Mesa Public Schools - Mesa, Arizona

NAL QUESTIONS SUBMITTED BY MESA PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ NAL, MESA, AZAugust 2013FIRST QUARTEREnglish – LA – Level II – What do you call a word or line that reads the same forward and backward? For example, the name Hannah (h-a-n-n-a-h) or the phrase “Never odd or even.” (palindrome)English – LA – Level II – Say, spell, and define the word plagiarism. (Use of another’s ideas or words as one’s own, especially without credit)English – LA – Level I – What is the literary term for a story that involves beings and events that could not possibly exist inreal life? (fantasy)English – LA – Level II – What is the literary term for extravagant exaggeration not meant to be taken literally? (hyperbole)English – LT – Level I – Which 4 words begin most fairy tale stories? (“Once upon a time…”)English – LT – Level I – Name the 3 gods who ruled the ancient world, that is, the heavens and the earth, the seas, andthe underworld, in Greek or Roman mythology.(Zeus or Jupiter, Poseidon or Neptune, and Hades or Pluto)English – LT – Level II -- Identify all of the following: Zeus’ most powerful destructive weapon, which had 3 forks or branches; Poseidon’s 3-pronged spear; and Hades’ favorite animal, which had 3 heads. (Thunderbolt - lightning flash plus thunder; trident; and Cerberus)Math - AL - Level 1 - There are 221 students and 11 teachers taking a bus trip, and each bus holds 47 people. How many buses are needed? (Answer: 5 buses)Math - AL - Level 1 - Greg's math grade is based on five test scores. He has scores of 73, 83, and 90 on his first three tests. What score will Greg have to average on his last two tests to get an overall average of exactly 80? (Answer: 77)Math - AL - Level 1 – Carolyn is reading a 300-page book. After one hour, she has finished 8% of the book. Assuming that she reads at a constant rate, how many more hours will it take her to read the rest of the book? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth. (Answer: 11.5 hours)Math - AL - Level 1 - The product of x and y is 50. If y = 75, what is the value of x? (Answer: 2/3)Math - AL - Level 1 - Eighteen acres of land sold for $27,766.80. At the same rate, what is the cost of six acres of land? Express your answer to the nearest whole dollar. (Answer: $9256)Math - AL - Level 2 - Three bongos and six zingos cost $120. Each bongo costs $10. What is the cost of two zingos? (Answer: $30)Math - AL - Level 2 - In 2003, there were 844,001 students who attended public school in Wyoming. In 2013, there were 880,301 students who attended public school in Wyoming. What is the percent of change in enrollment from 2003 to 2013? Express your answer to the nearest tenth. (Answer: 4.3%)Math - AL - Level 2 - If 3n - 6 = -n +4, what is the value of 8n? (Answer: 8n=20)Math - GE - Level 1 - A large school dining room measures 25 yards by 20 yards. How many square feet of tile are needed to cover the floor of the dining room? (Answer: 4500 square feet)Math - GE - Level 1 - The measures of two supplementary angles are in a ratio of 7:2. What is the positive difference in degrees between the two angles? (Answer: 100 degrees)Math - GE - Level 2 - The length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and its width is decreased by 10%. By what percent does the rectangle’s area change? (Answer: 8%)Math - LG - Level 1 - If 2 Loops are equal to 4 Glops, then 3 Loops are equal to how many Glops? (Answer: 6)Math - NE - Level 1 - The product of two numbers is 48. Their difference is 13. What is the larger of the two numbers? (Answer: 16)Math - NE - Level 1 - The arithmetic mean of the set {90, 85, 95, x, 88, 94} is 90. What is the value of x? (Answer: x=88)Math - NE - Level 1 – Jason usually lifts two 20-pound weights 12 times. If he uses two 15-pound weights instead, how many times must Jason lift them in order to lift the same total weight? (Answer: 16 times)Math - NE - Level 1 - Mike earned $2000 in commission from his sales last month. If he earns a 20% commission, what was his total sales last month? (Answer: $10,000)Math - NE - Level 1 - What is the positive difference between 35 and 53? (Answer: 118)Math - NE - Level 2 - What is √24 in simplest radical form? (Answer: 2 √6 (two root six))Math - NE - Level 2 - What is the smallest positive integer m for which 1008 + m is a multiple of 11? (Answer: m= 4)Math - NE - Level 2 - On Brian's 8th birthday in 2004, his father said, "My age is now four times your age." In what year was Brian's father able to say, "My age is now three times your age" on Brian's birthday? (Answer: 2008)Math - NE - Level 2 - What is the product of the first four prime numbers? (Answer: 210)Math – NE – Level 2 - If Becky can write a tweet in 27 seconds and send it in 5 seconds, what is the greatest number of tweets that Becky can send in a five minute passing period? (Answer: 9 tweets)Math - PR - Level 1 - Jake, Tom, Bob, Angela, and Jessica all volunteered as math tutors. If their teacher randomly chooses two of the five students, what is the probability of selecting the two girls? Express your answer as a common fraction. (Answer: 1/10)Math – PR- Level 1 - On a breakfast buffet, a basket contained 4 oranges, 5 apples, and 6 bananas. What is the probability that a piece of fruit selected at random is a banana? Express your answer as a percent. (Answer: 40%)Math - PR - Level 1 - In how many distinct arrangements of the letters of the word APPLY does the letter A occupy the middle position? (Answer: 12 arrangements)Math - PR - Level 1 - In how many ways can Michael, Connor, Steven, Rosa, Marissa, and Eva line up so that no two of the three boys are next to each other? (Answer: 144 ways)Math - PR - Level 1 – A car holds exactly six people, but only two of those six people can drive the car. What is the number of ways that