MAS Consultants Inc - GSA Advantage

MAS Consultants Inc.

Authorized Federal Supply Schedule

Professional Services Schedule (PSS)

FSC Group: Industrial Group 00CORP

Contract No: GS-10F-0184K

Contract Period: April 15, 2015 through April 14, 2020

Contractor: MAS Consultants Inc.

P.O. Box 5130

150 Mockernut Circle

Aiken, SC 29803

Contact: Mike Schoener, President

Phone: (803) 641-8166

Fax: None

Email: mikeschoener@

Web Site:

Federal Tax ID: 57-0973640

DUNS Number: 799865563

Business Size: Small – Veteran Owned


Special Item Numbers:

|Item Number |Price List |

|874-1 & 874-1RC Integrated Consulting Services |see attached |

|874-7 & 874-7RC Integrated Business Program Support Services |see attached |

| | |

Maximum Order Threshold: $1,000,000

Minimum Order: $100.00

Geographic Coverage: Domestic Delivery Only

Points of Production: Based in Aiken, SC

Discount: Prices shown on price list are net prices with discount included

Quantity Discounts: Prices shown on price list are net prices with discount included

Prompt Payment Terms: Net 30 days

Government Purchase Card: Not Accepted

Foreign Items: None

Time of Delivery: As specified on individual task order

F.O.B. Point: Domestic delivery only

Ordering Address: MAS Consultants Inc.

P.O. Box 5130

Aiken, SC 29803

(803) 641-8166

Fax: None

Email: mikeschoener@

Ordering Procedure: As specified on individual task order

Payment Address: MAS Consultants Inc.

P.O. Box 5130

Aiken, SC 29804

Warranty Provision: Standard Commercial Warranty or Practice for Services

Export Packing Charges: Not Applicable

Terms and Conditions of Government Commercial Credit Card Acceptance: NA

Terms and Conditions of Rental Maintenance and Repair: NA

Terms and Conditions of Installation: NA

Terms and Conditions of Repair Parts: NA

List of Service and Distribution Points: NA

List of Participating Dealers: NA

Preventive Maintenance: NA

Special Attributes: N/A

Registered in System for Award Management (SAM): Yes


MAS Consultants is a small, veteran owned professional firm located in Aiken, SC. The company has been providing consulting services for government and energy-related industries since 1993. These services are specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients and focus on issues related to human performance improvement, safety management, facility operations, training and the environment. They include program and facility evaluations, event and accident investigation, strategic planning, program implementation, project management, facilitation, public involvement, and development and implementation of training and qualification programs.


|Associated Technologies and Laboratories |Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC |

|Bechtel Jacobs Company |B&W Y-12, LLC |

|Bechtel National |Brookhaven National Laboratory |

|Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |Chenega Global Services, LLC |

|Communications Technologies and Analysis |Chevron Oil |

|Epsilon System Solutions |Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. |

|Isotek |EG&G Idaho Inc. |

|Lockheed Martin Energy Services |Fluor Federal Systems |

|Miratek Corporation |LATA/Parallax Portsmouth LLC |

|Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies |Ontario Hydro |

|Parsons Corporation |Ontario Power Generation |

|Parallax Inc |Oak Ridge Associated Universities |

|Project Enhancement Corporation |Rho Federal Systems |

|U. S. Department of Energy ( numerous Headquarters Offices and Site Offices |United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting|

|across the country) |Industry |

|Uranium Disposition Services (UDS) |Stone & Webster Engineering |

|Washington Closure Hanford, LLC |Savannah River Nuclear Solutions |

|Washington TRU Solutions |Washington Safety Management Solutions |

|West Valley Environmental Services |Westinghouse Savannah River Company |

Representative Projects (Note: examples only - does not reflect all MAS projects)

• MAS Consultants works directly with the Department of Energy's Office of Health, Safety, and Security (HSS) to assist them in upgrading and implementing ES&H programs and processes across the Department. This includes startup of the DOE Human Performance Center, support for the Office of Nuclear Safety, conducting training courses, revising directives, and providing facility operations support to Federal staff and contractors in the field.

