August 2021

What are we doing to share God's love? Are we doing things that take us away from Him, or omitting things that could bring us closer?

In the Greek and Hebrew biblical term, Charis () refers to good will, loving-kindness, favor, in particular to God's merciful grace. It is used over 140 times in the New Testament and is a central concept in the theology developed by St. Augustine of Hippo.

`Charis' is the root of the word "charism" and so it means grace, or a free gift, and we recognize that charisms are free gifts of the Holy Spirit to help us live out our mission in the Church. Each of us individually has a special gift or talent that we're given to build up the body of Christ, and so as the disciples are sent forth in the Acts of the Apostles to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ risen from the dead, they go forth under the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Some of us might have a charism of evangelization, some of us charisms of teaching. Whatever it might be, the Holy Spirit desires to use us.




Health & Wellness 2

Pastor's Page




Missions News


New Song News


Directory Updates 6






Animals 4 God




UMW News


Praise Team Note 9

Worship Committee 9

Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.


August is cataract awareness month however I'm going to expand and focus on "aging eyes."

Age 40s



*Presbyopia -difficulty with near vision focus

*Be alert for increased dry eyes

Risk increases for Glaucoma, cataracts & Age -Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Glaucoma-Per Mayo clinic, glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in people over 60. It can occur at any age but more common in older adults. Glaucoma damages the optic nerve caused by abnormally high pressure in the eye. There are different forms of glaucoma, and you may not have any warning signs. Cataracts- A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of your eye. May start in your 40s but the resulting vision changes may not be apparent until 60 and older. AMD- "Age related macular degeneration is an aging-related change of cells that make up the macula-or the infield of the retina." (1) This happens in the central back part of the eye and can be associated with blurriness of the central vision. Dry macular degeneration occurs first. Wet macular degeneration, the more advanced form of the disease may cause sudden blurriness of the central vision.

What to do

Make routine eye exam appointments at least every 2 years. Be alert to your blinking patterns. There are over the counter (OTC) eye artificial tears. Check with your Optometrist or Ophthalmologist if you have concerns.

Continue with regular eye exams. Glaucoma-*Glaucoma tends to run in families so know your family history. *Exercise, *Wear eye protection Cataracts-*If you are smoker-quit. *Eat a diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. *Wear sunglasses. AMD-*Get routine dilated eye exams. *Stop smoking, *eat vegetables especially green leafy veggies such as kale or spinach. *Also recommended is eating fish that is high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

70s/80s Color vision declines

Always inform your doctor of any

changes with your vision.

Recommendation for eye health for all ages include: use extra lighting, exercise regularly, don't

smoke, and protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays and wear protection to prevent eye injuries. And

have regular exams.

What to know about age related macular degeneration - Mayo Clinic Health System

Walk in Faith. juanita howard, RN, BSN, MAOM Faith Community Nurse


Climbing the Mountain

School is beginning for our children soon. Arizona Schools' begin earlier than the traditional start after Labor Day. Parents and children head off with an increased sense of anxiety knowing that Covid is still a player in the background. Mask or don't mask, vaccinate or not, we want learning, most definitely, but how will that occur with this increased tension from anxiety? When will normal be normal again? The new normal is just barely tolerable. We pray for Wisdom for our children. Wisdom is the bedfellow of experience and understanding and it takes the living of life with all its complexities to bring it about.

Soon, if nothing is changed, the United States may no longer be a Christian Nation. Approximately 328 million people live here and just 205 million still claim Christianity as their faith. Although it is true that we have never been 100 percent Christians it is becoming clear that the percentage of Christians was once a clear majority that was never questioned, and those of us who experienced those times never assumed that it would ever change. It would be true to have once assumed that the majority of people living here were at one point a Christian. That understanding meant that for most of us we had a commonality in moral and ethical understandings that led to many similar experiences both in and out of the church, even if some of the practices were not the same. Whether Catholic or Baptist, or all the inbetweens, we had a similar understanding of salvation and God's grace that lead to similar practices of love and forgiveness both in our families and communities. With Theism's replacement with secularism (what's good for me is what's good for me) we now find little commonality in our understandings of servanthood (the hallmark of the Christian faith), since it now begins and ends with self; no higher power is needed. The statement from our Lord: "34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35 NIV) assumes the foundations of servanthood. This Is becoming a foreign teaching to a world that is accepting of love of self as ones' highest goal and duty. This selfcentered love is not accepting of accountability and servanthood for the others sake; consequently you have observed our society growing in the direction of "what's in it for me." In such a setting relationships, covenants, and groupings begin to suffer.

At any time these false teachings can be turned around in one's personal life (we have the freedom of choice) but the corporate journey remains to be seen; we will all have a lot of work to do. The bad new good news is that the human race has been here before. The story of the tower of Babel, Cain and Abel, Jacob and Essa, are all stories of "what's in it for me" and despite the human failings God continues to bless and care for the failing human being.

