Home Party Games - OoCities

#15 GAME

Build attendance at parties by telling the Hostess you'll have special prizes to award at the party if she has at least 15 guests. Space the gifts throughout the evening. You could give gifts for:

1. A guest who's been married 15 years or more

2. A guest who has a total of 15 children and grandchildren

3. A guest who has a total of 15 letters in her first and last name

4. A guest who has a child 15 years old

5. A guest who has a birthday on the 15th of the month

Be sure to have enough gifts in case more than one guest qualifies for each 15 you announce.

A 2 Minute Party

Give all guests a pencil and paper. Using a timer, give guests two minutes to write down their favorite food, favorite drink and as many people as they know who live within 30 minutes from their home. Give a little prize to the person who shares your favorite food, drink, etc. Give a prize to the person with the most names on their list. Then tell them they just planned their own ___________ Show in two minutes. Wasn’t that easy? Give a gift to anyone who decides to book a show right then.


Have everyone close his or her eyes. Then tell guests to draw a circle for their bunny's head and another for his body. Then draw two legs and feet on your bunny (be sure to add some creative patter as you explain what they are to draw). Now give the bunny two arms and hands. Put a face on your bunny. Don't forget whiskers. Draw an Easter Basket on the ground next to the bunny. Put a carrot in your bunny's left hand. Now go and put Easter eggs in your basket. Forgot his cottontail. Write Happy Easter at the top of the page.


2 points if face is on circle for head

10 points of tail touches bunny at all

20 points if at least two eggs made it into basket

3 points if carrot touches bunny at all

5 points if Happy Easter is legible

5 points if head and body touch

25 points if you decorated eggs

50 points if carrot is in bunny's left hand

6 points if basket is on ground next to bunny

Give a small prize to the one with the most points.


In this game the guests ask questions about your job. For example: A person asks a question about your job, "Why did you decide to join _______________? As you answer the question you give them a raffle ticket. While you are doing this you want to pay attention to who asks the most questions, in other words, the one or two that seem most interested in your job. At the end of the question session, draw tickets for prizes. As you are totaling orders and collecting your money, remember to ask those individuals one on one about joining you in selling _______________. Make an appointment with them to get together and discuss it. This is a recruiting bid, but they still enjoy the game and getting the prizes.

Another 2-Minute Party

Give everyone a paper and pen and give them one minute to write down names of 5 friends. First done will get a prize. Then have them list 5 female relatives over age 20 (or whatever). First, gets prize. Then list 5 people from their church, clubs, etc. (First gets prize) keep going with different groups until they have compiled a list of 30+ names. When you ask for bookings and they reply "I don’t know who to invite …" refer them to the list they made and tell them they already made up a guest list!

Blind Hawaii

Have everyone close his or her eyes. They picture Hawaii. Have them do the following with their eyes closed and they must keep their eyes closed the entire time!

Then ask them to draw the island (10 points).

Then a sun in their sky (15),

Fish in their sea 20),

A palm tree on their island (25),

A boat in their sea (30),

Birds in their sky (35),

A hula girl next to the palm tree (40),

Port holes on the ship (45),

A drink (Mai tai) in the girl’s hand (50),

And last but not least a sailor on the ship (55).











Coffee Mug Challenge

If you brought your own mug, give yourself 4,

now let’s see if we can raise that score.

Give yourself 2 if it has your company name

5 points more if any two are the same.

If your mug has a logo of your favorite sports team,

give yourself the count of 16.

If you’re a #1 MOM and your mug tells us so,

you get 20 points for letting us know.

Now a permanent stain on your mug is taboo

but don’t worry, you only have to subtract 2.

If it’s covered with flowers, give yourself 4;

A joke about your age gives you 2 points more.

If your mug has a chip in it, or even a crack,

I’m going to have to take 3 points back.

If it’s a high score you are looking for,

booking a show gets you 30 points more.

Now let’s count your points, and add up your score,

the one with the most is what we are looking for.

Hold That Pose!

Ask everyone to respond to these questions by following directions, precisely.

1. If you have car and you know how to drive, hold up your left hand.

2. If you enjoy being with people, wiggle your fingers.

3. If you have a telephone and love to talk, hold up your right hand.

4. If you like money and wish to have more or it, raise your left leg.

5. If you have lots of Petra products and are glad of it, raise your right leg.

6. If you like giving your opinion or saying what you think, nod your head.

Now pick one of the most enthusiastic people from those who have two hands and legs in the air. Have everyone else hold his or her position until guest comes up front. Then have the guest introduce them self to the group and select a Petra product he or she wants to buy or has at home and have them talk about it. Tell them you have something special to talk about later. (Recruiting info) Give everyone a gift for being such good sports.

If I’m Dreaming Left/Right Game

Once upon a time, an ambitious woman entered RIGHT through the door of a successful store with a reputation for beautiful, fine-quality merchandise. She walked RIGHT up to the owner and said, "Sir, the last time I was here, I LEFT very impressed with your establishment. I'd like to come RIGHT on board and build a career RIGHT here. I can promise you I'll work hard and I'll do the job RIGHT. In return, all I ask for is the following:

* First, I'd like 25% profit on everything I sell. That's fair RIGHT?

* And, if I sell more than $2,000 in any given month - I'd like a 5% bonus left in my mailbox or maybe left directly deposited RIGHT into my checking account.

* Now, when I do well, I expect lots of praise and recognition, not to mention products, special rewards and gifts - oh yes, and vacations to exotic locations. After all of my hard work, it's only RIGHT, RIGHT?

* By the way, I'm afraid I have LEFT the 9 to 5 scene. I'll want to set my own schedule and work when it is RIGHT for me.

* And of course, it’s only RIGHT that my family ALWAYS comes first, RIGHT?

"Ok, I think that's about it - don't think I've LEFT anything out. So let's get started RIGHT away!"

After the storeowner recovered from shock, he roared with laughter. "Lady, you can't be serious! You're living in a dream world. You'll never find an opportunity like that ANYWHERE, especially not RIGHT here!" So I LEFT.

BUT, he was wrong - that woman could have been me. I found the opportunity as a Consultant with Petra Fashions! AND SO CAN YOU! Ask me how to get started RIGHT away.

Guest with most points wins

50 Points if you live in the state where you were born.

100 Points if you live in the house where you were born in.

25 Points if you got up before 7:00 am this morning.

10 Points if you washed the dishes before you came to this party.

25 Points if you're wearing tennis shoes.

20 Points if you're wearing dress shoes.

75 Points if you're wearing boots.

50 Points if you kissed your husband today.

50 Points if you kissed your boyfriend today

-100 Points if you kissed both of them.

25 Points if you have ever been in an airplane (up in the air)

50 Points if you went to church last Sunday.

200 Points if you’re going to date a party today to help your host succeed with her sales goals.

50 Points if you have ever been a hostess for a party like the one where having now


1. Upon arriving, each guest is given an index card and is to write a question a newlywed would ask (example: How can I get my hubby in the mood?)

2. Then during the party, these same cards are passed back out to the guests only face down so questions cannot be seen by anyone.

3. Guests are to write the answer to the question on the back that they placed on their card from the beginning.

4. Then someone can read question from the front and then answer on the back (It's hilarious!)

Peculiar Game

This is a rather peculiar game

It really does not have a name

It's simple to play as a game should be

You just do as you're told, you see

So now if you'll please give me your attention

We'll put an end to this suspension

In the end, whoever scores the most

Will receive a prize of which to boast

Now since you're all fashionable girls

Give yourself 5 if you have any pearls

You may add 3 if your toes peek out

And earrings will give you 2 more to shout

Score yourself 5 if you show any red

Add 6 more for a curl on your head

Now before you think you are going to win

Take away 2 for each safety pin

Give yourself 6 if your pants are tight

Add 1 for a scarf which is just about right

Add 5 more if your shoes are black

And take away 3 for a zipper in back

Now count all your buttons, for each you get 2

And take away 1 for each button that's blue

Give yourself 5 if your heels are high

And why not take 10 for the green in your eye

10 more points for a rose on your clothes

Take away 5 if you forgot to wear hose

If your husband you kissed today - add 9

If you didn't subtract 12 - you're subject to fine

This is the end....there isn't anymore

Point Game #2

There's a point for the ladies whose shoes are red.

There are three points for the mother whose children are in bed.

Two points for all guests when their name has more then four, but if your name has eight that is great, gives yourself four more.

AAnd three if your name is Pat

And five points for anyone who brought a hat.

And if you have something that's gold tonight. We’ll give you six. 'cause it's precious and bright.

Now one point for red nails and two for red toes.

And add seven for anyone wearing a rose.

Who washed the dishes before they came?

Please add six because there is no shame.

Add two points if your hair is brown, but please don't frown, add three points for each of your crowns.

Now add two for each child that you have in your home, and three if you brought a comb.


If you have done any selling before, put down 10 for the start of your score.

If you have a car, and are able to drive, the thing you must do is add a 5.

If extra money is what you would like, add 9 more, which is just about right.

A little spare time will add to your score, for this you may add 6 more.

If you like people and think they are grand, add 7 more to see where you stand.

Add 10 points if you think parties are fun, and when you add this, you are almost done.

Now one last thing before we leave, give yourself 15 if you’d like to be a Petra Fashions Consultant like me.

If you score the highest, it’s plain to see, that part of our Petra Family you should be.


Have your guests write the following things on a piece of paper. Then ask them the real questions. Write "yes" or "no".

Write a number from 1 to 75

Pick a number from 1 to 10.

Pick a number from 1 to 100.

Write "yes" or "no".

Name a place.

Pick a number from 1 to 100.

Write a descriptive word.

Name a worldly possession.

Name a trade or profession

Name a fault of your own

Name a flower.

Write "yes" or "no".

Write an affirmative expression.

Name a period of time.

Write down the place you were last night.

Write "yes" or "no".

Write a sentence of 2 to 6 words.

Write "yes" or "no".

A member of your sex present in the room.

After guests complete these answers, have each guest take a turn reading their answers aloud after you ask the following questions.

Will this fortune influence your future behavior?

How many years will it take before you achieve your secret desire?

How many children will you have?

How many pounds will you gain in the next 10 years?

Will you lose all your hair before you are fifty?

Where will you enjoy most of your life?

What will your weekly income be in dollars?

How will you look in your old age?

What is one big desire to own?

What would you really like to be?

What keeps you from being more popular?

What expresses your personality?

Do you think very highly of yourself?

Do you have a secret admirer?

How long have you known him or her?

Where did you first meet him or her?

Has he or she asked you for a date?

What did you say?

Do you think anything will ever come of the whole thing?

Who is your foremost rival?

The Penny Game

As guests enter, give each of them a penny. Do not tell them what the penny is for, just that it is a surprise.

Do "penny checks" through out show. Such as, "Hey do all of you still have that penny? Oh OK great!” “Hold on to it”.

At end of show when you have them fill out the door prize slip at question #3, tell them to get out their penny. You then explain to them that they may do 3 things with this penny.

1. Keep it for good luck.

2. Use it to help pay for their order.

3. Buy one of the 10 brightly colored envelops

In these envelopes, are basically bribes (but don’t tell them that) eight of them have pieces of paper in them that say "Book a show dated ________ and receive ___________ at your show". (You decide what to give away on each one)

Two of the envelopes have pieces of paper in them that say, "Congratulations, you have won ______________ (Whatever you decide you want to give away).

Then explain to everyone that inside these envelopes are prizes, anything from _______ to __________. Be sure to tell them that some say you must book a show for the item and that some do not. Tell them up front that they shouldn't buy an envelope if they have no intention of booking a show because you and the hostess will hold them to it. (Say this jokingly but say it!)

You pretty much just go around the room and ask everyone if they would like to buy an envelope. For some reason it is easier than asking if they want to book a show. They know what it means. In groups of 10-12, this game often yields 4-5 bookings!

