Maidenhead Boys and Girls FC Guidance to Managers and Coaches Start Up ...

Maidenhead Boys and Girls FC

Guidance to Managers and Coaches Start Up of Competitive Football

Covid-19 is a highly infectious and dangerous disease. A resumption of contact play is only achievable if those involved create and maintain a controlled environment that minimises the threat of infection.

Risk in sport cannot be completely eradicated but with caution and care these risks can be reduced.

Prior to returning to competitive football all managers must have read the FA's FOOTBALL ACTIVITY GUIDANCE FOR RESTARTING OUTDOOR FOOTBALL ? 1st DECEMBER and made suitable amendments to the ways in which

they undertake both matches and training. If at any point you are unclear about any issue, you are to contact one of the following MBGFC Committee Members.


Mike Parker ? Covid & Welfare Officer Wayne Welch - Lead Welfare Officer Jennie Knowles - Welfare Officer Parminder Handa - Chair Person Sarah Shea ? Secretary

07738306548 07957818397 07957134767 07850427408 07796074698

To assist you the Welfare Team have summarised the main points below: -

Parent/Guardian Consent

You must have a signed Parent/Guardian Consent Form from each MBGFC player.


Following the introduction of the Government's Covid-alert tier system and Berkshire (our tier as recognised by The FA) being placed in Tier 4, players and spectators are not allowed to cross Tier 4 boundaries. As a result, you can not to play against any team from outside Berkshire. In addition, if any players in your team do not have a Berkshire Postcode they cannot participate in any training or matches. The only exemption is for Managers and Coaches who can cross Tier boundaries for football purposes, they cannot bring their children to play.

Players and coaches are encouraged not to use public transport. Walking and cycling are the preferred method. Car sharing should not happen but if it is the last resort or public transport is being used, the full guidance on travelling should be adopted (see main Guidance).

Test and Trace

All managers must keep a record of MBGFC players and coaches attending matches and training. If asked to do so they are to provide this information along with contacts to enable the Test and Trace to function.

NHS QR Codes

To assist the NHS Test and Trace to be as precise as possible we are issuing all teams with their own specific QR Code. Each team will be issued with 2 copies of their own QR Code. The Codes are only for home matches at Altwood School.


Maidenhead Boys and Girls FC

Teams who are first to play on a pitch are to get out one display sign from the lockup and position it where the parents/players arrive at pitch side. It should not be positioned where parents/players from other games are likely to pass your pitch on the way to theirs. This is to avoid scanning of the wrong codes. You are to display your QR Code on the sign 30 minutes before your game. If there is a previous game on your pitch then you must remove the QR Code already there and hand it to MBG Coach of the team that are playing (parents/players from that game should have scanned at the beginning of the match.) At your pre match safety briefing please encourage the parents to use the QR Code. If there is a match on your pitch straight after yours remove your QR Code 30 minutes before the end of the match, you may wish to get parent help with this by setting an alarm on a phone. This will prevent people turning up to the next fixture scanning your QR Code by mistake. If there is not a match after yours then remove it and keep it safe for another day. If there are no more games on your pitch that day return the sign to the lockup.

Safety Briefing

Prior to the commencement of any fixture, a safety briefing must be provided by the Manager/Coach or a person appointed by the manager/coach. This briefing will remind both sets of players, officials, and spectators about their responsibilities. The briefing given is Appendix 1.

Social Distancing

Where possible you must maintain social distancing. This won't always be possible on the pitch (for example when tackling an opponent) and that is acceptable. However, before, at intervals and after a game you must maintain social distancing. Only socially distant photographs to be taken i.e. no team photos in close proximity. You may have to frequently remind attendees. Warmups must be socially distant.


Drills at training must be adapted so they are socially distant, however matches can take place at training. Be aware that if you stop a training session to explain something, then the players should be socially distant. Where training takes place on Astro Turf pitches no parents/guardians are allowed inside the fence on the Astro Turf. At the end of the session the Coaches must lead the players off the Astro Pitches outside the fence and away from the entrance to avoid congestion then hand over the children. Whilst indoor leisure facilities are closed there will be no toilet facilities at Cox Green. Managers are to inform and remind parents/carers of this. Should a child need to use the toilet they are to be taken away by their parent/carer.


Maidenhead Boys and Girls FC


All participants (players, coaches, club and match officials, volunteers, spectators etc.) should check for symptoms of Covid-19. If an individual is symptomatic and/or living in a household with a possible Covid-19 infection, they should remain at home and follow Government guidance. In addition, any participants who have been asked to isolate or are in quarantine because they are a contact of a known Covid-19 case, must not attend. The symptoms are: -

? high temperature (above 37.8 C) ? new continuous cough ? loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell ? shortness of breath ? sore throat ? feeling generally unwell ? persistent tiredness

Guidance to Returning to Football after Illness

If a participant has shown any of the Government Covid Symptoms, then it is a requirement that they stay isolated for 10 days even if they feel better (10 days if someone in their bubble has them). They cannot attend football during this time. If they have a test within 5 days of the symptoms showing and it is negative, then they can return but must bring evidence of the negative test.

Government Covid Symptoms ? high temperature (above 37.8 C) ? new continuous cough ? loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell

If they only show any of the other FA symptoms which prevent them from attending football, whilst these are potential Covid symptoms they are not on the 10 day isolation list as they could be caused by a number of things. If an adult suspects a Covid infection, then they should follow the Government Guidelines. If the participant recovers from these symptoms without further suspicion of Covid then they can return to football.