..."29Jesus replied, "This is the most important: `Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31The second is this: `Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these."... (Mark 12: 29-31). His teaching holds us accountable to correct priorities by beginning with God then moving to the care of your neighbor and finally the care of yourself. When these priorities get out of whack our lives get out of whack. A simple teaching for a not so simple time that if practiced can make all the difference. How's your priorities going? Maybe it's time to begin again?

Blessings, Pastor Mason



Animals 4 God Reading--2nd Tuesday 6 pm

Animals 4 God Meeting--4th Saturday 9 am

Book Buddies--off for summer; will resume in October

Choir Practice--Wednesday weekly 7 pm

Dabblers--2nd Monday 10 am

Eve's Cookers--4th Saturday 8 am

Food Bank--3rd Thursday 1:30 pm

KnitWits--3rd Tuesday 1 pm at Fellowship Square

Ladies Hand & Foot cards--3rd Friday 1 pm (off site)

Men's Breakfast--Friday weekly 7 am

Men's Bible Study--Friday weekly 8 am

Needlers--3rd Saturday 9 am

New Member Classes--varies, Pastor discretion Parkinson's--2nd Tuesday 1 pm at Fellowship Square Praise Team Practice--Thursday weekly 6:30 pm Prayer Force--Monday weekly 9:15 am Scouts--Boys-Monday weekly 6:30 pm

Girls-Monday weekly 6:30 pm Stephen Ministries--1st Thursday 2:30 pm Sunday Worship-- 8:00 am Traditional

11::00 am Contemporary Sunday School--email/live classes to resume in the Fall United Methodist Women--2nd Saturday 10:00 am Women's Bible Study--Wednesday 9:00 am-weekly

FYI: Although we are open, we continue to have restrictions. Continue to check with your group leader before planning to attend any meeting.

OUR VISION... is to become a great church

that builds the kingdom of God by making disciples of

Jesus Christ and by making a difference in the


Prayers for our Churches, West District

August Mission Bell UMC, Glendale Mountain View UMC, Cottonwood

New Church Start, Yuma New Song UMC, Surprise


Sunday School will be restarting this fall. The time will be 9:30, between services. Classroom helpers and a substitute teacher or two are needed. Classroom helpers will not be required to do any teaching but simply be in the classroom to help the younger children. If you can help, please contact Leslie Oredson at leeloocatz@ or 612.600.8442.

I have been stocking supplies this past year so we do not need any supplies as yet. Our church has wonderful kids that need your presence! Thanks! Leslie Oredson

Adult Sunday School is offering a new, six-week curriculum this fall. COURAGE: Jesus and the Call to Brave Faith by Tom Berlin. The world-wide pandemic has been one of the most frightening and longest events that most of us will ever collectively share. Churches, places to be reminded of hope and God's presence in our lives, were closed in every denomination. That has never happened before. All of us face situations that call for us to be brave. This six-week study offers a ten-minute video by the author, Bible study and discussion on opportunities to grow in courage. Studying in a group allows us to encourage and support one another as we face situations calling for courage in our daily lives. We hope you will join us. Mike and Marylou Cate.



KNIT WITS PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: We meet at Fellowship Square at 1:00 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Anyone who knits or crochets is welcome. Please contact Kimi Ivey 678-654-5842 or by email at kimi.ivey@. ************************************

DABBLERS: We met as a small gr oup J uly 12. We made sever al car ds and enjoyed visiting and getting caught up with each others lives since Covid. We will meet again on August 9, at 1:00 pm at Carolyn's house. Please call for address and directions. Carolyn Garbacz (623-975-1615. *************************************

NEEDLERS: . Needler s will take the month of August off and r esume on the 3r d Satur day at 9 am on September 18th. Contact person for Needlers is Sheryl Messenger. Thank you. Sheryl Messenger 847-8466307 ************************************* EVE'S COOKERS: The "Brownie Angels" keep on baking. A wonderful thank you to all our ever faithful bakers. August 28th is our next date to take brownies down to Eve's Place. Kim Knight (630-853-1471) will be the go to person for August. Ann Haggerty 623-261-3221. *************************************

FOOD BANK OUTREACH: We go on the 3r d Thur sday at 1:30 pm. Next visit will be THURSDAY, AUGUST 19TH . If you can come, please call me at 623-556-9425, or email me at nancysoup1@. Blessings and thank you. Nancy Campbell, Missions committee *****************************************

KNITWITS meet every third Tuesday of the month, 1:00 pm

at Fellowship Square.

Anyone who knits or crochets is welcome.

FOREVER FRIENDS We will meet at 5:30 pm on Friday, August 13th at Babbo's Restaurant on Bell Rd, just West of the church. Please come and enjoy food and fellowship.

Call or text Myrna Bishop at 623-826-6483 if you can join us.



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