The name game

Everyone introduces themselves along with a destination and method of transportation, all beginning with the first letter of their name, then everyone's before them. Once that is done, they introduce a wrapped votive or g-string as "worm" to the next person. Example My name is Angela, I'm going to Australia on an airplane, she is Mary and she is going to Morocco on a mule and this is worm. Once all have been introduced, you ask the room who was the first guest in the door. They get the votive because you all know "the early bird gets the worm".


Ask each of your guests these questions and give each guest five points for each "yes" answer.

1. Are you wearing earrings?

2. Do you have blue eyes?

3. Do you have red hair?

4. Are you over 5 feet 5 inches tall?

5. Are you wearing fingernail polish?

6. Do you have a gold chain on?

7. Do you have a $10 bill in your possession?

8. Are you wearing a dress?

9. Do you have red shoes on?

10. Are you over 35 years old?

11. (Be Honest) Do you have a hole in your sock?

12. Are you wearing a watch?

13. Are you wearing a shoe over size 8?

14. Are you wearing "running" shoes?

15. Do you have a crown on your tooth?

16. Did you arrive in a blue car?

17. Are you wearing glasses?

18. Does the outfit you are wearing have buttons on it?

19. Are you a former Petra Hostess?

20. Are you willing to have a Petra Fashions Party? (For booking a party today you will receive the Hostess Gift Specials that are current right now)

Now have all your guests added up their score, and the guest with the highest score will receive a special gift from the consultant.


The way you play is the hostess and every guest gets a piece of paper with a blank tic-tac-toe board on it. You tell everyone that as you are presenting the product, if they like that particular piece then they can write it in one of the 9 blank spots on the paper. When the demo is done the guests should have their entire board filled in with their favorite 9 lingerie pieces (you choose the last variable), likewise so should the hostess. Then you tell the hostess to start calling out her favorite 9 pieces in a random order. If a guest has the piece she is calling out, they are to put an "X" on that box.

The first person to get a tic-tac-toe (either vertical, horizontal or diagonal) will be the winner....but the winner must yell, "I LOVE LINGERIE!!!!!"

You Wanna Make A Deal?

You will need four envelopes and a basket with your inexpensive door prizes. Wrap all the items in the basket. Inside each envelope put a small piece of paper folded several times so they can’t see it. On one, write $1.00; one will say $2.00; one will say $3.00; and one will say $5.00. Tell everyone what is inside and that they are gift certificates for tonight!!

Put the envelopes in a basket and hand it to the Hostess. Tell her she can’t look!!!

Now I play the "Right-Left" game and the envelopes travel right and left. At the end, I tell the person with the envelopes, "Don’t Look! Because I want to "Make A Deal" with you." I say, "Choose an envelope. You can keep the envelope you have, or trade for another envelope if you want." (Hold the other envelopes out.)

Next I say, "Don’t Look!! I’ll make another deal with you. (Pull out your gift basket.) I will trade you the envelope for an item in my basket. But remember, that envelope could be worth $1, $2, $3, $4, or maybe even $5!"

(Everyone is yelling, "trade" or "don’t trade". She makes her choice.)

I say, "Don’t Look!! I have another deal to make with you. You can keep your envelope, or pick another envelope and I’ll DOUBLE what’s inside or give you TWO prizes from my basket IF you will book a show tonight and help the hostess earn a FREE gift."

If she doesn’t book, she gives back the envelope and walks away.


Give everyone a piece of paper....tell your guest to close their eyes and imagine that you are in Hawaii.

First, draw an Island in the middle of your paper.

To the left of your island, draw a ship.

You are surrounded by water, so put some fish in the sea.

This is Hawaii, so put a palm tree on the island

It is a nice day, so put some birds in the air

That ship didn't get there all by itself, so put a sailor on the ship

He might get Hungry, so draw some coconuts on the palm tree.

Sailors like to see where they are going, so put portholes on the ship

Sailors like entertainment, so draw a hula dancer on the island.

It's a sunny day, so put a sun in the sky.

Now you can open your eyes.......How does it look???


your island is in the middle - 10 pts.

Your ship is to the left of the island, but not touching - 10 pts.

You have more than 2 fish - 15 pts.

The base of the palm tree is on the island - 20 pts.

More than 2 birds in the air - 20 pts.

The sailor is on the ship, not swimming - 20 pts.

Any coconut is on the tree - 15 pts.

Any porthole is on the ship - 20 pts.

The Hula Dancer is on the island - 20 pts.

Now if the sun is....

to the left - 20 pts.

to the right - 15 pts.

in the middle - 10 pts.

Add the points......perfect score is 165



Draw a circle (the body).

Draw a smaller circle (the head).

Draw his left leg.

Draw his right arm.

Draw his nose on the head.

Draw his boot on the left leg.

Draw his right leg.

Draw his eyes.

Draw the sack beside Santa.

Draw his beard.

Draw his boot on the right leg.

Draw the left arm.

Draw a present in the sack.

Draw gloves on his hands.

Draw a hat on his head. (don't just read it, say things like "Santa's left foot is cold - give him a boot....he needs a present to give - put one in the sack, etc.)


10 for legs in right place;

15 for nose on the head;

20 for boots on the legs;

25 for eyes on head;

30 for the sack;

35 for gloves on hands;

40 for the present in the sack;

40 for both arms attached;

50 for the beard on his face;

75 for the hat in the proper place.

Total the points and award a gift to the guest with the highest score. For scoring, you can even have them give their paper to the person next to them (that way there is no arguing about points).


Tell them to draw a circle for their bunny's head and another for his body.

Then draw two legs & feet on your bunny.

Now give your bunny two arms and hands.

Put a face on your bunny (don't forget the whiskers)

Draw an Easter basket on the ground next to your bunny.

Put a carrot in your bunny's left hand.

Now go and put Easter eggs in your basket.

Oops forgot his cottontail ~ go put a tail on your bunny.

Write Happy Easter at top of page.

Score 2 pts if face is in circle for head

5 pts if head and body touch

10 pts if tail touches bunny at all

25 pts you decorated the eggs

20 pts if at least two eggs made it into basket

50 pts if carrot is in bunny's left hand

3 pts if carrot touches bunny at all

6 pts if basket is on ground next to bunny

5 pts if Happy Easter is legible


Do you know your beans?

Give guests a time limit to write down as many kinds of beans as they can.

The person with the most wins a prize.

|String |Butter |Great Northern |Green |

|Cocoa |Lima |Black |Pole |

|Chile |Navy |Vanilla |Pinto |

|Cannellini |Jumping |Garbanzo |Pink |

|Wax |Jelly |Kidney |Soy |

| |Fava | |Coffee |


1. Do they have a 4th of July in England?

(Yes, they have a 4th of July everywhere)

2. Some months have 30 days, some have 31. How many have 28?

(They all have 28 days)

3. Why can't a man living in Montreal be buried west of Calgary?

(Because he isn't dead yet)

4. If it takes 10 men 10 days to dig a hole, how long will it take 5 men to dig half a hole?

(There is no such thing as "half a hole")

5. Why should a pedestrian crossing the street always take vitamins?

(To keep from getting "run down")

6. How do you get down from an elephant?

(You don't - you can only get "down", as in feathers, from a Duck)

7. How many of each kind of animal did Moses take into the Ark?

(None......Moses didn't have an Ark.......it was Noah)

8. If you take 2 apples from 3 apples, what do you have?

(You have the two apples you took)


You can use this game at most parties, but change it a bit if you have repeat guests. Talk about yourself, your husband's name, children's name, how long I have been married, how long you've been selling Petra, my $$$ in fund raiser sales last year ( that opens the door to talk about fund raisers)....trips I've been on, etc. I do all this talking while passing out the books, papers, and just casually walking around. When I finish with the big speech, I then ask them to take out the sheet of paper I gave them, and then say, "Question #1.... what is my husband's name?" I get a lot of, "OH, I wasn't listening". You can bet that they will listen this time!! It's a great recruiting game, shows them that though everyone is "busy", they can do this wonderful job too


Type up descriptions of whatever merchandise you have in your kit. You can use the descriptions right out of the catalog and embellish them a bit.

Cut the descriptions into strips so you have one per strip. Also do the Bonus Buys, Booking Gifts, FREE Merchandise for Having a Party and Recruiting information.

Have each guest pick one as they enter the party. (You may want to coach each person a bit if you like, i.e., show them the item and talk about it a bit).

After the intros have each guest "demo" their item. This is a great way to see which of the guests would be a good demonstrator.

For Spring parties why not use plastic Easter Eggs in an "Easter Basket". Halloween parties use the small plastic pumpkins, Christmas you could use the small stockings, etc......


This is a great way to have the hostess remind people of the party

Have the hostess call all the guests 2 days before the party and tell them to bring some toilet paper - never mind how much!!

This reminds party guests about the party, and also makes them curious over why they are bringing TP!

You will need to bring a plastic bag, preferably a large clear one.

Then, award points;

Brought 10 sheets or less - 10 pts.

Brought more than 10 sheets, but not a roll - 20 pts.

Brought a roll - 30 pts.

Individually wrapped roll - 25 more pts.

Brought a 4-pack - 50 pts.

1 - ply TP - 15 pts

2 - ply TP - 30 pts.

3 - ply TP (ultra) - 45 pts

White TP - 50 pts

Colored TP - 25 pts

Colored designs/flowers - 35 pts.

Bought TP on sale/ with a coupon - 20 pts

Quilted TP - 50 pts.

Store brand/generic brand - 15 pts.

Name Brand - 50 pts.

At this point, go around the room and ask if they hang their TP over or under.......

Roll over - 25 pts

Roll under - 50 pts

Borrowed TP just to play the game - SUBTRACT 30 pts

Pull out plastic bag - offer 100 points if they will give you their TP

After you collect it all - offer 150 points to those who kept theirs

Person with most points gets a prize - the bag of TP!!


Read the following aloud and have your guests make a check mark on a piece of paper every time they hear the name of a TV. program. They really listen and the winner is the one who hears the most. It's a great recruiting tool!!!

I was THIRTY SOMETHING, living through THE WONDER YEARS with my FAMILY and my husband, taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. We were doing okay, but THE FACTS OF LIFE were that we were not born with SILVER SPOONS in our mouths. Our savings were in JEOPARDY and we didn't want to be in debt for the rest of THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES. I finally told my husband, it's time to get out of THIS OLD HOUSE or at least make some HOME IMPROVEMENT. I don't want to start a FAMILY FEUD but I'm YOUNG AND RESTLESS and I want to contribute to the family finances. It's time for me to GET SMART and not be THE CRITIC. I am in search of AMERICA'S MOST WANTED job. FAMILY MATTERS to me and I don't want to miss out on PRIME TIME with the kids by hiring THE NANNY. Petra Fashions offers a great opportunity. THE PRICE IS RIGHT. no investment! Part-time work with full-time pay! And WHO'S THE BOSS, I am! But could I get up in front of a FULL HOUSE of PERFECT STRANGERS for 60 MINUTES and tell people how to take home their BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL merchandise and become a DESIGNING WOMAN? Of course I have experienced some GROWING PAINS, but soon I was able to spread my WINGS and watch my business BLOSSOM. Petra Fashions has made me feel that I'm part of A-TEAM. I have GOOD TIMES at home with ALL MY CHILDREN My family has the EXTRA income needed (we've even added PICKET FENCES) and my husband CHEERS when my weekly paycheck arrives! Soon, I'LL FLY AWAY to PARADISE....a dream vacation for which Petra Fashions will pay. My husband and I will be like HONEYMOONERS again, sharing HAPPY DAYS in ANOTHER WORLD. Petra Fashions may not be for everyone, as they say, DIFFERENT STROKES for different folks. But if you are MARRIED WITH CHILDREN and have strong FAMILY TIES, I highly recommend Petra Fashions to you. There are 42 names of TV programs, how many can your guests name?


