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Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd

HEADS of STATE and other WOMEN LEADERS throughout the WORLD

List 73 1296 names 210 (of 254) governments 11 July 2004 £ 120 US$ 200


Page Countries Names

1. Heads & Deputy Heads of State and Government

A. Heads of State and Government 2 12 12

B. Heads of State 2 29 14

C. Heads of Government 2 22 23

-- 49

2. Presiding & Deputy Presiding Officers of Parliament

A. National Parliaments 3 29 35

B. State, Provincial or Territorial Assemblies 3-4 12 28

C. Regional and International Assemblies 4 4 3

-- 66

3. Heads & Deputy Heads of Provincial or State Governments

A. Constitutionally Appointed 4 11 26

B. Politically Elected 5 16 70

-- 96

4. Women Ministers in National Governments 6-17 212 673

5. Judges of Supreme & Similar Courts

A. National or Federal Supreme Courts 18-19 47 76

B. State and Regional Courts 19 6 24

C. International Courts 19-20 22 29

-- 129

6. Governors, Deputy Governors & Directors of Central Banks

A. National Banks 20-21 46 62

B. International Banks 21 11 19

-- 81

7. *Business Leaders: CEOs 21-22 8 27

8. Bishops & Religious Leaders

A. Anglican / Episcopalian 22 4 18

B. Lutheran 22 6 13

C. Methodist 23 4 15

D. Other Christian Leaders 23 10 15

E. Other Religious Leaders 23 2 4

-- 59

9. *Military Leaders

A. Admirals 23-24 2 21

B. General 24 5 31

-- 51

10. Heads & Deputy Heads of International Organizations

A. Intergovernmental 24-25 36 60

B. Voluntary 26 5 5

-- 65




This list is a development of the writer's research, from 1980 on, to promote the appointment of able women to posts of executive leadership in national and international bodies. To date some 5000 women from 131 democracies have been named in over 90 separate lists. Since May 2000, names of past women leaders, except for the too numerous ministers in national governments, are given in separate annual lists. Both current and past names are also listed on my website, at

The lists owe much to "People in Power", the world's most comprehensive directory of political leadership in sovereign countries and the first systematically to identify women leaders. "People in Power" 230 pp ISSN 0965-7517 is compiled bimonthly at Cambridge International Reference on Current Affairs (CIRCA) by Rosemary Payne and Catherine Jagger 13-17 Sturton Street Cambridge England CB1 2SN (tel + 44 1223 568 017 & )

An excellent website entitled "Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership", both past and present, not least of junior ministers, is maintained by Martin K I Christensen at . Information on most women presidents, prime, foreign, finance and defence ministers are complemented with photos, usually in colour. Martin has also compiled illustrated lists of women with political authority for all periods back to 4500 BC.

- 2 (WG 73: July 2004) -

1. Women Heads & Deputy Heads of State and Government currently in office (#): 49

* New name, office or number since previous bimonthly list

A. Heads of State and Government: 12

Country Name Office Term of Office

Costa Rica Lineth Saborio First Vice-President 11.6.2002-2006

Dominican Republic Milagros Ortiz Bosch Vice-President 16.8.2000-16.8.2004

El Salvador *Ana Vilma Albanez de Escobar Vice-President 1.5.2004- 1.5.2009

Gambia Aisatou N'Jie Saidi Vice-President 1.1997-2006

Honduras Armida De Lopez Second Vice-President 27.1.2002-2006

Indonesia Megawati Sukarnoputri President 23.7.2001-9.2004

Iran Masoumeh Ebtekah Vice-President 11.8.1997-2005

Kiribati Teima Onorio Vice-President 6.2003-2007

Palau Sandra Pierantozzi Vice-President 7.11.2000-2004

Panama Mireya Moscoso President 1.9.1999-1.9.2004

Philippines Gloria Arroyo President 19.1.2001-2008

Sri Lanka Chandrika Kumaratunga President 14.11.1994-12.2006

B. Heads of State: 14

Antigua & Barbuda Yvonne Maginley Deputy Governor-General 1999-

Bahamas Ivy Dumont Governor-General 1.2002-

Canada Adrienne Clarkson Governor-General 7.10.1999-

Denmark Margrethe II Queen 14.1.1972-

Finland Tarja Halonen President 1.3.2000-2006

Ireland Mary McAleese President 11.11.1997-2004

Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga President 8.6.1999-2007

Netherlands Beatrix Queen 30.4.1980-

New Zealand Silvia Cartwright Governor-General 4.2001-

Saint Lucia Calliopa Pearlette Louisy Governor-General 19.9.1997-

Sweden Crown Princess Victoria Deputy Head of State 14.7.1997-

Taiwan Annette Lu Vice-President 20.5.2000-2008

United Kingdom #Elizabeth II Queen 6.2.1952-

Viet Nam Truong My Hoa Vice-President 25.7.2002-2007

C. Heads of Government: 23

Bahamas Cynthia Pratt Deputy Prime Minister 10.5.2002-

Bangladesh Khaleda Zia Prime Minister 10.10.2001-

Barbados Mia Motley Deputy Prime Minister 4.2003-

Belgium Laurette Onkelinx Deputy Prime Minister 11.7.1999-

Bulgaria Lidiya Santova Shuleva Deputy Prime Minister 24.7.2001-

Canada Anne McLellan Deputy Prime Minister 12.12.2003-

China WU Yi Vice Premier of State Council 17.3.2003-

Croatia Jadranka Kosor Deputy Prime Minister 23.12.2003-

Georgia *Tamar Beruchashvili Deputy Prime Minister 17. 2.2004-6.2004

Ireland Mary Harney Deputy Prime Minister 6.1997-

Kazakstan *Byrganym Aitimova Deputy Prime Minister 18.5.2004-

Liechtenstein Rita Kieber-Beck Deputy Head of Government 5.4.2001-

Luxembourg Lydie Polfer Deputy Prime Minister 7.8.1999-

Macedonia Radmila Secerinska Deputy Prime Minister 1.11.2002-

Mozambique *Luisa Dias Diogo Prime Minister 19. 2.2004-

New Zealand Helen Clark Prime Minister 10.12.1999-

Poland *Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka Second Deputy Prime Minister 2. 5.2004-

Sao Tome & Principe Maria das Neves de Sousa Prime Minister 6.10.2002-

Spain *Maria Teresa Fernandez dela Vega First Vice-President of the Government 18. 4.2004-

Tajikistan *Khairinisso Mavlovona Deputy Prime Minister 1.2004-

Turkmenistan Sherkersoltan Mukhammedova Deputy Chair; Chair of Central Bank 30.9.2003-

Gurbansoltan Handurdyyeva Deputy Chair Council of Ministers 9.2002-

Uzbekistan *Svetlana Inamova Deputy Prime Minister 2.2004-


(#) The above threefold division is useful, though not perfect: thus, while the Philippine president (in A) actually holds the foreign affairs portfolio, the Finnish president (in B) holds constitutional responsibilities in foreign affairs. Also, a universally elected president, as in Finland and Ireland, has greater moral authority than one, as in Latvia, chosen by parliament, a moral authority which can also accrue to a female monarch with the length of her reign. Finally, the list includes only formally-designated Deputy Prime Ministers, as distinct from other women listed second (or third) in cabinets.

For her part, Queen Elizabeth II is both Head of the Commonwealth of (53) Nations and Head of State of 16member countries: of Antigua & Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, St Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, St Vincent & Grenadines, Solomons, Tuvalu and the United Kingdom.

- 3 (WG 73: July 2004) -

2. Women Presiding & Deputy Presiding Officers of Parliament (#): 66

A. National Parliaments: 35 (List incomplete: Deputies difficult to check)

Country Name Office Term of Office

Albania Margarita Qirko Deputy Speaker People's Assembly 1996-

Bahamas Italia Johnson Speaker House of Assembly 1997-

Cape Verde Ondine Ferreira Deputy Speaker National Assembly 1995-

China LEI Jieqiong Vice Chair Standing Cte Peoples Congress 1993-

Colombia Nancy Patricia Gutierrez President Castaneda 2000-

Cote d'Ivoire Assana Sangare Vice President National Assembly 1997-

Czech Republic Libuse Benesova President Senate 12.1998-2004

Dominica A Boyd Night Speaker House of Assembly 2000-2005

France Nicole Catala Vice President National Assembly 1993-

Muguette Jacquaint Vice President National Assembly 199?-

Germany Antje Vollmer (Greens) Vice-President Bundestag 1994-

Anke Fuchs (SPD) Vice-President Bundestag 1994-

Petra Bless (PDS) Vice-President Bundestag 1994-

Georgia Russudan Beridze Deputy Speaker of Parliament 1989-

Greece Maria Damanaki Deputy Speaker of Parliament 1989-

Grenada Ann Peters Speaker Senate 1995-

Guinea-Bissau Francisca Pereira Vice President National Assembly 199?

Hungary Maria Korodi Vice President National Assembly 1996-

India Najma Heptulla (Dep) Chair Rajya Sabha 10.7.1992-

Israel Naomi Chazan Deputy Speaker Knesset 199?-

Latvia *Ingrida Udre Speaker of Parliament 2003-

Lithuania Laima Andrikiene Deputy Speaker of Parliament 1992-

Malawi Lilian Kapana-Phiri First Deputy Speaker National Assembly 1996-

Moldova Eugenia Ostapciuc Speaker of Parliament 2003-

Peru Edith Mella do Cespedes Acting President Congress of the Republic 1998

Poland Olga Krzyzanowska Vice President Sejm 1993-

Zofia Kuratowska Vice President Senate 1993-

Rwanda Jacqueline Muhongayire Deputy Speaker Transitional Nat Assembly 1997-

Russia Aleftina Fedulova Vice-President State Duma 1994-

Senegal Mata SY DIALLO Second Vice-President National Assembly 1994-

South Africa Frene Ginwala Speaker National Assembly 5.1994-2004

Baleka Kgositsile Deputy Speaker National Assembly 5.1994-

Naledi G M Pandor Chairperson Council of Provinces 1999-2004

United Kingdom Sylvia Heal Deputy Speaker House of Commons 2001-

Zimbabwe Edna Madzongwe Deputy Speaker of Parliament 1996-

B. State, Provincial or Territorial Assemblies: 28 (list incomplete)

Armenia Elma Gabriyelyva Speaker Assembly Nagorno-Karabakh 1997-

Belgium Anne-Marie Corbisier Hagon Chair Parliament Communauté Française ?1993-

Canada Gretchen Mann Brevin Speaker Legislative Assembly Nova Scotia 1999-

China Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai President Legislative Council Hong Kong 1997-

Germany Ute Pave President Hamburg State Parliament 1993-

Christine Liebknecht President Thuringia Assembly 1999-

India Rani Satish Dep Speaker Legis Assembly Karnataka 199?-

Italy Celestina Ceruti President Regional Assembly Em-Romagna 1995-

Silvana Amati President Regional Assembly Marche 1995-

Amalia Sartori President Regional Assembly Veneto 1995-

New Zealand Marie Arkiri President Assembly Cook Islands 1994-

Serbia & Montenegro Natasa Micic Speaker Parliament Serbia 6.12.2001-

Spain 4:19 Maria Teresa Rejas Rodriguez President Parliament Extremadura 1995-

Maria del Carmen Perez-Caballo President Parliament La Rioja 1996-

Maria Dolores Eguren Ap[esteguia President Parliament Navarra 1995-

Clememtina Rodenas Villena President Parliament Valencia 1993-


(#) A good guide to women members of some 177 parliaments, by name for Presiding Officers, otherwise by number, is to be found in "Women in Politics: 1945-2000", ISBN 92-9142-085-9, published in June 2000 by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), B P 438, CH-1211 Geneva 19, tel (+ 41 22) 919 4150. MP numbers are frequently updated on the IPU website

- 4 (WG 73: July 2004) -

B. State, Provincial or Territorial Assemblies: 28 (continued)

Country Name Office Term of Office

United Kingdom Patricia Ferguson Dep Presiding Officer Scottish Parliament 5.1999-

Jane Davidson Dep Pres Off Nat Assembly for Wales 12.6.1999-

Sally Hamwee Deputy Chair London Assembly 12.5.2000-

Marjory Connor President Legislature Anguilla 1994-

Sybil McLaughlin Speaker Leg Assembly Cayman Islands 1991-94,98-

United States Brenda Burns President Senate Arizona 1995-

Gail Phillips Speaker House Representatives Alaska 1995-

Moira K Lyons Speaker House Representatives Connecticut 1999-

Elizabeth H Mitchell Speaker House Representatives Maine 1996-

Donna Sytej Speaker House Representatives New Hampshire 1996-

Jo Ann Davidson Speaker House Representatives 1995-

Zenaida Hernandez Torres Speaker House Representatives Puerto Rico 1993-

C. Regional and International Assemblies: 3 (list incomplete)

Nordic Council Berit Brorby Larsen (Norway) Vice President Nordic Council 1994-97, 98-

OSCE Europe Helle Degn (Denmark) President OSCE Assembly 1998-

United Nations Marjatta Rasi (Finland) Chair UN Economic & Social Council (Ecosoc)1.2004-