Other FA Symptoms ? shortness of breath ? sore throat ? feeling generally unwell ? persistent tiredness


All teams are to have a DBS checked adult at all sessions. They also must have sufficient adults to meet the Safeguarding Guidance ratios: -

? 4 to 8 years ? one adult to every 6 children (1:6) ? 9 to 12 years - one adult to every 8 children (1:8) ? 13 to 18 years ? one adult to every 10 children (1:10)

During Sessions

? No handshakes ? No team talk huddles. Team talks can take place, as long as socially distant ? Warm-ups/cool-downs should always observe social distancing


Maidenhead Boys and Girls FC

? Coaches, other team staff and substitutes are allowed, but must also always observe social distancing on touchlines. Social distancing must also be observed during interactions when a substitution is being made

? Set plays ? free kicks: referees and coaches should encourage players to get on with the game and not unnecessarily prolong set play set-up, such as defensive walls

? Set plays ? corners should also be taken promptly to limit prolonged close marking and goal posts should be wiped down before matches, after matches and at half time.

? No Goal celebrations ? Interactions with referees and match assistants should only happen with players observing social

distancing; ? Small-sided football should be modified to provide more regular hygiene breaks in activity. Players

should be discouraged from touching boards at any time, with tackling against boards discouraged. Referees should consider stopping play when this happens. ? Youth football coaches are encouraged to limit persistent close proximity of participants during match play and training (where young participants may be more likely to cluster around the ball) and provide regular hygiene breaks in activity ? Players to bring their own hand sanitiser and water bottles. They shall be named and kept apart. No sharing. ? Players are not allowed to share equipment e.g. gloves, bibs, keeper shirt etc. Where sharing gloves becomes essential, e.g. injury to keeper, they are to sanitised and both players have to sanitise their hands. ? All equipment shall be collected and cleaned by the manager/coach after each session ? The nature of football means that the ball is not frequently handled. When the ball goes out of play it is to be retrieved using the feet rather than the hands where possible. Where there are breaks in the game, or training, if throw-ins or handling has occurred, the ball should be disinfected. ? There is an additional risk of infection in close proximity situations where people are shouting or conversing loudly. This particularly applies when face to face. Players should therefore avoid shouting or raising their voices when facing each other during, before and after games. ? No spitting. If you need to sneeze or cough, you are encouraged to do so into a tissue or upper sleeve and advised to avoid touching your face. Ensure any tissues are disposed of in a sealed bin as soon as possible.

Treatment of Injuries

? All managers/coaches and first aiders must have read The FA's FIRST AID GUIDANCE FOR RETURNING TO OUTDOOR COMPETITIVE GRASSROOTS FOOTBALL copy attached. Below is a summary.

? If a participant gets injured, a member of their household should assist if present and appropriate, but others (including match officials and teammates and coaches) will still need to socially distance unless a life- or limb-threatening injury necessitates compromising guidelines to provide emergency care.

? If there is a first-aider or other medical personnel present, they should be equipped with the appropriate PPE (including face coverings) to protect themselves and others if they need to compromise social-distancing guidelines to provide medical assistance.

? PPE Requirements o Initial assessment within 2m IIR surgical face mask Gloves o If treatment is needed in addition to the above, Disposable apron Eye protection

? After contact with an injured participant, the person who has administered first aid should clean their hands thoroughly with soap and water or alcohol hand sanitiser at the earliest opportunity. This advice is applicable to all situations, regardless of whether there was close contact or social distancing was maintained. The first aider should also avoid touching their mouth, eyes and nose.


Maidenhead Boys and Girls FC

Appendix 1

Safety Briefing

To be given prior to all matches to all players, officials, and spectators

It is good news that we can play football today but due to the Covid virus we cannot enjoy the game in quite the same way. We have had to put some additional rules in place, and these must always be followed to minimise the risk of the spread of the virus: -

If any of you are showing signs of the Virus, ? high temperature (above 37.8 C) ? new continuous cough ? loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell ? shortness of breath ? sore throat ? feeling generally unwell ? persistent tiredness

or in accordance with the government be ? self-isolating ? in quarantine

or if you live outside of the Berkshire Tier 4 area (unless you are a Manger or Coach who are exempt) you are to leave the premises immediately and follow the Government's Guidelines.

Where possible you must maintain social distancing. This won't always be possible on the pitch (for example when tackling an opponent) and that is acceptable. However, before, at intervals and after a game you must maintain social distancing.

Hygiene is extremely important, ? hands are to be sanitised before, during breaks and after the match. ? sneeze/cough into a tissue or upper sleeve of your shirt and dispose of tissue in bin ? no spitting. ? No shouting face to face.

We have made some further rules during the game. ? whenever play is stopped you are to maintain social distance, for example no crowding around injured players. ? when there is a set play you are to take the kick/throw quickly to avoid excessive contact during marking. ? When the ball goes out of play it must be retrieved by your feet then thrown in.

Everyone must be responsible, ? make sure your medicine, water bottles, jackets etc. are labelled and kept away from others ? no sharing of water bottles or equipment (if this must happen make your coach aware for guidance) ? take all your own kit home and wash it immediately ? you must support the NHS Test and Trace by supplying contact details if asked

Spectators ? Must not congregate in groups greater than 6 ? Within groups, must maintain social distancing ? If retrieving a ball, use only feet ? Each game has its own NHS QR Code if you use the NHS App please use it



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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