Forest Hills High School

Global History Thematic Essay ReviewNew York State has identified twenty-four themes of Global History. Of those twenty-four, only twelve have ever been used for a thematic essay on the Global History and Geography Regents exam, and only seven have been repeated more than once. This review sheet lists the seven themes that have been repeated on the Regents exam starting with the those most frequently asked, provides the prompts that have been used in the past and suggested topics that will help students prepare for the exam. Topic choices have been made so students have less topics to prepare for the exam. For example, it is suggested that students be prepared to write about Nelson Mandela and the end of Apartheid because that topic can be prepared for thematic essays on Change and Human Rights,. Please use this table of contents to help navigate the document. Theme# of Times on the RegentsReview Topics1a. Change: Individuals who have caused change8Mohandas Gandhi Nelson Mandela1b. Change: Revolutions and turning points9Neolithic RevolutionIndustrial RevolutionFrench RevolutionRussian Revolution2. Human and Physical Geography9RiversMountains3. Human Rights4Indian Independence MovementApartheid in South Africa4. Science and Technology3Printing PressSteam Engine5. Conflict3French RevolutionRussian Revolution6. Belief Systems2HinduismIslam7. Environment and Society2DeforestationDesertificationCHANGE- Individuals who caused changePrevious prompts:August, 2014Select two political leaders and for each? Describe the historical circumstances that brought this political leader to power ? Explain one policy or practice that was put into effect under this leader ? Discuss how this policy or practice affected a specific group of people or society or regionJune, 2014Select two individuals who have challenged tradition or authority and for each ? Describe the established tradition or authority as it existed before it was challenged by the individual ? Discuss how the individual challenged established tradition or authority ? Discuss the extent to which change was achieved as a result of this challengeJanuary, 2012Select two individuals from your study of global history and for each ? Describe the historical circumstances that led this individual to develop or modify an idea ? Explain an action taken by this individual as a result of this idea ? Discuss how this individual’s idea affected a societyJune, 2010Select two individuals and for each ? Explain a specific idea developed by the individual ? Describe the historical circumstances that surrounded the development of the idea ? Discuss how the idea influenced a group or a nation or a regionJanuary, 2006Choose two philosophers and/or leaders and for each ? Explain a major idea or belief of that philosopher or leader ? Discuss how that idea or belief changed one nation or regionAugust, 2005Identify two leaders who changed the society in which they lived and for each ? Describe one situation the leader attempted to change ? Describe one action the leader took to change this situation ? Discuss the impact of that action on the society in which the leader livedJanuary, 2004Identify two individuals who have changed global history and for each: ? Explain one belief or achievement of that individual ? Discuss the positive and/or negative effects of the individual’s belief or achievement August, 2002Choose two individuals from your study of global history and geography and for each individual chosen: ? Discuss two specific changes made by the individual in a specific nation or region ? Evaluate whether these changes have had a positive or a negative effect on that nation or regionChange-Individuals Suggested Topics: Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson MandelaChange-Individuals Topic #1: Historical CircumstanceChanges Made Impact (Effects)Change-Individuals Topic #2:Historical CircumstanceChanges Made Impact (Effects)CHANGE- Revolutions and turning pointsPrevious prompts:June, 2013Select two revolutions and for each ? Describe the historical circumstances leading to this revolution ? Discuss the political, economic, and/or social effects of this revolutionJanuary, 2013Select two situations where the collapse of a government has led to significant changes in a country or region and for each ? Describe the historical circumstances that led to the collapse of a government ? Discuss the political, social, and/or economic changes that occurred as a result of the collapse of that governmentJanuary, 2008Identify two nonpolitical revolutions that brought important intellectual, economic, and/or social changes to societies and for each ? Describe one change brought about by this nonpolitical revolution ? Discuss an impact this nonpolitical revolution had on a specific society or societiesJune, 2007Choose one example from global history where a government attempted to change society and ? Describe the change the government wanted to bring about ? Explain why the government wanted to make this change ? Describe one specific policy the government used to try to bring about this change ? Discuss the extent to which this change was achievedJanuary, 2005Identify two 20th-century political events and for each ? Discuss the historical circumstances surrounding the event ? Evaluate the extent to which this event has had a positive or a negative effect