


| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play |

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |activities (aka learning centers)]|

| | | | |handwriting, Library) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday |This week we will see that many |Today students will walk around |MATH- |Art: |

| |Date: |ways we can keep our Earth Healthy|their house and see if there are |Big or Small? |Students can draw a pictures of |

| |April 27, 2020 |and Clean. |lights that they can turn off. |Have student color the big item |the lights around their homes. |

| | | | |RED and the small item ORANGE or |While they go around looking for |

| | |Last week on April 22 we |They will then make a checklist of|point to it on the screen. |the lights they can make sure they|

| | |celebrated EARTH DAY and we |rooms they visited: |Pg. 10 |are turned off if no one is using |

| | |learned that it’s a day to keep | |. |

| | |our Earth clean. This week we will|Kitchen |om/2020/03/math-concept-size.pdf | |

| | |see what we can do to help our |Bathroom | |Library: |

| | |Earth everyday. |Livingroom |LITERACY- |EARTH DAY EVERY DAY by Lisa |

| | | |Bedroom |Letter X |Bullard |

| | |Today we will learn another way we|Hallway |Make a letter X book or pick two | |

| | |can help our earth stay clean and | |things that start with letter X | |

| | |healthy. |Please have students write out the|and draw them. |When is Earth Day? |

| | | |words themselves to the best of |Please look at pg 91 |(April 22) |

| | |REDUCE – we can reduce the amount |their ability. | |

| | |of trash and energy we use | |om/2020/03/literacy.pdf |What did the students plant? |

| | |everyday. | |HANDWRITING- |(Trees) |

| | | | |Practice writing your name. You | |

| | |- You can turn off the TV if no | |can use a visual if you need. |What did they turn off on Earth |

| | |one is watching. | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|night? |

| | |- You can turn off the lights in | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED|(The TV and the computer) |

| | |if no one is in the room. | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE. | |

| | |-When brushing your teeth you can | | |Music and Movement: |

| | |turn off the water when your not | | |I can move my body like anything |

| | |using it and turn it back on when | | | |

| | |you need. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |All these things save energy and | | | |

| | |help our Earth stay healthy. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Tuesday | | | |Library: |

| |Date: |Yesterday we learned how we can | |MATH- |I CAN SAVE THE EARTH by Alison |

| |April 28, 2020 |keep the Earth healthy by making |Today students will make something|Counting Beans |Inches |

| | |sure we reduce the energy we use.|new out of something old. They |On a small paper write numbers | |

| | | |will use and empty milk carton and|between 1 - 10 | |

| | |Today we will talk about ways we |make a house. |Student will then match the right |What did Max throw all over the |

| | |can REUSE items. This means making| |amount of beans to the number on |place? |

| | |something new out of something |[pic] |the paper. |(candy wrapper) |

| | |old. | | | |

| | | | |What happened to the lights? |

| | |For example making a toy house out|/crafts/miscellaneous/pmilk_carton|Have students go over the X letter|(They turned off) |

| | |of a milk carton |_house_craft.asp |sound. | |

| | | | |Have student find letter X in a |What does Max do with his old |

| | |Or using an item more than one | |magazine or newspaper. They can |toys? |

| | |time. | |cut out the letter and make a |(He sells them or trades them with|

| | | | |collage. They can also point to |friends) |

| | |For example we can use paper we | |the letter and make the letter | |

| | |draw on two times on the front and| |sound. |Dramatic Play: |

| | |back. We can also use a water | | |Pretend you are a Earth keeper. Go|

| | |bottle more than one time. | |HANDWRITING- Students will |around the house and find things |

| | | | |practice writing the letter X They|that you can do to reduce waste |

| | | | |may also trace the letter X |(trash) and energy. |

| | | | |Pg. 93 and 94 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |om/2020/03/literacy.pdf | |

| | | | | |Music and Movement: |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|Reduce, Reuse, Recycle |



