Earth Science Study Guide


The Earth in Space

Study Guide

1. Why does the length of a shadow change during the day? Draw a diagram with labeled times to show the changes that occur.


2. What causes daylight and night on Earth? Create a drawing and description of your ideas.


3. What is the relationship between the length of daylight and the Sun’s angle?


4. How do the Sun’s position in the sky and the length of the daylight relate to the seasons of the year?


5. Discuss Earth’s revolution around the Sun and its role in determining the length of Earth’s year and the seasons.


6. Does the distance from Earth to the Sun determine the seasons? Explain the evidence for your answer.


7. Why is the Northern Hemisphere warmer when it is tilted toward the Sun?


8. Prepare a labeled diagram that includes a caption that explains how earth’s tilt and its revolution around the Sun cause each of the following:

a) changes in the angle of the sunlight hitting earth

b) the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere to be opposites of the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere

9. About how many days does a complete cycle of the moon’s phases take?


10. What fraction of the moon is always lit up by the Sun (except during a lunar eclipse)?


11. What motion causes the Moon to change phases?


12. What is the connection between extreme tides and the phases of the moon?


13. What is the position of the moon at different phases? Draw a diagram.



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