3. Constitutional or Political Heads of Provincial or State Governments in Major Countries: 93

A. Constitutionally Appointed: 26

Australia 2: 7 Marie Bashir State Governor New South Wales 2001-

Marjorie Jackson-Nelson State Governor South Australia 2001-

Merrilyn Ann Chilvers Administrator Christmas Island 1997-

Brazil 1:25 Roseana Sarney Governor State of Maranhao 10.1996-

3:25 Maria Dalva de Souza Figueiredo Vice Governor State of Amapa 10.1996-

Emilia de Salles Belinatti Vice Governor State of Parana 10.1996-

Benedita Souza da Silva Sampaio Vice Governor State of Rio de Janeiro 10.1996-

Canada 6:13 Lois Hole Lieutenant-Governor Alberta 10.2.2000-

Iona Campagnolo Lieutenant-Governor British Columbia 10.2001-

Myra Freeman Lieutenant-Governor Nova Scotia 5.2000-

Lise Thibault Lieutenant-Governor Quebec 30.1.1997-

Lynda Haverstock Lieutenant-Governor Saskatchewan 21.2.2000-

Judy Gingell Territorial Commissioner Yukon 1995-

Denmark Vibeke Larsen Governor Faroe Islands 1995-

Finland 4:13 Hannele Pollola Governor Lappland 4.1994-

Pirkka Tyolajarvi Governor Turku 1985-

Tuula Linnainman Governor Etela-Suomen 1997-

Pirjo Ala-Kapele Governor Ita-Suomen 1998-

France Brigitte Girardin Administrator Fr Southern & Antarctic Lands 1998-

India 2:30 V S Ramadevi Governor Karnataka 1999-

Rajani Rai Governor Pondicherry 1998-

Japan 2: Fusae Ota Governor Osaka Prefecture 6.2.2000-

Yoshiko Shiotari Governor Kumamoto (Kyushu) Prefecture 18.4.2000-

Netherlands Rosemary De Paula Deputy Governor Netherlands Antilles 1990-

Portugal 1:18 Adelaide Lisboa Civil Governor Lisbon 199?-

Russia Valentina Bronevich Governor Korvak Autonomous State 1996-

B. Politically Elected: 70

Australia 1: 8 Clare Martin Chief Minister Northern Territory 2001-

Austria 2: 9 *Gabi Burgstaller Head of Government Salzburg 2004-

Waltraud Klasnic Head of Government Styria 1996-

Azerbaijan Sevil Zeinabova Deputy Prime Minister Nakhichevan ?1995-

Denmark Augusta Sailing Vice Premier of Greenland 2003-

Finland 1:13 Olavi Pyykkönen President Kainuu Regional Council 1996-

France 2:21 Anne-Marie Comparini President Regional Council Rhone-Alpes 1999-

Anne d'Ornano President Regional Council Basse Normandie 1999-

Claude du Grandrut Vice-President Regional Council Picardy 199?-

Lucette Michaux-Chervy President Regional Council Guadeloupe 1992-

Dewe Gorodey Vice-Premier of New Caledonia 2003-

- 5 (WG 73: July 2004) -

B. Politically Elected: 70 continued

Country Women:Total Name Office Term of Office

Germany 1:16 Heide Simonis Prime Minister Schleswig-Holstein 19.5.1993-

Barbara Stamm Deputy Prime Minister Bavaria 1998-

Ruth Wagner Deputy Prime Minister Hessen 1999-

Heide Alm-Merk Deputy Prime Minister Lower Saxony 1998-

Christa Thoben Deputy Mayor Berlin 1999-

India 5:30 Rabri Devi Yadav Chief Minister Bihar 27.7.1997-99,8.3.1999-

Sheila Dixit Chief Minister Delhi 12.1998-

Selvi Jayaram Jayalalithaa Chief Minister Tamil Nadu 2002-

Umar Bharti Chief Minister Madhya Pradesh 2003-

Vasundhara Raje Chief Minister Rajasthan 2003-

Ireland 1: Betty Coffey Chair Dublin Regional Authority 1996-

Italy 1:22 Marialina Marcucci Vice President Regional Board Tuscany 1995-

New Zealand Te Ata-i Rangikaahu Maori Queen 23.5.1966-

Russia Takibat Vice-Chair State Council Daghestan 1996-

South Africa 4: 9 *Nosimo Balindlela Premier Eastern Cape Province 28.4.2004-

*Beatrice Marshoff Premier Free State 28.4.2004-

*Edna Molewa Premier North-West Province 28.4.2004-

*Dipuo Peters Premier Northern Cape Province 28.4.2004-

Spain 1:17 Esperanza Aguirre President of Government Madrid 2003-

Idoia Zenarruzabeitia Vice-President of Government Basque Country 1998-

United Kingdom Deputy Mayor London 2003-

United States 4:50 Janet Napolitano Governor Arizona (D) 1.2003-2007

Linda Lingle Governor Hawaii (R) 1.2003-2006

Judy Martz Governor Montana (R) 1.2001-2004

Kathleen Sebelius Governor Kansas (D) 1.2003-2006

Jennifer Granholm Governor Michigan (D) 1.2003-2006

Ruth Ann Minner Governor Delaware (D) 1.2001-2004

Sila Calderon Governor Puerto Rico (PD) 1.2001-2004

15:50 Fran Ulmer Lieut-Governor Alaska (D) 1.1995-

M Jordi Rell Lieut-Governor Connecticut 1.1995-

Mazie Keiko Hirono Lieut-Governor Hawaii (D) 1.1995-

Corinne Wood Lieut-Governor Illinois 1.1999-

Sally Peterson Lieut-Governor Iowa 1.1999-

Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Lieut-Governor Louisiana 1.1995-

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend Lieut-Governor Maryland (D) 1.1995-

Mae Schunk Lieut-Governor Minnesota 1.1999-

Lonnie Hammergren Lieut-Governor Nevada 1.1995-

Mary O Donogue Lieut-Governor New York (D) 1.1999-1.2003

Rosemary Myrdal Lieut-Governor North Dakota 1.1992-

Maureen O'Connor Lieut-Governor Ohio 1.1999-

Mary Fallin Lieut-Governor Oklahoma (R) 1.1995-

Carole Hillard Lieut-Governor South Dakota 1.1995-

Olene S Walker Lieut-Governor Utah (R) 1.1993-

14:47 Betsey Bayless Secretary of State Arizona (R) 1.199?-

Sharon Priest Secretary of State Arkansas (D) 1.199?-

Donetta Davidson Secretary of State Colorado (R) 1.199?-

Susan Bysiewicz Secretary of State Connecticut (D) 1.199?-

Harriet Smith Windsor Secretary of State Delaware (D) 1.199?-

Katherine Harris Secretary of State Florida (R) 1.199?-

Cathy Cox Secretary of State Georgia (D) 1.199?-

Sue Anne Gilroy Secretary of State Indiana (R) 1.199?-

Candice Miller Secretary of State Michigan (R) 1.199?-

Mary Kiffmeyer Secretary of State Minnesota (R) 1.199?-

Rebecca Vigil-Giron Secretary of State New Mexico (D) 1.199?-

Elaine Marshall Secretary of State N Carolina (D) 1.199?-

Joyce Hazeltine Secretary of State S Dakota (R) 1.199?-

Anne P Petera Secretary of C'Wealth Virginia (R) 1.199?-

Madeleine Z Bordallo Lieut-Governor Guam (D) 1993-

Beverly D Rivers Secretary of the District DC (D) 1.199?-

- 6 (WG 73: July 2004) -

4. Women Ministers (#) in National Governments: 673, in 210 (of 254) Governments

position on 1 July 2004

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Afghanistan 2:29 Habiba Sorabi Women

Suhaila Seddiqi Health

Albania 1:20 Ermelinda Meksi European Integration

Algeria 4:40 Khalida Toumi *Culture

Nouara Saadia Djaffar Family & Women (MiD)

Sakina Messadi National Community Abroad (MiD)

Souad Bendjaballah Scientific Research (MiD)

Andorra 4:12 Mireia Maestre Cortadella Finance

Olga Adellach Agriculture & Environment

Joaquima Sol Ordis Secretary General

Monica Codina Tort Health & Welfare

Angola 3:28 Ana Dias Lourenco Planning

Albertina Julia Hamukuya Health

Candida Celeste da Silva Family & Women's Advancement

Antigua & B *0: 9 Gertel Thorn Attorney General

Argentina 1:10 Alicia Kirchner Social Development & Environment

Armenia *0:19

Australia 4:28 Amanda Vanstone Immigration & Multicultural Affairs; Reconciliation

Kay Patterson Family & Community Service, Status of Women

Helen Coonan Assistant Treasurer

Danna Vale Veterans Affairs

Norfolk Is 0: 4

Austria 5:18 Benita Maria Ferrero-Waldner Foreign Affairs

Elisabeth Gehrer Education, Science & Culture

*Karin Mitlautsch Justice

Maria Rauch-Kallat Health; Women's Rights

Ursula Haubner Without Portfolio (StS)

Azerbaijan 0:22 Zemfira Guseinova Health (DpM)

Nachichevan 1: Sevil Seinabova Deputy Premier

Bahamas 4:16 Cynthia Pratt Deputy Prime Minister; National Security

Melanie Griffin Social Services & Community Development

Allyson Maynard-Gibson Financial Resources & Investments

Glenys Hanna-Martin Transport & Aviation

Bahrain *1:24 *Nada Haffadh Health

Bangladesh 3:60 Khaleda Zia Prime Minister; Defence, Energy, Education

Khurshid Jahan Huq Women & Children

Selma Rahman Cultural Affairs (MiS)

Barbados 5:16 Mia Motley Deputy PM; Attorney General: Home Affairs

Billie Miller Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade

Elizabeth Thompson Housing, Lands & Environment

Lynette Eastmond Commerce, Consumer Affairs, Business Development

Cynthia Forde Education (MiS)

Belarus 2:29 Lyudmila Pastayalka Health

Antonina Morova Labour & Social Security

Belgium 8:21 Laurette Onkelinx Deputy PM; Justice

*Fientje Moerman Economy, Energy, Foreign Trade & Scientific Research

Marie Arena Public Administration, Social Integration, City Policy

Sabine Laruelle Middle Classes & Agriculture

Freya Van den Bossche Environment, Consumer Protection, Sustainable Development

Kathleen Van Brempt Labour Organization, Work Satisfaction (StS)

Isabelle Simonis Families and the Disabled (StS)

*Frederique Ries European & Foreign Affairs (StS)


(#) Highest rank of Minister, unless otherwise indicated as Deputy, Assistant or Junior Minister (DpM), Minister Delegate(MiD), Minister of State (MiS); Executive or State Secretary (StS), and Parliamentary (State) Secretary (PtS); and (Parliamentary) Under Secretary (UnS). The names of 33 women from the earlier categories 1A & 1C are repeated, where they head governments and hold additional portfolios. These 33 are subtracted from the 673 women ministers totalled on page 17, but I have added to the resulting 640, to give the total of 673 above, the 33 women deputy ministers named below, but not included in individual country statistics when that country's total number of deputy ministers is not known.

Biodata on many women named here may be found in:

International Who's Who of [5500] Women ISBN 1-85743-027-1 Europa Publications London 3rd ed Nov 2001;

and Who's Who of (1500) Women in World Politics ISBN 0-86291-627-5 Bowker-Saur London 1st edition 1991.

Biographical details on some 500 "Women World Leaders", most with photographs, is maintained by Roberto Ortiz de Zarate on the Internet at

- 7 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Belize 1:18 Sylvia Flores *Human Development

Benin 4:21 Celine Seignon Kandissounon Health

Rafiatou Karimou Primary & Secondary Education

Lea Hounkpe Vocational Training

Massiatou Latoundji Social Welfare & Solidarity

Bhutan 0:12

Bolivia 0:15

Bosnia-H: Rep 1: 9 Ljerka Maric Treasury

Fed Bosnia-H: 0:18

Rep Srpska 0:22

Botswana 5:17 Margaret Nasha Lands & Housing

Pelonomi Venson Conservation, Tourism & Wildlife

Tebeleko Seretse Works & Transport

Lesego Mosomi Health

Gladys Kokorwe Local Govt, Lands & Housing (Asst Minister)

Brazil 2:31 Marina Silva Environment

*Nilceia Freire Women's Rights (StS)

Brunei 0:11 Princess Masna Foreign Affairs (DpM)

Misli Awang Education (UnS)

Azizah Abdullah Culture, Youth & Sport (UnS)

Bulgaria 5:20 Lidiya Santova Shuleva Deputy PM; Economy

Hristina Hristova Labour

Dolores Borisova Arsenova Environment & Water

Filiz Husmenova Without Portfolio

Meglena Kuneva European Affairs

*Krasimira Marinova Transport & Communications (DpM)

Burkina Faso 3:31 Gisele Guigma Women's Advancement

Maria Lamizama Social Affairs & National Solidarity

Monique Ilboudo Human Rights

Burma-Myanmar 0:37

Burundi 3:26 Seraphine Wakana Development Planning & Reconstruction

Francoise Ngendahayo Reintegration & Resettlement of Displaced Persons

Juliette Icoyitungiye Social Action & Women's Advancement

Cambodia 2:30 Princess Norodom Bophadevi Culture & Fine Arts

Mu Sok-huo Women & Veteran's Affairs

Cameroon 2:30 Catherine Bakang Mbock Women

Cecile Bomba Nkolo Social Affairs

Canada 11:39 Anne McLellan Deputy PM; Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness

Helene Chaliflour Scherrer Canadian Heritage

Lucienne Robillard Industry, Economic Development of Quebec

Liza Frulla Social Development

Claudette Bradshaw Labour; Homelessness

Aileen Carroll International Cooperation

Judy Sgro Citizenship & Immigration

Ethel Blondin-Andrew Children & Youth (StS)