the six people can be seated in the car on a trip? (Answer: 240 ways)Math - PR - Level 2 - Sally caught 40 fish, tagged them, and returned them to the pond. Later, she randomly netted 60 fish and found 4 of the tagged fish in this group. What is the expected number of fish in the pond? (Answer: 600 fish)Math - PR - Level 2 - A bowl contains 10 jellybeans (4 red, one blue, and 5 white). If you pick three jellybeans from the bowl at random without replacement, what is the probability that exactly two will be red? Express your answer as a common fraction. (Answer: 3/10)Math - PR - Level 2 - How many ways can a volleyball coach select a starting line-up of six players from a group of nine players? (Answer: 84 ways)Math - WP - Level 2 - Three-fourths of the students at Bach Jr. High take music. If 615 students take music, how many students attend Bach Jr. High? (Answer: 820 students)Science - GS - Level 1 - An IV bag with 1000 mL of fluid is delivering fluid to a patient at the rate of 3 mL per minute. After three hours, how many milliliters of fluid will remain in the IV bag? (Answer: 460 mL)Science - GS - Level 1 - Celsius temperatures can be converted to Fahrenheit by doubling the Celsius temperature, reducing the result by 10%, and then adding 32. What Fahrenheit temperature corresponds to 20? Celsius? (Answer: 68? F)Science - LS - Level 1 - George Washington Carver found 118 uses for this variety of tuber. (Answer: sweet potato)Science - LS - Level 2 - Reindeer are only called reindeer in Europe. In North America, these same animals are known by which name? (Answer: caribou)Science - PS - Level 1 - Astronauts can grow as much as 2 inches in space due the expansion of what material in the human body? (Answer: cartilage)Science - PS - Level 2 - Which atomic particle was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932? (Answer: neutron)Science - PS - Level 2 - What is the best explanation as to how a day on Saturn lasts for approximately 10 Earth hours? (Answer: Saturn rotates on its axis faster than the Earth)Science – Astronomy – Level II – What are the three main classifications of rocks? (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic)Sci – ES – Level II – Give one example of a landform created at divergent and convergent tectonic plate boundaries. (Convergent: mountains, ocean trenches, subduction zones, volcanoes. Divergent: rift valleys, ocean ridges, volcanoes.)Sci – ES – Level I – What type of rock is formed when lava or magma cools? (igneous rock)Sci – ES – Level I – What type of rock is formed when existing rock is changed by heat and pressure? (metamorphic rock)Sci – ES – Level I - What type of rock is formed from pieces or other rock, or organic material, that are compacted and cemented together? (sedimentary)Sci – ES – Level II – What is the name of the theory that describes the movement of tectonic plates due to convection currents in Earth’s mantle? (place tectonics)Sci – ES – Level I - Give the term for the solid outer layer of the Earth made chiefly of rock. (crust or lithosphere)Sci – ES – Level I - Give the term for the liquid layer between Earth’s crust and core. (mantle)Sci – ES – Level I - Give the term for the layer of Earth made mostly from iron and nickel. (core)Sci – PS – Level I – Identify the 4 planets referred to as terrestrial planets. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars)Sci – PS – Level II – Identify the 3 types of galaxies. (spiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy, irregular galaxy)Social Studies - EC - Level 1 - In 2006, You Tube was purchased by which Internet company? (Answer: Google)Social Studies - UH - Level 1 - Which article of the Constitution establishes the supremacy of federal laws over state laws? (Answer: Article VI)Social Studies - UH - Level 1 - The 1840s slogan “54-50 or fight” refers to the proposed annexation of which region? (Answer: Oregon or Oregon Country)Social Studies - UH - Level 1 - Exxon and Mobil are two companies to emerge from the 1911 dismantling of which oil company? (Answer: Standard Oil)Social Studies – UG – Level 2 – Identify the state where the Mississippi River begins and name the lake which serves as its source. (Minnesota, Lake Itasca)Social Studies – UH – Level 1 – Identify the British philosopher whose ideas on the laws of nature influenced our founding fathers. (John Locke)Social Studies – UH – Level 1 – Identify the British Prime Minister who served at the beginning of World War Two. He was known as the “Great Appeaser.” (Neville Chamberlain)Social Studies – UG – Level 2 – Say and spell the four oceans of the world. *Note: Do not include the Antarctic Ocean for this question. (Atlantic = A-t-l-a-n-t-i-c, Pacific = P-a-c-i-f-i-c, Arctic = A-r-c-t-i-c, and Indian = I-n-d-i-a-n)Social Studies – EC – Level 2 – Provide a good definition for “Eminent Domain” and list one positive and one negative effect it could have on US citizens. (Eminent Domain gives the government the right to take private land for public use. A negative effect is that the person has no choice; he must give up his property. A positive effect is that he will get paid for it.) Social Studies - WG – Level 1 – Name the seven continents. (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, Australia, Africa)Soc Studies – UL – Level 2 – State the five freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. (speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition)Social Studies – UL – Level 2 – Name the three “Reconstruction Amendments” to the Constitution and briefly explain what each says.