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| |Wednesday | | |MATH- | |

| |Date: |Today we will learn about how we |Today students will draw things |At home have students find things |Art: |

| |April 29, 2020 |can RECYCLE. We will focus on |that can be recycled in the BLUE |that are big and things that are |Draw and color the BLUE recycling |

| | |plastics, |trash bin. |small. They will then sort them |symbol. |

| | |Glass, aluminum cans, and other | |according to size. | |

| | |metals. |Water bottles | |[pic] |

| | | |Cans |LITERACY- | |

| | |They go in a special BLUE trash |Soda bottles |Go on a letter X hunt. Parent will|Music and Movement: |

| | |bin. |Milk carton |post letter X on sticky notes and |How to recycle Song |

| | | |Foil |places them throughout the house. | |

| | |Look for the special recycling |They will label the items they |They can play with siblings or | |

| | |symbol to know if it goes into the|drew. |parents and see who found the most| |

| | |recycling bin or into the regular |[pic] |X. |Dramatic Play: |

| | |trash can. | | |Today you are the sanitation |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- |worker. Find garbage around the |

| | |What kind of | |Continue to write your name. Look |house and put the regular garbage |

| | |plastics/glass/cans/metals can we | |for words around your home. Maybe |in the trash can and the |

| | |recycle? | |in the kitchen or your room. Copy |recyclable (bottles, cans. Etc.) |

| | | | |the word on a paper. |in a separate bag. |

| | |Water bottles, soda cans, tomato | | | |

| | |sauce cans, glass bottles, etc. | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20| |



| | | | |Watch | |

| | | | | | |

| |Thursday | | |MATH- | |

| |Date: |Yesterday children learned about | |Pick a number between 1-10 |Music and Movement: |

| |April 30, 2020 |recycling plastic, glass, and |Today students will draw things |Write it out and draw the |Sesame Street: Use it again. |

| | |aluminum cans. |that can be recycled in the GREEN |corresponding amount of items of | |

| | | |trash bin. |your choice. For example: If I | |

| | |Today we will learn about | |pick number 5 I will draw 5 |Art: |

| | |recycling paper, and boxes. They |- Books |triangles or 5 bees. |Let’s reuse a paper bag! Today |

| | |go in a special GREEN garbage bin.|- Newspapers | |make a paper bag puppet. You can |

| | | |- Old letters |LITERACY- |decorate using markers, crayons, |

| | |[pic] |- Pizza box |Letter X for boX |stickers, whatever you like. You |

| | | |- Cereal Box |Find two boXes around your house. |can make animals or people. |

| | |What kind of papers/boxes can we | | | |

| | |recycle? |They will label the items they |HANDWRITING- | |

| | |Newspapers, magazines, drawing |drew. |Pg. 10 & 12 | |

| | |paper, cereal boxes. Cookie boxes,|[pic] |: |

| | |egg cartons, etc. | |om/2020/03/handwriting.pdf |I love the Earth |

| | | | | |By Todd Parr |



| | | | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |Where do the owls live? |

| | | | | |(In the trees) |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |What color is the ocean? |

| | | | | |(The ocean is blue) |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |What can you see in the sky at |

| | | | | |night? |

| | | | | |(The stars) |

| |Friday | | |MATH- |Dramatic Play: |

| |Date: |This week we learned all about |Today students will draw the earth|Big vs. Small |Now that spring is here. Have |

| |May 01, 2020 |keeping our Earth clean and |and their favorite animal, plant, |Pg. 8 |students host a picnic for the |

| | |healthy by following the three |or insect they like. |. What foods will you bring?|

| | |R’s: | |om/2020/03/math-concept-size.pdf |With help from parents students |

| | |REDUCE |[pic] | |will set up an area in the house |

| | |REUSE and | |LITERACY- |for the picnic. |

| | |RECYCLE |Students will label the |Find the letter X. Have students | |

| | | |animals/plants/insects they draw. |circle the X or point to it on the|Music and Movement: |

| | |It is important to keep our Earth | |screen. |Springtime Dance |

| | |clean. | |Pg. 96 | |

| | | | | |

| | |Earth is our home. It’s also the | |om/2020/03/literacy.pdf |Art: |

| | |home to all the animals, insects, | | |Make a bird feeder using recycled |

| | |and plants we learned about this | |HANDWRITING- |materials. |

| | |month. | |Practice writing the letters X |[pic] |

| | | | |using crayons, marker, or pencil. | |

| | |When we keep our Earth clean and | |They can also write words with the| |

| | |healthy the animals and plants are| |letter X: | |

| | |also happy. | |[pic] | |

| | | | | | |




PK.CKW.5 (The Arts): Participates in a variety of dramatic play activities to represent fantasy and real-life experiences.

PK.CKW.6 (Science): Acquires knowledge about the physical properties of the world.

Domain 1.3a Chooses materials/props and uses novel ways to represent ideas, characters, and objects.

Domain 1(a): Interacts with a variety of materials through play

Social/ Emotional- Week to Review

Social/Emotional – Please review week 1




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