Have the guests write the first word that comes to mind as you call out the following. Whoever matches the most with the hostess wins.

10. Husband

11. Trip

12. Laugh

13. Cold

14. Coat

15. Money

16. animal that begins with R

17. early spring flower

18. musical instrument

19. something marked "grade A"

20. Home

21. Toy

22. Candy

23. Music

24. Dog

25. Run

26. famous brother

27. type of insurance

28. wood to make furniture

29. pastel color


Give a ticket, Jelly Bean, M&M or other item to the guests who can say YES to the following.

The person with the most at the end wins a prize and everyone can eat their candy!

You did the dishes before you came

Your husband is home baby sitting

You brought a friend

You ate breakfast this morning

You were 29 on your last birthday

Your anniversary is in October

You have 4 sons

Your mother in law lives with you

You are related to the hostess

You are going to book a party tonight

You have blue eyes

You work 40 hours a week

Tie Breakers

You have less than 3.00 with you

You don't have pierced ears

You vacationed outside your state

Your husband is self employed

You have a child in college


1. What ship goes to church? (worship)

2. What ship is found in the country? (township)

3. What ship is the most romantic? (courtship)

4. What ship applies to your guests? (friendship)

5. What ship belongs on a bench in court? (judgeship)

6. What ship is shared with someone else? (partnership)

7. What ship is bought and paid for? (ownership)

8. What ship is English nobility? (lordship)

9. What ship heads a group? (leadership)


Give everyone 3 slips of paper and instruct them to put their name on each piece.

Now put a few gifts on a table or in the middle of the floor (number of gifts should depend on number of guests).

Put all the names in a basket and start drawing names.

When each of the gifts are taken from the table, they start taking a gift from someone who already has a gift until all the names are drawn. Whoever has a gift when the names are completed gets to keep the gift.


Fill a bag with jelly beans, pass it around, and have each person take five out.

Have them total their points as you read this aloud:

5 points for each RED one

4 points for each YELLOW one

Minus 1 point for each PINK one

3 points for each WHITE one

10 points for each GREEN one

Minus 2 points for each PURPLE one

8 points for each BLACK one

7 points for each BLUE one


Read this story aloud while guests add up the points.

If any selling you have done before, put down 10 for the start of your score.

If you have a car, and are able to drive, the thing you must do is just add 5.

If some extra money is what you would like, add 10 more, which is just about right.

A little spare time will add to your score, for this you may add 15 more.

If you like people and think they are grand, add 6 more to see where you stand.

Add 10 points if you think parties are fun, and when you add this, you are almost done.

If you score the highest, it is plain to see, that part of our Petra Fashions Family you should be.

Add 10 to your score if you want to know more about becoming a consultant just like me.


1. Part of an eye - IRIS

2. Place for a kiss - TULIPS

3. Shade of Purple - LILAC

4. Moses in the desert - WANDERING JEW

5. English mother - MUM

6. A wonderful animal - DANDELION

7. Sad hat - BLUE BONNET

8. Often between two thorns - ROSE

9. One way for a man to get rich quick - MARIGOLD

10. Infant air - BABY’S BREATH

11. What a serviceman tells his sweetheart - FORGET-ME-NOT

12. Lady who lives between two mountains - LILY OF THE VALLEY


Tell the guests that you are going to play a game to see just how observant they are.

Have the hostess take a tray with some items on it and show it to each guest.

After she has shown the tray to everyone, ask her to take the tray and wait in another room.

Then have the guests answer the following questions.

1. What are the color of her eyes?

2. Is she wearing earrings?

3. Is she wearing glasses?

4. Are there buttons on her outfit?

5. Is she wearing high or low heals?

6. What color lipstick is she wearing?

7. How many rings is she wearing?

8. Was she wearing cologne or perfume?


1. Lives in a hill - ANT

2. Has a colored coat - YELLOW JACKET

3. Is always sweet - HONEY BEE

4. Is named for a month - JUNE BUG

5. Has good manners - LADY BUG

6. Is a monster - DRAGONFLY

7. Is used to build roads - CATERPILLAR

8. Is slang for punch - SLUG


1. Chief part of a watch (mainspring)

2. Your children are your (offspring)

3. Used by a swimmer and diver (spring board)

4. A type of cake pan (spring form)

5. The December Bride (Spring Byington)

6. Name of a song (Spring Time)

7. Lazy feeling often associated with Spring (spring fever)

8. City in Massachusetts, Missouri and Ohio (Springfield)

9. Clear liquid that is good for you (spring water)

10. Thorough cleaning of the home in March, April or May (spring cleaning)


1. What 2 words have more than 100 letters in them? (post office)

2. What has 4 legs and 1 foot? (bed)

3. Where does Thursday come before Wednesday? (dictionary)

4. What is the best invention for looking through walls? (windows)

5. What has its heart in its head? (cabbage)

6. What berry is red when it's green? (blackberry)

7. What is the first thing a man sets in his garden? (his foot)

8. What is put on the table, cut and passed, but never eaten? (a deck of cards)

9. Which of the presidents wore the biggest shoes? (the one with the biggest feet)

10. What is good thing to part with? (a comb)

11. What is the best way to keep a fish from smelling? (cut of its nose)

12. What never asks questions, but requires many answers? (doorbell)



Offer 1 buck for each question they ask you about your job. Tell them it can be anything.... (i.e.: how much do you make?) Answer the questions honestly while handing out the bucks.


PASS THE BUCK- Look around the room and pick a guest. offer that guest 1 buck to sing a Christmas song and tell her she can do it or pass the buck to someone else! However, every time it passes you increase the buck by $1. If she sings she keeps the buck - if she passes it, the new person has the same option. Once the song is done - pick a new person and offer 2 bucks to Demonstrate an item off your table - she has the same options. Continue with the following: 3 bucks to recite a love poem; 4 bucks to sing a nursery rhyme; 5 bucks to Host a Party!!


Hand out paper & pens and tell your guests to write the answers to the following 10 questions: (the hostess must play too!)

1. What is your favorite color?

2. what is your favorite flower?

3. what is your favorite season?

4. what do you like best about MY job?

5. what item on my table do you like the most?

6. what is the best thing about winter?

7. what is the worst thing about winter?

8. what is your favorite food?

9. what is your favorite day of the week?

10. what is your favorite TV? show?

OK - now tell them that for every answer that matches THE HOSTESS'S answer they will receive 2 bucks, but if NO ONE MATCHES THE HOSTESS - she will receive 5 bucks!! Now ask the hostess her answers to the 10 questions and hand out the bucks accordingly. After you have played these 3 games throughout your demonstration, everyone should have auction bucks. Have 3 nice gifts wrapped - hold up the first one and start the bidding....really get into it! I hope you guys can use this....It's working for me and my demos very well....you'll have to make up your own bucks unless you send me a fax # and I could

send you mine. I also decided to allow my guests to keep their bucks if they have any leftover to be used at the next party booked from the one they are at - this gives them an edge over everyone else & creates the urge to go to another party! I stamp my name & # on the back of all the bucks & am coming up with a label to stick on that says "have your own party and receive $50+ FREE, ASK ME!"


Draw up a Bingo Paper with all blank boxes. And in the FREE SPACE I put different animal names. I pass them out at the party and let the girls fill in their own #'s. Keeping it the same as Bingo numbers 1 through 15 under B....#16 through 29 under I, and so on. Then I let the hostess call the first #. Then the next girl calls a # off of her card. Now if you have that # you must make the noise of the animal. And when you have BINGO, you must stand up and make that animal sound instead of calling Bingo! The bigger the crowd the more fun when you get all those animal sounds going. I usually play 2 games of regular Bingo and then coverall for different prizes all on the same playing card.


Pick any item from either catalog and create clues for guests to try and figure out what the item is, and then give it as a prize.

You can give one clue to each person, all the clues at once or if you have a lot of people, give the same clue to more than one person. Its lots of fun and a great way to get every one involved. For a home party keep the item under $5.00.


This is a great success when used as a game at parties, giving small prizes to guests that participate.

Make up cards with a description of the item, catalog number, page number and price. When your display is set up, put the cards next to the items and have a guest pick a card and talk about the item. If it’s a big party put some items on each table and the guests sitting at each table have and equal chance.

This works a great ice breaker and a great recruiting tool, as you find who isn't bashful and easy in front of a crowd. Believe me the ad-libs are great.


Set three items out on a coffee table, or anywhere where it is easily accessible, and away from display table. Two of the items equal the same price of $25.00 and one is $50.00 or higher. I play this in the early stages of my demonstration as it is a great way to lead into the Bonus Buys. As you can see the items for $25.... show what you can buy to get the Bonus Buy #1 and the $50. item is for the half price item. I am getting ready to experiment with theme packages.... let you know how well it works.

I tell the hostess and guests that we are going to play the game of "The Price is Right" and I instruct them to number their paper 1-3. I hold up the item and tell them a little bit about it, and then I ask them to write down how much they think the item sells for. After all three items have been demonstrated and 'bid' on, I ask, "who says $24.99 for item #1? If someone came within $1.00, without going over, they give themselves a point. After all three items have been noted with the correct selling price, I offer a special gift to the one with the most points. *You will surely be amazed how many people are surprised at the affordability of our items* This is done before any catalogs are handed out.


Here is a really fun game to play to introduce the guests to each other. Tell your guests to pretend they are going on a trip. They need to think of something they would pack in their suitcase to take with them that starts with the same letter as their first name. Each guest repeats what the people in front of them said plus their own name and item. You can also use this as a recruiting tool since it's a great way to talk about HOL trips. Be sure to tell them where you are traveling next year FREE!!!


This one is super simple, but the guests love it. You bring out a roll of toilet tissue and tell each guest to "Take as much or as little as you think you'll need." Do not offer any additional information. One guest or the hostess needs to volunteer to be the judge. When everyone is ready you tell them to tie their piece of tissue into the prettiest bow possible, and by the way you must hold your hands behind your back! When they are done the judge picks the winner and if there is a runner-up they win what's left of the

toilet tissue!


Take cotton balls and a tube of Vaseline (the little one with the screw on top) to your demonstration. Begin your demonstration by giving everyone a cotton ball and a dab of Vaseline on their index finger. Continue talking and when everyone has Vaseline and a cotton ball, tell them to dab the Vaseline on the end of their nose then stick on the cotton ball. Continue with your demonstration as usual, ignoring the way everyone looks. After a few minutes, someone WILL ask why they are wearing the cotton balls on their noses. Give that person a prize for asking and announce that the first person to blow the cotton ball off their nose wins a prize!


I wonder who came from afar. Give yourself 5 if you came by car. Were you on time? Not a minute late? Punctuality pays, so give yourself 8.

A watch is worth 6, and each ring is 2, 10 more points if your eyes are blue!

Score yourself 5 if you're wearing any pink, but take away 10 if you left dishes in the sink!

Count all your buttons......each gives you 1 except if they're white, then you get none!

For each bow you have add 2, but safety pins are taboo, so for each one you're wearing, you must subtract 2!

Now take away 5 if your purse is red, but give yourself 1 for each year you've been wed, and if you're single, we won't debate, we'll assume you're ecstatic, so go ahead and add 8!

Now daughters are sweet, on that we agree, so for each one you have, you may now add 3.

But when adding up points, boys are worth more, for each one of your sons, go ahead and add 4!

If you kissed your husband or boyfriend today, add 12, but into your personal life we must delve. If you kissed them both, you must subtract 20, because you're in trouble and trouble a plenty!!!!

Now add 50 points just for listening to me, present all these beautiful products you see.

And that's all there is, so total your score, unless you're a special friend and then there is more. Add 50 points if you'll have a party to help (hostess name) get some nice things for free!



Have everybody draw a tic tac toe board. If they like the item you demonstrate, have them write the item name and/or # in a block. At the end of the demonstration, play tic tac toe. You can play for a single tic tac toe, two or all nine blocks.

