Exam DATE:

Multiple Choice [ Part I ]

Thematic Essay [ Part II ]

DBQ Essay [ Part III a ] the Short Answer Questions [ Part III b ] the Essay

Clicking on a "LINK to" below will take you to the STATE EXAM page . Once there click on "EXPAND ALL" [top of the page] This will reveal links to the ENTIRE EXAM + the ANSWER KEY to the Multiple Choice Questions + "sample" Thematic & DBQ essays ... which are RATED as "5, 4", "3". "2", "1" & "0" ... ... For instance "What does the State consider to be a "5" Essay or a "2" Essay? NOTE: Exams from June 2000 - August 2002 are already "Expanded"

June 2000

Justice & Human Rights

ECONOMIC Systems: - Capitalism vs Communism

LINK to June 2000 Global Exam

August 2000

Science & Technology

Human Rights

LINK to August 2000 Global Exam

January 2001

Economic change

Revolutions .. Political

LINK to January 2001 Global Exam

June 2001 August 2001

Geography: - Positive/Negative


Change - Turning Points: Political, Economic, Social

-Role of Women

LINK to June 2001 Global Exam LINK to August 2001 Global Exam

January 2002 June 2002 August 2002 January 2003 June 2003 August 2003 January 2004 June 2004 August 2004 January 2005 June 2005 August 2005 January 2006 June 2006 August 2006

Geography on History

Human Activity .. - Impact on Geography / Environment

Change - Individuals

Economic systems

Human Rights: "post" World War II

[after 1945]


Political Revolutions Conflict: Groups Geography on Society

Economics: ... Britain vs Japan

Turning Points: - Neolithic - Exploration - Communism


Change: ... Individuals

Turning Points: Events in History

Economic Systems

Revolutions: ... - Neolithic, Scientific, Green ... British Imperialism

Disease - Epidemics

Change: Political Events


Global Problems


Change - Leaders

Change: Philosophy & Leaders

Conflicts: People

Trade Routes ... Movement of People & Goods

Change - Technology


Industrial Revolution Cold War ... Affecting "other" nations

LINK to January 2002 Global Exam

LINK to June 2002 Global Exam

LINK to August 2002 Global Exam

LINK to January 2003 Global Exam

Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.

LINK to June 2003 Global Exam

Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.

LINK to August 2003 Global Exam

Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.

LINK to January 2004 Global Exam LINK to June 2004 Global Exam LINK to August 2004 Global Exam

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Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.

Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.

LINK to January 2005 Global Exam LINK to June 2005 Global Exam LINK to August 2005 Global Exam

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Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.

Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.

LINK to January 2006 Global Exam

Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.

LINK to June 2006 Global Exam LINK to August 2006 Global Exam

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Click on "Expand All" Button when on Test page.


Exam DATE:

Multiple Choice [ Part I ]

Thematic Essay [ Part II ]

DBQ Essay [ Part III a ] the Short Answer Questions [ Part III b ] the Essay

Clicking on a "LINK to" below will take you to the STATE EXAM page . Once there click on "EXPAND ALL" [top of the page] This will reveal links to the ENTIRE EXAM + the ANSWER KEY to the Multiple Choice Questions + "sample" Thematic & DBQ essays ... which are RATED as "5, 4", "3". "2", "1" & "0" ... ... For instance "What does the State consider to be a "5" Essay or a "2" Essay? NOTE: Exams from June 2000 - August 2002 are already "Expanded"

January 2007

Human Rights violations

the French Revolution

LINK to January 2007 Global Exam

June 2007

Politics & Change (Society)


LINK to June 2007 Global Exam

August 2007

Political Systems

Natural Resources

LINK to August 2007 Global Exam

January 2008 June 2008 August 2008 June 2009 August 2009 January 2010 June 2010 August 2010 January 2011 June 2011 August 2011 January 2012 June 2012 August 2012 January 2013

Revolutions: non-political Belief Systems


LINK to January 2008 Global Exam

Problems: - Genocide - Environment - Weapons of Mass Destruction

LINK to June 2008 Global Exam

the ENVIRONMENT: ... how humans CHANGE it

Migration of People

LINK to August 2008 Global Exam

Human Rights

Economic & Social change ... 3 historical eras: - Middle Ages - Industrial Revolution - Age of Globalization

LINK to June 2009 Global Exam

Belief Systems

Waterways (Geography) ... Impact .. Economic .. Political

LINK to August 2009 Global Exam

People & their Writings: Historical & MAIN IDEA

Individuals: ... Ideas - - -> Change



Revolutions: - Neolithic - 2nd Agrarian - Green

Geographic factors: ... Impact on region

Belief Systems: - Christianity - Islam - Buddhism

Ideas: - heliocentrism - natural rights - Marxism

LINK to January 2010 Global Exam LINK to June 2010 Global Exam LINK to August 2010 Global Exam LINK to January 2011 Global Exam


Human Rights: - Ukraine, Cambodia, Rwanda

LINK to June 2011 Global Exam

Change - Global Issues

Conquer [Take over an area]: - Mongols, Spanish, Ottomans

LINK to August 2011 Global Exam

Individuals: ... Ideas - - -> Change Geography


Collapse of Government

Transportation: - Water, Roads, Railroads

LINK to January 2012 Global Exam

People: autocratic (dictators) - Emperor Shi Huangdi - Czar Peter the Great - King Louis XIV