(13th Amendment outlawed slavery14th Amendment made every person born in the US a citizen regardless of race15th Amendment gave the right to vote to all male US citizens)Social Studies – UL – Level 1 – Say and spell each branch of the Federal United States Government. (The Legislative L-e-g-i-s-l-a-t-i-v-e, the Executive E-x-e-c-u-t-i-v-e, the Judicial J-u-d-i-c-i-a-l)Social Studies – UH – Level 2 – Give the full names for the WPA, TVA, and CCC. (WPA = Works Progress Administration, TVA = Tennessee Valley Authority, CCC = Civilian Conservation Corp)Social Studies – UG – Level 1 – Which US River forms the Southern borders of both Ohio and Indiana? (Ohio River)Social Studies – UL – Level 2 – Each branch of government has a primary job regarding Federal law. State which branch creates, which branch enforces, and which branch interprets law?(The Legislative Branch creates law. The Executive Branch enforces law. The Judicial Branch interprets law.)Social Studies – UH – Level 1 – Who was the President during the Great Depression and what did he call his Federal government work programs? (Franklin D. Roosevelt and The New Deal)Social Studies – WH – Level 2 -- State the term for the policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker nations. (Imperialism)Soc St – UH – Level II – Identify the state associated with Geronimo, Cochise, and Wyatt Earp. (Answer: Arizona)Soc St – CE – Level I – What state in the Midwest faced a severe weather crisis in 2013 and what was the weather event? (Answer: Oklahoma, tornado)SECOND QUARTEREng – LT – Level I – Give the name of 3 of the 7 novels in the C.S. Lewis series The Chronicles of Narnia and identify which books have been made into movies. (Answer: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; Prince Caspian; The Voyage of the “Dawn Treader”; The Silver Chair; the Horse and the Boy; the Magician’s Nephew; The Last Battle. Bolded titles are the answer to the 2nd half of question, books made into movies).Eng – LT – Level II – The Twilight novel series has been a blockbuster for teen and adult readers alike. Name the following from the series:The author’s first and last nameThe first and last name of the main characterFirst name of the head of the Cullen clanThe country of the Volturi The baby girl & her father that Jacob Black imprints onThe names of the 2nd and 3rd books in the series(Answer: Stephanie Meyers; Isabella (Bella) Swan; Carlisle; Italy; Renesmee & Edward; New Moon, Eclipse)Eng – LT – Level II – The Divergent series of books has been a blockbuster for teen and adult readers alike. Name the following from the series:The author’s first and last nameThe name Beatrice chooses for DauntlessList the 5 factions and their attributesThe names of the 2nd and 3rd books in the series(Veronica Roth; Tris; Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave), Erudite (the intelligent); Insurgent, AllegiantEng – LT – Level II – Match the following authors to the titles of their books. (Must reformat into a matching exercise.)1. Flanagan, John A Ranger’s Apprentice2. Hiaasen, CarlB Hoot3. Mull, BrandonC Fablehaven4. Wilson, N. D.D 100 Cupboards5. Roth, VeronicaE Divergent6. Condie, AllyF. Matched7. Clare, CassandraI. City of GlassEnglish – LA – Level II – In this list of common proverbs, fill in the missing word:All that __________ is not gold. (glitters)All good things come to those who _________. (wait)Birds of a _________ flock together. (feather) _________ killed the cat. (curiosity)Don’t add insult to _______. (injury)Don’t put all your ________ in one basket. (eggs)English – LA – Level II – In this list of common idioms, explain the meaning. Example: “As the crow flies” means “in a straight direct line.”(To) beat a dead horse.................To pursue a futile goalBetween a rock and hard place...................Between two equally dangerous or difficult choices Tempest in a teapot ....................A big disturbance over something small and unimportant(To) let the cat out of the bag..................To disclose a secret(To) cross that bridge when one comes to it ........To wait and make a decision when one is readyEnglish – LA – Level II – EPONYMS are words derived from the names of people. For example, a large, upright wheel with seats used as an amusement park ride was named after its inventor, George W.G. FERRIS. Match the following inventors to their corresponding inventions, whose names they were given: (Format this question for matching.)Pasteur -- To subject a liquid to heat to destroy disease-producing bacteria, after Louis _____Boycott -- To refuse to deal with, after Irish land agent Charles _____Braille -- System of writing for the blind, after Louis _____, a blind French boy who invented the systemCelsius -- Thermometer scale ranging from 0° to 100°, after Anders _____Diesel -- Internal combustion engine, after Rudolf _____English – LA – Level II – Explain the following acronyms. For example, AWOL is Absent Without Leave.CIA..............Central Intelligence AgencyCOD…………..Cash (collect) on deliveryNASA ..........National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationSWAT team ..........Special Weapons and TacticsWHO ..............World Health OrganizationEnglish – LT – Level II -- Identify the figurative language term in each of the following sentences:“The chocolate cake whispered my name.” (Answer: personification)“His open mouth was a gaping cavern.” (Answer: metaphor)“Her ego is so big she needs a forklift to carry it around.” (Answer: hyperbole)“The campfire crackled and popped hotly.” (Answer: onomatopoeia)“She slyly slipped past the silent, solemn guard.” (Answer: alliteration)“His eyes were as black as night.” (Answer: simile)English – LA – Level II – The suffix –ology means the science of or the study of. For example, entomology is the study of insects. What subjects do the following sciences study?Hydrology...........WaterOrnithology ..........BirdsNeurology.........Nervous system and its disordersSeismology ..........EarthquakesOphthalmology..........Eyes, their functions and structureEnglish – LA – Level II – What fears do