31 - WHAT AM I?

You go through magazines and cut out items like the 7up symbol, cereals, cars and you put them on a recipe card then you hand them out to your first four guests then they give clues as to what they are. Then the first four guests to name them wins!! If there is a tie then you have an extra card and you do a tie breaker between them


In a small box or other container collect items from your junk drawer at home (i.e.; paper clip, tape, pen pencil, glue scissors, battery, etc.) until you have twelve. Ask your guests to list 1 through 12 then tell them they need to think of 12 items from their "junk drawer" and will get points if their list matches what came out of your own junk drawer! Offer to let them shake the box but no peeking - they love this!


Think about this . . . Do you ever call a friend a week in advance to go shopping with you? Usually you call a day or two before. How about having an "Instant Party"? Have your Hostess call her guests just a couple days before her party. She should ask each guest to bring something "instant" i.e. pudding, pancake mix, jell-o, coffee, etc.

During your demonstration, put all of the items in a pile. Ask questions about the items and give points for answers. If purchased by the guest, give 300 pts. If you have to add water, add 100 pt. If the price is still on it 300 pts. If it is something you et more than once a week, 300 pts. If bought only for the party 100 pts. If it costs over $1.50 300 pts. If it costs under $1.50 100 pts. If it is in glass 200 pts. If it is in plastic 200 pts. If it is in paper or carton 50 pts.

Total Points - First place gets to take home the instant item of their choice! Second place gets next pick and so on and so forth. Everyone takes home an instant item.

I must admit that a fellow party plan demonstrator from another plan shared this idea with me. I wish I could say it was an original.


I give away tickets for different things at my party, kind of like the gal who uses "bucks". I give a ticket to the first person who arrives, one to someone who brings at guest, etc. You can decide what you want to "reward" them for. When the show begins, I pass out the order card and the VIP list (copied from the party planner) I have them complete the top portion of the card for a drawing later. Then during my presentation, I ask them to write down the name of 5 friends, he first person finished gets a ticket. Same with neighbors, relatives, etc. At the end of the show, the person with the most tickets wins a prize. The guests think they've played a neat game, but what they've really done, is fill out their guest list. When I ask them to book a party and they say no, I ask them what they plan to do with their guest list. Can the gal next to her have it to use at her show? Of COURSE NOT!!' they usually will reconsider when they realize the hard part is done!


Have guests fill blanks....When finished read down the first letter.

1. Donald Duck's Second nephew (alphabetically) HEWEY

2. March Winds...._______Showers APRIL

3. Little Jack Horner found it PLUM

4. Pig friend of Bugs Bunny PORKY

5. He rode to town on a pony YANKEE DOODLE

6. Winnie the Pooh's Donkey Friend EEYORE

7. What fell on chicken little's head? ACORN

8. What frightened Miss Muffet? SPIDER

9. Bambi"s rabbit friend THUMPER

10. Bugs steals carrots from ELMER FUDD

11. Sing a song of Six Pence, a pocket full of RYE


This is a good game to play in January and February (President's Day is the 3rd Monday in February), but fun to play anytime! Provide or have guests draw a tic-tac-toe grid. Have guests write the name of a president in each of their 9 squares. Then you call out the presidents from the list below. Give a prize for the first one to have 3 in a row, and another prize for the first one to have all 9. I ask the guests to call out "PRESIDENTS" when they win.

1. George Washington

2. John Adams

3. Thomas Jefferson

4. James Madison

5. James Monroe

6. John Quincy Adams

7. Andrew Jackson

8. Martin Van Buren

9. William Henry Harrison

10. John Tyler

11. James K. Polk

12. Zachary Taylor

13. Millard Fillmore

14. Franklin Pierce

15. James Buchanan

16. Abraham Lincoln

17. Andrew Johnson

18. Ulysses S. Grant

19. Rutherford B. Hayes

20. James A. Garfield

21. Chester A. Arthur

22. Grover Cleveland

23. Benjamin Harrison

24. Grover Cleveland

25. William McKinley

26. Theodore Roosevelt

27. William H. Taft

28. Woodrow Wilson

29. Warren C. Harding

30. Calvin Coolidge

31. Herbert C. Hoover

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt

33. Harry S. Truman

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower

35. John F. Kennedy

36. Lyndon B. Johnson

37. Richard M. Nixon

38. Gerald R. Ford

39. Jimmy Carter

40. Ronald W. Regan

41. George Bush

42. Bill Clinton

43. George W. Bush


All you need is a deck of cards and 2 or 3 gifts. They can be anything small, wrapped pretty; you can even but in a roll or toilet paper, or a potato make sure this one looks the prettiest.

Put the gifts on a table or floor. Start by asking the first person if the card you are holding is either red or black. If they guess wrong you go on to the next person, if they guess right they get to pick a gift. Either from the table or can steal it from someone that has a gift already. You keep going around the room till all the cards are gone. Who ever is left holding the gifts when the cards are gone, gets to keep the gifts. This is a fun game and will bring out the sneaky one who will try to hide a gift when they get it. If you use the toilet paper and it’s the nicest looking they will be fighting over it and when they open it they will be rolling on the floor.


This is a fun game to play with a fun crowd. Write each letter of the alphabet on an index card large enough so that everyone can see it when you hold it up. Mix them up so that they are not in any kind of order.

Then tell them that when you hold up a letter the first one to stand up and shout

something that begins with that letter that best describes their husband or boyfriend (they can use a pet, if not married) you will give them the card.

The one with the most cards at the end of the game wins a prize. Example: You hold up a card with a "L"......she might say "lazy" or if you had a "S" she might say "sexy"! It can be very funny!


Have guests list 1-25 and give them the following clues. The answers should be a letter of the alphabet. The one with the most correct will get a prize!

1. A girls name............... (answer is k)

2. An insect.....................B

3. Body party...................I

4. What Fonzie says............A

5. Body of water.....................C

6. (fill in blank) _______ Wiz.........G

7. Vegetable.............P

8. A refreshing beverage.............T

9. Opposite of me.............U

10. Marks the spot....X

11. A boys name..................J

12. A real bad grade..........F

13. An statement................O

14. Opposite of out.............N

15. A question.....................Y

16. A victory sign............V

17. A famous models name (L) McPherson

18. Speak on .........Q

19. Be sure to get your..........ZZZZZ

20. Melts in your mouth....not in your hand!...................m & m's

21. What would happen if you cloned yourself?.............W

22. What would you say if you say a mouse?................EEEEEEE

23. Below Average............D

24. 2 letters=Tax Service....H & R

25. This letter with a straight line means money! ......S


This is a variation to Mary's Black or Red Game. Have three small gift bags, in one put tickets or bucks (what ever you use), in one put a small prize, and in the last one put a note that says "AIN'T THAT A SHAME!" Before you start point out where you have placed the bags, tell the guests that they will get to pick out a bag when they guess the correct card color and when all three bags are picked tell them that as they take a bag away from another guest they are to say "AIN'T THAT A SHAME!. Set a three minute timer. When the timer goes off have the three winners look in their bags one at a time.


Take a bag of Hershey kisses. You will also need a prize for the winner. Each person who wins gets a piece of candy; the one who has the most candy at the end wins the prize. So don't eat as you go.... The rules are simple ~ there are no rules. Tell everyone that you will give them a letter of the alphabet-the first person to SHOW an item from their purse representing the letter, wins a Hershey kiss. They can use their imagination as to what fits a letter. It could be a description of an item, its use, the brand name, color etc.... Here are some examples:

AN-ATM card, address book, ad, adult (maybe a picture of an adult

B-book, beeper, boy (picture), bill, bead, brown, business card

D-date book, dollar, driver’s license

H-hair bow, half dollar, hairy

Remember there are no wrong answers


This game will get your guests familiar with your job. You set up a time limit (10 minutes). Then have your guests ask you questions. For every question they ask you, they will get a drawing ticket. Be sure and answer their questions. A drawing is held after the presentation. What happens is that while the guests are trying to win a prize you are telling them about our wonderful demo and supervisor positions that we have available. People may be embarrassed about asking questions about your job but by turning it into a game it makes it funnier. Also there are a lot of demos who are uncomfortable about recruiting. Here is the answer... A Game....


You need to have a roll of toilet paper. Give the roll to the first person in line and have them pull off as much as they think they need and pass it to the next person. You are the last one to pull some off. At this time they probably think they are going to make a bow (this is another game using toilet paper) so they pull a bunch off. Wrong.... After everyone has their toilet paper tell them that for each square they pulled off, they must tell you something about themselves. I usually pull about 7 off. I tell my name, my kids names, where I work and so on. Listen to what people say. I had a guest who didn't want everyone else to know her business so she just told us that her house was green her car was blue. Listen for the clues.


This is a fun game. Have your guests get their purse. The first one who holds the item up in the air that you call out will receive a tooth pick. The person with the most toothpicks at the end of the game wins a prize.

1. cash register receipt

2. check book

3. dental floss

4. three pens

5. candy bar

6. rubber band

7. lottery ticket

8. letter

9. library card

10.grocery list

11. toy

12. straw

13. toothbrush

14. cologne

15. paid bill

16. coupon

17. picture

18. stamp

19. match book

20. sunglasses

Come up with your own list. Be sure and tell the guests that if you say you want 2 pictures, they can only hold up 2 pictures and not a wallet full of pictures


Make up pieces of paper with numbers from 1-25, place the numbers in a small basket. Label some small items from Petra Fashions or with the numbers 1-25. Have each guest draw a number from the basket. Then ask the guests

to go get the item with the find the matching number on the items, now go around the room, ask them to introduce themselves and sell their item to the other guests. I use this as an ice breaker!


Have your hostess contact her guests a day or two before her party (good way to get her to follow up on invitations) and ask each guest to bring what they wear to bed to the party in a plain, brown bag. As guests arrive, hostess collects the bags for you. During the party, you open the bags and the guests try to guess whose pajamas are whose! You will probably be surprised at what some guests wear (or don't!) to bed. Give a prize to the sexiest, smallest, most unusual, use your imagination!


This is a fun game and will help you get through your demonstration faster.

You will need a little room to play , so don't try this in a small living room.

You will need to make 10 to 15 lists of the following things to do, but in different order.

It is very important that what they do is in a different order! You can change or make up

your own list of things to do to adjust to your party plan.

Each guest will need a list . If you run out , you can have two guests work together.

Each guest is to do everything on the list in the order that is on their paper.

Everyone will be doing the same thing , but at different times and it is very funny!

1. Stand up and rub your belly and pat your head.

2. Go to the window and say "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"

3. Take off your left shoe and put in in the center of the room. Leave it there.

4. Introduce yourself to the Demonstrator.

5. Put your name and address on your order form

6. Go to the demonstration table and pick something that you really like and take it

back to your seat.

7. Sing Jingle Bells!

8. Wave your hands over your head and say "I love Christmas"

You can add more things to do if you like.

When everyone has completed their list of things to do then tell them to sit down.

They should each have an item at their seat and their left shoe still in the floor.

You will then pick up a shoe and say " who does this belong to?" That person

comes up to the front to get their shoe and tell her that she is going to help you

demonstrate the item that she picked out. You want to see what "good Demonstrators

that each of them can be! Some of the guests really get into it and act the part of

a demonstrator! This is a great recruiting game! The guests can see how easy it

is to sell our merchandise and how much fun that we have!


Give each of your guest a slip of paper with the words CHRISTMAS EVE, printed on it. Ask them to write down as many words as possible using only these letter (example, master, trees, etc.) You may want to limit it to words of four letters or more, because there are too many three letter words, (examples, cat, rat, sat, etc,). Set a time limit of 5 minutes and whomever has the most words wins a price. You'll be amazed how many words they can come up with. Be specific about the direction, I've actually had people make up words starting with "C", "h", etc, which did not include any other letters.


