Albina Guanieri Civil Preparedness; Associate Minister for Defence

Carolyn Bennett Public Health

Jean Augustine Multiculturalism, Status of Women (StS)

Cape Verde 3:15 Cristina Fontes Lima *Justice

*Filomena Martins Education; Human Resources Development

Madalena Neves Environment, Agriculture & Fisheries

C African Rep 2:28 Lea Doumta Family & Social Affairs, National Solidarity

Hyacinthe Wodobode Justice, Human Rights, Good Governance

Chad 2:29 Aziza Baroud Public Health

Ursule Tourkounda Social Action & Family

Chile 3:17 Maria Soledad Alvear Foreign Affairs

Michelle Bachelet Jeria Defence

Cecilia Perez Director National Women's Secretariat

China 2:38 WU Yi Vice Premier of State Council; Health

CHEN Zhili State Councillor

Politburo 1:24 WU Yi Member Politburo

China:HongKong 4:24 Elsie Leung Oi Sie Secretary for Justice

Denise Yue Chung-yee Secretary for Commerce & Industry

Sarah Liao Sau-tung Secretary for Environment, Transport & works

Claire Lo Ku Ka-Lee Commissioner against Narcotics

Macao SAR 2: 7 Rosa Silva Chan Administration & Justice

Fatima Choi Mei Lei Audit

- 8 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Colombia 5:15 Carolina Barco Foreign Affairs

Marta Pinto de De Hart Communications

Cecilia Maria Velez White National Education

Sandra Suarez Environment; Development

Maria Araujo Culture

Maria Ines Agudelo Valencia Finance (DpM)

Comoros 0:13

Anjouan 1: Kammbi Soulouhou Social Affairs

Congo Dem Rep 5:35 Marie-Madeleine Kalala Human Rights

Gertrude Kitembo Post & Telecommunications

Faida Mwangila Women & Family

Catherine Nzuzu wa Mbomba Solidarity & Humanitarian Affairs

*Pierrette Gene Culture & the Arts

Congo Rep 4:35 Jeanne Dambenze Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries; Women

Emilienne Raoul Solidarity, Humanitarian Action, Veterans, Family

Rosalie Kama Primary & Secondary Education, Literacy

Jeanne Francoise Kekomba Women (MiD)

Costa Rica 5:22 Lineth Saborio First Vice-President; Coordinator of Social Policy

Maria del Rocio Saenz Health

Patricia Vega Justice

Esmeralda Britton Women

Rosalia Gil Children

Cote d'Ivoire 5:40 Clothilde Ohouochi Solidarity & Social Security

Messaou Malan Culture & Francophone Affairs

Victorine Wodie Human Rights

Christine Adjobi Fight against AIDS

Colette Pelaud Women, Family & Children

Croatia 4:15 Jadranka Kosor Deputy Prime Minister; Families, Veterans, Social Affairs

Marina Matulovic Environment, Physical Planning & Construction

Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic European Integration

Vesna Skare Ozbolt Justice

Cuba 5:47 Barbara Castillo Cuesta Domestic Trade

Lina Pedraza Rodriguez Auditing & Control

Marta Lomas Morales Foreign Investment & Economic Cooperation

Georgina Barreieo Fajardo Finance & Prices

Rosa Eleana Simeon Negrin Science, Technology, Environment

Lesbia Canovas Fabelo Education (DpM)

2:25 Concepcion CAMPA Huergo Full Member Politburo

Yadira GARCIA Vera Full Member Politburo

Cyprus 1:12 Constandia Akkelidhou Health

Czech Rep 1:17 Petra Buzkova Education, Youth & Sport

Petra Smolikova Culture (DpM)

Denmark 5:18 Lene Espersen Justice

Mariann Fischer Boel Food, Agriculture & Fisheries

Ulla Tornaes Education

Henriette Kjaer Social Affairs & Equality

Tove Fergo Ecclesiastical Affairs

Faroes 0: 6

Greenland 2: 6 Augusta Sailing Vice Premier, Economy

Ruth Thomsen Heilman Health & Family

Djibouti 1:20 Hawa Ahmad Yousouf Women, Families & Social Welfare (MiD)

Dominica 0: 9

Dominican Rep 2:19 Milagros Ortiz Bosch Vice-President; Education, Arts & Public Worship

Yadira Henriquez Women

Ecuador 3:19 Ivonne Baki Foreign Trade, Industry & Fisheries

Gladys Eljuri Tourism

Yolanda Torres Secretary of Communications

Egypt 2:34 Amina Hamzah al-Jundi Social Security & Social Affairs

Fayza Aboulnaga Foreign Affairs (MiS)

El Salvador 2:17 *Yolanda Mayora de Gavidia Economy

*Ana Ligia de Saca Family (StS)

Equat Guinea 1:24 *Jesusa Obono Engono Women's Advancement

Eritrea 4:24 Fawzia Hashim Justice

Askalu Menkerios Labour & Human Welfare

Amna Nur Husayn Tourism

Hewat Zemichael Relief & Refugee Commissioner

Estonia 2:14 Kristiina Ojuland Foreign Affairs

*Ester Tuiksoo Agriculture

- 9 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Ethiopia 1:19 Genet Zewdie Education

Fiji 4:28 Ro Teimumu Kepa Education

Asenaca Caucau Women, Social Welfare & Poverty Alleviation

Marieta Rigamoto PM's Office (Asst Min)

Losena Salabula Women, Social Welfare & Poverty Alleviation (Asst Min)

Finland 8:18 Paula Lehtomaki Foreign Trade & Development Aid

Tuula Haatainen Education

Tanja Karpela Culture

Leena Luhtanen Transport & Communication

Sinikka Monkare Social Affairs & Health

Liisa Hyssala Health & Social Services

Tarja Filatov Labour

Ulla-Maj Wideroos Finance (DpM)

Aland 2: 7 Gun Carlsson Education & Culture

Ritva Sarin-Grufberg Industry & Trade

France 10:44 Michele Alliot-Marie *Defence

*Marie-Josee Roig Family & Children

Brigitte Girardin Overseas France

Nicole Fontaine *Parity & Professional Equity

Claudie Haignere *European Affairs (MiD)

*Catherine Vautrin Integration & Equal Opportunities (StS)

*Nelly Olin Action against Social Insecurity & Exclusion (MiD)

*Marie-Anne Montchamp Disabled (StS)

*Nicole Guedj Justice (StS)

Tokia Saifi Sustainable Development (StS)

New Caledonia 2:12 Dewe Gorodey Vice-Premier; Culture, Youth & Sport

Corinne Foluhea Vocational Training & Employment

Fr Polynesia 6:12 Nina Vernaudon Fisheries; Small Business

Pascal Haiti Artisans & Handicrafts

Louise Peltzer Women's Advancement

Armelle Merceron Health

Brigitte Vanizette Tourism & Environment

Pia Faatomo Family & Solidarity

Wallis&Futuna 2: Bernadette Papilio South Pacific Community

Marie-Noelle Mackenzie Juridical Service

Gabon 5:39 Paulette Moussavou MISSAMBO Transport & Civil Aviation

Honorine Dossou Naki Justice & Keeper of the Seals

Angelique Ngoma Family & Women's Advancement; Child Welfare

Yolande Assele Ebinda Planning & Development; Regions (MiD)

Ursule Ekie Commerce, Tourism & Industrial Development (MiD)

Gambia 3:14 Aisatou N'Jie Saidi Vice-President; Women & Social Affairs

Therese Ndong-Jatta Education

Susan Waffa-Ogooh Fisheries & Natural Resources

Georgia 5:21 *Tamar Beruchashvili Relations with the EU

*Salome Zurabishvili-Kashia Foreign Affairs

Eter Astemirova Refugees & Resettlement

*Tamar Sulukhia Infrastructure & Development

*Tamar Lebanidze Environment & Natural Resources

Abkhazia 3:12 Svetlana Ketsba Culture

Shalva Tzsukiskin Social Protection

Nino Todua Refugees & Accommodation

Germany 18:43 Brigitte Zypries Justice

Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul Economic Cooperation & Development

Renate Kuenast Consumer Protection, Nutrition & Agriculture

Ulla Schmidt Health & Social Security

Renate Schmidt Family, Senior Citizens, Women & Youth

Edelgard Bulmahn Education & Research

Christine Weiss Media & Culture (StS)

Kerstin Mueller Foreign Affairs (PtS)

Ute Vogt Interior (PtS)

Barbara Hendricks Finance (PtS)

Iris Gielcke Transport, Construction & Housing (PtS)

Angelika Mertens Transport, Construction & Housing (PtS)

Simone Probst Environment, Conservation & Nuclear Safety (PtS)

Margareta Wolf Environment, Conservation & Nuclear Safety (PtS)

Ursula Eid Economic Cooperation & Development (PtS)

Marion Caspers-Merk Health & Social Security (PtS)

Marieluise Beck Family, Senior Citizens, Women & Youth (PtS)

Christel Riemann-Hanewinckel Family, Senior Citizens, Women & Youth (PtS)

- 10 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Ghana 4:39 Cecilia Bannerman Mines

Christine Churcher Education of Girls

Gladys Asmah Women & Children

Elizabeth Ohene Tertiary Education (MiS)

Greece 2:20 *Marietta Yiannakou Education & Religious Affairs

*Fani Palli-Petralia Culture (Alternate Minister)

Grenada 6:19 Claris Charles Education & Labour

Brenda Hood Tourism, Civil Aviation, Culture & Performing Arts

Clarice Modeste-Curwen Communications, Works & Transport

Ann David Antoine Health, Social Security & Environment

Yolande Joseph Gender & Family, Housing & Social Services

Emmalin Pierre Youth Development (MiS)

Guatemala 1:15 *Antonieta del Cid de Bonilla Public Finance

Guinea 4:27 Mariame Aribot Social Affairs, Women & Children

*Dioubate Hadja Fatoumata Dialla Water Resources & Energy

Mariama Deo Balde Industry, Commerce, Small & Medium Enterprises

Sylla Koumba Diakite Tourism, Hotels & Handicrafts

Guinea-Bissau 5:24 *Eugenia Araujo Saldanha Social Soldarity & Fight against Poverty

*Odete Semedo Public Health

*Helena Nosolini Embalo Fisheries

*Isabel Buscardini War Veterans (StS)

*Lurdes Soares Vaz Tourism (StS)

Guyana 4:20 Carolyn Rodrigues Amerindian Affairs

Gail Texeira Youth, Sport & Culture

Bibi Shaddick Human Service, Social Security & Labour (MiS)

Jennifer Westford Public Service Management

Haiti 2:14 *Danielle St-Lot Commerce, Industry & Tourism

*Adeline Magloire-Chancy Women

Honduras 2:21 Mireya Batres Culture, Arts & Sports

Patricia Panting Natural Resources & Environment

Hungary 2:16 Monica Lamperth Interior

Katalin Levay Equal Opportunities

Iceland 2:10 Valgerdur Sverrisdottir Trade & Industry

Sif Fridleifsdottir Environment

India 3:68 *Meira Kumar Social Justice & Empowerment

*Renukha Chowdhury Tourism (MiS)

*Subbulakshmi Jagadeesan Social Justice & Empowerment (MiS)

Indonesia 3:32 Megawati Sukarnoputri President

Rini Mariani Sumarno Suwandi Trade & Industry

Sri Rejeki Surnaryoto Women's Empowerment (MiS)

Iran 1:32 Masoumeh Ebtekah Vice-President; Environment Protection

Iraq 6:24 Nesreen Mustafa Sidiq Berwari Public Works

*Nermin Othman Women

*Leila Abdul-Latif Labour

*Sawsan Sharif Agriculture

*Mishkat Mimoun Environment

*Pascale Isho Warda Displaced & Migrants

*Manal Kamel Alyas Aziza Environment (DpM)

*Hamdia Ahmed Najaf Displaced & Migrants (DpM)

*Subhi Mansour Al-Jumaily Agriculture (DpM)

*Baraka Mahdi Salih Al-Jiboori Electricity (DpM)

*Mitha Hassan Al-Lami Transportation (DpM)

*Beriwan Abdul-Karem Khailany Higher Education & Scientific Research (DpM)

Ireland 4:32 Mary Harney Deputy Prime Minister; Enterprise, Trade & Employment

Mary Coughlan Social & Family Affairs

Mary Hanafin Government Chief Whip (MiS)

Sile De Valera Adult Education, Youth, Educational Disadvantage (MiS)

Israel 3:28 Limor Livnat Education, Culture & Sport

Tzipi Livni Immigration Absorption

Yehudit Naot Environment

Italy 7:83 Letizia Moratti Education

Stefania Prestigiacomo Equal Opportunities

Margherita Boniver State Secretary Foreign Affairs

Maria Teresa Armosino State Secretary Economy

Valentina Aprea State Secretary Education

Maria Grazia Siliquini State Secretary Education

Grazia Sestini State Secretary Labour

- 11 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Jamaica 3:18 Portia Simpson Miller Local Govt, Community Development & Sports

Maxine Henry Wilson Education & Culture

Aloun Assamba Industry & Tourism

Japan 3:18 Yoriko Kawaguchi Foreign Affairs

Yuriko Koike Environment

Kiyoko Ono National Public Safety, Food Safety (StS)

Jordan 3:21 Alia Hattough-Bouran Tourism, Antiquities & Environment

Amal Farhan Municipal Affairs

Asma Khodr Government Spokesperson (MiS)