the following phobias identify?Arachnophobia ............SpidersClaustrophobia .............Enclosed placesHerpetophobia ..............Snakes, reptilesXenophobia............Strangers or foreignersTechnophobia ...........TechnologyEnglish – LA – Level II – If canine means doglike and feline means catlike, what do the following words ending in –ine mean?Leonine ...................LionlikeLupine......................WolflikeEquine......................HorselikeSerpentine.................Serpentlike or snakelikePorcine .....................PiglikeEnglish – LA – Level I – Name the past tense and past participle of the following irregular verbs. Example: begin – past tense is began, past participle is begun.Fling……………………..flung, flungDrink…………………….drank, drunkBurst…………………….burst, burstLie (recline)………......lay, lainBring…………………….brought, broughtSwim…………………….swam, swumSlay………………………slew, slainEnglish – LA – Level I -- Match the following classic women authors to their books:(Format these into a matching exercise.)Alcott, Louisa May ..............Little WomenAusten, Jane ......................Pride and PrejudiceBlume, Judy...........Are You There God? It’s Me, MargaretCooper, Susan.....................The Dark Is RisingHinton, S.E......................................The OutsidersL’Engle, Madeleine .................... A Wrinkle in TimeLowry, Lois…………………………The GiverWilder, Laura Ingalls .............Little House in the Big WoodsEnglish – LA – Level I -- Match the following literary creatures with their definitions: (Format these into a matching exercise.)Banshee .............Female Irish spirit who foretells a death in a family by wailing outside the houseTroll....................Dwarf of Scandinavian mythology who lives in caves and hoards money or treasureOgre...................Man-eating monster or giant in fairy tales and folkloreGremlin ...............Small imaginary creature said humorously to cause problems in the workings of an aircraft or other operationGolem ..................Artificially created human being of Jewish legendBasilisk.................Venom-spitting, lizardlike monster having the head and wings of a rooster and the body of a snake and allegedly fatal breath and glanceEnglish – LA – Level I – Identify the following famous literary pairs:The famous Sherwood Forest archer and outlaw of medieval England and the woman he loved. (Robin Hood and Maid Marian)The brother and sister of German folklore who, after being deserted in the woods by their poor father and wicked stepmother, discover a gingerbread house guarded by a wicked witch (Hansel and Gretel)Edgar Rice Burroughs’ fictional jungle hero born John Clayton (Lord Greystoke) and the English woman who is his mate (Tarzan and Jane)Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous fictional detective and his admiring partner and best friend who narrates the stories (Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson)English – LA – Level I – Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief (the first volume of Riordan's "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series) mentions many names familiar from Greek mythology. Match these names with their identifying characteristic: (Format these into a matching exercise.)Dionysus – god of wine (also fertility)Aphrodite – goddess of love (also beauty)Prometheus – a Titan who fought with Zeus (also gave the gift of fire)Hermes – messenger godHera – goddess of women and marriage (also wife and sister of Zeus)Pegasus – winged horseMath – AL - Level 1 – What is the value of the sum of a+b+c if:a + b = 8b + c = -3a + c = -5 (Answer: 0)Math - AL - Level 2 - A right triangle has sides measuring 2x-1, 3x-13, and 3x-4 units. What is the value of x? (Answer: x=11)Math - AL - Level 2 – Solve for x and y given that 3x + 2y = 11 and 5x – 2y = 13 (Answer: x=3, y=1)Math - AL - Level 2 - Thirty-six students took a final exam on which the passing score was 70. The mean score of those who passed was 78, the mean score of those who failed was 60, and the mean of all scores was 71. How many students did not pass the exam? (Answer: 14 students)Math - AL - Level 2 - Which quadrant will the line that passes through (0,4) and (1,3) NOT go through? (Answer: Quadrant III)Math – AL – Level 2 – Carla’s baseball team won 50 out of their first 75 games in a season. How many of the remaining 45 games must they win to finish the season with 60% of games won? (Answer: 22 games)Math - GE - Level 2 - Bill has 100 feet of fencing to enclose a circular area for his pet rabbit. What is the maximum number of square feet he can enclose? Express your answer to the nearest whole number. (Answer: 796 square feet)Math - GE - Level 2 – A rectangular floor measuring 10 feet by 12 feet is tiled with one-foot square tiles. Through how many tiles would the diagonal of this rectangle pass? (Answer: 20 tiles)Math - NE - Level 1 - Out of 28 students in Mr. Smith's homeroom, the ratio of boys to girls is 3:4. The ratio of students who have returned their field trip forms to those who have not is 3:1. If exactly half of the boys returned their field trip forms, how many girls have not returned their forms? (Answer: 1 girl)Math - NE - Level 1 - Find the median and the mode for the following set of data: 1, 7, 3, 2, 3, 5, 4, 8, 7, 9, 7. What is the mean of these two numbers? (Answer: 6)Math - NE - Level 2 - What is the difference between the product of the first four prime numbers and the sum of the first five composite numbers? (Answer: 173)Math – NE- Level 2 - A bucket and five jars holds as much as a tub and three buckets, and two jars hold as much as two tubs. How many jars hold as much as one tub? (Answer: 13 jars)Math - PR - Level 1 - A board game spinner is divided into three parts labeled A, B, and C. The probability of the spinner landing on A is 1/3 and the