• MAS Consultants worked with senior management at Ontario Hydro and Ontario Power Generation to make significant improvements to upgrade the training and certification programs for their nuclear operations in Canada.

• MAS Consultants provided technical expertise in support of the startup reviews (RAs and ORRs) of the Sandia Pulsed Reactor, the Annular Core Research Reactor, the Y-12 Oxide Conversion Facility, the Y-12 Special Material Purification Facility, the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR), the BGRR and HFBR reactors at BNL, the SRS Glass Waste Storage Building and the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment.

• MAS Consultants provided on-shift technical expertise at high-hazard processing facilities at SRS and led engineering evaluations of complex facility systems for optimizing performance.

• MAS Consultants worked closely with senior leadership of the National Nuclear Security Administration to assist them with the Transformational Governance and Oversight Reform initiative.

• MAS Consultants supported Parsons Corporation at the Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) at the Savannah River Site (SRS) and Washington TRU Solutions at the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) to develop and implement human performance improvement (HPI) initiatives across the projects.

• MAS Consultants conducted independent HPI assessments at the depleted uranium hexafluoride disposition sites at Portsmouth, Ohio and Paducah, KY and provided recommendations to senior management.

• MAS Consultants worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to identify, evaluate, document and share some of the best asthma education programs available in the United States and Canada.

• MAS Consultants supports Bechtel National at the Waste Treatment Plant project in Hanford to assist with the preparation of startup plans and procedures.

• MAS Consultants developed and conducts the one-week, in-residence, Nuclear Executive Leadership Training (NELT) on an annual basis for senior executives in the Department of Energy

• MAS Consultants provided subject matter expertise to support the DOE Office of Science in conducting programmatic reviews of the electrical safety programs at 6 national laboratories across the country.

• MAS Consultants provided support to senior management for the implementation of Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) at Washington Closure Hanford, and the Idaho Cleanup Project.

• MAS Consultants worked closely with senior management to develop DOE-wide implementation plans and technical documents for various Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendations, such as Recommendation 93-3, 2002-1, 2002-3, 2004-1, and 2004-2.

• MAS Consultants provided management and technical expertise to support the contract transition activities for Savannah River Nuclear Solutions at the Savannah River Site and designed and conducted a one-day off-site transition retreat for the executives of SRNS, DOE-SR and NNSA.

• MAS Consultants managed the training and procedures upgrade program to support the Phase-A restart of Enriched Uranium Operations at the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge, TN.

• MAS Consultants worked directly with senior managers across the Department of Energy to support the implementation of the new Quality Assurance and Software Quality Assurance program requirements.

• MAS Consultants supports the Department of Energy’s accident investigation program and has provided subject matter expertise and advisors for numerous accident investigations across the DOE complex.

• MAS Consultants provided support for a management review of the safety culture at the Molten Salt Experimental Reactor in Oak Ridge, TN.

• MAS Consultants assisted the US Department of Energy by designing and developing national training and qualification programs to upgrade the technical competence of the Federal workforce across the country.

• MAS Consultants supported a variety of organizations by conducting off-site executive workshops and strategic planning retreats.

• MAS Consultants worked with the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry to help implement national training and qualification programs for the nuclear industry.

• MAS Consultants provided facilitation and related services to support the Savannah River Site Citizens Advisory Board and also other SSAB’s across the DOE complex.

• MAS Consultants provided support to DOE with day-to-day field technical oversight and programmatic assistance for work being conducted in support of ARRA activities at the Savannah River Site.

• MAS Consultants worked closely with the senior managers of the NNSA Office of Secure Transportation to develop a long-range strategic plan to guide the management and planning activities for the organization.