on global historyJune, 2004Identify two major turning points in global history and for each: ? Describe the historical circumstances surrounding the turning point ? Explain how each turning point changed the course of historyJanuary, 2003Choose one political revolution from your study of global history and geography and: ? Explain the causes of the revolution ? Describe the effects this political revolution had on society ? Evaluate whether the changes that resulted from the political revolution resolved the problems that caused itAugust, 2001Identify two turning points from your study of global history and for each: ? Describe the causes and key events that led to the turning point ? Explain how each turning point changed the course of history for nations and peoplesJanuary, 2001? Define the term “industrialization” ? Select one nation you have studied and discuss two specific examples of the ways in which industrialization changed the lives of workers in that nation ? Discuss the response of the workers, reformers, and/or government to these changesNon-Political Revolutions Suggested Topics: Neolithic Revolution and Industrial RevolutionNon-Political Revolution Topic #1: Historical Circumstances/CausesImpact (Effects)Non-Political Revolution Topic #2:Historical Circumstances/CausesImpact (Effects)Political Revolutions Suggested Topics: French Revolution and Russian RevolutionPolitical Revolution Topic #1: Historical Circumstances/CausesShort Term Impact (Effects)Long Term Impact (Effects)Political Revolution Topic #2: Historical Circumstances/CausesShort Term Impact (Effects)Long Term Impact (Effects)Human and Physical GeographyPrevious prompts:January, 2015Select two geographic features and for each ? Discuss how this geographic feature influenced the political, economic, social, and/or historical developments in a country or regionJune, 2012Select two different geographic features and for each ? Discuss how this geographic feature influenced the development of a specific civilization or region ? Discuss how this geographic feature promoted and/or limited the interaction of this civilization or region with another civilization or regionJanuary, 2011Select three different geographic features and for each ? Discuss how this geographic feature influenced the historical and/or cultural development of a specific civilization, empire, country, or regionJanuary, 2009Select two different geographic factors and for each ? Explain how the geographic factor affected the development of a specific nation/region ? Discuss how that geographic factor promoted or hindered cultural diffusionAugust, 2008Select two different nations/regions and for each ? Explain why the society modified their environment ? Explain how the people of that specific nation/region modified their physical environment ? Discuss the effect this modification had on that nation/regionAugust, 2003? Select one geographic factor that influenced life in a nation or region before A.D. 1500, and using specific examples, discuss the influence of that geographic factor on the people of that nation or region ? Select a different geographic factor that influenced life in a nation or region after A.D. 1500, and using specific examples, discuss the influence of that geographic factor on the people of that nation or regionJune, 2002Select two changes that a society or two different societies have made to their land or surrounding environment, and for each change: ? Identify the society in which the change took place ? Describe how the physical environment was changed by human activity ? Discuss how the change in the physical environment affected societyJanuary, 2002Choose two nations and/or regions and for each: ? Identify and describe two geographic factors in each nation and/or region ? Explain how each factor has influenced the historical development or a specific historical event in each nation and/or regionJune, 2001Select one geographic feature from your study of global history. ? Explain how this geographic feature has had an effect on the historical development of two nations or regions Be sure to include specific historical examples in your essay.Geographic Features that Humans have Modified Suggested Topics: Rivers and MountainsGeographic Features that Humans have Modified Topic #1:How the geographic feature affected a nation/regionHow humans modified the geographic feature in one nation/region to best fit their needsGeographic Features that Humans have Modified Topic #2:How the geographic feature affected a nation/regionHow humans modified the geographic feature nation/region to best fit their needsRegions/Nations Affected by Geographic Features Suggested Topics: Great Britain and JapanRegions/Nations Affected by Geographic Features Topic #1:Identify the geographic factors that influenced that nation/region. Explain how the geographic factors influenced the historical development of that nation or region.Regions/Nations Affected by Geographic Features Topic #2:Identify the geographic factors that influenced that nation/region. Explain how the geographic factors influenced the historical development of that nation or region.Human RightsPrevious prompts:January, 2014Select two individuals and for each ? Describe the historical circumstances that led the individual to defend human rights ? Describe a method the individual used to defend human rights ? Discuss