probability of the spinner landing on B is 5/12. What is the probability of the spinner landing on C? Express your answer as a common fraction. (Answer: 1/4)Math - PR - Level 1 – One day, 60 flights departed Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport for five different destinations. One-quarter of the flights went to Dallas, one-third went to Seattle, one-fifth to Denver, and one-sixth to Sacramento. The remaining flights went to Los Angeles. How many flights went to Los Angeles? (Answer: 3 flights)Math - PR - Level 1 - A jar contains two red jellybeans, three orange jellybeans, and four green jellybeans. Megan draws one jellybean from the jar, and then Barney draws one jellybean from those remaining. What is the probability that Megan draws a green jellybean and that Barney draws an orange one? (Answer: 1/6 (one out of six))Math - PR - Level 2 - At a grocery store, cans are displayed in an arithmetic sequence. The bottom row has 28 cans, the next row up has 25 cans, and so on until there is one can in the top row of the display. How many cans are in the entire display? (Answer: 145 cans)Math - PR - Level 1 - A bag contains 3 red marbles, 1 white marble, and 5 blue marbles. What is the probability of drawing each of the following?a.a white marbleb.a blue marblec.a red marble(Answer: a. 1/9 (one out of nine), b. 5/9 (five out of nine), c. 1/3 (one out of three))Math - PR - Level 2 - In a school of 250 students, everyone takes one English class and one history class each year. Today 15 students were absent from their English class and 10 students were absent from their history class. Five of the students were absent from both classes. If a student from this school were chosen at random, what is the probability that he or she was not absent from either class? Express your answer as a percent. (Answer: 92%)Math - PR - Level 2 – Sara must read five books for her literature class. She may read any one of three biographies, any two of four mysteries, and any two of five science fiction books on her list. How many different sets of five books can she choose? (Answer: 180 sets)Math - PR - Level 2 – Mary has 9 CDs: 2 rap; 4 rock; and 3 country. How many different combinations of 5 CDs can she choose if she selects 1 rap, 2 rock, and 2 country discs? (Answer: 36 combinations)Math - PR - Level 2 – Amy can mow a yard in 5 hours and it takes her brother Joe 7.5 hours to mow the same yard. If they have two lawn mowers, how many hours will it take for them to mow the yard together? (Answer: 3 hours)Math - PR - Level 2 – Four dimes and four pennies are randomly placed in a row. What is the probability that the coins at the ends are both pennies? Express your answer as a common fraction. (Answer: 3/14)Math - PR - Level 2 - At a men's doubles tennis tournament, there were three teams of two men. After the tournament, each man shook hands once with each of the other players except his partner. What is the total number of handshakes that occurred? (Answer: 12 handshakes occurred)Math - WP - Level 1 - Kevin is delivering sandwiches to a local office building. Kevin's first delivery was to the middle floor of the building. He then took the elevator up 4 floors for the next delivery, down 6 floors for the third delivery, and up 7 floors for his last delivery. He was then on the top floor of the building. How many floors did the building have? (Answer: 11 floors)Math - WP - Level 2 - What is the minimum number of 3 inch by 5 inch cards needed to cover a 4 foot by 5 foot bulletin board completely? (Answer: 192 cards)Math - WP - Level 2 – A US size 7 1/2 shoe is equivalent to a European size 40 2/3, a US size 8 equals a European size 41 1/3, and each time the US size increases by 1/2 size, the European size increase by 2/3 size. Shaquille O’Neal wears a US size 23. What size would he need if he bought European shoes? (Answer: size 61 1/3)Math - WP - Level 2 - Laura and Kathy are playing a game. Laura agrees to give Kathy two pieces of candy for each game that Laura loses. Kathy agrees to give Laura three pieces of candy for each game that Laura wins. After playing 30 games, Laura has the same number of pieces of candy with which she started. If there were no ties, how many games did Laura win? (Answer: 12 games)Math – PR – Level 2 - Jake makes 80% of his free throw attempts. Determine the probabilities that he:a) makes both of his next two attemptsb) misses both of his next two attemptsExpress your answers as fractions in simplest form. (Answers: a) 16/25 b) 1/25)Math – PR – Level 2 – Put these probabilities in order from the most likely to the least likely.a.flipping a coin 10 times and getting heads each timeb.winning a sweepstakes with 10,000,000 to 1 odds of winningc.when two 6-sided dice are rolled, their sum is 7d.when two 6-sided dice are rolled, their sum is 4Answer: (c, d, a, b)Social Studies - WG - Level 1 - Name five United Nations countries that begin and end with the letter A. (Possible answers: Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Argentina, Antigua)Soc S – UH – Level I – The Northern & Southern Civil War soldiers were referred to by several nicknames. Identify whether the name is associated with the Union or Confederate army:Johnny RebBlue belliesBilly YankGraycoatsYankees(Answers: 1-C, 2-U, 3-U, 4-C, 5-U) Social Studies - WG - Level 2 - As of July 1, 2013, there were 28 member countries in the European Union. Name:a.the largest member country in square mileageb.the most populous member countryc.two member countries that border the Mediterranean Sead.two European countries that were not member countries as of July 1, 2013(Answers: a. France b. Germany c. Italy, France, Spain, Greece d. Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo)Social Studies – UG – Level 2 – List the five Great Lakes in alphabetical order and then name 5 of the 8 states that border them.(Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, Superior) (Any 5 of the following 8 are correct: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York).Social Studies – UH – Level 2 – Match the following six presidents and vice presidents. Then put the pairs in chronological order.Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Spiro Agnew, Joe Biden, Richard Cheney, Walter Mondale.John F. Kennedy and Lyndon JohnsonRichard Nixon and Spiro AgnewJimmy Carter and Walter MondaleBill Clinton and Al GoreGeorge W. Bush and Richard CheneyBarack Obama and Joe BidenSocial Studies – UH – Level 2. Match the following Civil War events with their descriptions. EVENTS: Fort Sumter, First Bull Run, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Appomattox. DESCRIPTIONS: Lee surrenders to Grant; First major land battle that made Stonewall Jackson famous; Official turning point of the war and bloodiest battle; Bloodiest single day; Starting point; North gains control of the Mississippi River and splits the Confederacy.Fort Sumter was the starting point. First Bull Run was the first major land battle and it made Stonewall Jackson famous. Antietam was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War. Vicksburg allowed the North to gain control of the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy.Gettysburg was the official turning point of the war and was the bloodiest overall battle. Appomattox was where Lee surrendered to Grant.Social Studies – WH – Level 2 – Match the following individuals to their description. Then state the one world event with which these people are all associated. INDIVIDUALS: Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler. DESCRIPTIONS: Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe, Army party leader of Japan, President of United States, Nazi leader of Germany, Communist leader of Russia, Prime Minister of Great Britain, Fascist leader of Italy.Harry Truman was President of the United States.Dwight D. Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe.Joseph Stalin was the Communist leader of Russia.Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of Great Britain.Hideki Tojo was the Army Party leader of Japan.Benito Mussolini was the Fascist leader of Italy.Adolf Hitler was the Nazi leader of Germany. These people are all associated with World War Two.Social Studies – AH – Level 2 – Match the following five people with their famous quotes. A) Neil Armstrong, B) Alexander Graham Bell, C) John Wilkes Booth, D) Patrick Henry, E) Thomas Edison. 1) “Give me liberty or give me death!” 2) “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.” 3) “The Eagle has landed.” 4) “Death to tyrants!” 5) “There is no substitute for hard work.” (A = 3, B = 2, C = 4, D = 1, E = 5)Social Studies – EC – Level 2 – Match each of the following US coins with the portrait engraved on the front (heads) and the scene engraved on the back (tails). Note: The term eagle is used twice. COINS: A) penny, B) nickel, C) dime, D) quarter, E) half-dollar, F) dollar HEADS: 1) Washington, 2) Kennedy, 3) Lincoln, 4) Sacagawea, 5) Jefferson, 6) FDR TAILS: I) Eagle, II) Torch, III) Monticello, IV) Presidential Seal, V) Lincoln Memorial(Answers: A =3=V, B=5=III, C=6=II, D=1= I, E=2=IV, F=4=I) Sci – ES – Level II – Give the terms for the molten rock under the Earth’s surface, the molten rock that reaches the surface flowing from a volcano, and the hard, black, smooth, shiny volcanic glass formed when molten rock cools quickly. (magma, lava, obsidian)Sci – ES – Level II - Which geological term designates a point on the earth’s surface directly above the true center of an earthquake, which scale devised by an American is used to measure the intensity of earthquakes, and which instrument whose name begins with S is used to detect earthquakes and measure their strength? (epicenter / Richter scale / seismograph)Sci – ES – Level II – What is an equinox and in which two months do they occur? (Answer may include: Days and nights are about equal and/or sun is directly above Earth’s equator. Equinoxes occur in March and September.) Sci – PS – Level I – Identify each of the following planets.Closest to Earth and brightest, sometimes called the Evening Star.One with most visible ringsOne long thought to have canals, also known as the Red PlanetOne known for its Great Dark Spot and named for the God of the OceansOne with the Great Red Spot and 4 bright satellites Galileo discovered in 1610One that has the same name as a chemical elementOnly planet not named for a Greek or Roman godA gas giant planet and named for the Greek god of the underworldAnswers: 1) Venus, 2) Saturn, 3) Mars, 4) Neptune, 5) Jupiter, 6) Mercury, 7) EarthTHIRD QUARTERSocial Studies – CE – With the Internal Revenue Service under high scrutiny, your team has been asked to rework how we collect taxes in the United States. Research our current tax structure as well as plans recently proposed by others. Use this information to design a new income tax plan. Social Studies – CE – After the September 11, 2001, attacks, our country took precautions to try to prevent more terror attacks. There was the passage of the Patriot Act and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Still, we saw terror-type bombings at the Boston Marathon in 2013. Are we doing the right things? Are we doing enough? Your team has been asked to look at what the United States should do from here. Develop a reasonable plan for public safety.Science – ES – Discuss the pros and cons of fracking, obtaining oil and gas from shale rock formations. FOURTH QUARTERMath - AL - Level 1 – Solve for q if q+17=3q+9. (Answer: q=4)Math - AL - Level 1 - If 83 = 2x, what is the value of x? (Answer: x=9)Math - AL - Level 1 - Each student works at the same speed. If five students can