You tell everyone they can use their purse, coat, pockets or anything they have with them (hostess cannot use the house items!). The first person to find an angel wins. By an angel I mean 5 items. One that starts with an A. One that starts with N. One that starts with G, E, and L. Some example are: address book, aspirin, Advil - necklace, nickel - gum, glasses - envelope, Elder Beerman card - lipstick, letter.

I always tell them it has to be something they are willing to pull out of their purse!!!


Each guest has to think of something they like about Christmas that begins with the same letter as their first name. You start the game: example, my name is Florence, and I like the fragrances of Christmas. The first person repeats your name and what you like and adds her own. Try to make the hostess the last person-she has to remember what everybody likes! Then test yourself-you probably will know all their names! As you go through your demo call them by name to participate or just to show that you care about them and are not just selling a product. This also establishes relationships for easier dating and recruiting-they will remember your name, too!!!


This game is perfect for hostess coaching . I call my hostess 2 days before the party to get directions and then I tell her I have a game I would like to play at her party but I would need her help in order to play the game . I tell her to call all of her guests the guests of the party and boost attendance and tell them to come to the party with something on showing they had a "Lapse of Memory" such as mismatched socks, shirt buttoned incorrectly, two different earrings and so forth . The guests really get a kick out of this game to see what others show up wearing showing that they have had a lapse of memory too


I print up blank bingo sheets. I also have a list of 40-50 Christmas words on the bottom of the sheet. People then put words into the numbered slots (B1 might equal "ornaments"), etc. I have a set of the words that I put in a cup and draw one word at a time. Till someone gets a bingo.


This is a great recruiting game. Have each guest write their name on a sheet of paper and for each letter in their name think of a word that describes how they feel about their job. Chances are you will get some negative words. you can even give a funny example like a teacher named Stacy might write: S - Stressful T - Tiring, A- Achy Feet, and C - Coughs and Colds and Y - yelling and screaming!!!

Have everyone share what they do and what they wrote. Then share yours last and use positive exciting things about your company


Place a potato in one leg of pantyhose, let dangle between legs, and tie rest of pantyhose around waist to fit comfortably. Object is to push a paper cup a certain distance with the dangling potato, in a limited amount of time, such as 1 or 2 minutes. This is so much fun, that even the guys come by earlier, at a shower, to join in the activities. A riot at a baby shower. HANDS ARE NOT ALLOWED, THEY ARE BEHIND BACK! And it is a lot easier for the women than the men. Ha! Ha!


Each time a person could answer a question related to demonstrating an item or telling something about Petra Fashions, they received a gift. What is a bonus buy, how many can I get if I purchase $50, how much FREE merchandise does the hostess earn, etc. This has been very successful for me. The gifts are usually ornaments given put individually from multi packs from our line. This way I am also demonstrating an item.


This is a great way to book parties!

I do my demos with tickets, and I auction off something at the end, so they always want tickets. Towards the end of the party, I ask people who wants more tickets? They all say yes. So I tell them that this game will also help out our hostess get the bonus stuff & they will be getting tickets, so it benefits 2 people. Anyway, I fill a little bad with slips of paper (enough for each guest) the papers are numbered from 1-10. Those correspond to the number of tickets they will get. The only catch is that the higher numbered slips, have the word party on it & that means the party is at their house! If they absolutely DO NOT want to have a party I tell them not to play this game. But it's worked great for me so far. Let me know if it works for you too. The only other thing I let them do is trade in leftover auction tickets for little gizmos, I have 3 buckets worth 1 ticket, 3 tickets, & 5 tickets.


Place medium potato in one leg of panty hose, tie rest around waist with potato dangling between legs. Place a plastic or paper cup a certain distance from player, maybe 20ft. Object is to move the cup towards the finish line with the potato in a given time, holding hands behind back. Lots of fun even for the guys that like to join in. Great for baby showers!


You need all the heart cards and all the diamond cards from a regular deck of cards. You also need 2 or 3 small gifts.

To start you explain to all the guests that you want them to ask questions about your job and you want them to be as nosey as they'd like! For each question asked, a guest will get a heart card from the deck of cards -- the more cards, the more chances they will have to win a prize afterwards!!! There are 13 heart cards in the deck so it will mean 13 questions being asked!!! Explain that after all the heart cards have been handed out, you will then call out cards at random!

You will then use the diamond cards from the deck, shuffled up, pick one at random and call out loud but replace "diamond" with "heart". So if you pick the 5 of diamonds you will say "5 of hearts". The person with the first card called gets to pick 1 of the 2 or 3 gifts BUT you must tell her not to get too attached to it! Then you call the next card and the person with that card gets to pick a remaining gift OR STEAL the gift from the first person!!!!! You keep calling cards and guests keep stealing the

gifts from each other until you've used all the diamond cards (all 13) then the people left holding the 2 or 3 gifts after all the cards have been called are the winners and keep the gifts!

Another idea is to buy the deck of cards with the "hunks" on them!!!!! Depending on the group at your shows, these HUNK cards go over even better!!!!

At the end of the game explain the other reason the game is called "Stealing Hearts" is because the career opportunity with your company has stolen your heart!!!!


(Give a wrapped gift to the first person to arrive at the party. Tell her to hold it for you until the game begins....Read this for the game)

I'm sorry this gift right now is not for you, but do not fret, you'll get another chance too.

So hold the gift and look around, and give it to the one with eyes of brown.

You think you are the lucky one, but let us all share in the fun! Look around with eyes discreet, and give it to the one with the smallest feet.

Your feet are tiny and very small, now hand it to someone very tall. Please, take your time and don't be hurried. Give it to the one who is longest married.

You must be proud of your married life, now pass this on to the newest wife.

Now you think I'll ask you to do something silly and I might -just kidding-

go ahead and pass it to the right.

If you are having fun with this little rhyme, have a HOL party, there's always a good time!

Not only fun, but giving away free merchandise is what we do-Does $50,$100 or $200 in free merchandise sound good to you?

The largest earring....I'm looking for now, if you're wearing them, please step up with a bow.

Now to the person with buttons - big or small, any kind, the most you can find gets the gift at this time

Now don't get cross and please don't fight, but pass to the lady third on the right.

We should stop now, don't you agree? The gift is now yours to open and see!


As fast as you can, write down an appropriate item for each of the categories below you have two minutes to fill in all the categories in the game column. after time is called, all players will take turns reading their answers aloud. If one players answer matches another players in the same category both players have to cross off the answer. players get points only for answers that don't match anyone else. After all players read their answers aloud and everyone crosses off the matching answers count up the leftover points

candy bars______________________


rock stars ______________________

pizza toppings_________________________


fast food__________________________

TV. stars ___________________________




board games __________________________


school subjects_____________________


Wrap a gift and give it to the Hostess to hold; then call out the list. This is a fast game to play and they love it.















Ask these statements to the guests. When a person can answer yes to a question, that person moves to the next seat on their right. The first person who gets back to their original seat wins. By the way....there will be several sitting on laps....even 4 at a time. Have Fun!!

If you are wearing shoes that tie

If you are wearing a watch

If you have on a button

If you went to church Sunday

If you kissed your significant other today

If you are wearing heels

If you are wearing a ring

If you are having fun

If you are wearing yellow

If you made the bed you slept in

If you have a zipper

If you are wearing pants

If you have a son

If you have green eyes


Divide the group into 3 smaller groups....Betty, Popeye & Wolf.

....When you mention "Betty" that group stands up and says: "Boop-Boop-De-Doo" (with hip action) ....When you mention "Popeye" that group stands up and says: "Well, blow me down" (with arm waving action) ....When you mention "Wolf" that group stands up and gives a "Wolf Whistle".

~*Here's the Story to Read*~

"Once upon a time, there was a charming young lady named BETTY (Pause for group action each time you mention Betty, Popeye & Wolf) who was loved by a sailor called POPEYE. BETTY lived near a great forest in which there roamed a big WOLF. One day BETTY decided to visit her grandmother who lived in the heart of the forest where the WOLF lived, but BETTY would not listen and would not let POPEYE accompany her. Soon the WOLF followed BETTY, and he crept closer and closer. But, behind him came POPEYE! Just as the WOLF was about to leap on BETTY, POPEYE hit him with his trusty club and saved BETTY'S life. Thus the end of the story of POPEYE, BETTY BOOP and the Big Bad WOLF.


Have everyone write down their favorite barnyard animal, as long as it is NOT the rooster. Next have everyone write down five different numbers between 1-20 (depending on the group size). Start calling out numbers, and the people who have that number have to make the sound of the animal they wrote on their paper. Barnyard animals are not shy, so there should be a lot of loud sounds. After someone has all five numbers called out that they wrote down, they win....BUT....they have to stand up, bend their knees, and flap their "wings" and crow like a rooster to receive their prize. This is so much fun. I have had several win at the same time!


Instead of a barnyard animal, ask them to write down the name of their favorite Christmas carol. What you end up with is three to five people singing over one another. Someone is singing Noel, another Rudolph, etc. It's fun and a great icebreaker. Tell them no one has to sing solo, (and just the first line of their song). If it's a shy group, you can even start giving little prizes in the middle of the game for most pathetic singing, best solo, most original song, etc.


This game works well if you have a lively crowd (or if you'd like to liven them up) and if you use folders or clip boards with your catalogs and order forms. Give everyone a straw, ten dry large lima beans (dry peas, M & M's....any small object that can be held at the end of a straw) and a 12 oz Styrofoam coffee cup (or paper cups 3 oz. kitchen size....5 oz. bathroom size, etc). Have everyone put the straw in their mouths, dump the beans onto the folder, put the cup right side up on the folder, and then hold the folder with both hands. At the count of three, everyone must use the straw to suck the bean so that it hangs onto the bottom of the straw, and then move the straw to the top of the cup and stop sucking so the bean drops in the cup. NO CHEATING!!!! Everyone must keep both hands on their folders ; .no laps or tables allowed!!! First one to get all 10 in cup wins prize!!!!


Bits of chocolate (Chocolate Chip)

Light as a feather (Angel Food)

Bugs Bunny's delight (Carrot Cake)

Dark wood (Black Forest)

Satan's meal (Devil's Food)

Crazy or nuts (Fruit Cake)

It's not nice to fool Mother Nature (Chiffon)

Sweets from abroad (German Chocolate)

Comes from the bottom of the sea (Sponge)

Sunkist (Orange)

Dairy product (Cheese/Butter)

Herbs (Spice)

Vanna's choice (White)

Coward (Yellow)

16 ounces. (Pound)


It's easy enough to name six of them, but try it yourself....the seventh one is usually elusive!! Someone ALWAYS tries to use a name that was never intended for a dwarf!

Bashful, Doc, Sleepy, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy and Dopey


One good turn (deserves another)

Practice makes (perfect)

Silence is (golden)

Seeing is (believing)

Think before you (speak)

Variety is the (spice of life)

Easy come (easy go)

While there is life (there is hope)

We are never to old (to learn)

Live and (let live)

Leave well enough (alone)

A new broom (sweeps clean)

Love is (blind)

Might makes (right)

70 - DUMB DUMB GAME (or Do You Know)

Prize goes to the person with the least amount right, but don't tell them until after the game has been scored.