Kazakstan 3:20 *Byrganym Aitimova Deputy Prime Minister

Gulzhana Karagusova Labour & Social Security

Aitkul Baigaziyevna Samakova Environmental Protection

Zhannat Djurgalievna Ertlesova Finance (First DpM)

Kenya 3:21 Charity Kaluki Ngilu Health

Martha Karua Water

Linah Jebii Kilimo *Home Affairs Vice-President's Office (MiS)

Kiribati 1:10 Teima Onorio Vice-President; Education, Youth & Sport

Korea DPR 0:35

Korea Rep 2:29 Ji Eun-Hee Gender Equality

Kang Keum-Sil Justice

Kuwait 0:15 Sara Al-Duweisan Planning (UnS)

Rasha Al-Sabah Higher Education (UnS)

Siham Razoogi Oil (UnS)

Kyrgyzstan 2:25 Roza Korchubekovna Aknazareva Labour & Social Welfare

*Nelya Bishenliyeva Justice

Laos 0:21

Latvia 2:17 *Helena Demakova Culture

*Dagnija Stake Welfare

Lebanon *0:30

Lesotho 6:23 Mathabiso Lepono Gender, Youth & Sports

Lebohang Ntsinyi Tourism, Culture & Environment

Mamphono Khatletla Information, Broadcasting, Post & Telecoms

Pontso Susan Matemolo Sekatle Local Government

Mpeo Mahase Justice, Human Rights, Constitution (DpM)

Malijane Norah Maqelepo Education & Training (DpM)

Liberia 2:22 Evelyn Kandakai Education

Wheatonia Dixon Youth & Sports

Libya 0:13

Liechtenstein 1: 5 Rita Kieber-Beck Deputy Head of Govt; Education, Transport, Justice

Lithuania 2:14 Roma Dovydieniene Culture

Vilija Blinkeviciute Social Affairs & Labour

Asta Ungulaitiene Finance (DpM)

Luxembourg 4:14 Lydie Polfer Deputy PM, Foreign Affairs, Trade, Civil Service

Marie-Jose Jacobs Family, Soc Solidarity & Youth; Women's Advancement

Erna Hennicot-Schoepges Culture, Higher Education & Research; Public Works

Anne Brasseur Education, Vocational Training & Sports

Macedonia 2:18 Radmila Secerinska Deputy Prime Minister; without Portfolio

Ilinka Mitreva Foreign Affairs

Madagascar 1:20 *Lala Henriette Ratsiharovola Justice, Keeper of the Seals

Malawi 2:19 Lilian Patel *Labour & Vocational Training

*Joyce Banda Women, Children & Community Services

Malaysia 2:33 RAFIDAH binti Aziz International Trade & Industry

Shahrizat binte Abdul Jalil *Women, Family & Community Development

Maldives 1:22 Aneesa Ahmed Women & Social Welfare

Mali 4:27 *Maiga Zeinab Mint Youba Health

*Me Fanta Sylla Justie & Keeper of the Seals

*Soumare Aminata Sidibe State Properties, Land & Housing

Berthe Aissata Bengaly Women's Advancement, Children & Family

Malta 3:20 Giovanna Debono Island of Gozo

Dolores Cristina *Family & Social Solidarity (Parlt Sec)

*Helen D'Amato Elderlt & Community Care (Parlt Sec)

Marshalls 0:10

Mauritania 3:24 Salka bint Bilal Civil Service & Employment

Fatimatou Bint Mohamed Saleck Development & Information Technology (StS)

Zeinebou bint Mohamed Women (StS)

Mauritius 1:25 Marie-Arianne Navarre Women's Rights & Family Welfare

Mexico 2:19 Josefina Vazquez Mota Social Development

Leticia Navarro Tourism

- 12 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Micronesia 1: 9 Beauleen C Worswick Public Defender

Moldova 1:17 Zinaida Grecianii Finance

Mariana Durlesteanu Finance (DpM)

Monaco 0: 4

Mongolia 0:13

Morocco 1:29 Nezha Chekrouni Foreign Affairs & Cooperation (MiD)

Mozambique 3:23 Luisa Dias Diogo *Prime Minister; Planning & Finance

Virginia Matabele Women & Social Welfare Action Coordination

Lidia Brito Higher Education, Science & Technology

Namibia 3:21 Libertina Amathila Health & Social Services

Netumbo-Nandi Ndaitwah Women & Children

Saarah Kuugongelwa-Amathila Finance

Nauru 0: 5

Nepal 1: 7 Renu Yadav Women, Children & Social Welfare

Netherlands 10:26 Maria van der Hoeven Education, Culture & Science

Agnes van Ardenne-Van der Hoeven Development Cooperation

Sybilla Dekker Housing, Planning & Environment

Karla Peijs Transport, Public Works & Water Management

Rita Verdonk Immigration & Integration

Annette Nijs Education, Culture & Science (StS)

Medy van der Laan Culture & Media (StS)

Melanie Schultz van Haegen Transport, Public Works & Water Management (StS)

Karien van Gennip Economic Affairs (StS)

Clemence Ross-Van Dorp Health, Welfare & Sport (StS)

Neths: Aruba 1: 7 Marisol Juliette Tromp Public Works

Neth Antilles 2:10 Ersilia Delannooy Finance

Joan Theodora Brewster Health & Social Development

New Zealand 7:26 Helen Clark Prime Minister; Arts, Culture & Heritage

Annette King Health; Food Safety

Margaret Wilson *Attorney-General; Commerce; Waitangi Negotiations

Marion Hobbs Environment; Disarmament & Arms Control

Ruth Dyson *ACC: Senior Citizens, Women

Judith Tizard Consumer Affairs

Tariana Turi Community & Voluntary Sector

Cook Islands 1: 7 Janet Grace Mahi Solicitor General

Niue 0: 7

Tokelau 0: 3

Nicaragua 1:13 Natalia Barillas Family

Niger 3:28 Abdoul Wahid Halimatou Ousseyni Social Development, Population, Women & Children

Aissatou Mindaoudou Foreign Affairs, Cooperation & African Integration

Karim Fatouma Zara Endemic Diseases (StS)

Nigeria 6:40 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Finance

Franklin Ogbuewa Culture & Tourism

Mobolaji Osomo Housing & Urban Development

Rita Akpan Women & Youth

Funke Adedoyin Women & Youth (MiS)

Nenadi Esther Usman Finance (MiS)

Norway 9:19 Valgerd Svarstad Haugland Church & Cultural Affairs

Hilde Frafjord Johnson International Development

Laila Davoy Children & Family

Kristin Clemet Education & Research

Ingierd Schou Social Affairs

Torild Skogsholm Transport & Communication

Erna Solberg Local Govt & Regional Development

Kristin Krohn Devold Defence

Helle Hammer Trade & Industry (StS)

Oman 3:29 *Rawya bint Saud al-Bussaidi Higher Education

Sheikha Aisha bint Khalfan Public Authority for Craft Industries

Rahija bint Abd-al-Amir *Tourism

Thuwaibah bint Ahmad Bin Isa Social Affairs (DpM)

Fawzia bint Nasir Bin Juma Education (DpM)

Pakistan 2:28 Zubaida Jalal Education

Nilofar Bakhtiar Women, Social Welfare & Special Education (MiS)

Palau 1: 9 Sandra Pierantozzi Vice-President; Health

Palestine 2:25 Intisar al-Wazir Social Affairs

Zuhaira Kamal Women

Panama 5:16 Mireya Moscoso President

Doris Rosas de Mata Education

Ivonne Young Valdez Presidency

Lynette Maria Stanziola Agricultural Development

Rosabel Verdara Youth, Women, Family & Children

- 13 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Papua NGuinea 1:27 Lady Carol Kidu Welfare & Social Development

Bougainville 3: Theresa Jaintong

Elizabeth Buran

Doreas Awazi

Paraguay 5:18 Leila Rachid de Cowles Foreign Affairs

Blanca Ovalar de Duarte Education & Culture

Maria Jose Argana de Mateu Women (StS)

Maria Evangelista Troche de G Tourism (StS)

Gloria Beatriz Estigarribia de D Children & Adolescents (StS)

Stella Samaniego Secretary-General of Presidency

Peru 1:18 *Ana Maria Romero Women's Advancement, Social Development

Philippines 8:25 Gloria Macapagal Arroyo President

Delia Domingo-Albert Foreign Affairs

Juanita Amatong Finance

Emilia Boncodin Budget & Management

Patricia Santo Tomas Labour & Employment

Estrella Alabastro Science & Technology

Elisea Gozon Environment & Natural Resources

Corazon Soliman Social Welfare & Development

Poland 1:16 *Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka Second Deputy Prime Minister

Portugal 4:18 Manuela Ferreira Leite Finance

Teresa Patricio Gouveia Foreign Affairs & Portuguese Communities Abroad

Maria C Ferreira Lopes Cardona Justice

Maria da Graca Carvalho Science & Higher Education

Qatar 1:20 Sheika Ahmed Al-Mahmoud Education

Romania 2:25 Elena Dumitriu Labour, Social Solidarity & Family

*Speranta Maria Ianculescu Environment & Water Management

Russia *0:20

Daghestan 2:15 Zumrud Z Suleimanova Tourism & Youth

Naida Abdulgamidova Culture

Rwanda 9:29 Edda Mukabagwiza Justice & International Relations

Valerie Ntirahabineza Gender & Family Promotion

Drocella Mugorewera Lands, Environment, Forestry, Water & Natural Resources

Solina Nyirahabimana President's Office

Christine Nyatanyi Community Development & Social Affairs (MiS)

Angelina Muganza Skills Development, Vocational Training & Labour (MiS)

Maria Jeanne Mujawamariya Primary & Secondary Education (MiS)

Patricia Hajabakiga Lands & Environment (MiS)

Monique Nsanzabaganwa Economic Planning (MiS)

St Kitts-Nevis 1: 9 Jacinth Henry-Martin Information, Culture, Youth & Sports

Nevis 1: 3 Jean Nisbett-Harris Health, Culture, Women & Sports

Saint Lucia 1:14 Menissa Rambally Social Transformation, Culture & Local Government

St Vincent & G 2:13 Rene Baptiste Tourism & Culture

Girlyn Miguel Social Development, Family & Gender, Ecclesiastical

Samoa 1:13 Fiame Naomi Mata'afa Education, Sports & Culture; South Pacific Games 2007

San Marino 1:10 Rosa Zafferani Health & Social Security

Sao Tome & Pr 2:15 Maria das Neves de Sousa Prime Minister

*Elsa Teixeira Pinto Justice; State & Administrative Reform

Saudi Arabia 0:28

Senegal 7:35 *Aminata Tall Local Communities & Decentralization

*Aminata Diallo Health

*Aida Mbodi Family, Social Development & National Solidarity

Saphietou Ndiaye Diop *Culture & Heritage

Awa Gueye Kebe *Trade

Maimouna Sourang Ndir *Small & Medium Business, Women's Enterpise & Micro-Finance

Soukeyna Ndiaye Ba Decentralized Cooperation & Regional Planning

Serbia & M 0:17 Aleksandra Joksimovic Foreign Affairs (DpM)

Ana Begovic International Economic Relations (DpM)

Serbia 2:21 *Ivana Dulic-Markovic Agriculture, Forestry & Water Resources

*Ljiljana Colic Education & Sport

Montenegro 1:21 Vesna Kilibarda Culture

Kosova 3: Nekibe Kelmendi Justice

Vjosa Dobruna Democratic Governance & Civil Society

Edi Shukriu Culture

Seychelles 2:10 Sylvette Pool Local Government, Sports & Culture

Noellie Alexander Administration & Labour Development

Sierra Leone 3:25 Kadi Sesay Trade & Industry

Agnes Taylor-Lewis Health & Sanitation

Shirley Y Gbujama Social Welfare, Gender & Children

- 14 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Singapore 0:18

Slovakia 0:16

Slovenia 3:17 *Zdenka Cerar Justice

Andreja Rihter Culture

*Zdenka Kovac Regional Development

Solomons 0:20

Somalia 2:38 *Farah Huseyn Muhammad Water & Minerals

*Fadumo Adan Ali Women & Family

Puntland 0:12

Somaliland 1: 5 Edna Adan Ismael Foreign Affairs

South Africa 12:28 Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Foreign Affairs

*Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula Home Affairs

*Naledi Pandor Education

Angela Didiza Agriculture & Land Affairs

Geraldine Fraser-Moloketi Public Service & Administration

*Buyelma Patience Sonjica Water Affairs & Forestry

Ivy Matsepe-Cassburri Communications

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka Mineral & Energy Affairs

Brigitte Mabandla *Justice & Constitutional Development

Lindiwe Sisulu-Guma *Housing

Stella Sigcau Public Works

Mantombazana Tshabala-Msimang Health

Spain 8:16 *Maria Teresa Fernandez dela Vega First Vice-President of the Government

*Magdalena Akvarez Arza Development

*Carmen Calvo Culture

*Elena Salgado Health & Consumer Affairs

*Elena Espinoza Agriculture, Fisheries & Food

*Maria Jesus San Segundo Education & Science

*Maria Antonia Trujillo Housing

*Cristina Narbona Environment

Sri Lanka 4:37 Chandrika Kumaratunga *President, Defence, Education, Reconciliation, Enterprises