MAS Consultants provides a variety of consulting services to both private industry and government clients. MAS Consultants recognizes that consulting services vary based on the needs of clients, organizational situations, availability of resources, etc. We pride ourselves on providing customized services based on these needs. Although we use a systematic approach to conducting our work, we know that every situation is different. We treat every activity as a project, regardless of its size. We work closely with our clients to help clearly define their needs, establish an approach and methodology that will meet those needs, work closely with them to implement the project, and provide clear and specific results in the form of deliverables.

Listed below is a description of some of the consulting services provided my MAS Consultants. We recognize that in many cases, these services are provided on an integrated, rather than a standalone basis, to meet the needs of clients.

Strategic and Business Planning

MAS Consultants works with clients to develop long-term strategic plans and specific business implementation plans. We work closely with clients to understand their goals needs in order to develop meaningful long-term strategic plans. We develop business implementation plans to achieve the goals and objectives defined in the strategic plans. We work with personnel at all levels of the organization to ensure the implementability of the plans. These strategic and business plans form the "road map" to help our client ensure their success.

Program Assessments

MAS Consultants assists clients by assessing the effectiveness of programs, projects and processes. We work closely with clients to develop an assessment plan that clearly defines the process and criteria that will form the basis for the assessment. We typically conduct the assessment using a combination of interviews, document reviews and performance observations. We document the results of the assessment in a final report that identifies strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for improvement.

Process Improvement

MAS Consultants works with clients to help them make process improvements. These may be internal process improvements (i.e., the process occurs strictly within the clients' organization itself), or external process improvements (i.e., the process involves groups or personnel outside of the clients' organization). MAS Consultants works with the client to clearly identify any problem areas, assesses the existing process, makes recommendations to improve the process and assists the client with implementing the process improvement.

Organizational Assessments

MAS Consultants understands that in the ever-changing environment of business and government, long-standing organizational structures may not be effective or efficient in achieving organizational goals and objectives. We work with our clients to understand their organizational needs based on both the long-term strategic goals of the organization and the day-to-day operations. We assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization - personnel, logistics and infrastructure. We provide our clients with specific recommendations and strategies for implementation to improve their organizational effectiveness.

Development of Performance Measures

MAS Consultants recognizes that it is important to track and measure the success of improvement initiatives. We work with our clients to help them identify specific and measurable performance indicators based on the desired results of a project or improvement effort. We establish a process to track and periodically report on the status of the performance indicators, to help our clients determine the effectiveness of performance improvement initiatives.

Development of Training and Performance Improvement Programs

MAS Consultants understands that establishing effective training and other related performance improvement programs can be essential to ensuring successful mission performance. We work closely with clients to develop performance-based training and qualification/certification programs to ensure that personnel have the requisite competencies to perform assigned duties and tasks. MAS Consultants also works closely with clients to implement human performance improvement (HPI) principles and concepts to improve performance and reduce costly errors – thereby contributing to mission success.

Facilitation Services

MAS Consultants provides facilitation services for large diverse groups of stakeholders in the area of public involvement, for small to medium sized groups of people working to solve a specific problem or to develop a specific plan, and meeting facilitation services to improve the efficiency and productivity of meetings. MAS Consultants understands that providing facilitation services can be a multifaceted operation. The goal of the facilitation service is always to work with the group, regardless of the size, in an attempt to achieve a final goal or objective. That may involve a variety of skills including the ability to design a process that will achieve the ultimate goal of the group, working with a diverse group of stakeholders, working with individual stakeholders prior to meetings, solving problems - sometimes on a real time basis during a meeting, making presentations to the group, and documenting results.


MAS Consultants provides program integration and project management services for a variety of clients in both the government and commercial sectors. MAS Consultants has provided these services at a variety of levels for clients. These services range from managing small projects for the development of training program materials for a client (where MAS Consultants does the work), to providing project or program management consulting services to assist clients in meeting major goals such as restarting a nuclear facility or reengineering a major government training program.