How many months have 31 days? (7)

Who's picture is on a $10 bill? (Hamilton)

How many cups are in a gallon? (16)

Where is the red light on a traffic light? (Top)

How many sides to a stop sign? (8)

What is 2 plus 2 times 2 divided by 2? (4)

What is the capitol of California? (Sacramento)

Which hand does the Statue of Liberty hold up? (Right)

Which side is the hot water faucet on? (Left)

Who was our 7th president? (Andrew Jackson)


What we extend to our friends (Hand)

Seen at the circus (Ring or Band)

Something used before (Second Hand)

Given at the 15th wedding anniversary (Crystal)

Caesar, Mark Anthony, Brutes (Roman Characters)

Places where water bubbles up (Spring)

Something read by the secretary (Minutes)

Something a pretty woman is proud of (Face)

Supports a flower (Stem)

Opposite of front (Back)

Something a lawyer tries (Case)

A book in the Bible (Numbers)


You keep tools in it (Chest)

Part of a tree (Limb)

Grows on a cornstalk (Ears)

House of worship (Temple)

Part of a river (Mouth)

Carpenters use them (Nails)

Seafood (Muscles)

Part of an apple (Skin)

Part of a clock (Hands/Face)

Tropical tree (Palm)

Type of macaroni (Elbow)

Horses sometimes win by this (Nose)

Edge of a saw (Teeth)

Cad or jerk (Heel)

You can see it in a slab of marble (Veins)

Part of a hurricane (Eye)

24 inches (2 feet)

Entry in the tortoise race (Hair)

Tugboat's duty (Toe)

Wrigley's (Gum)

73 - NAME THE STATES - Part 1

There are 8 state names that begin with the letter "M". Name them:









74 - NAME THE STATES - Part 2

There are also 8 state names beginning with the letter "N".

This game is a little easier because half of them start with "New".

New York

New Hampshire

New Mexico

New Jersey

North Dakota

North Carolina



75 - NAME THE STATES - Part 3

There are 21 states that end with the letter "A"



North Carolina



South Carolina



North Dakota



South Dakota








West Virginia



Bird of peace (Dove)

Elephant tusks (Ivory)

Stroke gently (Caress)

Solar rays (Sunlight)

Sunrise (Dawn)

Grab and knock down (Tackle)

Immaculate gentleman (Mr. Clean)

Great happiness (Joy)

A shout or yell to encourage (Cheer)

Short run (Dash)

Disappear (Vanish)

Emergency message (S.O.S.)

Comes in; goes out (Tide)

Flower season in Dublin (Irish Spring)

Brave and daring (Bold)

Everyone and everything (All)

Food beating tool (Wisk)

Full of energy (Dynamo)

Give your word (Pledge)

Speak loudly (Shout)


There are only 11 body parts with three letters. Name them. Watch out, though!! You'll always have someone trying to sneak in those naughty 3-lettered words. Those don't count! (but....watch out!!....the "questionable" ones don't count)

Arm Jaw Eye Leg Rib Gum Lid Lip Toe Ear Hip


Things go better with (Tide)

Tougher Than Dirt (Tide)

_____'s in. Dirt's out (Tide)

Just Do It (Nike)

When It Rains It Pours (Morton Salt)

Finger Lickin' Good (Kentucky Fried Chicken)

. . .With a drop of retsyn (Certs)

Kid Tested ~ Mother Approved (Kix)

99.9% pure (Ivory Soap)

April fresh softness (Downy)

Squeezably soft (Charmin)

Run For the border (Taco Bell)

From The Valley of the Giants (Green Giant Vegetables)

Mountain Grown (Folgers Coffee)

Have breakfast with the King (King Vitamin)

Crisp-fried to a crackly crunch (Cheetos)

Tastes more like fresh roasted peanuts (Jif)

A honey of an oat (Honey Nut Cheerios)


Let the sun shine through (Windex)

Have you had a break today? (McDonald's)

Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin' (Timex)

Doesn't stick to most dental work (Freedent)

Good to the last drop (Maxwell House Coffee)

Built Ram tough (Dodge Trucks)

How do you handle a hungry man?( Hungry Man Frozen Dinners ~ The Manhandler)

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't (Almond Joy and Mounds)

Your True Voice (AT & T)

Because you're worth it (L'oreal hair color)

Clear enough to hear a pin drop (Sprint)

You've Come A Long Way Baby (Virginia Slims)

It's The Real Thing (Coke)

Strong enough for a man but made for a woman (Secret deodorant)

The choice of a new generation (Pepsi)

We bring good things to life (GE)

Double your pleasure (Doublemint gum)

You can't eat just one (Lay's potato chips)

Fresh as the morning (Irish Spring)


It's a real eye opener (Coast Soap)

It does a body good (Milk)

Put some white in your bite (Pearl Drops Tooth Polish)

Helps build strong bodies 12 ways (Wonder Bread)

Melts in your mouth not in your hands (M & Ms)

Plop! Plop! Fizz! Fizz! (Alka Seltzer)

For the times of your life (Kodak)

Only your hairdresser knows for sure (Clairol)

Yellow and blue make green (Glad Ziploc bags)

It's Gr-r-r-r-r-eat! (Frosted Flakes)

Click your ______ (Bid pens)

_____ is for kids (Trix)

The Good Thing Kids Go For (Sunny Delight)

Fly the Friendly Skies (United Airlines)

Have It Your Way (Burger King)

We'll leave the light on for you (Motel 6)

When you care enough to send the very best (Hallmark)

Mmmm Good! (Campbell's Soup)

Kids eat the middle of this first (Oreo cookies)

81 - HAVE YOU EVER....

Locked yourself out of the house?

Lost a member of the family while out shopping?

Put something unusual into the refrigerator?

Turned white colors pink (or another color) in the wash?

Gone away from your home and left the iron on?

Put your heel through the hem of a dress?

Had your zipper break in public?

Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks on?

Remembered an appointment after it was too late?

Called a member of your family by another name?

Been ready to bathe and found no hot water?

Fallen up the stairs?

Gone shopping for groceries and discovered you did not bring any money with you?

Driven away from somewhere while a member of your party was still out of the car?

Dialed a phone number and forgot who you called?

Locked the keys in your car?

Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going?

Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it?

Woke up in the morning and could not remember where you were?

Gone out with a run in your nylons and "made believe it just happened" when somebody noticed it?


Count the number of times soap or detergent names are mentioned. There are 13 in this story.

I'd like you ALL to hear my Cinderella story. Being a Consultant with Petra Fashions is a BREEZE. There’s so much JOY in it that the moment I WISK up my bag of Christmas, Gift and Cooking' catalogs, I'm walking on air. When 7:30 comes, I’m out with the TIDE, and the fun I have at a party gives this tired old SWAN the energy I sure DUZ need. Without Petra Fashions, I never would have met such wonderful people. LUZ surely has been on my side. If you need some SUNLIGHT in your life, or if you like money in general, CHEER up and get a job like me. All that glitters can be IVORY if you join me. This is something everyone can do. Have fun, make Fabulous money and afford a maid so your hands stay CHIFFON soft.


Indian burying ground (Mounds)

A galaxy (Milky Way)

The red planet (Mars)

Home of the movie stars (Hollywood)

Happy, but not laughing (Snickers)

Can't hold anything (Butterfinger)

A famous author (Oh, Henry)

Famous baseball player (Babe Ruth)

Famous street in New York (5th Avenue)

Sweet sign of affection (Kiss)

Favorite day for working people (Pay Day)

Nothing + nothing = nothing (Zero)

Can't think of the name of it (Whatchamacallit)

A double letter of alphabet candy (M & M's)

Some of baby's first sounds (Goo Goo)


What bees make (Bit O Honey)

Round flotation devices (Life Savers)

Happy cattleman (Jolly Rancher)

Stupid people (Dum Dums)

Classical concert (Symphony)

Pleasingly plump (Chunky)

Academic outcasts (Nerds)

Single women look for him (Big Hunk)

Not a Big Mac (Whoppers)

A feline (Kit Kat)

Charlie Brown's friend (Peppermint Patty)

Present & past (Now and Later)

Sun explosion (Star Burst)

Jackpot payout (100,000 Bar)


Have each guest get a partner and stand back-to-back (no sisters or mother and daughters as partners). They cannot look at each other. Have them number a piece of paper 1-14, and as the following questions. If there's an uneven number of guests, have one stand back-to-back with you and play the game with her.

What color hair does she have?

What basic color is she wearing?

How many rings does she have on?

How many children does she have?

Is she wearing a girdle?

How old is she?

Is she wearing shoes or sandals?

What is her husband's name?

Is she wearing buttons?

Is she wearing a watch?

Does she have nail polish on?

Does she have earrings on?

What is her favorite television show?

What color are her eyes?

Have them check answers after. The guest with the most correct wins.


Read this at the end of your demonstration. The person with the most points wins! I usually give a prize to the person with the least points, also!

I wonder who came here from afar,

Give yourself 5 if you came by car.

Were you on time? Not one minute late?

Punctuality pays so give yourself 8.

A watch is 6 and each ring is 2

10 more points if your eyes are not blue.

Score yourself 5 if you show any pink,

But take away 10 if you left dishes in the sink.

Count all of your buttons....each gives you 1

Except if they are white and then you get none.

For each bow that you have add on 2

(Note: shoelace bows count)

But safety pins are taboo,

So for each one you're wearing

you must subtract 2.

1 point for each year that you have been wed,

But take away 5 if you have on red.

Now sons are neat, on that we agree

So for each one you have you now may add 3.

But when adding up points, girls are worth more

So for each one that you have go ahead and add 4.

If you kissed your husband or boyfriend today, add 12

but into your personal life we must delve....

If you kissed them both you must subtract 20

Because you're in trouble and trouble aplenty!

Now that's all there is so total your score

Except if you're a special friend, there's one more.

It's 50 points bonus for a V.I.P.

If you'll be a hostess for a

Party for me!


This game really keeps guests listening. Give a guest a gift (2 gifts if there is 9 or more guests). Tell them whenever you say the word "exclusive" they have to pass the gift to the person on their right. Tell them how they can identify an exclusive item in your catalog (usually there's a special symbol) and that means that particular item is exclusive to your company. You might also want to m mention that even though they may see an item very similar to yours in a local store or catalog, it's not the same (inferior quality, a copy, etc.). The gift will keep being passed until you've finished your presentation, and the last guest holding it wins.

88 - ‘FREE’ GAME

Supplies needed: 2 or more decks of cards and your imagination.

Tell all guests at the beginning of your show that whenever you say the word "Free", the first person who yells out "I want it", will get a card (give them the card face down, no peeking, if they peek they must give the cards to the Hostess). At the end of the demo whoever has the most points wins. 2-10 are worth face value; Kings/Queens/Jacks are worth 25 and Aces are worth 50 points, you can use jokers if you like and give them any value you want.

Now to play: Make sure you mention the word "free" as many times as possible throughout your flip chart or program talk as well as product demonstration.

Use phrases such as: You will receive $100 in FREE; This item is good for that "free" spot; when you have "free" time' wouldn't you like this for "free". I love to trick them also. If they see on your flipchart the word free and they are ready to jump the gun; I will purposely substitute the words "at no cost" instead to get them going.

If you can't tell who said it first? Give a card to anyone who said it. If there's quiet people at your party who refuse to speak up, then have one or two rounds where those who don't say "I want it" win a card.

This game is great to keep the groups complete and utmost attention. They hang on your every word to spring out of their seats!

At the end; they count up their cards and award a prize to the guests that have the highest and lowest totals.


An Indian's home = TP

Too much = XS

Climbing vine = IV

Snake's eyes = BD

Jealousy = NV

Frozen, wet roads = IC

In a little.... = YL

Be extremely good = XL

Composition = SA


NOTE: This game is a few years old. I haven't tried it to see if it works for "this year", but give it a try. :::sorry!!::: *Ü*

Some mathematician was really bored! This really works, but this is the ONLY year that it will work. So....spread some wonder around and play this game! Work this out as you read.

Don't read the bottom until you have worked it out.

First of all, pick the number of days a week that you would like to go out and party.

Multiply this number by 2.

Add 5.

Multiply it by 50.

If you have already had your birthday this year, add 1748. If you haven't, add 1747.

Last step: Subtract the four-digit year that you were born.


You should now have a three-digit number:

The first digit of this was your original number

(i.e. how many times you want to go out each week).

The second two digits are your age!


Give each guest an index card and tell them to list a household item that they would love to get rid of. Then, have them list five reasons why they would get rid of it.