*Sumedha Jayasena Women's Empowerment & Social Welfare

*Pavritha Devi Wanniarachchi Social Welfare & Poverty Alleviation

*Ferial Ashraff Housing & Construction Industry

Sudan 0:38 Abda Y El Mahdi Finance & National Economy (MiS)

Suriname 2:18 Urmila Joella-Sewnundum Internal Affairs, Trade & Industry

Marie Levens Foreign Affairs

Swaziland 1:16 Constance Simelane Education

Sweden 11:22 Margareta Winberg Deputy Prime Minister

(the first modern Laila Freivalds Foreign Affairs

democracy to Ann-Christin Nyqvist Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; Consumer Issues

achieve parity Marita Ulvskog Culture

in government, Mona Sahlin Democracy, Integration, Equality, Sports & Urban Affairs

on 3 Oct 1994 Lena Sommestad Environment

15 Mar 1996 Berit Andnor Children & Families

6 Oct 1998 Leni Bjoerklund Defence

& 10 Oct 2003 Ulrica Messing Infrastructure

and to surpass Carim Jaemtin Development Cooperation

this, in 1999) Barbro Holmberg Migration & Asylum Policy

Lena Hallengren Education & Science (DpM)

Switzerland 1: 7 Micheline Calmy-Rey Foreign Affairs

Syria 2:31 Siham Dalou Labour & Social Affairs

Boussaina Shaaban Expatriate Affairs

Lamia'a Al-Asi Finance (DpM)

Taiwan-China 6:43 Kuo Yao-chi Without Portfolio; Chair Public Construction Commission

*Ho Mei-yuen Economic Affairs

Hsu Chih-hsiung Chair Commission of Mongolian & Tibetan Affairs

*Luo Wen-jia Chair Council of Hakka Affairs

Chang Fu-mei Chair Commission of Overseas Chinese Affairs

Chen Chu Chair Council of Labour Affairs

Tajikistan 1:32 *Khairinisso Mavlovona Deputy Prime Minister

Dodudoeva Bozgul Education (DpM)

- 15 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Tanzania 4:29 Mary Nagu President's Office: Civil Service (MiS)

Anna Abdallah Health

Zakhia Meghji Natural Resources, Tourism & Environment

Asha-Rose Migiro Community Development, Women & Childrent

Tan: Zanzibar 2:15 Amina S Ali Finance

Asha Bakar Hamad Women & Children

Thailand 3:36 Sudarat Keyuraphan Public Health

Uraiwan Thienthong Labour

Sirikorn Maneerin *Public Health

Tibet (exile) 2: Rinchen Khando Choegyal Education

Yangkyi Samkhar Dashee Health

Timor-Leste 5:29 Ana Maria Pessoa Pereira Minister of State Presidency Council of Ministers

Maria Madalena Brites Boavida Planning & Finance

Ilda Maria da Conceicao Administration (DpM)

Rosaria Maria Corte-Real Education, Culture, Youth & Sport (DpM)

Aicha Bassarewan Planning & Finance (DpM)

Togo 6:26 Sayo Boyoti Social Affairs, Women's Advancement & Children

Suzanne Aho Public Health

Debaba Bale Economic Affairs, Finance & Privatization

Ebina Dorothee Iloudje Tourism, Handicrafts & Leisure

Angele Aguigah Culture

Maria larba Apoudjak Private Sector (StS)

Tonga *1:12 *Paula Sunia Bloomfield Education; Youth, Sport & Culture (interim)

Trinidad & Tob 4:22 Camille Robinson-Regis Planning & Development

Hazel Anne Marie Manning Education

Penelope Beckles Public Utilities & Environment

Joan Yuille Williams Community Development & Gender, Culture

Tobago 1:10 Cynthia Alfrey Health, Social Services & Environment

Tunisia 1:25 Neziha Ben Yedder Women & Family

Turkey 1:25 Guldal Aksit Tourism

TR N Cyprus 0:10

Turkmenistan 4:29 Sherkersoltan Mukhammedova Deputy Chair Council of Ministers; Chair of Central Bank

Gurbansoltan Handurdyyeva Deputy Chair Council of Ministers

*Bibitac Vekilova Economy & Finance

Kurbanbibi Atadjanova General Public Prosecutor

Tuvalu 0: 6

Uganda 4:23 Hope Mwesigye Parliamentary Affairs

Syda Namirembe Bbumba Energy & Minerals

Janat B Mukwaya Justice & Constitutional Affairs

Zoe Bakoko-Bakoru *Gender, Labour & Social Development

Ukraine 0:20

United Arab Em 0:34 Aysha al-Sayaar Education (DpM)

Moza al-Habroush Women's Advancement (UnS)

United 35:115 Margaret Beckett Secretary of State Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Kingdom Baroness Valerie Amos Leader of the House of Lords; Lord President of the Council

Patricia Hewitt Secretary of State Trade & Industry; Minister for Women

Tessa Jowell Secretary of State Culture, Media & Sport

Hilary Armstrong Chief Whip

Harriet Harman Solicitor-General

Lynda Clark Advocate-General for Scotland

Dawn Primarolo Treasury: Paymaster General

Ruth Kelly Treasury: Financial Secretary

Baroness Elizabeth Symons Foreign Office: Middle East (MiS)

Beverley Hughes Home Office: Citizenship & Immigration (MiS)

Baroness Patricia Scotland Home Office (MiS)

Hazel Blears Home Office (MiS)

Jacqui Smith Trade & Industry; Deputy Minister for Women

Rosie Winterton Health: Mental Health & Social Care (MiS)

Jane Kennedy Northern Ireland: Security, Prisons & Policing (MiS)

Margaret Hodge Education & Skills: Children (MiS)

Estelle Morris Culture, Media & Sports: Arts (MiS)

- 16 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

United Kingdom Yvette Cooper Office of Deputy PM: (PtS)

(continued) Anne McGuire Constitutional Affairs: (PtS)

Baroness Patricia Hollis Work & Pensions: Children & Family (UnS)

Maria Eagle Work & Pensions: Disability & Longterm Care (UnS)

Angela Smith Northern Ireland (UnS)

Baroness Cathy Ashton Education & Skills: School Standards (UnS)

Melanie Johnson Health: Public Health (UnS)

Caroline Flint Home Office (UnS)

Fiona Mactaggart Home Office (UnS)

Baroness Jose Farrington Government Whip in House of Lords

Baroness Kay Andrews Government Whip in House of Lords

Baroness Christine Crawley Government Whip in House of Lords

Joan Ryan Government Whip

Gillian Merron Assistant Government Whip

Charlotte Atkins Assistant Government Whip

Margaret Moran Assistant Government Whip

Bridget Prentice Assistant Government Whip

N Ireland 2:10 Bairbre de Brun Health, Social Services & Public Safety

(suspended) Brid Rogers Agriculture & Rural Development

Scotland 5:11 Margaret Curran Communities

Patricia Ferguson Parliamentary Business

Cathy Jamieson Justice

Jackie Baillie Social Inclusion, Local Govt & Housing (DpM)

Elish Angiolini Solicitor General

Mary Mulligan Communities (DpM)

Wales 5: 8 Edwina Hart Social Justice & Regeneration

Jane Hutt Health & Social Services

Sue Essex Finance, Local Government & Public Services

Jane Davidson Education & Life-Long Learning

Karen Sinclair Assembly Business; Chief Whip

Guernsey 5:12 Judith Mary Beaugeard Arts

Anne Leslie Robilliard Public Assistance

Patricia Robilliard Island Reception

Jean Pritchard Children

Claire Helen Le Pelley Island Reception

Alderney 1: 3 Rosemary Hanbury Building & Development

Jersey 3:12 Anne Helen Harris Deputy Greffier of the States

Jacqui Huet Overseas Aid

Wendy Kinnard Home Affairs

Isle of Man 2: 8 Pamela Crowe Local Government & Environment

Clare Christian Social Affairs

Anguilla 0: 4

Bermuda 3:12 Nethela Honey Butterfield Environment

Maurine Webb Tourism & E-Commerce

Paula A Cox Youth, Sport & Culture

Br Virgin Is 0: 7

Caymans 0: 5

Falklands 2: 8 Norma Edwards Health

Jan Cheek Education

Gibraltar 1:15 Yvette Del Agua Social Affairs

Montserrat 1: 4 Isabelle Mende Health, Education & Community Services

Pitcairns 3:10 Betty Christian

Brenda Christian

Lea Brown

St Helena 1: 5 Margaret Hopkins

Ascension 3: 7 Caroline Yon Finance

Raxa Sukhtankar Finance

Nicky Andrews

TristandCunha 1: J Green

Turks&Caicos 1: 6 Cynthia Astwood Chief Secretary

- 17 (WG 73: July 2004) -

Country Women:Total Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

United States 3:15 Gale A Norton Interior

(#) Ann M Veneman Agriculture

Elaine Chao Labor

Cabinet-Level 1: 8 Condoleezza Rice National Security Adviser

AmericanSamoa 2:10 Marie Ma'o Protection Agency

Fiasili Puni E Haleck Youth & Women

Guam 4:10 Y'Asela Pereira Treasurer

Lourdes M Perez Administration

Lorilee Crisostomo Energy

Roxanne Garrido Human Resources Development

N Marianas 1:10 Ramona V Manglona Attorney General

Puerto Rico 3: Annabella Rodriguez Justice

Yolanda Zayas Santana

Elena Echegoyen Housing

US Virgin Is 3: Catherine L Mills Human Services

Vera M Falu Licensing & Consumer Affairs

Beulah A Dalmida-Smith Planning & Natural Resources

Uruguay 0:15

Uzbekistan 1:26 *Svetlana Inamova Deputy Prime Minister; Chair Women's Cte

Shahlo Abdullaeva Foreign Economic Relations (DpM)

Bakhulyar Nuyazmatova Health (DpM)

Vanuatu 0:14

Vatican 0:10

Venezuela 3:18 Maria Cristina Iglesias Labour

Ana Elisa Osorio Environment & Renewable Natural Resources

Marlene Yadira Cordova Science & Technology

Dalila Montserratt Tourism (DpM)

Viet Nam 2:32 Le Thi Thu Population & Family Planning

Nguyen Thi Hang Labour, War Invalids & Social Affairs

Le Thi Bang Tam Finance (DpM)

Western Sahara 2:23 Mariem Salek H'Mada Culture & Sport

Mahfouda Mohamed Rahal Social Assistance & Women's Emancipation

Yemen 1:35 Amat Al-Aleem Al-Suswah Human Rights

Zambia 5:21 Mutale Nalumango Labour & Social Security

Sylvia Masebo Local Government & Housing

Judith Kangoma-Kapijimpanga Lands

Marina Nsingo Community Development & Social Services

Gladys Nyirongo Sports & Youth Development

Zimbabwe 4:27 Joyce Mujuru Rural Resources & Water Development

*Sithembiso Nyoni Small & Medium Enterprise Development

Flora Bhuka Land Reform Programme (MiS)

Olivia Muchena Science & Technology Development (MiS)


673: 5044 = 13.3%


(#) Reports of "Presidential Appointments of Women to Fulltime Positions requiring Senate Confirmation" under

four earlier US Administrations, were compiled by Roger Garcia of the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Madison Building, Room 304, Washington DC 20540-7000 tel (+ 1 202) 707 8687. These reports provide comprehensive lists of over 800 women appointed to the top five levels of the Federal Executive and Judiciary, from Cabinet Secretary through to Deputy Under Secretary. According to the last report, 94-272 GOV of 7 May 1997, women accounted for 14% of appointments by President Carter (1977-81), 12% by President Reagan (1981-89), 20% by President Bush (1989-93), and 28%, or 302 out of 1072, by President Clinton (1993-97).

A list of the 113 women holding appointive office in 1991, in 36 of the 42 US States with a cabinet structure, may be found in "The Appointment of Women: A Survey of Governors' Cabinets 1989-91", published by the National Women's Political Caucus (NWPC) 1630 Connecticut Ave NW # 201 Washington DC 20009 (+ 1 202) 785 1100. The NPWC also used to publish a National Directory of Women Elected Officials, the final one, that of 1993, naming the 1517women, or 20%, serving in state legislatures, and the 175 mayors of cities with over 30 000 people.

