Community Ecology

Community Ecology

Species/area relationship



1. Discussion of the ubiquitous relationship between species richness and area

A. Patterns associated with k and z

2. Some possible explanations for this pattern

3. How loss of A may unexpectedly affect S via supersaturation

4. How universal is the S/A relationship?



As area increases, richness increases: one of the few “laws” in ecology, according to Schoener (1976)

First attributed to H.C. Watson (1859)


Lots of empirical evidence for S/A relationship -

e.g. Darlington’s Rule


Formalization of the S/A relationship - Arrhenius 1921, Preston 1962:

S = kAz

where k = y-intercept, z = slope, S=number of species, A=area

To linearize: log(S) = zlog(A) + log (k)

This power-law equation is only one kind of S/A relationship. See Scheiner (2003) for a discussion of other types of species-area curves, based on various aspects of sampling.

Properties of k and z can provide insights about isolation, extinction risk, etc.:

k –

z –

In general, data are plotted and a curve is then fitted retroactively, which allows calculation of k and z.


Explanations for species-area relationship:

1) area per se with respect to colonization and extinction

2) habitat heterogeneity hypothesis

3) passive sampling phenomenon



1. The S/A pattern is based on species presence alone, and thus ignores abundance differences and includes transients.

2. Over what time period should S be tallied?

3. How should A be measured (e.g. effects of topography/surface area)?

4. There are exceptions:

Habitat loss, supersaturation, faunal relaxation, extinction debt:


So what are we to conclude about species/area relationships? S is related to A because of a variety of factors that vary with A, including habitat, sampling, and other properties. There is considerable scatter about the S/A regression line (supersaturation). Nonetheless, the S/A relationship is a reasonably robust pattern––it is the process behind it that is unclear.

Next time: the relationship between biodiversity and environmental productivity.




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