the extent to which the individual’s effort was successfulJune, 2009Select two different examples from history where human rights have been denied to groups of people and for each ? Explain the historical circumstances that led to the denial of human rights ? Describe how the human rights of that group were denied ? Discuss an action taken by an individual, a group, or a government that attempted to end the human rights violationsJanuary, 2007Select two groups who have experienced human rights violations in a specific nation or region and for each ? Describe one historical circumstance that led to a human rights violation in the nation or region ? Describe one example of a human rights violation in that nation or region ? Discuss the extent to which a government, a group, or an individual made an attempt to resolve this human rights violationJune, 2000? Define the term “human rights” ? Identify two examples of human rights violations that have occurred in a specific time and place ? Describe the causes of these human rights violations ? For one of the violations identified, discuss one specific effort that was made or is being made to deal with the violationHuman Rights Violation Suggested Topics: Indian Independence Movement and Mohandas Gandhi and Apartheid in South Africa and Nelson MandelaHuman Rights Violation Topic #1:Historical Circumstances/CausesDescribe Human Rights ViolationsDescribe the Actions of a Person/Group that Attempted to Resolve the Human Rights ViolationHuman Rights Violation Topic #2:Historical Circumstances/CausesDescribe Human Rights ViolationsDescribe the Actions of a Person/Group that Attempted to Resolve the Human Rights ViolationScience and TechnologyPrevious prompts:August, 2012Select two technological innovations and for each ? Describe the existing technology that was replaced by this new technological innovation and how this new innovation changed the existing technology ? Discuss the effects this new technological innovation has had on a society or the worldJune, 2011Select two technological innovations and for each ? Discuss why the technological innovation was important during a specific time period ? Discuss the positive and/or negative effects this technological innovation had on a society or on humankindAugust, 2000? Identify two scientific or technological advances that had a major impact on global history ? Explain the relationship between the scientific or technological advance and a specific historic event or period in history ? Analyze how these advances changed the course of historyScience and Technology Suggested Topics: Printing Press and Steam EngineScience and Technology Topic #1:Historical Circumstances/CausesEffectsScience and Technology Topic #2:Historical Circumstances/CausesEffectsConflictPrevious prompts:August, 2013Select two armed conflicts and for each ? Describe the historical circumstances leading to this armed conflict ? Discuss the ways in which this armed conflict affected a specific group of people, a country, and/or a regionJune, 2006Identify one conflict that has threatened peace in a nation or region and ? Discuss one major cause of that conflict ? Identify two opposing groups involved in the conflict and discuss one viewpoint of each group ? Discuss the extent to which the conflict was or was not resolvedJune, 2003Identify two ethnic, religious, political, and/or cultural conflicts and for each: ? Discuss the historical circumstances that led to the conflict ? Analyze the effect of this conflict on two groups involvedConflict Suggested Topics: The French Revolution and World War IConflict Topic #1:Historical Circumstances/CausesEffectsConflict Topic #2:Historical Circumstances/CausesEffectsBelief SystemsPrevious prompts:August, 2009Select two belief systems from your study of global history and for each ? Explain one major idea of the belief system ? Discuss the effects the belief system has had on the politics, society, and/or the economy of a specific nation or regionJune, 2008Choose two major belief systems and for each ? Explain key beliefs and/or practices ? Discuss an influence the belief system had on the lives of its followers or the society in which it was practicedBelief System Suggested Topics: Hinduism and IslamBelief System Topic #1:Beliefs and PracticesEffects of the Belief System on its Followers or the Society in which it was PracticedBelief System Topic #2:Beliefs and PracticesEffects of the Belief System on its Followers or the Society in which it was PracticedEnvironment and SocietyPrevious prompts:August, 2011Select two global issues that have occurred since the end of World War II and for each ? Describe how this issue has affected a specific country or region or the global community ? Explain a solution that has been proposed to address the issue ? Discuss the extent to which this solution has been successful in solving the issueJune, 2005Select two different global problems and for each ? Describe one major cause of the global problem ? Discuss one effect of the global problem on a specific nation or regionEnvironment and Society Suggested Topics: Deforestation and DesertificationEnvironment and Society Topic #1:CausesEffectsDescribe an Attempt to Solve the IssueEnvironment and Society Topic #2:CausesEffectsDescribe an Attempt to Solve the Issue ................

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