- 18 (WG 73: July 2004) -

5. Women Judges of Supreme & Similar Courts: 129 (list very incomplete)

A. National or Federal Supreme Courts: 76

Country Women:Total Name Office Term of Office

Algeria Presdent Council of State 200?-

Angola Lizete Verissimo Judge Supreme Court 1993-

Australia 1: 7 Mary Genevieve Gaudron Justice High Court of Australia 2.1987-

Bahamas Joan Sawyer Chief Justice Supreme Court ?1996-

Bhutan Gagey Lhamu Judge High Court 199?-

Benin Elisabeth Pognon President Constitutional Court 199?-

Botswana Unity Dow Judge High Court of Botswana 199?-

Canada 3: 9 Beverley McLachlin Chief Justice Supreme Court of Canada 7.1.2000-

Claire L'Heureux-Dube Judge Supreme Court of Canada 15.4.1987-

China MA Yuan Vice-President Supreme People's Court 1985-

Czech Republic Eliska Wagnerova Chief Justice Supreme Court 199?-

Denmark 2:15 Marie Louise Andersen Judge Supreme Court 1.8.1988-

Else Lagaard Mols Judge Supreme Court 1.7.1982-

Dominican Rep Adanela Cedeno Judge Court of Appeal 199?-

Fiji Nazhat Shameen Judge High Court 199?-

Finland 4:10 Pirkko-Liisa Harmannn Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Anja Irmeli Tulenheimo-Takki Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Riitta Suhonen Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Kati Hiden Judge Supreme Court 199?-

France Myriam Ezratty-Bader First President Court of Appeal 1988-

Gabon Marie-Madeleine Mborantso President Constitutional Court 199?-

Germany 3:16 Karin Grasshof Judge Federal Constitutional Court Karlsruhe 199?-

Helga Seibert Judge Federal Constitutional Court 199?-

Renate Jaeger Judge Federal Constitutional Court 199?-

1:11 Iris Ebling Judge Federal Finance Court Munich 199?-

1:12 Ingeborg Wolff Judge Federal Welfare Court Kassel 199?-

Antje Sedemund-Treiber President Federal Patents Court Munich 199?-

Ghana Joyce Bamford-Addo Judge Supreme Court ?1993-

Greece Anna Athanassiadi Presiding Judge Court of Appeal 199?-

Guinea-Bissau Maria do Ceu MONTEIRO Judge Supreme Court ?1996-

Guyana Desiree Bernard Chief Justice Supreme Court ?1996-

Hungary Ursula Vezekenyi Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Iceland Gudrun Erlendsdottir Judge Supreme Court 1986-

India 2:16 Shobha Dixit Judge Supreme Court 1993-

Sujata Manohar Judge Supreme Court 1993-

Ireland Susan Gageby Denham Judge Supreme Court 12.1992-

Catherine McGuiness Judge High Court 199?-

Israel Shoshana Netanyahu Justice Supreme Court 1982-

Italy Maria Gabriella Luccioli Judge Supreme Court of Appeal 199?-

Fernanda Contri Judge High Council of Judges 199?-

Elena Paciotti Judge High Council of Judges 199?-

Japan 1:15 Hisako Takahashi Judge Supreme Court 9.2.1994-

Kenya Effie Owuor Judge High Court 1982-

Margaret Angawa Judge High Court ?1992-

Kyrgyzstan Baekova Cholpon Tursunova President Constitutional Court 199?-

New Zealand Sian Elias Chief Justice High Court 199?-

Nigeria Rose Nonyem Ukeje Judge Federal High Court of Nigeria 1986-

Palau Kathleen M Salii Judge Supreme Court 2000-

Poland Emilia-Janina Pogonowska-Jucha Judge State Court of Justice 1991-

Philippines Flerida Ruth Romero Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Papua New Guinea Tracy Doherty Justice Supreme Court ?1996-

Portugal Assuncao Esteves Judge Supreme Constitutional Court 199?-

Fernanda Palma Judge Supreme Constitutional Court 199?-

Saint Lucia 2:10 Suzie d'Auvergne Judge Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court 199?-

Charles Judge Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court 199?-

Senegal Maimouana Kane Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Slovenia 3: 9 Wedam Lukic Dragica President Constitutional Court 11.11.2001-

Milojka Modrijan Judge Constitutional Court 1.11.1998-

Mirjam Skrk Judge Constitutional Court 31.10.1998-

- 19 (WG 73: July 2004) -

A. National or Federal Supreme Courts: 76 continued

Country Women:Total Name Office Term of Office

South Africa 2:11 Yvonne Mokgoro Judge Constitutional Court 199?-

Sudan Frida Ibrahim Gabreel Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Sweden Gunnel Leander Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Inger Nyström Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Ingegerd Westlander Judge Supreme Court 199?-

Elisabeth Palm Judge Supreme Administrative Court 199?-

Trinidad & Tob Annestine Sealey Justice High Court 19??-

Uganda J Kikonyogo Judge High Court 199?-

United Kingdom 1:12 Brenda Hale Law Lord 12.1.2004-

1: 4 Elizabeth Butler-Sloss President High Court Family Division 10.1999-

Mary Arden Judge High Court 1993-

Joyanne Bracewell Judge High Court 1990-

Anne Ebsworth Judge High Court 1992-

Mary Claire Hogg Judge High Court 1995-

Janet Smith Judge High Court 1992-

Heather Steel Judge High Court 1993-

United States 2: 9 Ruth Bader Ginsburg Associate Justice US Supreme Court 1993-

Sandra Day O'Connor Associate Justice US Supreme Court 9.1981-

B. State and Regional Courts: 24

Canada Claire Barrette-Joncas Justice Superior Court of Quebec 1975-

Nicole Duval Justice Superior Court of Quebec 6.5.1992-

Judith Miriam Bell Judge Supreme Court of Ontario 1986-

Catherine Anne Fraser Chief Justice of Alberta 1992-

Constance Glube Chief Justice Supreme Court Nova Scotia 8.3.1982-

Germany Helga Oltrogge President Regional High Court Celle 199?-

India K K Usha Judge High Court Kerala 199?-

Netherlands Ingrid M Blaauw Vice Pres District Court Zwolle & Flevoland 199?-

United Kingdom Lolita Richardson Magistrate Anguilla 10.1994-

United States Shirley Abrahamson Chief Justice Wisconsin Supreme Court 1996-

Norma Holloway Johnson Chief Justice DC Federal District Court 199?-

Barbara J Pariente Justice Florida Supreme Court 199?-

Peggy A Quince Justice Florida Supreme Court 199?-

Dorothy Beasley Judge State Court of Georgia 1984-

Ruth Abrams Justice Massachusetts Supreme Court 1977-

Jeanne Coyne Judge Minnesota Supreme Court 1982-

Marie Louise Garibaldi Judge New Jersey Supreme Court 1982-

Irma Vidal Santaella Judge New York State Supreme Court 1983-

Lesley Snyder Judge New York State Supreme Court 199?-

Deborah L Cook Justice Ohio Supreme Court 199?-

Priscilla Owen Justice Texas Supreme Court 199?-

Christine Meaders Durham Judge Utah Supreme Court 1982-

Janet Healy Weeks Judge Superior Court of Guam 1975-

Mere Tuisosopo Betham Judge High Court of American Samoa 1991-

C. International Courts: 29

Europe 8:41 Elisabeth Palm (Sweden) Vice-Pres European Court of Human Rights 7.1998-

Francoise Tulkens (Belgium) Judge European Court of Human Rights 11.1998-

#Snejana Botoucharova (Bulgaria Judge European Court of Human Rights 11.1998-

Nina Vajic (Croatia) Judge European Court of Human Rights 11.1998-

Marg Tsatsa-Nikolovska Macedonia Judge European Court of Human Rights 11.1998-

Wilhelmina Thomassen (Neths) Judge European Court of Human Rights 11.1998-

#Hanne Sophie Greve (Norway) Judge European Court of Human Rights 11.1998-

#Viera Straznicka (Slovakia Judge European Court of Human Rights 11.1998-

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio Neths) Dep Registrar European Court Human Rights 11.1998-


# Individuals from democracies who, prior to attaining their current high office, featured in lists circulated earlier by the Council for Parity Democracy from 8 August 1980 onward, drawing attention to the potential of some 5000 able women from 130 democracies for positions of national or international leadership. Other individuals are listed later in 6 B: International Banks, and 8 A: Intergovernmental Organizations.

- 20 (WG 73: July 2004) -

C. International Courts: 29 continued

Country Women:Total Name Office Term of Office

Europe (cont) 1:15 Fidelma O'Kelly Macken (Ireland) Judge European Court of Justice 6.10.1999-

Virpi Tiili (Finland) Judge European Court of First Instance 199?-

Pernilla Lindh (Sweden) Judge European Court of First Instance 199?-

International Sharon Williams (Canada) Member Permanent Court Arbitration Hague 199?-

Delia Revoredo de Debakey (Peru) Member Permanent Court Arbitration Hague 199?-

Sonia Picado (Cos Rica) Vice-Pres Inter-American Ct of Human Rights 199?-

United Nations 1:15 #Rosalyn Higgins (UK) Judge International Court of Justice 12. 7.95-6.2.2010

1: 8 Renate Winter (Austria) Judge UN Special Court for Sierra Leone 3.12.02-

1: 6 Navanethan Pillay (S Africa) Judge Intl Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 24. 4.95-

2:14 #Florence Ndepele Mumba(Zambia) Vice-Pres Intl Criminal Tribunal ex-Yugo 17.11.99-02

Patricia Wald (US) Judge " " " " 17.11.99-02

#Carla Del Ponte (Switz) Prosecutor Int Crim Trib Rwanda/ex-Yugo 16.9.99-03

Dorothee Sampayo-Nijgh (Neths) Registrar Int Criminal Tribunal ex-Yugo 1996-

7:18 Sylvia Steiner (Brazil) Judge International Criminal Court 3.2003-

#Elizabeth Odio Benito (Cos Rica) Judge International Criminal Court 3.2003-

Aku Kuenyehia (Ghana) Judge International Criminal Court 3.2003-

Maureen Harding Clark (Ireland) Judge International Criminal Court 3.2003-

Anita Usacka (Latvia) Judge International Criminal Court 3.2003-

Fatoumata Diarra (Mali) Judge International Criminal Court 3.2003-

#Navanethan Pillay (S Africa) Judge International Criminal Court 3.2003-

6. Women Governors, Deputy Governors & Directors of Central Banks: 81

A. National Banks: 62

Angola Marinela Martins Amaral RIBAS Board Member Banco Nacional de Angola 1996-

Austria Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell First Vice-Governor Austrian National Bank 1998-

Barbados Marion Williams Governor Central Bank of Barbados 1999-

Belarus Tamara D Vinnikova President National Bank of Belarus 1996-

Belgium Marcia De Wachter Vice-Governor Banque Nationale de Belgique 1999-

Belize Yvette Alvarez Deputy Governor Central Bank of Belize 1996-

Botswana Linah Mohohlo Governor Bank of Botswana 2000-

Bulgaria 2: 5 Emiliya Milanova Deputy Governor Bulgarian National Bank 4.1998-

Svetlana Pinzari Deputy Governor Bulgarian National Bank 1999-

Burundi Speciose Baransata First Vice Governor Banque de la Republique 2003-

Cambodia SUM Nipha Deputy Governor National Bank of Cambodia 1997-

TAL Nay Im Director General National Bank of Cambodia 1999-

Canada Nancy Orr-Gaucher Board Member Bank of Canada 199?-

Colombia Monica APARICIO Smith Vice President Banco de la Republica 1997-

Patricia Correa Vice President Banco de la Republica 1998-

Maria Mercedes de Martinez Board Member Banco de la Republica 1992-

Denmark Bodil Nyboe ANDERSEN Governor Danmarks Nationalbank 1.1.1995-

Egypt Salwa El Musallamy Sub Governor Central Bank of Egypt 2000-

El Salvador Luz Maria Serpas de Portillo President Banco Central de Reserva de El S 2002-

Estonia Helo Meigas Deputy Governor Bank of Estonia 1998-

France Denise Osmont D'Amilly Member Monetary Council Banque de France 1997-

Guyana Dolly Sursattie Singh Acting Governor Bank of Guyana 1998-

Guatemala Antonieta De Bonilla Vice President Banco de Guatemala 1993-

Honduras Maria Elena Mondragon de Villar President Banco Central de Honduras 2002-

Indonesia 1: 8 Miranda S Goeltom Deputy Governor Bank Indonesia 1999-

Kazakstan Rosa B Kutubayeva Deputy Chair National Bank 1992-

Kyrgyzstan Kanysh Sharshekeeva Deputy Chair National Bank 1999-

Lithuania Birute Grikinyte Board Member Bank of Lithuania 1994-

Luxembourg Andree Billon-Jacquemart Executive Director Banque Central Luxembourg 200?-

Macedonia Dusanka Hristova Vice-Governor National Bank of Macedonia 1998-

Malaysia ZETI Akhtar Aziz Governor Bank Negara Malaysia 5.2000-

Latifah Merican Cheong Assistant Governor Bank Negara Malaysia 1999-

Moldova Veronica Bacalu Deputy President National Bank of Moldova 9.1996-

Norway Anne Berit Christiansen Director Norges Bank 1999-

Sylis Johanson Chief Cashier Bank of Norway 199?-

- 21 (WG 73: July 2004) -

A. National Banks: 62 continued

Country Women:Total Name Office Term of Office

Papua New G Flora Carruthers Chief Manager Bank of Papua New Guinea 1994-

Russia Tatiana V Paramonova First Deputy Chair Central Bank Russian Fedn 1998-

Sao Tome & Pr Maria Do Carmo Trovoada Silveira Governor Banco Central de Sao Tome e Principe 2002-

Serbia Kori Udovicki Governor National Bank of Serbia 2003-

Slovakia Elena Kohutikova Vice Governor National Bank of Slovakia 2000-

South Africa Gill Marcus Deputy Governor South African Reserve Bank 8.1999-

Swaziland Sibongile G Mdluli Deputy Governor Central Bank of Swaziland 2003-

Sweden 2: 6 Eva Srejber First Deputy Governor Sveriges Riksbank 1.2003-

Kristina Persson Deputy Governor Sveriges Riksbank 2003-

2: 8 Sinikka Bohlin Member General Council Sveriges Riksbank 200?-

Susanne Eberstem Member General Council Sveriges Riksbank 200?-

Thailand Tarisa Watanagase Deputy Governor Bank of Thailand 2003-

Tonga Aho Seneti Deputy Governor National Reserve Bank Tonga 2002-

Turkmenistan Sherkersoltan Mukhammedova Chair Central Bank of Turkmenistan 20.9.2003-