Protest movements: - Women Great Britain, - pro-democracy China, - anti-Apartheid South Africa

LINK to June 2012 Global Exam LINK to August 2012 Global Exam

Products: - Salt, Sugar, Cotton

LINK to January 2013 Global Exam


Exam DATE:

Multiple Choice [ Part I ]

Thematic Essay [ Part II ]

DBQ Essay [ Part III a ] the Short Answer Questions [ Part III b ] the Essay

Clicking on a "LINK to" below will take you to the STATE EXAM page . Once there click on "EXPAND ALL" [top of the page] This will reveal links to the ENTIRE EXAM + the ANSWER KEY to the Multiple Choice Questions + "sample" Thematic & DBQ essays ... which are RATED as "5, 4", "3". "2", "1" & "0" ... ... For instance "What does the State consider to be a "5" Essay or a "2" Essay? NOTE: Exams from June 2000 - August 2002 are already "Expanded"

June 2013

REVOLUTIONS: - French, Russian, Industrial, Green, etc.

TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS: - bow & arrow, stirrup, caravel, railroad

LINK to June 2013 Global Exam

August 2013

Armed Conflict


- China, Mexico, Botswana

LINK to August 2013 Global Exam

January 2014 June 2014 August 2014 January 2015

June 2015 August 2015 January 2016 June 2016

Human Rights: - People

People: - Challenges to Authority or Tradition

CHANGE: - Political Leaders

GEOGRAPHY Physical/Topographical & Human: - rivers in China - deserts (the Sahara) in North Africa - monsoons in India - mountains (the Andes) in South America - natural resources (oil) in the Middle East

BELIEF SYSTEMs & PHILOSOPHIEs: - Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Islam

[Hinduism - was NOT mentioned under "Suggestions" by the State]

ENVIRONMENT: - Irrigation in Ancient Egypt - Chinampas by Aztecs - Coal Mining: Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

Turning Points: - the Plague - Najing Treaty - Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Global Issues which Affect CHILDREN: - Armed Conflict - Disease - Child Labor

INDIVIDUALS & PROBLEMS they wanted to address & the ACTIONS THEY TOOK to address them (THE PROBLEMS): - Bartolom? de Las Casas - Maximilien Robespierre - Mohandas Gandhi

(Please remember you only have to write about 2 of the 3 Individuals/People listed

+ you get 3 documents

on each Person.)

DECLINE OF "EMPIRES" - Roman, Ottoman, British.

(Please remember you only have to write about 2 of the 3 Empires listed

+ you get 3 documents

on each Empire.)

LINK to January 2014 Global Exam LINK to June 2014 Global Exam LINK to August 2014 Global Exam LINK to January 2015 Global Exam

LINK to June 2015 Global Exam

MOVEMENT of GOODS, IDEAS & PEOPLE: - silk, salt, horses, Christianity, Islam, democracy

DICTATORS: - King Louis XIV of France - Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union [USSR] - Pol Pot of Kampuchea [Cambodia]

LINK to August 2015 Global Exam

IMPERIALISM: - Spain, Great Britain, Japan

HUMAN & PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY: - Andes Mountains - roads - Sahara Desert ... ... camel caravan - Atlantic Ocean - caravel - Nile River - dams


LAWS they passed:

- Tokugawa Shogunate (Japan) - Nazi Germany - "White" South Africa ... ... 'the Pass Laws"

(Please remember

you only have to write about 2 of the 3

Governments/Nations listed


you get 3 documents on each.)


January 2016 Global Exam

Division of Political areas

" AFTER World War II [1945]"

- Germany - Palestine - British India

LINK to June 2016 Global Exam


Exam DATE:

Multiple Choice [ Part I ]

Thematic Essay [ Part II ]

DBQ Essay [ Part III a ] the Short Answer Questions [ Part III b ] the Essay

Clicking on a "LINK to" below will take you to the STATE EXAM page . Once there click on "EXPAND ALL" [top of the page] This will reveal links to the ENTIRE EXAM + the ANSWER KEY to the Multiple Choice Questions + "sample" Thematic & DBQ essays ... which are RATED as "5, 4", "3". "2", "1" & "0" ... ... For instance "What does the State consider to be a "5" Essay or a "2" Essay? NOTE: Exams from June 2000 - August 2002 are already "Expanded"

August 2016

BELIEF SYSTEMS: - Buddhism, Christianity, Communism, Confucianism,

(Hinduism ...

... was NOT listed by the State), Humanism, Islam, Judaism, Legalism, Shintoism

HUMAN WASTE & POLLUTION: - Urbanization - Industrialization

LINK to August 2016 Global Exam

January 2017

NATURAL RESOURCES "what people need or desire": - fresh water, oil, sugar, timber (wood), salt, diamonds

Great Britain's control

of the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) "the British Crown over the Raj"

[1857 - 1947]:

Actions taken by Great Britain to "strengthen their control" ... " Different Viewpoints " on the British Actions

LINK to January 2017 Global Exam

June 2017

August 2017

January 2018


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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