complete a job in six days, how many days would it take three students to complete the same job? (Answer: 10 days)Math - AL - Level 1 - How many seconds are in 5.2 minutes? (Answer: 312 seconds)Math - AL - Level 1 – State the equation of a line with a slope of 4 and a y-intercept of -3. (Answer: y=4x-3)Math - AL - Level 1 – If 50 ounces of juice cost 65 cents, calculate how much 70 ounces will cost. (Answer: 91 cents)Math - AL - Level 1 – Solve the following equation: 32 - (52-22) [3 squared minus the quantity 5 squared minus 2 squared]. Answer: -12 (negative 12)Math - AL - Level 1 – At Awesome Academy, the ratio of 8th graders to 7th graders is 3 to 2. What percent of the combined two groups are 8th graders? (Answer: 60%)Math - AL - Level 1 – Evaluate (4√16)(3√25) [The quantity 4 times root 16 times the quantity 3 times root 25]. (Answer: 240)Math - AL - Level 1 – What is 2/5 of a number if 2/3 of the same number is 25? (Answer: 15)Math - AL - Level 1 - What is the remainder when 2930 is divided by 60? (Answer: 50)Math - AL - Level 1 – In his will, Mr. Monroe left 1/2 of his estate to his wife, 1/3 to his daughter, and the balance of $23,000 to his son. How much was the value of Mr. Monroe’s estate? (Answer: $138,000)Math – AL – Level 1 - 25% of what number is equal to 50% of 400? (Answer: 800)Math - AL - Level 2 – Evaluate 3y-4(y-2) [3y minus 4 times the quantity y minus 2] when y=5. (Answer: 3)Math – AL – Level 2 – In order to pass a 40-question history exam, Mitchell needed to get 70% of the answers correct. When he got his exam back, he realized that he got two more answers correct than he needed to pass. How many questions did he get correct? (Answer: 30 questions)Math - GE - Level 1 - How many distinct diagonals of a convex hexagon can be drawn? (Answer: 9 diagonals)Math - GE - Level 2 – The perimeter of a rectangle is 48 units, and its length is twice its width. What is the number of square units in the area of the rectangle? (Answer: 128 units)Math - GE - Level 1 - The area of a square room is 225 square feet. How many feet are in the perimeter of the room? (Answer: 60 feet)Math - GE - Level 2 – Travis has 100 feet of fencing to build a square pen for his pet guinea pig. What is the maximum number of square feet he can enclose? (Answer: 625 square feet)Math - NE - Level 1 - A video game was discounted 30% to a sale price of $56. What was the original price of the video game? (Answer: $80)Math - NE - Level 1 – In the town of Clancy, 1/2 of 1% of the town’s 100,000 families have incomes over $80,000 per year. How many families with incomes over $80,000 per year are in Clancy? (Answer: 500 families)Math - NE - Level 1 - What is the greatest common factor of 168 and 42? (Answer: 168)Math - NE - Level 1 – In a pet store, 1/2 of the animals are fish, 1/10 are dogs, 1/5 are birds, and the remaining six are cats. How many animals are in the store? (Answer: 30 animals)Math - NE - Level 1 - How many positive factors does 48 have? (Answer: 10 factors)Math - NE - Level 1 - What is one third of 75% of 240? (Answer: 60)Math - NE - Level 2 – The third term in an arithmetic sequence is 15 and the fifth term is 23. What is the first term? (Answer: 7)Math – NE – Level 2 - What is the 20th number in this arithmetic sequence: 2, 5, 8, 11,....? (Answer: 59)Math - NE - Level 2 - There are 4 quarts in a gallon. One dollar is worth 4.5 krone. A quart of gasoline costs 2 krone. How many dollars does a gallon of gasoline cost? Express your answer rounded to the nearest cent. (Answer: $1.78)Math – NE – Level 2 - Three people split $18,000 in a ratio of 4:3:2 [4 to 3 to 2]. How much money is the largest share worth? (Answer: $8000)Math - PR - Level 1 – Fourteen students in Mr. Flynn’s math class were asked to shake hands with each other. Each students shook hands with each of the other students exactly once. How many handshakes occurred in Mr. Flynn’s class? (Answer: 91 handshakes occurred)Math - PR - Level 1 – A cooler contains 3 bottles of iced tea and 5 bottles of lemonade. If Sadie randomly takes a bottle out of the cooler, what is the probability that it is a bottle of lemonade? Express your answer as a common fraction. (Answer: 5/8)Math - PR - Level 1 - There are ten NAL teams in a school district. Each team plays each other team twice in the season. What is the total number of NAL games played in this season? (Answer: 90 games)Math - PR - Level 1 - In Fred's refrigerator there are six bottles of soda, three bottles of juice, and one bottle of water. If Fred randomly takes a bottle out of the refrigerator, what is the probability that it is the bottle of water? Express your answer as a common fraction. (Answer: 1/10)Math - PR - Level 1 – How many different ways can the letters of the word MOUTH be arranged so that all the vowels are to the left of all the consonants? (Answer: 12 ways)Math - PR - Level 1 – How many different six-digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 if no digit is repeated in a number? (Answer: 720 numbers)Math - PR - Level 1 – Winston Churchill’s A History of the English-Speaking Peoples is a four-volume series. If these books were placed on a bookshelf with their spines facing out and the text on the spines right side up, in how many different orders can these four books be placed on the bookshelf? (Answer: 24 orders)Math - PR - Level 1 – How many different four-digit numbers can be obtained by using any four of the digits 2, 3, 4, 4, and 4? (Answer: 20 numbers)Math - PR - Level 1 – How many different four-digit numbers can be formed using each of the digits in 1999 exactly once? (Answer: 4 numbers)Math - PR - Level 1 - Darren's teacher pairs each student with a partner to create exactly 12 pairs of students. Next week, each student will be paired with a different partner. Darren's next partner can only be chosen from how many