MAS Consultants understands the difference between managing a project and managing a program. Projects, no matter how big or small, have a clear beginning and a clear endpoint. There are always very specific and measurable elements required to complete a project. Programs, on the other hand, may be made-up of many projects and do not always have a clear beginning. In many cases, programs do not have a clear endpoint, and tend to be ongoing. However, that does not infer that programs do not require a significant level of management rigor and structure if they are to be successfully implemented.

Project Management

MAS Consultants provides project management services for clients to ensure that their projects are accomplished on time, on budget, and they achieve the desired results. This may involve performing the actual day-to-day duties of the project manager or working closely with clients to support them in managing their projects. We assist clients in the development of project plans, schedules and budgets to accomplish the project. We use a variety of project reporting tools to ensure that the project can be effectively managed, problems can be anticipated and dealt with, and the utilization of resources (people and dollars) is continuously tracked. MAS Consultants knows and understands that not every project needs the same level of project management detail to accomplish the project. We pride ourselves on tailoring the project tools (plans, schedules, reports, etc.) to what is necessary and sufficient to accomplish the project.

Program Management

MAS Consultants provides services to assist clients in the management of programs. This may involve actually managing the program for the client or working closely with the client to assist them in managing the program. These services include working with clients on initial program definition and development, developing budgets and schedules, assisting with the day-to-day operation of the program, establishing tracking parameters, reporting on program status, working with team members and developing program promotional materials.

Program Integration (team leader)

MAS Consultants works with clients to help them develop clear and measurable goals for their program, and to identify overlap areas with other initiatives and programs. MAS Consultants works with the various members of the program teams to facilitate ownership and involvement in the success of the program(s). We serve as a team leader to ensure that program goals and objectives are clearly defined and understood. This may involve developing presentations on program activities, chairing meetings of program team members, reporting on program status, and day-to-day management and operation of the programs.

Program Oversight

MAS Consultants understands that program oversight is different from program management. Program oversight does not typically involve the day-to-day management of the program. Program oversight involves the review and evaluation of the program on a periodic basis to endure that the program is operating effectively. This may involve monitoring the actual operation of the program, or evaluating to determine if the program is achieving its desired results, or a combination of both. MAS Consultants provides periodic reports to the client (oral and/or written) and makes recommendations for improvements as appropriate. MAS Consultants may assist the client in implementing program improvement initiatives.

MAS Consultants Inc.


Sr. Executive Consultant

Education: Minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree in a related field. Typically the Sr. Executive Consultant will have an advance degree in a related field such as engineering or related science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Candidates without an advanced degree will have significant demonstrated management experience.

Experience: Minimum of 25 years experience in a related area such as executive management, specialized program management, complex project management, facility management, engineering or organizational development. At least 15 of the 20 years are in the management of organizations or programs.

Duties: Provides focused consulting services to executive managers or other senior managers that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients and focused on issues related to problem solving, organizational strategic planning, complex operations, organizational management, executive facilitation, project management, executive management development and program assessments.

Principal Subject Matter Expert

Education: Minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree in a related field. The Principal Subject Matter Expert may have an advance degree in a related field such as engineering or related science/technical area; management; business, or human resources. Candidates without an advanced degree will have significant demonstrated subject matter expertise.

Experience: Minimum of 20 years experience in a related area such as program management, project management, facility management, engineering or organizational development. At least 10 of the 20 years are working at a recognized subject matter in their field.

Duties: Provides focused consulting services and specialized expertise to senior managers or other subject matter experts that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients and focused on issues related to complex problem solving, complex operations, project management or recovery, and program assessments.

Executive Consultant

Education: Minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree in a related field. Typically, the Executive Consultant will have an advance degree in a related field such as engineering or related science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Candidates without an advanced degree will have significant demonstrated management experience.

Experience: Minimum of 20 years experience in a related area such as program management, project management, facility management, engineering or organizational development. At least 10 of the 20 years are in the management of technical organizations or programs.

Duties: Provides consulting services to senior management specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients and focused on issues related to operations, organizational management, strategic planning, facilitation, project management, management development and program assessments.