After everyone is done writing, say, "OK¼that household item that you have written down, I want you to cross it out and replace it with your husband or boyfriend's name." When they say the sentence they must say: I want to replace (name of husband/boyfriend) because he is.................................. and list their reasons.

It's a hoot of a game and everyone loves it. The one that has the most outlandish answer wins.


Type up descriptions of whatever merchandise you have in your kit. You can use descriptions right from your catalog or embellish them a bit. Cut the descriptions into strips so you have one per strip. Also do any specialty offers you have (i.e., Bonus Buys, Hostess Only Gifts, free merchandise for holding a party, recruiting information, etc.).

Either have each guest pick one as they enter the party or place each one next to the specific item it names and have the guests come to you display and pick an item and card/prop.

You may want to coach each person a bit if you like, i.e., show them the item and talk about it a bit. After the introductions, have each guest "demo" their item. This is good if you'd rather not demonstrate your line that night (maybe you aren't feeling well?) or to see which guests in attendance might make good Consultants (aren't shy....have a great personality, etc.).

Variation: For seasonal parties, you could use plastic Easter Eggs in an "Easter Basket"; Halloween parties use the small plastic pumpkins, Christmas you could use the small stockings, etc.

You might consider holding a drawing after the guests "demo" their item. All guests that participated in the demo receive a ticket for the drawing.


Change this game a little if you have repeat guests. Talk about yourself, you name, husband/boyfriend's name, the names of your children, how long you've have been married, how long I've been selling for the company you represent, my $$$ in fund raiser sales last year (opens the door to talk about fund raisers)....trips you've been on, etc. Do all this talking while passing out the books, papers, and just casually walking around.

When you finish with the big speech, ask them to take out the sheet of paper you've given them, then say, "OK¼ #1 what is my husband's name?" I get a lot of, "OH¼I wasn't listening". You can bet that they will listen this time!! Is a great recruiting game, shows them that even though everyone is "busy", they can do this wonderful job, too!


Each person is told to take two or three items out of their purse that best describes themselves. Then they have to hold each item up and explain how it describes who they are. It's really a lot of fun and gives me information on how can fit into their life! If you have a bunch of small gifts you could give one to each person that participates. It's a great way for the guests to get to know a little bit about each other.

Example: I pulled out my cell phone and said something like "I love to talk and I'm always on the phone. I get to meet and talk to so many new people, I just love my job!" I then pulled out my tissue and told them I'm very sensitive, I cry at just about everything, especially when I tell my family "Goodbye" and get on a plane for an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world! That's what I love about this job! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever travel to ________, especially for free!!!


Ask guests to write the name of two friends, two relatives, two neighbors and two club members. The first one finished wins a prize. Explain to everyone else that their guest list is already made out for when they decide to have a party. Pretty sneaky, huh?


Give away tickets for different things at the party; the person who arrives first; someone who brings a guest, etc. You can decide what you want to "reward" them for. When the demonstration begins, pass out order forms, and the VIP list (copied from the party planner). I have them complete the top portion of the form for a drawing later. Then during my presentation, ask them to write down the name of five friends, and the first person finished gets a ticket. Do the same with neighbors, relatives, co-workers etc.

At the end of the show, the person with the most tickets wins a prize. The guests think they've played a neat game, but what they've really done, is fill out their guest list. When you ask them to book a party and they say no, ask them what they plan to do with their guest list. Can the guest next to her have it to use at her show? Of COURSE NOT! They usually will reconsider when they realize the hard part of making a list of "who to invite" is already done!

97 - LET’S MAKE A DEAL - Variation

You will need four envelopes and a basket with your inexpensive door prizes. Wrap all the items in the basket. Inside each envelope, put a small piece of paper folded several times so they can't see it. On one, write $1.00; one will say $2.00: one will say $3.00 and one will say $5.00. Tell everyone what is inside and that they are gift certificate for tonight!

Have the first person to your left pick one of the envelopes. But tell her she CAN'T LOOK!!!!

Now play a "Right-Left" game and the envelope travels right and left. At the end, I tell the person with the envelope "DON'T LOOK" ~ Because I want to "Make A Deal" with you: "Since you didn't pick the envelope, maybe your luck is better than hers....so you can trade for another envelope if you want to" (Hold the other envelopes out). Usually everyone is hollering "Trade" or "Don't trade").

Next say "DON'T LOOK!" ~ "I'll make another deal with you....(Pull out your gift basket) "I will trade you the envelope for an item in my basket......that envelope could be worth $5 or maybe just $1" (Everyone is again yelling "trade" or "don't trade"). She then makes her choice and say, "DON'T LOOK!!!" ~"I have another deal to make with you......I will give you your envelope back and DOUBLE what's inside or give you TWO prizes from my basket IF you will book a show tonight and help (Hostess) out."

If she doesn't book she gets either what's in the envelope or her gift but MOST of the time they will book. Play this at the end of your demo because by then they are already thinking about having a party.


Read this story while guests add up the points.

If any selling you have done, put down 10 for the start of your score.

If you have a car, and are able to drive, the thing you must do is just add 5.

If some extra money is what you would like, add 10 more, which is just right.

A little spare time will add to your score, for this you may add 15 more.

If you like people and think they are grand, add 6 more to see where you stand.

Add 10 points if you think parties are fun, and when you add this, you are almost done.

If you score the highest, it is plain to see, that part of our (name of your company) family you should be.

Add 25 to your score if you want to know more ~ about becoming a Consultant like me....lean how you can make money AND get lots of this FREE!


This is really several games in one but the best thing is you can play a lot but only use 3 gifts. Not every guest gets a gift, but if they don't, I give them the option of being able to keep their money if they want to book, or come to someone else's party who has booked from the party.

What I did first was made my own auction money. I took money from the print artist program and put my name, number, and $50.00 free ask me. There are different denominations. $10 $20 $50 $100. The first game I play (gears to recruiting) is ask me questions about my job. Each question they get $10 in auction money. Then I have the Hostess pick a guest. That guest gets us in the shopping mood by singing her favorite Christmas song. It's worth $50 bucks if she does it, if not she can pass it to someone else, but I double the money. Oh, and the song has to be sung in her outside voice. Then that guest picks someone and again the option of doing it or passing for double the money for that guest, but she has to recite a love poem. Next a person is picked to demonstrate her favorite item I have displayed (recruiting). Then last I had someone do the Cool Daddy O dance which was dance like our favorite monkey. I also handed them a pair of dark black sunglasses to do the dance. Pretty funny....

Next I play either "Know Your Hostess" or "Draw the Picture of Hawaii", but you can use any game you like that has a point system, but you don't give points you give money. Then last, but not least, I have envelopes done up that are laminated with a recruiting advertisement ~ No Investment, Free $300 Kit, Work Own Hours, No Collecting Money, etc. ~ And then says turn this into real cash. Each envelope has different amounts of money. Each guest gets an envelope. Then I do the Right/Left game with our famous bunnies. It gets fun because when everyone has something to pass it gets rather confusing (but fun). I also tell them at no given time should anyone have more than one envelope. This gets really fun because if they realize they have more than one, they throw it to get rid of it. It gets really funny to watch them. At the end each person opens their envelope and counts their money for the auction.

OH... but before I end it, while they are counting up, I offer to anyone who books a party an extra $100. Usually always guarantees me 2-3 bookings. Then I have 3 really nice gifts ~ usually large, medium and small in price and size. Also depends on how into the show the hostess was. Like attendance, outside orders, etc. For example, I use my MCR and order wholesale merchandise. I feel that the better the 3 gifts the better the chance of guest booking. I also let them keep their auction money if they want to come to another party of someone who is booking or to use at their own if they booked.


This is good for that introductory game. Have each guest name one superstition and keep going around the room until somebody misses. When they do, they're out of the game. Continue until there is only one person left. That person's the winner!

101 - “LUCKY 13” GAME

Award 13 points for each correct answer.

everyone gets 13 points for each correct answer

Have 13 buttons on your outfit

Have 13 letters in your full name

Have 13 coins in your purse

Have only 13 cents in change in your purse

Born on the 13th (Double points if it was a Fri!)

Married on the 13th (Triple points if it was a Friday)

Wear a size 13 in clothes

Wear a size 13 shoe (or 6-1/2, because that doubled equals 13)

Have 13 kids/grandchildren/combination of both

Have 13 in your address

Have 13 in your phone number

Have 13 pieces of jewelry on

Have 13 pieces of (name of company) in your home!!!


Award 13 points for each one a guest completes correctly:

If your nose itches it means (you're going to kiss a fool)

If you sing before breakfast, you'll (cry before supper)

If your ear burns, it's means that (somebody is talking about you)

If the wick of a burning candle is pointing towards you, (you'll get a letter)

When you se a pin, be sure to (pick it up)

If you right hand itches (you will receive money)

If you drop a fork, it means that (a woman will call you soon)

If you spill salt you should (throw a pinch over your left shoulder)

Whenever you boast of good fortune, be sure to (knock on wood)

If you should pass a load of hay (make a wish)

If a black cat runs in front of you (you will have bad luck)

If you take more bread when you will have some (somebody is coming who is angry)


1. What bean would General Grant use? (Pinto)

2. Use this to tie things up (String)

3. Found in the dairy case (Butter)

4. A bean associated with floors (Wax)

5. A military bean (Navy)

6. One you might use at breakfast (Coffee or Jelly)

7. Party of your body (Kidney)

8. A bathroom tissue (Great Northern)

9. An Olympic team (Jumping)

10. A wire holder (Pole)

104 - SAY ‘CHEESE’

Have guests answer the following questions. All answers are a type of cheese.

1. A small house (Cottage)

2. Most popular cheese on pizza (Mozzarella)

3. What a knife should be (Sharp)

4. A Texas steer (Longhorn)

5. A northern state (Wisconsin)

6. A city in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)

7. A nationality (Swiss)

8. A color (Blue)

9. A patriotic cheese (American)

10. A spice (Pepper)


Place one dime, two nickels, three pennies in a brown paper bag and pass it to each guest who reaches in one hand without looking and just from feeling writes down the total value of the money in the bag. Try to use some new and some well-worn pieces of money to confuse the guest.

Have guests say a place they'd like to go and a means of getting there. For instance, Mary's going to Moscow on a mule, sues is going to Spain on a spacecraft, I'm Betty going to Brazil in a balloon.


Have guests say something they would take camping. For instance, I'm Mary and I'll take a mummy bag, Sue's taking sandwiches. Betty's taking bait.


This one's a little different. It just goes "I'm Mary and I say it's a lovely day." "I'm Sue and Mary says it's a lovely day." By the end it goes "I'm Dorothy and pat says that Jean says that Sue says that Mary says it's a lovely day."

108 - IT'S MINE

Have guest sign her name on four slips of paper. Place four game gifts on the table and mix up the slips of paper well. Then start calling name. As they are called, the girl chooses a gift. When all the gifts are off the table, they take from each other. Whoever has the gifts when all the names have been called keeps them.


To help guests remember your name have them write your name on the top of a piece of paper. Then they have a limited time to make as many words from the letters of your name. One with the most wins.


Give each person in the room a partner. Ask each lady to write down at least 15 things she thinks the other lady will have in her purse. The lady with the most correct items wins.


Give each guest ten counters (such as toothpicks) have the first player tell something she has never done, such as I have never ridden on a train. It must be true. Then all who have never ridden on a train must pay her a counter. This goes around the group and the one who collects the most counters is the winner. You could also give a prize to the one with the least.

112 - PEN GAME

Use this game as a way to select a door prize! Put small labels on your pens with a different number on each pen. At the beginning of your demonstration ask each person to write the number they find on their pen somewhere on their order form and circle it. At the end of the demonstration collect all the pens and have your hostess pick one. The matching number wins. This also helps to get all your pens back.