students? (Answer: 22 students)Math - PR - Level 1 – In how many distinct ways can five children be seated around a circular merry-go-round which has five identical seats? (Answer: 24 ways)Math - PR - Level 1 -- A CD player is loaded with 7 CDs. The CD player is then programmed to play the CDs in random order. What is the number of different ways that the compact discs can be played? (Answer: 5040 ways)Math - PR - Level 1 – How many ways can a group of four people be seated around a square table if Polly insists on always sitting in the same chair? (Answer: 6 ways)Math - PR - Level 2 – How many different arrangements are possible for 5 keys on a circular key ring? (Answer: 12 arrangements)Math - PR - Level 2 – A three-digit number is selected at random. What is the probability that none of the three digits is a prime number? Express your answer as a common fraction. (Answer: 1/5)Math - PR - Level 2 – Two girls and three boys sat in a five-seat row at a movie theater. What is the probability that the two people at each end of the row were both boys or both girls? Express your answer as a common fraction. (Answer: 2/5)Math – PR- Level 2 - Two standard six-sided dice are rolled once. Determine, as a fraction, the probability that both numbers rolled will be the same. (Answer: 1/6)Math - PR - Level 2 - Sonya has grown a perfect rose bush. The bush has 24 branches. Each branch has 12 limbs, each limb has 6 twigs, and each twig produces 3 roses. How many roses are on the bush? (Answer: 5184 roses)Math - WP - Level 1 – At $6.50 per baseball, how much will it cost to buy 1 1/3 dozen? (Answer: $104)Math - WP - Level 2 - A fish tank weighs 80 pounds when 40% full of water, and it weighs 140 pounds when completely full. How many pounds does the tank weigh when empty? (Answer: 40 pounds)Science - GS - Level 2 -- A 6-ounce can of tuna has 13 grams of protein. This is 23% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) based on a 2000-calorie diet. What is the number of grams of protein need to get 100% of the RDA for this diet? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth. (Answer: 56.5 grams)Science - LS - Level 1 -- Blue whales typically eat 40 million of which sea creatures each day? (Answer: krill)Science - PS - Level 1 -- The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. How many miles per hour is the speed of light? Express your answer in scientific notation to one decimal place. (Answer: 6.7 x 108)Science - PS - Level 1 -- Which planet has the fastest rotation, where a day lasts slightly less than 10 Earth hours? (Answer: Jupiter)Sci – GS – Level II – What is the curved surface of water called in a graduated cylinder? (meniscus)Sci – ES – Level II – List the three types of tectonic plate boundaries. (convergent, divergent, transform)Sci – ES – Level I – The magnitude of earthquakes is measured by which scale? (Richter scale)Sci – LS – Level II – What is the difference between biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem? (biotic are living, abiotic are nonliving)Sci – ES – Level I – What is the name of the twice daily rise and fall of the water level in the oceans? (tide)Sci – ES – Level II – What is the cause of ocean tides? (the gravitational pull of the moon and sun)Sci – PS – Level II – What is the term used to describe the shortest or longest day of the year? (solstice)Soc St – UH – Level I – Who is the woman known as the mother of the Civil Rights movement? (Rosa Parks)Social Studies - EC - Level 1 - How many digits are in a Social Security number? (Answer: 9 digits)Social Studies - WG - Level 1 - The ancient temple of Angkor Wat appears on which Asian country’s flag? (Answer: Cambodia)Social Studies - WH - Level 1 - The ruins of the Minoan capital of Knossos can be found on which Mediterranean island? (Answer: Crete)Social Studies - WH - Level 2 - After being a monarchy for two centuries, which Asian country voted itself a republic in 2008? (Answer: Nepal)Social Studies – UG – Level 1 – Name the state whose nickname is “The Granite State.” (New Hampshire)Social Studies – UG – Level 1 – Name the state whose nickname is “The Bluegrass State.”(Kentucky)Social Studies – UG – Level 1 – What state’s nickname is “Land of the Purple Sage?” (Wyoming)Social Studies – UH – Level 1 – What do we call the time period after the Civil War when Congress undertook rebuilding the South? (Reconstruction)Social Studies -- UH – Level 2 – Who monopolized the making of steel during the Industrial Age? (Andrew Carnegie)Social Studies – UH – Level 2 – Who monopolized the refining of oil during the Industrial Age? (John D. Rockefeller)Social Studies – UH – Level 1 – In what state would you find the United States Military Academy at West Point? (New York)Social Studies – UH – Level 1 – State the name for the time period when alcohol was illegal. (prohibition)Social Studies – UH – Level 1 – What state was formerly referred to as Seward’s Folly? (Alaska)Social Studies – UH – Level 1 – What event was a 1900 uprising in China against foreign influences? (Boxer Rebellion)Eng – GR – Level I – Which part of speech is used to show action? (verb)Eng – LT – Level I – The main rival of a central character in a play or novel is called by what term? (antagonist)Eng – LT – Level I – The character Rikki-Tikki-Tavi in the short story from The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling is what type of animal? (mongoose)Eng – SP and VC – Level I – Say, spell and define: lenient (not harsh; inclined to being tolerant)Eng – SP and VC – Level I – Say, spell and define: phenomenon (a notable and observable fact or event which is extraordinary or marvelous)Eng – GR – Level I – What are the three punctuation marks used to close a sentence? (period, question mark, exclamation point) ................

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