Senior Principal Consultant

Education: Minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree in a related field. The Senior Principal Consultant may have an advance degree in a related field such as engineering or related science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Candidates without an advanced degree will have significant demonstrated management experience.

Experience: Minimum of 15 years experience in a related area such as program management, project management, facility management, engineering or organizational development. At least 10 of the 15 years are in the management of technical organizations or programs.

Duties: Provides consulting and support services to management specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients and focused on issues related to operations, organizational management, strategic planning, facilitation, project management, performance improvement, and program assessments.

Principal Consultant

Education: Bachelor of Science degree in a science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Candidates without a degree will have significant demonstrated management experience or specific subject matter expertise.

Experience: Minimum of 15 years experience in a related area such as engineering, facility management, technical training, organizational development, project management and/or public involvement. At least 5 of the 15 years are in the management of technical organizations or programs.

Duties: Provides consulting and support services specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients. These services include program development, strategic planning, facilitation, project management, program assessments, development of performance improvement systems, and design of training and qualification programs

Senior Subject Matter Expert

Education: Bachelor of Science degree in a science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Typically, the Senior Subject Matter Expert will have an advance degree in a specific field of service such as engineering or related science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Candidates without an advanced degree will have significant demonstrated work experience.

Experience: Minimum of 15 years experience of specific work experience in a related area such as engineering, facility management, technical training, organizational development, project management and/or public involvement.

Duties: Provides consulting and support services specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients focusing on issues related to safety, facility operations and the environment. They and include program development, project management, program assessments, development of performance improvement systems, and design of training and qualification programs

Senior Performance Consultant

Education: Bachelor of Science degree in a science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Typically, the Senior Performance Consultant will have an advance degree in a related field such as engineering or related science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Candidates without an advanced degree will have demonstrated management experience.

Experience: Minimum of 10 years experience in a related area such as engineering, facility management, technical training, organizational development, project management and/or public involvement. At least 3 of the 10 years are in the management of technical organizations or programs.

Duties: Provides consulting and support services specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients in the areas of program development, project management, program assessments, development of performance improvement systems, and design of training and qualification programs.

Performance Consultant

Education: Bachelor degree in a science/technical area; management; human resources or training/education. Candidates without a degree will have significant demonstrated work experience in a related field.

Experience: Minimum of five years experience in a related area such as technical training, performance development, project management and/or public involvement.

Duties: Provides support services related to safety, facility operations and the environment. They and include program development and support, development of performance improvement systems, and design of training and qualification programs.

Program Analyst

Education: Associates degree in a related field. Candidates without degree will have additional demonstrated experience in the area that they are providing services.

Experience: Minimum of four years work experience, two of which are in a related area such as engineering, facility operations, technical training, performance development, and/or public involvement.

Duties: Provides support services to clients or senior consultants to assist with program development and support, strategic planning, facilitation, project management, development of performance improvement systems, and design of training and qualification programs.

Junior Program Analyst

Education: Associates degree in a related field. Candidates without degree will have additional demonstrated experience in the area that they are providing services.

Experience: Minimum of two years experience in a related area such as technical training, performance development, project management and/or public involvement.

Duties: Works under the direction of a senior consultant to assist in providing project support in the areas of program development and support, strategic planning, facilitation, project management, development of performance improvement systems, and design of training and qualification programs.

Administrative/Graphics Support

Education: High school diploma or equivalent.

Experience: Minimum of three years experience in administrative support or graphics arts.

Duties: Provides administrative or graphics assistance to clients or senior consultants to support program development and support, strategic planning, facilitation, project management, development of performance improvement systems, and design of training and qualification programs.

Word Processing Specialist

Education: High school diploma or equivalent.

Experience: Demonstrated experience and proficiency in word processing or data entry.

Duties: Provides word processing support to assist in developing or revising documents, entering data, etc.