Place $3.50 in loose change into a brown lunch bag. Fold and staple the top. Top it with a bow. Pass the bag around to all the guests and ask them to write down a guess as to how much money is in the bag. Let them know that whoever is closest without going over will win the prize. The prize will be the money to the winner. It is a free handling charge. You can't play this at every party because of repeat guests.


Have your guest check off each item they have in their kitchen and the one who matches the most with the hostess wins.

Flour, Baking Soda, Nuts, Sugar, Baking Powder, Cereal, Powdered Sugar, Popcorn, Spices, Brown Sugar, Tea, Rice, Corn Meal., Coffee, Potato Chips, Corn Starch, Shortening, Graham Crackers, Oatmeal, Coconut, Macaroni, Pancake Mix, Raising, Saltines


1. Home base in baseball - plate

2. What men like to do in alleys - bowl

3. An important player in baseball - pitcher

4. What young couples do in moonlight - spoon

5. Something found in the road - fork

6. Used by golfer when driving off - tee

7. UFO - saucer

8. Given for 25th wedding anniversary - silver

9. Used in making windows - glass

10. What a sailor is often called - salt

11. Used on fourth of July - crackers


Tell guests to write down things they can buy in a food store that begin with the first letter of their name. Example: if their name is Linda they can write down lemon, if their name is Mary they can write down mustard. They have 2 minute to write down as many items as they can. The highest score wins.


Have hostess tell all guests to bring a banana dressed up like a person. Tell the hostess to have ice cream and topping ready. At the party, have everyone judge for the best-dressed banana and that person wins a prize. Afterwards, everyone can make their own banana split.


I wrap an item of my choice 5 or 6 times with different wrapping paper. I tie a ribbon around it and make it pretty. I give the present to a guest and tell her not to open it until I tell her to. I then give the bottom of the Apple Baker along with one dice to the guest next to her. (This is a great way to talk about the Apple Baker if you are not using it in your demo, plus the dice really bounces in it.) I then as the hostess to pick a number between 1 & 6. I tell the gal with the package that she has to open the present, take it out and show us what it is before the other guest rolls the number picked, then she gets to keep the gift. But when the guest rolls the number, it is her turn to open the gift and the apple baker passes to the next guest. We continue around the room until the gift is open. Then I ask if everyone understands the rules. When they do I say, wait, one more thing. You have to wear these while you open the gift and I hand her a matching set of oven milts. Everyone laughs and the game begins. I have had this opened on the 3rd guest and I have seen it go around 2 1/2 times with 14 guests. Depends entirely on the quick rolling, the determination of the opener (some use their teeth) and the size of the box. The smaller the box, the harder to open. I usually wrap a lettuce knife, a scraper/strainer or a handy grip or measuring spoons if it is a big party. Or you could wrap the guardian angel key ring from our other party of choice as a way to introduce that option. And it is a good idea to have a wrapping party at home with the kids and do a bunch of presents at a time. Saves time later, just grab a gift and go.


Call the hostess about 3 days before her party to see how many are coming. Of course she doesn't know yet. Tell her you forgot to have her ask all her guests to bring their oldest, most worn dishtowel. The hostess then has an excuse to call everyone she invited to see if they are coming and if so to bring their oldest dishtowel. The night of the party each guest shows her towel, introduces herself and tells how long she has had the towel. The one with the towel that looks the worst wins the prize -- "A New Dish Towel." No real game to mess with paper, etc., and the dishtowels are inexpensive to give.

120 - "CAN" GAME

The Following questions are all answered with the beginning of "CAN"

1. What is a Valley with high sides called?…… ……………(Canyon)

2... What do you keep your staples in?…………… ………………(Canister)

3. What is a covering over a bed called?…… …………………(Canopy)

4. A person who eats other humans is a?……………… …………(Cannibal)

5. A sore in or around the mouth is called?………… ……………(Canker)

6. A sign of the Zodiac?………………… …………………….(Cancer)

7. To gallop gently is to?…………………… …………………(Canter)

8. A confection?……………… ………………………….(Candy)

9. A light boat you have to row?……………… …………………(Canoe)

10. A singing bird?…………………… ……………………(Canary)

121 - "CAN" GAME - PART 2

1. A big gun used in war time?…………………… ………………....(Cannon)

2. A dance famous in Paris?………………… …………………(Can-Can)

3. Sail cloth?…………………… ……………………………(Canvas)

4. A flask?………………… ……………………………(Canteen)

5. A "wax" light?…………………… …………………………...(Candle)

6. To be shrewd?………………… ……………………………...(Canny)

7. Another name for a dog?…………………… ……………………...(Canine)

8. To preserve fruit or vegetables?…………… ……………………(Canning)

9. To be frank?………… ……………………………………...(Candid)

10. To cross-out?………………………… ………………………(Cancel)


You know there are bound to be a few spats the first year of marriage. So to help our bride to be, I'd like half of you to write down some type of problem you encountered during your first year of marriage, and the other half to write ONLY the solutions. Divide the guests by having one side of the room to write problems and the other side to write the solutions. Have the first person on one side read their problem and the first person on the other side read their solution. Usually the solution doesn't match the problem and the results can be hilarious.


Dealer reads some of the following stories and guests write down what children's story they think it is. (best for a group of mothers, or grandmothers or small children.) the guest with the most right wins.

1. I always did the dirty work. I got the worst end of the triple threat. But, along came a good witch with something on the ball who knew all the answers. "are you men or mice?" she said to some rats, and delivered the whole works to the right party. I was such a dumb dame they gave me twelve strikes before I was out. Moral: if the shoe fits, wear it. (Cinderella)

2. When I was in the red I went to see an old lady. I soon found out that large features are a disadvantage and she got the raw end of a deal form an incognito visitor who cleaned up the joint. Finally, an old cut up saved the situation. Moral: always keep the wolf from your door. (red riding hood )

3. I was a wayward, extravagant little boy rising fast in the world until I met a very big man who put me in a tough spot. He was about to turn on the heat when I decided it was high time I got down to earth. It was a case of saving my skin, so I cut our relations off short. (jack in the bean stalk)

4. I was a curious little girl, light-headed and anxious to explore. I was pretty sure of myself, but things got to hot and I soon took a tumble. Once I was caught napping and had to run out. Those are the bear facts. (goldilocks and the three bears)

5. I was a wise guy. Left home and hedged in a set up. In hopes something good would turn up. I didn't care at all what. But, an old Scotsman upset the apple cart . I lost my understanding piece by piece, so I decided I was all wet and just a dumb bunny after all. ( peter rabbit )

6. Nobody loved me and everybody hated me. I was going out and eat worms. I have a face that would make time stand still. All I had was a little down on a big bill. I was sold down the river where I found some of my own kind. Then I found out I wasn't just an old quack after all. ( ugly duckling )

7. I was sitting there with my teeth in my mouth polishing up a little trick when some stooge cuts in. I'm going to have trouble with that guy, thinks I, but first thing I knew he was gone. Then all of a sudden he was back and I found out he just didn't like to be rubbed the wrong way. (Aladdin and his lamp )


Give each guest a piece of paper or use back of the order form, ask the following questions:

1. Favorite color 5. Favorite city

2. Favorite cake 6. Favorite state

3. Favorite song 7. Favorite car

4. Favorite ice cream 8. Favorite TV. show

Most matching hostess's list wins.


Make as many words as you can from the word sweetheart. The one with the most words is the winner.


Give everyone a piece of paper. Let them know that you'll be asking them to pull things out of their purse. When you name the item to pull out, you can give them $100 auction dollars for that item, or place a point value. Highest/lowest points wins....

1. A PEN "Now you can play my games and fill out your order." 10 pts

2. MASTERCARD, VISA, ETC "You can use one of these credit cards when you place your order tonight. I take cash and checks, too, made out to Katherine Beeman." 10 pts

3. ADDRESS BOOK "You can use your address book to make a guest list for your own party/show." 20 pts

4. HOUSE KEYS "You can use your house keys to open your home to friends and family so that they can have fun like we are tonight." 10 pts

5. CAR KEYS "You can use your car keys to drive to the friend’s home that books tonight. Be sure to take a friend or two with you." 10 pts

6. CHECK BOOK "If your checkbook contains checks (jokingly), but not as much money as you would like, you can talk to me at the end of the party and I can help you put more money into your account." 30 pts

7. CALCULATOR "You can use this to total your free merchandise that you would like Petra Fashions to give you when you have your own party/show. 20 pts

8. CHAP STICK "You will need this to freshen your lips after you talk to everyone you know about Petra Fashions so that you can receive $5 Free for everyone you refer that does a party or turns in a catalog/brochure order. 30 pts

9. CELL PHONE "You need to call everyone to come to your party!" 40 pts

10. HAVE A PURSE "You deserve this one just for packing all those things around (SMILE!). 10 pts

Bonus: Calendar. If you’ve already picked a date to host your own ______ show. 50 pts Debut Show 100 pts.

Mel’s Paper Sack Game

WARNING: you have to have a FUN crowd for this game!

1. What you do is go to the Grocery store and ask for the big brown paper sacks. They will give them to you!

2. When you are at your party, hand one to each guests and tell them to hold on to it as you will be using it later. All night you will hear them whispering what is the bag for? SUSPENSE is killing them.

3. At the end of my presentation I ask them to take their bags and open them!!! Then I say put it over your head because we are going to play a game! Everyone is giggling already! I give them the option to play or not to play......THEY WILL ALL PLAY!

4. Then once everyone has the bag over their head you ask them: Take something OFF that you did not Wear to bed last night! You guessed it, NO ONE takes the bag off, and they take everything but the bag. You will be laughing so hard!

5. You keep asking this question and eventually someone will remove the bag and you just tell them to be quiet while you keep playing!

Eventually they will hear people giggling and remove the bags! I MEAN everyone is laughing so hard! I have had them take shoes, socks, bras, belts, fake eyelashes, and jewelry off! Keep in mind, you have to have a FUN crowd as this won't work with just anyone! But, it sure does break the ice! I save it till the end because that is all they will talk about the rest of the evening, plus, they will book a party just to request you play this game with their own friends!!!!

Booking Sack Game

1. To get bookings from shows take several brown paper bags and write on the outside the dates you want to book, then put something special in them. Some ladies will even put all the party supplies in there like, paper plates, cups, silverware (cheap at the $1 store) I think it totals to around $5.

2. When someone says they will do a show on that date you let them know that you will give them that bag on the night of their show, so they don’t take it home that night and then call and cancel with you.

3. Something similar: Instead of putting the free product in the bag, clip a picture of it and have it attached to the hostess packet. They get the product at their show. This way you are not out of a product. You can get some real cute bags at the $1 store.

Booking Binder

1. Take pictures of your parties and keep them in your bookings binder. Include the total sales, host rewards, and if you want, your commission (could help with recruiting!) You could put every show in, or just your top five.

2. When you take orders, ask everyone if they are interested in hosting a party and getting FREE stuff. Show them your past parties

Lets Make a Deal!

1. Take 4 envelopes.

2. Put in each envelope a $1, $2, $3, $5 off coupon.

3. Hold the envelopes up and say "In each of these envelopes there is a coupon that you can use tonight".

4. Let one of the Guests Pick one. Tell them don't open it....Read the Left/Right Poem.

5. Whoever ends up with the envelope tell them don't open it and then tell them they can keep the envelope or exchange it for another or pick 1 prize from the basket.

6. Then Say Wait!! My favorite game is called Let's Make a Deal....then offer them this. "If you book a show with me tonight, not only will Suzy get credit for a booking, but, I will double your coupon or you can pick 2 prizes from the basket....

7. They usually do the booking and get the double coupon off. The max is costs you is $10...but then you've got a show where you can recoup it.

8. To ensure that they keep the show, I will mail them the invitations with the labels with their show information...I'll put labels on at least 20 of the 40 invitations.... They don't cancel because they see how much time and effort you took.... Hope this helps.


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