one and it waked her for a minute. Here, let me have her.” (pg 18)

• Pics:

Rebecca Nurse


• She is shown as an ethical person in a calming force.

• Static character

• Symbolizes equality with John Proctor

• Resists to change her beliefs due to the accusations against her being a witch

Key Events:

• She quiets Betty by her presence because she doesn’t show the worry that the other adults do.

• At the end, she walks with John Proctor, side by side, symbolizing equality.

• Accused for killing the 7 children of the Putnam’s, but takes the accusation without argument. She refuses to bear false witnesses against herself and others.

Description words:

• Calm

• Motherly

• Saintly

• Nurturing

• Fearful

Most like…..

• Elizabeth Proctor because both go without questioning after they are accused.

Least like….

• Abigail Williams because Abigail had always put the blame towards others when she was the one who caused the conflict, whereas Rebecca Nurse refused to blame others.


“Let us hope for that. I go to God for you, sir.”

Rebecca Nurse says this quote because she already feels as if the Devil isn’t real and that she will go to God for help.

Theme-Stand for what you believe in.



• Judge in town who is arresting and hanging innocent people.

• Deceived by teenage girls.

• Static Character

• Won’t admit he is doing things wrong because he doesn’t want to seem weak and blamed for the killings of people who could be innocent.

Key Events:

• Sentences Rebecca Nurse, Proctor, Elizabeth, and Giles.

• Wants Proctor to admit he saw the Devil and wants him to sign the paper to place on the Church door in order to show that he was right.

• Becomes nervous when he realizes he may have been tricked by the teenagers and he is fearful for his reputation.

Description Words:

• Tough

• Superstitious

• Strict

• Uncaring

• Provincial

Most like…

• Parris because he is just trying to protect himself and doesn’t care about the outcome of others.

Least like…

• Rebecca Nurse because he doesn’t care about others, while Rebecca Nurse protected others instead of protecting herself.


“He bid you do the Devils work?”

This quote reflects all he cared about was accusing people of being witches or associated with the Devil.

Theme-Don’t believe everything you hear.


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