What’s in a name


Have you ever wondered what your name means? Have you ever wondered why your parents chose the name they did for you? Have you ever wondered how many other people in the country share your same name? Well, now you will find out!


- interview at least one of your parents; however, interviewing both might give you more information to use

- Create a family tree – going back to three generations

- find the meaning of your first and middle name (there will probably be a variety of meanings, so be prepared to incorporate them all or just choose the ones you feel fit best with your personality)

- find the origin of your first and last name (example: Marion is of French and / or English origins, stemming from the name Marie. However, in my family the first girl born in the month March is named Marion. DePierro is Italian in origin and there are approximate 477 people in the United States with this last name.

- facts and statistics about the popularity of your name and how many people share your name

- find information on your birth order, zodiac sign, Chinese zodiac & events


- Times New Romans, double spaced, 12 point font or neatly handwritten in blue or black ink

- Title page

o your title page must also have a picture that connects with one of the meanings of your name (this meaning should be shared / explained in your paper); Example: one of the meanings of the name Deanna is valley, so she could put a picture of a valley on her title page

- Family Tree-includes names, birth and death dates plus locations

- work cited page listing all of the sources you used in your research

- must cite at least three sources in your paper (at least one websites, at least one book and your parent interview)

- complete parent interview worksheet to use for one of the paragraphs (This document will be turned in for a grade)

- create note cards / note page for sources and information found or a Google Docs note page to be shared or turned in

- your final paragraph in the paper should be a personal reflection: What do you like about your names? What do you dislike? Do you have any nicknames? If so, who calls you those nicknames? Do you like your nicknames? Would you change your name? Etc.

Format of the Paper:

- at least five paragraphs:

one introducing your topic

one sharing the information learned from the parent interview and include the

information on your family tree;

one explaining the meanings, origins, facts and statistics about your names;

one sharing birth order and personality traits, birthday, and zodiac signs,

one giving your personal refection about your names;


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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