GLOBAL HISTORY I - Marlboro Central High School





Welcome to Global History & Geography I. You are about to embark on a two year study of the history of the world. We will begin at the beginning of the story of civilization and end with present day issues and events. This is a major undertaking that will culminate with a regent’s exam at the end of your 10th grade. This is a chronological study of history that will include all of the major world regions. This is not however United States History. The specific history of American events and politics was just studied in the seventh and eighth grade and will be studied again in the eleventh grade. Instead this course focuses on other regions of the world and its history. We will complete half of the course in the ninth grade and finish the other half in the tenth grade course of Global History II. I hope you learn a lot and enjoy the story of mankind.


History Helps Us Understand People and Societies

History Helps Us Understand Change and How the Society We Live in Came to Be

History offers a Sense of Beauty, Excitement and Perspective on Human Life and Society

History Contributes to Moral Understanding

History Provides Identity

Studying History Is Essential for Good Citizenship

The skills and knowledge a student of history develops are useful in the work world


Art & Literature Continuity & Change

Diversity Economics & Technology

Geography History

Impact of the Individual Political & Social Systems

Religions & Value systems



1 – Foundations of Civilizations

2 – Ancient Middle East and Egypt

3 – Ancient India and China

4 – Ancient Greece

5 – Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity

6 – Civilizations of the Americas


7 – The Rise of Europe (800 – 1300)

8 – The High Middle Ages

9 – The Byzantine Empire and Russia

10 – The Muslim World

11 – Kingdoms and Trading States in Africa

12 – The Spread of Civilization in East Asia


13 - The Renaissance and Reformation

14 - The First Global Age: Europe, Africa and Asia

15 – The First Global Age: Europe and the Americas

16 – The Age of Absolutism


There will be four marking period grades and a mid - term and a final exam grade. Each of the 4 quarters and the final exam total will count 20% or 1/5th of your final grade. You will need a 65% average in order to pass for the year. The quarter grades will be given as follows:

Each Chapter will have a Chapter Activities grade and a Chapter Test grade – 2 grades for each chapter. The activities grade will count 50 points / the test grades will count 100 points. The Grading system is a total points system. Sometimes there will be essay tests also. Two types of essays (DBQ essays and Thematic essays) will be given. Do your best at all times – no one likes to fail.

CLASS RULES: a simple list of what I expect from all students.

No food or drink brought into the class – bottled water is the only thing

No cell phones, music devices, game playing, etc. – come prepared for studying

Be in your seat when the bell rings

Be prepared with a pencil , notebook and textbook

Respect the teacher’s right to teach and the other student’s right to learn by not making

yourself a distraction by talking or making noises or doing whatever distracts.

Raise your hand and wait to be called on before addressing the class – be patient

Don’t abuse going to go to the bathroom – I will keep track and say no.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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