United Kingdom 7:19 Rachel Lomax Deputy Governor Bank of England 1.7.2003-

Kathleen O'Donovan Non-Executive Director Bank of England 6.8.1999-31.5.2005

Bridget Blow Non-Executive Director Bank of England 1.6.2000-31.5.2005

DeAnne Shirley Julius Non-Executive Director Bank of England 1.6.2001-31.5.2004

Mary Elizabeth Francis Non-Executive Director Bank of England 1.6.2001-31.5.2004

Laurel Powers-Freeling Non-Executive Director Bank of England 1.6.2002-31.5.2005

2: 9 Kate Barker Member Monetary Policy Cte Bank England 1.6.2001-31.5.2004

Marian Bell Member Monetary Policy Cte Bank England 1.6.2002-31.5.2005

UK: Bermuda Cheryl Ann Lister Chair Bermuda Monetary Authority 2003-

UK: Caymans Cindy Bush Director Cayman Islands Currency Board 1997-

United States Susan Schmidt Bies Member Board of Governors Federal Reserve 12.01-31.1.2012

Venezuela Violeta Asfura President Banco Central de Venezuela 1999-

Yugoslavia Vesna Arsic Vice Governor National Bank of Yugoslavia 200?-

B. International Banks: 19

Europe 1: 6 #Sirkka Hamalainen (Finland) Board Member European Central Bank 1.7.98-08

2: 5 #Noreen Doyle (US/Ireland) First Vice President European Bank (EBRD) 9.2001-

#Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz (Poland) Vice President European Bank (EBRD) 1.2001-

Isabel Martin Castella (Spain) Vice President European Investment Bank 1.1.01-

#Siv Hellen (Finland) Vice President Nordic Investment Bank 1999-

Tarja Kylanpaa (Finland) Vice President Nordic Investment Bank 2000-

Karin Wall (Sweden) Senior Vice Pres Nordic Investment Fund 1.1.01-

International K Burke Dillon (US) Executive VP Inter-American Development Bank 1999-

3:30 #Anne O Krueger (US) Senior Deputy Managing Director IMF 6.2001-

Carol S Carson (US) Director Statistics Intntl Monetary Fund 199?-

Margaret R Kelley (US) Director Hum Resources Intntl Monetary Fund 199?-

1: 5 #Mamphela Ramphele (S Africa) Managing Director World Bank 1999-

4:30 Mieko Nishimizu (Japan) Vice President South Asia World Bank 1997-

Nemat Shafik (Egypt) Vice President Private Sector World Bank 1999-

Francine Leautier (Tanzania) Vice President World Bank Institute 12.2001-

Katherine Sierra (US) Vice President Operational Serv World Bank 1.2001-

3: 6 Farida Khambata (India) Vice President Intntl Finance Corporation 2000-

Dorothy Hamachi Berry (US) Vice President Intntl Finance Corporation 1999-

Carol Lee (US) Vice President Intntl Finance Corporation 1995-

7. Women Business Leaders CEOs: 27

US Names are from Fortune 500 & 1000 Lists for 2004: ranking given after corporation

Most Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) in the US are also Board Chairs or Presidents

Brazil *Maria Silva Bastos Marques CEO Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSM) 200?-

France *Cecile Bonnefond CEO Veuve Clicquot Champagne 200?-

*Collette Robert Chair Arkopharma health products 1988-

Italy *Giuliana Benetton C0-founder Benetton worldwide casual wear 198?-

Japan *Yoshimi Ogawa Chair & CEO Index mobile phones 12.2002-

Netherlands *Mariette Barhoorn CEO Luba temporary employment 2002-

New Zealand *Kati Kasca Founder & CEO Evolu natural cosmetics 199?-

- 22 (WG 73: July 2004) -

7. Women Business Leaders: 27 continued

Country Name Office Term of Office

United Kingdom *Rowena Bird Co-founder & CEO Lush handmade cosmetics 199?-

*Debbie Moore Founder & CEO Pineapple Dance studios 199?-

*Mary Perkins Founder & CEO Specsavers International 199?-

*Marjorie Scardino CEO Pearson Publishing 200?-

United States *Dorrit J Bern CEO Charming Sshoppes (636) 200?-

*Carleton (Carly) S Fiorina CEO Hewlett Packard ( 11) 19.7.1999-

*Mary Forte CEO Zale Corporation (657) 1.8.2002-

*S Marce Fuller CEO Mirant Corporation (314) 200?-

*Patricia Gallup CEO PC Connection (937) 200?-

*Andrea Jung CEO Avon Products (275) 1.12.1999-

*Pamela Forbes Lieberman CEO TruServ (704) 1.12.1999-

*Kathleen A Ligocki CEO Tower Automotive (550) 29.7.2003-

*Anne Mulcahy CEO Xerox (130) 29.7.2003-

*Patricia F Russo CEO Lucent Technologies (243) 7.1.2002-

*Mary F Sammons CEO Rite Aid Corporation (128) 25.6.2003-

*Marion O Sandler CEO Golden West Financial (440) 200?-

*Eileen Scott CEO Pathmark Stores (432) 200?-

*Stephanie A Streeter CEO Banta (891) 200?-

*Margaret C Whitman CEO eBay (673) 200?-

*Dona Davis Young CEO Phoenix (588) 200?-

8. Bishops & Religious Leaders: 59 (list incomplete)

A. Anglican / Episcopalian: 18

Canada Victoria Matthews Bishop Edmonton Anglican 31.5.1997-

Ann E Tottenham Suffragan Bishop Credit Valley Anglican 22.9.1997-

New Zealand Penelope Ann Bansall Jamieson Bishop Dunedin Anglican 29.9.1990-

United States Carolyn Tanner Irish Bishop Utah Episcopalian 31.5.1996-

Mary Adelia McLeod Bishop Vermont Episcopalian 2.11.1993-

Chilton Abbie Richardson Knusden Bishop Maine Episcopalian 28.3.1998-

Katharine Jefferts Schori Bishop L Vegas &Nevada Episcopalian 2001-

Catherine Eliz Maples Waynick Bishop Indianapolis Episcopalian 7.9.1997-

Geralyn Wolf Bishop Rhode Island Episcopalian 17.2.1996-

Jane Holmes Dixon Suffragan Bishop D C Episcopalian 19.11.1992-

Barbara Harris Suffragan Bishop Mass Episcopalian 11.2.1989-

Catherine S Roskam Suffragan Bishop N Y Episcopalian 27.1.1996-

*Katharine Jefferts Schori Bishop Las Vegas NV Episcopalian 2001-

United Kingdom Christina Baxter Chair House of Laity CofE General Synod 1.1996-

Gillian Brentford President Church Mission Society 1998-

Myriam Byrne Provost St Pauls Anglican Cathedral Dundee 5.1998-

Vivian Ford Provost Anglican Cathedral Leicester 5.2000-

Judith Rose Archdeacon Anglican Cathedral Rochester 9.1995-

B. Lutheran: 13

Canada *Cynthia Halmarson Bishop Saskatchewan Evangelical Lutheran 2002-

Denmark *Elisabeth Dons Christensen Bishop Ribe Lutheran 2003-

Lise-Lotte Rebél Bishop Helsingor Lutheran 1.4.1995-

Sofie Petersen Bishop Greenland Lutheran 1.5.1995-

Germany Maria Jepsen Bishop Hamburg Lutheran 1992-

Margot Kaessemann Bishop Hannover Lutheran 1999-

Baerbel Wartenberg-Potter Bishop Holstein-Lubeck Lutheran 1999-

Norway Rosemarie Koehn Bishop Hamar Lutheran 27.5.1993-

Berit Rikaasen-Dahl Bishop Tunsberg Lutheran 2003-

Sweden Christina Odenstam Bishop Lund Lutheran 1996-

Carolina Krook Bishop Stockholm Lutheran 5.1998-

United States April Ulring Larson Bishop La Crosse United Lutheran 1992-

Andrea F DeGroot-Nesdahl Bishop South Dakota United Lutheran 1995-

- 23 (WG 73: July 2004) -

C. Methodist: 15

Country Name Office Term of Office

Kenya Maureen Jones Bishop Nairobi Methodist 1996-

Mexico Graziela Alvarez Bishop Mexico United Methodist ?1999-

South Africa Purity Malinga Bishop Natal Coast United Methodist 2000-

United States Sharon Brown Christopher Bishop Illinois United Methodist 1988-

Violet Fisher Bishop Northeastern United Methodist 2000-

Susan Hassinger Bishop Boston United Methodist 1996-

Janice Riggle Huie Bishop Arkansas United Methodist 1996-

Charlene Kammerer Bishop Charlotte United Methodist 1996-

*Linda Lee Bishop Michigan United Methodist 2000-

Susan Murch Morrison Bishop Albany United Methodist 1988-

Margaret Payne Bishop New England United Methodist 2000-

Sharon Zimmerman Rader Bishop Wisconsin United Methodist 1992-

Beverly Shamama Bishop San Francisco United Methodist 2000-

Ann Sherer Bishop Missouri United Methodist 1992-

Mary Ann Swenson Bishop Denver United Methodist 1992-

D. Other Christian Leaders: 13

Austria Gertraud Knoll Superintendent Burgenland Reformed 1994-

Luise Mueller Superintendent Salzburg/Tirol Reformed 1995-

Caribbean Monica Randoo Archbishop Judeah Spiritual Baptist ?2000-

Czech Republic Jana Silerova Superintendent Olomuc Hussite 1999-

Hungary Magda Szabo Superintendent Tszaninnen Reformed 1985-

India Katakshamma Paula Rajibo President Church of South India ?1996-

Southern Africa Vashti Murphy McKenzie Bishop 18th District Afr Methodist Episcopal 2000-

Trinidad & Tobago Barbara Gray-Burke Archbishop Trinidad Southern Baptist 1992-

United Kingdom *Alison Eliot Moderator (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland 2003-

Christina Le Moignan President Methodist Conference 2002-

Elizabeth Welch President United Reformed Church 2002-

United States *Susan Andrews Moderator Presbyterian Church (US) 5.2003-

Joan Brown Campbell Gen Sec National Council of Churches of Christ 1995-

Uruguay Beatriz Ferrari President Evangelical Methodist Church 1996-

International Sister Nirmala Mother Superior Missionaries of Charity 13.3.1997-

E. Other Religious Leaders: 4

India Dadi Prakashmani Administrative Head Brahma Kumaris worldwide 1.1969-

Dadi Janki Administrative Head Brahma Kumaris worldwide 3.1974-

Jagir Kaur President SGPC Sikh Community 3.1999-

United States *Janet Ross Marder President Central Conference American Rabbis 3.2003-

8. *Military Leaders: 52 (continued)

A. Admirals: 21

Norway *Elisabeth Natvig Rear Admiral Norwegian Navy 1.8.2003-

United States *Linda J Bird Rear Admiral US Navy Supply Corps 18.7.2003-

*Annette Elise Brown Rear Admiral US Navy South East Region 10.2002-

*Nancy Elizabeth Brown Rear Admiral US Navy Command & Control 8.2002-

*Donna L Crisp Rear Admiral US Navy Pacific Fleet 2.2002-

*Karen Flaherty Rear Admiral US Navy Nurse Corps 1.1991-

*Joyce Johnson Rear Admiral USN Public Health Service 200?-

*Nancy J Lescavage Rear Admiral Director US Navy Nurse Corps 2000-

*Rosanne M LeVitre Rear Admiral Dep Dir US Navy Intelligence 12.2003-

*Deborah A Loewer Rear Admiral Vice Commander USN Sealift 7.7.2003-

*Kathleen L Martin Rear Admiral Dep Surgeon General US Navy 3.10.2002-

*Kathleen K Paige Rear Admiral Dir USN Ballistic Missiles 3.2003-

*Sharon H Redpath Rear Admiral Commanding Officer USN Supply 200?-

*Ann E Rondeau Rear Admiral Commander USN Midwest Region 2004-

*Ann Turner Rear Admiral Chief US Navy Dental Corps 7.2001-

*Barbara E McGann Rear Admiral Provost US Naval College R I 200?-

*Patricia Tracey Vice Admiral Director US Navy Staff 2002-

- 24 (WG 73: July 2004) -

A. Admirals: 21 continued

Country Name Office Term of Office

*Ann DeBaets Gilbride Rear Admiral US Naval Reserve Intelligence 199?-

*Elizabeth M Morris Rear Admiral Dep Dir Nurse Corps Reserve 1.10.2000-

*Carol M Pottinger Rear Admiral Deputy Chief US Naval Reserve 200?-

*Vivien S Crea Rear Admiral United States Coast Guard 2000-

B. Generals: 31


Dominican Republic *Maria Abreu General Police 200?-

*Carmen Virginia Cabrera General Navy 5.3.2001-

*Lourdes Altagracia Estrella General Armed Forces 5.3.2001-

*Ramona Diaz Morfa General Army 5.3.2001-

*Daisy Liriano Paulino General Police 5.3.2001-

*Ramona Rodriguez General Police 200?-


Germany *Verena von Weymarn General Medical Corps 200?-

Indonesia / Israel

Korea Rep *YANG Seung Sook General Military Nursing Corps 2.1.2002-

South Africa *Jackie Sedibe Major General South African Defence Force 199?-


United States *Celia Adolphi Brig General United States Army Reserve 199?-

*Patricia Anderson Brig General United States Army Reserve 199?-

*Donna Barbisch Brig General United States Army Reserve 199?-

*B Sue Dueitt Brig General United States Army Reserve 6.1996-

*Karol A Kennedy Brig General United States Army Reserve 199?-

*Claudia Kennedy Lt General United States Army 6.1996-

*Carol A Mutter Lt General United States Marine Corps 1996-

*Leslie F Kenne Lt General Dep Chief of Staff US Air Force 1999-

*Rosanne Bailey Brig General USAF Commander Ramstein 1. 1.2002-

*Maria C Evans Brig General USAF Dir Personnel Pentagon 1. 1.2002-

*Jan D Eakle Brig General USAF Dep Dir Defence Finance 1. 3.2002-

*Sandra A Gregory Brig General USAF Dir Budget & Personnel 1.11.2003-

*Kimber L McKenzie Brig General USAF Vice-Com 8th Air Force 1.11.2003-

*Polly A Peyer Brig General USAF Dir Logistics HickamAFB 1. 7.2003-

*Katherine E Roberts Brig General USAF Dep Com Hanscomb AFB 1. 7.2004-

*Jarisse J Sanborn Brig General USAF Chief Counsel Scott AFB 1. 4.2003-

*Terry L Scherling Brig General USAF Dep Dir Foreign Support 1.10.2002-

*Toreaser A Steele Brig General USAF Vice Commander Dallas 1. 4.2001-

*Mary K Hartog BG (Select) USAF Com 37 Training Wing 1. 1.2000-

*Ellen M Pawlikowski BG (Select) USAF Dir Airborne Laser 1.10.1996-

*Melissa A Rank BG (Select) USAF Asst Surgeon General 1. 3.1999-

*Janet Anthea Therianos BG (Select) USAF Asst to SECAF Pentagon 1. 5.1999-

9. Women Heads or Deputy Heads of International Organizations: 65

A. Intergovernmental: 60

African Union 5:10 Elisabeth Tankeu (Cameroon) Commissioner Trade & Industry 11.7.2003-