MAS Consultants Inc.


|SIN 874-1 Integrated Consulting Services | | | | |

| |Full Rate |Full Rate |Full Rate |Full Rate |Full Rate |

|Labor Category |4/15/2015 |4/15/2016 |4/14/2017 |4/15/2018 |4/15/2019 |

| |4/14/2016 |4/14/2017 |4/15/2018 |4/14/2019 |4/14/2020 |

|Sr. Executive Consultant |$228.79 |$234.51 |$240.37 |$246.38 |$252.54 |

|Principal Subject Matter Expert |$202.34 |$207.40 |$212.58 |$217.90 |$223.34 |

|Executive Consultant |$178.09 |$182.54 |$187.10 |$191.78 |$196.57 |

|Sr. Principal Consultant |$160.29 |$164.30 |$168.41 |$172.62 |$176.93 |

|Principal Consultant |$142.48 |$146.04 |$149.69 |$153.43 |$157.27 |

|Sr. Subject Matter Expert |$132.98 |$136.30 |$139.71 |$143.20 |$146.78 |

|Sr. Performance Consultant |$122.30 |$125.36 |$128.49 |$131.70 |$134.99 |

|Performance Consultant |$102.11 |$104.66 |$107.27 |$109.96 |$112.71 |

|Program Analyst |$83.72 |$85.81 |$87.96 |$90.16 |$92.41 |

|Jr. Program Analyst |$75.00 |$76.88 |$78.80 |$80.77 |$82.79 |

|Admin/Graphic Arts Support** |$60.55 |$62.07 |$63.62 |$65.21 |$66.84 |

|Word Processing Spec.** |$42.75 |$43.82 |$44.91 |$46.04 |$47.19 |

|SIN 874-7 Integrated Business Program Support Services | | | | |

| |Full Rate |Full Rate |Full Rate |Full Rate |Full Rate |

|Labor Category |4/15/2015 |4/15/2016 |4/14/2017 |4/15/2018 |4/15/2019 |

| |4/14/2016 |4/14/2017 |4/15/2018 |4/14/2019 |4/14/2020 |

|Sr. Executive Consultant |$228.79 |$234.51 |$240.37 |$246.38 |$252.54 |

|Principal Subject Matter Expert |$202.34 |$207.40 |$212.58 |$217.90 |$223.34 |

|Executive Consultant |$178.09 |$182.54 |$187.10 |$191.78 |$196.57 |

|Sr. Principal Consultant |$160.29 |$164.30 |$168.41 |$172.62 |$176.93 |

|Principal Consultant |$142.48 |$146.04 |$149.69 |$153.43 |$157.27 |

|Sr. Subject Matter Expert |$132.98 |$136.30 |$139.71 |$143.20 |$146.78 |

|Sr. Performance Consultant |$122.30 |$125.36 |$128.49 |$131.70 |$134.99 |

|Performance Consultant |$102.11 |$104.66 |$107.27 |$109.96 |$112.71 |

|Program Analyst |$83.72 |$85.81 |$87.96 |$90.16 |$92.41 |

|Jr. Program Analyst |$75.00 |$76.88 |$78.80 |$80.77 |$82.79 |

|Admin/Graphic Arts Support** |$60.55 |$62.07 |$63.62 |$65.21 |$66.84 |

|Word Processing Spec.** |$42.75 |$43.82 |$44.91 |$46.04 |$47.19 |

The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract and it includes SCA applicable

labor categories. The prices for the cited SCA labor categories are based on the U.S.

Department of Labor WD Number(s) identified in the SCA matrix. The prices offered are

based on the preponderance of where work is performed and should the Contractor perform in

an area with lower SCA rates, resulting in lower wages being paid, the task order prices will be

discounted accordingly.

|SCA Eligible Labor Category |SCA Equivalent Code Title |Wage Determination Number |

|Admin/Graphics Art Support |01020 Administrative Assistant |05-2135 |

|Word Processing Specialist |01612 Word Processing III |05-2135 |


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