Julia Dolly Joiner (Gambia) Commissioner Political Affairs 11.7.2003-

Philomena B Gawanas (Namibia) Commissioner Social Affairs 11.7.2003-

Rosebud Kurwijila (Tanzania) Commissioner Rural Economy & Agriculture 11.7.2003-

Saida Agrebi (Tunisia) Commissioner Human Resources,Science&Tech 11.7.2003-

Council of Europe Maud B-de Boer (Neths) Deputy Secretary-General CoE Strasbourg ?2001-

- 25 (WG 73: July 2004) -

A. Intergovernmental: 60 continued

Country Name Office Term of Office

Euro Commission 8:30 #Anna Diamantopoulou (Greece) Employment & Social Affairs 15.9.99-

#Michaele Schreyer (Germany) Budget & Taxation 15.9.99-

*#Daniela Hubner (Poland) Trade 1.5.04-

#Sandra Kalniete (Latvia) Fisheries 1.5.04-

#Dalia Grybauskaite (Lithuania) Education & Culture 1.5.04-

#Viviane Reding (Luxembourg) Education, Youth & Culture 15.9.99-

#Loyola de Palacio (Spain) Vice-President; Transport & Energy; Parlt 15.9.99-

#Margot Wallström (Sweden) Environment 15.9.99-

Euro Commission 8:25 *#Benita Ferrero-Waldner Austria) External Relations & European Neighbourhood 1.11.04-

designate *#Mariann Fischer Boel (Denmark) Agriculture & Rural Development 1.11.04-

* Ingrida Udre (Latvia) Taxation & Customs Union 1.11.04-

#Dalia Grybauskaite (Lithuania) Financial Programming & Budget 1.11.04-

#Viviane Reding (Luxembourg) Information Society & Media 1.11.04-

*#Neelie Kroes-Smit (Neths) Competition 1.11.04-

#Daniela Hubner (Poland) Regional Policy 1.11.04-

#Margot Wallström (Sweden) Vice President; Institutional Relations 1.11.04-

Int Org Migration Ndioro Ndiaye (Senegal) Deputy Director-General IOM Geneva 1999-

OECD 1: 4 *Berglind Asgeirsdottir (Iceland) Deputy Secretary-General OECD 2.9.2002-

Caricom Carla Barnett (Belize) Deputy Secretary-General Caribbean Community 1998-

Commonwealth 1: 4 Florence Mugasha (Uganda) Deputy Sec-Gen Commonwealth of Nations 1.5.2002-

United Nations #Louise Frechette (Canada) Deputy Secretary General United Nations 2.1998-

Under-Secs-Gen 5:38 Thoraya Obaid (Saudi Ar) Exec Director UN Population Fund (UNFPA) 1.1.2001-

#Brigita Schmognerova (Slovakia) Exec Sec Economic Commission Europe (ECE) 14.3.2002-

Mervat M Tallawy (Egypt) Exec Sec Econ & Soc Comm for W Asia (ESCWA) 12.2000-

Anna K Tibaijuka (Tanzania) Exec Director Habitat (Human Settlements) 10.2000-04

Carol Bellamy (US) Exec Director UN Children's Fund (Unicef) 4.95-03

#Catherine Bertini (US) Under Secretary General Human Resources 2003-

*#Louise Arbour (Canada) UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 3.2004-

#Eveline Herfkens (Neths) Exec Coord Millennium Development Goals 9.2002-

Asst Secs-Gen 4:40 #Carolyn McAskie (Canada) Asst Sec-Gen Emergency Relief Coordinator 11.1999-

Rafiah Salim (Malaysia) Asst Sec-Gen Human Resources Management 1998-

Gillian M Sorenson (US) Asst Sec-Gen External Relations 28.1.97-

Mary Ann Wyrsch (US) Deputy UN High Commissioner for Refugees 4.2001-

Karin Sham Poo (Norway) Dep Exec Dir UN Children's Fund (Unicef) ?1993-

Kristin Trone (Sweden) Dep Exec Dir UN Population Fund 199?-

#Sheila Sisulu (S Africa) Dep Exec Dir World Food Programme 2.2003-

Iliedi Tagliavini (Switz) Sec Gen's Special Representative Georgia 28.5.2002-

#Asma Jahangir (Pakistan) Rapporteur Extra-Judicial Executions 1999-

#Hina Jilani (Pakistan) UN Special Rep Human Rights Defenders 18.8 2000-

Karen AbuZayd (US) Deputy Commissioner-General UNRWA Gaza 7.2000-

Diana Russler (Italy) Deputy United Nations Security Coordinator 1998-

Kayoko Mizuta (Japan) Dep Exec Sec UN Econ Comm for Asia (ESCAP) 1998-

#Patricia Durrant (Jamaica) United Nations Ombud 4.2002-

#Roza Otunbayeva (Kyrgyzstan) SG's Deputy Special Representative Georgia 5.2002-8.2004

Lalla Ben Barka (Mali) Dep Exec Sec UN Econ Comm for Africa (ECA) 2.1998-

Savitri Butchey (Malaysia) Act Dir Institute Advancement Women (INSTRAW) 2002-

Patricia Lewis (UK) Director Institute Disarmament Research 1.7.97-

Specialized Agencies Ann Kern (Austrlia) Executive Director WHO 1998-

1: 3 Katherine Ann Hagen (US) Exec Director International Labour Office 1994-

1:10 #Mitsuko Horiuchi (Japan) Asst Dir-Gen International Labour Office 1998-

3:13 Eva Clayton (US) Asst Dir-Gen Food & Agriculture Organization 6.2003-

Carleen Gardner (Jamaica) Asst Dir-Gen Gen Affairs & Information FAO 1.2000-

Louise Fresco (Neths) Asst Dir-Gen Agriculture Department FAO 1.2000-

1: 9 Eleonora Mitrofanova (Russia) Asst Dir-Gen Administration Unesco 16.1.01-

- 26 (WG 73: July 2004) -

B. Voluntary: 5

Country Name Office Term of Office

International Helen Corbett (Australia) Gen Sec Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Org 6.98-

Astrid Heiberg (Norway) Pres Int Fed Red Cross/Crescent Societies 1999-

Irene Khan (Bangladesh) Secretary General Amnesty International 17.8.01-

Maritta Koch-Weser (Germany) Director General IUCN-World Conservation Union 6.99-

Mary Ellen McNish (U S A) General Secretary American Friends Service Cte 5.02-


The above list is one of eleven unique databases promoting women's advancement and democracy maintained by the writer since 1980. The above list is one of eleven unique databases promoting women's advancement and democracy maintained by the writer since 1980. Each database is prepared on a voluntary basis, financed from limited personal savings. Each entry takes on average an hour to list, to imagine, research and check the source, often involving travel and other costs. To assemble the above 1300 names, and the 2000 or more different names in earlier lists, has taken over 3000 hours, representing £30 000 worth of research. Not surprisingly, it has become one of the world's best databases of women in government. The list is now issued every six months, with earlier bimonthly lists having been issued as follows, each new list with some 50 additions or changes:

List & Date No of Women Named List & Date Women List & Date Women List & Date Women

1. 17 2 89 430 (120 countries) 21. 18 12 94 612 (152) 41. 15 4 98 1007 (168) 61. 14 7 01 1111 (196)

2. 15 5 91 278 (103 " ) 22. 28 2 95 632 (155) 42. 30 5 98 1040 (170) 62. 20 9 01 1108 (195)

3. 1 6 91 282 (104 " ) 23. 23 4 95 667 (158) 43. 18 7 98 1058 (170) 63. 21 11 01 1108 (197)

4. 1 1 92 295 (106 " ) 24. 31 5 95 696 (159) 44. 25 9 98 1036 (165) 64. 29 1 02 1108 (194)

5. 8 3 92 303 (107 " ) 25. 12 9 95 746 (164) 45. 21 11 98 1064 (167) 65. 22 3 02 1119 (197)

6. 28 4 92 297 (106 " ) 26. 1 10 95 796 (162) 46. 29 1 99 1108 (168) 66. 25 5 02 1136 (199)

7. 1 10 92 320 (109 " ) 27. 1 12 95 793 (160) 47. 31 3 99 1104 (168) 67. 16 7 02 1143 (200)

8. 1 11 92 332 (111 " ) 28. 31 1 96 806 (158) 48. 22 5 99 1141 (171) 68. 24 9 02 1130 (202)

9. 1 1 93 360 (121 " ) 29 15 3 96 799 (157) 49. 31 8 99 1152 (170) 69. 22 1 03 1157 (203)

10. 14 2 93 380 (120 " ) 30. 18 5 96 811 (157) 50. 25 10 99 1196 (170) 70. 16 5 03 1166 (207)

11. 20 4 93 388 (121 " ) 31. 24 7 96 822 (160) 51. 13 11 99 1208 (173) 71. 12 7 03 1179 (213)

12. 4 7 93 408 (124 " ) 32. 28 9 96 815 (161) 52. 21 2 00 1208 (170) 72. 27 1 04 1211 (212)

13. 20 8 93 414 (129 " ) 33. 21 11 96 845 (169) 53. 17 3 00 1420 (172) 73. 11 7 04 1296 (210)

14. 30 10 93 418 (130 " ) 34. 23 1 97 834 (167) 54. 24 5 00 1501 (172) 74.

15. 17 12 93 454 (144 " ) 35. 26 3 97 888 (167) 55. 18 7 00 1487 (176) 75.

16. 14 2 94 510 (142 " ) 36. 17 5 97 907 (170) 56. 11 9 00 1018 (188) 76.

17. 30 4 94 530 (142 " ) 37. 11 8 97 933 (162) 57. 17 11 00 1060 (192) 77.

18. 18 6 94 533 (141 " ) 38. 30 9 97 983 (170) 58. 22 1 01 1066 (193) 78.

19. 25 8 94 544 (148 " ) 39. 20 11 97 993 (168) 59. 21 3 01 1091 (194) 79.

20. 3 11 94 605 (154 " ) 40. 26 1 98 1006 (169) 60. 16 5 01 1110 (195) 80.

The other 10 databases on democracy and women's advancement maintained by the writer comprise:

1. 2400 Anniversaries for Promoting Democracy 1988-2016 3 pages annually

2. 1000 Anniversaries of Women's Empowerment 1992-2010 3 " annually

3. 5500 Centenaries of Distinguished Women of History 1981-2054 3 " annually

4. 2400 Birthdays of Distinguished Living Women from 130 countries 40 " cumulative

5. 5000 Women Heads for International Organizations 2 " quarterly

6. 600 Past Heads of State & Other Women Leaders in the World 1945-2003 12 " annually

7. Women's Advancement (Political & Civil Liberties) in 222 countries 1 " annually

8. Parity, Democracy, Dictatorship & Anarchy in the world's 192 states 1 " annually

9. Women Ministers & MPs in the 48 countries of Europe (numbers only) 1 " occasionally

10. Female Primogeniture in the 28 Monarchies of the Contemporary World 6 " occasionally

Since January 1997 the anniversaries in the first four lists have been published monthly in advance in The Parity Democrat ISSN 1367-6946 (£60 or $120 annual subscription).

Parity democracy, or paritocracy, is a democracy where women and men become true partners in citizenship and leadership, sharing equal responsibilities in government and administration, parliament and political parties, the judiciary and the media, and over public revenue and expenditure. Parity democracy is an end in itself, to bring to bear on public affairs the intelligence and creativity, the courage and integrity, the kindness and compassion, and the enthusiasm and industry of both halves of humankind. It is also a means to a world where every girl, as well as every boy, from Afghanistan to ex-Zaire, receives adequate nutrition, secondary education, and the expectation of gainful employment and an independent income; and to a world where women and girls enjoy freedom from violence and from the fear of violence.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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